THE CASA CHRONICLEIssue No.14| MARCH 2024CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY “Each time awoman stands upfor herself, withoutknowing itpossibly, withoutclaiming it, shestands up for allwomen.”— Maya Angelou
CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear CASA Families:I hope this message finds you all ingood health and high spirits as wewelcome the month of March. As weenter the final stretch of the schoolyear, I am filled with pride andgratitude for the dedication and hardwork of our students and staff.March is a month of transition andgrowth, both academically andpersonally. It is a time to reflect on ourachievements so far and set new goalsfor the remainder of the school year. Iencourage each of you to stay focused,motivated, and determined to finishthe year strong.As we navigate through the challengesand opportunities that March brings,let us continue to support and upliftone another as a school community.Together, we can achieve great thingsand create a positive and enrichingenvironment for all.Thank you for your continued supportand commitment to our school'smission and values. Let's make Marcha month to remember!Thank you,Ms Wauchope“WOMEN, IF THE SOUL OF THE NATION IS TOBE SAVED, I BELIEVE YOU MUST BECOME ITSSOUL.”— CORETTA SCOTT KING
THE CASACHRONICLEMARCH 2024Women's "Herstory" MonthNational Reading MonthMARCH MONTHLY OBSERVANCESVirtual Parent-Teacher ConferencesEvening: Thurs., 3/21, 6:00pm - 8:30pmAfternoon: Fri., 3/22, 12:35pm - 2:35pmOur LearningUpcoming EventsAfter School Clubs: Mon. - Thurs.Check the CASA Calendar for details.ENL SupportEnglish Language Learners can get assistance in all subjectareas every Tuesday through Thursday from 3:05-4:05pmin Room G2.Scan the QR code below forthe MARCH 2024 CASAcalendar. Wednesday, March 8, 2023National Music in Our Schools MonthNational Nutrition MonthNational Optimism MonthSt. Patrick's Day - Sun., 3/17 Math TutoringTuesday, Wednesday, Friday - Period 4, Rm. G1AReport Card Distribution - Fri. 3/22PSAT Day - Wed., 3/20Grades 10 & 11Women's Afternoon Tea EventWed., 3/27, 12:00pm - 3:00PM Ramadan Begins - Mon., 3/11 Smile NYC - Tue., 3/19 - 9am - 2pm LibraryEnd of Marking Period - Fri., 3/15
Don't Forget To Change Your ClockSpring ForwardSpring Forward+1 hourSunday, March 10, 2024 Sunday, March 10, 2024 DST was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784as a way to save candles. However, it wasn't widelyadopted until World War I, when several countriesimplemented it to conserve fuel. Interestingly, not allcountries observe DST, and those that do may startand end it on different dates, leading to occasionalconfusion for travelers and businesses operatingacross borders.
EASYEASYEASYEATS!EATS!EATS!SNACKSNACKDRIVEDRIVEW e a r e c o n t i n u i n g o u r c o m m u n i t y p a n t r y f o r o u r k i d s .W i t h y o u r h e l p , w e w i l l b a g s n a c k s t o b e p i c k e d u p 3t i m e s a w e e k f r o m d i f f e r e n t l o c a t i o n s . Y o u rc o n t i n u e d s u p p o r t a n d d o n a t i o n s w i l l c o n t i n u e t ok e e p t h i s r u n n i n g . Y o u c a n d r o p a l l d o n a t i o n s o f f t oM s . S t e i n i n t h e m a i n o f f i c e . T h e d a y s t h a t s t u d e n t sc a n p i c k u p s n a c k s w i l l b e p o s t e d a r o u n d t h e s c h o o l .G R A N O L A B A R S , C H I P S , P E A N U T B U T T E R A N D J E L L Y , P O P C O R N ,C R A C K E R S W I T H O R W I T H O U T C H E E S E , C H E E Z E - I T S , P U D D I N G ,M U F F I N S , P I E S , D E B B I E C A K E S , G R A H A M C R A C K E R S , T R A I L M I X ,A P P L E S A U C E , F R U I T P O U C H , H E A L T H Y C O O K I E S , G O L D F I S H , P O PT A R T S , O R A N Y T H I N G T H A T Y O U M A Y H A V E A T H O M E F O R AS N A C K B A S E D P A N T R Y . F O R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N , P L E A S EC O N T A C T S S T E I N 7 @ S C H O O L S . N Y C . G O VFOR MOREINFORMATION CONTACTMS. STEIN INROOM G21AHELLO ALL: 4
C Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SCONGRATULATIONS!!!G R A D E 1 2 - K E V I N X I A O G R A D E 1 1 - R I Q U E L M I C A M I L O G R A D E 1 0 - D A N A E I S H E HG R A D E 9 - A V E R Y E S P I N O Z A
In honor of Women's History Month, wewould like to celebrate the women ofCyberarts Studio Academy who touch thelives of students daily. Ms. White4Ms. MotaMs. WhiteMs. MoralesMs. Forde
“I raise up my voice — not so I can shout but so that those without avoice can be heard... we cannot succeed when half of us are heldback.”— Malala Yousafzai
10 BOOKS TO READOR DOCUMENTARIESTO WATCH11..10 BOOKS TO READOR DOCUMENTARIESTO WATCH1.EMBRACE DIVERSITY I AM MALALA BY MALALAYOUSAFZAI:The Multicultural Tapestry of Women's History MonthThe Multicultural Tapestry of Women's History MonthAs Women's History Monthunfolds, we embark on a journeyto celebrate the rich tapestry ofexperiences of women fromdifferent cultures andbackgrounds. Beyond the beatenpaths of history lie stories ofresilience, leadership andcreativity that illuminate thediverse contributions of womenaround the world. This March, let'sdelve into the multiculturalaspects of Women's HistoryMonth, honoring the oftenoverlooked heroines who haveshaped our world.Immerse yourself in theextraordinary story of MalalaYousafzai, a Pakistani activistfor women's education andthe youngest Nobel Prizewinner, whose advocacy hasresonated around the world.
Half the Sky: TurningOppression intoOpportunity for WomenWorldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof andSheryl WuDunnCeremony by Leslie Marmon SilkoMaya Angelou: And Still IRise (Documentary) (2016)Americanah Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieExplore the global strugglefor women's rights throughthe lens of individualstories, shedding light onthe challenges andtriumphs of women aroundthe world.But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasureand praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of thesystem, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth,the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoidspleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know howto pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences.Girl Rising (Documentary) (2013)Witness the power of education in transforming thelives of girls around the world, showcasing theresilience and determination of young women strivingfor a better future.10 BOOKS TO READ OR DOCUMENTARIES TOWATCH11..10 BOOKS TO READ OR DOCUMENTARIES TOWATCH1.Celebrate the life and legacy of Maya Angelou, aninfluential African American writer and civil rightsactivist, whose words continue to inspiregenerations.Experience the powerfulstorytelling of NativeAmerican author LeslieMarmon Silko, whosenovel "Ceremony" weavestogether traditional storiesand contemporary issuesfaced by NativeAmericans.Americanah is a compellingnovel following Ifemelu, aNigerian woman who moves tothe United States for college.The book explores themes ofrace, identity, and love asIfemelu navigates life inAmerica. Through her story,readers are invited to reflecton the immigrant experienceand the search for personaland cultural identity.
The Poet X by Elizabeth AcevedoThe Diary of Frida Kahlo: An IntimateSelf-Portrait" by Frida Kahlo:Interpreter of Maladiesby Jhumpa LahiriExplore the global struggle for women'srights through the lens of individualstories, shedding light on the challengesand triumphs of women around the world.Immerse yourself in the private thoughts and art ofFrida Kahlo, a pioneering Mexican artist whosework challenged societal norms and redefinedbeauty.10 BOOKS TO READ OR DOCUMENTARIES TOWATCH11..10 BOOKS TO READ OR DOCUMENTARIES TOWATCH1.My Beloved World by Sonia SotomayorFollow the journey of a DominicanAmerican teenager finding her voicethrough slam poetry, navigating issuesof identity, family, and religion.Delight in acollection of shortstories thatexplore the livesof Indianimmigrants andtheir experiencesof love, loss, andidentity inAmerica.
WomenWomen we are, women we will forever be. Women sogracious and phenomenallyOvercoming obstacles day in and day out. We wearour Superwoman capes so effortlesslyMay everyday feel like us women make history. Byjust being who we are consistentlyEmbrace and be kind to one another. Setting forthexamples to younger women how a mature andrespectable woman should be.Never let anyone deter you from being true to whoyou are. Living life filled with love, peace andgenuinity.HAPPY WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTHMS.ROGERS
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Ways to Celebrate with Friends:Outdoor Picnic: Gather your friends fora picnic in a park or garden tocelebrate the arrival of spring. Bringalong some seasonal fruits andvegetables, and enjoy the fresh air andsunshine.1.Spring Cleaning Party: Organize aspring cleaning party with friends todeclutter and freshen up your livingspace. Play some upbeat music, andmake it a fun and productive daytogether.2.Plant a Garden: Start a garden withfriends and plant some flowers, herbs,or vegetables. It's a great way toconnect with nature and celebrate theseason of growth.3.Nature Walk: Take a nature walk withfriends to observe the signs of spring,such as budding flowers and chirpingbirds. It's a peaceful way to connectwith the natural world and appreciatethe changing seasons.4.Yoga or Meditation: Practice yoga ormeditation outdoors with friends towelcome the energy of spring. It's acalming and rejuvenating way tocelebrate the Equinox.5.Crafting Session: Get creative withfriends and make some spring-themed crafts, such as flower crownsor painted eggs. It's a fun way toexpress your creativity and celebratethe season.6.Festival or Event: Attend a local springfestival or event with friends toimmerse yourself in the spirit of theseason. Look for events that celebratenature, art, or community.7.The Spring Equinox is a time of newbeginnings and growth, making it theperfect opportunity to celebrate withfriends. Whether you prefer a livelygathering or a peaceful moment innature, there are plenty of ways to markthis special time of year. So gather yourfriends, embrace the season, andcelebrate the beauty of spring!EMBRACING THEEQUINOX:CELEBRATINGSPRING'S ARRIVALWITH FRIENDSIT’SSPRINGAGAIN!Significance of the Spring Equinox:The Spring Equinox, also known as the VernalEquinox, is one of two points in the yearwhen day and night are approximately equalin length. This balance of light and darknesssymbolizes a time of harmony andequilibrium. In many cultures, the SpringEquinox is celebrated as a time of renewal,fertility, and growth. It marks the end ofwinter and the beginning of the warmer,brighter days of spring.
On March 31, 1878, boxing pioneer Jack Johnson was born inGalveston, Texas. He made history as the first African Americanheavyweight boxing champion from 1908 to 1915. Johnson's careerwas marked by his exceptional skill and his defiance of racial barriers,making him a symbol of courage and resilience.
CASA CREATESCASA ARTS INACTIONIN THIS ISSUE: MARCH.2024Juan Avila“Metamorphosis”Digital Photography, 11th Grade“I PAINT MY OWN REALITY. THEONLY THING I KNOW IS THAT IPAINT BECAUSE I NEED TO, AND IPAINT WHATEVER PASSESTHROUGH MY HEAD WITHOUTANY OTHER CONSIDERATION.”FRIDA KAHLO Immerse yourself in the vibrant creativity of ourstudent artists with a diverse range of projects ondisplay. "The Alien Worlds," a captivating exhibitioncreated by talented 9th Grade Intro to Designstudents, offers a glimpse into fantastical realms andotherworldly landscapes, with the notable addition of10th Grader Dahina Assad's unique perspective.Meanwhile, the thought-provoking "Shopping Bags,"skillfully crafted by 10th-grade students from AP-Art &Design, showcase a blend of artistic prowess andenvironmental consciousness. Additionally, don't missthe Grade 11 showcase titled "Street Poetry is MyEveryday," a project based on the street photographyunit. This unit allows students to explore the richhistory and characteristics of street photography,experimenting with composition, lighting, and anglesto capture the essence of everyday life in publicspaces. Join us in celebrating the talent and creativityof our student artists!
P H O T O B YD I E G O M E J I A B E R N A L1 1 T H G R A D E
P H O T O B YH A D I J A A L A B S I 1 1 T H G R A D E
P H O T O B YE V E L Y N D I S H U P A U C A R1 1 T H G R A D E
P H O T O B YT E O S A L A Z A R 1 1 T H G R A D E
P H O T O B YE V E L Y N D I S H U P A U C A R1 1 T H G R A D E
Antonio Marco MezaBrayan LuceroPablo Cali CutzalMelvin Torres RodriguezMayre GarciaOscar Garcia RodriguezSherly Vidal GuamanSergio Churunel BocelSebastian BreviMarch Birthdays
March BirthdaysKieran Marchese ReillyYeliani RodriguezSamir YusufovBrayan MirandaMason AdamsFabiano Andre CruzVictoria SanchezCharlie Gonzaga Campos
March BirthdaysDeja HoldermanCaliph BlandNafiul HossainNurim IraslievaSyed FarhanDorian PariscaSanchez Luisa CastilloVanessa MaldonadoMelissa Weinberg
NYSELAT SPEAKING EXAM ENL STUDENTS ONLY TEST DATE WINDOW: APRIL 15TH - MAY 24TH MAKE-UP DATE: If student missed scheduled appointment, they will be pulled to take it within the window. AP EXAMS AP Human Geography Tuesday, May 7th ,9AM AP Literature and Composition Wednesday, May 8th , 9AM AP Art and Design Friday, May 10TH (8 p.m. deadline) AP Spanish Language and Culture Thursday, May 16th , 9am PSAT (IN SCHOOL EXAM) 10th Graders ONLY TEST DATE: March 20, 2024 MAKE-UP DATE: March 27, 2024 ALGEBRA REGENT EXAM JUNE 4TH , 9:15 am SAT (IN SCHOOL EXAM) 11th Graders Only TEST DATE: April 4, 2024MAKE-UP DATE: April 17, 2024 NYSELAT LISTENING, READING, & WRITING EXAM ENL STUDENTS ONLY TEST DATE WINDOW: MAY 13TH – 24TH MAKE-UP DATE: If student missed scheduled appointment, they will be pulled to take it within the window. REGENT MOCK EXAMS MAY 2ND & 3RD END OF YEAR MAP GROWTH EXAM MAY 2ND & 3RD
VIRTUAL SAT PREP B EL O W Y O U WI L L F I N D T H E Z O O M I N F O R M A T IO N F O R T HE S A T P R EPB EG I N N I N G TH I S S A T U RD A Y , M A R CH 9 T H .EVERY SATURDAY IN MARCHMar 9, 2024 12:00 PM Mar 16, 2024 12:00 PM Mar 23, 2024 12:00 PM Mar 30, 2024 12:00 PM
From Kaplan.comTo triage the test effectively, do the following:First, work through all the easy questions that you can doquickly. Skip questions that are hard or time-consumingFor the Reading and Writing & Language Tests, start withthe passage you find most manageable and work towardthe one you find most challenging. You do not need to go inorderSecond, work through the questions that are doable buttime-consumingThird, work through the hard questionsIf you run out of time, pick a Letter of the Day for theremaining questionsA Letter of the Day is an answer choice letter (A, B, C, or D) that youchoose before Test Day to select for questions you guess on.1) PSAT TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES: TRIAGING THE TEST2) PSAT TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES:ELIMINATION FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS3) PSAT TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES: GUESSINGEven though there is no wrong-answer penalty on thePSAT, Elimination is still a crucial strategy. If you candetermine that one or more answer choices are definitelyincorrect, you can increase your chances of getting theright answer by paring the selection down.To eliminate answer choices, do the following:Read each answer choiceCross out the answer choices that are incorrectRemember: There is no wrong-answer penalty, so takeyour best guessEach question on the PSAT has four answer choices and nowrong-answer penalty. That means if you have no idea how toapproach a question, you have a 25 percent chance ofrandomly choosing the correct answer. Even though there’s a75 percent chance of selecting the incorrect answer, you won’tlose any points for doing so.The worst that can happen on the PSAT is that you’ll earn zeropoints on a question, which means you should always at leasttake a guess, even when you have no idea what to do.When guessing on a question, do the following:Always try to strategically eliminate answer choices beforeguessingIf you run out of time, or have no idea what a question isasking, pick a Letter of the DayPSAT DAYMARCH 20, 2024
SAT DAYApril 4, 2024 As students across the nationprepare for the SAT and PSAT, theChronicle is sharing a few helpfultips from the Princeton Reviewand Kaplan sites to help youprepare for testing day. From the Princeton Review
Cyberarts Studio Academy Valrie Wauchope, Principal,cDawood Abdul-Hameed, Assistant Principal Alyson Forde, Assistant Principal 237 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel # (718) 832-4201Fax #: (718) 832-0273 Our community of learners will think and act critically, ethically and responsibly in order to ensure that they are college and career ready. STUDENT OFF CAMPUS LUNCH 90% Attendance criteria - What You Should Know Off Campus lunch is a privilege granted to students whose cumulative dailyattendance is 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts permonth. Month/Semester Number of Days in Month September 16 October 21 November 19 December 16 January 16 FALL SEMESTER February 16 March 20 April 13 May 22 June 14 SPRING SEMESTER Number ofAbsencesPermitted 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 2 0 18 Number ofCumulativeAbsencesPermitted 2 4 6 8 9 9 9 11 13 15 18 18 Number ofSubject PeriodsCuts Permitted 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 25 Number ofCumulative CutsPer Monthpermitted 5 10 15 20 25 25 5 10 15 20 20 20 1. Students must have their parents sign the Off Campus Lunch Permission form. 2. Students must have daily attendance of 90% or better and have 5 or less subject class period cuts per month. 3. Off Campus lunch is scheduled during period 5 between 11:25am – 12:10pm. 4. Each student that is eligible for Off Campus lunch will have a sticker placed on the back of their student ID. 5. Students must return to the campus at 12:10pm or earlier. Failure to return to school on time can result in termination of privileges. 6. Students must provide documentation for excused absences such as medical notes, court notes, funerals if their attendances falls below 90% for consideration to restore Off Campus Lunch.
@ C Y B E R A R T S H S B K
We would especially like tothank Ms. Wauchope, Ms.Forde, Ms. G. Harris, Ms. Monroe, Mr. Morton, Ms. Rogers, andMs. Stein for theircontributions to this issue ofthe Chronicle. ReadingEDITOR-IN-CHIEFMS. K. HARRIS