PURIM DOESN’T END 6:48 PM March 30, 2019 כ“ב רדא ב ‘עשת“ט ינימש תשרפ April 16– April 28 - Pesach break April 29– regular classes resume Dear Parents, I hope everyone had a wonderful and meaningful Purim. It was so nice to see all the ךילרעדנק ערעייטin their costumes. You should continue to see much Nachas from them. The Gemara writes in Megillah on ׳ה ףד that the chachomim originally desired that Purim be a Yom Tov like other םיבוט םימי, including an הכאלמ רוסיא. However, אל הכאלמוהיילע וליבק, the people did not accept upon themselves to refrain from work. The תמא תפש explains this refusal by noting that Yom Tov is a time when Hashem affords us the opportunity to take a break from the daily grind of everyday life. Instead, we use the day to infuse ourselves with השודק and תוינחור and to recharge our spiritual batteries. After the Yom Tov completes, we make הלדבה, separating us from that utopia of Yom Tov, reenergized and recharged with our הנומא and ןוחטב to face the לוחה ימי. The Yom Tov of Purim, writes the Sfas Emes, is a celebration of a series of events where Hashem demonstrated His presence from within the routine of the mundane. He showed how behind the scenes He is guiding and leading Klal Yisrael. This Yom Tov therefore is different from the others. Its lesson is to demonstrate Hashem’s presence in our daily existence. There is thus no need for an הכאלמ רוסיא, nor for Havdalah. We never separate from the lesson of Purim. It stays with us at all times. Have a תבש טוג! Rabbi Ochs The bulletin is sponsored by: The Torah Academy 37th Anniversary Gala was a beautiful affair. A hearty yosher koach goes to the dedicated committee who spent hours above and beyond the normal limits. Thank to the many volunteers who took care of so many important jobs big and little. Our success was due to everyone's effort. Purim spirit was in the air in both buildings during Purim week. The boys, girls, and preschool, all had Purim carnivals with exciting booths and prizes. The boys had a magic show in the afternoon. The costumes worn by the children ran the gamut from purchased to creative. Fun was had by all. As part of the Understanding Our Differences program funded by the Ruderman Family Foundation, Gary Alpert of Gateways presented a program to 4G on the issue of learning disabilities. The session was geared at creating a better understanding of learning disabilities and demonstrating how our brains receive and process information differently. The students learned about the challenges of word retrieval, memory, and writing. Mrs. Glaser, the guest speaker, told about what it was like growing up with dyslexia. Thank you to our parent volunteers: Mrs. Tamar Faintuch and Mrs. Toba Wolf. Thank you Mrs. Sandperl. Also as part of Understanding Our Differences program, there was a presentation to 5B about chronic diseases specifically diabetes and hemophilia. Besides learning about these conditions, including the balancing needed for everyone between insulin, exercise and food, it was very powerful for 5B to learn about these from presenters close to their ages. A 4th grader with Type 1 diabetes and a 9th grader with Type A hemophilia shared their experience. Thank you to Gary Alpert for facilitating this program. 5G went on a tour of the State House as part of the conclusion of their study of government and civics unit. Thank you Mr. Michael Levin for chaperoning. Thank you Mrs. Thompson for making the arrangements. בוט לזמ to 6G for finishing ךתולעהב תשרפ. They celebrated with ice cream bars and הרות ירבד by Bracha Fraida Solomon and Leah Rosengard. Thank you Miss Cheli Fireman. 1B completed their handwriting book and the first book of Singapore Math. Keep up the great work! Thank you Ms. Faherty. 2B started their unit on telling time, kicking it off with a fun project making paper clocks. Thank you Ms. Gould. 3B completed their unit on the Revolutionary War, culminating with a project making dioramas. Thank you Mrs. Johnson. 4B had fun playing the game Roulette as part of their unit on probability. Thank you Rabbi Frager.
Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 10 Adar II - sponsored by Rabbi Dr. Gary & Dr. Ruth Feldman L'ilui Nishmas Chana bas Ahron a"h 10 Adar II - sponsored by Herschel & Risa Miller in memory of Dr. Melvin Bulmash, R' Meir Chaim Alter ben R' Shammai z"l 11 Adar II - sponsored with great love by Nosson, Miriam and Elisheva Kowall for a refuah sheleimah for Aryeh, David ben Rachel 18 Adar II - sponsored by Ellen & Ira Millman in memory of Aharon ben Yisroel HaKohen z"l COMMUNITY EVENTS March 30, Shabbos Parshas Shmini - Kiddush following davening, sponsored by the Greenberg and Polter families in honor of their baby daughter and granddaughter, at Khal Tiferes Yosef. MAZEL TOV TO: Yoel & Chaya Mirel (‘00) (Krochmal) Brief on the birth of their twin sons and to grandparents, Rabbi Aaron & Mrs. Rena Krochmal Rabbi Dovid (8B) & Mrs. Devorah (Girls Kodesh Supervisor & Preschool Director) Moskovitz on the engagement of their son, Moshe to Sarah Hess Meredith Cunha on her engagement to Erez Pitchon Yosef & Rachel (‘04) (Shepard) Binder on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents, Dr. Jeremy & Mrs. Linda (girls music) Nussbaum 5B Yehuda Leib Feldman (V, S) Yehuda Feuerstein (V, T, S) Meir Zev Gelernter (V,S) Yisrael Leib Greene (V, T, S) Shlomo Rosmarin (V, T, S) Aaron Sanieoff (S) 6B Yoni Faintuch (V, T, S) Yisrael Feldman (V, T, S) Yaakov Fontek (S) Moshe Leff (S) Chaim Moshe Mordechai Rodkin (V, T, S) Binyomin Septimus (V, T, S) Chatzkel Wilhelm (S) Noam Youshaei (V, T, S) 7B Malkiel Miara (S) Nechemia Ochs (S) 8B Meir Hain (V, T, S) Natan Katz (V, T) Shmuel Meir Solomon (V,T, S) Nesanel Wilhelm (V, T, S) Raffle Winner: Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein (V) Yisrael Leib Greene (T) Meir Hain (T) Natan Katz (V,T) Nesanel Wilhelm (V) SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshios Vayikra (V), Tzav (T) and all of Sefer Shemos (S)
1. Understanding Our Differences in 4G discussing learning disabilities. 2. At the end of their study of government and civics, the girls in grade 5 visited the State House. 3. Preschoolers enjoy the warmer weather in the park. 4. P Week in Prek included a visit from a policeman, a pajama pizza party and popcorn. 5. 6G siyum on Parshas Behaaloscha. 5. 2. 3. 2. 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 4. HAPPENINGS 5.
Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY, in both Kodesh and General Studies. 1st GRADE Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Nochum Dessler Yitzy Fine Yehuda Greenblatt Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Levi Meir Klompas Nesanel Luria Baruch Marshall Asher Nesanel Mintzes Dovid Plotnik Moshe Segal Tuvya Sternfield Tzvi Sussman Yaakov Wallin 2nd GRADE Natanel Atar Eli Benmergui Yaakov Bier Yosef Hoffman Yehoshua Kashnow 3rd GRADE Levi Meyers Moshe Aryeh Riesel Akiva Rosmarin Yaakov Septimus Noach Weiner 4th GRADE Mordy Bier Shlomo Feldman Eli Feuerstein Ephraim Kashnow Asher Katz Shmuel Loketch Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Schonberg 5th GRADE Moishy Blumberg Asher Bressel Yehoshua Feldman Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Feuerstein Yisrael Leib Greene Yosef Polter Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff Daniel Simnegar Yehuda Wolf 6th GRADE Yoni Faintuch Yisrael Feldman Yaakov Fontek Sruly Halpern Uri Katz Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Moishe Leff Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Dovid Posy Ezzie Schwarz Binyomin Septimus David Simnegar Chatzkel Wilhelm 7th GRADE Akiva Bressel Malkiel Miara Eitan Shkap 8th GRADE Yonah Gluckin Meir Hain JJ Ledewitz Manny Ledewitz Shmuel Meir Solomon Manny Tarlin Yishai Wasserman Nesanel Wilhelm
With much gratitude to Hashem we would like to invite you to a Kiddush in honor of our daughter Aviva יחתש‘ this Shabbos, ינימש תשרפ at the Mesivta of Boston 114 Leicester St. תירחש at 8:15 am Kiddush following davening for men May we always share in תוחמש Akiva and Ettel Posy