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March 1 2019 CONTRIBUTE GENEROUSLY This week the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh we read This reading commemorates how this time of year Beis Din would announce that all individuals aged twenty and older were required to pay their dues of a towards the purchase of the Rosh Chodesh Nissan marked the commencement of the use of the new collection of so thirty days prior the announcement was made for everyone to donate The Mishnah in Shekalim adds additional announcements that were made The peopled were reminded not to plant to fix the roads between and within their cities to fix the ritual water pools and to tend to all public needs The list of announcements is understandable given the time of year Shkalim are needed for the Karbonos the planting season is beginning and the winter months have possibly left roadways and other public works in disrepair However what is the enjoinder of to tend to all public needs Why is this announcement left specifically for Adar and not for any other time of year The references the Gemara in Shabbos When Rashbi and his son left the they had hidden in from the Romans after thirteen years Rashbi proclaimed since I was miraculously saved from death let me do something on behalf of the public There was a large area of land where they were unsure if there were graves forcing Kohanim to circumvent the area to avoid becoming Rashbi was able to determine where the graves were located Once they marked the graves Kohanim were able to access the rest of the area The Gemara notes that Rashbi learned this concept from After was saved from at the beginning of Parshas VaYishlach the possuk writes that he arrived at Shechem and Chazal explain that he established markets coinage and bathhouses When Hashem performs a miracle and saves someone from death the response is to perform some actions on behalf of the Writes the The Gemara in Megillah states that the miracle of Purim was greater than In Mitzrayim Klal Yisrael went but on Purim they transitioned from death to life This is why the Mishna designates the month of Adar for tending to all public needs It is only apropos that in these days of Adar we are given the opportunity to show our support for Torah Academy by attending our yearly dinner and supporting Let us all contribute and answer the call March 3 Rebbeim fac mtg Dismissal gr 2 8 at 11 30 AM March 5 4 00 PM 7 8G Tom Sawyer and The Miracle Worker performances March 7 10 00 AM 2 8G Concert March 17 Torah Academy 37th Gala Dinner The bulletin is sponsored by Have a Rabbi Ochs If you are in the Hamilton building please take a look at the beautiful bulletin board created by the girls in 4G to 8G on finishing and Thank you Mrs Ochs Our boys classes are amazing They have been involved in so many extra curricular learning on their own 5 16 PM perakim of mishnayos Thank you again to the Halperns for sponsoring this special program Our talmidim in Rabbi Moskovitz s 8th grade and Rabbi Menchel s 6th grade are ranking among the top 14 schools nations wide participating the Masmid Gevoha program of the Yated newspaper keep on shteiging The talmidim in grades 5 8 took on an extended learning program as a for a young teenager from that is in Boston having a particular difficult operation 5B students set up two groups and learned over the phone as a 6B is making a on 7B is finished 8B made a on All the classes in both schools said this week for Thank you to the anonymous sponsor for the treats for the boys We are so proud of all the boys in grades 3 8 for their extra mishnayos learning during Chodesh Shevat for Chemdas Yosef Mazel tov to the raffle winners Grades 3 5 Yehuda Leib Feldman Asher Katz Naftali Ochs Yosef Polter grand prize and Aaron Sanieoff Grade 6 8 winners Yoni Faintuch Nachi Halpern grand prize Uri Katz Moishe Leff and Yishai Wasserman Perakim learned for Chodesh Shevat 3rd Grade 15 4th Grade 38 5th Grade 102 6th Grade 208 7th Grade 79 8th Grade 81 Torah Academy total thus far 1 628 Continued on page 2

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Bulletin Board In conjunction with their study of Helen Keller 7G toured the Perkins School for the Blind Their visit included a tour of the Perkins museum where they touched the same relief globe that Helen Keller had touched They had an opportunity to experience what it is to be blind by wearing a blindfold and running at the stadium They touched the objects that are used to teach the blind children about the world around them Thank you Mrs Fine DAY OF LEARNING 21 Adar 1 sponsored by the Weinrebs wishing Simi bat Penina a successful test and full recovery 23 Adar 1 sponsored by Mr Herschel Mrs Risa Miller In memory of Mr Arthur Miller R Avrohom Yitzchak ben R Herschel Halevi z l father of Mr Herschel Miller MAZEL TOV TO MARK YOUR CALENDAR Avromy Tziporah 00 Gould Koslowitz on the Due to a community conflict birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Mendy 8th grade girls graduation is being moved Mrs Chana Miriam 5G Kodesh Gould Daniel Zissy 06 Freedman Kramer on the birth of from Monday June 17 their daughter and to grandparents Mr Elliott to Tuesday evening June 18 Mrs Malka Tzipora Freedman SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Tezeveh T and Ki Sisa K 5B 6B 7B Yehuda Leib Feldman T K Yoni Faintuch T K Malkiel Miara K Raffle Winners Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein T K Yisrael Feldman K Nechemia Ochs T K Meir Hain T K Meir Zev Gelernter K Moshe Leff T K 8B Yisroel Feldman K Shlomo Rosmarin T K Chaim Moshe Mordechai Rodkin K Meir Hain T K Nechemia Ochs T K Yosef Aryeh Leff T K Noam Youshaei T Aaron Sanieoff T Chatzkel Wilhelm K Noam Youshaei T K Shmuel Meir Solomon T K Nesanel Wilhelm K TORAH ACADEMY HOTLINE 617 424 9411

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 3 2 1 4 4 4 5 6 1 4G made a beautiful project for their siyum 2 Chodesh Adar bulletin board by the girls in 4G 5 PreK1 works on their literacy project 3 Mrs Green s 3G art class winter castle in chalk 6 8G siyum for and 4 Girls in Mrs Fine s 7th grade visited the Perkins School for 7 K1 decorates their Purim banner 5 7 the Blind in conjunction with their study of the Helen Keller

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 2 3 4 5 3 6 1 Winners in grades 3 5 of Chemdas Yosef learning for Chodesh Shevat presenting to the 6th graders about balancing a school budget 2 Based on their study of Sefer 7 Yehoshua 4B replicates the Yericho march 8 8B reading newspapers from 1861 through 1876 Corroborating or reassessing everything they already 9 learned about the Civil War and Reconstruction doing with these 10 artifacts what real historians do 6th graders learning about gravity through a gravity well Boys in grade 4B take time out to set up the all purpose room for indoor recess Ezra Klompas and Moshe Aryeh Riesel learning b chavrusa in 3B 3B prepares project for the Torah Academy 37th Gala coming up on March 17 3 9 7 4 Mr Michael Levin TA parent and novelist presenting to the 6th graders about the 5 components for writing a gripping novel 5 Grade 7B holds a team meeting 6 Our very own Rabbi Mermelstein 8 10

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE 4th GRADE 6th GRADE Zelig Bier Mordy Bier Yoni Faintuch Nochum Dessler Shlomo Feldman Yisrael Feldman Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Eli Feuerstein Uri Katz Asher Nesanel Mintzes Ephraim Kashnow Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Dovid Plotnik Asher Katz Moishe Leff Dovid Sebbag Shmuel Loketch Avromi Shimanovich Yaakov Wallin Naftoli Ochs Chatzkel Wilhelm Tzvi Posy 2nd GRADE Tuvia Schonberg Natanel Atar 8th GRADE Dovid Faintuch Ari Block 5th GRADE Yosef Feldman Yosef Hoffman Moishy Blumberg Meir Hain Yehoshua Kashnow Yehoshua Feldman Yehudah Leib Rodkin Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Natan Katz Manny Ledewitz Yosef Aryeh Leff Shmuel Meir Solomon 3rd GRADE Shlomo Rosmarin Dovid Knisbacher Aaron Sanieoff Yishai Wasserman Aron Luria Daniel Simnegar Nesanel Wilhelm Levi Meyers Yehuda Wolf Daniel Youshei Manny Tarlin

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March 5th from 4 00 to 5 00 pm In the Hamilton building auditorium Girls in grades 2 6 are invited Free admission marMarch

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