Personal FinancialOrganizer
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mKey Steps to Achievingyour Financial GoalsWelcome to LynnLeigh &Company's unique approach toachieving your financialaspirations. Our method involvesa straightforward, five-stepprocess designed to translate yourneeds into specific, personalizedfinancial goals. This process notonly simplifies the journey towardfinancial clarity but also ensuresthat the solutions we devise areperfectly tailored to your uniquecircumstances. These solutionsremain flexible, adapting overtime to align with changes in yourlive and the financial market. This binder serves as an indispensable tool throughout our five-step journey.It's designed to keep your vital records organized, capture essential informationabout each of your goals, and track your progress as you advance towardsachieving them. By using this binder, you'll have a comprehensive and evolvingrecord of your financial strategy, supporting you every step of the way as wework together to secure your financial future.LynnLeigh & Company’s 5-StepFinancial Planning Process
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o m...a personalized guide designed to help you streamline and secure yourfinancial life. We call it the "Hurricane Book" because, in a pinch, it's yourfinancial life in one place. If there’s ever a hurricane coming, rememberthe plan: grab the kids, grab the dog, and don’t forget the Hurricane Book!Inside, you’ll find sections that guide you through organizing everythingfrom retirement plans to estate arrangements, complete with templatesand tips to make managing your finances straightforward.This binder is a living document.We encourage you to update itregularly and use it as a cornerstonefor financial reviews and decision-making. We’re here to support youevery step of the way as you navigateyour financial journey.Let’s get started!We call this your “HurricaneBook”...Kelly, Chazz and Beckyl y n n l e i g h c o . c o m
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mThe process begins with a conversation focused on what matters most toyou. We often discover that the main concerns of the families that we workwith are closely connected to what we identify as the five fundamentalneeds.Getting started isn’t as hard as itsounds...Preparing for RetirementRetirement planning is essential because it sets you up for a comfortableand secure future. It helps ensure you can maintain your lifestyle even afteryou stop working, protects against the possibility of outliving your savings,and addresses the inevitable rise in healthcare costs as you age.Additionally, it guards your savings against inflation and helps managehow your assets will be passed on. Overall, having a solid retirement plan inplace gives you peace of mind, knowing you’re well-prepared for the yearsahead.Living In RetirementLiving in retirement should be a rewarding and stress-free time, madepossible by a solid retirement plan. This part of your plan ensures that youcan comfortably cover your daily expenses and handle rising healthcarecosts without a regular work income. It also helps manage savings tosupport a lifestyle that includes hobbies, travel, and leisure, ensuringfinancial resources continue to grow. Proper planning allows you to enjoyyour golden years with peace of mind and financial security.
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mPaying for CollegePaying for education is a significant investment in the future, and effectiveplanning can make it more manageable. By setting aside funds early,exploring scholarships, and considering various financing options such asgrants and loans, you can alleviate the financial burden associated witheducational expenses. This proactive approach not only secures thenecessary resources for tuition and related costs but also minimizes stress,allowing your children to focus on their studies and career goals withoutthe weight of financial concerns.Preparing for the UnexpectedPreparing for the unexpected is crucial, and having the right insurancecoverage is key to financial resilience. Comprehensive insurance planningshould include life insurance to support your loved ones if you should pass,health insurance to cover medical expenses, disability insurance for incomeprotection in case of inability to work, and property insurance to safeguardagainst damage or loss of assets. Each type of insurance serves as a safetynet, ensuring that unexpected events don't derail financial stability andlong-term plans, providing peace of mind in facing life's uncertainties.Planning Your Estate or InheritanceEstate or inheritance planning is vital for ensuring that your assets aredistributed according to your wishes after you pass away. It provides a clearroadmap for you heirs and helps prevent potential disputes among yourfamily members. By setting up wills, trusts, and designated beneficiaries,you can efficiently manage and protect your legacy, minimize estate taxes,and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of financially. Effectiveestate planning offers peace of mind, knowing that your financial affairsare in order and your wishes will be honored.
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mBuilding a strong support network is crucial in managing and achievingyour financial goals. In the next section you will see an important section,"Putting Your Team in Place.” This is designed to help you identify andorganize your trusted advisors, ensuring that you have the rightprofessionals working together on your behalf.Putting Your Team in PlaceFinancial Advisor: Your financial advisor is central to coordinatingyour financial strategy. They work closely with you to develop,implement, and maintain your financial plan, ensuring it aligns withyour goals and adjusts to life’s changes.Insurance Providers: These are the specialists who help protect yourfinancial wellbeing through various insurance products. Whether it'slife, health, property, or liability insurance, your providers are essentialfor safeguarding against unforeseen financial risks.Tax Preparers: Given the complexities of tax regulations, having askilled tax professional is indispensable. Your tax preparer ensures thatyou comply with tax laws, take advantage of all eligible deductions, andplan efficiently for future tax obligations.Attorneys: Specialized legal advice is vital, particularly when it comesto estate planning, business agreements, or other legal mattersaffecting your finances. Your attorneys ensure that your assets areprotected and your legal rights are upheld.
Personal Informationand Financial Goals
ChildrenThis document provides contact information regarding family members and friendsPersonal ContactsNamePhone Number EmailGrandchildrenNamePhone Number EmailOther Emergency ContactsNamePhone Number Email
Financial AdvisorThis document provides contact information regarding family members and friendsProfessional ContactsName Phone NumberFirm Name EmailCPA/Tax PreparersName Phone NumberFirm Name EmailName Phone NumberFirm Name EmailAttorney(s)Name Phone NumberFirm Name EmailName Phone NumberFirm Name EmailInsurance BrokersName Phone NumberFirm Name EmailName Phone NumberFirm Name Email
Primary Care Physician(s)This document provides contact information regarding family members and friendsProfessional ContactsName Phone Number WebsiteOther Physician(s)Name Phone Number WebsiteHome Health Aide(s)Name Company Name Phone NumberDentist(s)Name Phone Number Website
Preparing forRetirement
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mPreparing for RetirementTo help you keep track of yourimportant records, considerplacing your most recent andyear end copies of the followingitems in this binder:Get OrganizedIndividual RetirementAccount (IRA) StatementsAnnuity ContractsCompany RetirementPlan StatementsCompany Summary PlanDescriptionCompany Stock OptionStatementPay Stubs and PensionStatementsRetirement used to be about one big party tomark the end of your career, surrounded byfamily, friends, and colleagues. But these days,retirement means something different toeveryone. Maybe you'll keep working, dive intovolunteering, start a fresh career, travel theworld, or spend more quality time with yourfamily.Whether retirement is a decade away or justaround the bend, you might be wondering ifyou're saving enough, how you'll handlehealthcare costs, and what impact taxes andinflation could have as you enjoy your goldenyears. Remember, retirement can stretch out for25 to 30 years!To ensure you're able to live out the retirementyou dream of, it's crucial to get a clear picture ofwhat you need. Consider these questions:When do I want to retire?What do I want my retirement to look like?How much money will I need each month?How long do I expect my retirement to last?Through our five-step process, we’ll help youfind the answers to these questions and more,guiding you towards your ideal retirement.
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mLiving for RetirementTo help you keep track of yourimportant records, considerplacing your most recent andyear end copies of the followingitems in this binder:Get OrganizedIndividual RetirementAccount (IRA) StatementsAnnuity ContractsCompany RetirementPlan StatementsCompany Summary PlanDescriptionCompany Stock OptionStatementPay Stubs and PensionStatementsYou've worked hard all your life to get toretirement—so, what comes next?Living through your retirement years oftenbrings up important financial decisions. Acommon worry might be whether yourretirement savings will last as long as you do,especially considering retirement can now span25 to 30 years. You’ll also need to think abouthow to cover healthcare costs and the impact oftaxes and inflation on your retirement lifestyle.To ensure you enjoy the retirement you’ve alwaysimagined, it’s important to see the big picture—your savings, your needs, and how you want tolive your life. Here are some key questions toconsider:How do I want to spend my retirementyears?How long might my retirement last?How much monthly income will I need?How much should I withdraw annually frommy accounts to meet my needs?Based on my income needs, should Irebalance the investments in my portfolio?By following our five-step process, we’ll help youaddress these questions, enabling you to liveyour retirement on your terms.
Paying for Education
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mPaying for EducationTo help you keep track of yourimportant records, considerplacing your most recent andyear end copies of the followingitems in this binder:Get Organized529 College Savings PlanStatementsCustodial AccountStatementsSeries EE and I SavingsBond DocumentationFree Application forFederal Student Aid(FAFSA) FormsEducation LoanStatementsThe first day of school, moving up to high school,and college graduation—these are significantmilestones, not just in your life but also for yourchildren, grandchildren, or other family members.As education costs continue to rise each year, it’scrucial to start saving for education expenses assoon as possible. Keep in mind that planning foreducation is not a one-off task but a continuousjourney.To better understand your needs and ensure youmeet your education funding goals, consider thesequestions:Have I saved enough so far to meet myeducation funding targets?How much more do I need to save for mychildren’s education?What amount can I afford to gift towards mygrandchildren’s educational costs?What portion of college expenses am I planningto cover?Will any relatives contribute financially toeducation costs?How might funding education impact my otherfinancial goals, like retirement?Tuition Bills andStatementsLet's discuss these questions as part of our five-step process. This will help us set a cleareducation funding goal and understand how this fits within your overall financial plans.From there, we can recommend personalized strategies that consider both youreducational goals and your broader financial landscape.
Planning for theUnexpected
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mPlanning for the UnexpectedTo help you keep track of yourimportant records, considerplacing the following insurancepolicy statements in the folderlocated in the back of thisbinder:Get OrganizedLife Insurance PoliciesLong-Term Care PoliciesDisability PoliciesHealth Insurance DetailsLiability/Umbrella PoliciesWith all the hustle and bustle of daily life andnumerous obligations, it's easy to overlook theimportance of safeguarding your financial goalsagainst the unexpected. Ensuring you have the rightprotection and emergency savings in place iscrucial.There are many strategies to help shield you andyour loved ones from potential financial setbackscaused by unforeseen events. However, before youcan choose the best approach, you need tounderstand where you might be vulnerable.To start identifying these gaps, ask yourself a fewimportant questions:How much cash should I have on hand foremergencies?How would I manage everyday expenses andprotect my long-term savings if I suddenlybecame unable to work?If I needed to stay in an assisted living facility,how would I cover the costs while still aiming tomeet my financial goals?What would happen to my dependents ifsomething unexpected happened to me?Would I be able to keep up with my expenses if Ilived longer than anticipated?Property & Casualty PoliciesBy applying our five-step process, we'll help you tackle these questions, clarify your needs,and set clear goals. This will guide us in recommending tailored solutions that move youcloser to achieving your protection goals. Remember, this isn’t a one-time effort—it’s anongoing process that adapts as your life and goals evolve.Vehicle (Automobile,Motorcycle & Boat)
Life InsuranceThis document provides contact information regarding family members and friendsInsurance InventoryName of InsuredFace Value$Policy HolderDate IssuedCompany NamePremium$Policy TypePremium Date DuePolicy NumberBeneficiariesName of InsuredFace Value$Policy HolderDate IssuedCompany NamePremium$Policy TypePremium Date DuePolicy NumberBeneficiariesName of InsuredFace Value$Policy HolderDate IssuedCompany NamePremium$Policy TypePremium Date DuePolicy NumberBeneficiaries
Long-Term Care InsuranceThis document provides contact information regarding family members and friendsInsurance InventoryName of InsuredBenefit Amount$Policy OwnerDate IssuedCompany NamePremium$Policy NumberPremium Date DueCompany NameAgent’s NamePhone NumberEmailProperty & Casualty InsuranceName of InsuredBenefit Amount$Policy OwnerDate IssuedCompany NamePremium$Policy NumberPremium Date DueCompany NameAgent’s NamePhone NumberEmailLiability Insurance/Umbrella Policy
This document provides contact information regarding family members and friendsInsurance InventoryDisability InsuranceName of InsuredBenefit Amount$Policy OwnerDate IssuedCompany NamePremium$Policy NumberPremium Date DueName of InsuredBenefit Amount$Policy OwnerDate IssuedCompany NamePremium$Policy NumberPremium Date DueHealth InsuranceHealth InsuranceProviderPhone NumberAgent’s NameEmailHealth InsuranceProviderPhone NumberAgent’s NameEmailHealth InsuranceProviderPhone NumberAgent’s NameEmail
This document provides contact information regarding family members and friendsInsurance InventoryVehicle Insurance (auto, motorcycle, boat)Company NamePhone NumberAgent’s NameEmailCompany NamePhone NumberAgent’s NameEmailCompany NamePhone NumberAgent’s NameEmail
Planning Your Estateor Inheritance
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mPlanning Your Estate or InheritanceTo help you keep track of yourimportant records relevant to theestate-planning process, considerplacing copies of the listed itemsbelow in this binder and completingthe document behind each tab.Get OrganizedBeneficiary DesignationFormsIt's understandable—topics like death, incapacity,and taxes can make anyone hesitant about estateplanning. Plus, it often feels overwhelming, leavingmany unsure of where to even start. However,creating an effective estate plan is one of the mostvaluable steps you can take to protect and providefor your loved ones.Our job is to simplify this process for you. We assistin implementing your estate-planning strategiesand ensure your finances align perfectly with yourestate goals.An effective estate plan can:Give you peace of mind by ensuring your assetsgo exactly where you want—whether to family,friends, or charities.Preserve the value of your estate by minimizingexpenses and taxes.Provide clear instructions for the managementof your assets in case you become unable tomanage them yourself.We utilize our five-step process and collaborate with your estate-planning attorney andtax professionals to create personalized strategies that meet your specific needs. Thisapproach not only simplifies the process but helps you achieve your estate-planningobjectives efficiently.Transfer on Death AccountAgreementsWillsTrustsPowers of AttorneyHealth Care Proxies/LivingWillFuneral Arrangements
Name of Financial InstitutionThis document can help your team of estate-planning professionals and your survivors locate important informationrelevant to the estate planning process. This information will help ensure that your wishes are cared out as youintended. Please note that is a section does not apply to your situation, you may leave it bland or write “N/A” in theappropriate spaces.Estate-Planning InformationSafe-Deposit BoxAddressLegal DocumentsNameNameWillDate of Last WillDate of Last WillName of Executor/PersonalRepresentativePhone Number(s)Name of Executor/PersonalRepresentativePhone Number(s)TrustDate of Last ReviewLivingTestamentaryWillTrustLivingTestamentaryName of Trustee(s)Phone Number (s)Name of SuccessorTrustee(s)Phone Number(s)Date of Last ReviewName of Trustee(s)Phone Number (s)Name of SuccessorTrustee(s)Phone Number(s)Durable Power of AttorneyDate of Last ReviewName of Executor/PersonalRepresentativePhone Number(s)Durable Power of AttorneyDate of Last ReviewName of Executor/PersonalRepresentativePhone Number(s)
Estate-Planning InformationHealth Care Proxy/Living WillDate of Last ReviewName of Executor/PersonalRepresentativePhone Number(s)Date of Last ReviewName of Executor/PersonalRepresentativePhone Number(s)Health Care Proxy/Living WillHome or Other Real EstateDescription & Property Location Name(s) on Title Date ValuedMarket Value Mortgage Equity$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $Total Net Value$Rental PropertyDescription & Property Location Name(s) on Title Date ValuedMarket Value Mortgage Equity$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$Total Net ValueTotal Monthly Income$$$Other Titled Property (Automobile, Motorcycle or Boat)Description & Property Location Name(s) on Title Date ValuedMarket Value Mortgage Equity$ $$ $$ $ $Total Net Value$
Leased Vehicles or PropertyDescription Name(s) on Title Location Lease Expiration DateStoc ks, Bon ds or M utual F unds (Including Company Stock) Outside an Invest ment Ac countNo. ofSharesName ofSecurityName(s) onAccountDate ValuedPurchase PriceCurrent ValuePaperCertificates$ $$ $$ $ Yes No Yes No Yes NoEstate-Planning Information$Retirement Plans, such as IRAs, ROTHs, 403(b), 401(k) or PensionName of Financial InstitutionPhone NumberAccountNumberPrimaryBeneficiaryContingentBeneficiary ApproximateAccount Value$$$$Mone y Owed to Y0uDescriptionWho?ApproximateValuePaperwork forthe Loan$$ Yes No Yes NoDate ofLoanTerm ofLoanInterest ofLoan
A Survivor’s Guide
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mA Survivor’s GuideBehind this tab are documents thatprovide important information tohelp guide the executor or familymembers through the matters theymust attend to at your death.Get OrganizedA Survivors GuideLosing a loved one is always tough, and it's evenmore challenging when there are important tasks tohandle during such a sensitive time. When someonepasses away, their executor or family members haveto take on several responsibilities. These includearranging the final details, informing variousbusinesses and government agencies, settling theestate, and making sure that assets are distributedjust as the departed wished. This can be a lot tomanage, but having clear instructions in place canmake these steps smoother and less stressful foreveryone involved.Funeral and BurialInformationLocation of ImportantDocuments
Losing a loved one is incredibly challenging, and the decisions and tasks that follow can feel overwhelming. This guide is here to helpyou through the necessary steps during such a tough time. Since everyone’s situation is unique, it’s a good idea to talk with an estate-planning attorney and a qualified tax professional who can provide specific guidance tailored to your needs.When you're ready, we at LynnLeigh & Company are here to work alongside your attorney and tax advisor to streamline the estateadministration process. Our goal is to make things as smooth and efficient as possible for you and your family.A Survivor’s GuideImm ed iat e C on cer nsNotification:The first step is to notify close family and friends of the passing. This can also include informing any relevantreligious, spiritual, or community leaders who need to be involved in subsequent arrangements.See the Personal Contacts document in this binder for contact information.Arranging the Funeral and Memorial Services:Deciding on and organizing the funeral, memorial service, or other forms of final farewell according to the wishes of thedeceased or the family's preferences. This involves choosing a funeral home, deciding on burial or cremation, andplanning the details of the ceremony.See the Funeral and Burial Information document this binder for your loved one’s prearrangements and last requests.See the Location of Important Documents pages in the binder for the location of your loved one’s will and other estate-planning documents.Securing the Deceased’s Property:This includes securing the deceased’s home, vehicle, and any other significant properties to ensure they are safeand sound. It’s also important to collect and safeguard the deceased's personal items like keys, financialdocuments, and personal records.Place Obituary in the Local Newspaper:The funeral director can help place the obituary in the local newspaper.Notify your loved one’s employer:Contact the personnel department of your loved one’s current employer(s) to collect any salary, vacation or sickpay owed.Inquire about continuing health insurance coverage and potential survivors’ benefits for a spouse or children.If the death was work-related, you can potentially file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits through yourloved one’s employer and/or trade union.Arrange to retrieve your loved one’s personal belongings from the employer(s).Contact Your Own Employer and Arrange for Bereavement Leave.Contact the schools of your loved one’s children, if applicable. Notify the appropriate parties if your loved one was a member of any professional organizations, charitableorganizations or labor unions.
A Survivor’s GuideObtain certified copies the death certificates.Your loved one’s family doctor or the medical examiner can provide a death certificate within 24 hours of thedeath. The funeral home should complete the form and file it for you.Obtain several certified copies of the death certificate through the local office of vital statistics (some agencies orcompanies will only accept a certified copy of the death certificate).You will need a certified copy of the death certificate to receive distributions from life insurance policies, re-register or transfer investment accounts, and transfer personal property and real estate.Contact your loved one’s financial advisor and other professional contactsSee the Professional Contacts document in this binder for these contacts.Engaging with professionals like estate-planning attorneys and tax advisors early on can help in managing thelegal and financial aspects of the estate efficiently. They can provide guidance on wills, inheritance, taxes, andother critical matters.The financial advisor can help determine what investments your loved one owns and help assess the valuation ondate of death. He or she can also help in the transfer of assets to a beneficiary.Review Your Loved One’s Financial Affairs. See the Estate-Planning Information and Location of Important Documents pages in this binder for informationregarding estate-planning documents.Locate any marriage certificates, children’s birth or adoption certificates and military discharge papers, whichyou may need to apply for benefits. You may find these documents in a safe-deposit box or copies of thesedocuments with your loved one’s estate-planning attorney.Consider having a witness present when opening the safe-deposit box. If there is no one authorized toopen the safe-deposit box, petition the court for an order to open. Be sure to record the contents of thebox.Duplicate copies of marriage and birth certificates are available at the county clerk’s office where themarriage and births occurred.To receive a duplicate copy of a military discharge, contact the National Personnel Records Center.Contact Your Loved One’s Estate-Planning AttorneySee the Professional Contacts document in this binder for the estate-planning attorney’s contact information.The estate-planning attorney can coordinate the probate process and may have copies of any will or trustdocuments.Imm ed iat e C on cer nsReport the death to the Social Security AdministrationContact the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213If your loved one received benefits via direct deposit, request that the financial institution return the excessfunds receive to Social Security.Return all checks received to the Social Security Administration as soon as possible.Surviving spoused may be eligible for a lump-sum death benefit and/or survivor’s benefit.For instructions or additional information, contact your local Social Security Administration office, or call 800-772-1213
A Survivor’s GuideReview the information about your loved one’s assets in the binder and make any additions or updates.Put safeguards in place to protect any property.Make sure you continue to make mortgages and insurance payments while settling the estate.Locate insurance policies.See the Insurance Inventory document in this binder for information regarding your loved one’s insurance policiesContact all insurance companies to file claims.If your loved one owned an annuity, you and your loved one’s financial advisor should carefully review the annuitycontract to ensure that any amount payable to the decedent, or his or her estate, are collected. If an heir is entitled tocontinued payments from the annuity, contact provider to transfer payments to that heir.Notify credit card companies.See the Banking, Mortgage and Debt Information document in the binder for more details.Cancel all cards unless you are named on the account and wish to retain the card.Contact past employers regarding pension plans, and contact Individual Retirement Accountcustodians or trustees.See the Estate-Planning Information document in this binder for designated beneficiaries and after-death distributionoptions.Your loved one’s financial advisor, estate-planning attorney and qualified tax professional can help transfer ownership ofretirement account assets to designated beneficiaries.See the Estate-Planning Information document in this binder for the contact information.Notify your loved one’s financial institution(s) to retitle or distribute the account(s)See the Professional Contacts document in this binder for any financial institution’s contact information.Retitle jointly held assets, such as bank accounts, vehicles, stocks, bonds and real estate.See the Professional Contacts document in this binder for additional details.Notify utility companiesImm ed iat e C on cer ns
File the will with the appropriate probate court.If your loved one owned real estate out of state, then you’ll need to file ancillary probate in that state as well.If there is no will, contact the probate court for instructions or a probate attorney for assistance. Notify your loved one’s creditors by mail or by placing a notice in the local newspaperClaims must be made within the statute of limitations, which varies from state to state (30 days from actual notice iscommon.Be sure to insist on proof of all claims.File a federal estate tax return within nine months of deathState laws vary, but you may need to file state estate tax and/or inheritance tax returns.Federal and state income taxes are due for the year of death on the normal filing date.Consult a qualified tax professional for assistance.Consider consolidating your loved one’s IRAs.You will still need to take required minimum distribution from IRAs if you loved one was eligible.Within Three to Nine Months after DeathUpdate your own estate plan if your loved one was a beneficiary or appointed as an agent, trustee or a guardian.Update beneficiary designationsReview and revise your beneficiary designations on your retirement plans, including IRAs and Transfer on Deathdesignation where the decedent was a named beneficiary.Within Nine Months to One Year after DeathRe-evaluate your short- and long-term finances.Re-evaluate investments within your portfolioAs changes occur your life and in the markets, your investments may not always be in alignment with your long-termfinancial goals.Re-evaluate investments within your portfolioReview your current insurance policies and needs to determine if there are any gaps in coverage.Update beneficiary designations on insurance policies on which the decedent was the named beneficiary
Honoring your final wishes is a significant responsibility that your loved ones will take to heart. Yet, making important decisionsduring such an emotional time can be incredibly challenging. By filling out the information below, you can make it easier for your lovedones to carry out your wishes and any arrangements you've made in advance, even during these difficult moments.Funeral and Burial InformationName NameMemorial Service Information Memorial Service InformationHave Your Prearranged Your Funeral Have Your Prearranged Your FuneralYesNoYesNoName of FuneralHome or MortuaryAddressPhone NumberAddressPhone NumberName of FuneralHome or MortuaryVisitationVisitation LocationAddressPhone NumberAddressPhone NumberVisitationVisitation LocationFuneralFuneral LocationAddressPhone NumberAddressPhone NumberFuneralFuneral LocationName of Person to ConductServiceAddressPhone NumberAddressPhone NumberName of Person to ConductServiceName of Alternative Personto Conduct ServiceAddressPhone NumberAddressPhone NumberName of Alternative Personto Conduct Service
Funeral and Burial InformationName NameMusic MusicName of Musician(s)Phone Number(s)Phone Number(s)Special RequestsBurial InformationName of CemetaryAddressPhone NumberAddressPhone NumberBurial InformationName of CemetaryPlot NumberPlot NumberName of Musician(s)Special Requests(i.e., type of casket, readings, specific clothing)(i.e., type of casket, readings, specific clothing)Have You Prepaid for a Funeral Plot Have You Paid for a Funeral PlotYesNo YesNoCremation Information Cremation InformationHave You Prepaid for a Funeral Plot Have You Paid for a Funeral PlotYesNo YesNoIf so, where?If so, where?Other Wishes* Other Wishes*Donate Your Organs or Body?Donate Your Organs or Body?YesNo YesNo
Organs to Be DonatedName of Institution or HospitalAddressAddressOrgans to Be DonatedOther Wishes* Other Wishes*Phone NumberPhone NumberName of Institution or HospitalList of Organizations to WhichDonations Can be Made inYour NameList of Organizations to WhichDonations Can be Made inYour NameFuneral and Burial Information* Please consult your estate-planning attorney regarding your individual situation
Location of Important DocumentsLast Will & TestamentDocumentsEstate DocumentsSuggested Timeto RetainSuggested Location ofThese DocumentsActual Location ofOriginal DocumentsIndefinitely Attorney & Safe-Deposit BoxLiving Will/Health Care Proxy Indefinitely HomeDurable Power of Attorney Indefinitely HomePersonal Trust Account Indefinitely Trustee & Safe-Deposit BoxTrustee Information IndefinitelyCharitable Trust Account IndefinitelyTrustee & Safe-Deposit BoxTrustee & Safe-Deposit BoxCharitable Donation Preferences Indefinitely Attorney & Safe-Deposit BoxBurial Instructions Indefinitely Home & Copy in This BinderCemetery Plot Deed IndefinitelyPrepaid Cremation Papers IndefinitelyLetter of Instruction to Executor IndefinitelyDeath Certificate(s) IndefinitelyHomeSafe-Deposit BoxHome & Copy in This BinderHome & Copy in This BinderSocial Security CardAdditional Documents &InformationPersonalSuggested Timeto RetainSuggested Location ofThese DocumentsActual Location ofOriginal DocumentsIndefinitely HomeBirth Certificates Indefinitely Safe-Deposit BoxPassport/Citizenship(Naturalization) PapersIndefinitely Safe-Deposit Box
Location of Important DocumentsAdoption PapersPersonalSuggested Timeto RetainSuggested Location ofThese DocumentsActual Location ofOriginal DocumentsIndefinitelyMarriage Certificates IndefinitelyPrenuptial Agreement IndefinitelyDivorce or Separation Papers IndefinitelyMilitary Service Records IndefinitelySafe-Deposit Box Key IndefinitelyAdditional Documents &InformationSafe-Deposit BoxSafe-Deposit BoxSafe-Deposit BoxSafe-Deposit BoxSafe-Deposit BoxHomeReal Estate DeedsAdditional Documents &InformationOwnershipSuggested Timeto RetainSuggested Location ofThese DocumentsActual Location ofOriginal DocumentsUntil Transfer ofPropertyHome Purchase and HomeImprovement RecordsAs Long As YouOwn The HomeSafe-Deposit BoxVehicle TitlesUntil Sale or Discard ofVehicleSafe-Deposit BoxSafe-Deposit BoxOther Titles of OwnershipUntil Sale of Discardof ItemsAppraisal and Inventory ofValuable ItemsKeep CurrentHousehold InventorySafe-Deposit BoxReceipts for Major PurchasesUntil ExpirationStock and/or Bond CertificatesUntil Cashed in orSoldHomeHomeKeep CurrentSafe-Deposit BoxSafe-Deposit Box
Investment Purchase andSale Record (TradeConfirmationsOwnership (cont.)Suggested Timeto RetainSuggested Location ofThese DocumentsActual Location ofOriginal DocumentsSix Years after Tax-Filing Deadline in theYear of the Sale*Additional Documents &InformationSafe-Deposit BoxPrior Year’s Federal & StateTax ReturnAdditional Documents &InformationTaxSuggested Timeto RetainSuggested Location ofThese DocumentsActual Location ofOriginal DocumentsSix Years from FilingDateFederal & State Gift TaxReturnsHomeProperty & School TaxRecordsHomeHomeSix Years from FilingDateSix Years from FilingDateLocation of Important Documents
Banking, Mortgageand Debt Statements
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mBanking, Mortgage and DebtStatementsTo help you keep track of yourimportant records, you may want toconsider keeping your most recentyear-end statements for thefollowing items in this binder:Get OrganizedAccount StatementsStaying on top of your finances takes organization. It’s a good idea to retain monthly accountstatements for checking and savings, debit cards,credit cards, loans and mortgages.CheckingSavingsMoney Market AccountsCredit/Debit CardCertificates of Deposits (CDs)Online Bill-Paying InformationMortgage & Home EquityStatementsMargin Loan Statements
Use this document to help locate banking, mortgage and debt informationBanking, Mortgage and DebtManagementWebsiteServicesSavings Account(s)BankingFinancial InstitutionChecking Account(s)Money Market Account(s)Debit Card(s)Online Bill PayOther _________________________________________MortgageName of FinancialInstitutionDescriptionContact WebsiteWebsiteServicesSavings Account(s)Financial InstitutionChecking Account(s)Money Market Account(s)Debit Card(s)Online Bill PayOther _________________________________________WebsiteServicesSavings Account(s)Financial InstitutionChecking Account(s)Money Market Account(s)Debit Card(s)Online Bill PayOther _________________________________________Home Equity Loans/Lines of CreditName of FinancialInstitutionDescriptionContact Website
DebtIssuer & TypeCustomer Service Phone Number (Lost Card)WebsiteCredit CardsName of FinancialInstitutionDescriptionContactWebsiteVehicle Loans (Automobile, Motorcycle, BoatsName of FinancialInstitutionDescriptionContactWebsiteEducation LoansName of FinancialInstitutionDescriptionContactWebsitePersonal Loans/Lines of CreditName of FinancialInstitutionDescriptionContactWebsiteOther DebtBanking, Mortgage and Debt Management
Tax Information
l y n n l e i g h c o . c o mTax InformationTo help you keep track of yourimportant records, consider placingthe following items and other year-end tax documents in this binder:Get OrganizedFederal and State IncomeTax ReturnYour investment decisions should be guided by youroverall strategy, not just tax considerations. A solidinvestment strategy considers potential returns,how much risk you’re comfortable taking, and thediversity of your investment portfolio.By using our five-step process, we can get a clearunderstanding of your investment needs. This helpsus ensure that your strategy is well-aligned withyour long-term financial goals, allowing you toinvest with confidence and clarity.Form 8606 (NondeductibleIRA StatementsForm 5498 (IRAContributions and RolloverInformation)Form 709 (Unites States Giftand Generation-SkippingTransfer Tax Return)Real Estate Tax RecordsYear-End Tax Documents(e.g., w-2s, 1099s, K-1s
WHY LYNNLEIGH & COMPANYAt LynnLeigh & Company, we see your financialjourney as a personal narrative that’s waiting to bewritten, with wealth as its cornerstone. It's not justabout securing your future; it's about crafting alegacy, celebrating life's milestones, and turning youraspirations into tangible realities.Experience the LynnLeigh & Company Advantage Step into our world, where every financial strategy iscrafted with your dreams in mind. Discover ourservices, gain insights from our expertise, and let’sbegin a dialogue about your financial future today.Your Vision, Our Expertise. Together at LynnLeigh &Company, let’s build a future you can look forwardto.Why Choose LynnLeigh & Company? Because navigating your financial future requiresmore than just a wealth manager—it needs adedicated partner. LynnLeigh & Company stands outas architects of financial success, where every plan isbuilt on understanding, care, and a commitment toyour best interests. With our WealthByDesignprocess, we ensure that planning for tomorrow isn'tjust a concept; it’s a personalized blueprint forprosperity.