Message March started BIG!Together for SEND 2025 New Nurture GroupBristol SEND 2025for familiesLook inside for moreSupport for parents of medically complexpre-school aged childrenGet informedFind a FREE event or online webinar...
Give FeedbackIs your child transferring from secondary school toa post-16 institution this year? Do they have an EHCPlan? The deadline for local authorities to reviewand amend EHC Plans for post-16 phase transfersis 31st March. If you haven't received your child'samended EHC Plan by this date, IPSEA have atemplate letter you can use to write to your localauthority. Click HERE for more information.More InfoBristol SEND Parent CarerForum updatesMarch 2025for familiesNot yet a member of Bristol ParentCarers? Join HERE for free!Navigation & NurtureSupport GroupMurmuration Community Therapyhave launched a support group forparents and carers of medicallycomplex children aged 0-5. Earlysupport and intervention canmake a huge difference to familyoutcomes. Click HERE for moreinformation and please share!Over January and February we held listening eventscovering EHCPs, Childcare and the Young Adults TransitionService (YATS) in Bristol. Parents, carers and practitionersshared their views and experiences, with a common themebeing the need for clearer communications and processesfor EHCPs and YATS, and a need for more specialised andinclusive SEND childcare options across the city. We will befeeding back to Bristol City Council in order to shape futureservices and improve accessibility. Updates on our listening events that takeyour experiences and shape local services...We did it! And we couldn’t havedone it without you Our annual event, Together forSEND 2025, hosting 30 talks andworkshops and 50 exhibitors was attended by over 500 parent carers and practitioners. A massive thank you to those whoattended. As ever we want whatwe do to benefit YOU... We wouldlove to hear your feedback on theevent so we can make next yearsbetter than ever!Spring is finally here! March is host to the national Neurodiversity CelebrationWeek - click the link to see what's happening near you. Read on for moresupport, information and opportunities to get connected to your community.Post-16 phase transfersSpectrum Gaming have created thewebsite Autism Understood for autisticyoung people, parents and practitioners.Co-produced with autistic young people,it insightfully explains autism, includingdifferences in health, wellbeing andeducation. More details here.New Website: AutismUnderstoodSOS!SEN can give advice to youngpeople with SEND and theirfamilies. They are now hostingdrop in sessions in Bristol. Thenext session is Tuesday 18thMarch 10-12 at The Vassal Centre,BS16 2QQ. SOS!SEN
click for moreFree support sessionsJoin us for free information and support sessions covering a variety of topics both in-person and online, run by parents for parents. No diagnosis is needed, this is a supportive space to connect, share experiences andgain practical advice. Or you can just hang out with your camera off and not join in atall, there are no expectations from us.Click the image below or visit: