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LynnLeigh Journal - January 2025

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The LynnLeigh JournalLife. Investing. And Everything in BetweenHappy New Year! There’s something about January that inspires usto rethink our goals and focus on the possibilities ahead. At LynnLeigh & Company, we believe that building a secure andfulfilling retirement isn’t just about numbers—it’s about having aplan that evolves with your life.This month, we’re diving into four powerful strategies to help youkickstart 2025 with confidence. Whether you’re tackling taxplanning, exploring new savings opportunities, or refining yourfinancial roadmap, we’ve got you covered.REFLECT, REALIGN, AND PLAN:BUILDING A RETIREMENT YOU CANCOUNT ONBy Kelly L. Olczak, CFP® NewsletterHighlightsJ A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5V O L U M E 1Local Gems: January 2025EditionMarket Commentary:The Power of Reflection:Knowing Where You StandUncovering HiddenOpportunitiesAdapting to the EconomicLandscapeThe Emotional Benefits ofFinancial ClarityMarket Discrepancies - 2024Volatility & ResilienceOptimistic Outlook for 2025Diversification & Patienceare KeyReflect, Realign & PlanUpcoming Webinars -Calendar

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21J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1The Power of Reflection: Knowing WhereYou StandThink of your financial plan as a GPS for your retirement journey.It’s not enough to set a destination and hope for the best—you needregular check-ins to make sure you’re still on course. Reflecting onyour financial progress is where clarity begins.Here’s what reflection looks like:Revisit Your Goals: Has your vision for retirement changed?Perhaps you’re now dreaming of more travel, or maybehealth concerns have shifted your focus to building a stronghealthcare budget. Whatever your priorities, aligning yourgoals with your plan ensures you’re saving for what trulymatters.Assess Your Savings: Do you know how your current savings stack up against what you’llneed? A recent study found that 58% of Americans underestimate how much they’ll spend inretirement. Don’t let that be you—tools like retirement calculators or a quick consultationwith a financial advisor can help pinpoint your target.Assess Your Savings: Do you know how your current savings stack up against what you’llneed? A recent study found that 58% of Americans underestimate how much they’ll spend inretirement. Don’t let that be you—tools like retirement calculators or a quick consultationwith a financial advisor can help pinpoint your target.Track Spending Habits: Are there areas where your money could be working harder? Smalladjustments, like reducing subscriptions you no longer use or automating extra savings, canmake a big difference over time.

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3Why This MattersPro Tips:2J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Reflection isn’t just about spotting what’s wrong—it’sabout celebrating what’s working and identifying waysto do even better. It’s the first step toward makingempowered financial decisions that move you closer toyour goals.Create a Financial Snapshot: Take 30 minutes to list all your assets, debts, income sources,and expenses. This visual overview helps you see where you stand.Rank Your Goals: Prioritize your financial goals in order of importance (e.g., paying off debt,saving for travel, or funding retirement). This keeps your plan focused and actionable.Set a Reflection Ritual: Schedule an annual “financial reflection day” in January. Treat it like anappointment to assess progress and adjust your strategy.Uncovering Hidden OpportunitiesYour financial plan shouldn’t just focus on avoiding pitfalls—it should actively uncover areas where youcan grow, save, and thrive.Here are a few common opportunities you might be missing:Employer Benefits: Are you taking full advantage of your company’s retirement plan? Manyemployers match contributions, yet millions of dollars are left on the table each year becauseemployees don’t maximize this benefit.

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4Why This MattersPro Tips:Why This MattersJ A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Max Out Your Employer Match: If your company offers a 401(k) match, contribute enoughto capture the full amount—it’s essentially free money.Look for Unused Benefits: Review benefits from credit cards, insurance policies, ormemberships that could save you money, like discounts, cashback programs, orreimbursements.Revisit Subscription Services: Cancel subscriptions you don’t use and redirect those fundstoward your savings or investments.Investment Rebalancing: If you haven’t reviewed your portfolio recently, your investmentsmight be out of sync with your goals. Rebalancing ensures you’re not taking on unnecessaryrisk—or missing out on growth opportunities.Tax Strategies: Are you optimizing your accounts for tax efficiency? For example, shiftingsome funds into a Roth IRA or using tax-loss harvesting can save you money now and in thefuture.Financial opportunities are everywhere, but they don’talways jump out at you. By actively seeking them out,you can amplify the impact of your money and setyourself up for greater success.3The Role of Economic ConditionsThe financial world doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Factors like inflation, interest rates, and markettrends directly impact your ability to save, invest, and plan for retirement.

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5J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Inflation: Even moderate inflation can erode your purchasing power over time. For example,$50,000 in today’s dollars will be worth significantly less 20 years from now. Planning forinflation ensures you can maintain your lifestyle in retirement.Here’s what you should be paying attention to in 2025:Rising Interest Rates: While higher rates make borrowing more expensive, they also createopportunities. Tools like CDs, high-yield savings accounts, and I Bonds are now moreattractive than they’ve been in years.Market Volatility: If the market fluctuates, don’t panic—it’s a natural part of investing.Instead, use volatility as a chance to evaluate your risk tolerance and ensure your portfolio isappropriately diversified.Staying informed about economic trends helps youadapt your plan to current conditions, ensuring yourmoney is always working as hard as possible.Protect Against Inflation: Consider investments that historically outpace inflation, likestocks, real estate, or inflation-protected bonds (e.g., TIPS).Pro Tips:Leverage Higher Interest Rates: Move idle cash into high-yield savings accounts, moneymarket accounts, or CDs to earn more on your savings.Diversify Smartly: Regularly rebalance your portfolio to ensure your assets align with yourrisk tolerance and goals, especially during market volatility.Why This Matters

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6J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 14The Emotional Benefits of Financial ClarityMoney isn’t just numbers on a spreadsheet—it’s deeply personal. It represents security, freedom,and the ability to pursue what matters most in life. But without clarity, it can also become asignificant source of stress and anxiety. That’s why financial clarity is so powerful—it transformsuncertainty into confidence and chaos into control.Here’s how gaining clarity in your financial plan can improve not only your financial health butyour overall well-being:One of the biggest emotional benefits of financial clarity is thereduction of stress. A clear plan removes the “what ifs” that cankeep you awake at night.Know Where You Stand: When you understand yourcurrent financial position—your savings, expenses,and progress toward goals—it’s easier to makedecisions and avoid feeling overwhelmed.Plan for the Unexpected: Having an emergency fund and knowing how you’ll handle financialsurprises (like unexpected medical bills or car repairs) gives you peace of mind.aReducing Stress and AnxietyFeel Prepared: A plan ensures you’re not caught off guard by life’s curveballs, from jobchanges to market fluctuations.Real-World Impact: 54% of those who feel “in control” of their finances report lower stresslevels, compared to just 22% without a plan (Northwestern Mutual).

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7bJ A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1When you have financial clarity, you’re empowered to make decisions with confidence.Eliminate Second-Guessing: A clear plan removesuncertainty, making it easier to take decisive actionand trust that you’re on the right track.Building Confidence in Your DecisionsAlign with Your Goals: You’ll know whether a bigpurchase, investment, or life change fits into yourfinancial picture without jeopardizing your future.Navigate Complex Choices: From understanding taxstrategies to evaluating investment options, clarityequips you with the knowledge to handle complexitieswithout hesitation.Real-World Impact: CFP® professionals report that their clients have a positive financial outlook for2024, with 6 in 7 indicating optimism despite economic uncertainty (CFP Board, 2024). This optimismreflects the confidence that comes from working with a financial advisor to develop a clear andeffective financial plan.cAchieving Financial FreedomWhen you have financial clarity, you’re empowered to make decisions with confidence.Focus on What Matters: Instead of worrying about money, you can put your energytoward your passions, whether that’s spending time with family, traveling, or pursuinghobbies.

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8Enjoy Today, Plan for Tomorrow: Clarity helps you strike the right balance between enjoyinglife now and preparing for the future.J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Feel in Control: Knowing your plan is aligned with your goals creates a sense of control thatextends into other areas of life.Real-World Impact: 71% of people working with afinancial advisor feel “well-prepared” for the future.(Source: Journal of Financial Planning, 2024). Thisoptimism reflects the confidence that comes fromworking with a financial advisor to develop a clear andeffective financial plan.dStrengthening RelationshipsFinancial clarity doesn’t just benefit you—it positively impacts the people around you.Reduce Tension: Money is one of the leading causes of stress in relationships. A clear planminimizes disagreements and creates shared goals.Build a Legacy: Knowing your financial picture allows you to plan for generational wealth,philanthropy, or other meaningful contributions.Encourage Open Communication: Clarity fosters productive conversations with yourpartner, family, or financial advisor about your priorities and challenges.Real-World Impact: Couples who plan their finances together are twice as likely to feelconfident about their financial future (Source: Fidelity, 2024).

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9J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1eFostering a Growth MindsetFinancial clarity isn’t a one-time event—it’s an ongoing process. The more you engage withyour finances, the more you build a growth mindset that drives continued improvement.Celebrate Progress: A clear plan lets you see and celebrate milestones, reinforcing positivehabits.Adapt with Ease: When life changes, clarity gives you the confidence to adjust your planwithout feeling overwhelmed. Embrace Learning: The process of achieving clarity helps you build knowledge and skills,empowering you to make smarter financial decisions over time.Real-World Impact: People who review and update their financial plans regularly are 68% morelikely to feel financially secure (Source: National Financial Capability Study, 2024).Start Small: Begin with one actionable step, likereviewing your budget or consolidating accounts, tobuild momentum.Pro Tips:Automate Where Possible: Automate bill payments,savings, and investments to streamline your financiallife.

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10J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Track Your Progress: Use a tool like a spreadsheet or app to visualize your financial growthover time—it’s incredibly motivating!Ask for Help: Partnering with a trusted financial advisor can provide clarity and insightsyou may not uncover on your own.Final ThoughtsFinancial clarity is about more than dollars and cents—it’s about creating peace of mind,confidence, and the freedom to live life on your terms. When you have a clear plan, everydecision feels intentional, aligned, and achievable.Let 2025 be the year you take control of your financial future, reduce stress, and build a plan thatsupports your dreams. Start with reflection, uncover opportunities, and reach out for guidancewhen you need it—we’re here to help every step of the way.One year ago, we opined, “Rate cuts that occur because the Fed ‘can,’ not because they ‘must,’ isthe preferred path” for investors.It’s not that we have special insights when peering into the future. We have yet to find anyonewho can consistently and accurately forecast peaks and valleys in the stock market.Navigating Markets: Insights from 2024,Opportunities for 20252024 - Another Rise in Excess of 20%

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11J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Last year, Fed officials indicated the possibility of rate cuts throughout the year, not due to fears of adamaging recession, but because they correctly anticipated a slowdown in the rate of inflation (the“can” cut scenario).Prices are still elevated, and inflation continues to exceed the Federal Reserve’s annual target of 2%.However, the inflation rate did ease during the year, which encouraged the Fed to take action inSeptember. This led to three consecutive reductions in interest rates.By the end of the year, the Fed had lowered the fed funds rate by a full percentage point to 4.25 –4.50%.The economy continues to expand, and with it, most major corporations are generating significantprofits, according to LSEG.

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12J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Simply put, an easier monetary policy combined with economic growth and rising corporate profitsfueled the second consecutive annual gain of over 20% in the S&P 500. This is the first such back-to-back increase since the late 1990s, according to The Wall Street Journal.Other catalysts added to the advance, but the economic fundamentals played a significant role inlast year’s returns.Nonetheless, we believe it’s important to highlight the difference in performance between the DowJones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 Index in 2024. This discrepancy can be attributed in partto the differing methodologies used to calculate these indexes.Additionally, the surge in mega-cap technology stocks significantly contributed to the growth of theS&P 500 Index this year.According to Barron’s and Dow Jones Market Data, seven large tech firms known as the Magnificent7 made up over half the gains in the S&P 500 Index, a carryover of 2023’s performance.Two steps forward, one step back, two steps forwardAlthough volatility can be unsettling, it is often temporary. Last year’s maximum peak-to-troughpullback for the S&P 500 Index amounted to just under 9%, according to S&P data from the St.Louis Federal Reserve. Volatility was tied to a shift in monetary policy by the Bank of Japan.Nonetheless, investors quickly shifted their focus back to U.S. economic fundamentals, and stocksnotched new highs.The New YearAs we gear up for 2025, many of the major themes that drove the market higher last year remain inplace. The economy is expanding, and corporate profits are expected to remain on an upwardtrajectory. Although the Fed is eyeing fewer rate cuts this year, it isn’t currently considering ratehikes.

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13J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1A diversified portfolio cannot completely shelter youfrom market pullbacks, but it can help lower volatilityand has historically been the most effective path toachieve one’s financial goals.Our approach is guided not only by our experience butalso by the weight of academic research. We recognizethat stocks are not immune to periods of subparreturns, but patient and disciplined investors havehistorically been rewarded.Meanwhile, pro-business policies that are expected to be ushered in by the new president bolsteredoptimism following the election.But if soon-to-be President Trump enacts sweeping tariffs, we may see a bump in inflation that isaccompanied by slower economic growth. In 2018, Trump was more selective as he enacted tariffs,which generated market volatility and uncertainty.Despite multiple Fed rate cuts last year, longer-term Treasury bond yields turned significantly higherover the last three months amid slower Looking Ahead...Local Gems: January 2025 EditionJanuary is here, and it’s time to embrace the magic of winter in the Rochester and Finger Lakesregion! Whether you’re looking for family-friendly fun, a cozy indoor escape, or a way to connect withthe community, there’s something special happening right in our backyard.From enchanting owl walks to inspiring photography exhibits, this month is packed withopportunities to explore, unwind, and make memories. Check out some of the exciting eventshappening near you—we can’t wait to hear which ones spark your interest!

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14J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Bundle up, grab a friend, and let’s dive into the best of what this season has to offer.Celebrate winter with a three-day event featuring local vendors, family-friendly activities, and more. Highlights include the indoor carnival atThe Lake House, pop-up shops at Bristol Mountain, and 'Sip & Taste theFinger Lakes' at New York Kitchen. Finger Lakes Winter CarnivalDates: January 2-19, 2025Location: Canandaigua and Surrounding AreaWebsite: www.fingerlakeswintercarnival.comExperience a magical evening walk inspired by the children'sbook "Owl Moon," complete with storytelling and owl spotting.Owl MoonDates: January 17, 18, 25 & 252-19m, 2025Location:Genesee Country Village & Museum, Mumford a captivating photography exhibition showcasing the beauty andessence of light through various artistic perspectivesThe Magic of Light - 2025Dates: January 2-19, 2025Location: Image City Photography Gallery, Rochester NYWebsite:

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15Ithaca, NYJ A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Scooby-Doo!Mansion MayhemDates: January 18, 2025Location:The Strong Museum of Village Music CampImmerse yourself in a weekend of music workshops, jamsessions, and performances featuring bluegrass and traditionalfolk music.Dates: January 2-12, 2025Location:Website:

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16J A N U A R Y   2 0 2 5 V O L U M E   1Upcoming WebinarsNoon to 1 PMDates:  January 30, 2025Time:Register at:Click Here to Register for January's WebinarReflect, Realign & Restart: A RetirementReadiness Checklisthe new year is the perfect time to pause, reflect, and realign your financial goals for the future. Our Reflect,Realign & Restart webinar will equip you with the tools and insights needed to kick off the year withconfidence and clarity about your retirement readiness.Here’s what we’ll cover:Evaluating Your Financial Progress: Learn how to assess where you are and where you need to go.Spotting Financial Blind Spots: Identify potential gaps in your plan to ensure nothing is overlooked.Simplifying Tax Season: Discover smarter strategies for retirement distributions to make tax seasonstress-free.As a bonus, attendees will receive our Retirement Confidence Checklist, a handy guide to keep you on tracktoward your goals.Start the year strong with a retirement plan that sets you up for success. Let’s make 2025 your year ofconfidence and clarity!Dates:Time:Register at:Love Your Legacy: Secure Your Family’s FutureNoon to 1 PMFebruary 27, 2025Click Here to Register for February’s Webinar

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17J A N U A R Y   2 0 2 5 V O L U M E   1February is the month of love, and there’s no greater way to show your love than by building a legacy thatensures your family’s security and success. In this webinar, Love Your Legacy: Secure Your Family's Future,we’ll guide you through the essential steps to integrate legacy planning into your retirement strategy.Here’s what we’ll cover:Building a Legacy that Lasts: Learn how to align your retirement goals with your long-term legacy vision.Protecting Your Loved Ones: Explore proactive steps to ensure your family’s financial security forgenerations to come.Estate Planning Essentials: Understand key elements like wills, trusts, and other tools to make yourwishes clear and achievable.This is more than just planning—it’s about turning your life’s work into a meaningful legacy. Join us to takethe first step toward loving your legacy and securing your family’s future.Let’s turn your vision of a secure and prosperous future into a reality.Upcoming Webinars (cont.)Dates:Time:Register at:Taxes Made Simple: Smart Strategies for RetireesTaxes don’t have to be a headache—especially in retirement. Our Taxes Made Simple webinar is here to helpyou navigate the complexities of taxes with confidence. Designed for retirees, this session will offerpractical, actionable insights to help you keep more of what you’ve earned. Here’s what we’ll cover:Staying Ahead of Tax Law Changes: Understand the latest updates and how they impact your retirementplans.Maximizing Your Income: Learn tax-efficient withdrawal strategies to make your savings work smarterfor you.Finding Hidden Savings: Discover tips for uncovering deductions and credits you might haveoverlooked.Taxes may be inevitable, but overpaying is not. Join us to simplify your tax strategy and make the most ofyour retirement income.Noon to 1 PMMarch 27, 2025Click Here to Register for March’s Webinar

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18J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 1Closing: Here’s to a Fresh Start in 2025As we kick off the new year, remember that every step you take—whether it’s rethinking your financial plan,exploring new opportunities, or simply enjoying the local gems around you—brings you closer to your goals.At LynnLeigh & Company, we’re honored to be part of your journey. Together, we can make 2025 a year ofclarity, confidence, and progress. If you’re ready to dive deeper into your financial game plan or just want toshare what new adventure you’ve tried this month, we’d love to hear from you.Here’s to a successful and fulfilling year ahead!Warmly, LynnLeigh & Company - A Registered Investment AdvisorThis information is provided by LynnLeigh & Co. for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable – LynnLeigh& Co. advisors cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal circumstances. To the extent that thismaterial concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayershould seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice. Pastperformance is not a guarantee of future returns.