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Main Street Corridor Plan

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ta b le o f co n te n ts 01 02 03 INTRODUC T I O N pages 01 03 RECOMME N D AT I O N S pages 05 19 IMPLEMEN TAT I O N page 21

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Introduction 01 The Main Street Corridor is the signature North South destination street in downtown Mansfield Its rhythm of blocks and intersections creates a series of public spaces by which people move socialize and do business The corridor provides important opportunities to improve the quality of life for those who live work and play in downtown Mansfield In 2018 The Mansfield Rising Downtown Investment Plan identified Main Street as a high priority action item This Corridor Plan builds on those recommendations and establishes a new vision for Main Street from First Street to Fifth Street through downtown In addition this plan also considers possible improvements to Central Park as a result of its relationship to Main Street and its importance as the historic public open space of downtown 1

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P L ANNING P ROCES S The Main Street Corridor planning process began in September of 2019 It was organized as three planning phases First an Analysis phase was conducted which included a review of previous planning efforts a study of the existing physical conditions and a fact finding meeting with the project steering committee This information created the foundation for the Preliminary Recommendations for the corridor Following the review and input of the steering committee and an analysis of potential funding sources plan recommendations were refined and an Implementation Strategy was developed CENTR 2 NN AL CO EC TO R

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S T R E NG TH S WEAK NESSES GOALS At the introductory meeting in early September a discussion was held to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the Main Street Corridor These strengths and weaknesses were then used by the steering committee and project team to better define project priorities and build consensus around the most important goals for the planning and design process The following four goals were established to guide decision making and test ideas and recommendations G OAL S 1 2 3 4 Maximize positive economic impact for all stakeholders STR ENGTHS W E A KN E S S E S high occupancy of great uses condition of the pedestrian streetscape carrousel district brickyard destination teamwork many organizations working together lack of streetscape space 60 r o w basements vaults buried utilities disconnect between central park and carousel district the hills create a unique experience also a challenge lack of upper floor uses need to develop critical mass of users plazas at park avenue central park central park is underutilized with security and functionality issues something for everyone diverse group of users lighting and security along streetscape centralized parking multi modal connectivity specifically bike routes south gateway front door that you cannot enter one way circulation Create a safe walkable user friendly environment Ensure durability maintainability and sustainability Celebrate the history and culture of Mansfield 3

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Recommendations 02 The vision for a revitalized Main Street Corridor is based on a framework of gateways destinations and connectors The following recommendations are organized from north to south and highlight opportunities to improve function promote safety and celebrate unique urban spaces along the corridor A fundamental recommendation of this plan is the conversion of the current one way vehicular traffic pattern to two way operation These traffic changes are illustrated conceptually throughout this document Additional engineering studies will be required to refine the details necessary to accommodate this change 5

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FRAMEWORK DIAGRAM The recommendations for a revitalized Main Street Corridor are organized around a series of gateways destinations and connectors The North Gateway and South Gateway create clear thresholds into Downtown Mansfield Two major destinations the Carrousel District and Central Park are memorable urban places that should be protected and celebrated The areas in between these destinations are critical connections that should be enhanced with pedestrian comfort and safety as the highest priority Other connections such as the Arts Alley corridor represent unique opportunities to connect pedestrians to the larger street network and other destinations including public parking areas A O DISTRICT BR ICK YA R D C RR L USE CENTRALIZED PARKING ARTS ALLEY CORRIDOR CENTRAL CONNECTOR NORTH GATEWAY CARROUSEL 6

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EAST 5 TH STREET WEST 5 TH STREET NORTH MAIN STREET 5 TH STREET PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS The North Gateway at the corner of Main Street and Fifth Street serves as the northern entry point to the corridor Proposed improvements include the following NORTH MAIN STREET New pavement markings to accommodate the new two way traffic pattern A brick crosswalk and curb extensions at the south side of the intersection Decorative plant beds and sandstone columns reminiscent of those found at South Park on Park Avenue West EXISTING 9

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EAST 4 TH STREET WEST 4 TH STREET NORTH MAIN STREET PROPOSED 4 TH STREET RECOMMENDATIONS The Carrousel District is made up of the Richland Carrousel Park the Brickyard outdoor entertainment venue and a mix of retailers Proposed improvements include the following New pavement markings to accommodate the new two way traffic pattern New concrete pedestrian sidewalks Decorative brick crosswalks and a concrete infield area at the Fourth Street intersection Curb extensions with trees and plantings at selected locations A catenary lighting system above Main Street to celebrate this unique entertainment district NORTH MAIN STREET EXISTING 11

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EAST 3 rd STREET NORTH MAIN STREET PROPOSED 3 rd STREET RECOMMENDATIONS New pavement markings to accommodate the new two way traffic pattern New concrete pedestrian sidewalks with tree grates and decorative plant beds A mid block decorative brick crosswalk to connect the public parking lot to the Carrousel Decorative brick crosswalks and a concrete infield area at the Third Street intersection Low fencing with shrubs along parking lots to screen vehicles and direct pedestrians toward designated crosswalks WEST 3 rd STREET The Central Connector runs between the Carrousel District and Central Park and is fronted by a mix of retail the Richland Carrousel Park and both public and private parking Proposed improvements include the following NORTH MAIN STREET EXISTING 13

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PARK AVENUE EAST NORTH MAIN STREET SOUTH MAIN STREET LOADING ZONE PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS The Central Park District consists of Central Park Park Avenue West and Main Street between North and South Park Streets Proposed improvements include the following New pavement markings to accommodate the new two way traffic pattern on Main Street New concrete pedestrian sidewalks with tree grates and decorative plant beds A mid block brick crosswalk on Park Avenue West to connect the north and south sides of the park Decorative brick crosswalks and a concrete infield area at the Park Avenue West intersection Additional brick crosswalks at key locations to calm vehicular traffic and reinforce pedestrian connectivity Renovated plazas in front of Mechanics Bank and Richland Bank including specialty pavement seat walls new furniture and shade trees Central Park enhancements including the preservation of monuments and significant trees sidewalk relocation replacement and new furniture gathering locations Two decorative arches that create thresholds into the Central Park District reminiscent of the arches that once lined Main Street NORTH DIAMOND STREET SOUTH DIAMOND STREET PARK AVENUE EAST NORTH MAIN STREET SOUTH MAIN STREET EXISTING 15

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EAST 1 ST STREET EAST 2 ND STREET WEST 1 ST STREET WEST 2 ND STREET SOUTH MAIN STREET The South Gateway at the corner of Main Street and First Street serves as the southern entry point to the corridor Proposed improvements include the following New pavement markings to accommodate the new two way traffic pattern New concrete pedestrian sidewalks with tree grates and decorative plant beds A brick crosswalk at the north side of the First Street intersection Decorative plant beds and sandstone columns reminiscent of those found at South Park on Park Avenue West Coordinate with adjacent property owners to selectively remove unnecessary pavement and replace with lawn plant beds and or trees 1 ST STREET RECOMMENDATIONS 2 ND STREET PROPOSED SOUTH MAIN STREET EXISTING 17

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ADDIT IO NAL RE COMME N D ATI ONS ART ALLEY CORRIDOR Opportunities exist throughout downtown to enhance pedestrian connectivity One potential near term opportunity exists to provide an additional connection to the central public parking lot An initial phase could be implemented from North Park Street to East Third Street between two existing buildings This connection could be uniquely branded with art specialty lighting and customized furniture installations PARK AVENUE EAST CENTRALIZED PARKING NORTH MAIN STREET EXISTING CONDITIONS CHARACTER IMAGES 18

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STREETSCAPE MATERIALS The palette of materials for the new Main Street streetscape should take advantage of the latest technologies while celebrating the character and context of downtown Mansfield In addition to brick and concrete sandstone should be used for accent elements including gateway piers seat walls and planter curbs Sandstone was mined locally and can be found throughout many downtown buildings Modern versions of traditional street lamps and furniture can ensure additional cohesiveness with the past Finally seasonal plants and flowers have been successfully integrated throughout downtown and along Main Street This tradition should continue throughout the Main Street corridor with the use of hanging baskets pots and curbed planters 19

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Implementation 03 As part of the creation of this vision for Main Street the project team prepared a preliminary implementation budget The following budget and allocation chart represents an approach to funding the streetscape renovation project from Fifth Street to First Street POTENTIAL FUNDING ALLOCATION METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION 4 600 000 OHIO PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION 500 000 CITY OF MANSFIELD 1 400 000 PRIVATE 970 000 TOTAL 7 470 000 Potential to receive 1 2M 2M from safety funds Some elements described in this plan are not included in the above estimate but funding will be pursued through alternative sources Examples of these elements include the decorative arches and the sandstone entry columns 21