Message L I B R A R Y ’ S L A T E S TC A S E Y V I L L E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y D I S T R I C TMARCH 2025March ReadingCaseyville Library AdvocacyLibrary Director, Jackie, visited Dorris IntermediateSchool (DIS) for their Family Academic Night onWednesday, February 26th to talk about CaseyvillePublic Library. They encouraged families to sign upfor library cards and informed DIS students thatthey can sign up for a Caseyville, Mississippi Valley,or Maryville card that they can use at any of our500+ libraries in our Illinois Heartland LibrarySystem. Students learned about all of the amazingopportunities the library has to offer and took homeinformation about e-resources, library cardmemberships, and the Library of Things. March book displays include Day of Unplugging, Trans Day of Visibility, Women’s History, &Courageous Characters.Day of UnpluggingTrans Day of VisibilityWomen’s HistoryCourageous Characters
TELL US HOW WE ARE DOING!Homebound Delivery 1pm-3pmSensory Saturday 10am-2pmLibrary Board Meeting 6pmAnswers on Aging with CFIA 2pm-4pmBooks & Appetizers Club 6pm-8pmWomen’s History MonthGender Equality MonthDevelopmental Disabilities MonthMARCHAPRIL68121320Caseyville Public Library District419 S. 2nd St., Caseyville, IL 62232618-345-5848C a s e y v i l l e P u b l i c L i b r a r y D i s t r i c t618-345-0081admins@caseyvillelibrary.orgc a s e y v i l l e l i b r a r y . o r gF o l l o w U s O n l i n eCASE YVILL ELIBR AR Y.ORG /FEED BACK- FO RMMarch 2025Answers on AgingEvery 2nd ThursdayCollinsville Faith in Action is atCaseyville Library to answerquestions on aging well. CFIAwill be on-site to answer yourquestions about Medicarecounseling, discounted licenseplate tags, free publictransportation, or any agingwell topics you’d like to discuss.Sensory Saturdays!Every 2nd SaturdayBooks & AppetizersEvery 3rd ThursdayEvery third Thursday of themonth, chat over appetizers anddiscuss what books you'rereading! Bring your newfavorite dish and favorite bookof the month. This is awonderful way to acquire newreading recommendations andtalk about your favorite books! During Sensory Saturday, thelibrary features dimmed lighting,noise considerations, sensoryplay, and a storytime. Esther orJordan Comfort Dog will be atthe library to provide a calmatmosphere and also will beavailable as reading buddies.This program is geared towardneurodiverse individuals andfamilies of all ages. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE LIBRARYSee more about library programs and events onour website at: ResourcesYou can pick up free tax formshere at the library. Ask yourlibrarians if you need aspecific form printed or needto find out how to file taxes inour area. For tax forms, onlinefiling, and tax provider aidlocations visit our Features to Sensory SaturdayElection Day | LIBRARY CLOSEDHomebound Delivery 1pm-3pmLibrary Board Meeting 6pmAnswers on Aging w/ CFIA 2pm-4pmSensory Saturday 10am-2pmBooks & Appetizers Club 6pm-8pm139101217Sensory Saturday now features a themedstorytime and songs at 10:30 am. After,enjoy crafts, sensory play, coloring,reading with Esther or Jordan Comfortdogs, and the rest of what SensorySaturday has to offer! March: Leprechaun loreApril: Springtime plants and animalsMay: Compost and worms in the garden
T H A N K S F O R R E A D I N G !