It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Malone Integrated College prospectus. It would be difcult to summarise all we do here in this very special and unique place. To us the relationships between staff, students, parents, and the wider community, are the cornerstone of our success to date. In the College, each person is valued and respected and our students have many varied opportunities to learn, to grow and to achieve. Young people of all abilities are welcome at Malone Integrated College. Each student is given the opportunity to reach their full potential, throughout the length of their educational journey with us. Through our curriculum, and the wide array of extracurricular activities on offer, students participate in an outstanding educational experience facilitating their all-round development and enabling them to play an active role in society. Our sixth form also reects the all-ability nature of the College, offering a varied array of courses and pathways suited to each young person’s needs and aspirations. We have high expectations of all students. The College has a caring environment where pupils are encouraged to identify and work through any problems or difculties. Each year our examination results continue to increase as we provide students the best possible chance to achieve their maximum potential every day. We are committed to developing condence, self-esteem, and self-discipline in all our College ‘family’. I look forward to meeting you at our open events and welcoming you to experience the College for yourself – it will be an experience you will never forget!MRS KATRINA MOOREPrincipalWELCOME FROM THE PRINCIPAL
PASTORAL TEAMSMalone Integrated College has a very professional body of staff who are not only interested in the academic performance of each student, but also their social, emotional and spiritual development. The qualities of kindness, fairness and respect are encouraged daily within all aspects of school activity and sit rmly within the heart of our Pastoral Care system.The Pastoral Care structure in the College is shaped around Form Classes. There are six Form Classes M, A, L, O, N and E. Each pupil is allocated to a Form Class upon admission. Mentors from Sixth Form assist new Year 8 pupils settle into school life to ensure they feel comfortable and happy in their new school.All staff have a specic responsibility for the general welfare of pupils. However, a recognised structure also exists to care for pupils in an effective way.• PRINCIPAL • VICE PRINCIPAL • SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM• HEADS OF YEAR • FORM TEACHER• DESIGNATED TEACHER FOR SAFEGUARDINGPRINCIPAL Mrs Katrina MooreHas overall responsibility for the welfare of the staff and pupils.VICE PRINCIPAL Mr Ed FultonProvides advice and support for staff and pupils.SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAMProvide help and support in key areas of the school.HEADS OF YEAR Will provide pastoral care for each year group and will lead a team of form tutors in supporting the pupils learning and wellbeing.SAFEGUARDING Mr Patrick CassidyThe Designated Teacher for safeguarding is Mr Cassidy. Along with the Vice Principal and a Designated Governor these staff form the safeguarding team.FORM TEACHEREach class has a Form Teacher. These teachers are the main link with pupil and home in the initial stages of school life and are responsible for pupil welfare, minor counselling, monitoring academic progress and behaviour, daily registration and reports.PASTORAL EXCELLENCE
CELEBRATING SUCCESSCELEBRATING SUCCESSThrough our assemblies and rewards system, we take every opportunity to acknowledge academic achievement and highlight the many successes of our students in all aspects of school life. Our annual prize giving is a signicant event which enables families and members of the community to celebrate with us. PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUROur ethos is one where we strive for the highest academic standards for all our pupils. This, we believe, is possible through a committed team effort of pupil, home and school. • Points mean prizes! The aim is for students to work hard and earn achievement points on a regular basis. The accumulation of achievement points then enables them to achieve reward for their continued efforts across the school year.We also emphasise our belief, that academic success is made possible in a disciplined and orderly environment. We expect our pupils’ behaviour to be exemplary so that everyone can learn together and succeed. • To encourage high standards of work and behaviour, pupils receive Positive Achievement points for a range of good work practices and attitudes and actions. • We make it our priority to Recognise, Record and Reward positive behaviours shown by the students. There are achievement points for excellent effort in classwork, showing kindness, excellent homework, being a student role model, sporting excellence, participation within class, helpfulness, as well as full attendance each month. CELEBRATING SUCCESSPROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOURSCHOOL PENWATER BOTTLEBRONZE PRINCIPAL’S BADGESILVER PRINCIPAL’S BADGEGOLD PRINCIPAL’S BADGE
STUDENT VOICE AT MALONEThe Student Leadership Team are the voice for all the Students in Malone College. They are a team of 28 students and represent all year groups within the school. If students feel that something is not working well in the College, then they try to pass this information onto the Senior Leadership of the School so they can try and solve the problem. They meet regularly and try to come up with events that they can run which contribute to school spirit. Finally, they aim to improve the welfare of the community living around the school. Some of their actions: • They have carried out fundraising activities in school for a range of local and national charities. • Worked with the Eco-Committee to improve environmental quality around the school. • Brought about updates to the uniform policy in Malone College. • Run an “Appreciation Station” several times during the year selling treat items to show their appreciation to each other and to staff. • Hold assemblies to promote wellbeing and promote the student voice. • Update notice boards to promote events. • Hold surveys to nd out issues affecting students and gather ideas for improving the school.As school President, leading the student leadership team is not just an honour but a journey of personal growth at Malone College. Leading the team and having a voice in decision-making makes us feel truly valued. Our regular meetings with students of all year groups mean that we can discuss issues close to all students and reect the whole school community. We are a team that cares and listens, and being President lls me with pride and a sense of belonging.Maher- school PresidentCELEBRATING SUCCESS & STUDENT VOICE7
STUDENT SUPPORTBILINGUAL CENTREMalone Integrated College is an incredibly diverse community with more than 40 different nationalities and languages spoken across the school. All our students are highly valued at Malone, and we actively promote awareness, understanding and empathy between all. Staff across the school are trained in EAL (English as an additional language) and use a variety of differentiated approaches to meet the needs of all. Students are proud of their school community and present as happy, content, and aspirational with a willingness to contribute positively to the wider Belfast community and beyond.As a School of Sanctuary, we have outstanding facilities including a Bilingual Centre open from 8am - 4pm. The Bilingual Centre provides an environment for students to meet, study and seek support or reassurance should they need it with a member of staff always on hand. Our staff are dedicated to supporting pupils both pastorally and academically in EAL. Teaching takes place within the Bilingual Centre to facilitate students communicating effectively in both English and a variety of languages. We constantly strive to develop our practice having participated in several EAL related studies. Staff and pupils regularly discuss and share ideas, methods and experiences with other schools and universities. We look forward to working with you.INDIVIDUAL NEEDS SUPPORTThe Individual Needs Department is an integral part of Malone College, with a supportive reputation for the care and development of students with SEN. The Department provides a variety of supports to enable students with SEN to access the broad and balanced curriculum they are entitled to. Our aim is for every student with SEN to make a successful transition to adulthood and the world of further education, training, and work.We work closely with outside agencies and invite these highly trained professionals into the College to work with our young people. Park Literacy Reading Support, Autism Advisory and Intervention Service, Sensory Support Service and Behaviour Support Services are just some of the agencies who support our students on a regular basis. We have a team of dedicated classroom assistants who provide the necessary scaffolding that some students require to enable them to succeed in our mainstream learning environment. PREFECTS PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN MALONE COLLEGEThe Prefects demonstrate the personal qualities that are valued at Malone Integrated College: • Self-discipline • Leadership skills • Communication skills • Politeness • Helpfulness • Respect • Care for othersThe Prefects are both reliable and responsible members of our school community. They wear their uniform with pride and are excellent role models. They exemplify our high standards through excellent attendance, punctuality and work ethic. Normally, Prefects play a key role in supporting the running of the school day and on public occasions such as Open Days and guiding prospective pupils and parents through our school. We expect our Prefects to be open, honest and to show a sense of responsibility. To be fully committed to their studies and school life beyond the classroom walls.
STUDENT WELLBEINGAN ANTI-BULLYING SCHOOLAs part of our Child Protection procedure within the College is our policy on bullying. Throughout the education of our pupils we encourage students to accept, tolerate and respect each other through trust, support and care. It is therefore obvious to state that any form of bullying which contravenes the ethos of the college will not be tolerated. • In September 2023 the school took a proactive approach when we became a member school of The Anti-Bullying Alliance. At Malone College we believe all children and young people have intrinsic value and worth and we embrace their uniqueness and autonomy. • We have registered to the CyberSyd programme which removes these barriers by providing a platform for young people to report bullying easily and condentially from anywhere and at any time. • Our students also take part in workshops delivered by Cara-Friend. The focus of the workshop is to cover bullying on issues of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. The workshops are designed to build students’ awareness of the issues LGBTQIA+ young people face on a day- to-day basis and to eliminate bullying and stigma faced by LGBTQIA+ youth, by tackling ignorance and negative attitudes. • Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors team consists of pupils who have been trained to work proactively to support victims of bullying behaviour, raise awareness of the affects of bullying and to work preventatively to stamp out all forms of bullying in Malone Integrated College. The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are involved in The Hub and playground at lunchtimes. They are extremely approachable and can be easily identied with their ABA badges throughout school and on school buses.MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING AT MALONEThe Peer Education Project is a secondary school based educational programme that aims to give young people the skills and knowledge they need to safeguard their mental health, and that of their peers. We believe there is a basic level of knowledge and skill that everyone needs around their own mental health. By teaching every pupil about mental health, we hope that they will be equipped to meet the challenges they and their friends will encounter in life.Our 6th form students have been trained in mental health rst aid in conjunction with Action Mental Health. By training older pupils to deliver mental health lessons to younger pupils, the project aims to bypass the walls many young people put up when dealing with adults. The students also fundraise for a variety of mental health organisations including Pieta House and they were awarded the Amber Flag award for promoting positive mental health 2022-2023. We have several Teacher Counsellors available to students for referral. We also have a visiting counsellor from Family Works and other outside agencies who provide additional support.The integrated ethos of Malone College permeates all aspects of the curriculum and is integral to the programme of pastoral care. Here at Malone, we create a caring environment where children are supported and encouraged each day, and this is crucial to the social and personal development of young people. It is essential in helping them to develop as responsible and independent young adults with self-esteem, who can play a full role in the community.SCHOOL OF SANCTUARY, STUDENT SUPPORT & WELLBEING9
Getting to meet our teachers and see around the school was great as I was nervous, but it really helped me, and I got such a warm welcome. My form tutor was lovely and made me feel part of the school from my rst day. I really enjoyed the fun days as there were lots of activities to take part in.The Year 8 induction programme at Malone College plays an integral role in the guidance of pupils through the transition from primary to post primary education. The induction programme is initiated by the Year 8 Form Teacher and is fully supported by the other Year 8 subject teachers, the Head of Year, the Vice-Principal and the Principal. The programme is aimed at improving relationships between pupils and staff members so that the individual pupil’s educational and emotional needs can be ascertained at an early stage. • An induction evening is arranged for all new pupils in June of each year when each student can meet their form teacher and new classmates. We will have food and an opportunity to socialise and meet other parents/staff as a nice way to welcome you all to our new Malone family. • There will be a fun day of activities for the students before the start of the academic year so that year 8 students can get to know each other and meet the staff in a fun and relaxed environment. • During this time extra support can be given to those students who are nding the transition difcult and to liaise with parents. • The programme also pivots upon an information event held for Year 8 parents at the beginning of the academic year as communication between home and school is key to success.The induction process continues throughout the rst year and parents are always welcome to discuss their child’s well-being with the form teacher.YEAR 8 INDUCTION PROGRAMME
INNOVATIVE AND EXCITING CURRICULUMMalone College believes that all pupils, regardless of ability, are entitled to the best that education can offer. The College has high expectations of all its pupils and adopts teaching approaches that encourage individuals to strive towards and achieve their own personal goals.The College is committed to ensuring that the curriculum is challenging, interesting and relevant, and that teaching methods are varied and innovative allowing pupils to access curricular content through their own learning styles.AREAS OF STUDY - KEY STAGE 3, KEY STAGE 4 AND POST 16At Key Stage Three (Years 8 to 10) the pupils will follow a broad, balanced programme in accordance with the Northern Ireland Curriculum.SUBJECTS AT KEY STAGE 3At Key Stage Four, pupils are expected to study for qualications most likely to benet their future careers. At the end of Year 12, students will sit external examinations and/or enter portfolios in the chosen subjects (GCSE or equivalent). Sample subjects include:SUBJECTS AT KEY STAGE 4Post 16 pupils study A level or equivalent qualications most likely to benet their future careers. These courses are either taught internally in Malone or through collaboration with partner schools.COURSES ON OFFER AT A-LEVEL INCLUDE:ENGLISH MATHEMATICS SCIENCE SPANISHART MUSIC DRAMA HISTORYRELIGIOUS EDUCATION HOME ECONOMICS GEOGRAPHYTECHNOLOGY & DESIGN PHYSICAL EDUCATION PRINCE’S TRUSTLEARNING FOR LIFE AND WORK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYENGLISH ENGLISH LITERATURE MATHEMATICS FURTHER MATHSART MUSIC DRAMA MOVING IMAGE ARTS HISTORY SPANISHRELIGIOUS EDUCATION HOME ECONOMICS ICT GEOGRAPHYTECHNOLOGY & DESIGN PHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORT PRINCE’S TRUSTLEARNING FOR LIFE AND WORK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSTRUCTIONDOUBLE AWARD SCIENCE SINGLE AWARD SCIENCE PERFORMANCE SKILLSPUBLIC SERVICES BUSINESS STUDIES TRAVEL & TOURISM HOSPITALITYCHILD DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT HAIR & BEAUTYGEOGRAPHY SPANISH MOVING IMAGE ARTS HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE MUSIC DRAMA BUSINESS STUDIES HISTORY HOSPITALITY ICT RELIGIOUS STUDIES SPORT ENGINEERING TRAVEL AND TOURISM DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYABILITY YEAR 8 INDUCTION PROGRAMME & CURRICULUM INFORMATION11
I nd the teachers very friendly and are always there for me. When I need them, they are always ready to listen.LIFE AT MALONE
Malone College is great because it brings people together from different communities and I have made lots of new friends.13LIFE AT MALONE
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT MALONEMalone College is delighted to have one of the most modern and high-tech school sports facilities in Northern Ireland.The sports hall and external 3G pitches are available for PE classes and school teams.Every student has the opportunity to take part in activities such as, • Football • Basketball • Badminton • Netball • Athletics • Hockey • Climbing wall • Fitness suite • Spin cycling bikesThere are after school sports and exercise classes running every day and students have the opportunity to be part of the school teams and clubs. These are open to all pupils and staff encourage pupils to reach their full potential in whatever activity they choose. Malone College is just the best and I have met so many friends. I love the after-school clubs.The sports hall and climbing wall are amazing, and we get to use all the equipment.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESExtra-curricular activities form an integral part of the education of the whole child. Malone College offers a busy and varied programme before and after-school, designed to promote health, social awareness and primarily enjoyment. We encourage all our students to become active members of our school community and to get involved in the life at the school. We are very proud of all the achievements of our students both inside and out of school and our extra-curricular clubs reect the wide range of talent in Malone.SAMPLE TIMETABLEMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY3 - 4PM3 - 4PM3 - 4PM3 - 4PM3 - 4PM3 - 4PM3 - 4PMASPIRE PASTORAL ROOM : MR CASSIDYGIRLS FOOTBALL (YR8/9) PITCH : MISS MCKEOWNBASKETBALL PE HALL : MR HANNASIGN LANGUAGE ROOM 6 : MRS SWIFTHOMEWORK CLUB LIBRARY : MR SMYTHHOMEWORK CLUB LIBRARY : MR SMYTHHOMEWORK CLUB LIBRARY : MR SMYTHHOMEWORK CLUB LIBRARY : MR SMYTHSCIENCE ROOM 17 : MR DOUGLAS / MRS O’BRIENBOYS FOOTBALL (YR8/9) PITCH : MR MCMAHONART (YR11) ROOM 26 : MISS MERCERROCK & POP GUITAR, DRUM KIT & VOICE MUSIC DEPT. : MRS MITCHELLSTUDY (POST 16) POST 16 STUDY CENTRE : MS HAYDENBADMINTON PE HALL : MISS WALSH / MR GODDARDJUNIOR ART ROOM 26 : MISS MERCERAS ENGLISH SUPPORT ROOM 29 : MISS CUFFECODING CLUB ROOM 52 : MR CLEARYSPANISH SUPPORT (GCSE) ROOM 27 : MRS MCINTYREBEDROCK SUPPORT ROOM 39 : MS DUTTONSENIOR ART ROOM 28 : MS MCBEIGHGAELIC (YR8/9) BOYS AND GIRLS PITCHSTUDY (POST 16) POST 16 STUDY CENTRE : MS HAYDENSTUDY (POST 16) POST 16 STUDY CENTRE : MS HAYDEN
THE OUTDOOR CLASSROOMMALONE SCHOOL TRIPSSome of our actions: • Spanish trip to Barcelona • Skiing trip to Bulgaria • Post 16 trip to Rome • Reward trip to Dublin • Geography eld trip to Antrim Coast • History trip to Crumlin Road Gaol • Year 8 trip to W5 • Water sports trip to Fermanagh lakes • Reward trip to Lazer Quest • Art trip to Ulster MuseumIn Malone College we believe that our students should learn both inside and outside the classroom. Taking learning outdoors can have a major impact on the learning and development of our pupils.We encourage all departments to help support learning by visiting subject related attractions/centres to utilise the expertise and share their experiences. I think that Malone College is the best school ever. I love the teachers and subjects. We got to go on these amazing school trips and they are so exciting.EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES & THE OUTDOOR CLASSROOM17
Careers Education is an integral part of a pupil’s education from Year 8 through to Post 16. At Key Stage 3 pupils are involved in Personal Career Planning, Self-Awareness and Development, Career Exploration and Career Management. In Key Stage 3 every Year 10 pupil will receive a Careers Guidance interview to assist with their GCSE choices. KEY STAGE 4At Key Stage 4 students focus on their employability skills, getting ready for the world of work and spending time working on their study skills. In addition, all Year 12 students will meet with an advisor from Careers Service NI to help them set their plans for their future. POST 16At post-16 students have dedicated career lessons where they look at preparing for the world of work and post 18 pathway choices. They will have the opportunity to work with Ulster University and many different outside speakers to support them in making decisions about their future.Pupils also attend Open Days at Universities and Colleges throughout Ireland to help them gain an understanding of university life. As part of 6th form, we also have presentations and seminars from universities throughout Britain and Ireland. Pupils’ also complete personal statements and UCAS forms.GENERAL INFORMATIONBoth Key Stage 4 and 5 students will have the opportunity to take part in a Mock Interview Skills day where they will be able to meet with an employer in a career area, they are interested in.All students across all Key Stages will throughout their time at Malone have various encounters with outside employers preparing them for life after Malone. In particular, most students at some point will have encounters with the Barclays Lifeskills programme looking at various workshops including money skills, CV building and interview preparation to name a few.CAREERS AT MALONE
MALONE EXAM SUCCESS We have high expectations of our Malone College students. We believe that monitoring the progress of each student has a central role in achieving these expectations. There are 4 assessment weeks each year across all subject areas, with formal school examinations at the end of term one and the end of each academic year.REPORTINGThe College will issue, through the school’s ‘parent app’, achievement reports on 4 assessments throughout the year. Parents are also given the opportunity to discuss the educational progress of their child at regular Parent-Teacher evenings throughout the year. Our ‘parent’s app’ allows us to keep the home-school communication effective and will give regular updates on achievement, progress, and attendance.SUCCESS IN 2023 • Above NI average for the past 5 years, for similar schools at GCSE and A-Level • 93% of our year 12 students achieved 5 A*- C at GCSE level. • 70% of our year 14 students achieved 3 A*- C at A-Level. • 70% of our A-Level departments achieved 100% A*- C. • 93% of girls achieved more then 5A*- C in their GCSE exams. • 90% of boys achieved more then 5A*- C in their GCSE exams.Grant Maintained Integrated CollegeAge Range: 11 - 18Admission No: 130Enrolment No: 800MALONE INTEGRATED COLLEGE45 Finaghy Road North Belfast BT10 0JBTelephone No: 028 9038 1988Fax No: 028 9066 8347E-mail: Mrs Katrina Moore BSc Hons, MEd & PQH NIChair of Board of Governors: Mr Seamus LeonardOPEN EVENING INFORMATION AND PROSPECTUSP7 students and their families should refer to our school website in January 2024 to access an online copy of our school prospectus and up-dates regarding Open Evening. It is planned to hold an Open Evening on Thursday 18 January 2024 6.00pm - 8.00pm. Parents/carers are also welcome to telephone the school ofce for any further enquiries.RESPECTIVE FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS AND PRINCIPAL IN RELATION TO ADMISSIONS TO THE SCHOOLThe Board of Governors, subject to its nal approval, delegates to the Admissions Committee, {which consists of the Principal and at least three other Governors} the task of applying the Admissions Criteria.ADMISSIONS POLICYADMISSIONS CRITERIA FOR ENTRY OF PUPILS TO YEAR 8 IN SEPTEMBER 2024During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications are considered. The application procedure opens on 30 January 2024 at 12 noon (GMT) and an application submitted by the closing date of 22 February 2024 at 12 noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual application. An application received after 12 noon (GMT) on 22 February 2024 and up to 4pm on 4 March 2024 will be treated as a late application.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS TO ENSURE THAT ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION {INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CHILD’S RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION} IS INCLUDED ON THE TRANSFER APPLICATION.In the application of the criteria set out below, the Board of Governors will seek to reect, in the total number admitted to the school an overall balance amongst all traditions. In order to achieve this aim, places in the college will be allocated on the following basis: • 40% to pupils deemed to fall within the Protestant category. • 40% to pupils deemed to fall within the Roman Catholic category. • 20% to pupils deemed to fall within the ‘Other Traditions’ category.EXAM SUCCESS & ADMISSIONS CRITERIA
The criteria set out below will rst be applied to those in the ‘Other Traditions’ category and a maximum of 20% of places will be allocated to this group. The remaining places will be divided equally between pupils falling into the ‘Protestant’ or ‘Roman Catholic’ categories. In the event of less than 20% of places being awarded to pupils from the ‘Other Traditions’ category, the remainder of places will be divided equally between the other two categories. In the event of an odd number of places in the division, an additional place will be allocated to the category with the greater number of pupils.Priority will be given to students residing within Northern Ireland at the time of proposed admission.In the event of there being over-subscription, the following sub-criteria will apply: a) Pupils who have a brother or sister attending the College. b) Pupils who had a parent, brother or sister who previously attended the College (name and date of attendance to be supplied on the Transfer Application). c) Applicants with a parent or older brother or sister in the permanent employment of the Board of Governors of Malone Integrated College, ie. not less than ten hours per week, on 1 February 2023, or an applicant whose parent is a member of the Board of Governors on 1 February 2023. d) Pupils who are transferring from a Grant Maintained Integrated or Controlled Integrated Primary School {not in order of preference} as dened in the Education Reform Order {1989}. e) Applicants who are the eldest child in their family to transfer to a mainstream Post-Primary School. This must be veried by an accompanying Primary School letter. In the case of multiple births, if one child meets the criteria sufciently to be allocated a place, the other child/children will be considered as having a sibling at the College, i.e. criterion a. In the event of one child being displaced and the other child/children being admitted the Board of Governors reserve the right to apply the a category to all children of multiple birth in that family to ensure that all are admitted. f) All remaining applicantsShould there be over-subscription at the last criterion that can be applied, selection for all places remaining in this category will be on the basis of the initial letter of the surname in the order set out below:Mc J M W K I C L O P Q E B S H V T N Z D U F X A G Y RThe order was determined by a randomised selection. In the event of surnames beginning with the same initial letter the subsequent letters of the surnames will be used in alphabetical order using the above randomised selection. In the event of 2 identical surnames the alphabetical{randomised} order of the initials of the forenames will be used.In the event of there still being too many applications for the last remaining place(s), preference will be based on the chronological order of pupils’ dates of birth (oldest rst). In the event of there still being too many applications preference will be given to students living closest to the College, measured ‘as the crow ies’ from the front door of the pupils postal address (as appearing on the Transfer Application) to the front door of the College.DUTY TO VERIFYThe Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any applicant’s Transfer Application. If the requested evidence is not provided to the Board of Governors by the deadline given, this will result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Similarly, if information is supplied which appears to be false or misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.The religious afliation of a pupil will be decided by: a) Information provided on or with the Transfer Application. b) Information supplied to the school by the parents [e.g. on the college data-capture form}. c) In the event of no clear information being available from the above sources, the matter will be decided as follows: i) Pupils attending Catholic Maintained primary schools will be deemed to fall within the ‘Roman Catholic’ category. ii) Pupils attending Controlled primary schools will be deemed to fall within the ‘Protestant’ category. iii) Pupils attending other types of school will be deemed to fall within the ‘Other’ category if there is no clear indication as to religious afliation.The Board of Governors reserves the right to seek conrmation of any information supplied.WAITING LIST POLICYThese criteria will also apply to students seeking admission to the college after September 2024.Criteria for admission to years 9 onwardsAvailable on request from the school.2021/22 130 125 1252022/23 130 155 1302023/24 130 216 130YEAR ADMISSIONS NO TOTAL APPLICATIONS i.e. All preferencesTOTAL ADMISSIONSAPPLICATIONS AND ADMISSIONSMALONE EXAM SUCCESS & ADMISSIONS CRITERIA21
PARENTS’ FORUM & UNIFORMBe Involved In Your Child’s Education!When your child moves from Primary School, you can feel like you have less involvement in their education. The Parents’ Forum is your way to keep in touch.The Parents’ forum is for parents who wish to play an active role in the school community. This forum provides the opportunity for parents to air their views, assist in the school’s developments, debate matters of concern and promote self-education.OUR 2023/24 GOALSProvide meaningful and constructive feedback to the school in order to improve our pupils’ experience at Malone College.Support the school at key events throughout the year and assist with the promotion of the school in the community.Help the school with its fundraising so it can achieve the goals on the Principal’s Wishlist.PLEASE EMAIL MS CUFFE TO REGISTER YOUR INTEREST:NCUFFE627@C2KEN.NETMALONE COLLEGE UNIFORMIn Malone we are proud of our school uniform and students are expected to always wear full and correct uniform and parental co-operation in this area is essential. The ofcial suppliers are: • Warnock’s, Lisburn Road, Belfast • Truly Fare, Andersonstown Road, Belfast • McCall’s, Market Street, Lisburn • Chaplin Sportswear, Park CentreMalone College PE kit can be ordered online at: COLLEGE PARENTS’ FORUMA VOICE FOR PARENTS!