I was so excited when I turned 18 because I could FINALLY VOTE! I believe it is a privilege andresponsibility to VOTE, and if you don’t then you shouldn’t complain about an outcome you findunfavorable. I do believe we have to stand up for our freedoms and our sovereign rights asAmericans. I joined the US Army at 18 years old, right out of high school and was sent to Ft. Hoodin TEXAS. Right after I got to Ft. Hood, we were shipped out to Iraq for a year. My year in Iraq wasthe hardest of my whole life! I was in the middle of a war with scud missiles hitting us, noelectricity, or running water. Four years in the ARMY gave me a sense of pride for America andbeing a Christian gives me the drive to fight for my conservative values!I have seen America change at warp speed in the last few years. What is evil is called good and whatis good is called evil says the Bible and that is exactly what it is happening. It’s like I’m living in theTwilight-Zone or watching a bad movie. I didn’t think sensible level-headed people would let all ofthis happen, but they are!! The small percent of mentally unstable have taken over while the rest ofus have been brainwashed over the years to allow it. All started with being brainwashed to separatechurch and state for the sake of being “politically correct.” If the devil can’t make us bad, he willmake us busy. While we are busy and distracted, America is spinning out of control. Our Texasborder has been open for three years with millions from all over the world allowed to just walk intoAmerica undocumented! The powers that be are wanting to take us out from the inside. We areallowing and assisting migrants with government subsidies, food, and healthcare while Americansare struggling to make ends meet. Parents are losing their sovereign rights to the educationsystem, elections are being fixed, and the people who stand for THRUTH are being silenced.Christians and Conservatives need to stand up and fight like never before because if Texas turnsBLUE, we lose America!! How do we save our conservative Christian values…VOTE! We are a joke tothe rest of the world right now as the enemy has done a great of using fear as his favorite weapon.Not everyone has the strength to stand up against evil, but we can SUPPORT the ones who arewilling! America can be great again, it’s not too late. We are proud to have Keresa Richardson onour cover! Keresa is running for TX state congress HD-61. I have known Keresa for over 20 yearsboth professionally and personally and know her strong faith in Jesus and that she will notcompromise!Keresa is going to bring her strength, business experience, knowledge, and faith to fight for TEXAS. Texas needs Keresa, please pray and vote on March 5th www.keresafortexas.com. May God bless ALL of you, and may God bless America!#TEXANSFightJenniferSincerely,Jennifer Sheehan-ElsaesserA letter from Jennifer
D a v i d h a d b e e n t e x t i n g m e i n c e s s a n t l y t h a t m o r n i n g —r a n g i n g f r o m s t r a n g e l y c a l m t o a g g r e s s i v e . I ’ d t o l d m yp a r e n t s a n d s i s t e r . T h e y u r g e d m e n o t t o r e s p o n d , r e m i n d i n gm e t h a t I c o u l d n ’ t r e a s o n w i t h h i m b e c a u s e h e w a s a c o n - m a na n d s o c i o p a t h . I t ’ s w h a t D a v i d a l w a y s d i d — m a n i p u l a t e d m es o t h a t I ’ d g i v e i n a n d g o b a c k t o h i m . I a l w a y s w e n t b a c kt o h i m . B u t n o t t h i s t i m e . D a v i d w a s s o a n g r y a b o u t t h ed i v o r c e p a p e r s t h a t I s e r v e d h i m t w o w e e k s a g o , o n O c t o b e r 1 9 t h .H e c o u l d n ’ t b e l i e v e t h a t I h a d t h e c o u r a g e t o l e a v e a n d t h es t r e n g t h t o s t a n d u p t o h i m . H i s t e x t s w e n t f r o m b l a m i n g m e ,a p o l o g i z i n g , p l e a d i n g f o r m e t o r e t u r n . I ’ d h e a r d a l l o f t h i sb e f o r e , t h e s a m e p h r a s e s a n d s c h e m e s a n d g u i l t t r i p s h e u s e d o nm e t h r o u g h t h e y e a r s . W h e n h e r e a l i z e d I w a s n ’ t g o i n g t o g i v e i nt h i s t i m e , h e w a r n e d m e t h a t I b e t t e r l i s t e n t o h i m . u n d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 , 2 0 1 5 , a t 2 : 3 0 P M . I ’ m s i t t i n g a t t h e k i t c h e nt a b l e a t m y p a r e n t s ’ h o u s e . M y m o m ’ s i n a n o t h e r r o o m . W e ’ r ew a i t i n g f o r m y d a d , D u k e , o r P o p ( t h a t ’ s w h a t t h e k i d s c a l l e dh i m ) , t o b r i n g R e a g a n a n d G r a n t h o m e f r o m a w e e k e n d w i t h m ys o o n - t o - b e e x - h u s b a n d , t h e i r f a t h e r , D a v i d . D a d w a s o n h i s w a yt o m e e t D a v i d a n d t h e k i d s a t a n e a r b y f a s t - f o o d r e s t a u r a n t a t3 P M . I ’ d i n i t i a l l y p l a n n e d t o g o w i t h d a d , b u t a t t h e l a s tm i n u t e d e c i d e d a g a i n s t i t . A M o t h e r ’ sW O R S TN i g h t m a r eB y K a r e n S p a r k s
David’s texts repeated the same thingover and over,“I will speak ONLY to you...I need youalone.”“I can’t talk to you with your dadthere! I have something to show you.”“I have to talk to you! You need to seesomething. Call ME NOW.”“YOU BETTER CALL ME!”My response each time was the same,“I’ll see you at the meeting place at 3PM.” He made no phone calls, onlytexts.My mom, dad, and sister urged me not torespond to him. David continued to text— telling me to call him. I wanted tocall, but after years of hismanipulation, they reminded me not toallow him to flip the script again andplace the blame on me.I sat next to the garage door becauseas soon as I could hear dad’s car pullin, I wanted to rushout and hug R&G. I held my phone in onehand and nervously flicked the littleextension latch under their kitchentable with the other...back and forth,open and close...this table was olderthan me.Just the prior weekend, Halloweenweekend, was the first time David hadthe kids alone since I servedhim the divorce papers. I followed myattorney’s advice. She told me toproceed as usual andallow him his weekends with them. Shereminded me that divorce proceedingswent better when the parents cooperatedand were amicable. After all, thedesired outcome was shared custody, andI did not want to take away his rights.Grant wanted to go. Reagan did not,but I told her to go and be there forher brother. I also knew they wereboth excited to trick or treat withtheir friends. They wanted me to gowith them because we’d always gonetogether, but I wanted them to havetime with their dad. All of this washappening so fast. I mean, this isdivorce, and it’s hard on everyone,especially the kids. And the processhad only begun, this was their firstweekend away after all of thecraziness, so of course, I wasnervous. This is normal. Nervous isnormal.I tried to think of something to calmmy nerves.I looked over the kitchen table andthought about all of the memorieswe’d had right here. My kids atepancakes they made with their Pop atthis very table. This is where theycolored incoloring books with their Mimi. Isnuck Cheetos to my childhood dog,Prissy, from this table. Ihad birthdays at this table; my kidshad birthdays at this table. Weplayed Chicken Foot DominoTournaments with R&G at thistable...maybe we’d play a game whenthey got home….My phone rang. I recognized thenumber as a neighbor friend.She panicked, “Karen, your house ison fire! I can see the smoke fromhere! It’s your house!Where are you? Are you in the house?Where are Reagan and Grant? Are y’allokay?”I asked, “Wait, are you sure? Mydad’s on his way to meet —”I froze! I knew immediately, but Iignored all of my instincts andraging fear — fight or flight tookover, and I tried in the moment tomake it not true.
“ W h a t i f D a v i d h u r t t h e m ? W h a t ’ sh a p p e n i n g ? D A D , G O T O T H E M N O W !H U R R Y ! P L E A S E , G O D ! ” I s c r e a m e d .“ S t o p , s t o p s a y i n g t h a t ! H e ’ dh u r t h i m s e l f , b u t n o t t h e m ! J u s ts t a y t h e r e i n c a s e t h e y c o m e t oy o u . L e t m e m a k e s o m e c a l l s . I ’ mo n m y w a y ! S t a y p u t , ” D a d s a i d .“ L o r d , y o u ’ r e c o v e r i n g t h e m —y o u ’ r e p r o t e c t i n g R e a g a n a n dG r a n t . . . ” I h e a r d h i m p r a y i n g a sh e h u n g u p . I r e l a y e v e r y t h i n g Ik n o w t o m y m o m a n d t e l l h e r t os t a r t c a l l i n g f a m i l y f o r p r a y e r .I c o u l d h e a r m y A u n t J a n ’ s v o i c ec o m i n g f r o m m o m ’ s p h o n e . Is t a r t e d c r y i n g h a r d e r . W a s t h i sr e a l l y h a p p e n i n g ? I r e p e a t e d l yc a l l e d D a v i d ! N o r e s p o n s e . It e x t e d h i m ! N o r e s p o n s e . M y m i n di s r a c i n g . I d i a l e d 9 1 1 . “ 9 1 1 ,w h a t ’ s y o u r e m e r g e n c y ? ” t h eo p e r a t o r a s k e d . “ M Y H O U S E I S O NF I R E , a n d I t o l d h e r m y a d d r e s s !M Y K I D S A R E I N T H E H O U S E ; T H E Y ’ R EE I G H T a n d N I N E - R E A G A N A N D G R A N TS M A L L ! ! P L E A S E H E L P ! S E N D H E L P ! ”“ M a ’ a m , p l e a s e r e m a i n c a l m — I ’ v eg o t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n , a n d w e ’ r es e n d i n g s o m e o n e n o w . E m e r g e n c yu n i t s a r e o n t h e w a y . ” “ I s h i sc a r . . . a w h i t e N i s s a n S e n t r a , i si t t h e r e ? I s i t a t t h e h o u s e ? ” Ia s k e d . “ I f h i s c a r i s t h e r e , h ek i l l e d t h e m , ” I s a i d . ”Ma’a m , i f h e m a d e that threat...” Iinte r r u p t e d h e r , saying, “No, Ididn ’ t a n s w e r h i s texts, and he’staki n g r e v e n g e o n me...” I said.“Ple a s e d o s o m e t h ing, tell the copshe’s g o i n g t o k i l l them! Please,tell m e s o m e t h i n g !” I pleaded withher. “ J u s t s t a y o n the line withme, a n d I ’ l l u p d a te you as soon asthe E m e r g e n c y U n i ts arrive...” shesaid . F r a n t i c , I hung up on her! Igath e r e d m y s e l f a nd dialed everyoneI co u l d t h i n k o f , from family tofrie n d s . “ H e y , i t ’s Karen! My houseis o n fi r e - m y n e ighbor called!Have y o u s e e n R e a gan and Grant orDavi d ? A r e t h e y w ith you guys? Orwith a n y o n e w e k n ow? Maybe theywent t o s o m e o n e ’ s house? Or a gameor s o m e t h i n g ? ” I asked, holding mybrea t h .No matter how many people I called,the answer was the same, “No, what? Idon’t know I-I haven’t seen themtoday. I’m so sorry! What can I do?I’ll call around right now! I’mpraying,” They’d say. My phone was buzzing nonstop. I didn’tknow who was saying what! I’mstruggling to keep my thoughts fromgoing to the worst-case scenario. Ijust wanted to hear that they weresafe somewhere — that David haddropped them off with a family memberor were out riding bikes with friends.Maybe David just didn’t tell me...maybe he burned down the house to getinsurance money orsomething...ANYTHING! My mom waspacing the entire time in a panic...she’d interrupt me during my calls totry and understand what was happening.I only yelled bits and pieces becauseI didn’t even know! “ T h e y ’ r e g o n e ”N o , t h e y ’ r e w i t h D a v i d ;e v e r y t h i n g ’ s o k a y . T h e y ’ r e o k a y !T h e y ’ r e m e e t i n g m y d a d t o c o m eh o m e . D a v i d ’ s m e e t i n g m y d a d r i g h tn o w t o d r o p t h e m o ff . ” I t o l d h e r .“ O h , t h a n k G o d ! I h e a r fi r e t r u c k si n t h e a r e a . S o m e o n e m u s t ’ v ea l r e a d y c a l l e d , ” s h e r e p l i e d . “ Ih a v e t o c a l l m y d a d ! ” I h u n g u pa n d i m m e d i a t e l y d i a l e d h i m .“ D a d ! D o y o u h a v e R e a g a n a n dG r a n t , ” I a s k e d ? “ N o t y e t . I ’ ms i t t i n g h e r e w a i t i n g o n ’ e m . ”“ M y n e i g h b o r j u s t c a l l e d — S H ES A I D M Y H O U S E I S O N F I R E ! ” Iy e l l e d .M y m o m r a n i n t o t h e k i t c h e n ,“ W h a t ! ? ”“ Y o u r h o u s e i s o n fi r e ! D e a r J e s u s !O k a y , I ’ m h e a d i n g t h e r e n o w ! ” h es a i d .
I d i a l e d 9 1 1 a g a i n . “ 9 1 1 , w h a t ’ sy o u r e m e r g e n c y ? ” a s k e d t h eo p e r a t o r . I t w a s t h e s a m e f e m a l eo p e r a t o r . “ P l e a s e , d o y o u k n o w i fm y k i d s a r e i n t h e h o u s e ? W h a t a r et h e y s a y i n g ? ” I b e g g e d . “ M a ’ a m , p l e a s e s t a y c a l m . I d o n ’ th a v e a n y i n f o r m a t i o n . I ’ m s o r r y , ”s h e k e p t t o h e r s c r i p t . I c o u l dt e l l b y h e r v o i c e t h a t s h e w a sn e r v o u s . T h e r e w a s a l o n g p a u s e .M y o t h e r l i n e w a s b e e p i n g , s o Is w i t c h e d o v e r ! M y d a d c a l l e d m e b a c k , a n d b e f o r eh e e v e n g o t a c h a n c e t o s p e a k . . . It o o k a d e e p b r e a t h a n d a l l o w e d t h ew o r d s t o c o m e o u t . I s c r e a m e d , “ H EK I L L E D M Y K I D S ! D A V I D K I L L E D M YK I D S ! H E M U R D E R E D M Y B A B I E S ! ” M y a u n t , K a r e n , a n d u n c l e , C h r i sw a l k e d i n t h e b a c k d o o r a n d b e g a np a c i n g t h e l i v i n g r o o m a n d p r a y i n gw i t h t h e r e s t o f u s . C h r i s a n s w e r e dh i s c e l l p h o n e a n d s t e p p e d o u t s i d e .W h e n h e r e t u r n e d , h i s f a c e w a sp a l e . T h e r e w a s a s e v e r e l a c k o fh o p e i n h i s e y e s . I f e l t h i s h a n d so n m y s h o u l d e r s . H e l e a n e d i n c l o s e l y a n d w h i s p e r e dg e n t l y , “ T h e y ’ r e g o n e . ” I k n e w i t f r o m t h e s e c o n d I g o t m yn e i g h b o r ’ s c a l l , a n d I w a n t e d t oy e l l t o m y m o m t h a t D a v i d w a sm u r d e r i n g R e a g a n a n d G r a n t ! B u t Id i d n ’ t w a n t i t t o b e t r u e . M yb a b i e s a r e g o n e ! I g r a b b e d t h e i rp i c t u r e o f f m y p a r e n t ’ s m a n t l e , m yk n e e s b u c k l e d , a n d I f e l l t o t h ef l o o r , h o l d i n g t h e m i n m y a r m s .F a m i l y m e m b e r s a n d f r i e n d s s t a r t e df l o o d i n g i n t o t h e h o u s e ,s u r r o u n d i n g m e . I s c r e a m e d ,“ R E A G A N ! G R A N T ! M Y B A B I E S , M YB A B I E S . . . N O O O O ! I L O V EY O U . . . N O O O O ! J E S U S , H E L P M E , J E S U SP R O T E C T T H E M ! D A V I D K I L L E D R E A G A NA N D G R A N T ! T H E Y ’ R E D E A D , I K N O W I T !W H Y Y Y Y , D a v i d ? W H Y Y Y Y w o u l d y o uk i l l o u r p r e c i o u s b a b i e s ? ? ? D u k e c a m e i n l a t e r a n d I m e l t e di n t o h i s a r m s . H e s a t m e d o w n o nt h e l o v e s e a t , s a t d o w n i n t h er o c k e r , a n d b e g a n t a l k i n g a n dm i n i s t e r i n g t o e v e r y o n e . T h a t p a r to f t h e h o u s e w a s j a m - p a c k e d w i t hs i x t y - p l u s p e o p l e . T h e y g a v e e y e -w i t n e s s a c c o u n t s t h a t h e s h a r e ds c r i p t u r e a n d p r a y e r — H e h a s N Oc o n s c i o u s r e c o l l e c t i o n o f w h a t h es a i d o r t a l k e d a b o u t f o r o v e r a nh o u r . P e o p l e t o l d m e t h a t I l o o k e d a th i m a n d a s k e d , “ W H Y , D a d ? ” H e l o o k e d a t m e a n d s t a r t e dt a l k i n g a g a i n … m o r e s c r i p t u r e ,e n c o u r a g e m e n t , a n d p r a y e r , a n d i tw a s j u s t p o u r i n g o u t o f h i m t ot h i s r o o m t h a t o v e r f l o w e d w i t hp e o p l e … t h e r e w a s n o m o v e m e n t , n ow o r d s , n o s o u n d s , j u s t c r y i n g . T h e n e v e r y o n e s t a r t e d s c r a m b l i n gt o f i g u r e o u t h o w t o h e l p u s a n dp l a n f o r a l l t h a t w a s t o c o m e . I tw a s c h a o s ! A n d s t i l l i s 8 y e a r s l a t e r …G r a n t h a s n o w b e e n g o n e a s m a n yy e a r s a s h e w a s a l i v e . R e a g a n w i l lb e n e x t y e a r . W o w ! N o w o r d s . H e a r t s t o p s . C a n ’ t b r e a t h e . S o U n i m a g i n a b l e . A m o t h e r s w o r s t n i g h t m a r e . I ' m s o s o r r y ! I ' m s o r r y I l e t y o u g o ! I ' ms o r r y I c o u l d n ' t s a v e y o u ! I ' m s o s o r r y !S e e y o u s o o n m y a n g e l s . S e e y o u s o o n . # f i l i c i d e # d o u b l e h o m i c i d e # m u r d e r # r e a g a n # g r a n t# 8 y e a r s # s m a l l b u t f i r e c e # p 4 x i i i # P s a l m 2 3 v 4
HERE COMESKeresa! Written by:s the old Yiddish proverb says, “If you want tomake God laugh, tell him about your plans.” My plan had always been to continue supportingconservative candidates who want to run foroffice, while serving as CEO of the LawtonGroup, the business that my husband J.R. and Ihave built for the last 40 years. The LawtonGroup encompasses several companiesincluding plumbing, HVAC, electrical,refrigeration and pest control, serving customersthroughout DFW, Austin and San Antonio.But God had other plans for me.And so, after much prayer and after seekingcounsel from family and friends, I am excitedand proud to announce that I am a candidatefor the Texas House of Representatives! Texas House District 61 in Collin County includesparts of the cities of McKinney, Frisco, Anna,Weston, and Celina. If you live in one of thosecities, I ask for your support and your vote. Regardless of where you live, I ask for yourprayers! Please visit my website:KeresaForTexas.com.As a Christian, mother, grandmother,entrepreneur, CEO, business owner and cancersurvivor, I am battle-tested and ready to bringmy Texas values, common sense and businessexperience to the Texas House. A
Growing up in Texas we were taught in ourpublic school to love our state and ourcountry. We would begin every day with thepledge of allegiance. We learned about thehistory of Texas and its proud heritage. Wesang the state song: Texas, Our Texas. My husband J.R. and I have always tried touse what God has blessed us with to serveothers. We have opened our home forconservative candidates, causes, charitiesand missionaries. Now, I feel that God hascalled for us to embark on this new journeyof service. “As each has received a gift, useit to serve another, as good stewards ofGod’s varied grace.” – 1 Peter 4:10My family has deep roots in Texas; we’vebeen here since 1835, before the battle ofthe Alamo. We have been designated a“Texas First Family” by the Texas StateGenealogical Society. And I am proud to bea native Texan!Over the years, many have said,“As goes Texas, so goes the UnitedStates.” Big cities in Texas, such asDallas, Houston, San Antonio andAustin have already gone blue.Those cities are controlled byliberal Democrats. Which cities arethey targeting next? Well, you canbet that Collin County is in thecrosshairs. And if we lose Texas tothe left, we can kiss the free worldgoodbye!Today, Texas is under attack. Ourfamilies and our children are underattack. The radical leftist agendaseeks to usurp parental rights andworks to undermine our Texasvalues. However, there is a problem with our TexasRepublican legislature. In any other state, andeven in Washington, D.C., when Republicanswin a majority, then obviously Republicans areappointed to chair every committee. But forsome reason, right here in Texas, where wehave a Republican Governor, RepublicanLieutenant Governor, Republican legislature,and Republican Speaker of the House,Democrats are appointed to chair TexasHouse committees. Consequently, Democratscontrol the Texas House. When there is aDemocrat Chairman of a House Committee,then he or she can kill legislation incommittee before it ever gets to a floor vote.And that’s what’s been happening in Austinfor decades. Most voters are unaware of thisproblem. Democrats are funneling resourcesand recruiting candidates to run inTexas. Remember when BetoO’Rourke ran against Senator TedCruz? Beto was just the beginning.Millions of dollars are pouring intoTexas to try to flip our U.S. Senateseats as well as others.Most Americans, and even Texans,believe that Texas is a Republicanstronghold. After all, for over 20years, Republicans have held everystatewide office and a majority inthe Texas legislature. Republican legislators have gone along withthis system of power sharing for longenough. It is high time that we elect newstate representatives who will go to Austinand work for their constituents, not thelobbyists, the special interests, or theSpeaker for that matter!
It is time for Texas Republicans to draw a line in the sandand take back control of our Texas House. We must keepTexas strong. As the lyrics say in our state song, Texas,Our Texas, “God bless you Texas, and keep you brave andstrong, that you may grow in power and worth, throughoutthe ages long.”It is time for Texas Republicans to draw a line in the sandand take back control of our Texas House. We must keepTexas strong. As the lyrics say in our state song, Texas,Our Texas, “God bless you Texas, and keep you brave andstrong, that you may grow in power and worth, throughoutthe ages long.”hat is the other big problem in Austin; most state representatives take largedonations from lobbyists as well as the Speaker of the House. Those donations fundtheir campaigns, and once they take that money, they are beholden to those specialinterests and vote accordingly. When elected to the Texas House, I will not acceptmoney in exchange for my vote. My only special interest group will be you, myconstituents in Collin County.#TEXASFIGHT#ASKKERESA#VOTECOLLINCOUNTYT Listen HERE to Keresa’s interview on the HEisHope show
www.kingdomconnectmaggazine.org#GETOUTTHEVOTEWill We Vote OurValues?In a world constantlychanging our ideologicallandscape driven by politics,there is hope on the horizonfor Texas in 2024!’ve always remembered as a youth to never discuss politics and religion with anyone,especially at work. It seemed to me based on my own perception that these were tabootopics and were meant to be left out of the conversation for the sake of doing business ormaintaining relationships with others. This was the original “inclusive” ideology at work wherewe could all just “agree to disagree”. Everybody was respectful of everybody else’s ideology,however, NOT TODAY. Specifically since 2016 when a bombastic business-man took theseat at the Oval Office. Why? It seems just 8 years prior to Barack Obama holding that seatwhere there was never much scrutiny of his presidential authority. Why was Trumpdemonized by the press the moment he took office? The reason should be more obvious toyou now then perhaps back in 2016. There is a reason to hate Donald Trump. The reason isNOT what they tell you. They’ll say he is a racist, misogynist, and chaotic, only to keep youreye off the ball. The real reason is that Democrats stand in opposition to regular, everydayhard-working Americans so they can retain political control. Democrats are a party of the eliterich, and the very poor, which ultimately squeezes the middle class into submission. CHRISELSAESSERCONTRIBUTOR
Did you know that Washington state is currentlysponsoring transgender sterilization surgery forchildren as old as 12 years old? Without long-term studies, we cannot allow these hormonalexperiments to be done on our children in Texas.Let’s prepare ourselves to the fact that oncestates legalize these medical procedures, publicopinion will shape our own laws here in the greatstate of Texas.Our own Texas demographics are rapidlychanging with a population boost from peoplefrom other states. California and New Yorktransplants are fleeing their own states to Texasfor lower taxes and lower crime rate. Yet evenstill, many will support the same Democraticgovernment policies that they left behind in theirstate. As the worldly adage says: “You can’thave it both ways.” As God’s word says in James1:8: “A double-minded man is unstable in all hisways.” It seems obvious to me that we have triedto appease the world for the last four years. Wemust elect state leaders and US staterepresentatives that will fight to retain ourconservative values. Candidates such as KeresaRichardson (featured on cover) will preserve andhelp protect our state by rejecting theaforementioned Democrat policies. There hasnot been a time like this in the 21st centurywhere so much is on the line! Will we allow aradical agenda to capture the great state ofTexas? Will we let our infrastructure beoverwhelmed by illegal migrants competing forhealthcare? Will we protect our children and ourchildren’s children to have a brighter and betterfuture? Will see through the partisan filter andsimply vote our values?If you ever took government in school there werejust a few fundamental principles that we learnedabout Republicans and Democrats. Republicansare usually supportive of a strong national defensewith an adequate military, fewer taxes, and smallgovernment intervention. Democrats are alwayssupportive of weakening the military, higher taxes,and large government bureaucracy. While thesedifferences are significant, in the past, we havebeen able to work through the divide in ideologyand meet in the middle without much tension.Currently, under the Biden/Harris administration,Democrats have seized power in our country andshape policies way beyond their own original coretenets. Since president Biden’s term in 2020,Democrats are taking aim at our national security,public education, and our most vulnerable citizenswhich include the unborn. Let’s unpack…First andforemost, our nation is more unsafe than everresulting from the porous Texas border wheremillions are entering our country, everyday andusually undocumented. Our unsafety doesn’t stopthere, as our local police forces have beendemeaned and defunded which is the result ofrecord-low police officers on our streets. Austin is the textbook example of how a liberallygoverned city has become a dangerous place withdefunding law enforcement. You can see Texascities crime stats here. Texas cities crime stats.These rising crime statistics are a directrelationship to the Austin city council defundingtheir police department. Secondly, ourgovernment-run education has taken a turn for theworse. Colleges and universities have always hadDEI policies in place with an emphasis on CriticalRace Theory. You can find that many sourcesexplain that Critical Race Theory is only a“historical” perspective that explains the plight ofAfrican-Americans since slavery. However, It isnot just a history class that teaches horriblesegregation and persecution placed specifically onblack Americans, which SHOULD BE taught.Instead, It puts an “us vs them” where the minoritygroup will always be oppressed by the majoritygroup. The theory states that the “oppression” ofblack Americans will never be able, no matterwhat they do, succeed in American life even withearned merit by working hard. They will always be oppressed by theoppressors to keep them from achieving thesame equal outcome as their racialcounterparts. Something to ponder, what willour high-schoolers think? As a former teacherin the public school system I have seen thisindoctrination of CRT. This results in ananxiety between races so thick you can cutwith a knife. Finally, our children are beingused by politicians as Democrat pawns toinfluence public opinion.
A GOD OF SECOND CHANCESThen He told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he wentto look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of thevineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree andhaven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil? ‘Sir,’ the man replied,‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ ” Luke 13:6-9 As we go through our lives we will face many many things. Some good some not sogood. We will have points in our relationship with the Lord where we feel very close.And we will have moments when we feel far away. We all grow in the Lord atdifferent speeds. The rate at which we grow is up to us and how much time andeffort we want to put in to our relationship with the Lord. Sometimes things in life get us down and we allow ourselves to be drawn away fromthe Lord. It’s at these times where it will seem as though we are doing nothing forthe Lord. We are just using up the soil. It’s at these low points that we need someoneto come alongside. A brother or sister in the Lord. Someone who will take the time toreach down and help us out of the hole we are in. Someone who will encourage usand build us up and help us to get through these low points. It may seem to one asthough we have walked away but to another that we just need our dirt turned and tobe fertilized. Our loving Father in Heaven never ever gives up on us. We must learn tonever give up on ourselves. And to be very grateful to the Lord for bringing thosespecial friends into our lives who will help us at our worst. The Lord said He would never leave us nor forsake us. Our God is the God of secondchances. And third. And fourth….. And at any point in our backslidden state we cansimply repent and change direction. And the Lord is standing right there with openarms, forgiveness and Unconditional Love. Lord Jesus I thank You for those special people you have placed in my life all alongthe way. Those who reached down and helped me out of my funk. Those who stoodalongside encouraging and building me back up. Those who gave me tough lovewhen I needed it. Thank You Lord for placing all of these special people in my life. I ask a special blessing on each one. And I am so very grateful that You are a God who never ever gave up on me. You arethe God of second chances. Thank You Jesus for all that you have done for us. AmenH O L Y G H O S T W R I T E R 7Written by
Dr. Alveda King The greatest gift that my parents and grandparents passed down to me is alegacy of faith, hope, and love connected to our family history that is markedby a commitment to service and compassion. While I would love to leave mychildren and grand children a financial legacy of untold millions, I know the most important gift that I can share with them is a trueunderstanding and acceptance of God’s will for their lives.One thing that is true of tangible and intangible gifts is that they all comewith return tags. For instance, the week after a baby shower or Christmas,stores are bombarded with people participating in the long practiced ritual of returning gifts that they don’t want.Today, many of us whose families passed on legacies of morality and dignityare trading them in for beliefs that are counter to everything we were oncetaught. I know deep within my soul that my parents and grandparents wouldbe appalled if I traded their lessons and swapped them for the depraved“gifts” of this world.
Isn’t 2023 with all its pain and joy flying by quickly? With the new yearahead, we have a remarkable opportunity to “shift the gears.” If we try, wecan put God first in our lives every day. As we wind up this year and move ahead to 2024, let’s imagine theblessings that are in store for us if we embrace faith, hope and love; evenas we “see” the challenges around us. With a renewed sense of purpose,let’s seek the light; grab hold of the lifeline. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONWhile many may have lost our sense of direction, it is never to late to heedour ancestor’s prayers as we consider embracing those “legacy values”that many of us have pushed away while chasing the mercurial gifts of theworld. My prayer today is that as we seek the Lord in prayer, God will bless us in ways we cannot imagine. Amen. o don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will wedrink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts ofunbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seekthe Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will giveyou everything you need.” Matthew 6:31-33 NLT
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nytime we talk about end times one of two things can happen in the hearts of many of us. We canfeel anxious (“Am I ready?”) or we can feel fear (“How bad is it going to get?”)Let’s shift our focus and instead have a divine urgency there are so many to reach!Let’s start here…Our faith is marginalized when focus on ourselves. It’s nice to feel comfortable and confident in our ownstanding with God, but being a Christian is NOT just about being nice or even being a “good” person…it's about changing the world!If we want to CHANGE the world we have to accept that the only way this can happen is for us to BE the “new creations”.Most often, our response is, “okay God, do something new, but can you please make it look and feel like what I was comfortable with?”Nope. It’s time to be relentless about showing God’s love to the world.Romans 12:9-13 (NLT)9) Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10)Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other. 11) Never be lazy but workhard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. 12) Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble and keepon praying. 13) When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practicehospitality.This is a verse-by-verse instruction on how we can truly love one another!We need to read each clause of this passage in relation to the subject that Paul opened with; “Don’t justPRETEND to love others, REALLY love them.”Hate what is wrong in your relationships and take action to make it right.Hold tightly to what is good and defend what is best in your relationships. How? Philippians 4:8 (NLT)Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Thinkabout things that are excellent and worthy of praise.It’s too easy to get caught up in how we disagree or where there’s been hurt.Love each other with GENUINE affection. Don’t make people guess how you feel and the importance theyhold in your life. Take DELIGHT in honoring each other.Never be lazy in serving one another, but work hard, and by serving others you are serving the Lord!Rejoice in our confident hope. We don’t have to be fearful even when it seems the world has gone crazy!Be PATIENT in trouble. People will let you down BUT KEEP PRAYING FOR THEM ANYWAY!When they are in need stand at the ready to jump in and help.ALWAYS be EAGER to practice hospitality!Hospitality is best defined as…“You matter to me,” “I value you,” “I care about YOU enough to share the good news.”Time is short! Let’s change the world!Lafe Angell | Pastor Grace-Point Family church. Anna, TX
A last minute October surprise toresurrect Senator Robert Fowler’spresidential campaign lands NavySEAL Joe O’Shanick and his closefriends Navy SEAL Matt Ramsey andDr. Christy Tabrizi in prison forcrimes they did not commit. Theysoon realize they have been markedfor death in order to keep themfrom revealing secrets that couldend Senator Fowler’s political careerand put him in prison. Far away from the battlefields of theMiddle East and Central America,O’Shanick and Ramsey findthemselves in an entirely differentkind of war, a high-stakes politicalwar of treachery, betrayal anddeath, with no rules of engagement.A suspenseful, captivatingpage-turner...highlightingreal-world issues.A taut action-thriller thatis guaranteed to keep youon the edge of your seat.““““The fourth installment in John GaltRobinson’s Joe O’Shanick / Christy Tabrizi series, In Darkness LightShines has readers raving on Amazon.InDarknessLightShinesJOHN GALT ROBINSONAvailable now onkindle and in printView on amazon.comBook 1 Book 2 Book 3Don’t miss the other books in the series:
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C A T C H S O M E W A V E S I Nt’s so true that the Lord works in mysterious ways, andaccording to His time table, and my experience headingup building the first kitchen in Collin County to feed thefood insecure population was an incredible lesson in thosetruths. Oddly enough, it all started because of a biglandscape project my husband and I were trying to doat our home. After a few days of toiling, we realized wewere going to need some help. There is a place in ourtown where day laborers gather hoping to be picked upfor work. As we pulled into the parking area, 50 plusmen rushed to our truck hoping to be hired. Quicklytwo able bodied young men jumped in the truck bed,and we were set. Just as we left, the crowd separatedand at the very back I saw an older man struggling toget up and walk to the truck. He had on a cowboy hat,a pressed long sleeve white shirt, a giant rodeo beltbuckle and blue jeans. When he did finally make it tohis feet, I saw he was terribly crippled, but there he wascompeting with healthy young men for work. There wasno way he would be hired for manual labor, and if hecouldn’t work how would he eat? It broke my heart. Icame home and called my friend Kathy and told her wehad to feed these men who had to stand on the streetand beg for jobs. The next day she and I outlined everypossible scenario hoping to figure out how to do it. After8 hours of strategizing, we realized we just didn’t havethe resources to make it happen. We were sodisappointed and sad, but understood it wasn’t going tobe possible. Fast forward five years to a ladies Biblestudy group meeting around my kitchen table. N O M A D I C | 2 4The Lord does have a brilliant sense of humor. Not a oneof us had any background to direct us, so we learned aswe went, made plenty of mistakes, prayed a lot,experienced incredible miracles along the journey andwitnessed kindness and generosity from so many people.In Luke 14:28,29, Jesus taught, “For which of you,intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, andcounteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is notable to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him. ”Taking this teaching, we, as a board decided not toconstruct until we had sufficient funds. The Lord’s timetable is different from ours, and is a mighty lesson inwaiting. After 8 years of educating people of the needand fund raising, we finally broke ground for the building.One month later Covid hit and we were stopped in ourtracks. Many times along the way I was continuallyasked, “Are you ever going to get it built? ” Most peoplehad given up, but what the Lord puts in motion, cannotbe stopped. The kitchen opened June 7, 2022 and hasnow served over 40,000 meals to people who arestruggling with food insecurity. Hundreds of volunteershave devoted hours to the mission, bringing love andhope to people that are often forgotten andoverlooked.Senior citizens, veterans, families, singleparents, the homeless and many children are greeted withfriendly, smiling servers and enjoy a healthy, deliciousmeal in a safe, welcoming dining facility. All meals arefree, no paperwork is required and no identification isneeded. Dining with dignity is our standard. We are just afriendly, neighborhood café, serving great food and greatservice. The kitchen is a blessing to all who enter. We were so shocked at this information that wequickly researched to only learn that there was noplace in our county that provided meals to people indistress. I remember walking around the tablerefilling everyone’s coffee and suddenly saying, “Well,we will just raise the money a build a kitchen.” Atthat very moment the image of the crippled manflashed in my mind, and it was like a spark ignited inmy soul. With the Lord’s help, I knew we wouldbuild a place for people to dine.How we got started on the topic of hunger that morningis still a mystery. We didn’t think it was a significantproblem, however two ladies were principals at title oneschools in McKinney, Texas and educated us on the sadreality that thousands of children in our community werefood insecure, meaning that they didn’t have enoughfood to live healthy, productive lives.Feeding the 5,000 +C o m m u n i t y G a r d e nK i t c h e nA n g e l a P o e n | p r e s i d e n t8 | K i n g d o m C o n n e c t M a g a z i n e
OVERCOMING FEARBy DeWayne OwensWhy is it that many people have gone to theirgraves without accomplishing the things they havedreamed of doing? Why have so many people whohave vowed to change their lives have not doneso? Why do we struggle with achieving success inour lives? There are many answers that may comeabout to address these questions, however whenyou get right down to it there is one commonnegative factor involved. That is the fear factor. Ihave heard others say that people do not achievesuccess in their lives because they fear success, orthey fear failure. Whether people fear success orfailure, it is the fear itself that must be dealt with.Fear is a strong paralyzing component that willalways keep one from living his or her dreams.Fear will keep you stagnant and slowly decreaseyour hopes of ever achieving the success youdeserve in your lifetime. Fear must be dealt withand overcome to live out your God-given purpose.Because God is not a God of fear, then you as Hischild must also live fearless. But let’s not kidourselves, because fear is real to all of us. Whatwe must do is recognize our fears and confrontthem head-on. When I was five years old my parents enrolled me into aswimming class. We started the classes in the baby pool.I was excited about my developing swimming skillsbecause I knew whenever I stood up, my head would beabove water. After a couple of weeks, my instructorinformed the class that the following week we would bemoving to the large pool and begin swimming in the six-foot level of water. I was consumed with fear uponhearing the instructor’s news, because I was only aboutthree feet tall at that time. I could no longer stand up inthe pool with my head above water. I was so scared thatI wanted to quit the lessons, but my parents would notlet me quit. The following week the pool looked liked theAtlantic Ocean to me and there was no way I was goingto jump into the water. My swim coaches kept yelling forme to jump into the water. They kept assuring me that Iwould be safe, and everything would be all right. Thoseassurances fell on deaf ears because I was petrified ofjumping in the pool, even with an instructor there to helpme. Finally, an instructor lifted me up from behind andtossed me into the pool. I remember successfullydogpaddling in the water and in an instance my fear ofswimming in deep water was gone. Just like that it wasgone!It is incredible how you can rid yourself of fear byconfronting it directly. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You gainstrength, courage, and confidence by every experiencein which you really stop to look fear in the face…Thedanger lies in refusing to face the fear, in not daring tocome to grips with it. You must make yourself succeedevery time. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.When my instructor tossed me into the pool, I was thankful that he helped meto overcome a fear for life. I am no longer afraid of water because of thatday. I know adults today who absolutely refuse to get into a pool because oftheir fear of water or drowning. To succeed in life, you must conquer yourfears. You must first be aware of what it is you fear and then work atovercoming it. If you choose not to become aware of your fears, then you havechosen to allow life to always control you, which makes you a slave to yourown psychological imprisonment. Only you can knock down the walls of yourown psychological imprisonment by dealing with your fears upfront by beinghonest with yourself. Analyze your fears and discover their roots. It is at theroot that your fear must be destroyed. This can be done through a variety ofways. Solutions include, prayer, self-exploration, professional counseling,advice from trusted others, etc. Begin now to battle what it is that holds youback in life. Begin now to become fearless in whatever area you feel fear.Begin now to allow God to help you fight your battles. Begin now to becomemore than a conqueror! DeWayne Owens is an Actor, MovieProducer, Motivational Speaker, andAuthor. He is the Owner and CEO ofGolden Life Presentations and Be LightFilms. We must learn to develop courage. Courage does notmean you are not afraid to do something. Beingcourageous means doing something when you areafraid to do it. There is a distinct difference. RalphWaldo Emerson once said, “It was high counsel that Ionce heard given to a young person, always do whatyou are afraid to do.”
period described as the last days. In 2 Timothy chapter 3, the word of God says that people will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, and they will have a form of godliness but deny the power of God. Then He goes on to instruct God’s people to turn away from such people! It’s incredible that God himself commands us to turn away from people who may claim to know Him; however they deny the very Word of God which is His instruction for our life. It would be much like pushing your vehicle instead of cranking the engine and driving to your destination.In today’s culture there is so much emphasis being put on the word “inclusion”. The corporate world has become so influenced and so infiltrated by people with an agenda to destroy Christianity that they have convinced much of society to be inclusive of the most vile and perverse things. Sadly even pastors and many churches have been deceived by this spirit of delusion from Satan himself.Instead of taking a stand on the word of God and turning away from the perversion, as He commands us to do, many are embracing it and even celebrating it in the name of inclusion.May I remind you Christian, that James 4:4 tells us clearly that to befriends with the world is to become anenemy of God. Why then do we allowthis ungodly culture who despiseseverything about the God we serveconvince us to celebrate things heconsiders an abomination?Before you bow the knee to inclusion be it known that the God weserve is not inclusive of perversion! 2 Corinthians 6:17 says, “Therefore,come out from among unbelievers, andseparate yourselves from them”, saysthe Lord. “Don’t touch their filthy things,and I will receive you!” Will you bow your knee to God or will you bow your knee to woke? It’s oneor the other it can’t be both; He says youare for me or against me.Derek RogersPastor, Cowboy Church of CorsicanaFounder of TABTGTO WHOM WILL YOU BOW? The Bible gives us a greatdescription of what society willlook like, as we begin the time
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was born and raised in Southern California to a bipolar,alcoholic, pill-popping mother who was married sixtimes. I was the oldest of four children and we werementally and physically abused our whole lifeWe got free lunches, food stamps, clothes from garagesales, and even went dumpster diving behind the grocerystores after they closed. We grew up poor and lived insome incredibly rough neighborhoods. My mother could gofrom happy, to the kind of rage I have never seen in my lifeand unfortunately took it out on us children. My mother gotrid of us all for free by sending us to church camp for aweek when I was in 7th grade. That was the best gift mymother ever gave me because at church camp, I prayed toreceive Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and He became myeverything; He changed my outcome and has always beenenough!I served four years in the Army with one year in Iraq. Ibecame “Supply” and the armorer in charge ofmaintaining and repairing the weapons. I went fromprom princess in high school, to being in Iraq in themiddle of a war! I believe I became a soldier in theArmy to become now a soldier in God’s Army!It is shocking to most people looking at my life today andhearing where I came from. God took this abused, brokengirl, and has lifted her up for His glory. We are all looking for love, joy and peace but unfortunately, we are trying toget it from people and things which will let us down.When you place your trust in God to give you thesethings, He will not disappoint you and you can let peopleoff the hook.God has blessed me with a husband of twenty years, ourseventeen-year-old son and my amazing business. I feelloved, full of joy and have peace. I remember where Icame from and am so thankful to be where I am today. Iwill be sharing what Jesus has done in and through me.You don’t want to miss these incredible stories andunexplainable miracles that will inspire and give youhope! To find out more information, visit,www.jennifersheehanbook.com.MY LIFE STORY ISUNEXPLAINABLE ANDSHOCKING. SEE HOWTHE POWER OF GODCHANGED EVERYTHINGFROM PAIN INTOVICTORY!AVAILABLE NOW AT BARNES & NOBLE,AMAZON AND WHEREVER BOOKS ARE SOLDPainfulVictoriesI
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A theophany (Greek: theophaneia) is defined as “a divine appearance of God, Jesus or TheHoly Spirit. Examples of a theophany in the Bibleare when God spoke to Moses from the burningbush and Jesus spoke to Paul on the road toDamascus. When God speaks, you will know it…or will you?I accepted Christ when I was nine years old in a little church in Waco, Texas. I was baptizeda week later. My mom and I along with my two infant sisters were living with my aunt anduncle after our dad abandoned us at an early age. We were raised in a Christian household and spent much time in church. My mothertaught us how to pray at an early age kneelingbeside our beds at night. The first prayer shetaught us was “Now I lay me down to sleep…”At age ten, I was in the fifth grade. Afternoons after school two little guy friends ofmine and I would walk home across a big fieldnear where we lived. Each day was a treasurehunt for us sifting through dumped garbage. Wewould find old rusted screwdrivers, discardedcostume jewelry and other items valued only bylittle boys.One beautiful spring day I was walking home alone. Suddenly, I felt very unsettled. I got goosebumps and just stood there waiting.Instantly, I was cocooned in a bright, fleshycolored mist. It scared me. Then, from withinthat cocoon, I could see hundreds of broken,golden threads coming down from above andgoing right through me. I’d never experienced,felt or saw love like I did in that instant. It was the most wonderful feeling and I didn’t want it to ever go away. Then I heard, felt andexperienced a still soft voice that said, “You’rehear for a reason…” and the cocoon went away.I walked home and told my aunt what happened. She said, “Ron, you have such a vivid imagination.” When my Mom came homefrom work I told her my story and she said the same thing…vivid imagination. I thought,“Grownups are always right. Maybe I didimagine it. But it was so real.My Mom re-married, we moved to Pasadena, Texas, and I went to church until I was aboutfifteen, then pretty much said, Thanks, God, I’ll take it from here and didn’t return to churchuntil my late forties. I guess I forgot Romans12:2.What happened fourteen years later, when I was not walking with God, on the front lines of combat in Vietnam not only clarified mytheophany but saved my life! That true story will be Part 2 of “Theophany.”THEOPHANYPART 1RON MUMFORD Ron Mumford, Journalism major at theUniversity of North Texas, wrote for severalnewspapers and magazines. He was a combatphotographer/correspondent in the U.S. Army,receiving two Bronze stars. He later authored a Christian non-fiction book entitled Findingyour Soul Mate, God’s Way and a Christianfantasy trilogy entitled Wayne’s Angel, recentlyoptioned by Actor, Producer/Director KevinSorbo for future films by Sorbo Studios.Mumford has been in ministry for over twentyyears and is now a Bible teacher at Lone StarCowboy Church in Montgomery, Texas
You can make a difference in the life of a child in HaitiTODAY! With civil unrest and chaos unraveling in Haiti,children are left vulnerable, and they are in desperateneed of support. With your financial giving, a child in needcan recieve food, housing, education, clothing, and more!To sponsor a child, visit www.lovehimlovethem.org. EMPOWER WOMENSPONSOR A CHILDSUPPORT A HOSPITAL Love Him Love Them provides Haitian women with dignifying jobsthrough our Beauty for Ashes jewelry line! The beads of our beautifuljewelry and ornaments are made from recycled trash found in Haiti. Youcan help empower women while having a positive environmentalimpact! To order jewelry, ornaments, and other items from the Beautyfor Ashes line, visit www.lovehimlovethem.org/haitian-jewelry.We had the grand opening of Love Him Love Them’s medical facility onAugust 29, 2020. Our hospital has remained open throughout theseason of political and civil turmoil in Haiti. Our Haitian doctors andnurses continue to provide medical attention to those in need. We stillhave many essentials needed to make this a fully functional facilityincluding hospital beds, an ultra sound machine, and other equipmentand medical items. To help fund Love Him Love Them’s hospital,please visit PayPal.Me/lovehimlovethem.
• Featured on over 10 major projectsin partnership with Prestonwood, Integrity Music, Hans Zimmer’s team, Liberty University, WOW Records, Red Tie Music, Radiant Music, TobyMac’s Man Cub Studios, and Biglife – Including Dove Nominated Album – Horizon• Featured at the Restoring Honor Rally at the Washington Mall(500,000 people), 4x at the MarchFor Life (100,000 people), the ArkEncounter Grand Opening, David Platt Conference in Thailand, CRU’s global church planting conference, Praise in the Park,Heaven on Earth, Indiana Pacers events, Indiana Fever concert, and has toured the US, parts of Europe, and Asia - at various conferences and events• Has been the main opener for FORKING and COUNTRY, toured with Winter Jam with Crowder, Passion, Hillsong Y&F, Building429, Andy Mineo, Riley Clemmons, Zauntee. Featured on albums with Paul Baloche, Michael W. Smith, Michael Neale, Charles Billingsly, Biglife, and the Gaither Vocal Band• Debut solo album – HEART ON FIRE – March 27, 2020. • Singles from Heart on Fire featuredon Spotify’s “New Music Christian Friday” playlist, Vertical Church Band, Weekly 10 Best of 2020, New Christian Music 2020, Top Hits 2020, Worship Music 2020, NewMusic, Discovery Global, Top FridayNew, Global Hit Music, and more top playlists.•3x Vocalist of the Year at Liberty University• Former Worship Leader for Prestonwood (4 years, Plano, TX, 35,000-member church)• Partner with Biglife Ministries – a disciple making ministry in over 130 countries(13 all originals), Producers: Leo Flores(Poema Creative), Micah Kuiper(Hawk Nelson and Man CubStudios)THIS IS WHY I WAS MADE...I remember the day when I found out why I was cre-ated. I have led worship for nearly my entire life in justabout every size venue you can think of - from our ownliving room with my family to outdoor conferences of500,000+ - but it was in 2015 when I moved from “gift-ing” into my God-given “calling”. Where He shifted mythinking from experiencing Jesus moments and insteadbeing hungry for Jesus movements.I was standing on the Circle Monument downtownIndianapolis about to lead worship for a city-widegathering – but then there was an uproar that left medazed and confused. Screaming and shouting filled the streets and echoed off of the buildings as tensionbegan to build in the midst of the crowds. I trembled in fear as I fell on my face asking God what to do. I felt the Spirit lift me up and strengthem me, saying, “I have created you for moments just like this, rise and sing, proclaim my name and release revival.” And so I did.I rose up and began to sing with my whole heart. Releasing the peace and joy of Jesus on hostile crowds. Literally in a moment, the crowds were silenced, and the anger turned to praises as everyone present began to join in one song unto the Lord. Jesus was releasing His peace, His healing, His joy, His hope, and His Gospel through one simple act of obedience. This is why I was made. It is no longer about giftinganymore. Or notoriety. Or being accepted by this or by that… Simply – the Kingdom of God coming to earth from the smallest level to the largest. Home tohome. Community to Community. City to City. Nation toNation. Until the whole world knows the unstoppable love of Jesus. This is why we were made! To see Jesusmoments turn into Jesus movements. The Holy Spirit has gripped me and I am forever in the love of God!In my debut album, HEART ON FIRE, you get a real look into this journey on what I believe God is unleashing in this world through all of us, lifting our voice to the Lord - until loving one another becomes second nature. ...THIS ISTHAN ALL OF US!BIGGERSNAPSHOT
When it comes to topic of marriage and the ability tospeak with authority on it, I believe there is no betterteacher than time and experience. My wife Sarahand I have been married for thirty one years and wehave been together thirty six years. So I guess youcould say we are like Farmer’s Insurance Agency,we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thingor two. It’s also safe to say that my writings orsermons on the topic are much better at 53 years ofage than they were at 28. So with that background,let me let you peek in on what I believe has the key element to Sarah and I’s journey together all these years.Most of us are fully aware of the words of the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5. It is within this chapter that we find our key responsibility as a husband and a wife. Paul writes in verse 22, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.” And in verse 25 he writes, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Within these two familiar verses we find the veryessence of our marital responsibilities. Wives:submit–or even a better translation–respect yourhusband. Husbands: love your wife, and make that love unconditional like Christ’s love for thechurch. Respect and love. That’s where all healthymarriages start and that’s where all healthymarriages stay. But there’s a deeper command inverse 21 long before Paul speaks to the woman orthe man. He writes in verse 21, “submitting to oneanother out of reverence for Christ.”So here’s the key to being able to fulfill thosecommands of respect and love: both parties in the marriage submit to one another from the verybeginning out of your love and reverence for Christ. Let me take it just a bit deeper. We all come into marriage with two lists. A list of hopes and a list of expectations. Hopes and dreams and expectations on how all of those hopes anddreams will manifest theirselves out in the journeyof marriage. Hopes and dreams are beautifulthings, however, expectations can become astumbling block, especially when they go unmet or unfulfilled. So from the very beginning of themarriage journey or even now if you are down the road several years...SUBMIT THE LIST. That’s right, submit the list of expectations to eachother out of reverence for and your submission toHim. Hang on to those hopes and dreams, work on them, chase after them, share them together, but submit that list of expectations. Don’t let thelist of expectations turn into a list of unfulfilledbitterness because you thought he would or shewould fill in the blank. Submit the list to Christ. Find your respect and lovefor each other in that submission to Him and He’llgive you the supernatural ability to stand the test oftime and experience what only a life-long journeytogether can bring. Brad WilkersonFounding and Senior Pastor at Rock CreekChurch in Prosper, TXRock Creek Churchwww.rockcreektx.church2860 Fishtrap Road, Prosper, TX75078 (469) 815-5253
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