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March 25

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INTERNALIZE THE LESSON 6:44 PM March 25, 2022 רדא ב״כ-ב״פשת ב ינימש תשרפ March 25 - late Friday dismissal begins. April 12-24, Pesach break– no school all classes April 25 – regular classes resume Dear Parents, In this week’s Parsha the possuk states: לכו וכותב רשא לכ וכות לא םהמ לופי רשא שרח ילכורבשת ותואו אמטי. Earthenware vessels are unique. If something אמט comes into contact with the outside of the ילכ, the סרח ילכ doesn’t become אמט. However, if the אמט object enters the interior of the earthenware vessel, even if it merely enters its airspace and has no physical contact with the inner walls, the vessel does become impure. Once impure, the vessel cannot be purified by a Mikvah immersion and must be broken. Metal vessels are the opposite. If the impure object comes into contact with the outer walls of the metal vessel, the entire vessel is rendered אמט. However, if the impure object only passes through the airspace of the vessel’s interior, the vessel remains pure. It only becomes אמט if the object actually comes into contact with the walls. Additionally, a metal object can be purified through immersion in a Mikvah. The Kotzker Rebbe ל״קוצז explains that this difference in Halacha emerges from the fundamental distinction between the two types of vessels. Earthenware vessels are formed from a cheap substance that has no inherent value. Their significance is due to their ability to store valuable contents. Therefore, contact with the outer walls does not cause it to become impure. It's only when the impurity enters the airspace of the interior – the primary significance of the vessel – does the clay vessel become impure. Once the vessel becomes אמט it has no significance and must be broken. The metal vessel’s material has inherent value and significance. It therefore can become אמט simply by its outer walls coming in contact with an impure object. Once it becomes אמט, the vessel still retains its intrinsic value and thus can be purified in a Mikvah. Although most of the halachos of האמוט and הרהט are not applicable nowadays, the Kotzker Rebbe ל״קוצז points out the relevant lessons can still be derived and applied. Man was created by Hashem from earth: המדאה ןמ םדאה רציו. As such, just like a ילכסרח, our value as a person isn’t tied to our external appearance. Rather, it stems from the values and morals that we develop within ourselves. The Torah and Mitzvos we learn and perform, and the Middos Tovos we perfect. This past week Klal Yisrael suffered the loss of our רודה לודג, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky ל״קוצז. It behooves us to internalize the lesson of the סרח ילכ and better ourselves in Torah, Mitzvos and Middos Tovos. In that zechus, Hashem should be םחרמ on us, and bring ונקדצ חישמונימיב הרהמב. !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs

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BULLETIN BOARD The joyous atmosphere of Purim permeated the air in both buildings last week. We have a lot of pictures from the carnival and celebrations. In honor of Purim, the Preschool and grades 1-8G enjoyed a moon walk. PreK1 baked hamentashen. Oh were they yummy! The students decorated masks and made very cute groggers. PreK 2 prepared so nicely for Purim. They illustrated their own megillos exchanged shalach manos, and had so much fun seeing each other’s costumes. They also learned about “tinting and shading”. 1G decorated the bulletin board with exciting smiley faces, on each face it was written החמשב םיברמ רדא סנכנשמ. They also wrote about their favorite part of Purim. The girls did an amazing shtick on Miss Yudkowsky, and turned their desks around to face the back of the room! So Miss Yudkowsky pulled a shtick back on them... and the whole day was backwards, including the schedule of the day! Because their teacher came in wearing TA uniform one day, 3G students became the teachers instead! Every girl had a chance to teach one pasuk to the class, using any method she liked. Everyone did a super job! 3G also drew pictures of each scene of the Purim Story to hang on the hallway bulletin board. They also decorated paper dolls depicting what they'd like to be on Purim. The girls did a beautiful job! 3G and 5G enjoyed a fun activity making hamantaschen! Thank you Miss Yudkowsky and Miss Ostashinsky. Grades 2G, 3G, 5G, and 6G had a wonderful Big Sister—Little Sister pre-Purim program. The girls made shalach manos for each other. The girls had a great time. Thank you Mrs. Fontak, Miss Yudkowsky, Miss Ostashinsky, and Mrs. Reifman. Grades 2-4B enjoyed a pre-Purim talent show with piano, drums, magic tricks, karate, and much more. Thank you Miss Jakubowicz, Mrs. Johnson, and Miss Taitelbaum for arranging this exciting program. Mazel Tov to the girls in 4G on being mesayem Parshas Vayechi! They designed a Hamalach project and celebrated with a pizza lunch. Thank you Mrs. Sternfield. 2B enjoyed games in the learning center, with help from Yitzy Fine (4B). At the 1-5B assembly, 2nd grade received The Community of Chaverim Award and 5th grade received The Culture of Kavod Award. Grade 7 girls enjoyed their long awaited pizza siyum celebration . Thank you Mrs. Ochs. Thank you Mrs. Foox for the pizza delivery. Grades 5,6,7G were inspired by a poignant video on Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s, ל״קוצז, petira. The video highlighted life and his dedication to הרות and לארשי ללכ. Thank you to all preschool parents who attended parent teacher conferences on Monday. As always, conferences. were an opportunity to discuss the chinuch of your children and ensure we all work together as a team. CONDOLENCES TO Mr. Jordan Wagner and Dina, Malkie, and Bassie Wagner on the loss of their wife and mother, Mrs. Sarah Boling-Wagner. The funeral will be 10:30 AM on Sunday March 27, 2022 at Stanetsky Memorial Chapel, 1668 Beacon Street, Brookline. Burial at 12:00 noon at Baker Street Jewish Cemeteries, 776 Baker Street, West Roxbury. Shiva will be from Sunday evening through Friday afternoon, at 202 Chapel Street, Newton Shacharit: Monday through Friday at 6:45 AM; and Mincha/Maariv: Sunday through Thursday at 6:50 PM. Shiva visits: Sunday: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Monday through Thursday: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Friday: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Zoom ID for the funeral and remote shiva calls: 2434733197 Passcode: Sarah

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MAZEL TOV TO Yehuda (‘08) and Menucha Beker on the birth of their son; and to grandparents Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs. Leah Beker. Meir and Rivky Beker on the birth of their son; and to grandparents Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs. Leah Beker. DAY OF LEARNING 18 Adar II - sponsored by Rabbi Dan & Mrs. Sara Rodkin as a zechus for a refuah shleimah for Rabbi Dan Rodkin, Dan ben Pearl. 18 Adar II - sponsored by the Millman Family in memory of ל''צז ןהכה לארשי ןב ןרהא. 20 Adar II - sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Judith Markson as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Shayna Liba bas Leah Miriam - Lois Spiegel and Chaim Yosef ben Shayna Liba - David Spiegel. 21 Adar II - sponsored by Dr. Ronen & Mrs. Ronit Armin for the yahrtzeit of David ben Chana z”l. BULLETIN BOARD SHNAYIM MIKRAH: PARSHAS TZAV Mazel Tov to learners! 4B Zelig Bier Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Moshe Yitzchak Segal Tuvya Sternfield 5B Natanel Atar Eli Benmergui Yosef Hoffman Shua Kashnow 6B Dovid Menachem Feldman Ezra Klompas Aron David Luria Yaakov Septimus Moshe Uminer Mendel Zaklos 7B Yosef Chayim Armin Mordy Bier Shneur Bleich Shlomo Hirsch Feldman Eliezer Moshe Feuerstein Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Yosef Schonberg Yonatan Zazula 8B Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Eliyahu Meyers Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff

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Thank you’s! (in a grammen tune) Each year Torah Academy runs a Purim program This year we B”H hit a real grand slam. Every helping hand is so much appreciated The power of volunteers should never be underestimated! First off I want to thank the office staff for their hard work: Mrs. Goldstein, Mrs. Benmergui, Mrs. Bakke and Mrs. Bork You managed the lists, addresses and cards And giving out gifts—hope it wasn’t too hard! Mrs. Sternfield, your creativity is always astounding Especially when on multiple projects you are working Like a fish in water, you thrive on ideas and “chaps” And the poem from Rabbi Sternfield is the cherry on top! And now for the ladies who stuffed over 500 envelopes You were so fast, it was more than I could hope Mrs. Segal, Mrs. Beilin, Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Selevan, and Mrs. Bercuson, Thanks for keeping everything in order and getting it done! Gift packaging motzai Shabbos was nice and relaxed With Mrs. Herbstman, Mrs. Segal, Mrs. Selevan, and Mrs. Laks, Chana Golda Kaufman, Sarah Nechama Solomon, and Miriam Feldman too You all deserve a big thank you! Now for the routing and delivery, Rabbi & Mrs. Polter, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mrs. Schwarz, and Mrs. Kaplinsky, The Blumbergs, Mrs. Shimanovich, and Mrs. Bakke, The Bressels, Mrs. Segal, and Dr. Wasserman…. you all made it a breeze! May the greetings from friends give you warmth and cheer Wishing you all a wonderful Pesach and see you back next year! Sincerely, Mrs. Yehudis Solomon

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