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PML News - March 2025

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2 MARCH PML NEWS19774 Pine Mtn Drive ONE OF THE BEST open-water views of the lake and 120 feet of prime lake frontage! This 3bd, 3ba, 1920sf home is designed to entertain. Living room, dining area, kitchen, two guest bedrooms and a full bathroom on the main level. Spacious family room with ping pong & big-screen tv on lower level. Two-car attached garage, work bench & storage. Includes a 520sf boat storage building for your lake toys. $1,300,000 #4108098213145 Jackson Mill PICTURESQUE COTTAGE on .53 acre lot, with a seasonal creek, natural rock formations and a decorative wooden bridge. Covered porch, 3bd, 2ba, central H/A, security system, wood-framed dual-paned windows. Slate tile and new carpeting in 2023. Fenced & gated area for pets or garden. RV or boat parking, with electrical hookup and EV level-2 charging port. Workshop/hobby out-building. $430,000 #2024114218996 Digger Pine SINGLE-LEVEL HOME with upgrades: 30yr comp roof, a Generac(c) generator, exterior paint, a 3-unit Mitsubishi(c) HVAC system, Milgard(c) windows, Levelor(c) blinds, refrig, master bath skylight, water heater and retractable deck shade. Wood floor entry and Berber-style carpeting. Ample kitchen storage, pantry & laundry area. Master suite with full bathroom w/skylight. Most furnishings available, including lawn tractor & wooden trailer. $349,500 #41086507Unit 10 Lot 57 McKinley Wy BUILD YOUR DREAM CABIN on this upsloping .53 acre lot. This sewered property is one of the lowest-priced lots in Pine Mountain Lake. Cut for the driveway is o McKinley Way. Enjoy all the amenities that Pine Mountain Lake has to oer….lake, golf, tennis, pickle ball and more! $5,900 #20241172ROB STONEOWNER/REALTOR®DRE #01025463BJORN WAHMANBROKERDRE #00706559TARA STONEMANAGER/DPGDRE# 01106544LIZ MATTINGLYBROKER ASSOCIATE DRE #00709618MIRIAM MARTINREALTOR®, RSPS, ASPDRE #01400779ANDREW RIETVELDREALTOR®DRE #01994156KATHY NIEDENSREALTOR®DRE #0111324 3BRENDA ZUNIGABROKER ASSOCIATEDRE #00997621RYAN NIEDENSBROKER ASSOCIATE DRE #01940007CAPRICE KROWPROP. MGR/LDPDRE# 01179023CORY STONEPHOTOGRAPHERVIDEOGRAPHER12000 Trapper Ct SPACIOUS 1.27 ACRES nestled in the pines and cedars on a quiet cul-de-sac. This lot has been surveyd and has plans available for your future dream cabin in Pine Mountain Lake. The many trees on this property oer cool seclusion. North and east facing property bordering area green-belt. $29,900 #4108305019995 Pine Mountain Dr CREATE SOME MEMORIES!. 3bd, 2ba, home nestled in the trees. Cozy wood-burning stove, vaulted ceiling, laminate pine flooring. Granite kitchen counters and large dining area. Retractable awnings and a jetted spa on the back deck, o the master suite. Two detached storage buildings plus a carport. Turn-key home, ready for full-time living, vacationing or short-term income property. $429,500 #41080907SOLD

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MARCH PML NEWS 3PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE ASSOCIATION1.209.962.8600www.pinemountainlake.comADMINISTRATION OFFICE HOURS8:00 AM TO 4:30 PM – MON THRU FRIOPEN AT 8:45 AM SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTHTHE OFFICE IS CLOSED BETWEEN 12:00 & 1:00 EACH DAY2025 ADMINISTRATION OFFICES HOLIDAYSADMIN OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED2025 PMLA BOARD MEETINGS SCHEDULETHIRD SATURDAY  UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDMARCH 15, 2025APRIL 26, 2025MAY 17, 2025JUNE 21, 2025JULY 19, 2025AUGUST 16, 2025 (Annual Meeting)SEPTEMBER 27, 2025 (4th Saturday of the Month)OCTOBER 18, 2025 (Board Budget Meeting)NOVEMBER 15, 2025The PML News is the Ocial Newspaper of Pine Mountain Lake Property OwnersThe PML News is dedicated to reporting PML Association business and PML Association news to Pine Mountain Lake Property Owners.All community related articles and notices will appear in the PML News on a SPACE AVAILABLE basis and at the DISCRETION of the PML News Publishing Editor.DEADLINESAdvertisements must be received IN FULL (text, MLS info, images, logos, etc.) by the 20th of the month for the following month’s edition. Only advertisements received in full will be guaranteed to be published in that month’s edition. NO EXCEPTIONS. MEDIA ACCEPTED email SOFTWARE (Articles)InDesign, Microso Word, Apple Pages, or TXT formats only.SOFTWARE (Advertisements)PSD, JPG, PDF, EPS or TIFF only.TEXT/GRAPHICSHandwritten text is not accepted. Material composed completely of capital letters is not accepted. Please use uppercase and lowercase letters in composition. Ink jet printed images are not accepted. Images are accepted ONLY as camera ready art, original photos (to be scanned) or as JPEG, TIFF or PDF files created with above listed soware. All scans and bitmap images must be in TIFF or JPG format at least 200 dpi at 100% (300 dpi preferred). Ad files are stored for 90 days from first run date. Older ads that have not been running must be resubmitted. (See Display & Insert Advertising Contract “Design and Preparation Charges.”)EMAIL TEXT/GRAPHICSText/graphics may be delivered as e-mail attachments via the Internet. Send to: DESIGN and PROOFSAds that are requested to be sent to other periodicals require a usage fee from the advertiser (see Display & Insert Advertising Contract “Design and Preparation Charges”). Proofs are available upon request and final proof approval for all ads is expected within 24 hours. Changes made are LIMITED to typographical or graphic placement errors. NO OTHER ADDITIONS OR CHANGES WILL BE MADE.SUBMISSION DEADLINES Articles and Ads — 20th each monthClassifieds Ads — 20th each monthSubmission GuidelinesVISIT US ONLINEwww.pinemountainlake.comMON 5/26/2025 MEMORIAL DAY FRI 7/4/2025 INDEPENDENCE DAYMON 9/1/2025 LABOR DAYTUE 11/11/2025 VETERANS DAYTHUR 11/27/2025 THANKSGIVINGFRI 11/28/2025 DAY AFTER THANKSGIVINGWED 12/24/2025 CHRISTMAS EVETHUR 12/25/2025 CHRISTMAS DAYWED 12/31/2025 NEW YEARS EVETHUR 1/1/2026 NEW YEARS DAY

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MARCH PML NEWS 5(Each meeting will begin at 10 AM and end at noon)Saturday, March 8, 2025Saturday, June 28, 2025 Saturday, September 13, 2025 Saturday, December 6, 2025

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6 MARCH PML NEWSSigning up for the new eSNAP program is quick and easy and gives you the ability to sign up for the information that you want to receive. Just head over to and sign up today.ABOUT EACH OF THE PROGRAMSPML News & Alerts – Receive emails with information regarding anything aecting Pine Mountain Lake such as road closures, utility problems, re alerts and more.PML Amenities News – Receive emails with information about upcoming events, specials, or news regarding all PML amenities such as the lake, marina, golf course, etc.The Grill at Pine Mountain Lake – Receive emails with information regarding happenings at e Grill. Get information on Wine Tastings, Entertainment, Special Events and more.is program is separate from the current email opt-in program that allows you to receive PMLA governing documents and requires your signed approval. is program can be signed up for via the online system. Get your news and alerts via email, it’s eSNAP!GET IMPORTANT NEWS VIA EMAIL24/7 RENTAL COMPLIANCE HOTLINEIT JUST GOT EASIER TO REPORT, PROVE, AND RESOLVE NON-EMERGENCY SHORT-TERM RENTAL RELATED PROBLEMS IN REAL TIME, 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK1-209-231-4543ALL PMLA HOMEOWNERSEMAIL OPT-IN PROGRAMe Association is pleased to oer a money saving program available to all PMLA property owners. is program allows you to receive many of the documents we are required to provide to you via email. is option is important because:COST SAVINGS – e Association is spared the expense of printing and mailing many documents to those property owners who sign up.ENVIRONMENTAL SAVINGS – Less paper means less trash and reduced damage to the environment both in the disposal and production of paper and envelopes.REDUCED CLUTTER – By receiving documents via email there is less paper for you to deal with. All documents can be saved on your computer and viewed at your discretion.TIMELY RECEIPT – Documents sent electronically are received in minutes as opposed to the days it takes for regular mail to arrive.If these sound like good reasons to you, please sign up for the Document Email Program today using the attached form. Simply return the completed form to the Administration oce at your convenience.If you have any questions on this program please feel free to give us a call (1-209-962-8600) and we will be happy to explain the details and the advantages.Please read the Terms & Conditions for the email opt-in program on the website, under the Resources/Forms > Opt-In Email Program. Mail form below to:Pine Mountain Lake Association19228 Pine Mountain Drive • Groveland, CA 95321YES, I WANT TO ENROLL IN PMLA’S EMAIL STATEMENT AND DOCUMENT SERVICE. I ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ABOVE AS A CONDITION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THIS SERVICE.PMLA Account Number:____________ Unit/Lot #: ______________Name: _____________________________ Phone #: ______________Address: _____________________________________________________Email Address: ______________________________________________Signature: _________________________________________________________________________TABLE OF CONTENTSAdministration 3-32PMLA Financials 12-13The Grill & Lounge 26-29PML Clubs & Recreation 34-38Community News 39-55Classified Ads 59

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MARCH PML NEWS 7NOTICEThe Pine Mountain Lake News, established July 25, 1973, is created monthly for residents and property owners of Pine Mountain Lake. Members can access the PML News monthly edition online at Every month the newest edition of the PML News is posted online before the rst of each month. The PML News is emailed to and posted online for approximately 3500 PML property owner households each month. Our circulation reaches approximately 1200 full-time, resident, PML property owners and approximately 2300 “weekender,” non-resident, property owners who maintain primary residence in Northern California, in Southern California, or in other states. For more information regarding the PML News, please call the PML Administration Ofce at 1 (209) 962-8600. We greatly appreciate your contributions but please note that the PML News lls up very quickly – often before the 21st deadline. To ensure that your submission is reviewed for publication please submit in full and as early as possible. Please remember that the PML News is limited in capacity and your submissions are reviewed on a rst-come-rst-served, space-available basis. We publish all PMLA related submissions such as Board & Management Business, Clubs, Activities & Events. Where space remains, we publish non-PMLA related submissions in our "Community" section. We do our best to provide timely news. Please visit us at the PMLA website for a downloadable PDF of the News posted by the 1st of the month and a downloadable PDF list of ad rates.PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE ASSOCIATION1.209.962.8600BOARD OF DIRECTORSMike Gustafson: PresidentBrian Watson: Vice President Karen Hopkins: SecretaryCraig Prouse: Treasurer Chuck Obeso-Bradley: Director-at-largeGENERAL MANAGERJoseph M. Powell, PCAM, CCAM-LS, CMCA, AMSCORRESPONDENCE TO DIRECTORSPine Mountain Lake Association19228 Pine Mountain DriveGroveland, CA 95321PMLABoard@pinemountainlake.comADMINISTRATION OFFICE HOURS OF OPERATION*Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PMClosed 12:00 – 1:00 PMTel: 1-209-962-8600The Pine Mountain Lake News, established July 25, 1973, is posted monthly for residents of Pine Mountain Lake and vicinity by Pine Mountain Lake Association, Groveland, California 95321.SUBMISSION DEADLINE21st of the month by 4:30 PMLATE SUBMISSIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDVisit for ad rates and submission guidelines or email: PMLNews@SabreDesign.netFor the mutual benefit of all property owners, the Pine Mountain Lake News reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication. The Pine Mountain Lake News is a private enterprise, not a public entity, and as such is entitled to reject advertisements or articles in the best judgment of its editor or publisher, despite a probable monopoly in the area of its publication. Pine Mountain Lake Association is not responsible for, nor does it guarantee the accuracy of, information contained in any ad placed in the Pine Mountain Lake News. The Pine Mountain Lake News attempts to ensure that this publication is free of legal infringements and the Pine Mountain Lake Association and its contractors are not liable for copyright/trademark infringements from external advertisements and articles. PMLA–PublisherDAVID WILKINSON–Publishing EditorSABRE DESIGN & PUBLISHINGDesign/layout PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE NEWSP.O. Box 605, Groveland, CA 95321Tel: 1.209.962.0613E-mail: PMLNews@SabreDesign.netMAKE PML YOUR ONE–STOP–SHOPFOR ALL YOUR GIFT GIVING!PICK UP A GIFT CARD FOR:GOLF • GOLF SHOP APPAREL & ACCESSORIES • THE GRILLHUNTING & FISHING LICENSE VOUCHERSGIFT CARDS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, THE GRILL, AND AT THE PRO SHOPKEEP YOUR INFORMATION UP TO DATEIf you have moved or changed your contact information, please contact the Administration Office at 1 (209) 962-8600 to update your records. You can also update your information online by scanning the QR code. Staying connected helps us keep you informed about important updates, news, and events in our community.

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8 MARCH PML NEWSADMINISTRATIONGENERAL MANAGER’S MESSAGEJOE POWELL – PCAM, CCAM-LS, CMCA, AMS GENERAL MANAGERPG&E POWER LINE UNDERGROUNDING PROJECTThe PG&E undergrounding project planning and design process is in full swing. PG&E staff and their contractors are currently conducting surveys in PML, in preparation for the planning and design phase of the project. In some cases, they are using drones as part of their planning and project design work. We are in active communication and coordination with the PG&E team to ensure that the project has the least amount of impact possible on our community members. We are meeting onsite with the PG&E team this month to perform the project walk-through and to coordinate our efforts. We are also working with our roads engineer and project manager to ensure that our roads refurbishment project meshes with whatever work PG&E performs with the powerline undergrounding project.ACCESS GATE UPGRADE PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Our Access Gate Upgrade Project is still in progress. Our maintenance team performed the trenching needed at the Main Gate and Gate 8, and worked with the integrator and Yuris, our IT manager, to get the hardware installed. The new gate readers are installed and will be able to read the QR code in the near future. We are implementing this project in phases. After the installation and upgrades at the Main Gate and Gate 8 are completed, we will be testing the system to determine performance and future viability. If the system test is successful, we will continue to implement the upgrades to additional gates starting with those that receive the most vehicle traffic and usage. PMLA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL COMMITTEE - RULES, GUIDELINES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS UPDATEThe ECC Rules, Guidelines and Construction Standards draft update was presented to the Board and then posted for member review and comment. This comprehensive booklet provides members with all the information they need to construct an improvement on their property. The draft amendment to the policy booklet is under review by legal counsel to ensure that it comports with our governing documents and current law. If Association General Counsel does not have any suggested changes, the Board of Directors will consider the approval and adoption of the amended policy booklet at the March 15th monthly board meeting.TRESPASSING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IN PML IS ILLEGALWe are seeing an uptick in the number of complaints regarding individuals trespassing onto the private properties of other members. In some instances, the person entering the property is doing so for a legitimate purpose, such as an insurance inspector or a Tuolumne County planning and permitting official. Unfortunately, most of the time the trespasser is a neighbor, renter or guest who is out for a walk and enjoying the scenery. Many of these folks do not use good judgment and they do not respect property boundaries. We have seen some of these trespassers walking all around someone’s home, using their furniture or hot tubs or they are just looking around at the beautiful view from someone else’s property. This is extremely disrespectful and illegal. It is important that all members remind their visiting family members, friends, and renters that they should all be respectful of other folks and their property rights and boundaries.HOA ELECTRONIC VOTING WILL BE ALLOWED BY THE STATE STARTING IN 2025 – WE NEED YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS Just a reminder that the Governor signed Assembly Bill 2159 in September 2024, making electronic voting legal for California HOAs starting January 1, 2025. We are currently working with Association General Counsel on updating our election rules to reflect this change and to bring them up-to-date with current law. Members will still have the option of voting by mail if they wish. Given the onerous noticing requirements and other elements of the law, we will most likely not be able to implement online voting in 2025 for our Association, but plan to do so as soon as we can. Online voting is much more convenient and a cost savings to the Association and our membership. In the meantime, we will finalize the draft election rules update and work towards gathering email addresses from members who have not yet submitted these with their member contact information for our file.It is important that members provide their email address to the Association if they wish to vote online in the future. We are asking all members to update their contact information with their email addresses so that we can prepare for this new process. Members can update their contact information online at the Official PML Website at YOUR PML FACTS FROM THE RIGHT SOURCEJust a reminder that it is important to use official methods of communication with the Association if you are looking for factual information or if you have a concern or issue that you wish to convey to the Board or the management team. Our contact information is readily available on the Official PML Website at and in the monthly PML News Magazine. Posting questions to unofficial social media sites may get you a lot of responses from other members and non-members, but you are not reaching the Association team where we can actually assist you. All Official PML social media pages display the Official PML logo for easy identification. Until next month, wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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MARCH PML NEWS 9ADMINISTRATIONPRESIDENT'SMESSAGEMIKE GUSTAFSON – PMLA BOARD PRESIDENTThe State of California has passed some new rules and one that I am excited about is Online Voting. Yes, you read that correctly, your PML Association is carefully proceeding with a plan to evolve future PML elections to electronic/online voting. It will save money and we hope it will encourage more members to vote. Of course we need to be sure that the system is totally secure and fail-safe. e company that currently runs our elections is in the forefront of this process. We will be working on updating our election rules to conduct online voting in the future.I am pleased to announce that the PML golf course was named #4 of public courses in the U.S. is is a great recognition of the golf sta, headed by golf pro Mike Cook and golf course superintendent Rob Abbott. Congratulations to Mike, Rob and their teams; great job!The current Pool Survey has attracted lots of respondents; as of today we have 767 replies! There are some interesting responses, such as how our members might use the new pool/recreation center. The two top votes, Exercise Center and Family Water Play garner 62% and 45% respectively. On the question of how to pay for the new center, 52% are in favor of a dues increase of between $10 and $25 a month. A new amenity like this requires a vote of the membership, and 73% of the respondents say they would potentially vote in favor of the project! If you have not yet taken the survey please do as we want to hear from everyone. It’s on the PML web page and will run until the end of March.Apparently, Santa brought new LED outside lights to a number of our members. Here is the scoop about their installation and use. Light pollution is real. e light from any of your outside lights may not shine on your neighbors’ property nor the roads. It must be shaded to shine only on your own home and property. Studies have shown leaving outside lights on all night does not make your home safer nor does putting lights on a timer. A better solution is a motion sensor that turns them on when someone is detected. Please review your outside lights and for the benet of all members, keep light limited to your own property. Contact Suzette Laranchi in the ECC department for more information.Due to the invasive Golden mussel, the PML boat launch ramp is closed until further notice. Our staff is working with the appropriate authorities to understand how best to proceed with normal boating this summer season. Our lake biologist, Dr. Stephen McCord, will speak on this topic at the May 18 meeting of the Friends of the Lake club at 5:00pm at Lake Lodge. All welcome. We do live in interesting times! Spring AheadMarch 9DAYLIGHT SAVINGSSPRING FORWARDON SUNDAY, MARCH 9TH

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10 MARCH PML NEWSThe Golden Mussel is an invasive species and has been detected in various waterways in California, including the Port of Stockton and surrounding rivers leading to Clifton Bay. It resembles quagga and zebra mussels but is more resilient, thriving in lower calcium levels and temperatures. ese mussels reproduce rapidly, forming colonies that can block water pipes, disrupt ecosystems, and negatively impact recreation. e Golden Mussel can attach to hard surfaces, such as boats, using byssal threads. Due to their harmful impact, California issued an emergency order in January 2025, making it illegal to transport Golden Mussels.To prevent the spread of the invasive Golden Mussel, always clean, drain, and dry your boat and equipment after every waterbody, every time:• Clean: Remove all visible mussels, plants, and debris from your boat, trailer, and gear.• Drain: Empty all water from your boat, including live wells, ballast tanks, and bilge areas.• Dry: Let everything dry completely before entering another body of water.Following these steps helps protect our lake from harmful infestations.e Pine Mountain Lake (PML) Marina temporarily closed its launching dock in January to protect its waters from the invasive Golden Mussel. A key takeaway is that keeping our lake mussel-free requires cooperation between property owners and Marina sta. Please note the following: • PML staff are trained and certified to inspect and assess boats but will not decontaminate them.• Property owners are responsible for cleaning, draining, and drying their boats.• Boats failing inspection must be decontaminated by the owner before launching.• Monitoring eorts are led by limnologist Stephen McCord to ensure the lake remains free of invasive species.PML continues to educate the community on protecting the lake. Keep an eye out for yers and more articles.Starting March 1st, boaters can call the Marina to schedule a launch appointment Monday thru Friday from 8 am until 4 pm. Weekend availability may be added based on demand. If someone else is launching for you, ensure they know the rules.e reservation process has been updated to include prerequisite questions that will help determine the level of risk (or lack of risk) for your vessel. Walk-ins will not be accommodated. If you arrive without an appointment you will be asked to make one. ere is no guarantee of same-day launching. The inspection process has also been updated and is interactive. Upon arrival you will need to turn o your vehicle and exit it. You and Marina sta will inspect the trailer, outside, and inside of the boat. Collaboration is key–owners and Marina sta must work together to protect the lake.Our shared goal is to protect Pine Mountain Lake from aquatic invasive species and maintain a healthy ecosystem.We need to work together for a greater impact. We can do this through collaboration, encouragement, communication, and patience. is is an evolving process, and eciency will improve over time.By working as a team, we will enhance our eciency and protect our lake for years to come!For more information, please visit and navigate to the Marina page, then click on the Golden Mussel icon to access more information.ADMINISTRATIONPROTECTOUR LAKEMICHELLE CATHEY – ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER, CCAM, CPO

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MARCH PML NEWS 11For more information, call the Marina at 1 (209) 962-8631

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MARCH PML NEWS 13DO YOUHAVE YOUR PIN?Since PML is a private gated community, we want to oer our property owners a secure way to call in guests. When you become a member of PML you are assigned a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to utilize either when calling in a guest pass or using the Gate Access Internet program. This PIN identifies you to sta without you having to be present. This is a confidential number and should not be shared. When you call the Main Gate to authorize a guest or vendor access into PML, you will be asked for your PIN. The sta will look up the number in the computer and use it to confirm your identity before entering the guest information. You must have this number to utilize the Gate Access Internet program as well. If you do not know your PIN or have any questions, please contact the Administration Oce at: 1-209-962-8600Monday – Friday from 8 am – 4:30 pm and we will gladly supply this information to you.PML AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PROGRAMTaking the time to write a check for your monthly assessment payment can be time consuming and costly. You can avoid this burden and eliminate the potential for late payment charges by enrolling in PMLA’s Auto Payment Program. By completing the form, which can be found at under the Resources/Forms, and returning it to the Administration Office, you can have your monthly assessment automatically deducted from your checking account or charged to your credit card. This means you never have to remember to write a check and mail it each month. The peace of mind that comes with knowing your payment will always be made on time is easy to attain. We can also arrange to have any other regular payment you make to the Association (such as golf membership, horse boarding fees, etc.) paid in the same way.For more information on this simple, effective and time saving plan please contact us at 1 (209) 962-8600PAY YOUR PML PAYMENTS ONLINEDid you know you can make your payments online? Online Bill Pay is available on Pay via your credit card, it is quick and easy!

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14 MARCH PML NEWSADMINISTRATIONMONEYMATTER$DAN SZATHMARY, CAFM – ASSOCIATION CONTROLLERAs we wrap up the first quarter of the year and are getting through the annual audit, our next big project for 2025 is the reserve study. To get a fresh set of eyes on our asset picture, we bring in a new company every few years to ensure we adequately fund our reserves and allocate expenditures from that fund as effectively and efficiently as possible. This year we are bringing in a new company and are doing a full “level one”. In industry lingo, that means we are reviewing everything in depth from the ground up, through every inch of the common areas of the association. Though this is a more in-depth review than what is generally required, this sort of study is performed every once in a while, to ensure the highest level of accuracy possible over time.The investment in a “level one” will give us a higher level of precision and confidence when factoring in both reserve funding, and spending; and ensure we are funded “just right”; and that sweet spot between being over and underfunded. What does it mean to be “overfunded”? Isn’t more money in the reserves better? Well, yes. All other things being equal, the more money we have set aside for a rainy day, especially a really bad one, the better.However, all things in the real world are almost never “equal” or without opportunity cost. Being over funded means, we are putting more money into reserves than will be required in any reasonably foreseeable future. That money, or at least 80% of it in our case, ultimately comes from your monthly assessments. So, being overfunded means we asked members to pay a higher increase in a given year than was absolutely necessary to adequately replace or maintain the assets of the association.Being underfunded? That’s erring on the wrong side of the equation, and can ultimately be much more expensive. When an association runs out of reserve funds and needs money to maintain and replace assets, what happens? This situation can occur when an association funds its reserves too conservatively, and they weren’t prepared for the unplanned or unexpected. So, what are our options in a situation where we need reserve funds that aren’t there?The first option: we can levy a special assessment. This is fairly common across the industry, but has never once happened at PMLA in its over 50 year history. Though PMLA is an anomaly in this regard, it’s likely we all agree, that situation is unacceptable and to be avoided at all costs. Avoiding that scenario is the very reason why we have a reserve fund in the first place. Though from time-to-time in most other associations, special assessments have and will happen.The second option: borrow the money. Borrowing carries interest expense, and could involve securing funds with assets of the association as collateral. Though applying leverage to fund new projects is a great way to fund growth or expansion with minimal pain on a monthly basis; paying surprise interest to fund something that was supposed to have a 30 year funding plan behind it is also unacceptable.To prevent having to explore two unacceptable options, it is safe to say it is better to be over funded than underfunded. Yet, the opportunity cost can be quite high if we play it too safe and fund with a “more is always better” philosophy. When you are maintaining 779 components (last count) collectively worth over $18 Million, that you are keeping up for at least another 30 years; precision and accuracy is worth a lot of money to our members.At the end of the day? A good 100% ground up reserve study will help us find that sweet spot with the highest level of precision and confidence possible. What we are doing this year will help us ensure our reserves are well funded, we have everything we need to replace or repair in the next 30 years, and we spend just enough but not too much money to make it all happen. Questions or comments? Feel free to contact me anytime at Controller@PineMountainLake.Com or 1-209-962-8606.

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MARCH PML NEWS 15ADMINISTRATIONCOMPLIANCE CORNERSUZETTE LAFFRANCHI – COMMUNITY STANDARDS DIRECTORADMINISTRATIONOPEN HOUSE SEASONCARRIE HARVEY – COMMUNITY STANDARDS SPECIALISTOPEN LAND DOES NOT MEAN OPEN ACCESSWarmer weather brings beautiful greenery, seasonal blooms, babbling creeks and an increase in visitors who come to enjoy nature’s show o season. Sounds like a peaceful time to take a stroll through the woods but strolling onto private property could cause unwanted conict. A common rule to remember there is NO trespassing or parking on private property, or green belt areas to access the Lake or Golf Course. Please inform your guest and tenants that Pine Mountain Lake is a group of private property owners and at no time shall you wander through other private property without permission from the owner of record. Adjoining property shall not be trespassed upon. If you use your neighbor’s property for any purpose, please obtain permission, Spring has sprung around Pine Mountain Lake, with the warmer weather on the horizon it is the perfect time for house hunters. It is the time of year when those potential buyers are out and about and want to find that perfect home, or maybe you are the one selling your home, this information can help you. Open House signs have been a big topic lately, I receive several calls weekly asking what the rules are, and where the Open House signs can be placed. While we do welcome open houses here in PML, there are a few rules that go with them. Please refer to Resolution #95.12 below:in writing, from your neighbor. Trying to access the lake for a picnic or some peaceful time to reect, there are four common areas to visit the Lake: Fisherman’s Cove, Lake Lodge, Marina Beach and Dunn Court Beach. Pine Mountain Lake also oers walking trails with plenty of mountain views, tall pine trees and seasonal creeks. Check out the Big Creek Trail, Rock Canyon Trail, e Campground Recreation and Trail Area or visit the Equestrian Center to do a fun guided trail ride. A map of Pine Mountain Lake Association is available at the administration oce for a fee. Please highlight these common areas for your guest to prevent an unintended trespass. By visiting our web site click on the Community Standards tab where you will nd some great resources such as the Guest & Renters Handbook or click below for a direct link at A. Placement: “Open House” signs must be displayed at the intersection of street, a maximum of one (1) sign per change in direction, in the landscaped area between the street and the curb. One (1) sign may also be placed on the lot during the specied open house days and hours. Written approval from a property owner must be obtained for sign placement that is not Association maintained property.B. “Open House” signs may be displayed on designated Open House Days: Saturday, Sunday, and Legal Holidays. Signs can be posted from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on designated days only.wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Guest-and-Renters-Handbook2024.pdf, a resource for renters and guest to learn about the PML community standards and provide them with information about our amenities, trailhead parking areas and hiking trails maps. In order to avoid conflicts with your neighbors and your own peace of mind, it is best to have your property corners clearly marked to know your property boundaries. Once you have taken the steps to confirm your property pins, take the effort to keep your property well maintained pin to pin keeping your property boundaries clearly identified. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at 1 (209) 962-1241 or I will be happy to guide and provide you with the information you need to navigate our governing documents to maintain our beautiful community. C. “Open House” signs must conform to the sign specications. Please see Figure 3, attached to Resolution #95.12, that can be found on our website by logging in under the Governance tab. Please make sure that if you are planning on having an Open House at your home, that you also make sure that your potential buyers are on your guest list for entry at the Main Gate. If you have any questions regarding an Open House, please reach out to me at 1-209-962-1242 or I can assist you. Happy Spring!

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16 MARCH PML NEWSSpring is on the way! The first day of spring will be on March 20th, 2025 and with it we will begin to see some changes around our beautiful community. During early spring, the axis of the Earth is increasing its tilt relative to the Sun, and the length of daylight rapidly increases for the relevant hemisphere. The hemisphere begins to warm significantly, causing new plant growth to “spring forth,” giving the season its name. Although this is a stunning time of year, it is imperative to stay vigilant and remember that we live in the Wildland Urban Interface. With it comes the responsibility to maintain your defensible space and prepare for the fire season ahead of us. is month’s article will highlight three of the most important zones to consider while performing your annual spring cleanup this year. It’s important to understand how wildre can threaten homes and what one can do to eectively reduce the wildre risk. Wildre causes homes to burn in three ways:1. Wind-blown embers (leading cause of home ignition). 2. Contact by ames (burning vegetation near or touching home).3. Radiant heat (ames heat up siding or attachments causing them to combust).Click the link below to see a quick example of home hardening in zone 0 at work: It’s important to remember that, in addition to State Code 4291 PMLA Fire Safety holds all property owners’ property pin to property pin (entire lot) improved or vacant. IMMEDIATE ZONE (ZONE 0): 0’ – 5’e Immediate Zone extends 0-5’ from your house. ZONE 0 is the area closest to one’s house, including the structure itself, decks, outdoor furniture, and the outside walls and coverings. This area is most vulnerable, and should be most aggressively maintained for re resistance. • Use only inorganic, non-combustible mulches such as stone or gravel.• Remove any combustible outdoor furniture. Replace jute or ber doormats with re resistant materials. • Remove or relocate all combustible materials, including garbage and recycling containers, lumber, trash, and patio accessories. • Clean all fallen leaves and needles regularly. Repeat often during re season.• No vegetation is recommended within 5’ of structures. • Remove tree limbs that extend into this zone. Fire-prone tree varieties should be removed if they extend within 5’ of structures. • Do not store rewood, lumber, or combustibles here, especially under decks or overhangs. • Move stored combustibles inside, or at least 30’ away from structures. INTERMEDIATE ZONE (ZONE 1): 5’- 30’The Intermediate Zone from 5’ to 30’ out from buildings, structures, decks, etc. Keep ZONE 1 “Lean, Clean, and Green” and employ careful landscaping to create breaks that can help inuence and decrease re behavior.• Remove all dead plants, grass and weeds (vegetation). • Rake and haul debris 30 ft around structures (needles, leaves, and dead vegetation). • Clear your roof and gutters of all debris regularly. Roof and gutters often need to be inspected and cleaned multiple times a year, once a year is typically insucient. • Trim trees regularly to keep branches a minimum of 10 feet from structures. • Remove branches within 10 ft of your chimney. • Limb dead branches 15ft up and live branches 6ft up.• Remove vegetation and items that could catch re from around and under decks.• Create additional separation between trees, shrubs and items that could catch re, such as patio furniture, wood piles, swing sets, etc. Provide adequate spacing between all plants. • Firewood piles in this zone must be stacked neatly and covered with a re-resistant tarp or covering. • Remove re-prone plants (i.e. rosemary and juniper), and choose only re-resistant varieties. Irrigate regularly. • Remove dead vegetation from shrubs, bushes, trees, and ornamentals regularly. • Use only re resistant inorganic mulches. “Gorilla Hair” or similar shredded bark mulch should be removed in this zone. • Clear 10ft in all directions around propane tank down to bare mineral soil, including live vegetation. EXTENDED ZONE (ZONE 2): 30’ – 100’e extended zone is 30’ to 100’ from your home. In some cases more than 100’ is required due to steep slopes, nearby vegetation conditions. e goal here is not to eliminate re but to interrupt re’s path and keep ames smaller and on the ground. ADMINISTRATIONFIRE SAFETYKNOW YOUR ZONES!JOE MILANI – FIRE SAFETY COORDINATOR(See Fire Safety on next page)

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MARCH PML NEWS 17Zone 2 should include at a minimum:• Cut annual grass down to a maximum height of 4 inches. (pin to pin)• Create horizontal spacing between shrubs, trees and vertical spacing between grass, shrubs and trees. • Limb dead branches 15ft up and live branches 6ft up.• Remove fallen leaves, needles, twigs, bark, cones, and small branches. However, they may be permitted to a depth of 3 inches if erosion control is an issue.Understanding the three zones will aid in employing these techniques and strategies to maintain a re resistive property that stands a better chance in the event of wildland re. It is strongly encouraged that all PMLA members develop an individual re abatement plan. If help is needed in developing individual re abatement plan please contact our oce.Please remember to test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors once a month and replace ADMINISTRATIONMAINTENANCE MATTERSRICK LAFFRANCHI – MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANAGERany faulty alarms or low batteries immediately.Lastly, re safety inspections will continue in Pine Mountain Lake. Remember a re safe community begins with you! e re safety team is here to help with inspections of your property, and questions or concerns regarding fire safety or defensible space zones. Please contact Amanda Birmingham at 1-209-990-5263 or email or Joe Milani at 1-209-990-5260 or Email Safety from previous page)“Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour” Ralph Waldo EmersonMarch is here and while I am writing this article it is 41º outside and we have had only 11.3 inches of rain this water season. The lake is 1.9 feet below spill and, as with last month, I am still concerned about the ability to fill the lake this year. Rain woes aside, the drier weather provides a continued opportunity to perform Fire Abatement work throughout the association. As with last month we continue to perform clearing and burning at our Green Waste site. Just a side note, in fiscal year 2024 we burned nearly 9000 yd3 at Compost while also chipping and removing an additional 9000 yd3 using an outside contractor. This is enough debris removed to cover an area of 583,200 square feet 1 ft deep. In addition to the compost work PMLA facilities team cut, burned and masticated nearly 70 acres of green belt along with Cal-Fire contributing another nearly 75 acres of treatment in the association alone.e Building and Grounds crew continues with a heavy supply of work orders. e month of January produced over 150 work orders, mostly preventative and predictive which includes monthly checks on the Generators to cleaning Icemakers, Dam evaluation and safety checks and a whole plethora of additional work. March starts to be a transitional month around the 15th with the team switching to preparations for the fast-approaching summer season. This includes testing and repairing” if Needed” Irrigation systems through-out the association punching and fertilizing lawns, painting restrooms and road edges. In addition to the preparations for the season the generator at the Administration building will finally be replaced, this has been a long process with permitting taking a good portion of time, as well as, waiting for a period of time with the least anticipated number of chances for power interruptions at the building itself. e department continues to perform well and we have reached full stang. Finally, I would like to recognize Patty Groothuyzen she is the Maintenance Administrative Assistant, Patty is the Glue that binds this department and without her my job would be exponentially more dicult. So, Patty thank you and to all the members have a wonderful March.

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18 MARCH PML NEWSLETTERS TO THE EDITORLETTERS TO THE EDITOR RECEIVED 0 DENIED BY EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 0 Exceeds 250 word maximum 0 Content 0 Not a property owner 0“THANK YOU” LETTERS RECEIVED* 0 DEFERRED TO NEXT EDITION BY EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 0 DENIED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0 DEFERRED TO NEXT EDITION BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0* Thank you’s do not require editorial committee approvalPLEASE NOTE THAT ALL LETTERS APPEAR IN THE ORDER THEY WERE RECEIVED BY THE PML NEWSe Pine Mountain Lake News welcomes letters and articles for publication provided they meet the criteria established in the current PMLA Editorial Policy (See excerpt below – entire policy on le at the Administration Oce). Letters must be limited to 250 words, typewritten using upper and lowercase letters or neatly printed (no all-capital material) and signed with name, mailing address, PML unit/lot number, and day/evening telephone numbers by a property owner in good standing. LETTERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE EDITOR BY THE 10th OF THE MONTH. Letters deemed by the Editorial Committee to be improper will not be accepted. Readers are advised that THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THESE LETTERS ARE THOSE OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS, NOT OF THE PMLA, THE PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE NEWS, NOR THEIR EMPLOYEES.Submit Letters to the Editor by sending to “Editor, PML News”Mail: 19228 Pine Mountain Drive, Groveland, CA 95321Email: PMLNews@sabredesign.netSPEEDLIMITSLOW DOWNBEWARE OF SLICK ROADSWATCH OUT FOR OTHERSPLEASE DRIVE SAFELY25GOVERNING DOCUMENT ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS JANUARY 2025Courtesy Notices 48Notice of Non-Compliance 11Final Notice of violation 3Fines Assessed 8 Member Service 635GUEST & RENTERS HANDBOOK IS AVAILABLE ONLINE!You can now view or print the Guest and Renters Handbook from the PML Website. Go to our website at: WWW.PINEMOUNTAINLAKE.COMand click on Resources, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Guest and Renters Handbook. This handbook has valuable information for Guests and Renters in Pine Mountain Lake.

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MARCH PML NEWS 19BE SURE TO LIKE OUR PMLA FACEBOOK WebsitePML Facebook PageADMINISTRATIONSURVEY TIME – WHAT’S YOUR OPINION?PML LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEEThe PML Member survey regarding a potential new pool and activity center is now live. Please go to, fill out the survey and let us know your opinion. Building a new pool and activity center would be a big project, so member input is vital. If you would prefer a non-computer process, a hard copy version is available at the Administration oce. The survey starts in January and runs until the end of March. Please let us know your opinion!

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20 MARCH PML NEWSPML SAFETY REPORT JANUARY 1st Qtr YTDGuest Passes Issued 751 751 751Vendor Passes Issued 485 485 485Temporary Resident Passes Issued 879 879 879Vehicles Admitted 12,726 12,726 12,726Vehicles Refused Entry 178 178 178Phone Calls Received 1,824 1,824 1,824Residential Alarm 5 5 5Animal - Loose 14 14 14Animal - Impounded - - -Animal - Dead/Injured 9 9 9Animal - Disturbance 1 1 1Patrol Assist 159 159 159Public Assist 7 7 7Welfare Check - - -Transport - - -Trac Hazard 1 1 1Trac Control - - -Excessive Speed/Reckless Driving - - -Gate - Tamper 1 1 1Gate - Follow Through 11 11 11Gate - Malfunction - - -Gate - Struck by Vehicle 1 1 1Control Burn Reported 57 57 57Fire Safety - Smoke Complaint 5 5 5Hazard - Tree Down 3 3 3Residential Disturbance 1 1 1Amenity Burglary - - -Residential Burglary - - -Grand The - - -Petty The - - -Trespassing 2 2 2Vandalism - - -Property Damage - PML 2 2 2Property Damage - Resident - - -PML Regs Violations Resident 1 1 1PML Regs Violations Guest 1 1 1Vehicle - Citation Issued 1 1 1Vehicle - Accident PML - - -Patrolling Unit 1,855 1,855 1,855Amenity Security Check 2,841 2,841 2,841Residence Security Check 163 163 163Monitoring Tennis Courts - - -Weapon Violation - - -Fixed Post 2 2 2Courtesy Notice Issued 17 17 17All Other Fees Collected $42,012 $42,012 $42,012

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MARCH PML NEWS 21EXCITING JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT PML – JOIN US FOR OUR JOB FAIR ON MARCH 21ST!Looking for a Great Seasonal Job? We’ve Got You Covered!When you’re not out enjoying all that PML has to oer, why not consider working with us? We are excited to announce that seasonal job openings will be posted by the beginning of March, giving you the opportunity to apply for a variety of fun and rewarding positions within our community.JOIN US AT THE PML JOB FAIR!Mark your calendar for March 21st and visit us at the Lake Lodge from 1 PM – 4 PM for our PML Job Fair. is is your chance to meet the team, learn more about available positions, and even complete an interview on the spot!AVAILABLE POSITIONS:Café LeadCafé AttendantMarina AttendantBoat PatrolWater TaxiPool ManagerPool AttendantADMINISTRATIONRECREATION UPDATEMELODY WISDOM – RECREATION AND SEASONAL OPERATIONS MANAGER, CCAMWe are here to assist with the application process and answer any questions you may have. Whether you’re looking for a leadership role or a fun summer job, we have something for everyone!Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of our amazing team. We look forward to meeting you at the PML Job Fair!For more information, contact HR at 1-209-962-8628. BOAT LAUNCH APPOINTMENTS BEGIN EARLY MARCH PML is excited to announce that boat launch reservations will open in March! Appointments can be scheduled by calling the Marina at 1 (209) 962-8631, available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM.SCHEDULING YOUR APPOINTMENTWhen calling to book your launch, be prepared to answer a few prerequisite questions, such as:What was the last body of water your boat was in?When was it last in the water?Has your boat been Cleaned, Drained, and Dried?Your responses will help the Marina Manager determine the risk level for aquatic invasive species. Based on the evaluation, you will either:Receive a launch date immediately, orBe required to complete a 14-day quarantine before scheduling your launch appointment.Regardless of the outcome, you will receive your reservation before the call ends.NEW INSPECTION PROCESSPML has implemented a new boat inspection process. Upon arrival, please be prepared to:Turn o your vehicle.Exit your vehicle and participate in the inspection.Assist with the inspection of the trailer, as well as, the interior and exterior of your boat.Please ensure that anyone launching your boat on your behalf is aware of the new Boat Launch Reservation Requirements and Inspection Process. It is important that they understand the necessary steps and procedures before arriving at the Marina.We look forward to a great season on the water!To schedule your boat launch appointment or for additional information, call the Marina Manager at 1 (209) 962-8631.HappySaint Patrick ’sDay!

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MARCH PML NEWS 23The Pine Mountain Lake Safety and Security Committee is a standing committee authorized by the PMLA Board of Directors to inform its decision making and promote its mission. e Committee meets every month. Join Our Committee Meeting: Members may attend our committee meetings. Our next meeting is April 9th at 9am via Zoom. Please email to obtain your invitation.Your Safety Committee continues researching and making recommendations to the BOD during 2025 on the following topics:✓ House numbering – Fire Dept recommendations✓ Speeding✓ Roadway and Intersection markings – Speed limits and Evacuation routes✓ Text messaging – Can Admin start using text messages (push technology)✓ Power Outages – What should you do? Where should you look for help?✓ Emergency Communications – See last month’s PML News✓ Updates to PML Safety and Emergency documentationPlease join us or email suggestions that will make our Pine Mountain Lake community ADMINISTRATIONFROM PMLA SAFETY COMMITTEEBOB ASQUITHsafer for all members, guests, and renters. Please direct comments to our email above.Emergency Evacuation—These maps are approved and ready to use. Maps show the routes out of PML and the major evacuation routes away from Groveland. Additional emergency information can be found at Maps are on the PMLA website. Download & print your copy. email comments to:

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24 MARCH PML NEWSThe Golf Shop is open 7 days a week from 8:00am until 5:00pm (6:00pm beginning March 10) and our sta and I are here to assist you in any way we can. Please call us if you have any questions or need to make a reservation for golf at 1-209-962-8620. UPCOMING EVENTSLadies 9-Hole Golf ClubWeekly Play DayTuesdays (New Day for 2025)Ladies 18-Hole Golf ClubWeekly Play Day – ursdaysPML Men’s Golf ClubSt. Patrick’s Day Invitational – 4 Man TeamSaturday March 8Daylight Savings TimeLast Day Of 11:00am ShotgunsSunday March 9Back to Starting Times9:00am First Starting Time of the DayMonday March 10PML Men’s Golf ClubMarch Madness – 4 Man TeamWednesday March 26PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE GOLF COURSE RATED #4 IN THE USAGolf Pass is one of the Nation’s leading promoters of the game of golf. Golf Pass brings together the best golf courses, instruction, entertainment, travel information and much more to help golfers enjoy more golf, more often. Each year Golf Pass customer’s rate the Golf Courses that they play and in the latest list of the top 25 Golf Courses in America, Pine Mountain Lake Golf Course is rated #4 in the Country. We are truly blessed with a great Golf Course and thank you Rob Abbott our Golf Course Superintendent and his crew for the wonderful condition of our Hidden Gem.DRIVING RANGEAs of March 1, the Driving Range will be open from 8:30am until 3:30pm (Last Ball Hit at 3:30pm). Please call the ADMINISTRATIONFROM THE FRINGEMIKE COOK – PGA HEAD GOLF PROFESSIONALGolf Shop during the rainy season as the Driving Range may be closed after a rain storm due to soft ground conditions.CALLAWAY GOLF BALL SPECIAL PROMOTIONCallaway is offering a special promotion on their Chrome Soft and Chrome Tour golf balls. If you buy 3 dozen at the regular price you will receive a 4th dozen for FREE. In addition, you can have the balls personalized with your name, initials or other imprints also for FREE. Come in to the Golf Shop for more information or to place an order. This promotion is available through April 30, 2025.ANNUAL GOLF MEMBERSHIPSIf you are going to purchase an Annual Golf Membership for 2025, please come to the Golf Shop to submit your application and make a payment. If you have any questions, please call the Golf Shop.(See Golf on next page)

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MARCH PML NEWS 25GOLF SERVICES (LOCKERS, BAG & PUSH CART STORAGE)If you have a locker, bag storage or push cart storage, please come to the Golf Shop to submit your application for 2025 and make a payment. If you would like to rent a locker or store your bag or push cart, there is space available. Call or come to the Golf Shop for more information or an application.NEW PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE GOLF WEBCAMOn the website we now have a live webcam that looks down the 10th hole. Click on the Amenities tab, then go to and click on the 18 Hole Championship Golf Course tab, then scroll down to and click on the Golf Course Webcam. You will be able to see the live conditions at the Golf Course.CALLAWAY GOLF CLUB TRIAL SETS We NOW have the NEW Callaway ELYTE line of clubs available for testing in the Golf Shop. We have trial sets that you can take to the range or out on the Golf Course. For more information, call or come in to the Golf Shop. SOUTHERN VALLEY SENIORSIf you are a PML Property Owner, a Member of the PML Men’s Golf Club and are 50 years of age or above, you qualify to join the PML Southern Valley Seniors (SVS). e SVS play home & away events with other Golf Courses in the Southern Valley, such as Turlock CC, Oakdale CC & Spring Creek CC, to name a few. If you are interested call the Golf Shop and we will put you in touch with the SVS PML Captain.PUNCH CARDSPine Mountain Lake Association Property Owners can save up to $6.00 per round by purchasing a Punch Card in the Golf Shop. ere are 9-Hole & 18-Hole Punch Cards available. For more information call or come into the Golf Shop.NEW PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE PROPERTY OWNERSIf you are a new Pine Mountain Lake Property Owner and you are interested in getting acquainted with other Property Owners who play golf, call the Golf Shop 1-209-962-8620 and we will let you know what golfing groups you may be able to join or what golf activities are planned for the year.MEN’S & LADIES GOLF CLUBSIf you are interested in joining the Men’s or Ladies Golf Clubs, you can call the Golf Shop 1-209-962-8620 and we will give you the information you need. Applications are available in the Golf Shop. The Men’s Club has a website ( that you can visit to sign-up online for your membership (see Men’s Club eligibility rules) or to print an application. Once you are a Men’s Club Member, you can sign-up for tournaments online.PROPERTY OWNER ANNUAL GOLF CART RENTAL AGREEMENTEvery person who drives a golf cart on the course, is required to sign a golf cart rental agreement at the time of registration, before they can drive a golf cart. PML Property Owners sign the agreement one-time and that covers the entire year. If you have not signed your agreement you can go to the PML website ( and fill it out and sign online or you will be asked to sign the form when you register in the Golf Shop. Click on amenities, then click on golf and you will see the agreement with other forms available. If you have any questions, please call the Golf Shop 1-209-962-8620.CARE OF THE GOLF COURSE TAKING CARE OF THE GOLF COURSE IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY; PLEASE DO YOUR PART!Replacing Divots – PML is a DIVOT FIRST facility; that means that if the divot is intact or even a portion of the divot is intact, we want you to replace the divot first and press the divot down firmly with your foot. When an intact divot is replaced, it will begin to root right away but a mulch filled divot will take weeks to fill in. If the divot hole is not totally filled in by the divot that you replaced then fill the rest of the hole with mulch and press down the divot firmly with your foot. If the divot is not intact, then fill the divot hole with mulch and smooth the mulch with your foot so it is level with the ground.Repairing Ball Marks – This is one of the major negatives in our great game; players either do not know how to repair ball marks correctly or don’t even attempt to repair them. Here is the correct way to repair a ball mark: Insert the divot tool just outside the edge of the ball mark, use the divot tool to mend in the outside portion if the ball mark towards the middle. Then use your putter to tap down the repaired turf. If a ball mark is repaired properly, you will not even be able to tell that there was a ball mark. NEVER PULL UP THE MIDDLE OF THE BALL MARK.Raking Bunkers – We are back to normal procedures concerning bunkers. PLEASE make sure that you rake the bunker after you have hit your shot.Golf Carts – Driving golf carts on the fairways has a negative effect on turf conditions over time. PLEASE use the 90-degree rule posted in each golf cart in order to minimize the cart traffic on the fairways. PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE NEW GOLF APPPine Mountain Lake Golf & CC will be transitioning to a NEW APP in 2025, you will be able to download it FREE from the app store soon. Look for more information to follow, hopefully in mid-March. The NEW APP will feature many of the existing features on the current app, such as:• Golf course GPS • Players can measure their shots• Golf course hole by hole yover• Interactive scorecard• Score posting• Player prole and automatic stats tracker• Food & beverage menus and ordering• And more …(Golf from previous page)

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26 MARCH PML NEWS2025 is well under way and a lot of projects are being taken care of on the course. I stepped away from the course for a few days last month to attend the 2025 GCSAA Conference and Trade show. The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America puts this conference on yearly rotating around the country, only coming to the west coast every three years. e show isa premier event for the golf course and facility management industryand is known to be the premier golf industry conference in the world. e show kicked o Monday with educational opportunities, an outdoor sustainability showcase, and welcome reception. Tuesday brought multiple classes continuing my leadership and Horticultural skills, along with classes in equipment management and a networking opportunity hosted by John Deere. Wednesday was a busy day on the trade show oor with nearly 500 vendors and exhibits. Vendors brought new innovative ideas along with new tools and methods to achieve our daily tasks. I made many contacts and gathered a lot of information. at evening was a meeting with other California Superintendents and industry leaders, this was once again a great networking opportunity. ursday brought power hour seminars and a little more trade show time, before closing ceremonies. For me the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show is benecial for all golf course superintendents and industry professionals because itprovides a platform for networking with peers, learning about the latest industry trends, exploring new products and services, accessing educational seminars, and gaining valuable insights to improve golf course operations. I look forward to future dates to attend and will also be taking advantage of our local annual meeting to continue networking with peers in our region.ADMINISTRATIONTEE TO GREENROB ABBOTT – GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTADMINISTRATIONHOT OFF THE GRILLANDREA WILSON – F&B DIRECTOR, THE GRILL AT PML Exciting things are happening at the Grill! We are open for lunch 7 days a week and we are oering an exclusive menu to PML Homeowners on Monday’s! Below is a list of fun things happening at the Grill in March: March 5th: Ladies Club Luncheon, the Grill remains open for lunch service.March 5th at 6PM: TRIVIA hosted by Bar Lead Amanda at the 19th Hole Lounge. March 7th & 8th: Mardi Gras celebration with cocktail and dinner specials. March 12th: Rotary Lunch Meeting, the Grill remains open for lunch service.March 12th: Resident’s Club Dinner, the Grill is closed for dinner service. March 14th & 15th: St. Patrick’s Day celebration with cocktail and dinner specials. March 19th: Rotary Lunch Meeting, the Grill remains open for lunch service.March 23rd: Brunch & Bubbles party at the Grill.March 26th: Rotary Dinner Meeting, the Grill remains open for dinner service.Give the Grill a call at 1 (209) 962-8638 for more information.

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30 MARCH PML NEWSCOMPOST & ARCHERY RANGEHOURS OF OPERATIONNOVEMBER THRU MARCH TUES.  SUN. 8AM TO 4PM WEATHER PERMITTINGAPRIL THRU OCTOBER  7 DAYS A WEEK 8AM TO 4PM WEATHER PERMITTINGSHOOTING RANGE  TUES, THUR, SAT 9AM TO 3PMPLEASE NOTE Hours may vary depending on weather conditions, safety concerns, or other situations beyond control. Archery & Gun Range users must check-in with compost attendant. HOURS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICECall Main Gate at 1-209-962-8615

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Covenants CommitteeEquine Advisory CommitteeLake and Marina CommitteeWould you like to be more involved in your community?Pine Mountain Lake Association has openingson the following committees:If you are a property owner and wish to be considered for committee membership,please complete an “Application for PMLA Committee Assignment” formavailable on the PMLA website at www.PineMountainLake.comor from the Administration OceMail the completed form to:Pine Mountain Lake AssociationAttention: Janessa Owens19228 Pine Mountain DriveGroveland CA 95321Email to gmassist@pinemountainlake.comor drop it by theAdministration Ocefront deskHere’s your chance!www.PineMountainLake.comor

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32 MARCH PML NEWSChampiship Gf Crsewww.PineMountainLake.com1-209-962-8620Beautifully Maniced GreensStunning Vistas & SndingsPINE MOUNTAIN LAKEGOLF & COUNTRY CLUBMntain Gf at its Finest!18687 MAIN ST. STE B2 GROVELANDView listings at www.YosemiteAreaProperties.comPAUL S. BUNT REAL ESTATE BROKER DRE 01221266CHRIS H. LAKEDRE 00946632209-768-6156 chrishlake@gmail.comGINA GIAMPIETRO HERNANDEZDRE 01226555408-506-6944GinaGH RealEstate@gmail.comWE ARE STILL BUSY SELLING IN THIS MARKET !!!Call us to tell you what your home could sell for right now.Make Chris & Gina your 1st call!NEAR THE BEACHDREAM MOUNTAIN HOMELIVING THE DREAMMOVE-IN READYLOVELY SINGLE LEVELADORABLE CABINON THE GOLF COURSEMOVE-IN READY FAMILY CABIN19955 Pleasant View Dr. $449,000 owner financing available, 2043 sf 3 Bd 3 Ba 2 car .32 acre lot, Spacious Lvrm, Kitchen, Dining Areas , 2 car oversized finished garage with shelves, Kitchen with new granite counters, New backsplash and Lighting, Gas stove/oven, microwave, breakfast bar, Stainless appliances, 2 large pantry closets, Each bedroom has 2 large closets, Each bedroom has bathroom available, Indoor Laundry Area, Central Heating and A/C, Private back yard and deck area, Fenced Dog Run/Garden Yard, Under house storage, Lots of Paved Parking Area, 2 Blocks from Dunn Ct. Beach19955 Deerbrush Court, Unit 6 Lot 88, $359,000 .59ac, 3Bd 2Ba 2Car. Enjoy the views of a peaceful park like setting, situated on over half acre lot, w/serene backyard landscape, seasonal creek, hot tub in backyard in natural setting, beautiful back deck w/living rm & mstr bdrm access, formal entryway, very tall vaulted ceilings, wd stove fp in living rm, new flooring throughout, kitchen w/stainless appliances, breakfast bar, dining area o kitchen, open to living rm, both bathrooms remodeled, indoor laundry area, central heat & air, five year old roof, 2 year old gutters, fenced area for outdoor garden situated on quiet cul-se-sac. Pine Mtn. Lake amenities include lake w/3 beach areas, 2 playgrounds, seasonal boat rentals & concession, 18 hole golf course, tennis & pickleball courts, swimming pool, equestrian center & airport, hiking trails & more in historic Groveland, just a few hour drive from the Central Valley or Bay Areas.12623 Cresthaven Dr. U4 L434 $325,000 Adorable rustic cabin tucked away in private setting in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake near Lake Lodge Beach & Playground. Enjoy the newly built expansive decks, both main level & upper balcony o the loft bedroom area. Level entry makes this a winner plus the true cabin style vaulted open beam ceilings in a natural landscape setting and cozy wood burning stove fireplace. Central HVAC & a PGE installed generator plug for backup generator option. Primary bedroom is on main level w/ bath & a sliding door out to deck patio. 2nd ba is on main level w/ a shower remodel in progress. Upstairs is a loft sleeping area w/ door to upper deck balcony. A brand new storage shed has been installed & there is plenty of parking on the paved driveway w/ a gentle slope. 1152 sf living space on .38 acre lot. 19940 Pleasantview Dr U1 L163 $599,000 2394 sq ft 5 bedrooms/ 4 baths 2 car Extraordinary Family Home by the Beach with Beautiful Fairway Views!!! Enjoy year round gorgeous green grass/golf course views of the 12th fairway of Pine Mountain Lake Golf Course from this wonderful large 2394 sf family home in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake gated community in Groveland, 35 miles from Yosemite. Just 2 blocks from Dunn Court Beach and a perfect home for full-time or vacation use! Move-in Ready w/ 5 Bedrooms and 4 Bathrooms ! Each bedroom has direct bathroom access – an amazing floorplan! Great Room Concept with huge open kitchen/dining and living room, and a large open, vaulted ceiling family room facing golf course, rustic floor to ceiling stone wood burning fireplace, 2nd dining area or room for pool table, spacious back decks, large over sized 2 door 2 car garage. Tons of concrete parking, a quality built home nestled amongst beautiful mature Oak Trees and a sensational tranquil view of the golf course, must see !20808 Point View Dr. $429,000 U4L170 2126 sf 4 bdr, 3 ba, bonus room, 2 car .36 acre, Large outdoor living deck area, beautiful tree and mountain views, Stainless appliances in kitchen, Breakfast Bar and Pass Through Window, Lvrm w/ vaulted knotty wood open beam ceilings, wood burning fireplace stove on rustic stone hearth, large picture windows with sun screen shades, Newer 30 year comp roof in 2019, 2 year new 50 gal water heater, central heating and A/C, upgraded sep controlled HEPA Air filtration system, Spacious Primary Bedroom w/ 2 closets, patio deck access, Primary bath dual vanity sinks, shower/tub, Primary & guest bedroom plus guest bath on main level, 2 bdrm, bath, family room, laundry on lower level, Oversized 2 car garage w/ sink and shelves, Covered carport with lots of parking space, Lots of Paved Parking Available.20609 Longview $525,000.00 3bd/2ba Fall in love with your dream mountain home in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake near Yosemite. This lovely move-in condition remodeled 3bd 2ba 2 car 2249sf home has an enormous great rm concept w/living rm, dining rm, full size bar, oversized kitchen area w/enormous granite counter space, stainless appliances, 2 ovens, gas stove, under counter lighting, island w/ storage and breakfast bar & 2nd oven, tile/glass backsplash - you just must see! There is a formal entry w/hardwood flooring, primary bdrm is a private ste on upper level w/wet bar, Addt’l packaged terminal A/C, 1 large walk-in closet + 2 addt’l closets, bath area w/granite counters, dual sinks, plank style tile flooring, private shower & toilet area w/built-in cabinetry. The main level has 2bdrms private from each other w/plantation shutters, a beautiful hallway guest bath w/granite counters, dual sinks, tub/shower combo, tile flooring & many cabinets. The lv rm has a brick hearth w/wd burning fp stove, vaulted ceiling, sliding door to deck patio. Indoor Laundry rm, Central HVAC & energy eicient dual pane windows. Tesla house backup battery. Front & back are cement walkways, storage shed & wood shed & wonderful cozy private fire pit area. 13064 Jackson Mill Dr. Unit7 Lot 77 $429,000 1582 sf 3/2.5 2 car .26 Acre Living the Dream in Pine Mountain Lake! Enjoy a beautiful home for full-time living or even as a part-time vacation getaway and only a 2 hour drive from the Bay Area or Central Valley & 35 miles from Yosemite too! Boating, Fishing, Swimming, Golf, Pickleball and Tennis, Play Grounds, Hiking Trails and more. This freshly renovated single story home has a large oversized 2 car garage, 2 step access to main living areas, 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths, Vaulted Ceilings, Brand New Stainless Appliances, Brand new Flooring & Carpeting, New light fixtures, new fixtures on doors & in bathrooms, Large Primary Bdrm with deck access & walk-in closet, formal dining plus breakfast nook area, central HVAC, wood burning stove brick hearth fireplace in Lvrm, brand new back deck and newer roof & gutters in 2017. A Fantastic opportunity to buy a move-in mountain home. In PML Unit 7 Lot 77.19570 Cottonwood $330,000 2bd/2ba 1400sf 2 car gar. Single Level Mountain Home in Beautiful Pine Mountain Lake just 35 miles from Yosemite in Historic Groveland. Enjoy a getaway or full-time living, in this simple & spacious 2-3 bdrm (bonus sleeping rm is like having 3 bdrms) home w/2 car gar and lovely lg full house length gated back deck patio w/lovely natural tree views. Open views front & back ideal for star gazing at night. Roof is 5 years new & 1 year AC/HVAC. Vaulted open beam ceiling in lg living rm w/wd burning fp & deck patio access. Kitchen has stainless steel sink & stainless refrigerator. Electric stove/oven, microwave & dishwasher & small breakfast bar counter. The hall guest bath has tub shower & primary bedroom has a private fenced concrete patio area & bath w/tub shower also. Central Heating & A/C & oversized 2 car gar. HOA dues are currently $264 per month & include beach & swimming pool access. Other amenities are an 18 hole golf course w/restaurant/bar & golf shop, driving range. Pickleball & Tennis Courts, Equestrian Center, Airport, Kids Playground Areas, Hiking Trails, Horseshoe Pits, Campground, & more. Just a 2 hour drive from Bay Area or Central Valley to your relaxing mountain home getaway.SOLDSOLDPENDINGPENDINGBEAUTIFUL RUSTIC MOVE-IN READYSWEET CABIN12505 Pine Brook $499,000 3 bd 3 ba plus bonus room, 1 car , 1872 sf on .60 acre lot, A-Frame Style Cabin in Excellent Condition, Turn-Key Ready, Beautiful Stone Wood Burning Fireplace, Large open kitchen with Granite Counters, Breakfast Bar, Stainless Appliances, Pantry Closet, Knotty Wood Cabinets, Knotty Wood Tall Open Beam Ceilings, Floor to Ceiling Windows, Ceiling Fan Light, Gorgeous Engineered Hardwood Flooring, Built-in Book Cases, Stained Glass Accent Window, Lovely Updated Bathrooms, Primary Ba with electric heat fireplace, Soaking Tub, plus Tiled Shower w/Glass Door, Private Toilet Area, Tile Floors, Central HVAC, Indoor Laundry, Open Loft Sitting Area, Large wrap around front to side decks, Backyard private firepit area, Underhouse storage, Long paved driveway, Security System, Well Maintained Home.19954 Ridgecrest Way U13 L340 $339,000 A sweet cabin in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake a few blocks from the lake marina w/ level entry, in a wonderful setting, a true rustic style cabin w/ 2 fantastic upgrades- a metal roof, & Generac generator. Upgraded electrical panel, newer carpeting & has central heat&A/C, a wonderful covered walkway to entry & covered back deck. Walk into the great rm w/ a beautiful tall vaulted knotty pine open beam ceiling looking out to nature & a fabulous vaulted framed outdoor porch/patio for year round outdoor BBQ & enjoyment! This cute cabin has a brick hearth w/ wood burn stove, open concept & many windows lv rm, din area & kitch. Main lvl has 2 bdrm, hallway ba. Lwr lvl open space for add’l sleeping area, game/bonus rm, strg, laundry area, Ba with shower, & exterior door. The perfect simple family cabin for full or part time in Historic Groveland, just 35 miles from Yosemite & 12 miles down the hill from Lake Don Pedro.

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18687 MAIN ST. STE B2 GROVELANDView listings at www.YosemiteAreaProperties.comPAUL S. BUNT REAL ESTATE BROKER DRE 01221266CHRIS H. LAKEDRE 00946632209-768-6156 chrishlake@gmail.comGINA GIAMPIETRO HERNANDEZDRE 01226555408-506-6944GinaGH RealEstate@gmail.comWE ARE STILL BUSY SELLING IN THIS MARKET !!!Call us to tell you what your home could sell for right now.Make Chris & Gina your 1st call!NEAR THE BEACHDREAM MOUNTAIN HOMELIVING THE DREAMMOVE-IN READYLOVELY SINGLE LEVELADORABLE CABINON THE GOLF COURSEMOVE-IN READY FAMILY CABIN19955 Pleasant View Dr. $449,000 owner financing available, 2043 sf 3 Bd 3 Ba 2 car .32 acre lot, Spacious Lvrm, Kitchen, Dining Areas , 2 car oversized finished garage with shelves, Kitchen with new granite counters, New backsplash and Lighting, Gas stove/oven, microwave, breakfast bar, Stainless appliances, 2 large pantry closets, Each bedroom has 2 large closets, Each bedroom has bathroom available, Indoor Laundry Area, Central Heating and A/C, Private back yard and deck area, Fenced Dog Run/Garden Yard, Under house storage, Lots of Paved Parking Area, 2 Blocks from Dunn Ct. Beach19955 Deerbrush Court, Unit 6 Lot 88, $359,000 .59ac, 3Bd 2Ba 2Car. Enjoy the views of a peaceful park like setting, situated on over half acre lot, w/serene backyard landscape, seasonal creek, hot tub in backyard in natural setting, beautiful back deck w/living rm & mstr bdrm access, formal entryway, very tall vaulted ceilings, wd stove fp in living rm, new flooring throughout, kitchen w/stainless appliances, breakfast bar, dining area o kitchen, open to living rm, both bathrooms remodeled, indoor laundry area, central heat & air, five year old roof, 2 year old gutters, fenced area for outdoor garden situated on quiet cul-se-sac. Pine Mtn. Lake amenities include lake w/3 beach areas, 2 playgrounds, seasonal boat rentals & concession, 18 hole golf course, tennis & pickleball courts, swimming pool, equestrian center & airport, hiking trails & more in historic Groveland, just a few hour drive from the Central Valley or Bay Areas.12623 Cresthaven Dr. U4 L434 $325,000 Adorable rustic cabin tucked away in private setting in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake near Lake Lodge Beach & Playground. Enjoy the newly built expansive decks, both main level & upper balcony o the loft bedroom area. Level entry makes this a winner plus the true cabin style vaulted open beam ceilings in a natural landscape setting and cozy wood burning stove fireplace. Central HVAC & a PGE installed generator plug for backup generator option. Primary bedroom is on main level w/ bath & a sliding door out to deck patio. 2nd ba is on main level w/ a shower remodel in progress. Upstairs is a loft sleeping area w/ door to upper deck balcony. A brand new storage shed has been installed & there is plenty of parking on the paved driveway w/ a gentle slope. 1152 sf living space on .38 acre lot. 19940 Pleasantview Dr U1 L163 $599,000 2394 sq ft 5 bedrooms/ 4 baths 2 car Extraordinary Family Home by the Beach with Beautiful Fairway Views!!! Enjoy year round gorgeous green grass/golf course views of the 12th fairway of Pine Mountain Lake Golf Course from this wonderful large 2394 sf family home in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake gated community in Groveland, 35 miles from Yosemite. Just 2 blocks from Dunn Court Beach and a perfect home for full-time or vacation use! Move-in Ready w/ 5 Bedrooms and 4 Bathrooms ! Each bedroom has direct bathroom access – an amazing floorplan! Great Room Concept with huge open kitchen/dining and living room, and a large open, vaulted ceiling family room facing golf course, rustic floor to ceiling stone wood burning fireplace, 2nd dining area or room for pool table, spacious back decks, large over sized 2 door 2 car garage. Tons of concrete parking, a quality built home nestled amongst beautiful mature Oak Trees and a sensational tranquil view of the golf course, must see !20808 Point View Dr. $429,000 U4L170 2126 sf 4 bdr, 3 ba, bonus room, 2 car .36 acre, Large outdoor living deck area, beautiful tree and mountain views, Stainless appliances in kitchen, Breakfast Bar and Pass Through Window, Lvrm w/ vaulted knotty wood open beam ceilings, wood burning fireplace stove on rustic stone hearth, large picture windows with sun screen shades, Newer 30 year comp roof in 2019, 2 year new 50 gal water heater, central heating and A/C, upgraded sep controlled HEPA Air filtration system, Spacious Primary Bedroom w/ 2 closets, patio deck access, Primary bath dual vanity sinks, shower/tub, Primary & guest bedroom plus guest bath on main level, 2 bdrm, bath, family room, laundry on lower level, Oversized 2 car garage w/ sink and shelves, Covered carport with lots of parking space, Lots of Paved Parking Available.20609 Longview $525,000.00 3bd/2ba Fall in love with your dream mountain home in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake near Yosemite. This lovely move-in condition remodeled 3bd 2ba 2 car 2249sf home has an enormous great rm concept w/living rm, dining rm, full size bar, oversized kitchen area w/enormous granite counter space, stainless appliances, 2 ovens, gas stove, under counter lighting, island w/ storage and breakfast bar & 2nd oven, tile/glass backsplash - you just must see! There is a formal entry w/hardwood flooring, primary bdrm is a private ste on upper level w/wet bar, Addt’l packaged terminal A/C, 1 large walk-in closet + 2 addt’l closets, bath area w/granite counters, dual sinks, plank style tile flooring, private shower & toilet area w/built-in cabinetry. The main level has 2bdrms private from each other w/plantation shutters, a beautiful hallway guest bath w/granite counters, dual sinks, tub/shower combo, tile flooring & many cabinets. The lv rm has a brick hearth w/wd burning fp stove, vaulted ceiling, sliding door to deck patio. Indoor Laundry rm, Central HVAC & energy eicient dual pane windows. Tesla house backup battery. Front & back are cement walkways, storage shed & wood shed & wonderful cozy private fire pit area. 13064 Jackson Mill Dr. Unit7 Lot 77 $429,000 1582 sf 3/2.5 2 car .26 Acre Living the Dream in Pine Mountain Lake! Enjoy a beautiful home for full-time living or even as a part-time vacation getaway and only a 2 hour drive from the Bay Area or Central Valley & 35 miles from Yosemite too! Boating, Fishing, Swimming, Golf, Pickleball and Tennis, Play Grounds, Hiking Trails and more. This freshly renovated single story home has a large oversized 2 car garage, 2 step access to main living areas, 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths, Vaulted Ceilings, Brand New Stainless Appliances, Brand new Flooring & Carpeting, New light fixtures, new fixtures on doors & in bathrooms, Large Primary Bdrm with deck access & walk-in closet, formal dining plus breakfast nook area, central HVAC, wood burning stove brick hearth fireplace in Lvrm, brand new back deck and newer roof & gutters in 2017. A Fantastic opportunity to buy a move-in mountain home. In PML Unit 7 Lot 77.19570 Cottonwood $330,000 2bd/2ba 1400sf 2 car gar. Single Level Mountain Home in Beautiful Pine Mountain Lake just 35 miles from Yosemite in Historic Groveland. Enjoy a getaway or full-time living, in this simple & spacious 2-3 bdrm (bonus sleeping rm is like having 3 bdrms) home w/2 car gar and lovely lg full house length gated back deck patio w/lovely natural tree views. Open views front & back ideal for star gazing at night. Roof is 5 years new & 1 year AC/HVAC. Vaulted open beam ceiling in lg living rm w/wd burning fp & deck patio access. Kitchen has stainless steel sink & stainless refrigerator. Electric stove/oven, microwave & dishwasher & small breakfast bar counter. The hall guest bath has tub shower & primary bedroom has a private fenced concrete patio area & bath w/tub shower also. Central Heating & A/C & oversized 2 car gar. HOA dues are currently $264 per month & include beach & swimming pool access. Other amenities are an 18 hole golf course w/restaurant/bar & golf shop, driving range. Pickleball & Tennis Courts, Equestrian Center, Airport, Kids Playground Areas, Hiking Trails, Horseshoe Pits, Campground, & more. Just a 2 hour drive from Bay Area or Central Valley to your relaxing mountain home getaway.SOLDSOLDPENDINGPENDINGBEAUTIFUL RUSTIC MOVE-IN READYSWEET CABIN12505 Pine Brook $499,000 3 bd 3 ba plus bonus room, 1 car , 1872 sf on .60 acre lot, A-Frame Style Cabin in Excellent Condition, Turn-Key Ready, Beautiful Stone Wood Burning Fireplace, Large open kitchen with Granite Counters, Breakfast Bar, Stainless Appliances, Pantry Closet, Knotty Wood Cabinets, Knotty Wood Tall Open Beam Ceilings, Floor to Ceiling Windows, Ceiling Fan Light, Gorgeous Engineered Hardwood Flooring, Built-in Book Cases, Stained Glass Accent Window, Lovely Updated Bathrooms, Primary Ba with electric heat fireplace, Soaking Tub, plus Tiled Shower w/Glass Door, Private Toilet Area, Tile Floors, Central HVAC, Indoor Laundry, Open Loft Sitting Area, Large wrap around front to side decks, Backyard private firepit area, Underhouse storage, Long paved driveway, Security System, Well Maintained Home.19954 Ridgecrest Way U13 L340 $339,000 A sweet cabin in beautiful Pine Mountain Lake a few blocks from the lake marina w/ level entry, in a wonderful setting, a true rustic style cabin w/ 2 fantastic upgrades- a metal roof, & Generac generator. Upgraded electrical panel, newer carpeting & has central heat&A/C, a wonderful covered walkway to entry & covered back deck. Walk into the great rm w/ a beautiful tall vaulted knotty pine open beam ceiling looking out to nature & a fabulous vaulted framed outdoor porch/patio for year round outdoor BBQ & enjoyment! This cute cabin has a brick hearth w/ wood burn stove, open concept & many windows lv rm, din area & kitch. Main lvl has 2 bdrm, hallway ba. Lwr lvl open space for add’l sleeping area, game/bonus rm, strg, laundry area, Ba with shower, & exterior door. The perfect simple family cabin for full or part time in Historic Groveland, just 35 miles from Yosemite & 12 miles down the hill from Lake Don Pedro.

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34 MARCH PML NEWSAviation AssociationBob Mackey 1-408-373-2625 Crest Valley Firewise CommunityTerre Passeau 1-209-962-5364Friends of the Groveland LibraryVirginia Richmond 1-209-962-6144Friends of the LakeMike Gustafson 1-209-962-6336 Garden ClubSusan Dwyer 1-209-962-6265Ladies ClubSharon Newell 1-415-244-7515Men’s Golf Club www.pmlmgc.comNeedle CrasBarbara Klahn 1-209-916-5420Pickleball ClubLee Carstens 1-415-215-5564Pine Needlers Quilt GuildLeslie Timmons 1-209-482-1406PML Ladies 18 Hole Golf ClubLaura Kramer 1-209-840-0129PML NinersStacie Brown 1-209-962-7397PML Pool Wellness ClubVickie Schultzpmlpoolclubpresident@gmail.comPML Safe Streets CampaignLeslie Dudley 1-209-962 - 4 911PML Shooting ClubScott Knupter 1-925-809-2850PML Waterski & WakeboardDean Floyd 1-408-915-8848Racquet/Tennis ClubRon Bass pmlatennis@gmail.comResidents ClubBrad Nelson 1-209-996-0106ROOFBBAudrey Prouse 1-209-962-4196 charity@roofbb.orgRotary Club of GrovelandPete Stevenson 1-209-814-1382Southern Tuolumne County Historical Society (STCHS)Harriet Codeglia 1-209-962-0300Southern Valley Srs. Golf GroupRich Robenseifner 1-707-486-9115PML Organized Groups & ClubsContact the individuals below if you are interested in joining!POT O’ GOLDFollow the rainbow to the Pickleball Courts maybe there’s a pot o’ gold, if not maybe just some Irish Luck to help our games get better.e weather has been great for Pickleball, so come on out! If you are a newbie, experienced or somewhere in between; we have courts available for all levels. Just bring your water, wear comfy clothes and court shoes we’ve got the equipment, if you don’t.e Pickleball Center is on Mueller (by the golf course) there is usually someone out playing every Monday, Wednesday, 2025 PMLMGCWell it’s time to get your teams together as we kick-o March with two of our classic tournaments. The St. Patrick’s Day Invitational scheduled for March 8th and our March Madness event scheduled for March 26th. Cheers to making 2025 another great year for the PMLMGC.TOURNAMENT TEE SELECTIONMany of our tournaments allow players to select what tees they will play from. It is important that players sign up for the correct tees. Any player can play from the Gold tees, regardless of their age or index, if they so choose. But only players that qualify may play from the Purple/Green tees. To qualify a player must be 70, or older, or have an index of 18.7, or higher. It is very dicult for the Golf Shop to make tee changes at the last minute. Any player that plays from incorrect tees risks disqualication. Typically, one team member will sign up a 4-man or 2-man team, so it is imperative that that team member sign PML ORGANIZED CLUBSPML PICKLEBALL CLUBTAMMY TALOVICHPML ORGANIZED CLUBSPML MEN’S GOLF CLUBDAVE FERNANDEZFriday, Saturday & Sunday at 10:00 AM. During this time of year – it is weather permitting – if it’s cold that’s ne but wet courts are dangerous.We are using, this is a nationwide site. If you are traveling to another state you can look up where the pickleball courts are, play time and if there are people going there. If you want to know if we will be out playing just create an account. ere is no cost to you. It is fairly new to us, so we are getting used to putting our names down when we are playing. Habits take practice!Come on out and have some fun with us!up their team from the correct tees.WEBSITE TOURNAMENT SIGN UPPlease continue to use the website,, to sign up and pay for tournaments. Using the website for tournament sign up and payment makes it easier for the club and the Golf Shop to manage tournaments. Go to to see the tournament schedule.JOIN THE MEN’S GOLF CLUBAny male persons who are current property owners, their siblings, sons, nephews, sons-in-law, and PMLA employees are eligible to join the men’s golf club. Go to and click on the button, Join the Club, to see the many benets of club membership, as well as the ability to sign up on line. Applications are also available in the Golf Shop, or you can contact our Handicap/Membership Chair, Ted Toey. Email Ted at, if you have any questions about club membership, or, if you’re a current member, your NCGA handicap index.

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MARCH PML NEWS 35Quote of the month: Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.If you would like to learn more about becoming a member of the Lady Niners contact Stacie Brown at We play 9 holes on Tuesday mornings; it only takes a few hours and is a great opportunity to meet some awesome ladies!JANUARY 7TH: WE WERE ON OUR OWN JANUARY 14TH: WE HAD 12 PLAYERS AND PLAYED CRY BABY1st place: Claudia Day2nd place: Tammy Talovich3rd place tie: Susan Dwyer, KC Lennen, Mary Steinkamp, Anne TonerHere are the results of the recent tournament play:JANUARY 16TH – INDIVIDUAL POINT BOGEYFirst Place: Sue Perry - 41Second Place: Kitty Edgerton – 39ird Place: Laura Kramer – 33Fourth Place: Elisa Hoppner - 33Fifth Place: Paula Parisi - 33Sixth Place: Helena McMillian – 33Putting Winners Elisa Hoppner – 32Helena McMillian - 32JANUARY 23RD – TWO-PERSON ALTERNATE SHOTFirst Place: Marcee Cress , Christina Baines – 67Second Place: Marlene Drew, Paula Parisi – 69PML ORGANIZED CLUBSPML LADY NINERSTAMMY TALOVICHPML ORGANIZED CLUBSPML LADIES 18 HOLE GOLF CLUBTHELMA FAUXPars: #3 Anne TonerLow putts: Claudia Day, Susan Dwyer, Anne Toner all w/17Low Net: Claudia Day w/33Low Gross: Susan Dwyer w/54JANUARY 21ST: WE HAD 19 PLAYERS AND PLAYED PAR FOURS + PUTTS1st place: Claudia Day2nd place tie: Stacie Brown, Barb Lenorak3rd place: Christina Baines4th place tie: Linda Craig, Mary Steinkamp, Pat Van Gerpen5th place tie: Linelle Marshall, Patty Nelson, Anne TonerPars: #11 Brown, #13 Lenorak, #14 Brown, Lenorak, Day, Shaer, #17 Brown, MarshallBirdies: #14 Debbie TorresLow putts: Tammy Talovich w/17Low Net tie: Stacie Brown, Claudia Day, Mary SteinkampThird Place: Kitty Edgerton, Jodie Rodriquez – 71Fourth Place: Laura Kramer, Tari Skelley – 73Birdies:Laura Kramer, Tari Skelley #1Kitty Edgerton, Jodie Rodriquez #1Marcee Cress, Christina Baines #10JANUARY 30TH – 2-PERSON SCRAMBLEFirst Place: Tari Skelley, Linelle Marshall - 69Second Place: Paula Parisi, Jodie Awai - 72ird Place: Linda Sarratt, Sue Perry – 72FEBRUARY 6TH & 13TH Low Gross: Stacie Brown w/48JANUARY 28TH: WE HAD 15 PLAYERS AND PLAYED LOW NET + PUTTS1st place: Claudia Day2nd place: Susan Dwyer3rd place tie: Pat VanGerpen, Mary Steinkamp4th place: Chris Balek5th place: Linda CraigPars: #14 Claudia Day, Susan DwyerLow putts: Susan Dwyer w/17Low Net: Claudia Day w/31Low Gross: Sysan Dwyer w/52 Ace of Aces for January: Claudia Day w/31Queen of Clubs for January: Stacie Brown w/48Puter of the month: tie Susan Dwyer Tammy Talovich w/17The Pine Mountain Lake Ladies Golf Club plays every Thursday and is open to all women residents and owners of property in the Pine Mountain Lake community. Our club would love to add some new members and have modified our bylaws to allow female family members of property owners to apply for membership. If you are interested in becoming a member, we can arrange for you to join us as a guest, so that you can meet and play with some members and see what our club is all about. If you’re interested, please contact our PML Head Golf Professional, Mike Cook at 209-962-8620.

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36 MARCH PML NEWSApril brings more than showers on April 12th, the date of our Rotary clubs’ 22nd Red White & Blue Ball. The Lack Family Band is providing the entertainment and Tuolumne Trails is providing the venue. This Black Tie Optional event is an op-portunity to dress in your best and enjoy an evening of fine dining, dancing, and best of all a salute to those serving in our armed forces. This fun filled event be-gins at 5:30pm with a no host bar. Din-ner begins around 6pm, followed by en-tertainment. Be sure to order your tickets in advance as seating is limited. The tick-et price is $75 per person which covers dinner and entertainment. Your participation in Rotary fundraiser events has enabled us to once again provide personalized dictionaries to the third grade students at Tenaya Elementary. is annual Rotary event brings joy to both the students that receive the books and the Rotarians that attend the event. We have also commit-ted $1000 to our Rotary Districts’ Disaster PML ORGANIZED CLUBSGROVELAND ROTARYMIRIAM MARTINRelief fund, beneting those aected by the recent So Cal res. When disaster strikes, clubs around the world mobilize and assist. e ve Rotary Clubs of Tuolumne coun-ty just held their annual Super Bowl Sunday Breakfast fundraiser at the Sonora Fair-grounds on Sunday, February 9th. It was well attended and guests enjoyed omelets and croissants prepared by Colum-bia College Culinary students. We thank our community for all of the support and we welcome you to join us a Friend of Rotary, helping with projects and events, or to join our club as a Ro-tarian, taking part in the direction and implementation of our endeavors. For more information regarding the club and tickets to events, please contact Rotari-an Greg Cramblit at 209-962-0607 or email

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MARCH PML NEWS 37We launched our new year on February 5 with a wonderful “Galentine’s Day” lunch at the PML Grill. Beautiful Valentine themed decorations created a festive atmosphere. Our delicious lunch featured pasta with meat sauce, Caesar salad, garlic bread and individual Tiramisu.Spring is springing up all over...Yay! Daodils are everywhere. And for those who want to know Daylight savings begins on Sunday the 9th.Tuesday the 18th will be our Pine Needlers Quilt Guild monthly meeting. We meet under the Library at 10 a.m. We do have a meet and greet at 9:30. Its a time to get caught up and help get the meeting room in order. Always fun and interesting. After the meeting we have sew time til 3. So bring your lunch and project. Eat, sew, learn and laugh with fellow guild members.After lunch one of our Vice Presidents, Cheri Darouze led a lively discussion about event plans for our year. We are considering two “o the hill” excursions, one to Murphys and the other to Yosemite. More information will be shared as we secure all the details. We rounded out the afternoon with a Valentine exchange.Ladies Club meets the rst Wednesday Next Month Art Week will arrive here in Groveland. e chamber is hard at work making it successful. Check out downtown, more next month.Here is a list of a few things every quilter should do before she dies:1. Label a quilt2. Use Templates3. Embellish a quilt4. Visit Paducah during the AQS Show5. Use a walking foot6. Visit a Quilt MuseumPML ORGANIZED CLUBSPML LADIES CLUBSHARON NEWELLPML ORGANIZED CLUBSPINE NEEDLERS QUILT GUILDSANDY SMITHof the month except January and July. Our March 5 meeting will be at the Grill. Social time starts at 12 noon and lunch is served at 12:30. We are always eager to welcome new members, we invite all PML Ladies to join us for the fun! For questions or more info, contact Cheri Darouze at 209-604-5008, or Sharon Newell 415-244-7514.7. Go to Road to CaliforniaHmmmmm, now might be a good time to think about the quilt you are going to make for the quilt showRemember the 3rd Tuesday of each month is Pine Needlers Quilt Guild meeting, 9:30 for meet and greet and 10 a.m. for regular meeting. See you on the 18th. If you have any questions please give President Kris 650 722-0307 or V.P. Leslie a call.

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38 MARCH PML NEWS“You never know when a helping hand will change another person’s entire life.” -Z. ZiglarOur Super Bowl FUNdraising event was a huge success—bringing together excitement, community, and generosity! It was the perfect way to enjoy the big game while raising money for great causes. A big shoutout to Around The Horn Brewery for hosting an incredible viewing party, complete with a delicious menu, fantastic beer, and a lively crowd. Whether fans were cheering for their team, playing games, or just enjoying the commercials, everyone had a blast! anks to the overwhelming support, two local charities—ROOFBB and Grade to Gate Foundation—beneted from the event. A heartfelt thank you to the fabulous ROOFBB volunteers who put in their time and energy to make it all happen. And of course, a huge thank you to everyone who attended—your generosity and enthusiasm made this a fantastic event!We are thrilled to announce ROOFBB SummerFest is on again this year. e festival will take place on Saturday, June 14th at Mary Laveroni Park. Vendors are lining up, volunteers are signing up, and plans are underway. SAVE THE DATE and mark your calendars now- come on down to support our local businesses and help raise money for neighbors in need, our schools, and local community projects. Your attendance is crucial to the success of this event! We can’t wait to see everyone there!• BBQ meals served up-local guys cooking up a delicious meal!• Local Makers & Artists• Wine & Beer Tasting• Kids Activities• Rae• Music & more!2025 SAVE THE DATE – ROOFBB HAPPENINGS:May 4 First Responder Appreciation BBQ Mary Laveroni ParkJune 14 ROOFBB SummerFest! Mary Laveroni ParkSeptember 20 49er Festival Taste of Tuolumne Mary Laveroni Park Join the Fun-get Involved with ROOFBB! We hold fundraising events throughout the year to support our initiatives. Keep an eye on social media and local yers for details on our upcoming events. Your attendance is PML ORGANIZED CLUBSROOFBB AUDREY PROUSEcrucial to our success!Want to learn more about ROOFBB? Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Nextdoor. Looking for a volunteer opportunity that’s both fun and fullling? ROOFBB is the place for you! We also welcome donations to support our cause; raising funds to give back to OUR community!*Why not make a ROOFBB donation that is 100% tax deductible this tax season? Tax ID #770546460* DONATECONTACT US!charity@roofbb.orgFOLLOW US!Facebook, Instagram, NextDoor@roofbbcharityROOFBB members Audrey Prouse & Jen Toscano

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MARCH PML NEWS 39On Saturday, May 17, 2025, STCHS (Southern Tuolumne County Historical Society) will host its 19th Annual Wine Tasting Cruise on Pine Mountain Lake! at is a lot of wine tasted over the years! All proceeds benet the Groveland Yosemite Gateway Museum, the restoration of the Cobden House and Wells Fargo Building, and other STCHS projects. Water taxis will leave from the Lake Lodge starting at 2:30 pm and transport guests between seven lakefront homes where wines from local wineries will be available for sampling, accompanied by delicious appetizers from local restaurants and caterers. Everyone will be returned to the Lake Lodge by 6:30 pm for a coee and cookie reception.Don’t delay! is event is a sell-out each year, as tickets are limited (attendees must be at least 21 years of age). Tickets must be purchased in advance and paid by check and are $75 per person. Order forms are available in the Museum or you may send your request to STCHS, P.O. Box 180, Big Oak Flat, CA 95305. Forms can also be requested by sending an email to or by going to the STCHS website: e museum continues to be open Friday, Saturday and Sundays from 10 until 2.We don’t send out actual tickets, but you. will receive conrmation of your purchase. Come join us for another fabulous day on the Lake!If you want to help but don’t want to drink wine, why not volunteer to help? Many helpers on needed do don’t be shy!For questions or further information, email, call Harriet Codeglia (415-516-1852).OUR COMMUNITYNINETEENTH ANNUAL WINE TASTING CRUISEHARRIET CODEGLIA

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40 MARCH PML NEWSGetting around Groveland and Big Oak Flat isn’t always easy if you don’t drive. Luckily, Southside Community Connections (SCC) oers two transportation services, Wheels and WAVE, to help you stay independent and connected.WAVE features a three-passenger minivan and an eight-person, wheelchair-accessible bus. Whether you need to get to Sonora or Modesto for medical appointments or shopping, or even travel out of county for medical care (Stockton, Sacramento, Pleasanton, Merced and elsewhere), WAVE has you covered. Rides typically leave Mary Laveroni Park in Groveland in the morning March is here; there’s no better time to embrace new opportunities and refresh your routine! At e Little House, we’re committed to helping you grow, connect, and explore with resources and programs designed to spark curiosity and lifelong learning.Did you know that we offer a FREE Learning Library available to all community members? is incredible resource is your gateway to discovering new passions and skills at your own pace. Whether you’re interested in mastering a new language, improving your photography techniques, or exploring the wonders of the night sky through stargazing, our Learning Library and return in the afternoon. Best of all, WAVE rides are completely free (although donations are always appreciated!).Wheels connects you with volunteer drivers who use their own vehicles to help you get where you need to go. Whether it’s a quick trip to the post oce or a medical appointment in Sonora, Wheels is here for you. If you’re over 55, can’t drive due to health or disability, or don’t have family or friends who can assist, Wheels is a fantastic option. Membership is just $30 per quarter.We’re also always looking for more volunteers to join our Wheels team. Not only will you make a real dierence in someone’s life, but you’ll also get to meet wonderful has something for everyone. With easy-to-follow courses and materials, it’s never been easier to expand your horizons from the comfort of e Little House or your own home.In addition to our Learning Library, The Little House continues to serve as a welcoming space where neighbors can gather, share ideas, and support one another. Drop by to enjoy a cup of coee, browse our book exchange or participate in a lively conversation about the latest community happenings during ursday Lunch.Spring is the perfect season for growth—both personal and communal. Stop by e Little House this month to see how we can support your journey of learning and people. We’ll even reimburse your mileage!Wheels and WAVE help you maintain your independence and give you peace of mind that you can get to shopping, errands and appointments, especially if you no longer want to drive down the grade. Many of our members have told us they didn’t know what they would have done without these services.Getting started is easy! Just give us a call at (209) 962-6952, and we’ll answer all your questions and help you sign up. Or, drop by e Little House in Groveland (11699 Merrell Road) between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. We’re always happy to help.connection. Let’s make this March a month to remember!e Little House Program of Southside Community Connections fosters an inclusive and welcoming environment for the Groveland and Big Oak Flat communities. By bridging generational divides, we provide a vibrant gathering space where individuals of all ages can connect, learn, and thrive together. With oerings such as exercise classes to promote health and wellness, art activities to inspire creativity, and a free learning library to encourage lifelong learning, we empower community members to stay active, engaged, and enriched. Visit us at 11699 Merrell Road, Groveland, California.OUR COMMUNITYACCESSIBLE TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS FOR GROVELAND SENIORSBETH MARTIN – SCC TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOROUR COMMUNITYSPRING INTO LEARNINGAT THE LITTLE HOUSESAMANTHA WEST – THE LITTLE HOUSE SUPERVISOR

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MARCH PML NEWS 41Spring is almost here, and we can’t wait to welcome you to an exciting lineup of events at SCC! Get ready for fun, laughter, and community spirit as we kick o the season in style.GAME NIGHT – Appears to be a Hit from the Start!Launched in February, Game Night looks to become a favorite! Whether you’re ying solo or bringing a group, there’s a board game for everyone. The competition is lighthearted, the laughter is contagious, and the snacks are delicious! Best of all, it’s FREE! Stay tuned to our social media or call e Little House at 209-962-7303 for upcoming dates.KENTUCKY DERBY-THEMED GOLF TOURNAMENT – MAY 2 & 3Get ready for our Spring Fundraiser at PML Golf Course & The Grill! This two-day event is a can’t-miss celebration:May 2: Kick things off in true Derby fashion! Wear your finest Kentucky Derby attire, sip on mint juleps, and enjoy mouthwatering appetizers. Prizes will be awarded for Best Dressed and Best Hat—so bring your A-game!May 3: Tee off at our Golf Tournament, followed by a delicious lunch, an exciting raffle, and a thrilling auction. And, of course, we’ll be watching the Derby together!Get Your Tickets! Purchase tickets for individual tournament events or grab the full package for the ultimate experience! Golfers, please note that additional Pro Shop fees apply. Stay tuned for more details or call us for info!VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DAY – MAY 31Our volunteers are the heart of SCC, and we’re rolling out something truly special this year! Join us on Saturday, May 31, as we celebrate the amazing individuals who make everything possible. More details to come—stay tuned!EXCITING NEWS COMING SOON!We’re launching a brand-new initiative later this spring! Keep an eye on next month’s newsletter for all the details.Your support, generosity, and energy fuel everything we do. Our WAVE and WHEELS transportation programs continue to grow; our Thursday community lunch is thriving; classes at The Little House are expanding; we are adding Village on the Hill services. THANK YOU for being part of this incredible community! We can’t wait to see you soon!OUR COMMUNITYSOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CONNECTIONSNANCY A. REGGIO – EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SCC4:5Photos to pull from Marketing Hub image library> | Member SIPCMKD-8652E-A AECSPAD 24424231Personalized service means having a financial advisor who understands you and what you’re trying to achieve, and helps to create a unique strategy based on your needs and circumstances.Let’s talk. Contact us today to learn more.Financial goals aren’t achieved overnight.Jordan R SergentFinancial Advisor728 Mono WaySonora, CA 95370209-213-7203

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42 MARCH PML NEWSWe were honored to host our state representatives – Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil and Assemblyman David Tangipa – on January 24th in Groveland for a roundtable discussion on re insurance. is meeting had been scheduled long before the LA wildres, but the timing turned out to be very relevant.We invited U.S. Forest Service Prescribed Fire and Fuel Specialist Pat Laeng, CAL FIRE Pre-Fire Division Chief/Unit Forester with the Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit Gary Whitson, and Groveland Community Services District General Manager Pete Kampa to give presentations on the fuel reduction work their agencies have done in and around Groveland. Chief Whitson pointed out the extensive work the residents of Pine Mountain Lake have done under the defensible space requirements of California’s PRC 4291 code, and the important role that Pine Mountain Lake Association plays in enforcing this code.Groveland residents Chris Passeau and Marc Colton were invited to give a presentation on the GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) radio communication system they have established in Tuolumne County. ey explained how this system is inexpensive and easy to use, especially in emergencies when cell phone service and landlines go down, when power outages occur, and when internet service is out. By using the GMRS system during a wildre or any other emergency, residents are able to keep in touch with others and get real-time information from the Oce of Emergency Services, the Sheri’s Oce, and CAL FIRE. If you would like more information about GMRS, you can email Chris and Marc at shared with the Senator and Assemblyman that we feel the “one size ts all based on your zip code” approach taken by the insurance companies in setting premiums is inequitable, shifting the cost burden from property owners who don’t do any of their defensible space requirements (and rightfully should be charged higher insurance premiums) onto property owners who have done their defensible space clearances and whose properties stand a better chance of surviving a wildfire. We asked them to work with the California Department of Insurance and the insurance companies to use other criteria rather than zip codes when establishing premiums. Groveland can be used as an example of how communities can work together to increase their survival from a wildre. But despite all the fuel reduction work that has been done in and around Groveland by government agencies and private property owners, having three Firewise Communities established in Groveland, the extensive GMRS network for emergency communications, having evacuation routes mapped, the use of Pine Mountain Lake as a water source that CAL FIRE uses for ghting res, and having an airport in Groveland that can be utilized for ghting a wildre (as it was during the 2013 Rim Fire) none of this seems to be taken into account by the insurance companies and Groveland continues to be in the highest insurance wildre rating. Assemblyman Tangipa explained that for decades California’s Proposition 103 has kept insurance rates low while home prices have soared, and the high cost of rebuilding after a loss has outpaced premiums – until premiums were allowed to be increased in recent years. During his recent conversations with insurance executives, he has been told that homeowners can expect increases of between $4,000 to $11,000. is will make homeowner’s insurance unattainable for most of us. He told us that while California’s FAIR Plan was created by the state decades ago, it is operated and controlled by insurance companies making the FAIR plan “fair” for the insurance companies not the consumer. ere is a link below to the video of the meeting where you can see Assemblyman Tangipa speak.The meeting was moderated by Earl Brohard. Other invited attendees were District 4 Supervisor Steve Griefer, Executive Director of TC Resource Conservation District Lindsay Mattos, cattle rancher and former fire chief Dick Gaiser, Pine Mountain Lake Association Maintenance and Operations Manager Rick Laranchi, Pine Mountain Lake Association Fire Safety Coordinator Joe Milani, Tuolumne County Firewise Coordinator Karen Caldwell, and Camp Tuolumne Trails owner Jerry Baker. After the meeting, Assemblyman Tangipa was taken on a bus tour to view some of the fuel reduction work that has been done in the area. At one of the stops, Chief Whitson explained the work that has been done using CAL FIRE grants and at another stop Pete Kampa explained work that has been done on GCSD property using a grant they obtained. e tour also stopped at the Pine Mountain Lake Airport so the Assemblyman could see the benet of having such a valuable reghting asset in our community.,Eli Mills with Access Tuolumne videoed the meeting. You can watch the recording at Assemblyman Tangipa begins speaking at about 0:53:22. We thank Jerry Baker for generously letting us use Camp Tuolumne Trails for this meeting, to Southside Community Connections for generously providing their bus for the tour, and to bus driver extraordinaire Rick Whybra.OUR COMMUNITYTALKING FIRE INSURANCE WITHOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVES(OPEN YOUR WALLETS, A BIG INCREASE IS COMING)GABY HUEBNER, BROWNIE BROHARD, AND TERRE PASSEAU – LEADERS OF PML’S CLIFFTONITES FIREWISE COMMUNITY AND CREST VALLEY FIREWISE COMMUNITY

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MARCH PML NEWS 43Libraries are essential to every community. ey provide access to a wealth of information and knowledge and are a place where one can learn, discover, and develop, regardless of age, education, or income. One can nd books on almost any subject, from the latest bestsellers to classic literature, from non-ction to children’s books. Libraries also oer access to online databases, e-books, audiobooks, and other digital resources, as well as to programs and events such as book clubs, workshops, and lectures so people can learn new things and interact with others.e Groveland Library is open Tuesday through ursday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In addition to checking out books, magazines, audio books, puzzles, DVDs, and e-Books for FREE, the Groveland Library oers the following:• Children’s Story Time on Friday mornings at 10:30 a.m., followed by a craft workshop• Use of computers, copier, fax machine, and free internet• Student Summer Reading ProgramOUR COMMUNITYLEARN WHAT YOUR GROVELAND LIBRARY HAS TO OFFERJENNY FERRAIOLO• Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Club on first Friday of every month• Free tax forms and booklets• Forms to register to vote• Free access anytime, anywhere to a catalog of materials (books, audiobooks, DVDs, and CDs) not found in your Groveland Library from over 80 participating libraries in California and Nevada through Link+ (visit for more information on the program)• ZIP Books: If the Groveland Library does not have a book you need, ll out a form, and Amazon will ship the book to you – once returned, the book will be put into circulation in the Tuolumne County library systemThe Groveland Library is part of the Tuolumne County Library system with additional resources and programs provided by Friends of the Groveland Library (FOGL). FOGL operates the Book Nook, which oers bargain-priced books for all ages and is open every Saturday from 10a.m. to 1 p.m. downstairs at the Groveland Library. Proceeds from the Book Nook pay for a fth open day at the Groveland Library. FOGL is always looking for additional support for the library and school enrichment programs, either with volunteers or nancial support through membership, donations, or purchase and donations of books at the Book Nook. If you are interested in becoming a member of FOGL or volunteering at the Book Nook, contact Michele Roberts at (209) 962-4327 or

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44 MARCH PML NEWS10/008 MCKINLEY WAY $1,000 2/047 GAMBLE STREET $1,0002/283 19364 FERRETTI ROAD $1,000 2/287 FERRETTI ROAD $1,000 2/305 FERRETTI RD $1,000 2/306 FERRETTI RD $1,000 2/448 12923 WELLS FARGO DRIVE $1,000 3/033 20480 FERRETTI ROAD $1,000 3/056 20505 ECHO COURT $1,000 3/463 20465 PINE MOUNTAIN DRIVE $1,000 6/113 19795 FERRETTI ROAD $1,000 6/235 FERRETTI ROAD $1,000 6/252 19426 FERRETTI ROAD $1,000 7/239 DIGGER PINE STREET $1,000 8/143 HILLHURST CIRCLE $1,000 PMLA OWNED LOTS FOR SALEFOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THESE PROPERTIES PLEASE CONTACT DAN SZATHMARY AT 1 (209) 962-8606HTTPS://WWW.PINEMOUNTAINLAKE.COM/PMLA-LOTS-FOR-SALE/Here we are in March and preparing for, yet, another holiday. is month we’ll deck the Thrift Store with Easter finery, stuffies, tableware, baskets and anything else needed to complete the holiday on Sunday, April 20th. We’ve put away our Valentine’s inventory, took a couple of weeks ‘breather’ and will be moving things around again to accommodate the Spring festivities. It’s a constant challenge to accommodate each season and keep our vast inventory intact.We still have our coats and ski-wear in stock for those cold days and nights and the wonderful spring ski season. We have what you need, when you need it! We try to predict the season’s needs and stock the appropriate inventory. As we all know, our season’s weather is somewhat unpredictable, but we usually overlap inventory to have what’s needed. For instance, we ALWAYS have sleepwear and jackets for all seasons, even in the height of summer. Many travelers don’t realize how cold it gets ‘up country’ and are not prepared for chilly nights. We try to be prepared with warm items for them.Our MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOAN PROGRAM has been very helpful to many who have a temporary need for a walker, wheelchair, commode, crutches, etc. We’re fortunate to be able to offer this FREE service to our community, and pleased that it’s been so successful and helpful when the need arises.There are 3 pillars that make our organization a 43-year-old success - our loyal community that continues to support us with donations, those that purchase from us and our dedicated volunteers, without whom we wouldn’t exist. We’re honored to be serving and assisting the greater Groveland area when the needs arise, and it’s because of our loyal customers, donors and volunteers. A HUGE THANK YOU to you all!!!OUR COMMUNITYHELPING HANDS HAPPENINGSPATTI BEAULIEU

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MARCH PML NEWS 45PROPANE DISCOUNT PROGRAMSuburban Propane – As the preferred provider of PML we are happy to provide an exclusive members only program to all residents.Benefits include: Propane at a discounted rate, Tank rental at a discounted rate, Free basic tank installation, Easy payment options, 24/7 Tech support, Flexible delivery options, 24/7 live phone support. Contact our local staff for further details and current rates. Suburban Propane Jamestown California(209) 984-52831 (800) PROPANE

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46 MARCH PML NEWSCustom Boat Docks – Gangways Kayak/Canoe Launches - Floats & Hardware209-845-28761398 East F St Oakdale, CA 95361 Independently owned Since

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MARCH PML NEWS 47COMMUNITYORGANIZATIONSContact the individuals/organizations below if you are interested in joining!If you would like your community organization listed please send your group’s name, contact person, and phone number to gmassist@pinemountainlake.comCAMP TUOLUMNE TRAILS Jerry Baker – 1.209.962.7916FRIENDS OF THE GROVELAND LIBRARYMichele Roberts – 1.209.962.4327HELPING HANDS THRIFT STORE & FURNITURE BARNPatti Beaulieu – 1.209.962.7402 SOUTHERN TUOLUMNE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY STCHSHarriet Codeglia – 1.209.962.6270SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CONNECTIONSNancy Reggio - 209-962-7303VILLAGE ON THE HILL1.209.962.6906 or info@villageonthehill.orgMOORE BROS RECYCLING NOTICEWE HAVE DROP-OFF RECYCLING!!All residents and visitors are asked to source separate their recyclable materials. There are designated bins located at our ofce located at 11300 Wards Ferry Rd. in Big Oak Flat where you may drop off your recyclable materials anytime Monday through Saturday 8am to 5pm (weather permitting). CLOSED SUNDAYS and major holidays.Acceptable materials include:• Aluminum beverage containers, tin cans, glass bottles and jars (all colors)• #1 Plastic (bottle form only) ****#1 clear fruit/veggie, sandwich or salad clam shell type containers are NOT allowed****• #2 Plastic (bottle form only) ****#2 colored plastic coffee containers are NOT allowed****• ALL CONTAINERS MUST BE RINSED AND FREE OF LIDS AND CAPSWe also accept Mixed Paper, newspaper, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, paperback books & shredded paper which can all be put in the same bin. NO WRAPPING PAPER ALLOWEDCARDBOARD BIN ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS INCLUDE:Cardboard, Carton Board such as cereal and cracker and soda/beer boxes, etc. are also accepted and can be placed in the cardboard bin with the cardboard. THESE ITEMS NEED TO BE FLATTENED OR BROKEN DOWN AND ANY PACKAGING MATERIALS OR TAPE REMOVED.IF THE CARDBOARD BIN IS FULL OR YOU HAVE A LARGE LOAD OF CARDBOARD TO RECYCLE, we ask you to take it to our shop location at 17641 Yates St. in Big Oak Flat where we still maintain a 50 yard cardboard recycle box.PLEASE DO NOT THROW PLASTIC BAGS OF RECYCLABLES INTO THE BINS.

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MARCH PML NEWS 49DISASTER RESTORATION SERVICES • RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CLEANING SERVICESCarpet & Furniture Cleaning • Steam & Dry Cleaning • Deep Soil Extraction • Spot & Odor Removal • Hoarding Cleanup • Post Construction Cleanup24 Hour Emergency Service • Water Removal • Wet Carpet Care • Fire & Smoke Restoration • Vandalism Cleanup • Structure Drying • SanitizingServing Tuolumne, Calaveras & Amador •$25DISCOUNT Mention this ad for adiscount on cleaning services. Minimum charge applies.e clean you expect. e service you deserve. ®209-532-170017330 High School RoadJamestown CA 95327

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MARCH PML NEWS 51OUR COMMUNITYPINE CONE SINGERS SPRING CONCERTSBOB SWANWe’re going back to our old ways. Our Spring Concerts will be held the weekend after Mothers’ Day, May 16-18. As usual the Friday concert will be at 7PM, and the Saturday and Sunday shows at 2PM.This show will be a mixture of styles – some lush harmonies, some jazz, some pop, a couple of modern movie tunes. This will be an assortment of entertaining numbers (plus, of course, solos) that will offer everyone some things to love. I’ll have more details in next month’s article.The concerts will be held at Gateway Community Church at 7PM on Friday, May 16, and 2PM on Saturday and Sunday, May 17-18. Tickets are usable for any one of the shows, and will be available at Premier Valley Bank and at B Beautiful Salon, as well as from any Pine Cone Singer. Suggested donation is $15, with children 12 and under free.If you have questions, please contact Bob Swan at 408-398-4731. ADVERTISE IN THE PML NEWS GO TOPINEMOUNTAINLAKE.COM FOR RATES AND DETAILS

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52 MARCH PML NEWSIn a wildfire emergency (or any other emergency) when cell phone and landline phone services have gone down, the power is out and there is no internet, do you know how you will communicate with others and get updates? The solution is to use a GMRS radio. GMRS radios help provide real-time information to the citizens of Tuolumne County during emergencies.What is a GMRS radio? GMRS, which stands for General Mobile Radio Service, is a licensed radio service that is used for two-way voice communications using handheld or mobile radios and a repeater system. You do need an FCC license to use GMRS radios, but unlike Amateur radios and Ham radios there is no FCC required test to get a GMRS license. The license fee is $35.00, the license is good for 10 years, and the license covers your whole family. What is a GMRS repeater? In simple terms, a GMRS repeater is a device that receives radio signals from one radio and then retransmits the radio signal at a higher power to other radios. This process is known as “repeating” and allows for clear communication over a larger and greater distance.We have purchased several GMRS repeaters with our own money and have strategically installed them throughout OUR COMMUNITYDO YOU KNOW HOW YOU WILL COMMUNICATE IN AN EMERGENCY?CHRIS PASSEAU AND MARC COLTONTuolumne County to provide county-wide GMRS radio coverage. There is no fee to use our GMRS repeaters. We currently have more than 400 licenses using our GMRS repeaters; and since each license covers all family members, there are more than 1,000 people able to utilize our GMRS repeaters.There are five GMRS repeaters in Tuolumne County: #1 in Groveland on Vernal Ridge, #2 on top of Duckwall Mountain, #3 on top of Cedar Ridge Mountain, #4 on top of Moccasin Mountain, and #5 at Columbia College. Our GMRS repeaters have backup battery power in case the power goes out. With these five repeaters Tuolumne County neighborhoods are well covered with radio coverage. What is the purpose of the GMRS repeaters? Using the GMRS repeaters in any emergency can provide clear communication to users with updated real-time information on incidents. During a major emergency, a TCARES Amateur radio operator will be assigned to the Office of Emergency Services Center and will be able to communicate with GMRS and Amateur radio operators. With real-time information, members can be updated to evacuations and road conditions. The GMRS radios are also programmed so that you can listen to Cal Fire and the Sheriff’s Office so in real-time you will hear if there is an evacuation order initiated.GMRS repeaters have already been used successfully during recent wildfires in Tuolumne County. e rst incident was last summer when a re broke out in a Cedar Ridge/Twain Harte neighborhood. GMRS members were alerted by hearing sirens and hearing Cal Fire Air-Attack ying overhead. Members turned on their radios and were able to listen to real-time information and were able to keep in touch with their neighbors on the situation. e second incident was also last summer when a re broke out in Tuolumne City. Members used the GMRS radio system to keep in touch with others, and throughout the day members updated each other on the status of the re. And a third incident last summer was when a small re started in Groveland and members used the GMRS radio to keep in touch with others and to update each other about the re’s status. GMRS radios are a perfect way for citizens to use a free radio service to keep in touch with each other during an emergency. If you would like more information, you can contact us at TuolumneCounty Our web site is and Tuolumne County GMRS on Facebook.

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MARCH PML NEWS 53Perhaps you spotted a scotcheroos recipe on the side of a Rice Krispies box as early as the 1960s. e dessert is still a staple at sleepovers, potlucks, and bake sales throughout the Midwest, and is one of Paula’s childhood favorites. Most easily described as peanut butter Rice Krispies Treats layered with chocolate and butterscotch… need I say more? INGREDIENTSNonstick vegetable oil spray6 cups puffed rice cereal (such as Rice Krispies)1/2 cup (100 g; packed) dark brown sugar1 cup light corn syrup1-1/2 tsp Kosher salt, divided1-1/3 cups creamy peanut butter1 Tbsp. vanilla extract12 oz. semisweet chocolate chips6 oz. butterscotch chipsFlaky sea salt (optional)DIRECTIONSLightly coat a 13 x 9” baking pan with nonstick vegetable oil spray, then line with parchment paper, leaving generous overhang on the long sides. Place 6 cups pued rice cereal in a large bowl.Cook brown sugar, corn syrup, and 1-1/4 tsp Kosher salt in a small saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring, just until sugar is melted, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat, add peanut butter and vanilla extract, and stir until peanut butter is melted and combined. Immediately pour over pued rice cereal and, working quickly, stir to evenly coat cereal. Scrape into prepared pan and gently press into a at, even layer, taking care not to smash the cereal too much. (Pressing it in too hard can result in dense bars.) Set aside.Microwave chocolate chips, salt, and 6 Tbsp. water in a medium microwave-safe bowl on high power in 15-second bursts, stirring after each, until melted, about 1 minute. Whisk vigorously until smooth and pour over bars and spread into an even layer. Microwave butterscotch chips, remaining 1/4 tsp Kosher salt, and 2 Tbsp. water in another medium microwave-safe bowl on high power in 15-second bursts, stirring after each, until melted, about 1 minute. Whisk vigorously until smooth. Drizzle over chocolate layer in thin streaks. Using a chopstick or thin knife, swirl butterscotch mixture into chocolate layer, being careful not to overmix. Let sit at room temperature at least 6 hours.To serve, sprinkle flaky sea salt over scotcheroos if desired and cut into a 6 x 4 grid to make 24 squares. Store bars tightly wrapped at room temperature, or freeze in resealable plastic freezer bags up to 3 months.OUR COMMUNITYSCOTCHEROOSRECIPE PROVIDED BY PAULA MARTELL AND TOM KNOTHOBITUARYNORMAN EDWARD VOLPONIOCTOBER 7,1932 – FEBRUARY 2, 2025Norman Edward Volponi was born October 7, 1932 in Livermore, California to Edward and Bertha Volponi. He passed away on February 2, 2025 at the age of 92. He resided for 47 years in Livermore where he owned Norm’s Barbershop and e Side Pocket Family Billiard Parlor. He enjoyed hunting, shing and golng. He was a trapshooter and a founding member of the Livermore Pleasanton Rod & Gun Club. He was an outdoor writer and editor for several magazines and newspapers. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War.In 1979 he moved his family to Groveland, California where he bought the Groveland Barbershop and continued enjoying his outdoor pastimes.Norman is survived by his wife of 69 years, Jane Volponi, sons Norman Volponi, Jr. (Rocky) of Big Oak Flat, CA and David Volponi (Sharon) of Groveland, CA, daughter Gina Clemens (Mark) of Valley Springs, CA, and sister Betty Fiorella of Watsonville, CA.. He had six grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. He was a wonderful husband, father and friend.A Celebration of Life is planned for August 24, 2025 at the Norman Volponi Annual Trap Shoot at the Livermore Pleasanton Rod and Gun Club in Livermore, California. A local memorial is pending in Groveland, CA.

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MARCH PML NEWS 55Greetings,As we step into March, we begin to witness the early signs of spring in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The beauty of creation unfolds before us as Bridalveil and Yosemite Falls gain strength, fed THE EYES OF MARCHPASTOR BOB KANDELSby the rain and melting snow at higher elevations. While we anticipate warmer days, we also know that March and early April can still bring snowfall to Groveland and the surrounding areas. This month serves as a bridge, carrying us from the depths of winter into the promise of spring’s renewal. With daylight stretching longer into the evening, we catch glimpses of the brighter days ahead.Hope is much like this changing season—something we hold onto in every stage of life. As we look forward to Easter Sunday on April 20, 2025, we are reminded of the greatest hope of all; the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yet, for those who trust in Him, Easter is not just a day we celebrate—it is a daily reality. We are called to live as Easter people, walking in the light of Christ’s victory over sin and death. The challenge is to keep hope alive, to trust in God’s unfailing love, and to live in the truth of His salvation.Just as baseball fans hold onto hope as spring training begins, we too are invited to place our ultimate hope in something far greater—the love of God, revealed to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Unlike worldly hopes that may fade, God’s love is steadfast and true. It is not merely a wish or a dream, but an unshakable reality. I encourage each of us to seek the Lord and pray, “God, show me how much You love me.” When we sincerely seek Him, He is faithful to answer.If you would like to grow in this hope and faith, I invite you to join one of the Christian churches in Groveland for Sunday worship. At Gateway Community Church, we gather every Sunday at 10:00 AM to worship, learn, and encourage one another in the love of Christ. We would love to have you join us.“6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:6-8/New International Version)May you walk in the assurance of God’s love and the hope of His eternal promises.In Christ’s Service,Pastor Bob Kandels

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MARCH PML NEWS 57HOMEOWNER CHECKLISTCHECK OUT YOUR CONTRACTOR o Did you contact the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) to check the status of the contractor’s license? Connect with CSLB at 800.321.CSLB (2752), or www.Check o Did you get at least three local references from the contractors you are considering? o Did you call the references and personally view the contractor’s completed work? o Does the contractor carry general liability insurance? BUILDING PERMITSo Does your contract state whether you or your contractor will pull necessary building permits before the work starts? o Are the permit fees included in the contract price? THE CONTRACTo Did you read and understand your contract? o Does the three-day right to cancel a contract apply to you? o Does the contract identify when work will begin and end? o Does the contract include a detailed description of the work to be done, the materials to be used, and/or equipment to be installed? o Are you required to make a down payment? (e down payment should never be more than 10 percent of the contract price of $1,000, whichever is less, unless there is a valid blanket performance and payment bond on le with CSLB.)o Is there a schedule of payments? (Only pay as work is completed, not before).o Did your contractor give you a “Notice to Owner” warning notice that describes mechanics liens and how to prevent them? o Do you have changes or additions to your contract? (Remember that all changes must be in writing and signed by both parties to avoid disagreements.) BEFORE YOU BEGIN CONSTRUCTION ON YOUR LOTThe Declaration of Restrictions (CC&Rs) states that no construction of any type (new construction, driveways, grading, lot development, etc.) can be performed without prior approval from the Environmental Control Committee (ECC).Failure to obtain approval could result in the stoppage of work or even fines, and nobody wants that to happen. Inspections are made every Tuesday and reviewed by the Committee every other Thursday, so we can accommodate our members.Please contact ECC before you begin any type of construction at 1-209-962-8605.

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58 MARCH PML NEWSThe following are some “common violations.” Please do your part to maintain a harmonious environment for all to enjoy. Remember: The PML property Owner is held responsible for those they hire.VEHICLE USE:1. Exceeding the posted speed limit2. Driving in a reckless manner3. Following another through an access gate or allowing others to follow you through4. Parking on street (road shoulders OK)PERSONAL CONDUCT:1. Allowing loud music 2. Uttering abusive language or conduct that would be offensive to a reasonable person3. Using the property Owner’s gate card or clickerCONTRACTORS PERFORMING WORK IN PML ARE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW PMLA RULES & REGULATIONSWORK RELATED CONDUCT1. Starting work before 7am or continuing after 7pm2. Allowing dogs at construction sites3. Performing work on Sunday4. Cutting down a tree in excess of 5” without PMLA approval5. Trespassing on neighboring property6. Using neighbors water or electricity without written permission7. Leaving construction signs longer than 5 days after work has been completed8. Nailing signs to trees9. Storing building materials on street or easement10. Beginning exterior construction without PMLA approvalIf you have questions call: The ECC Assistant @ (209) 962-8605 with questions.MOORE BROTHERS PREPAID BAG BINThe bin (dumpster) at the PMLA Maintenance Yard entrance is for the dumping of prepaid, Moore Bros., trash bags ONLY. No dumping of any other trash items are allowed. Violators will face enforcement action. Please help us keep this area clear and ensure that the dumpster can remain in place for our residents use. Thank you!THE PREPAID BAGS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE MAIN GATE AND THE PMLA OFFICE

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MARCH PML NEWS 59PMLA IS HIRINGPMLA is looking for qualified candidates for several job openings. Apply online at www.PineMountainLake.comEXCELLENT TENANTSw/excellent credit and rental history looking for homes to rent. Owner approves tenant before placement. Call Yosemite Region Resorts 209-962-1111WELCOME HOME! This beautiful remodeled home is a terrific opportunity. It has a serene neighborhood with a nice community pool and a lovely greenspace backyard. It has been completely remodeled with new roof, new floors, 2 gorgeous bathrooms, skylight, recessed lights, and modern kitchen with granite countertops and new stainless steel appliances. It is close to downtown Groveland and a chance to live in a lovely and relaxing countryside environment.... but close to town. Leave the rat race and relax in Paradise! Only 25 minutes from Yosemite. Come and view this wonderful home. You won’t be disappointed. Call Chuck or Andrew at: 650 346 4150 or 650 407 9988 (chuckfuery FOR RENT 3-263, 1,800 sq/ft, 3Bd, 2 Bth, 2 Car Garage. Wifi digital antenna, central HVAC, Oven, Range, Microwave, Dishwasher, Disposal, Washer/Dryer, Ceiling fans, wood burning stove, bonus room downstairs with propane stove, AC, Alcove beds, 55” TV. $2,200 Month. 408-690-9154___________________________________HOUSE FOR RENT2 Bd 2Baths House, all appliances, central A/C, wood stove, 1950/mo, May 1 2025. (415) 577-5014HELP WANTEDRENTALS WANTEDHOMES FOR SALEHOMES FOR RENTSERVICESCOMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASECOMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE!18717 Hwy 120, Groveland. Approximately 1600 square feet of building space, located downtown with propane heat, one ADA bathroom perfect for retail, food service, professional ofce, medical etc. Rent $1,650.00 Deposit $1,700.00. Contact agent 650-520-1022RONNING ROOFINGCall Joe for all your Roofing and Gutter needs. Licensed, Bonded, and Insured. License # 976739 209-962-6842_____________________________________HOUSE CLEANINGWe are mature/experienced PML residents. Steve 925-595-3362Carla 925-639-4929.GET YOUR AD SEEN!Place a photo of your item for sale for just $10. Call 1-209-962-0613SAMPLESAMPLECLASSIFIED ADS

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60 MARCH PML NEWSTHE PML NEWS IS NOW DIGITAL!Don’t miss your chance to stay informed and connected with the all-new monthlyPML News Magazine – now delivered electronically!HOW TO SUBSCRIBE:• Scan the QR Code below to sign up instantly.• Visit our official website and Sign up for the PML News Magazine. Be part of the future of PML communication!Subscribe today and never miss an issue.