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March 13

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March 12 2021 ULTIMATELY IT IS THE CHILDREN 5 29 PM Dear Parents The possuk states Every man and woman whose heart motivated them to donate for any of the work of the Mishkan they brought it as a donation for Hashem Seemingly the words are extraneous It would be sufficient for the possuk to be read as as the beginning of the possuk already indicates that Bnei Yisrael are bringing these donations The explains The purpose of the Mishkan is to be a a resting place for Hashem However as relate the word utilized is not The primary resting place of the Shechina is among the people themselves The Alshich explains that Hashem s goal is to rest His Shechina within us not just in the It is thus incumbent upon us to become receptacles for the and thereby become a Klal Yisrael s greatest asset is not its magnificent buildings It is the whose pure faces shine with and whose become a resting place for the March 19 Late Friday dismissal begins Preschool at 1 00 pm Hamilton at 2 20 pm Williston at 2 30 pm March 23 April 5 Pesach break When responded to Moshe s call regarding donations to with such zeal and generosity Hashem rewarded them with That is hinted by the extra words When we do our part Hashem responds by bringing righteous Rabbi Ochs Don t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour this Motzei Shabbos Thursday was a special Yom Tefillah for a yeshua for Klal Yisroel Students in many of the boys and girls classes joined together with Yeshiva Mir Yerushalayim and students and individuals from around the country saying Tehillim Kadesh Urchatz Pesach is in the air and Pesach learning is permeating the atmosphere of the all classrooms Classes are designing haggados are learning the arbah kushios in Hebrew Yiddish and other languages and divrei Torah Preschool students are working on many projects that help to concretize the Pesach seder Mazel tov to the second grade girls on completing their learning of They will celebrate with a siyum after Pesach break Thank you Mrs Fontek Mazel Tov to 3B on finishing They celebrated with a grand double siyum cholent and potato kugel for and Thank you Rabbi Polter After finishing 4B celebrated with a cholent and deli roll siyum Thank you Rabbi Selevan 4G prepared and presented the story of Yericho in a book form for younger children

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 27 Adar sponsored by Dovid and Shira Mintzes on the occasion of the yahrzeit of Helaine Spector Shimrit Tzivia a h bas Moshe Nachman 27 Adar sponsored by Sholom and Marion Fine for a zechus for a Refuah Shlaimah and a successful surgery for Nechama Simcha bas Leah Lieba sister of Rabbi Sholom Fine 28 Adar sponsored by Mrs Rena Krochmal in memory of Meyer ben Shmuel Shmelke z l father of Rabbi Aaron Krochmal z l on his yahrtzeit

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS Yanky Halpern in 1B won first prize in the game of Addition Bingo 4B enjoys a fun game during their unit on decimals and peppermint sticks as part of special decimal activity 4B enjoy their siyum on Parshas Shemos SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Ki Sisa 4B 5B 6B 8B Natanel Atar Ezra Klompas Mordy Bier Moshe Beilin Uri Knisbacher Eliezer Feuerstein Yisrael Feldman Chaim Yaakov Septimus Ephraim Kashnow Yaakov Fontek Elchanon Frohlich Shmuel Loketch Uri Katz Yosef Hoffman Naftoli Ochs Moishe Leff Shua Kashnow Tzvi Posy Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Eliyahu Yousheei Tuvia Schonberg Mendel Meyers Moshe Bark Yaakov Bier Dov Posy 7B Binyomin Septimus Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Noam Youshaei Aaron Sanieoff

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 4G read the young children Yericho stories In science the girls in 4G discover that batteries can even be made from apples potatoes and lemons Mrs Gould prepared a sheet with examples of the items that Bnei Yisroel brought as terumos in the parsha in conjunction with the parsha they are learning 5G enjoy gym outside on a warm day

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