F R E E March 2023 K Ds C O V E R S P O NS O R E D B Y National Down Syndrome Day March 21
J U L I E VA S Q U E Z PUBLISHER GRAPHIC SouthernIdahoKids ARTIST ADVERTISING julie southernidahokids com southernidahokids www southernidahokids com S H A W N E E B U RT ON THE COVER Ryan Honas of Twin Falls HI I M ROCKY COMMUNITY EVENT SPECIALIST shawnee southernidahokids com AND I M RUBY Did you know Idaho is nicknamed the Gem State More than 72 different types of gemstones are found here We are hidden gems and will be hiding around the pages of the magazine each month COME FIND US KRISTEN FRANCOM EDITOR Southern Idaho Kids is a subsidiary of Limelight Design Reproduction without written permission of the publisher is prohibited Submitted editorial content or advertisements are not necessarily endorsed by or representative of the views of Southern Idaho Kids Southern Idaho Kids is not responsible for the reliability or timeliness of any content submitted Southern Idaho Kids is printed and distributed monthly 2023 Southern Idaho Kids All rights reserved The Idaho Shop 1 2 Page Horizontal shop 2 LOCAL ONLINE IDAHO OUTFITTER F O R T H E W H O L E F A M I LY W W W T H E I D A H O S H O P C O M www southernidahokids com FOLLOW US FOR NEW RELEASES AND GIVEAWAYS
BEING INCLUSIVE Making Room for Everyone Everyone in the world is born with different personalities and traits We are all unique and that is something to celebrate Sometimes we get uncomfortable when we are around someone who is different than us Those feelings are normal but it s important to not turn away from these people We can learn about who they are and their experiences by talking with them and including them in our conversations and activities When you do this you are being inclusive Here s a fun way you can practice being better at being inclusive and inviting to others Give yourself each thing you do and try to get 5 points or more this month 1 point for Talk to someone new at recess Read a book about people from a different country Find someone at your school who is different than you and ask them about themselves Ask your teacher who might need a new friend then reach out to them and ask them to play Stand up for someone who is being bullied Give a compliment to someone Introduce yourself to someone new Sit by someone at lunch who you don t normally sit by Invite a new friend to play at your house Empathize with someone that means that you try to see and feel things from their perspective Play a new activity at recess and see if that helps you meet new friends Help someone who is struggling with their schoolwork Garbage Bin Cleaning Bin Bath 1 8 Page Horizontal Commercial Residential Pressure Washing locally owned operated One Time Monthly or Quarterly Cleanings thebinbath com 208 731 0601 Epic Shine 1 8 Page Horizontal UNLIMITED MEMBERSHIPS STARTING AT 20 MO MULTI CAR VETERAN DISCOUNTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 221 POLE LINE RD E TWIN FALLS WWW EPICSH INE COM March 2023 3
SPRING BREAK IDEAS Spring Break ROAD TRIP IDEAS CLOSE TO HOME IDAHO EP O X Y COATINGS FOR GARAGES PATIOS AND WALKWAYS We re here Dr Hansen Jimmy Roberts two pediatric providers known for 25 YEAR WA R R A N T Y Armor Flooring 1 4 Page Vertical quality are now seeing patients at Aeris Pediatrics a brand new pediatric practice in Twin Falls Come meet our AMAZING Aeris Peds 1 4 Page Vertical pediatric team for highquality personalized care New patients welcome Call us today at 208 391 5952 Visit or contact us MENTION THIS AD FOR 10 OFF ARMOR FLOORING IDAHO 208 585 7249 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE W W W A R M O R F L O O R I N G I D A H O C O M 4 www southernidahokids com aerispediatrics Aeris Pediatrics Facebook 706 N College Rd Twin Falls ID 83301 aerispediatrics com
SPRING BREAK IDEAS MAGIC VALLEY SURROUNDING AREA Skateland Twin Falls Fishing Hands On Pottery Studio Twin Falls CSI Challenge Course Twin Falls Zipline in the canyon Twin Falls Twin Falls City Pool Twin Falls Bike at Auger Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Visitor Center Twin Falls Skate parks Harmon Park in Twin Falls and Jerome City Park 1000 Springs Hagerman Kayaking Miracle Hot Springs Hagerman Bowling Laser Mania Twin Falls Picnic at a park Jump Time Trampoline Park Twin Falls Axe throwing at Bearded Axe Twin Falls Disc Golf courses throughout the Magic Valley Walk the Canyon Rim Trail Twin Falls Mary Alice Park weather permitting Twin Falls Orton Botanical Gardens Twin Falls Evel Knievel Jump Site Twin Falls Go on a hike see our online hiking guide for trails Anderson Camp Eden Gemstone Climbing Twin Falls Balanced Rock Castleford Herrett Center Museum Twin Falls Niagara Springs Park Wendell Go see a movie Thousand Springs Ritter Island Hagerman Go golfing outdoors or indoors at Golf In Twin Falls Box Canyon Wendell Ski at Magic Mountain South Hills Minidoka Internment Camp Jerome County SCAN CODE TO GET 3 FREE DAYS AT GOLDS GYM THEIR KIDS KLUB Twin Falls Derm 1 4 Page Vertical Golds Gym 1 4 Page Vertical 2 4 H O U R FA C I L I T Y POOL SAUNA HOT TUB GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES RACQUETBALL LARGEST EQUIPMENT S E L E C T I O N I N T W I N FA L L S GOLDS GYM 1471 FILLMORE ST IN TWIN FALLS 2 0 8 733 4653 March 2023 5
SPRING BREAK IDEAS BURLEY RUPERT AREA BOISE AREA Arcadia Arcade Burley Bruneau Sand Dunes Mtn Home Storybook Park Burley Discovery Center of Idaho Boise Skiing at Pomerelle Mountain Albion Zoo Boise Julia Davis Park Boise Lake Walcott Park Rupert Katherine Albertson Park Boise City of Rocks Castle Rocks South of Oakley Idaho Penitentiary Boise World Center for Birds of Prey Boise WOODRIVER AREA Eagle Island Lucky Peak State Parks Boise Shoshone Ice Caves Mammoth Caves Shoshone Idaho Reptile Zoo Boise Craters of the Moon Malta Wahooz Meridian Black Magic Canyon Shoshone Wood River Community YMCA JUMP Urban Meeting Place Boise Ketchum Ice Skating Sun Valley Skiing at Sun Valley resorts Onyx 1 4 Page Vertical 6 www southernidahokids com Children s Museum of Idaho Meridian Idaho Botanical Gardens Boise Idaho State Museum Boise MV Cancer 1 4 Page Vertical
SPRING BREAK IDEAS EASTERN IDAHO Museum of Idaho Idaho Falls Massacre Rocks American Falls Idaho Falls Zoo at Tautphaus Park Museum of Clean Pocatello Kids Town Ammon Outer Limits Fun Zone Pocatello East Idaho Aquarium Idaho Falls Idaho Museum of Natural History Pocatello ARTitorium on Broadway Idaho Falls Zoo Idaho Pocatello Funland Idaho Falls My World Discovery Museum Heise Hot Springs Ririe O K Ward Park Brooklyn s Playground Pocatello Farnsworth TV Pioneer Museum Rigby Geronimo s Trampoline Park Pocatello Fat Cats Rexburg Deleta Skating and Family Fun Center Pocatello St Anthony Sand Dunes St Anthony Idaho Museum of Natural History Pocatello Lava Hot Springs South of Pocatello Idaho Potato Museum Blackfoot Blast Off Family Fun Center Idaho Falls Idaho Dept of Transportation 1 4 Page Vertical Smart Mouth 1 4 Page Vertical https shift idaho org child passenger safety March 2023 7
Gemstone Full Bleed VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www gemstoneclimbing rocks OR COME SEE US AT 8 135 5th Ave S in Twin Falls www southernidahokids com
Gemstone Full Bleed VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www gemstoneclimbing rocks OR COME SEE US AT arch 2023 135 5th Ave S in Twin MFalls 9
LOCAL AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Amber Bajema Author of Maddie s Colors Amber was inspired to write Maddie s Colors by both engaging in and listening to conversations regarding race and equality over the years Amber has spent time on medical teams caring for orphans in India and Tanzania as well as spending time at an orphanage in Honduras She also serves on the board for TOUCO which is a non profit orphanage in Tanzania No matter your background Amber believes your life deserves respect and kindness Furthermore she believes inspiring respect and kindness towards others is vital and she hopes that Maddie s Colors will do that for you and your child Amber believes that each of us has the power to influence others for good and finds the concept of the ripple effect empowering because even a small stone dropped into a body of water causes a gentle far reaching impact Amber hopes that through Maddie s Colors she will drop a stone into the consciousness of humanity that will facilitate kind thoughtful discussions regarding respect equality and inclusion Here s to the small stones we can all continue to drop together Originally from Spokane Amber Bajema now lives in Boise with her partner Amber is open to sharing more about her inspiration behind the book and how she hopes it can continue to bring people together within communities both near and far which is why we wanted to highlight her in the Southern Idaho Kids Magazine Amber and her partner Ronald Se Ha bla Esp a o Smiles 4 Kids 1 2 Page Horizontal 208 734 7415 1411 Falls Ave E 1000C Twin Falls www smiles4kidsidaho com A l l i n s u r a n c e s w e l c o m e i n cl u d i n g M e d i c a i d N o r e f e r r a l s n e e d e d Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentists 10 www southernidahokids com l
LOCAL AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT W E LC O ME T O M AD D I E S W O R L D Through her love of painting and beautiful colors Maddie invites you and your child into a kind thoughtful discussion on skin tone that highlights the refreshing reality that we are all people of color who deserve inclusion connection and respect This book aims to drop a ripple effect stone into the consciousness of humanity that will facilitate kind thoughtful discussions regarding respect equality and inclusion Available to purchase at Barnes and Noble Target Amazon and BookBaby HONEST ON TIME O N BU D G E T Aim High 1 4 Page Vertical Black Dragon Games 1 4 Page Vertical PROFESSIONAL EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES 208 329 4037 www aimhighpainting com March 2023 11
COMMUNITY ARTICLE School districts may use discretionary funds to pay for a variety of necessities such as security or student mental health services Providing for Public Schools Where Does the Money Come From With nearly 90 percent of children in Idaho attending public schools one might ask how do we pay for it all Most public school districts receive funds in a similar fashion Here are the main funding sources districts utilize to provide education and the educational environment in our community 1 2 State Funding The majority of public school funding comes from the state level These funds are generated through sales tax and dispersed based on allocations made in the legislature Some of the funds have designated purposes like those that must be used to pay teacher salaries while others are discretionary Kool Minds 1 4 Page Vertical Local Property Tax School districts have the ability to levy property taxes to help support education in their school system Each type of levy has different rules attached to how it can be used and at what frequency it must be approved by the community Supplemental Levies The vast majority of school districts in Idaho use supplemental levies These levies must be approved by the community every two years and must receive a simple majority over 50 percent to pass These funds can be used for anything the district designates during the election process Often these funds are used for general operating expenses such as increasing pay for classified staff members like cooks Summit Dental NO DENTAL INSURANCE 1 4 Page Vertical We now have a savings plan for the whole family call us for details 208 733 9999 285 Canyon Crest Drive Twin Falls ID www koolminds com 12 www southernidahokids com www summitdentalsmiles com
COMMUNITY ARTICLE custodians secretaries and teachers aids This levy is a set amount each year so the rate fluctuates as property values change ensuring that the district doesn t overcollect Bond Levies Bond levies can only be used to complete capital projects like building or renovating schools These levies must receive a supermajority two thirds in favor Because there are no state funds designated for building projects nearly all school districts in Idaho use bond levies to construct new buildings Districts collect a set amount each year to pay for construction costs and are not allowed to collect additional funds as property values increase last for ten years Like the supplemental and bond levies this levy is a set amount each year Tort and Emergency Levies These types of levies do not require a vote and are typically small amounts The tort levy is automatically levied to pay for liability insurance The emergency levy can be utilized by school districts that are experiencing growth in their student population Districts can only levy specific amounts based on how many new students they have Federal Funding School districts across the state receive federal funding to support specific purposes like English language learners homeless students and at risk students These funds must be used for specific purposes and often have stringent rules about how they can be spent Plant Facilities Levies These levies are less common throughout the state but are still utilized by many districts Plant facilities levies fund building maintenance and can sometimes fund renovations or technology enhancements The percentage at which these levies must pass depends on the amount being levied Plant facilities levies Eva Craner Public Relations Director Twin Falls School District CSI 1 4 Page Vertical Frontier Peds 1 4 Page Vertical March 2023 13
COMMUNITY ARTICLE Rainbow Science How are rainbows formed In short light from the sun is scattered by water droplets rain or fog through a process called refraction Refraction occurs when the light from the sun changes direction when passing through a medium denser than air such as a raindrop Mirror rainbow Red often bends the least so it appears on the top of the rainbow while violet bends the most and ends up on the bottom Which means all the other colors show up in between Start by filling a bowl with water and placing a mirror propped up on one side in the bowl Keep part of the mirror out of the water while the other part is submerged in the water When we see a rainbow in the sky it is usually when the sun is behind us and it is shining through millions of tiny raindrops floating in the sky all of which are bending the light and projecting the rainbow Place the mirror in the bowl towards a window with the sunlight shining in early morning and late evening work best Move the mirror around until the light directly hits it Let s discover three ways to create our own rainbow at home Watch for your rainbow on a wall the ceiling or grab a white piece of paper to catch your rainbow on dre h hing com dre healthcoach spicetreecoaching com SPICE TREE HEALTH AND HABIT COACHING SPICE TREE HEALTH AND HABIT COACHING H a b iKICKSTART t Kickstart HABIT Spice Tree 1 2 Page MoneyFit Horizontal M o n e y F iTRAINING t Training MONEYFIT Through this program we identify the Through this program we identify the right tools right tools for you to get rid of the for you to get rid of the habits that leave you habits that leave you feeling stuck a r thabits that propel you upward Work your money instead of being Work your money instead of being worked to worked to the bone Create resiliency the bone Create resiliency in your personal in your personal finances and level up feeling stuck and then arm you with the right all areas of your life Leave this proud every pthis r o gprogram r a m f efeeling eling p r oof ud o f dollar e v e rspent y dollar s saved p e n t and s a earned ved and earned r o g rw a me incl g r a mPCRAVE80 iudd ees n t i f y t h e ESSENTIALS 12 weekly sessions of private coaching Introduction into the way of eating and living ho r o u gg h et a s y sitd e m otf hat t h w oe rksy o u tt r You iwhere n c l uhealth d i n g is achieved c u rthrough a t e d your icraves nform ation eat for forgive yourself when slearn cu h eto du lf eright se ae nd mion r eg e yo lyou stuck you don t and know how to look toward your 14 s of private coaching Work your money in 12 w w ee k lr y k sCOACHING es o n sSESSIONS r i vt at c o aAND cb h io n gn e ALL PRIVATE 45 MINUTES o es id to fop ARE he e t h rOVER o u gTHE h PHONE a SCHEDULED s y s t e mFOR THE t hSAME a t TIME worksTHE SAME A WEEKLY BASIS i n ciAND ln u dON i ny g o cu ar t eON dp ie n fr o rs mo a tOTHER in o na l t i p sf inan urDAY WILL s c hACCOMMODATIONS edules and m o rBE e CONSIDERED all areas of your Program includes best life with the right habits Crave80 Essentials p w a rI ndt r Co dOu Nc tTi oAnC Ti n tMo Et hTeO wGa yE To fS Te aAtRi nTg E D and living where health is achieved through your craves You learn to eat right for you forgive yourself when you don t and know how to look www southernidahokids toward your best life Traini finances and level up all areas of your life Leave and then arm you with the right habits that propel you upward Want to do them all program feeling proud T hs r op u ge h ntt h e s r ia g hv t e sd y s t e a m sn d rige h ta r n e DM R S P I C E T R E E G M A I L C O M e E t o o support and right accountability through any of these programs and experience growth like never before Journey through all of them c oj omu r n e y Program includes
COMMUNITY ARTICLE CD rainbow Glass of water rainbow Fill a glass with water then shine a flashlight or very direct sunlight from a window through the water in the glass and watch your rainbow appear It s as simple as holding a cd up to a light and you will see a rainbow on the cd Or you could catch the light through a window with the sun and reflect the rainbow onto the wall The reason why a rainbow appears is because there are tiny ridges in the surface of the CD that are reflecting the light in different directions MAGIC VALLEY S INDOOR GOLF CENTER Golf In TOURNAMENTS1 2 Page Horizontal LESSONS LEAGUES YOUTH LADIES MENS SIMULATED COURSES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD WHETHER COMING AS PRACTICE TRAINING OR PLAY GOLF IN CAN HELP YOU Visit www idgolfin com to schedule a time and learn more 1 6 1 2 n d A v e N i n Tw i n F a l l s 4 3 5 7 2 0 1 1 4 4 March 2023 15
sponsored by CALENDAR OF EVENTS STORYTIMES Children s clear vision M O N D AY S pediatric eyecare vision therapy Stem Make It Monday Toddler Time Twin Falls Public Library Mondays Thursdays 10 30 AM 3 45 PM Jerome Public Library F R I D AY S Join the library for a free STEM activity each week 4 00 PM 6 00 PM Jerome Public Library Dungeons and Dragons Storytime at Duck Donuts Duck Donuts in Twin Falls Tuesdays March 14 28 10 30 AM A game day for teens to play Dungeons and Dragons T U E S D AY S Elementary Club 4 00 PM 6 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library Baby Lapsit Storytime S AT U R D AY S Canyon Rim Trail Parkrun March 7 Lego Club March 14 Art Studio March 21 Minecraft Club March 28 Free Build Twin Falls Public Library Tuesdays 11 00 AM Storytime Buhl Public Library Wednesdays 10 00 AM W E D N E S D AY S Storytime 10 30 AM 11 30 AM Twin Falls Public Library 8 50 AM Twin Falls Visitor Center Ready Set Kindergarten Jerome Public Library Wednesdays Fridays 10 00 AM S AT U R D AY S LEGO Build Time A program for kids who are entering kindergarten in fall 2023 Each week kids will learn a new letter a kindergarten readiness concept work on numbers participate in hands on activities and parents will receive a worksheet to take home with suggestions of activities to do with their children Little Reader Storytime Filer City Public Library Thursdays 10 30 AM Preschool Storytime Twin Falls Public Library Fridays 10 30 AM A free fun run for all abilities and ages Meet at 8 50 am for a 9 00 am start Participants are welcome to walk jog run or volunteer 2 00 PM 4 00 PM Filer Public Library The library will supply the space the LEGOs and the build sheet All you need to do is come build your masterpiece Free to the public S AT U R D AY March 4 Home Depot Kids Project Children s clear vision Children s Clear Vision HUNDREDS 1 4 OF Page Sponsorship CALL T O DAY FU N FRAMES Horizontal pediatric eyecare vision therapy F L E X I B L E S P O RT S F R A M ES I N FA N T A D U LT C H I L D 5 6 8 F a l l s A v e Tw i n F a l l s 2 0 8 2 9 3 8 5 8 0 w w w c h i l d r e n s c l e a r v i s i o n c o m 16 www southernidahokids com S I Z E S
CALENDAR OF EVENTS 9 00 AM 12 00 PM Home Depot Twin Falls F R I D AY Kids free building project on the first Saturday of each month Puppet Show DID YOU KNOW March 10 We post updates on our online calendar all the time 4 30 PM 5 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library T U E S D AY S March 7 21 S AT U R D AY S U N D AY Reptile Revue March 11 12 6 00 PM 7 00 PM Herrett Center CSI Campus Magic Valley Gem Show 10 00 AM 5 00 PM Saturday 10 00 AM 4 00 PM Sunday Twin Falls County Fairgrounds Come learn about and see reptiles T U E S D AY S Admission is 2 person kids 12 and under are free There will be fun kids activities collectable mineral specimens unique custom jewelry and a black light display March 7 21 28 Child Sleep Series Twin Falls Public Library Join registered nurse and sleep specialist Kailey The Mama Coach as she presents a class for caregivers on how to help their children with their sleep There are classes for different ages and it is best if the child is left with another caregiver during the program March 7 6 30 PM Newborn sleep 0 4 months March 21 6 30 PM Infant Sleep 4 months 2 years March 28 8 30 PM Toddler Sleep 2 years S AT U R D AY March 11 Our online calendar includes a map of the event location and usually more details on each event You can find lots of updates with events on our social media Facebook and Instagram If you have a community event you d like listed here you can email shawnee southernidahokids com Star Party 9 30 PM Herrett Center CSI Campus Telescope viewing in the Centennial Observatory Weather permitting and the start time will be based on the time of sunset SCAN ME FOR THE O N L I N E CA L E N DA R STAYCONNECTED xxx 1 8 Page Horizontal WITH OUR ONLINE CALENDAR NEW EVENTS U P D AT E S REMINDERS WWW SOUTHERNIDAHOKIDS COM CALENDAR Talking with your family about quitting can be hard Project Filter is here to start the conversation Project Filter 1 8 Page Horizontal Call 1 800 QUIT NOW or visit ProjectFilter org for more information on quitting smoking chewing or vaping for you or a loved one September 2022 Yo u d e c i d e w h e n P r o j e c t F i l t e r w i l l s h o w y o u h o w March 2023 17
CALENDAR OF EVENTS T U E S D AY T H U R S D AY while learning core STEM skills This month we are going to work with squishy circuits March 14 Adulting 101 Food From Around the World March 30 Kids In The Kitchen 5 30 PM 7 30 PM Over Zoom M O N D AY 6 00 PM 8 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library March 20 For teens in 6th 12th grade This week Siew Guan Lee from the University of Idaho Extension office will teach how to make some simple but tasty dishes from around the world S AT U R D AY March 18 Family STEM Program 1 30 PM 2 30 PM Twin Falls Public Library Safe at Home Program 1 00 PM 2 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library Presented by St Luke s this class is designed for students in 4th 6th grade to prepare them to be safe when they are home alone The class is free but class size is limited so please contact the Youth Services Department at 208 733 2964 ext 301 to register A free virtual kids cooking class for kids of all ages Cook along to make two tasty recipes each month You ll master food safety cooking and nutrition all while having fun Registration is required https bit ly 3hqC766 Families can have fun together Chop Where You Shop Your grocery store is now offering meal prep classes through Citrus Pear In one class you can make 10 to 40 freezer meals Citrus Pear 1 4 Page Vertical SIGN UP FOR A CL A SS Guided Instruction Allergy Friendly Fresh Ingredients Dietitian Approved Fun Atmosphere S TARTS AT 149 For 10 Medium Meals 3 4 Servings 18 www southernidahokids com YOUR COMPLETE WELLNESS RECOVERY CENTER Float Magic 1 4 Page New Service Vertical We are so excited to announce that we are offering salt therapy also known as halotherapy at Float Magic Come in and spend some time relaxing in our new salt cave and enjoy benefits that include improved respitory and skin health as well as stress and anxiety reduction 152 2nd Ave S Twin Falls ID 83301 www floatmagic com
CREATE YOUR OWN STORY OUR FAMILY ROAD TRIP YAY It s road trip day My family and I packed our _________ NUMBER suitcases and hopped in our _________ car We were ready to COLOR make the _________ hour drive to our adventure My _________ NUMBER ADJECTIVE little sister sat by me She snuck our pet _________ named ANIMAL _________ into her backpack when my parents weren t looking NAME It started to _________ around and make a sound It jumped out of the _________ backpack COLOR VERB right onto my dad s lap making him swerve Our snacks flew everywhere and my _________ FAVORITE FOOD soared out the window My sister started to _________ and giggle She thought it was funny VERB Finally after _________ miles we reached _________ our destination What a _________ NUMBER PLACE ADJECTIVE trip it s already been said Mom And we are just getting started I said from the back seat ADJECTIVE describing a noun VERB an action word CANYON FOOT ANKLE FEBRUARY 2021 DIGITAL ADS 02 08 21 DECADENT SHAKES TRY ONE TODAY FLAVORFREEDOM Float Magic 1 4 Page Vertical Citrus Pear 1 4 Page Vertical 1 OFF YOUR NEXT SHAKE Offer valid until 03 31 23 Single use coupon Card must be surrendered to receive 1 00 OFF Limit one coupon per guest per transaction per visit Cannot be combined with any other offer Good for in store sales only Void if copied transferred purchased or sold or prohibited by law No cash value Guest is responsible for any taxes Toppings may vary by store and may be limited Valid at participating stores only 725 Blue Lakes Boulevard North Twin Falls ID 83301 March 2023 19
Boba Full Bleed 20 www southernidahokids com
PUZZLES GAMES S P R I N G March 2023 21
s p on s or ed b y HEALTH WELLNESS HEALTHYHABITS The Division of Responsibility in Feeding Children Feeding a child may feel stressful Are they eating enough What if they are eating too much Why won t they eat their vegetables Caregivers carry many roles in raising children one of them being feeding However is it really the caregiver s responsibility to make kids eat their vegetables Ellyn Satter a registered dietitian and family therapist created a guide for caregiver s to use as they feed children This guide helps to relieve stress and pressure from both parents and children as well as creates space for children to learn and grow in their eating habits There are slight differences in these guidelines depending on the child s age but for the most part they apply to each stage Caregiver s Responsibility What When Where What Choose and make meals and snacks When Offer 3 meals and 2 3 snacks at regular times during the day Children s Responsibility How much quantity Whether if How much They decide the amount they eat Whether or not if They will eat what is offered Children are also responsible for following their caregivers lead in learning to behave well at meal and snack times As caregivers do their part in feeding they can trust that the child will eat the amount their bodies need Children have an incredible ability to regulate their eating to properly nourish themselves The more you pressure force or control a child s eating the more likely their eating will get worse So do your part in offering and providing for your children and let them do their part in discovering the joys of eating To learn more visit www ellynsatterinstitute org Where Make mealtimes a positive and pleasant experience sit together at the table without distractions Avoid grazing throughout the day Children may have water between meals and snacks but no other food or drinks This helps them come to meal and snack times with a good appetite Make sure there is always a food that your child will like in each meal but also offer new food for them to try 22 www southernidahokids com Abbigail Sundell RDN LD St Luke s Pediatric Children s Dietitian Sponsored by
Xavier 1 2 Page Horizontal Now accepting enrollment applications for school year 2023 2024 February 1st March 31st for grades K 12 Cottage Dance 1 2 Page Horizontal March 2023 23
TEACHER OF THE MONTH 5th Grade Pillar Falls Elementary Twin Falls 13 Years in Education Josh Fife What is your favorite part about being a teacher That s simple the kids I know this has been said many times but it s so true During the school year in any given week a teacher will see their students more than their own family So for 9 and 1 2 months I get to be part of some pretty amazing kids and families lives I try to never take that for granted Something your students might not know about you I m not 100 sure if it s come up with my students this year but I m a huge Boise State fan Oh and one time I won free pizza for 10 000 people A word of advice Be generous with your time with your love with your life Be generous always Nominated by Finnley Strong Mr Fife cares for all his students and treats them all with respect He also jokes with us a lot He always makes sure to go the extra mile when he s reading by acting out the scenes and using different accents He is an amazing teacher to all of his students The Teacher of the Month will receive a Sodamix gift card and a cookie party for their class To nominate a teacher visit www southernidahokids com nominate your teacher xxx Buy a 32oz drink get a chocolate chip Sponsor Page cookie for F R E E Horizontal Expires March 31 2023 1553 Washington St North Suite 100 Twin Falls 208 613 1771 24 www southernidahokids com
WARD ORTHODONTICS FEELS LUCKY LUCKY Lucky to serve our friends in the Magic Valley We treasure building beautiful smiles and amazing relationships Thank you Ward Ortho 1 2 Page Horizontal wardortho wardort hoidaho WA RD ORT HO D O NT IC S TM Family Health Services 1 2 Page Horizontal March 2023 25
s p on s or ed b y s p on s or ed b y HEALTH WELLNESS SPOTLIGHT Sprained Ankles I love this time of year It s basketball and ski season But this time of year can bring slippery conditions and intense basketball play This can create conditions for increased injuries particularly sprained ankles The injury occurs when one or more of the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn causing pain swelling and difficulty walking Many people try to tough out ankle injuries and don t seek medical attention but if an ankle sprain causes more than slight pain and swelling it s important to see a clinician Without proper treatment and rehabilitation a severely injured ankle may not heal well and could lose its range of motion and stability resulting in recurrent sprains and more downtime in the future Immediate ankle sprain treatment The first goal is to decrease pain and swelling and protect the ligaments from further injury This usually means adopting the classic RICE regimen rest ice compression and elevation If you have severe pain and swelling rest your ankle as much as possible for the first 24 48 hours During that time immerse your foot and ankle in cold water or apply an ice pack be sure to cover the ankle with a towel to protect the skin for 15 20 minutes three to five times a day or until the swelling starts to subside To reduce swelling compress the ankle with an elasticized wrap such as an ACE bandage or elastic ankle sleeve When seated elevate your ankle as high as you comfortably can to the height of your hip if possible In the first 24 hours avoid anything that might increase swelling such as hot showers hot packs or heat rubs Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can help reduce pain and swelling and may also speed recovery Ankle sprain medical evaluation Unless your symptoms are mild or improving soon after the injury contact your clinician He or she may want to see you immediately if your pain and swelling are severe or if the ankle feels numb or won t bear weight He or she will examine the ankle and foot and may manipulate them in various ways to determine the type of sprain and the extent of injury This examination may be delayed for a few days until swelling and pain improve in the meantime continue with the RICE regimen If pain persists you may consider seeking medical attention for an x ray to rule out any type of fracture Source www health harvard edu pain recovering_from_an_ ankle_sprain April 19 2019 Jonathon Pittard PA C OPEN 8AM TO 7PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 208 736 7422 26 www picctf com We ve moved across from Walmart in Twin Falls www southernidahokids com
BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS Looking for something new to read Check out these great books from the Twin Falls Public Library If your child would like more suggestions come see us at the library Recommending titles and connecting the right book with the right reader is our favorite thing to do Preschool What Will I Do with My Love Today by Kristin Chenoweth Adorable illustrations and sweet rhyming text follow a young girl experiencing the joy of adopting a dog K 3rd grade Ada Twist Scientist The Science of Baking by Andrea Beaty Join Ada and learn about the science behind baking You ll find out answers to questions like How does a cake bake What s the difference between baking soda and baking powder And why is it so important to measure the different ingredients in a recipe 4th 6th grade Wretched Waterpark by Kiersten White Twins Theo and Alexander and their sister Wil are abruptly dropped off at their Aunt Saffronia s house where they learn they must complete a series of tasks in order to see their parents again and their first assignment is at a waterpark 7TH GRADE Virals by Kathy Reichs The niece of famed forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan fourteen year old Tory and her three friends are exposed to a rare strain of canine parvovirus that gives them special powers which they use to try to solve a murder Clearwater 1 2 Page Horizontal March 2023 27
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PODCAST HIGHLIGHT EPISODE 264 GUEST SPEAKER KACIE BARNES HOW TO HELP YOUR PICKY EATER Kacie Barnes MCN RDN is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who has helped thousands of families with young kids make healthy eating approachable and attainable Kacie s resources provide parents with nutrition tips picky eater advice and easy meal ideas She has a Master of Clinical Nutrition degree from UT Southwestern a Master of Public Administration degree from Syracuse University and earned her bachelor s degree at NYU Kacie lives in Dallas TX with her husband and two children plus their Labradoodle Winnie 1 Serve a safe food Think about how you would feel if you visited a new country with a cuisine you ve never tried and were invited to a meal Nothing on the table is recognizable to you or maybe you see something you ve tried and didn t like before Know what your child s safe foods are and incorporate them into meals 2 Don t force them to eat something Studies show that 70 of adults say that they no longer eat foods they were forced to eat as children So while it might feel like a win by forcing a child to eat vegetables consider the cost There are countless benefits of family meals that are well researched and go way beyond the food like improved physical health mental health and even better academic performance 3 Incorporate all 5 senses just not all at once Help your child move through different levels of exposure with foods letting your child go only as far as they are comfortable Using the other senses is less overwhelming than eating a new food Try dipping raw broccoli in water and then catching the drops of water in their mouth that drip off the broccoli or line up the green beans from shortest to tallest Rachel Nielson is a mother and the host of a weekly podcast called 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms Each 30 minute episode features 3 doable takeaways for parents to try with their families that week Rachel currently lives in Hailey Idaho To listen to more experts share their best strategies for creating more meaning in motherhood visit www 3in30podcast com NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS 20 OFF ALL PBNJ GAMES ToyTown 1 4 Page Vertical JUST IN TIME FOR SPRING BREAK GAME TIME FUN Children s Dentistry 1 4 Page Vertical Children s Dentistry of Twin Falls E XPIRES MARCH 31 2023 1 2 3 6 B L U E L A K E S B LV D N T W I N F A L L S 1186 Eastland Dr N B Twin Falls 208 733 9331 March 2023 29
FOR MORE DELICIOUS THINGS TO MAKE VISIT w w w o h s o d e l i c i o s o c o m SHAMROCK SODA FLOAT INGREDIENTS 3 4 tablespoons peppermint syrup 2 3 scoops mint chip ice cream 8 ounces club soda whipped cream maraschino cherry INSTR UCTIONS 1 Add peppermint syrup to the bottom of a 16oz glass 2 Add ice cream 3 Fill glass with club soda 4 Garnish with an extra scoop of ice cream or whipped cream and cherry if desired JuMP Co 40th Anniversary Summer Show Acton Academy 1 4 Page Vertical Jump Co 1 4 Page Vertical Show June 27 July 1 Auditions April 20 22 Ages 6th 12th Grade audition info jumpcompanytwinfalls jumpcompanytwinfalls jumpcompany weebly com 30 www southernidahokids com
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