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TABLE OF CONTENTSContact Us03Your one-stop shop for retirement, investments, and NOW tax services—simplifying your financialjourney.Meet Your New Team MembersFrom the Desk of Beezer04Meet the newest faces at FFP, here to support your financial journey!Insights and updates straight from your favorite office pup, Beezer!0506Fullerton Tax ServiceUpcoming EventsFind out what exciting events are taking place at Fullerton this spring.0712Come Check Out What's Been HappeningRelive the Moments! Come see the memories we’ve made together so far this year.Ladies’ Night at Stephanie’s! Bring a friend for an evening of fun and great company! We'd love to hear from you! Learn how to contact Fullerton Financial and stay in touch.10SEE WHAT'S INSIDEIt’s a Ladies Night
March 26th5:00pm-7:00pmStephanie’sResidenceUPCOMING EVENTSFIND OUT WHAT'S GOING ON AT FULLERTONMarch 11th1:00pm-1:30pmVirtualFFP LIVE: INVESTING AS A WOMAN:STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSSign up for our upcoming webinar: FFP Live - Investing as aWoman: Strategies for Success! Empower yourself with tailoredinvestment strategies designed to help women achieve financialsuccess. Learn how to take control of your investments and makeconfident decisions that align with your goals for a secure future.LADIES NIGHT OUTExperience an exclusive Ladies' Night Out hosted by StephanieFullerton! Enjoy an evening filled with music, light bites, andengaging conversation in a relaxed setting. Plus, receive acustom embroidered sweatshirt to commemorate the evening. It'sthe perfect opportunity to unwind, connect with others, and createlasting memories.LUNCH AND LEARN: PURPOSE OF MONEYJoin us for a Lunch & Learn on the Purpose of Money and howdefining clear financial goals can lead to a more secure, fulfillingfuture. Discover how to align your finances with your values andexplore the three key financial buckets—Income, Liquidity, andLegacy—to create lasting financial confidence.March 12th12:00pm-1:00pmTempe OfficeSPRING TRAININGInquire now for more information on our exclusive, invite-onlySpring Training Client Appreciation Event as the Giants take on theRoyals at Surprise Stadium! Enjoy premium dining, great company,and an unforgettable evening of baseball. Contact MelanieSchissel at to for more information andjoin our Client Events Interest List for future exclusive events.March 19th6:05pmSurprise StadiumFor questions, email: clientevents@fullertonfp.comYour voice matters! As we plan upcoming events, we’d love your input. Let us know thetypes of experiences you’d enjoy, whether you'd like to bring a guest, and join ourexclusive event interest list. It only takes a few minutes to complete – your feedbackhelps us create events you'll love! Scan the QR code to fill out the Events Interest Form.We Want Your Opinion – What Events Interest You?
FULLERTON TAX SERVICESEXCITING NEWSFullerton Tax Service is Here!!Elevate Your Retirement Plan withPersonalized Tax Services.We’ve heard you—and we’re delivering! For 20 years, Fullerton Financial Planning has helped clients navigateretirement with confidence. Now, we’re taking the next step to offer you a seamless, stress-free tax planningexperience.Watch this short message from Stephanie Fullerton andBeth A. Elwell, CPA to learn how this new service benefitsyou:Retirement planning isn’t just about investments—taxesplay a crucial role in your long-term financial strategy.With Fullerton Tax Services, you’ll receive:Tailored Tax Strategies aligned with your financialgoalsCoordinated Planning between retirement and taxneedsProactive Solutions to give you confidence in yourfutureReady to get started? Visit the website and fill out your Client Intake Form today!www.FFPTax.comAt Fullerton Financial Planning, we’re more than just advisors—we’re your one-stop shop for everything you need to build,protect, and enjoy your financial future. From retirement and investments to now offering tax services, we’ve got youcovered.Let’s simplify the process, so you can focus on what matters most—making your dreams a reality!Big News: Fullerton Tax Services is Here!Introducing Fullerton Tax Services!Why This Matters for YouLet’s Simplify Tax Planning Together!
MEET THE TEAMHELP US WELCOME THEM!JACQUELINE FILIZETTIJacqueline was inspired to join Fullerton Financial by Ryan Heck andthe firm’s strong values and positive energy. She’s a proud University ofArizona alum—Bear Down! When she’s not welcoming clients with asmile, you’ll find her at yoga sculpt or pilates, sipping on a Dutch Brostea or lemonade, or enjoying a good hike (but only when it’s not blazinghot outside!). Welcome to the team, Jacqueline! ISABEL LUNAIsabel joined Fullerton through a leap of faith (and a littleencouragement from Mel!). She was drawn to FFP’s strong values andknew it was a place where she could grow, serve, and make animpact. Isabel’s warm, welcoming nature shines through in everythingshe does—she truly cares for others. A huge sports fan and travelenthusiast, she even collects snow globes from her adventures (she’sgot about 30 so far!).First ImpressionsConciergeRYAN HECKRyan joins Fullerton with experience from both small advisory officesand major brokerage firms. After meeting the team and seeing ourstrong sense of community, he knew FFP was the right place tocontinue his career. With a background in team sports, Ryan believes"teamwork makes the dream work"—a mindset he brings to helpingclients. Outside the office, he enjoys golf, hockey, baseball, andoutdoor adventures!Wealth AdvisorZACH OVERWEGZach joined Fullerton Financial Planning to launch his career with a firmthat values integrity and puts clients first. He’s passionate abouthelping clients navigate retirement and making this season of life asrewarding as possible. Zach also loves spending time with the teamand being part of a strong, supportive environment. Fun fact—he speaksSpanish! Bienvenido, Zach! Wealth AdvisorFirst ImpressionsConcierge
A NEW PUP IN THE PACK?Hey there, friends! It’s me, Beezer—the OGoffice baby—and let me tell you, I’ve gotsome ruff competition for attention thesedays!FROM THE DESK OF BEEZERNEWS + IMPORTANT INFORMATIONMove over, Beezer—there’s a new tinyhuman stealing the spotlight! The FullertonFamily just welcomed Nash AlexanderKelemen, and suddenly, all the "oohs" and"aahs" are directed at him instead of me. Imean, sure, he’s adorable, but does hegreet you with a wagging tail everymorning? Didn’t think so. I’ll graciouslyshare MY Mom and Dad (Steve &Stephanie) with him, but let’s not forgetwho their real favorite pup is! Maybe youall can help me out by giving them a bigcongratulations on their new grandson.FULLERTON TAX SERVICES –FETCHING YOU BIG SAVINGS!Just when you thought we couldn’t raisethe woof, we’ve added Fullerton TaxServices to the pack! Now, we’re not justfetching retirement plans—we’re keepingyour taxes in paw-sitively great shape too.Less stress, more confidence, andeverything handled under one roof. Even Ican appreciate a fur-tastic financialstrategy!SPRING FUN – COME PLAYWITH US!While I’m busy reclaiming my spot as thefavorite (wish me luck), you can join in onthe fun! Our upcoming events are theperfect way to introduce friends to theFullerton family—no suits, no stress, justgreat company.Bring a Friend & Join the Fun! – Fromcasual gatherings to community events,there’s something for everyone! Knowsomeone who’d love what we do? Invitethem along! For details (and to remindeveryone I’m still the real MVP), reach outto Melanie at is all about fresh starts—newbabies, new services, and new memories.Just remember, there’s only one Beezer. Until next time,Beezer – Still the Cutest (No Offense,Nash)
LadiesNight OutJ O I N U S F O R A L A D I E S ' N I G H T O U TH O S T E D B Y S T E P H A N I E F U L L E R T O N !Y O U & Y O U R G I R L F R I E N D S A R E I N V I T E D T O A5 P M - 7 P MW E D N E S D A YM A R C H2 0 2 52 6Enjoy music, light bites, and great conversation—plus a custom embroidered sweatshirt! Send yoursize with your RSVP! For More Information and to RSVP by March 14thcall Melanie Schissel at 623.974.0300.
How to Go About Prioritizing YourRetirement Plan and GoalsPrioritizing your finances as you head toward your retirementgoals is crucial for a comfortable and secure future. There aresome general steps you can take to both prioritize asset growthand prepare yourself for retirement.Virtually every aspect of investment management or retirement planning can be debated. One of the few truths on which there is no debateis that choosing the path that leads to higher returns and long-term sustainable income generation is the preferable outcome.Reaching that retirement income goal generally involves prioritizing some things over others based on a dispassionate analysis of yourcurrent and future financial situation.Honestly assess your current financial situation.EIGHT STEPS TO PRIORITIZE YOUR FINANCESAS YOU HEAD TOWARD RETIREMENT1BLOG POSTIt’s necessary to be fully aware of your assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Although this may sound straightforward, there are avariety of factors that can make this exercise complicated. Having a variety of different retirement savings accounts, brokerageaccounts and investments makes getting a clear and accurate picture of your current-state financial situation difficult. It’s vital to bethorough and honest during this process so your plan is based on reality.
OUR RETIREMENT PLANNING TEAM IS HERE TO HELPWorking with trusted retirement planning and investment management professionals can help ensure your retirement planning prioritiesand strategy makes sense for your age, goals and expectations.Speak with one of the experts at Fullerton Financial Planning today by calling (623) 974-0300.Establish clear retirement goals.2Choosing a target retirement age and nest egg valuation may be one of the easier decisions for you to make – but things canchange. Factors such as life expectancy, inflation, performance of your current retirement savings plans and desired lifestyle inretirement may justify adjustments to your goal or compromises on some aspects of your plan. A retirement planner may be ableto help you discover options to help you gain clarity, overcome challenges or eliminate uncertainty.Create a budget.3Meeting with a retirement planner early can be hugely beneficial, even for young workers. Your retirement savings investmentstrategy or current spending habits may need to change based on the age or lifestyle targets you set when planning for yourretirement. The earlier you know those targets, the longer you’ll have to plan. Creating a realistic budget can help ensure youaren’t forced to make significant quality of life sacrifices today to meet an ambitious retirement goal.Make strategic debt reduction decisions.Review your plan regularlyBuild an emergency fund and plan for healthcare costs.Maximize retirement contributions.Diversify your investments48567Some retirement planners may have debt hurdles to overcome before they can comfortably enjoy a worry-free retirement. Everysituation is different, but it often ends up being beneficia to eliminate high-interest debt, such as credit card balances, to enhanceyour ability to save for retirement and to minimize your expenses in retirement.Some retirement planners may have debt hurdles to overcome before they can comfortably enjoy a worry-free retirement. Everysituation is different, but it often ends up being beneficia to eliminate high-interest debt, such as credit card balances, to enhanceyour ability to save for retirement and to minimize your expenses in retirement.The rule of thumb for everyone, from young families to retirees, is to have between three and six months of living expenses savedin an easily accessible emergency account. This type of fund can be of great importance for retirees, especially those who mayexperience sudden medical emergencies that may necessitate long-term or ongoing care costs. Working with an estate planningprofessional to establish a plan for medical emergencies, like Medicare supplement insurance, long-term care policies and propertrust planning, can help ensure you or your spouse’s retirement comfort isn’t derailed by unexpected emergencies.The sooner workers take full advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s or 403(b)s (especially with matchingfunds), the better off they will be when it comes time to retire. Maximizing contributions isn’t just a tip for soon-to-be retirees at theend of their working years – it’s reliably good advice for virtually every worker, whether they’re in their 20s or their 60s. If you’vemaxed out your contributions or want more self-directed control, consider supplementing your retirement savings with IndividualRetirement Accounts (IRAs) or other investment vehicles.Diversifying investments is an easy and essentially free way to boost your retirement savings. A diversified investment portfoliomay greatly reduce risk and make it less likely that specific market, industry or sector downturns won’t drastically hinder yourretirement schedule, budget or goals.Adjust your asset allocation based on your risk tolerance and time horizon until retirement. Rebalance your portfolio periodically tomaintain your desired allocation. Consider working with an investment manager to ensure your retirement savings are adequatelydiversified.
REACH OUT TO MEL ATMELANIES@FULLERTONFP.COMFOR ALL THE DETAILSHELPFUL RESOURCESHERE TO HELP YOUFIND OUT MORE INFORMATION HERE!WANT TO ATTEND AN UPCOMING EVENTWhitepapers Find helpfulinvestment, retirement,and financial planningdocuments made to helpyou succeed.Read the latest financialnews and updates fromthe Fullerton Financialteam. Blogs are updatedon a biweekly basis.Join us for one of ourwebinars or seminars. We'llbe discussing importantmarket trends andretirement action-steps. Looking for a fun and easy way tointroduce your friends and familyto Fullerton Financial Planning?Our upcoming events are theperfect opportunity! Whether it’s acasual gathering or a specialcelebration, you’ll get to connect,learn, and enjoy great company—all in a relaxed setting.We believe that one of the most valuable things in the world is our ability to grow and learn.Knowledge is one thing that no one can take away from you, so as you continue to navigatethe unknowns of retirement, spend some time educating yourself on topics that can provideyou clarity.WHITEPAPERS BLOGS MEDIAScan the QR Code togo directly to theresource library onour site.
CONTACT USWE’D LOVE TO CONNECT WITH YOULET'S GET SOCIAL!F A CE B O O N ST A G R A O UT U B Eyoutube.comSearch: Fullerton Financial PlanningL I NK E D I N. 83rd Ave.Suite 144Peoria, AZ 85381(623) 974-0300Peoria TempeScottsdale600 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.Suite 102Tempe, AZ 85281(480) 912-450018655 N. Claret DriveSuite 105Scottsdale, AZ 85255(480) 912-4500Fax: (623) 974-0330 · Email: Fullerton Financial Planning is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply any level of skillor training. For more information please visit: This presentation has been provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal orinvestment advice or a recommendation of any particular security or strategy. The investment strategy and themes discussed may be suitable for everyone, it depends on eachperson’s specific investment objectives and financial situation. Information obtained from third-party sources is believed to be reliable though its accuracy is not guaranteed.Opinions expressed in this commentary may reflect subjective judgments of the author based on conditions at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.Past performance is not indicative of future results.