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MAAC CDP 2022-23 Calendar

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REQUIREMENTS, ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS (MODIFICATIONS MADE DUE TO COVID)Service Duration RequirementsAcronymsEntry Date DefinitionCDE HS FD/PD Ext HS HB Socials HS HB HV FCC EHS FD EHS HB Socials EHS HB HVHS PD Traditional175 Days 1750 Hrs. 16 32 2,040 Hrs. 1,860 Hrs. 16 46128 DaysCBCenter BasedFDFull Day (up to 10 hrs./5 days per week)PDPart Day Traditional (3.5 hrs./4 days per week)CDECalifornia Department of Education State Preschool ProgramHBHome BasedPD ExtPart Day Extended (6.5 hrs. minimum/ 5 days per week)CPChildPlusHRHuman ResourcesPLCProfessional Learning CommunityCQIContinuous Quality ImprovementHSHead StartPTCParent/Teacher ConferenceEHSEarly Head StartLMLabor ManagementPx/TBPhysicals, Tuberculosis Due EHS CCPEarly Head Start Child Care PartnershipPACParent Advisory CommitteeTDTTeacher Dedicated TimeFCCFamily Child Care Program (up to 10 hrs./5 days per week)PCPolicy CouncilVH/GAVision & Hearing and Growth Assessments DueFCEFamily & Community EngagementA child’s “Entry Date” starts the timeline for all requirements. “Entry Date” is defined as the first day that Early Head Start or Head Start services are provided to the child. For CB – first day of class; for HB — first educational home visit. All timeline requirements are reflected on the calendar.Minimum Days = Family Engagement Days — 4 hours of care, breakfast and lunch will be served (new instructions are pending due to COVID)

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Frequency Area Center Director Monitoring ActivityOne-Time Health Ensure children have all immunizations before the start of school. No Shots No School (CP 3390)One-Time Education DRDP Calibration Certificate due to Education August 30th. For new teachers, prior to scoring any DRDPOne-Time Health County Immunization IZ Report due October. Print CP3390 Immunization Record & Sign in each Child’s FileRecordkeeping Monitor 100% of children’s files for completeness and organization using Pre-Opening Child File Checklist (OM-101)Recordkeeping Conduct Pre-Opening Posting/Recordkeeping monitoring prior to start of school (OM-205)Ongoing ERSEA Consideration is always made for the classroom age composition and special needs/accommodations to ensure appropriate placement (CP2025)FCE Monitor Parent Bulletin Boards, ensure all information is up to date (see checklist)One-Time & Ongoing Licensing & HRCCL, Labor Postings; Compare LIC 500 to current staff roster; Check LIC 610 Emergency Disaster Plan by Each Classroom Exit; Complete LIC 9040. Ensure Labor Union Board is availableTransportation Provide Transportation/Pedestrian Safety (TR-809) packet to each family finalizing at the beginning and during the school year, prior to starting classAs Occurs Record Keeping Notify Data Manager of any changes to classroom staff (move, temp assignments/leaves etc.)Daily ERSEA Review attendance/meal counts; follow-up on absences (i.e. consecutive and unexcused noted on E-106 CP Case Notes)Daily Health & SafetyEnsure Teachers/staff are conducting daily Health & Safety Checks (OM-200). Monitored and initialed by the CDs daily and followed up with work orders if needed. Collect and file at end of each monthWeekly Education Monitor a sample of EHS HB 304 and HS HB 304Weekly Education Lesson Plan monitoring and feedback using ED-310 for all sessions and upload both documents to S DriveMonthly Health & Safety Monthly Health and Safety inspections by Center Directors or Designee (OM-204)Monthly Health & Safety Monitor First Aid Kit using First Aid Kit & Inventory Log CardMonthly Transportation Van Use Reports (TR-801) are monitored. Scan originals & email to the Transportation ManagerMonthly Education DRDP Observations – all class sessions sampling monitored monthly using Observation Monitoring and Feedback formQuarterly Education Monitor for compliance and quality for Time 1, Time 2, and Time 3 DRDPs 3x per year HR Monitor Personnel Files using checklist and include compliance for Teacher QualificationsPROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPONGOING MONITORING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES DUE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR

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MAAC Coordinated Monitoring System (CMS)MAAC staff will use Coordinated Monitoring System monitoring tools to monitor various content-area activities throughout the program year. The most up-to-date Coordinated Monitoring System monitoring tools can be accessed at any time by running ChildPlus Report 8020. Please refer to MAAC’s most up-to-date Coordinated Monitoring System Monitoring Calendar for current monitoring schedules and Coordinated Monitoring System SOP for current monitoring processes and procedures. The "Coordinated Monitoring System Monitoring Calendar Overview" provides the plan years monitoring agenda, broken down by layer. It denotes which layers will use each Coordinated Monitoring System monitoring tool each month. For position-specific monitoring assignments, refer to the full "Coordinated Monitoring System Monitoring Calendar". PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPONGOING MONITORING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES DUE THROUGHOUT THE YEARDate Due To Do DescriptionWeekly Children’s attendance is recorded daily on iPad. Send CP2310 child attendance report to ERSEA on a weekly basisWeekly Schedule appointments for new applicationsOngoing All Year Family Fun Packs are distributed to parents monthly to promote school readiness at homeOngoing All YearEHS Transition Planning:- Must begin at 2.6 years of age- Complete transition plan ER-140 - Starting at 2.9 years of age complete HS application and submit to ERSEA Department. This applies to all EHS children in all optionsOnce per month Purchase Requisitions: Submit Purchase Requisitions to Admin. Use the Purchase Requisition form for all orders by the 7th of each monthMonthly/Ongoing Staff Performance Meetings: Review areas of strength and focus with all staff supervisedMonthly/Ongoing Maintain Binder System and CMR Box up to dateMonthly Conduct Fire Drills, with the first one conducted within the first ten days (Ref: CO 8 SOP)MonthlyCenter Committee Officers and Center Directors meet to plan Parent Meeting. Meetings to be scheduled within the first two weeks of the month- not to conflict withPolicy Council Trainings or MeetingsMonthly Generate Health Reports (CP3015, CP3060, CP3065 for current health status)Monthly Complete Center Director Monthly Report in CP by the 7thof each monthMonthly Complete OM-204 in CPQuarterly Conduct Earthquake Drills. First Earthquake Drill to be conducted before the end of the first 30 days of the PY (Ref: CO 8 SOP)Quarterly DRDP Data Analysis Summary Reports: review with teachers and evidence of activities gathered and file2 X per year Conduct Intruder Alert/practice drill on a no school day with staff only

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STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2019- 2024PROGRAM GOAL #1Develop families’ and staff’s knowledge and skills to promote safe behavior and healthy lifestyles in their home, school, and communities.Objectives1. Decrease the amount of screen time for families and staff through awareness of its impact on social-emotional development.2. Create and maintain an individualized health and safety plan for each family.3. Reduce the stigma associated with mental health services through developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive approaches.PROGRAM GOAL #3Strengthen the transition to school process for children & families in order to promote lifelong learning.Objectives1. Develop a process for data sharing with our nine learning education agencies.2. Complete transition plans with all receiving schools. If applicable, plans will include language on special needs or Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements.3. Ensure that parents are included in the transition process that spans from prenatal care to Kindergarten.PROGRAM GOAL #5Foster diversity and inclusion within the program’s operational structure and with external stakeholders.Objectives1. Re-write the job descriptions and titles within the Mental Health & Disabilities Department to be aligned with more inclusionary language and practices.2. Train all staff to see their role in reducing the public health crisis of racism, through health equity practices.3. Create a Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Committee to review and make recommendations for modifications after engaging in a thorough analysis of its policies, procedures, and forms utilizing the Equity Lens.4. Review job descriptions and Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment & Attendance (ERSEA) practices to ensure alignment with the cultural and linguistic needs of the community.CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMPROGRAM GOAL #2Provide staff with opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills, and credentials to enter, remain, and advance in the field of Early Childhood Education.Objectives1. Educate staff on requirements to maintain education positions in the Early Head Start and Head Start programs.2. Create career development pathways for staff.PROGRAM GOAL #4Promote, implement, and monitor practices to ensure that children are being actively supervised while in the care of MAAC.Objectives1. Implement active supervision training for staff on an annual basis.2. Provide support to teaching staff on the use of transition time requirements.

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JULY 2022 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐All In-kind Due to Admin 7/8☐FCC Phase-in, Home Visits, Parent Orientations 7/11-7/15☐EHS CB/ HB Phase-in, Home Visits, Parent Orientations7/12-7/14& 7/19-720☐EHS HB EHS HB Visits Begin 7/15☐FCC First Day of School 7/18☐EHS CB First Day of School 7/25DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE7/5-7/8 FCC Pre-Service EHS Staff 7/15&7/18 & 7/21-7/22EHS CB & EHS HB Pre-Service EHS CB & EHS HB Staff7/12-7/13 Education Trainings EHS CB & EHS HB Staff7/18-7/19 Education Trainings EHS CB Staff Only 7/24-7/28 HS Pre-Service CDE/HS FD & PD Ext. Staff7/21Center Director Updates- AMAll Center Directors7/21CMR Box & CDE Review- PMCDE Center Directors OTHER EVENTS & NOTESUnidosUS Annual Conference & Latinx Incluxion Summit, July 9-11, 2022, San Antonio, TX Childhood Innovation Summit, July 28-29, 2022 –Virtual

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JULY2022Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1 24 5 6 7 8 911 12 14 15 1618 19 20 21 22 2325 26 27 28 29 30CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 13Head Start9 FCC 9Early Head Start5 FD 52 HB Socials 23 HB Visits 3First Day of School for EHS CBCDE/HS FD/PD Ext Staff Return Welcome Back Holiday4THOF JULY(Observed)First Day of School for FCCHS Center Directors ReturnCDE/HS FD/PD Ext Staff Pre-ServiceHB SOCIAL FOR EHSFCC Pre-ServiceFCC Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent OrientationEHS Staff ReturnWelcome BackEHS CB & EHS HB Pre-ServiceEHS CB & EHS HB Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent OrientationCenter Director Updates- AMCMR Box & CDE Review- PM HB SOCIAL FOR EHSEHS HB Visits Begin EHS CB & EHS HB Pre-ServiceEHS CB & EHS HB Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent OrientationEHS CB & EHS HB Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent Orientation

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AUGUST 2022 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐CDE/HS FD/PD Ext. Phase-in, Home Visits, Parent Orientation 8/1-8/5☐CDE/HS FD/PD Ext. First Day of School- Minimum Days 8/3-8/5☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 8/10☐EHS TPITO Due 8/12☐Partners First Day of School 8/15☐FCC Physicals, Tuberculosis Due 8/16☐EHS Coaching Needs Assessment Due 8/19☐CDE HS/FD PD Ext. TPOT Due 8/19☐EHS CB Physicals, Tuberculosis Due 8/23☐HD PD & HB Phase-in, Home Visits, Parent Orientation8/24-8/25 & 8/29-8/30☐EHS/HS DRDP Time 1 Benchmark 1 8/29☐HS PD/HB First Day of School 8/31☐CDE HS FD/ PD Ext. Coaching Needs Assessment Due 8/31☐EHS/HS/ FD PD Ext/ HBCECO DRDP Rater Reliability Due 8/31☐FCC/CDE/HS FD/PD Ext/PartnersSNIP Due 8/31DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE8/4-8/18Service Area Coordination Meeting8/8Parent Workforce Onboarding TBD 8/18-8/19Toddler Class CertificationTBD8/22-8/23 HS Pre-ServiceHS PD/HB Staff 8/23Policy Council Meeting8/26Pre-Service Staff Training Day TBDOTHER EVENTS & NOTESFirst 1,000 Days, Early Head Start Conference, August 1-3, 2022, Las Vegas, NV De Head Start en Español, August 4-5, 2022- Virtual

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AUGUST2022Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat4 5 68 9 10 11 12 1315 16 17 18 19 2022 23 24 25 2729 30CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 1 2 3263119 CDE 19Head Start19 FD 1919 PD Ext 191 PD 121 FCC 30Early Head Start21 FD 261 HB Socials 34 HB Visits 7First Day of School CDE/HS FD/PD Ext No School for AllTDTHB SOCIAL FOR EHSNo School for AllStaff Training DayPre-Service General Session First Day of School Partners First Day of School HS PD/HBV/H & GA Due FCC PX & TB Due FCCASQ/ASQ-SE Due FCC PX & TB Due EHS CB 5:30-7:30 PC Meeting9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting HS PD & HBStaff Return9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting Parent Workforce Onboarding CDE/HS FD & PD Ext Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent OrientationHS PD & HB Pre-ServiceHS PD Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent OrientationHS PD Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent OrientationDRDP Time 1 Benchmark 1 Due EHS/HS*Minimum Days, Phase-in, Home Visits and Parent Orientation*Minimum Day applies to CDE/HS FD & PD Ext. ONLY 4 hours of care to allow for home visits and parent orientation. Breakfast and lunch is served to children. No nap.

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SEPTEMBER 2022 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐CDE HS/FD PD Ext Physicals, Tuberculosis Due 9/1☐EHS/ CDE/HS FD/PD Ext Creative Curriculum Fidelity Begins 9/1☐EHS HB ASQ/ASQ-SE Due 9/2☐EHS ITERS Due 9/2☐EHS HB HOVRS Begins 9/6☐EHS/HS FD PD Ext DRDP Time 1 Benchmark 2 9/6☐EHS CB Vision & Hearing and Growth Assessments Due 9/7☐EHS CB ASQ/ASQ-SE Due 9/7☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 9/9☐Partners Physicals& Tuberculosis Due 9/13☐FCC Dentals Due 9/15☐EHS CB/FCC DRDP Time 1 Due 9/16☐CDE HS/FD PD Ext ASQ-3/ASQ-SE Due 9/16☐EHS CB CLASS Begins 9/19☐EHS CB Dentals Due 9/22☐CDE HS FD/PD Ext DRDP Time 1 Due 9/27☐Partners Vision & Hearing and Growth Assessments Due 9/28☐HS PD Physicals, Tuberculosis Due 9/29☐CDE HS PD/ HB CECO DRDP Rater Reliability Due 9/30☐HD PD Coaching Needs Assessment Due 9/30☐HS PD/HB SNIP Due 9/30DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE9/13-914Pre- K CLASS Observers TrainingTBD9/16 Staff Training Day TBD9/16 CPR/FA Class Selected Staff 9/22 CDE CD Meeting CDE Center Directors 9/26Home Based PLC HB Staff 9/26 Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff OTHER EVENTS & NOTES2022 Fall Leadership Institute, September 19-22, 2022, Washington, D.C.

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SEPTEMBER20221 2 35 7 8 9 1012 13 14 15 16 1719 20 21 22 23 2426 27 28 29CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 2 36Mon TueWedThu Fri Sat3019 CDE 38Head Start19 FD 3819 PD Ext 3817 PD 185 HB Visits 53 HB Socials 319 FCC 49Early Head Start18 FD 442 HB Socials 55 HB Visits 12Parent Leadership Election Due September 30thSafety Month Acronyms for Requirements:Px/TB = Physicals & Tuberculosis DueASQs, H/V & GA = Ages & Stages Questionnaire, Hearing & Vision and Growth Assessments DueLate starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education No School for AllHB SOCIALTDTASQ/ASQ-SE Due EHS HBHolidayLABOR DAYNo School for AllHB SOCIALStaff Training DayDRDP Time 1 Due EHS CB /FCCASQ/ASQ-SE Due CDE/ HS FD/PD Ext PX & TB Due Partners PX & TB Due CDE/HS FD/PD Ext 9:00-12:00Managers Meeting2:00-5:00 CD Cluster Meeting4:30-5:30 Parent Leadership Information V/H & GA Due EHS CBASQ/ASQ-SE Due EHS CBV/H & GA Due Partners PX & TB Due HS PD DX Due FCC 1:00-4:00Center Director PLCDX Due EHS CB 9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting 1:00-4:00 CDE CD MeetingDRDP Time 1 Due HS FD/ PD Ext. 5:30-7:30 PC Meeting10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting Reminder: HB SOCIAL FOR HS 10:00-12:00MAAC Quarterly Managers MeetingSchool Day for PD Traditional

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OCTOBER 2022 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐HS HB HOVRS Begins 10/3☐HS All Options CLASS Pre-K Begins 10/3☐EHS HB DRDP Time 1 Due 10/3☐EHS CB 1stParent-Teacher Conference Due 10/7☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 10/10☐Partners Dentals Due 10/13☐HS PD/HB Dentals Due 10/14☐CDE HS FD/PD Ext/FCC 1StParent-Teacher Conference Due 10/14☐HS FD/ PD Ext DRDP Data Analysis Due 10/18☐HS PD/HB DRDP Time 1 Due 10/25☐FCC Family Goal Due (90 Days after Start) 10/18☐EHS CB/HB Family Goal Due (90 Days) 10/25☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE10/12Parent Leadership Training-In Person & Virtual 10/18 &10/22PC TrainingNewly elected Policy Council10/24 Comprehensive Services PLCFamily Service Staff 10/25Teaching Pyramid Leadership Team Meeting TBD10/25 PC Meeting 10/28 CPR & FA ClassSelected Staff 10/28 PC Transition Training OTHER EVENTS & NOTESChildPlus Conference, October 24-27, Las Vegas, NV Family Engagement and Cultural Effectiveness Conference, October 18-21, Kona, HI and Virtual CACFP Conference, Oct 17-19, 2022-Sacramento, CA Child California Annual Fall Technical Assistance, October 26-28, 2022 –Long Beach, CA Health Institute, October 24-26, 2022-Hyatt Regency Newport Beach

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OCTOBER202213 4 5 6 7 810 11 12 13 14 1517 18 19 20 21 2224 25 26 27 28 29CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 2 3Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat3118 CDE 56Head Start18 FD 5618 PD Ext 5618 PD 364 HB Visits 93 HB Socials 618 FCC 67Early Head Start18 FD 623 HB Socials 84 HB Visits 16Del Dios HS, FB View, Gosnell, Los Ninos, North Coast, Pauma Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education No School for AllHB SOCIAL5:30-7:30 PC Transition Training No School for All HB SOCIALTDTNo School for AllTraining Day HB SOCIALDX Due Partners9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination MeetingDX Due HS PD/HB1stPTC Due HS FD/PD Ext./FCCSchool Day for All including PD Traditional 09:00-11:00Teaching Pyramid Leadership Team MeetingDRDP Time 1 Due HS PD/HB5:30-7:30 PC Meeting9:00-12:00Managers Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC9:00-11:30AMParent Leadership Training- In Person 5:30-7:30PM Virtual 9:00-12:00PMPC Training 5:30-7:30 PC Training 9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination MeetingField Trips: Reminder: 1stPTC Due EHS CBDRDP Time 1 Due EHS HB

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NOVEMBER 2022 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐CDE/HS FD/PD Ext Family Goal Due 11/3☐All SNIPs Due for Late Starting Children 11/4☐HS PD 1stParent-Teacher Conference Due 11/10☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 11/10☐Partners Family Goal Due 11/15☐HS/HB DRDP Time 1 Due 11/17DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE11/15 PC Meeting 11/16Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting- Virtual Community Partners11/18 CQI11/21-11/23 Staff In-Service All CDP Staff OTHER EVENTS & NOTESNAEYC Annual Conference November 16-19, 2022- Washington, DC.

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NOVEMBER20223 4 58 9 10 11 1214 15 16 17 18 1921 22 23 24 25 2628 29CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 1 2Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat73015 CDE 71Head Start15 FD 7115 PD Ext 7114 PD 503 HB Visits 121 HB Socials 715 FCC 82Early Head Start15 FD 771 HB Socials 93 HB Visits 19HolidayVETERAN’S DAYNo School for AllHB SOCIALCQIHolidayTHANKSGIVINGHolidayStaff In-ServiceGeneral SessionNo School for AllStaff In-ServiceNo School for AllNo School for AllTDT Day1stPTC Due HS PD9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination MeetingDRDP Time 1 Due HS/HB1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC9:00-12:00Managers Meeting5:30-6:30 Father Figures in Action- In Person 5:30-7:30 PC Meeting 10:00-12:00 Health Service Advisory Committee VirtualField Trips: Del Dios EHS, Eureka, FB Street HS, Foothill, Island Club, Rincon, Laurel Tree, WestlakeLate starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education Reminder:

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DECEMBER 2022 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐HS PD/HB Family Goal Due 12/1☐All EHS/HS/FCCP DRDP Summary of Findings Due:2-3 pieces of evidence and reflection due for ED-31212/02☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 12/09☐HS PD/FD/ PD ExtECERS Completed tool & Summary of Findings Due by classroom and center12/16☐SDQPI Data UploadDAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE12/10Fathers in Action- Vista Holiday Parade (tentative) 12/2MAAC Quarterly Managers Meeting CDP Management Staff12/19-12/30Winter Break All Program Options OTHER EVENTS & NOTESParent and Family Engagement Conference, December 12-15, 2022, Dallas, Texas

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DECEMBER20221 2 35 6 7 8 9 1012 13 14 15 16 1719 20 21 22 23 2426 27 28 29 30CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 1 231Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat10 CDE 81Head Start10 FD 8110 PD Ext 8110 PD 603 HB Visits 152 HB Socials 910 FCC 92Early Head Start10 FD 872 HB Socials 113 HB Visits 22No Policy Council Meeting No School for AllHB SOCIALWINTER BREAK: ALL PROGRAM OPTIONSWINTER BREAK: ALL PROGRAM OPTIONS & ADMIN OFFICES CLOSEDMinimum Days applies to EHS/HS CB FD/PD Ext. ONLY 4 hours of care to allow for virtual Family Engagement Events. Breakfast & Lunch is served to children.No School for AllTDTHB SOCIAL10:00-12:00MAAC Quarterly Managers Meeting9:00-12:00Managers Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLCFathers in Action Vista Holiday Parade Tentative9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting Field Trips: Fallbrook Street EHS, Hickory, Linda Vista, North Campus, Old Grove, OliveLate starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education Reminder: HolidayCHRISTMAS (Observed) HolidayNEW YEARS(Observed) Minimum Day for CDE/HS FD/PD Ext/ EHS FDSchool Day for PD Traditional

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JANUARY 2023 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐All SNIPs Due for Late Starting Children 1/6☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 1/10☐EHS 2ndTPITO Due 1/13☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE1/11 Father Figure in Action-Virtual1/24 PC Meeting 1/27 Impact Conference 2023All MAAC Staff (Mandatory)1/30 Home Based PLC HB Staff 1/30 Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff OTHER EVENTS & NOTESHead Start California Annual Conference TBA Winter Leadership Institute, January 23 - 26, 2023, Washington, D.C.

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JANUARY20235 69 10 11 12 13 1416 17 18 19 20 2123 24 25 26 27 2830CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 2 3 4Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat73119 CDE 100Head Start19 FD 10019 PD Ext 10017 PD 774 HB Visits 191 HB Socials 1019 FCC 111Early Head Start19 FD 1061 HB Socials 124 HB Visits 26HolidayMARTIN LUTHER KING JRCHILDREN RETURNNo School for AllTDTHB SOCIALNo School for AllMAAC Impact Conference 2023(Mandatory for All Staff)9:00-12:00Managers Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting 1:00-4:00 CDE CD Meeting 5:30-6:30 Fathers in Action Virtual 5:30-7:30 PC Meeting 9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting Field Trips: Make-Up Parent Workforce Onboarding Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education Reminder: Late starting children must initiate a family goal within 90 days of first day of school

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FEBRUARY 2023 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐AllCreative Curriculum Fidelity Tool Time 2 Begins 2/1☐HS PD/HB/FCC DRDP Time 2 Due 2/10☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 2/10☐HS FD/PD Ext DRDP Summary of Findings Reflection & Evidence Collection2/10☐AllFinal Submission- SNIPs for Late Starting Children 2/28☐HS PD 2ndHome Visit Due 2/28DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE2/3 CPR/FA ClassSelected Staff 2/11Parent Engagement Summit2/27 Home Based PLCHB Staff 2/27 Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff 2/28Teaching Pyramid Leadership Team MeetingTBD 2/28Policy Council Meeting OTHER EVENTS & NOTES

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FEBRUARY20232 3 46 7 8 9 10 1113 14 15 16 17 1820 21 22 23 24 2527 30 31 0CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 281Tue Wed Thu Fri SatMon17 CDE 117Head Start17 FD 11717 PD Ext 11715 PD 924 HB Visits 231 HB Socials 1117 FCC 128Early Head Start17 FD 1231 HB Socials 134 HB Visits 30Field Trips: HolidayLINCOLN’S BIRTHDAYHolidayPRESIDENT’S DAYNo School for AllDRDP Time 2 Due HS PD/HB//FCCTDTHB SOCIAL09:00-11:00Teaching Pyramid Leadership Team Meeting5:30-7:30 PC Meeting 9:00-12:00Managers Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC9:00-1:00 Parent Engagement Summit In Person Fathers in Action Component 9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination MeetingReminder: Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education Fallbrook Street, Fallbrook View, North Campus, Westlake

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MARCH 2023 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐All 2ndCLASS & HOVRS Begin 3/1☐HS PD DRDP Data Analysis Due 3/3☐EHS/HS FD/ PD Ext./EHS HBDRDP Time 2 Due 3/3☐All Family Goal Follow-Up Due 3/3☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 3/10☐FCC 2ndHome Visit Due 3/10☐EHS/ HS FD/PD ExtDRDP Data Analysis Due 3/21☐EHS/HS FD/PD Ext./EHS HB2ndHome Visit Due 3/24☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE3/3MAAC Quarterly Managers MeetingManagers 3/8 Fathers in Action 3/10 Recruitment Event HS/EHS Staff 3/17 Staff Training/CQI 3/24 CPR/FA Class Selected Staff 3/24Health Service Advisory Committee & School Readiness Community Members 3/27 Home Based PLC HB Staff 3/27 Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff 3/28 Policy Council Meeting OTHER EVENTS & NOTESEvery Child California, Spring Technical Assistance-Date to be Determined

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MARCH20232 3 46 7 8 9 10 1113 14 15 16 17 1820 21 22 23 24 2527 28 29 30CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 311Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat20 CDE 137Head Start20 FD 13720 PD Ext 13718 PD 1105 HB Visits 282 HB Socials 1320 FCC 148Early Head Start20 FD 1432 HB Socials 155 HB Visits 35No School for AllStaff Training Day CQIHB SOCIALHolidayCESAR CHAVEZ(Observed)No School for AllTDTHB SOCIALDRDP Time 2 Due HS/EHS FD/PD Ext/EHS HB10:00-12:00MAAC Quarterly Managers Meeting9:00-12:00Managers Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC5:30-6:30 Fathers in Action Virtual 5:30-7:30 PC Meeting 9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting 9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting1:00-4:00 CDE CD Meeting 10:00-12:00 Health Service Advisory Committee & School Readiness 2ndHome Visit Due HS/EHS FD/PF Ext/EHS HB9:00-12:00Recruitment Training2ndHome Visits Due FCC Field Trips: Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education Del Dios HS, Eureka, Foothill, Island Club, North Coast, Olive, Rincon Reminder: Late starting children must initiate a family goal within 90 days of first day of school

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APRIL 2023 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 4/10☐Completed Summary of Findings for ECERS4/27☐PD/HB/HS PD DRDP Due 4/29☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE4/12 Self-Assessment Training Self- Assessment Team 4/20 Center Director PLC Center Directors 4/24 Home Based PLC HB Staff4/24 Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff 4/25 Policy Council Meeting 4/27 CDE CD Meeting CDE CD Staff OTHER EVENTS & NOTES

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APRIL202313 5 6 7 810 11 12 13 14 1517 18 19 20 21 2224 25 26 27 28 29CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 0Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat414 CDE 151Head Start14 FD 15114 PD Ext 15112 PD 1223 HB Visits 312 HB Socials 1514 FCC 162Early Head Start14 FD 1572 HB Socials 173 HB Visits 38Spring Break Follows Escondido, Fallbrook, Valley Center School DistrictsNo School for AllTDTHB SOCIALDRDP Time 3 Due HS PD/HB SELF ASSESSMENT & Program Self-Evaluation WEEKSELF ASSESSMENT & Program Self-Evaluation WEEKSPRING BREAK: NO SCHOOLHB SOCIAL9:00-12:00Managers Meeting9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC1:00-4:00CDE CD MeetingSTEAM Festival with Fathers in Action (tentative) 5:30-7:30 PC Meeting Field Trips: Del Dios EHS, Gosnell, Hickory, Laurel Tree, Linda Vista, Los Ninos, PaumaReminder: Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education Self Assessment Training & Planning

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MAY 2023PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐HS PD/HB Last Day of School 5/10☐HS PD/HB Transition Conference Due 5/10☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 5/10☐HS PD/HB Family Outcomes Survey Due 5/11☐HS PD/HSClose-out Pending Goals/Community Referrals 5/11☐HS PD/HB Finalize Family Service PIR 5/11☐EHS/HS FD/ PD Ext./FCCDRDP Time 3 Due 5/19DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE5/10 Fathers in Action 5/18 Center Director PLC Center Directors5/22 Home Based PLC HB Staff5/22 Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff 5/23 Policy Council Meeting 5/26 CPR/FA Class Selected StaffOTHER EVENTS & NOTESCHSA Policy & Leadership Conference, May 15-17, 2023, Hyatt Regency Sacramento, CANational Head Start Conference, May 8-11, 2023- Phoenix, AZ

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MAY202368 9 10 11 12 1315 16 17 18 19 2023 24 25 26 2729 30 27 28 29 30CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 1 2 3Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat52243120 CDE 171Head Start20 FD 17120 PD Ext 1717 PD 1291 HB Visits 321 HB Socials 1620 FCC 182Early Head Start20 FD 1773 HB Socials 204 HB Visits 42DRDP Time 3 Due EHS/FD HB HS/FD PD Ext./FCCNo School for AllTDTHB SOCIAL FOR EHSHS PD/HB Staff Last Day HolidayMEMORIAL DAYMinimum Days Applies to EHS/HS CB FD/PD Ext. ONLY 4 Hours of Care to Allow for Virtual Family Engagement Events. Breakfast and Lunch is Served to Children.Field Trips: No School for AllTraining DayHB SOCIAL FOR EHSHB SOCIALLast Day of Schoolfor HS PD & HB9:00-12:00Managers Meeting9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC5:30-7:30 PC Meeting 5:30-6:30 Father Figure in Action In Person Reminder: Old Grove, Fallbrook Street EHS Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education End of the Year Reflection HS PD & HB Staff

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JUNE 2023 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐EHS/HS/ FD/ PD Ext/ EHS HBLast Parent Teacher Conference Due 6/2☐CDE/ HS FD/PD Ext Last Day of School 6/7☐CDE/HS FD/PD Ext Family Outcomes Survey Due 6/8☐CDE/HS FD/PD ExtClose-Out Family Goals/Community Referrals 6/8☐CDE/HS FD/PD Ext Finalize Family Services PIR 6/8☐All In-Kind Due to Admin 6/9☐EHS CB Last Day of School 6/16☐EHS CB/HB Family Outcomes Survey Due 6/22☐EHS CB/HBClose Out Family Goals/Community Referrals 6/22☐EHS CB/HB Finalize Family Services PIR 6/22☐FCC Last Day of School 6/23☐FCC/Partners Family Outcomes Survey Due 6/29☐FCC/PartnersClose-out Family Goals/Community Referrals 6/29☐FCC/Partners Finalize Family Services PIR 6/29DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE6/2 CPR/FA Class Selected Staff 6/15Service Area Data Coordination Meeting6/15 Center Director PLC Center Director5/16MAAC Quarterly Managers MeetingManagers 6/22 CDE CD CMR Close-Out CDE Center Directors 6/26Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff 6/26 Home Based PLC HB Staff OTHER EVENTS & NOTESLeadership Education and Development Summit (LEADS) Virtual

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JUNE2023Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1 2 35 6 7 8 9 1012 13 14 15 16 1719 20 21 22 2326 27 28 29 0 0CB SCHOOL DAYS, HB HOME VISITS & HB SOCIALS 2 3HolidayJUNETEENTH DAY245 CDE 176Head Start5 FD 1765 PD Ext 17615 FCC 197Early Head Start12 FD 1892 HB Socials 224 HB Visits 46Minimum Days Applies to EHS/HS CB FD/PD Ext ONLY = 4 Hours of Care to allow for Virtual Family Engagement Events. Breakfast and Lunch is Served to Children.HB SOCIALCDE/HS FD/PD Ext Staff Last Day Last Day of School for EHS CBHB SOCIAL 10:00-12:00MAAC Quarterly Managers MeetingLast Day of School for CDE/HS FD/PD ExtMinimum Day EHS Staff Last DayLast Day of School for FCC9:00-12:00Managers Meeting9:00-12:00Service Area Coordination Meeting1:00-4:00 Center Director PLC10:30-12:00Home Based PLC1:00-4:30Comprehensive Services PLC5:30-7:30 PC Meeting 1:00-4:00CDE CD CMR Closeout Reminder: Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education Last PTC Due for EHS/HS/FD/ PD Ext/ EHS HB End of the Year Reflection CDE/HS/FD/PD Ext Staff End of the Year Reflection EHS Staff EHS HB Visits Continue

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PROGRAM FOUNDATIONSProgram LeadershipProfessional DevelopmentContinuous Learning and Quality ImprovementProgram EnvironmentFamily PartnershipsTeaching and LearningCommunity PartnershipsAccess and ContinuityPROGRAM IMPACT AREASFamily Well-beingPositive Parent-Child RelationshipsFamilies as Lifelong EducatorsFamilies as LearnersFamily Engagement in TransitionsFamily Connections to Peers and CommunityFamilies as Advocates and LeadersFAMILY OUTCOMESChildren are:SafeHealthy and WellLearning and DevelopingEngaged in Positive Relationships with Family Members, Caregivers, and Other ChildrenReady for SchoolSuccessful in School and LifeCHILD OUTCOMESPositive & Goal-Oriented RelationshipsEquity, Inclusiveness, Cultural and Linguistic ResponsivenessHEAD START PARENT, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FRAMEWORK

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OUR CENTER LOCATIONSCARLSBADEUREKA 3368 Eureka Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 HS Lic. 376700775 (760) 720-4378LAUREL TREE 1307 Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, CA 92011 HS Lic. 376700768 (760) 930-0749ESCONDIDODEL DIOS 835 W. 15th Avenue Escondido, CA 92025 EHS Lic. 376701309 HS Lic. 376700772 (760) 747-7027HICKORY 635 N. Hickory Street Escondido, CA 92025 EHS Lic. 376701307 HS Lic. 376700770 (760) 741-0541LOS NIÑOS 221 W. 7th Avenue Escondido, CA 92025 HS Lic. 376700771 (760) 738-4876FALLBROOKFALLBROOK STREET 405 W. Fallbrook Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 EHS Lic. 376700650 HS Lic. 372006255 (760) 723-4189FALLBROOK VIEW 901 Alturas Road, #A Fallbrook, CA 92028 HS Lic. 376700077 (760) 731-2062OCEANSIDEISLAND CLUB 2322 Catalina Circle Oceanside, CA 92056 HS Lic. 372006461 (760) 941-7616NORTH COAST 1501 Kelly Street Oceanside CA 92054 HS Lic. 376700061 (760) 966-7135OLD GROVE 235 Via Pelicano Oceanside, CA 92054 HS Lic. 376600980 (760) 433-7589SAN MARCOSGOSNELL 139 Gosnell Way San Marcos, CA 92069 EHS Lic. 376701254 HS Lic. 376600278 (760) 736-3066LINDA VISTA 1587 Linda Vista Drive San Marcos, CA 92078 EHS Lic. 376600691 (760) 744-7995WESTLAKE 415 Autumn Drive San Marcos, CA 92069 EHS Lic. 376701118 (760) 631-2695VALLEY CENTERPAUMA 33158 Cole Grade Road Pauma Valley, CA 92061 HS Lic. 376700371 (760) 615-2000RINCON 33509 Valley Center Road Valley Center, CA 92082 EHS Lic. 376600656 HS Lic. 376600189 (760) 749-5190VISTAOLIVE 739 Olive Avenue Vista, CA 92084 EHS Lic. 376600655 HS Lic. 376600393 (760) 726-4272FOOTHILL 1410 Foothill Drive Vista, CA 92084 EHS Lic. 376701308 (760) 639-4465PARTNER LOCATIONSCHULA VISTAMAOF – DIONICIO MORALES2453 Fenton StreetChula Vista, CA 91914HS Lic. 376700554 (619) 421-3940 ESCONDIDO ECCDC 613 E. Lincoln Avenue Escondido, CA 92026 Lic. 376600817 (760) 839-9330GROWING MINDS – OAKHILL1317 Oakhill DriveEscondido, CA 92027 HS Lic. 376600505(760) 739-9195OCEANSIDEGROWING MINDS – BALDERRAMA709 San Diego StreetOceanside, CA 92058HS Lic. 372005131(760) 757-1931SAN YSIDROMAOF – SAN YSIDRO EARLY LEARNING CENTER1901 Del Sur Boulevard, 1st Floor San Ysidro, CA 92173 Lic. 376701072 (619) 621-2525Head Start & Early Head Start Family Child Care (FCC) Homes LOCATED IN CARLSBAD, ESCONDIDO, FALLBROOK, OCEANSIDE, SAN MARCOS, AND VISTA

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NORTH CAMPUS956 Vale Terrace Drive Vista, CA 92084 (760) 471-4210ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES1355 Third Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911 (619)