Upload yourPDF, Doc, Slide,Spreadsheet, orCanva Design.Turn it into aprofessional,persuasiveSimplebookletMaking ASimplebooklet
What Simplebooklet DoesWith Simplebooklet, it's about bringing your documentto life, making it easily accessible in the digital channelsyour customers hang out, and getting you theengagement you need to keep moving your customerforward.Our goal is simple. Through the documents you share,we'll make your content more persuasive andimpactful, and empower your audience to initiate aconversation with your business.
Getting StartedFrom your Simplebookletdashboard, tap the Select Fileoption to start importing yourfile.
Customizing YourConversionWe're turning your file into aweb and mobile friendlypresentation. To do this well, we'll need a bitof insight from you on how bestto convert your file.
A PreviewOnce we've successfullyconverted your file, you cannow flip through it here in thepreview window.We apply some defaultsettings, but now you get toadd your personal touch andcustomize your Simplebooklet.
Design Your PresentationFrom the Design Tab, you cancustomize how yourSimplebooklet looks on ascreen.You can set the page fliptransitions, background, andnavigation elements to giveyour Simplebooklet a verypolished, professionalpresentation.
Record A WalkthroughPersonalizing your pages with avoice or video recording canbuild trust and confidence inyour content.You can record only on thepages you want, pointing outwhat's important and holdingonto your client's attention upto 5x longer.
Enhance Your PagesFrom the Edit Tab, you can addclickable hotspots, videos,buttons, text, and even addmore pages to your existingSimplebooklet. Every element on your page canbe styled, animated, and turnedinto a hyperlink.
Ready To ShareFrom the Share tab, you cansend your Simplebookleteverywhere.Send it in email, post it to socialnetworks and messaging apps,embed it in your website, or justcopy and paste your unique,branded weblink anywhere youwant.
Update AnytimeFrom your dashboard, you'll seeevery Simplebooklet you'vecreated.From here you can controlvisibility, access analytics, andeven replace a Simplebookletwith a new file.
MakeYourContentDo More.ProfessionalShare brochures, flyers,presentations, catalogs, andmore with a professional lookingSimplebooklet customized toyour brand.MeaningfulAdd your voice to your pages tobuild trust and confidence inyour content, while keeping youraudience focused on what you'resharing.EngagedUse lead gates, business cards,buttons, and calls to action todrive audience inbound traffic.