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March 4

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PATIENCE 5:20 PM March 4, 2022 א ‘פשת ב רדא‘ב ידוקפ תשרפ Reminder March 13 move your clock forward one hour. March 16– Taanis Esther, special dismissal schedule for grades 5-8G and 6-8B. March 17-18-Purim/Shushan Purim, no classes - all grades. March 25 - late Friday dismissal begins. Dear Parents, The Posuk states: דחאב ןושארה שדוחה םויבןוכשמה תא םיקת שדוחל. On the first day of the first month, you shall erect the Mishkan. Construction of the Mishkan began right after Moshe descended the mountain on Yom Kippur. Six months later, on Rosh Chodesh Nisan, it was finally built. The Medrash relates that the construction of the Mishkan was actually completed miraculously within three months. Hashem did not want it to be erected until Chodesh Nisan when Yitzchak was born. The obvious question to ponder is if Hashem didn’t want the Mishkan built until Nisan, why was it necessary to perform a miracle that the construction only took three months? Just allow the project to proceed normally and be completed by Nissan. The ףסוי ראב answers that a waiting period was critical in order for the Mishkan to fulfill its purpose. Chazal tell us that the Mishkan is a הרפכ for the לגעה אטח. At the heart of that sin was impatience. As soon as Klal Yisrael mistakenly assumed that Moshe was late in returning from Har Sinai, they panicked. They should have asked Aharon, Chur, or the Zekeinim what to do, to step back and deal with the situation in a calm manner. However, they acted impatiently and impulsively, took matters into their own hands, and behaved wrongly. The לגעה אטח inflicted tremendous damage both on the רבדמה רוד and subsequent generations. Therefore, Hashem wanted to teach Klal Yisrael the value of patience. Don’t be in such a rush. The Mishkan was completed miraculously by ולסכ ה״כ, but we needed to wait until Nisan to build it. Hashem determines the right time and place for everything – not us. Many times we react impatiently with our spouses, peers and children. The Torah teaches us to have patience and not react until after we've stepped back and thought things through. !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs The boys and their Rebbeim celebrated the arrival of Chodesh Adar with singing and dancing. The girls in grades 1-8 and their Moros danced and sang in the hallway in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar and in celebration of Miss Ochs’s engagement. Mazel Tov to the fifth grade boys. They celebrated with a siyum on Maseches Yuma. The boys enjoyed pancakes, muffins and Shabbos cereal, followed by a JBricks Lego Beis Hamikdash presentation. Thank you Rabbi Sternfield. PreK1 learned the letter O with their own Olympic games. We have pictures of them enjoying the sport of curling. K1 designed masks - some for the bulletin board and some to keep for themselves. They also baked hamentashen and had fun making their names with Kix. Continued on page 2

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continued Bulletin Board Mazel Tov to 1G on finishing Perek א of Bereishis and on finishing learning Hebrew script letters. Thank you Mrs. Youshei. Mazel Tov to 4B on a siyum of Parsha Shemos. They enjoyed a hot dog and French fries siyum. The boys acted out different scenes from the parsha (Charades). Thank you Rabbi Selevan. Wow, we have had 100 days of school! Many classes celebrated 100 days this week with special fun math activities. PreK1 built a chain by adding a loop for each day of school. 1G completed a special 100 day packet with pages that included counting 1-100; What would I do with $100; If I was 100 years old; and I can write 100 words. They also watched a 100 day Brainpop video, designed a 100 fruit loop necklace, and celebrated with an ice cream party. In 2G, each girl brought in 100 of something that they can hold in their hands. Chaya Wallin won 100 math dollars during math class! In Social Studies, 4G learned about the state of Missouri. A special visitor, who grew up there (Mrs. Feldman!), came in to give them an oral and video presentation about the state. As part of their geometry unit, students built a pentagon from gumdrops and toothpicks. MONTH OF LEARNING 10 Adar I – 29Adar I – sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Shalman as a zechus for a refuah rheleimah for Girsh Lipshits, הרש ןב שרעה, great-grandfather of Rachel Leah, Sheva, Esti, and Sara Shimanovich. 30Adar I – 9Adar II – sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Shalman in memory of Mr. Girsh Lipshits. May his neshama have an aliya. DAY OF LEARNING 27 Adar I - sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Walovitch in loving memory of Yocheved Avrahami a”h on her yahrzeit. 28 Adar I - sponsored by Mrs. Rena Krochmal in memory of Rav Meyer ben Shmuel Shmelke z"l, father of Rabbi Aaron Krochmal z"l. 28 Adar I - sponsored by the Markson family in memory of Yitzchak ben Eliezer Eliyahu zt''l. 1 Adar II - sponsored by Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Edie Dovek in memory of R’ Noach Helman ben R’Chaim Halevi Bramson z”l (yahrtzeit - Alef Adar Beis) V’Ishto Freida Reichel bas R’Yaakov a”h (yahrtzeit - Yud Adar).

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MAZEL TOV TO Moshe and Sarah Moskovitz on the birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Dovid (8B Kodesh) & Mrs. Devorah (Preschool Director & Girls Limudei Kodesh Coordinator) Moskovitz. Dr. Gavriel and Mrs. Pazit Polyak on the engagement of their daughter Emunah. Shlomy & Chana Golda (‘97) (Chajes) Yoffe on the birth of their son and to grandparents Mr. Sam & Mrs. Ellen Chajes. Yonatan and Tamar (Polyak) ('13) Busani on the birth of their son and to grandparents Dr. Gavriel and Mrs. Pazit Polyak. Eliezer (‘10) and Miriam (Lifshits) Bark on their wedding and to parents Dr. Gedalya and Mrs. Lara Bark. Hadassa (‘15) Ochs on her engagement to Elchonan Levy and to parents Rabbi Shmuel (Menahel) and Mrs. Leah (7-8G Kodesh, Science) Ochs and to grandparents Rabbi Dovid Moskovitz (8B Kodesh) and Mrs. Devorah (Preschool Director & Girls Limudei Kodesh Coordinator) Moskovitz. SHNAYIM MIKRAH: PARSHAS TETZAVEH 4B Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Yitzy Fine Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Moshe Segal Tuvya Sternfield Yaakov Wallin 5B Natanel Atar Moshe Bark Eli Benmergui Yosef Hoffman Shua Kashnow 6B Dovid Menachem Feldman David Kamoun Ezra Klompas Aron Dovid Luria Yaakov Septimus Moshe Uminer Mendel Zaklos 7B Yosef Chayim Armin Mordy Bier Shlomo Hirsch Feldman Eliezer Moshe Feuerstein Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Yosef Schonberg Yonatan Zazula 8B Moishy Blumberg Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Eliyahu Meyers Aaron Sanieoff Yehuda Wolf CONDOLENCES TO Rabbi Shimon Miara on the passing of his older brother. Shalman and Shimanovich families on the passing of Mr. Girsh Lipshits, great-grandfather of Rachel Leah, Sheva, Esti, and Sara Shimanovich. Bulletin Board

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