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MAC Master Sponsorship

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BECOMEA PART OFOUR STORYMuskoka Arts & Craftsis dedicated to developingand maintaining the creative heartof Muskoka.Feature Artist Andrea Balmer

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Feature Artist Andrea BalmerWe want to acknowledge that we are on lands traditionally occupiedby Indigenous Peoples. They continue to care for this land, theycontinue to shape Bracebridge today – and we want to show ourrespect. Hundreds of years after the first treaties were signed, theyremain relevant today in guiding our decisions and actions.(This Land Acknowledgement was developed in consultation withChippewas of Rama First Nation in 2017. Please note that bracketedFirst Nations and Treaties might need to be changed out based on thelocation of the meeting.) We will begin this (name of event) byacknowledging that we are meeting on land that has been inhabitedby Indigenous Peoples from the beginning. As settlers, we are gratefulfor the opportunity to meet here and we thank all the generations ofpeople who have taken care of this land – for thousands of years. Longbefore today, as we gather here, there have been Indigenous Peopleswho have been stewards of this place. In particular, we acknowledgethe traditional territory of the (Anishnaabeg), specially the (Ojibway,Chippewa and Odawa) peoples. This territory is covered by theWilliams Treaty (of 1923) and the J. Collins land purchase (of 1785)].We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to thispace. We also recognize the contributions First Nations, Metis, Inuitand other Indigenous Peoples have made, both in shaping andstrengthening this community in particular, and our province andcountry as a whole. As settlers, this recognition of the contributionsand historic importance of Indigenous People must also be clearly andovertly connected to our collective commitment to make the promiseand challenge of Truth and Reconciliation real in our communities.Land Acknowledgement

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Muskoka Arts & Crafts is one of the oldestand most well established artsorganizations in Ontario. Having grownsince its inception in 1963 to include adiverse and inclusive membership ofprofessional full-time & part-time artists,hobbyists, amateurs, patrons, and artenthusiasts that creates a dynamicenvironment where a creative communitycan be cultivated.MISSIONMuskoka Arts & Crafts is a not-for-profit artist community growing andpromoting visual arts & craftawareness across the Muskokacommunity through MAC’s annualevents, partnerships, social media,and exhibitions.VISIONMAC’s vision is to facilitateopportunities, partnerships & eventsthat will help promote and grow ourlocal artist community. ANNUAL NUMBERSMAC Members 400+Event Attendees 10,000+Gallery Visitors 10,000+Social Media Followers 14,000+ MA&C WebsiteVisitors 27KMA&C WebsiteNew Users 30KArts and culture in Ontario directlycontribute $27.5 billion annually to theprovincial economy, representing3.3% of Ontario’s GDP.Resource: Ontario Arts CouncilMA&C’s membership has grownto 400+ members & continues togrow

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MA&C’s financial operations are supportedthrough artist membership dues, programming revenue and governmentgrants. With a committed Board of Directors(volunteers) and a talented staff team,MA&C is constantly looking for innovativeways to generate revenue to realize theirmission and vision, as well as expandingtheir impact across Muskoka. Sponsorship & donations is vital to thegrowth of MA&C and will assist movingforward innovative arts programming,youth education, continued consultation withthe indigenous community, creativepartnerships and new arts initiatives.Artists are innovativeentrepreneurs. 88% of Ontarian’sagree that arts and culturalactivities are important to acommunity’s economic well-beingResource: Ontario Arts Council97% of Ontarians agreethat engaging childrenin the arts is importantto their overalldevelopmentResource: Ontario ArtsCouncil.WHY SPONSOR THE ARTSIN MUSKOKA? A 2010 survey of eighteen mid-sized Ontario cities foundall used cultural and recreational amenities for downtownrevitalization, with 83% considering it effective.Resource: Ontario Arts CouncilArtist: Col Mitchell Sculpture: Brenda NievesPhoto: Bracebridge Public SchoolThere are many benefits to sponsoring the artsincluding:Brand visibility and awarenessGenerate leads with a new audienceNew networking opportunities Opportunity to cultivate partnershipsCreate customer loyalty with your brandEnhance brand perception Retention of customers by demonstratingcommunity minded business practicesFostering creative communities generateseconomic value by supporting innovationContributes to the personal and socialdevelopment of our youthAND you get to be the first to attend really cool events and exhibit openings as a VIP and treated like royalty! MA&C provides an important contributionto the cultural landscape of Muskoka, making it a destination that benefits many sectors in our business community.

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GOLD - $15,000 Sponsor logo on window at MAC ON MAIN in downtown Bracebridge with QR Code linked back toyour website or socials(one year term)Monthly sponsor feature on MAC’s socials and MAC iOS/Android appRecognition on the MAC WebsiteLogo will be included on all exhibition and arts programming postersMAC ON MAIN Free gallery rental for 2 special events per yearSILVER - $7,000 Six sponsor features on socials per year on MAC’s socials and MAC iOS/Android appRecognition on the MAC WebsiteMAC ON MAIN Free gallery rental for 1 special event per yearBRONZE - $2,000 or in kind Social media shout outs for supportRecognition on the MAC WebsiteLogo on one specific project supported, chosen by the sponsor Please ask about a multi-year sponsorship partnershipHOW CAN YOU SUPPORT ARTS & CULTURE IN MUSKOKA?Above: Unique Muskoka SpreadFlaunt It Media65% of Ontario businessleaders say that a thriving arts and culture scene issomething that wouldmake it easier to attracttop talent to theircommunity.Resource: Ontario Arts Council65% of Ontario businessleaders say that a thriving Arts and culture scene issomething that wouldmake it easier to attracttop talent to theircommunity.Resource: Ontario Arts CouncilYEAR ROUND SUPPORT2024 Spring Members’ Show - Flaunt It Media2024 Spring Members’ Show - Larry Carroll

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PLATINUM - EVENT SPONSOR TAKEOVER $40,000 Exclusive sponsorship rights Logo’s on all summer show branding, radio, print and socialsSponsorship tile with booking link to your website & socialsRecognition on the MAC website & AppSponsor signage at both entry gates at the summer showFree 10'x10' booth at the eventSignage on golf carts20 VIP summer show tickets20 VIP parking spaces at the entry gate20 VIP welcome bags to enjoy the show!Please ask about a multi-year sponsorship partnershipThe Summer Show is MA&C’s largest fundraiser of the year. Your sponsorship helps support artists, grow an already vibrant arts & culture scene in Muskokaand ensures MA&C’s continued success and long-term sustainability.93% of Ontarians believe that arts activities help enrich the quality of our lives.90% of Ontarians agree that an active local arts scene helps make a community a better place to live.88% of Ontarians believe that if their community lost its arts scene & activities, people living there would lose something of significant value.92% of Ontarians agree that exposure to arts and culture is important to individual well-being. Resource: Ontario Arts Council63rd Annual Summer Show Flaunt It MediaEXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY TO REACH 10K + OFVISITORS AND TOURISTS VISITING MUSKOKA!ICONIC MUSKOKA SUMMER SHOWSummer Show:10,000+ visitors every year$ 803,125,344Visitor spending inOntario - CBRE ReportJuly - Sep 2022 86% of Ontarians attend live arts events ,performances and visualarts exhibits at least once a year.Resource: Ontario Arts Council63rd Annual Summer Show - Flaunt It Media569,398 ImpressionsResource: Muskoka Tourism248,871 Impressions40-60 Luxury|MuskokaToronto, GTA & PortCarlingResource: Dandelion Marketing

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Artist: Serena West It is an exciting time at Muskoka Arts& Craft as we move into a new eraand plant seeds for the future artscene in Muskoka. Muskoka Arts & Crafts is a cornerstone of our vibrantcommunity, showcasing the incredible talent andcreativity of our local artists. Their events and theaddition of MAC on Main entices visitors to the region,enriching Muskoka's art and culture landscape. We'reproud to support their efforts and are thankful for thehard work they put into their programming everyseason of the year. Val Hamilton Executive Director Muskoka Tourism MORE EVENTSWe will expand our current eventswhile introducing new art andculture initiatives, aiming to attractan additional 20K visitors.Partnering with MAC will positionyou directly in front of this audience. ENHANCE COMMUNITYWe look toward the future, focusedon engaging our youth and creatingmore collaboration for our artscommunity. We will do this bycreating opportunities to showcasestudent work in our gallery as wellas providing space at our events forup and coming artisans. WHATS MISSING...YOU!Will you joinUS? With yoursupport we promise:VISIBILITY & LOCATIONMAC ON MAIN is situated in theheart of Muskoka, with a gallerylocated in downtown Bracebridge.We welcome over 10,000 visitorsannually, and that numbercontinues to grow. This is theperfect location to showcase yourcompany.Supporting MA&C and its 400+ members is a way forme to help bring creativity to the fore in a time that needsgrounding, inspiration and original thinking more thanever. I truly believe artists, crafters and makers areintegral to building healthy, sustainable communities,and I equally believe there is an artist inside everyone.As an arts enthusiast member, I look forward todiscovering more about the arts in Muskoka, as well asuncovering my own inner embers of creativity of thiscommunity. Kathryn Monk Personal Donor & MAC Board DirectorMuskoka Arts & Crafts enriches Muskoka throughvibrant exhibitions, artisan markets, and events thatcelebrate local talent and creativity that makes artaccessible to all. Its engaging programming,including open calls and workshops, fostersparticipation and supports emerging and establishedartists alike. The new downtown location at 63 Manitoba Street enhances accessibility, creating adynamic cultural hub in the heart of the community. Rick Maloney Mayor, Bracebridge

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