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LynnLeigh Journal - February 2025

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The LynnLeigh JournalLife. Investing. And Everything in BetweenLife is unpredictable. We all know this, and yet, when it comes to ourfinancial future and the legacy we want to leave behind, we oftenprocrastinate or leave things unaddressed. Whether it’s anunexpected health scare, an unplanned career change, or, as manyfamilies have experienced in recent times, a personal loss, life canchange in the blink of an eye.That’s why this month’s newsletter is dedicated to helping you planfor the unexpected—specifically through Securing Your Legacy andFinancial Future. In our upcoming seminar, we’ll explore powerfulstrategies to ensure your wishes are carried out and your loved onesare protected. But in today’s newsletter, we’ll dive into some of thekey themes we’ll be discussing and share actionable steps you cantake now to start building a secure financial future.SECURING YOUR LEGACY ANDFINANCIAL FUTURE: A COMPREHENSIVEGUIDE TO ESTATE PLANNINGBy Kelly L. Olczak, CFP® HighlightsF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5V O L U M E 2Cozy Winter ReadingMarket Commentary:Design Your Legacy, NotJust Your WillProtect More, Pass OnMoreKeep Your Beneficiaries inthe SpotlightFlexibility: Because LifeDoesn’t Stay StillWork with Pros Who GetYour VisionMarkets Keep Climbing, ButChallenges RemainAI Shake-Up SendsShockwaves Through TechTarriffs: A New Wild Cardfor InvestorsStay The CourseLove Your LegacyUpcoming Webinars -Calendar

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2F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2The Story of Michael and Sarah: A Cautionary TaleWe’d like to start with a story—a real-life example of what canhappen when you neglect estate planning. Meet Michael and Sarah.Both were busy professionals with children, a home, and a growingretirement fund. They always thought they’d get around to it—creating an estate plan to protect their family, that is. But like somany of us, they put it off.Then, tragedy struck. Michael passed away unexpectedly, and Sarahwas left to manage the family’s affairs. But without a proper estate planin place, the process was chaotic and costly. Their assets weren’tdistributed the way Michael intended. They faced a complicated legalbattle with probate, and to add insult to injury, their estate was burdened with hefty taxes. Had Michael and Sarah set up a comprehensive estate plan, many of theseissues could have been avoided.The truth is, Michael and Sarah’s story isn’t unique. Many people put off estate planning, thinking theyhave time or that it’s not necessary. However, a simple, well-thought-out estate plan could have savedthem time, stress, and financial loss.This story serves as a reminder that planning ahead is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your lovedones. So, let’s dive into some of the most important elements of estate planning that you’ll learn moreabout in our upcoming seminar.The Importance of a Comprehensive Estate PlanA comprehensive estate plan isn’t just a formality—it’s a crucial step in ensuring that your wishes arehonored and your loved ones are taken care of. Without a proper plan, your family could faceunnecessary complications, confusion, and legal costs. Let’s revisit the real-world consequences offailing to plan, using Michael and Sarah’s situation as an example.

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3Why This MattersF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2Since Michael and Sarah did not have a will or trust in place, Michael’s estate was consideredintestate, meaning that the state would decide how to distribute his assets according to New York’slaws, which may not have aligned with Michael’s true wishes. Under New York law, intestacy meansthat the surviving spouse does not automatically inherit everything if there are children involved.Instead, the estate would be divided between the spouse and the children, potentially leading todisputes and confusion during an already difficult time.Additionally, the probate process in New York can be long, costly,and complex. Without an estate plan, Sarah was forced to navigatethe state’s intestate process, which involves filing court petitions,paying probate fees, and waiting for approval from the courts todistribute assets. This lengthy process added stress and uncertaintyto an already challenging period.Had Michael and Sarah put a comprehensive estate plan in place,they could have avoided the confusion of intestacy and ensured thattheir assets were distributed according to their wishes, withoutdelay or added financial strain.In New York, having a clear estate plan isn’t just about asset distribution—it’s about protecting yourloved ones from unnecessary stress and ensuring your legacy is honored the way you intended. Whetherit’s through a will, trust, or both, planning ahead is the best way to safeguard your family’s future andavoid costly complications.Design Your Legacy, Not Just Your WillWhen it comes to your legacy, it’s about far more than simply creating a will—it’s about intentionallyplanning for the future in a way that reflects what truly matters to you and the people you love.Many people assume that estate planning is only about ensuring their assets are distributed afterthey’re gone, but it’s so much more than that. A well-crafted estate plan allows you to leave behind

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4Why This MattersF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2not just wealth, but a meaningful legacy—one that aligns with your values and ensures that whatyou've worked so hard to build benefits the people and causes you care about most.While estate taxes might not be an immediate concern foreveryone, there are still several common tax issues thatcan seriously impact your legacy and the transfer of yourwealth. One of the most overlooked areas of estateplanning is the tax implications that come with passingon assets to your heirs. For example, retirement accountssuch as IRAs and 401(k)s often come with a tax burdenwhen transferred to beneficiaries. Without properplanning, these accounts could result in your heirs beinghit with higher taxes than anticipated, which couldreduce the amount they inherit and delay their financialsecurity.Loving your legacy means taking proactive steps to address these potential tax challenges. Byimplementing tax-efficient strategies, you can significantly reduce the burden on your heirs and ensurethey receive more of what you've worked so hard to accumulate. There are several powerful tools at yourdisposal:Gifting During Your Lifetime: You can reduce the size of your taxable estate by gifting assets to familymembers or charitable organizations while you're still alive. This not only helps lower the amountsubject to estate taxes but also allows you to see the impact of your gifts firsthand.Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Certain accounts, like Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and 529education savings accounts, offer tax benefits that can help preserve wealth for futuregenerations. These accounts allow for tax-free growth, reducing the tax burden on your heirswhen they inherit these funds.

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5F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2Your legacy deserves to be handled with care, and by planning with intention, you’re leaving more thanjust wealth—you’re leaving a lasting impact on the people and causes you care about most. Design alegacy that lasts, both for your family and for future generations.Trusts: A well-structured trust can protect yourestate from unnecessary taxes and ensure yourwealth is distributed according to your wishes.Trusts can provide flexibility and control over howassets are passed down, often with added taxbenefits, and allow you to establish conditions foryour beneficiaries, ensuring that your legacy isprotected for generations to come.A well-thought-out estate plan isn't just about what you leave behind—it's about how you leave it. Byminimizing taxes, you’re ensuring that more of your wealth goes to the people who matter most,whether it's your children, your spouse, a favorite charity, or future generations. It’s about making surethat your hard work continues to make a difference, even after you're gone.The best time to start designing your legacy is today. Don’t wait until it’s too late—take the steps now toensure your assets are transferred in the most efficient, impactful way possible. Whether you'replanning for retirement or thinking about the long-term future of your family, creating acomprehensive estate plan that incorporates tax strategies and reflects your values will ensure that yourlegacy endures for years to come.Beneficiary Designations: The Squeaky Wheel That Needs AttentionWhen it comes to estate planning, many people focus on creating a will or trust, but one crucial elementoften gets overlooked: beneficiary designations. These simple yet powerful designations—whether forlife insurance policies, retirement accounts (IRAs, 401(k)s), or other financial assets - take

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6F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2The lesson here is clear: beneficiary designations take precedence over your will or trust. If they’re notregularly updated, your assets may end up with someone you didn’t intend, no matter what’s written inyour estate planning documents.Life is full of changes—marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or even the passing of loved ones—andeach of these events can affect who should inherit your assets. Without revisiting your beneficiarydesignations to reflect these changes, you could unintentionally disinherit someone you care about orpass assets to someone who is no longer part of your life.For example, if you’ve recently gotten married or had children, you’ll want to make sure your spouse andchildren are named as beneficiaries for relevant accounts. Conversely, if you’ve gone through a divorce orlost a loved one, it’s essential to remove or update former beneficiaries to ensure they no longer inherityour assets.precedence over your will or trust. This means that nomatter what your will says, if your beneficiary designationsaren’t up to date, your assets could end up going to thewrong person.This is a common pitfall, and it can have seriousconsequences. Let’s consider the case of Michael and Sarah.Like many people, they had a will that outlined their wishesfor asset distribution.However, when Michael passed away unexpectedly, Sarahfound out that their beneficiary designations were out ofdate. The life insurance policy was still listed in Michael’sex-wife's name, and their retirement accounts were set up to benefit a distant relative. Despite having a will that clearly stated otherwise, their assets didn’t gowhere they expected.

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7F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2It’s not just about avoiding confusion—it’s about making sure your wealth is passed on to the rightpeople, quickly and without unnecessary delays. Updating your beneficiary designations ensures thatyour wishes are followed precisely, without the complications that can arise during the probate process.This simple step can save your loved ones time, money, and stress, making it one of the easiest yet mostimportant actions in your estate planning process.Action Step:Make it a priority to review your beneficiary designationstoday. Check all accounts—life insurance policies, retirementaccounts, bank accounts, and any other asset with a beneficiary—and ensure that the listed beneficiaries reflect your currentfamily dynamics and wishes. Regular updates to thesedesignations can ensure that your estate plan works as intended,with no confusion or delays in distributing your assets.By taking the time to stay on top of your beneficiary designations, you can rest assured that your assetswill go to the right people, in the right way, at the right time. This simple action ensures that your legacyis passed on according to your wishes, with no surprises along the way.Flexibility in Your Estate Plan: Planning for the UnexpectedLife is unpredictable, and while we can’t foresee every twist and turn, the best estate plans are designedto adapt to whatever life brings. Whether it’s a sudden change in your health, shifts in your familydynamics, or changes to your financial situation, your estate plan should have the built-in flexibility toaccommodate these changes.The goal of estate planning isn’t just to cover the “now” but to plan for the future. Many people make the

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8F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2 mistake of creating an estate plan once and then leaving it untouched for years. But as time passes,things change—your relationships evolve, your assets grow (or shrink), and your life circumstancesshift. What worked five or ten years ago may not be as effective today, which is why your estate planmust evolve as well.For instance, perhaps you’ve recently become agrandparent or seen a significant change in your health.Maybe you’ve sold a business or purchased a new home, oryour financial strategy has changed. These events can alterhow you want your assets distributed or who you want toappoint as your power of attorney or trustee. Withoutrevisiting your estate plan to reflect these changes, youmay unintentionally create confusion or leave behind aplan that no longer serves your current goals.Flexibility in your estate plan isn’t just about namingsomeone different as a beneficiary—it’s about ensuringthat your plan is designed to adapt to all kinds ofscenarios. For example, if you’ve experienced a change inhealth and want to adjust how your assets are handled in the event of incapacity, having the flexibilityto appoint a trusted family member or a professional to make decisions on your behalf could beinvaluable.Moreover, if your family dynamics shift—such as a divorce, remarriage, or the estrangement of arelative—updating your plan ensures that your assets are distributed according to your currentintentions, not outdated wishes. Without this flexibility, your loved ones could face unnecessarychallenges during an already difficult time.Regular reviews are the key to keeping your estate plan aligned with your long-term vision. Adynamic plan that accounts for changes in relationships, health, and wealth allows you to ensurethat your legacy is protected and your wishes are respected, regardless of what comes next.

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9F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2Make it a priority to review your estate plan regularly—at least once every three to five years, or after anysignificant life event. This could include a change in health, marriage or divorce, the birth of children orgrandchildren, the purchase or sale of significant assets, or any other major shift in your life. Byrevisiting your plan, you’ll ensure it remains relevant and continues to meet your evolving goals, helpingto provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones.Action Step:Planning for the unexpected isn’t just about avoidingcomplications—it’s about giving yourself and yourfamily the freedom to navigate life’s changes withconfidence, knowing your legacy is secure. Don’t waitfor something to change before you act—buildflexibility into your estate plan now, and make sure itstays aligned with your future.Working with Trusted Professionals: AKey to Successful Estate PlanningEstate planning is not just a one-time task—it’s an ongoing process that requires thoughtfulconsideration of your unique circumstances, values, and goals. While it might be tempting to take aDIY approach to create your estate plan, the truth is that estate planning can be incredibly complex.There are many moving parts, from tax strategies to legal requirements, and even the smallestmistake can have significant consequences. That’s where working with trusted professionals becomesessential.Professionals who specialize in estate planning—such as attorneys, financial advisors, and tax experts—bring invaluable knowledge and experience to the table. They understand the intricacies of estatelaws, tax implications,

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10F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2and the best strategies for protecting your wealth andensuring it’s distributed as you intend. Rather thannavigating this complicated terrain on your own, theseexperts can help you create a comprehensive, legally soundestate plan that addresses your needs today while planningfor the future.For instance, estate planning attorneys are skilled indrafting wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. They ensurethat your documents are legally binding and adhere to thespecific requirements of your state, which can vary widely.A small error in drafting a will or trust can lead to costlylegal battles for your heirs, but an attorney can help youavoid these pitfalls by creating clear, enforceabledocuments.Additionally, tax professionals play a crucial role in helping you minimize estate taxes and inheritancetaxes, ensuring that your estate passes on in the most tax-efficient way possible. They can recommendstrategies like gifting, charitable donations, or establishing trusts that lower the taxable portion of yourestate. These tax strategies can have a huge impact, particularly for those with larger estates or specifictax concerns. Without the guidance of a tax expert, you could unknowingly trigger unnecessary taxesthat reduce the amount passed to your heirs.Working with professionals also brings a level of objectivity to the process. Estate planning can be anemotional and complex process, especially when it involves family dynamics and decisions about whowill inherit your assets. An experienced advisor can help you navigate these conversations, ensuringthat your plan is not only legally sound but also reflects your true intentions and protects your family’sfuture.

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11F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2Consider working with a certified estate planningprofessional to ensure your plan is both comprehensiveand legally sound. They can help you navigate thecomplexities of tax laws, trusts, and estate taxes whilemaking sure that your plan is tailored to meet yourspecific goals. Whether it’s creating legally bindingdocuments or exploring tax-saving strategies, theseprofessionals can guide you through the process andhelp you build a robust, well-organized estate plan thatwill protect your legacy and ensure your wishes arehonored.Action Step:A comprehensive estate plan involves a combination of legal, financial, and tax strategies that mustwork together to achieve your goals. By relying on professionals who specialize in these areas, youensure that your estate plan is built on solid foundations, minimizing risks and providing peace ofmind for both you and your loved ones.By partnering with trusted professionals, you’re investing in a future where your wealth ispreserved, your family is protected, and your legacy is carried out with precision. Don’t leave yourlegacy to chance—work with the experts to make sure your plan stands the test of time.January Market Recap: Resilience, Rate Decisions, and Rising TariffsWhat fueled the modest advance in the S&P 500 Index in January? Well, for starters, the narrativehasn’t changed that much since the calendar flipped to 2025. That is, with the exception of tariffs,which we will get to in a moment.

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12F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2The Fed catches its breathAs was widely expected, the Federal Reserve held the fed funds rate at 4.25–4.50% at its end-of-January meeting, and Fed Chief Powell signaled the Fed is in no hurry to reduce interest rates.But he didn’t close the door to further rate hikes this year, even as prospects for future rate cuts thisyear are currently limited.Fueled by higher consumer spending, the economy is expanding, as evidenced by an annualizedincrease of 2.3% in fourth quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP, according to the latest data fromthe U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.Meanwhile, corporate profits are exceeding expectations, per data from LSEG, and inflation, whilestill elevated, isn’t showing signs of accelerating.

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13In other words, the selloff wasn’t simply indiscriminate selling. Instead, it was a rotation out ofseveral tech winners and into market underperformers.It is yet to be determined how the DeepSeek announcement will unfold for the rest of the year.While we rarely dive into the granular day-to-day action, we want to point out that the extrememarket divergence on January 27th illustrates the benefits of diversification.It also emphasizes that investors remain optimistic about U.S. economic prospects.But last month did provide some unexpected drama. On Monday, January 27th, a Chinese start-upannounced that its DeepSeek’s AI models offered performance to the world’s AI programs at afraction of the power and energy.Semiconductor shares tumbled, and Nvidia (NVDA $120, 1.31.25),which is one of the largest stocks in the S&P 500 Index, shed 17%,or nearly $600 billion in market cap, per CNBC.While the Nasdaq Composite and the S&P 500 Index ended the daydown sharply, the Dow closed up, according to MarketWatch.Notably, Bloomberg reported that a majority of S&P 500 stocksended the day higher despite the sharp decline in the S&P 500.Over the past 20 years, there has never been a positiveadvance/decline when the S&P lost 1.5% or more.Investors take stock of tariffsThat brings us to the February 1 announcement by President Trump that he planned to enact a 25%tariff on Canadian and Mexican imports and a 10% tariff on imported goods from China. Oil wouldbe taxed at 10%.F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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14Canada and Mexico struck deals with the Administration thatsecured a 30-day pause in new tariffs on their products. Chinaimposed new tariffs on a few U.S. products.The prospect of such sweeping barriers to trade unsettledinvestors amid concerns such levies will boost prices and homeand slow economic growth.Why are investors fretting over new trade barriers?In other words, investors are concerned that we could see higherinflation and slower economic growth, at least over a shorterperiod. In turn, that could force investors to re-evaluate U.S.economic prospects.Legal experts have said that the president, who referenced theInternational Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) for thenew levies, will likely encounter challenges in court, as the tariffsare not industry-specific and instead are quite broad.Well, there is no modern precedent for such action, and it's difficult to predict how a trade war,once it starts, might conclude.You see, the market is worried that significantly higher taxes on imported goods will drive inflationhigher, while the likelihood that Mexico and Canada will respond in kind with their own tariffscould sap demand for U.S. exports.However, courts have traditionally deferred to presidents during emergencies. Thus, it’s uncertainhow courts may ultimately rule.F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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15Some analysts believe the president is enacting tariffs strategically, with no intention ofmaintaining them over an extended period. Others, however, point to Trump’s positive remarksabout the benefits of tariffs and the necessity to generate revenue to reduce the deficit and fund hisproposed tax cuts.While the trade situation is fluid and could quickly change, the good news is that the U.S. economyis resilient and is less dependent on trade compared to many of our trading partners.In other words, investors are concerned that we could see higherinflation and slower economic growth, at least over a shorterperiod. In turn, that could force investors to re-evaluate U.S.economic prospects.Legal experts have said that the president, who referenced theInternational Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) for thenew levies, will likely encounter challenges in court, as the tariffsare not industry-specific and instead are quite broad.Some analysts believe the president is enacting tariffs strategically, with no intention of maintainingthem over an extended period. Others, however, point to Trump’s positive remarks about the benefitsof tariffs and the necessity to generate revenue to reduce the deficit and fund his proposed tax cuts.While the trade situation is fluid and could quickly change, the good news is that the U.S. economy isresilient and is less dependent on trade compared to many of our trading partners.Final Thoughts...A diversified portfolio cannot completely shelter you from market pullback, but it can help lowervolatility and has historically been the most effective path to achieve one’s financial goals.Our approach is guided not only by our experience but also by the weight of academic research. Werecognize that stocks are not immune to periods of subpar returns, but patient and disciplinedinvestors have historically been rewarded.F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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16Cozy Winter ReadingAs the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, there’s no better way to stay warm than curling upwith a good book. Whether you’re looking for a cozy escape, a heartwarming holiday story, or an epicadventure, we’ve got you covered. Here are some of our top book picks to make your winter readingexperience unforgettable:Ready for a book that’ll make you think and feelall the things? The Midnight Library takes you ona magical ride through different versions ofyour life, exploring what could have been. It’s aheartwarming story of second chances, self-discovery, and finding joy in the life you’reliving. Get cozy, because this one’s a page-turner!"The Midnight Library" by Matt HaigF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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17If you’ve got a soft spot for mythology, Circewill captivate you. Step into the world ofgods, witches, and magic with thisreimagined story of the famous Greeksorceress. Madeline Miller’s lyrical writingbrings Circe’s tale to life in a way that’s asempowering as it is enchanting—perfect fora winter read that’ll transport you to ancientGreece."Circe" by Madeline MillerGlamour, drama, and secrets—The SevenHusbands of Evelyn Hugo delivers it all. Diveinto the glittering world of old Hollywood withEvelyn Hugo, a legendary actress whose lovelife is as intriguing as her rise to fame. If you’recraving a book that keeps you turning pageslong into the night, this is the one to grab."The Seven Husbands of EvelynHugo" by Taylor Jenkins ReidF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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18Looking for something a bit magical? Set inthe wilds of Alaska, The Snow Child tells thestory of a couple who, after building asnowman, discover a mysterious young girlliving in the woods. It’s a beautifullyatmospheric and enchanting tale about love,loss, and the wonders of nature—perfect forthose snowy winter days."The Snow Child" by Eowyn IveyStep into a world of mystery, magic, andromance with The Night Circus. Thismesmerizing novel revolves around a magicalcircus that only appears at night, where twoyoung illusionists engage in a high-stakesrivalry. It’s the kind of book that will transportyou to another world, making it the idealcompanion for an evening by the fire."The Night Circus" by ErinMorgensternF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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19Need a powerful, inspiring memoir to get lostin? Educated is a compelling story of awoman who grows up in a strict, survivalistfamily and eventually escapes to pursue aneducation. Tara Westover’s story is one ofresilience, courage, and the transformativepower of learning—it’s a must-read foranyone looking for a truly movingexperience."Educated" by Tara WestoverF E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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20Upcoming WebinarsDates: Time:Register at:Love Your Legacy: Secure Your Family’s FutureNoon to 1 PMFebruary 27, 2025Click Here to Register for February’s WebinarFebruary is the month of love, and there’s no greater way to show your love than by building a legacy thatensures your family’s security and success. In this webinar, Love Your Legacy: Secure Your Family's Future,we’ll guide you through the essential steps to integrate legacy planning into your retirement strategy. Here’s what we’ll cover:Building a Legacy that Lasts: Learn how to align your retirement goals with your long-term legacy vision.Protecting Your Loved Ones: Explore proactive steps to ensure your family’s financial security forgenerations to come.Estate Planning Essentials: Understand key elements like wills, trusts, and other tools to make yourwishes clear and achievable.This is more than just planning—it’s about turning your life’s work into a meaningful legacy. Join us to takethe first step toward loving your legacy and securing your family’s future.Let’s turn your vision of a secure and prosperous future into a reality.F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2

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21F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2Dates: Time:Register at:Taxes Made Simple: Smart Strategies for RetireesTaxes don’t have to be a headache—especially in retirement. Our Taxes Made Simple webinar is here to helpyou navigate the complexities of taxes with confidence. Designed for retirees, this session will offerpractical, actionable insights to help you keep more of what you’ve earned. Here’s what we’ll cover:Staying Ahead of Tax Law Changes: Understand the latest updates and how they impact your retirement plans.Maximizing Your Income: Learn tax-efficient withdrawal strategies to make your savings work smarter for you.Finding Hidden Savings: Discover tips for uncovering deductions and credits you might have overlooked.Taxes may be inevitable, but overpaying is not. Join us to simplify your tax strategy and make the most ofyour retirement income.Noon to 1 PMMarch 27, 2025Click Here to Register for March’s WebinarDates: Time:Register at:Mastering Your Money: Budgeting, Debt Management, andStaying on Track for RetirementIn this informative webinar, we’ll explore the essential steps to take control of your financial future. Learnhow to create a realistic budget, effectively manage and reduce debt, and stay focused on your long-termretirement goals. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your financial strategy, this sessionwill provide the tools you need to build a strong foundation for your financial well-being and retirementsuccess.Create a Budget that Works for YouManage Debt StrategicallyStay Focused on Your Long-Term Retirement Goalsb i i bl b i i i i lif d k h fNoon to 1 PMMarch 27, 2025Click Here to Register for April’s Webinar

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22F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 5 V O L U M E 2That’s a Wrap for This Month!And there you have it—why a comprehensive estate plan is crucial for protecting your family, your legacy,and your peace of mind! Whether it’s ensuring your wishes are honored or navigating the complexities ofNew York’s estate laws, taking the time to plan now can save you and your loved ones a lot of stress down theroad.Remember, estate planning isn’t a “one-and-done” task—it's a living, breathing part of your financialstrategy. Regular updates, flexibility, and working with the right professionals will keep your plan on trackas life changes. So, take a moment today to review your plan, and make sure you’re all set to leave a legacythat truly reflects who you are and what you value.We’re here for you every step of the way—don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or if you need helpgetting started. Here’s to securing your future and giving your loved ones the peace of mind they deserve.Until next time,LynnLeigh & Company - A Registered Investment AdvisorThis information is provided by LynnLeigh & Co. for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable – LynnLeigh& Co. advisors cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal circumstances. To the extent that thismaterial concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayershould seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice. Pastperformance is not a guarantee of future returns.