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Lumixa Brochure

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Age ControlContains a patented chromophore (Fluorospir) with a specific energyprofile for rejuvenation:Skin NormaliserContains Fluorophyll N, a patented chromophore with a specificenergy profile for inflammageing:Collagen BoosterNormalises, heals and repairs reactive and stressed skin at acellular level Reduces inflammation markers by up to 80% Couple with other invasive modalities for enahnced results Improve skin firmness and provides a more toned and rejuvenatedappearance.Wrinkle reduction: from 12% to 74%.Perceived age reduced by an average of 8 yearsContains Fluocumin C, a patented chromophore with a specific energyprofile for chronoageing:Minimises the appearance of fine lines and enlarged poresImproves texture, tone, quality and stucture of skin Stimulates fibroblasts and collagen production by up to 7 timescompared to baseline after 72 hours Repair and regenerate skin at a cellular levelLumixa is a unique multi-actiontreatment that contains patentedchromophores with a specific energyprofile to repair, regenerate andenergise your skin

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Images Courtesy of The Cosmetic Clinics, NZImages Courtesy of Australian Skin ClinicsImages Courtesy of SILK Laser Clinics Images Courtesy of SILK Laser Clinics Images Courtesy of The Cosmetic Clinics, NZ After 5 Lumixa Age Control: -7 years After 5 Lumixa Age Control: -14 years After 5 Lumixa Age Control: -14 years Visia wrinkle analysis pictures before (left picture) and 1 month after from the last FLE session (right picture) showing TRU skin ageUtilise your existing Blue or Red LED to activateFluorescent Light Energy (FLETECH) coupled withour photoconverter gel containing exogenouschromophores. These molecules, thanks to thephysical property of Fluorescence, are able togenerate a dynamic hyperpulsed spectrumcontaining all the wavelengths in a range from415 to 800nm, working simultaneously withdifferent receptors on both epidermal anddermal layers promoting specific effects.1 Treatment Course = 5 weekly Treatments Energise mitochondria and skin receptors

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58 Gipps Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066lumixa@fb-dermatology.comFB Dermatology is a biotech company offeringinnovative and exclusive solutions for tissueregeneration, dermatology conditions andaesthetic alterations.@fbdermatologyScan here to consultscientific literatureApply a specific gel. The gel remains on the skinsurface and is not absorbed.The gel lights up and produces Fluorescent LightEnergy penetrating into the skin and stimulating cells.Activate the gel for up to 15 minutes with:BLUE LED (415nm - 470nm): Skin Normaliser & Collagen BoosterRED LED (590-620nm): Age Control3 Easy Steps for all skin types all year