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March 9 CIC Summit

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2022-2023Success AheadHosted by Instructional Lead Coaches, School LeadershipOn the Road to SuccessSummit CatalogAll instructional leaders are invited to attend(No registration required)2022-2023 CIC SummitMarch 9, 2023 Virtual ~ 8:15-2:15Professional Learning & DevelopmentReadyGetting STAAR!

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Dear Coach…

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TODAY’S AGENDASummit Kick-Off Zoom Link8:15-8:30 WelcomeGreetings Summit Sessions8:30-9:45 Session 19:50-11:05 Session 211:10-12:25 Session 312:25-1:00 Lunch1:00-2:15 Session 4Summit Sign-In Summit Survey(leave form open and complete through out the day)

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Norms:•Think of a 3rd way•Assume positive intent•Stretch ourselves and others•Fully investZoom Etiquette

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GENERAL & COACHINGMATH RLASCIENCE & SSExploring Digital Tools for New STAAR Item Type PracticeCountdown to STAAR -Algebra IBeyond the Yellow HighlighterHow to Master Social Studies STAAR ®Premiering “The Script”: Implementing Good First Instruction Countdown to STAAR MathematicsGrades 6 - 8Crucial and Critical Conversations Using Text EvidenceSocial Studies STAAR ReviewSupporting Students with Dallas Assessment Navigator DreamBox Building Level ReportsEffective Feedback: Writing Conferences and WorkshopsSTAAR Updates for Science & New STAAR Question Type ReviewElementary Math STAAR Rockin’ ReviewExcellent ECRsEngaging with STAAR 2.0How to Use Mentor Texts in RLAQuality and Effective Feedback in Math ClassroomMaximizing Designated Supports for Emergent Bilinguals (Grades 6-10)Say No to Boot Camps...Say Yes to Data Driven InstructionVerZuz: ECR vs ECRSecondary STAAR Rockin ReviewSecondary Screen to Scratch: Organizing for STAAR SuccessUnlocking Student Potential: Using Success Criteria and CFUs to Overcome MisconceptionsSTAAR Countdown: Grades 3-5NSPIRE and DESMOS TrainingSTAAR Countdown: Grades 6-8STAAR Countdown: EOC I and IISTAAR Rockin’ Review for RLAHaving a second device is recommended for most sessions to optimize your session experience

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SESSION TITLE8:30-9:459:50-11:0511:10-12:251:00-2:15Beyond the Yellow Highlighter● ●Countdown to STAAR - Algebra I● ●Countdown to STAAR Mathematics Grades 6 – 8● ●Crucial and Critical Conversations Using Text Evidence● ●DreamBox Building Level Reports●Effective Feedback: Writing Conferences and Workshops●●Elementary Math STAAR Rockin’ Review● ●Engaging with STAAR 2.0● ●Excellent ECRs● ●Exploring Digital Tools for New STAAR Item Type Practice●●How to Master Social Studies STAAR® ●How to Use Mentor Texts in RLA● ●Maximizing Designated Supports for Emergent Bilinguals (Grades 6-10)● ●Premiering "The Script“: Implementing “Good First Instruction”● ●Quality and Effective Feedback in Math Classroom● ●Say No to Boot Camps...Say Yes to Data Driven Instruction● ●Social Studies STAAR Review● ●STAAR Rockin Review – Secondary Math● ●STAAR Updates for Science & New STAAR Question Type Review● ●Supporting Students with Dallas Assessment Navigator ● ●Unlocking Student Potential: Using Success Criteria and CFUs to Overcome Misconceptions● ●VerZuz: ECR vs ECR● ●

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SESSION TITLE8:30-9:459:50-11:0511:10-12:251:00-2:15Secondary Screen to Scratch: Organizing for STAAR Success●●STAAR Countdown: Grades 3-5● ●STAAR Countdown: Grades 6-8● ●STAAR Countdown: EOC I and II● ●NSPIRE and DESMOS Training● ●STAAR Rockin’ Review for RLA● ●

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TITLEAREAAUDIENCEDESCRIPTIONBeyond the Yellow HighlighterRLA ElemBeyondthe Yellow Highlighter! What does it lookliketogo from screen to scratch to scratch toscreen?Duringthis session, participants will learn waysforstudentsto go beyond a blank piece ofpaper,highlighting,circling, and underlining. Participantswillengagein screen to scratch methods byusingpurposefulannotations to answer textdependentquestions.Countdown to STAAR -Algebra IMath SecInthis session, students will review resourcesandactivitiesthat will help students get prepared fortheAlgebraI EOC.Countdown to STAAR Mathematics Grades 6 - 8Math SecParticipantswill review the resources andactivitiesavailablein Countdown 2 STAAR . Participants willalsoexploreways to engage students in higherlevelthinkingin order to support technicallyenhanceditemson STAAR 2.0.Crucial and Critical Conversations Using Text EvidenceRLA ElemWanta simple yet powerful strategy and tool togetkidsasking, discussing, and answering text-basedquestionsUSING text-based evidence to supportanappropriateresponse? Well, this is the trainingforyou. This training is a “laid out” andstraightforwardprocedureto execute, teaching students how tocitetextualevidence to reach masteryDreamBox Building Level ReportsMath ElemDuringthis session, you will analyze building-levelstandardsproficiency reports in DreamBox. Learnhoweducatorscan utilize DreamBox to support studentsbyaligningDreamBox to NWEA through ourAssignmentsFeature. You will gain strategies for monitoringusageandcelebrating success in DreamBox.Effective Feedback: Writing Conferences and WorkshopsRLA AllParticipantswill leave with a deeper understandingofthe6 attributes of effective feedback as they applytoExtendedConstructed Response/WritingConferencesandWorkshops. Participants will also leavewithresourcesand examples of what effectivefeedbackmaylook like during a lesson. Applicable for 3-EOCElementary Math STAAR Rockin’ ReviewMath ElemQuickstartMy Heart! This session provides insight onahigh-impact TEKS focused-review and STAAR 2.0instructionalpriorities. Participants will engageandenergizelearners with meaningful practicesandstrategies,rehearse a planning process focusedonstimulus,engagement, thinking, and transfer,andprovidethe resources to plan a meaningfulSTAARreview.Engaging with STAAR 2.0 Math ElemParticipantswill review the resources andactivitiesavailablein Countdown 2 STAAR . Participants willalsoexploreways to engage students in higherlevelthinkingin order to support technicallyenhanceditemson STAAR 2.0.

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TITLEAREAAUDIENCEDESCRIPTIONExcellent ECRs RLA ElemParticipantswill engage in reading texts tocreatereadingbased ECR Prompts prior to diving intothewritingprocess to create exemplarresponses.Participantswill be prepared to lead PLCs withreadytouse instructional tools to support teachers.Exploring Digital Tools for New STAAR Item Type PracticeAll AllLooking for a way to help your campus increase their digital skills necessary for STAAR testing? This session will offer information and practice with digital tools the new STAAR item types. Join us to learn how Schoology and Nearpod provide digital practice that can easily be embedded into any lesson. How to Master Social Studies STAAR® SS SecThissession is the story of how Alan Lowmanwentfrombeing a clueless teacher who didn’tunderstandTEKS,to helping his low-income campus earn aTEASocialStudies Distinction six years in a row. Inaneducationalculture of over-complexity, you willwalkawaywith a passion for simplification and beequippedwithpractical strategies to use the next day.How to Use Mentor Texts in RLARLA AllParticipantswill learn how to analyze andusementortexts for practical application duringwritinginstructionin their classrooms.Maximizing Designated Supports for Emergent Bilinguals (Grades 6-10)RLA SecParticipantswill receive an overview ofavailabledesignatedcontent and language supportsforEmergentBilinguals in grades 6-10. Wewilldemonstratehow using the curriculum resourcescanhelpprepare students to implement theembeddedsupportson STAAR. If used routinely andeffectivelyduringclassroom instruction, these supports canhelpEmergentBilinguals show progress daily and ontheSTAARassessment.Premiering "The Script“: Implementing Good First InstructionAll AllAreyour teachers experiencing barriers with goodfirstinstruction?In this session, you will learn how tobuildandexecute meaningful, effective, andcognitivelyrigorouslessons that enhance studentlearningexperiences.Quality and Effective Feedback in Math ClassroomMath AllParticipantswill focus on how to provide qualityandeffectivefeedback in Math classrooms toincreasestudentagency and management of learning.Say No to Boot Camps...Say Yes to Data Driven InstructionMath SecHowto create a strong data driven calendar forSTAARreviewin Secondary Math.

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TITLE AREA AUDIENCE DESCRIPTIONSocial Studies STAAR ReviewSS SecWorriedthat there is SO MUCH to cover inUSHistory?No fear – in this session you canleavewitha created/revised STAAR review planspecifictoyour campus. We will go over how to planyourreviewcalendar, what knowledge to cover, howtoincreaseretention during review, andexampleSTAARreview activities!STAAR Rockin Review Math SecParticipants will focus on how to create a STAAR Review that will engage students in high impact strategies and prepare them for success on STAAR 2.0 using Lead4ward resources. STAAR Rockin’ Review for RLARLA AllSTAARhas upgraded and so has our responsetoinstruction!We’ll focus on how tomotivatestudentsto engage with targeted, high-impactcontent. We will prioritize student thinkingwithstrategiesthat address misconceptionsessentialforsuccess on STAAR 2.0. We will use lead4wardresourcesto promote success on all item types–includingthe new ones!STAAR Updates for Science & New STAAR Question Type ReviewScience AllThissession will review TEA STAAR updatesforScience. Participants will also explore resourcesforstudentsto experience tech enhanced newSTAARquestiontypes along with planning suggestionsfortheupcoming STAAR Countdown.Supporting Students with Dallas Assessment Navigator All AllMasterhow to best use DAN to supportinstructionandlearning. Learn how to leverage specifictoolsandfeatures for the ultimate DANexperience.Fromthe student portal, online toolbox, ortestsettingbe in the KNOW to set your students upforsuccess.Unlocking Student Potential: Using Success Criteria and CFUs to Overcome MisconceptionsMath ElemGotthe misconception blues? Success CriteriaandCFUsto the rescue! Are you struggling tohelpstudentsovercome their misconceptions?WithSuccessCriteria and CFUs, you can uncoverthemosteffective strategies to help teachersprovidehighquality instruction. Through the use ofSuccessCriteriaand powerful questioning techniques,youcanaddress existing misconceptions togetstudentsback on track. Discover how to freeyourstudentsfrom their misconception blues today!VerZuz: ECR vs ECR RLA SecThissession will focus on recognizingandunderstandingthe similarities anddifferencesbetweenthe two extended constructed responses.

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TITLE AREA AUDIENCE DESCRIPTIONSecondary Screen to Scratch: Organizing for STAAR SuccessRLA SecThis session will focus on 6th-12th grade annotating strategies as demonstrated on scratch paper. Participants will learn how annotation tools can be used to deepen student understanding in reading & serve as a reference to answer MC, SCR, and ECR item types.STAAR Countdown: Grades 3-5RLA ElemCICs will learn tips and tricks to support teachers successfully with STAAR 2.0. Presenters will highlight important aspects of their grade band STAAR countdown. Coaches will have an opportunity to ask clarifying questions to support teacher misconceptions. STAAR Countdown: Grades 6-8RLA SecCICs will learn tips and tricks to support teachers successfully with STAAR 2.0. Presenters will highlight important aspects of their grade band STAAR countdown. Coaches will have an opportunity to ask clarifying questions to support teacher misconceptions. STAAR Countdown: EOC I and IIRLA SecCICs will learn tips and tricks to support teachers successfully with STAAR 2.0. Presenters will highlight important aspects of their grade band STAAR countdown. Coaches will have an opportunity to ask clarifying questions to support teacher misconceptions. NSPIRE and DESMOS TrainingMath SecParticipants will master how to utilize the Calculator (Nspire/Desmos) to drive student performance mastery. STAAR Rockin’ Review for RLARLA AllSTAARhas upgraded and so has our responsetoinstruction!We’ll focus on how tomotivatestudentsto engage with targeted, high-impactcontent. We will prioritize student thinkingwithstrategiesthat address misconceptionsessentialforsuccess on STAAR 2.0. We will use lead4wardresourcesto promote success on all item types–includingthe new ones!

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Be sure to share your favorite parts of the day on Twitter using#DallasISDCICSummit and tag us!

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Please complete the summit survey Today’s Resources & Recordings:Session Resources (will be available within 7 days after summit)