contents Version 1 0 May 2010 Basic elements guidelines Brand elements
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Contents Our brand 2 Creative platform 3 Brand elements toolkit Our logo Logo variants Our logo Prestige applications Logo Do nots Our colours Using our colours Using our gradient Our colours Do nots Illustrations Creating illustrations Using Illustrations Our imagery Overview Our imagery Our Customers Our imagery Our People Our imagery Do nots Our typefaces Our corporate typeface Thesis TheSans Our headline typeface Atento Touch Using Atento Touch Our digital typeface Tahoma Using our typefaces A4 grid A5 grid DL grid 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Brand voice 29 Brand applications 41 Contact 54 Our brand voice The principles of our brand tone Writing with a human touch We are intelligent in our writing We are confident in our writing Flexing our brand tone Expressing naturally helpful Stationery PowerPoint slides Commercial brochure Advertising Events and Exhibitions Reception Annual Review Internal communications Employee brochure Magazines Joint branding and e newsletter 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 1
Atento Basic elements guidelines Our brand Atento is not just a logo it is the reason people should choose us It represents our culture our personality our services and the way in which these are delivered We have recently refreshed our brand and developed a clearer way of expressing it so that it will work harder for us and ultimately make us stronger and more noticeable in a competitive marketplace We need our brand to be understood and reflected by everyone connected with Atento so that we not only send the right messages but also live up to them It s more than just the look of our materials it s about the way we interact with people and how we want them to feel about Atento These guidelines explain the core elements of the brand and contain practical guidance and examples for using it contents 2
Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our communications are designed to a set of simple grids and rules When all the elements of the toolkit come together within these rules they create a unique and recognisable visual language contents 3
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Brand elements toolkit Our brand consists of a number of elements which have been created to promote togetherness a can do attitude being in touch and confidence All these elements come together in real life scenarios and situations to engage empower and surprise In doing so they establish Atento as a unique and highly experienced brand confident in delivering beneficial solutions for now and into the future Our logo Our colours Our imagery Our customers Atento Blue Pantone 534 Lime Pantone 375 Atento Orange Pantone 151 Magenta Pantone 226 Green Pantone 3272 Cyan Pantone Cyan Typography Headline styles Our illustrations Dingbats Body copy Thesis We operate in 17 countries and are one of the worlds most important contact centres Performing better for your customers Web Digital Tahoma We operate in 17 countries and are one of the worlds most important contact centres Our people 4
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our logo Positioning and appearance The preferred position of our logo is the top left corner of any item with the exception of advertising when it must appear bottom right The Atento logo Our logo is the fundamental identifier of who we are and consists of two elements Our name and the colon Our primary logo uses Atento Blue Pantone 534 for our name and Atento Orange Pantone 151 for the colon These colours are fixed and should not be altered in anyway Exclusion zone Our logo should sit in as much clear space as possible It is important to keep the logo clear of any graphic elements To regulate this an exclusion zone has been established Minimum size The minimum size for our logo is 22mm edge to edge for all applications Exclusion zone Our logo Minimum size X 22mm X height of a single A symbol Sizing recommendations Not to scale A3 A4 A4 Stationery A5 DL Business Card Minimum size 70mm 45mm 50mm 35mm 35mm 25mm 22mm 5
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Logo variants Different versions of our logo are required to ensure it always reads correctly when it appears on different backgrounds You must always use the corporate coloured logos where possible preference 1 and 2 All corporate communications use our white logo against our gradient background preference 2 First preference When printing 4 colour or in Pantone colours This mark should always be used against a white background This logo should also be used on partner branding when the background is set to white Second preference For use on a four colour image or on solid Atento Blue Pantone 548 or Atento blue gradient background This mark should never be used on any other solid colour or gradient When applied on a four colour image you must ensure our mark has clear standout and is legible See page 8 for more information Third preference With all partner sponsorship branding where the background colour is set e g green or yellow use either our white negative or black positive logo s To ensure legibility on dark colours use our negative logo and on light backgrounds use our positive logo Fourth preference When printing in black only This mark should always be seen against a white background Fifth preference When production quality is compromised e g fax applications or newsprint This mark should always be used against a white background Sixth preference Prestige applications When printing the mark in one colour onto an item that does not allow printing in black e g foil blocking or embossing See page 7 First preference Corporate colours Second preference Corporate colours negative Third preference White negative and Black positive Fourth preference Black tinted positive Fifth preference Black positive Sixth preference Prestige applications White negative 6
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our logo Prestige applications On some occasions our logo will be required to work on prestige applications these may include one off invitations to exclusive events or awards Prestige applications can allow for foil blocking embossing varnishing or engraving Our logo clearance zone and positioning guidelines must apply to prestige applications When applying our logo onto luxury materials e g metallic or embossed papers leather brushed or polished metal and frosted or clear fluorescent Perspex you must ensure the finished product is both elegant and sophisticated Fashions and tastes are constantly changing so you must be especially careful to be up todate and tasteful Prestige examples Mirror silver foil on metallic card Laser etched on polished metal Thermography gala event invitation 7
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Logo Do nots Our corporate logo or mark is an important asset of our brand and must never be altered or misused in any way When used consistently it has more impact and builds recognition That is why the relative size and component parts must never vary or be redrawn Don t scale or distort the corporate mark in any way Don t alter the colours of the corporate mark Don t place more than one corporate mark on a single Don t place the corporate mark on any other coloured Don t separate the colon from the logotype Don t alter the relationship between the Don t place the corporate mark over a Don t angle the corporate mark in any way logo type and the colon in any way page or repeat the mark to form a pattern complicated or detailed image background other than Atento Blue Pantone 548 8
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our colours Atento Blue Orange and White are the primary corporate colours which define us they are both fresh and vibrant and should be used on all our communications making them instantly recognisable We use these colours for backgrounds colouring solid panels type charts and diagrams We can t use these colours for everything so we have created a secondary palette as support to create contrast and expression These colours are intended to be used sparingly across charts and graphs in both internal and external communications Please use the CMYK RGB and HTML colour breakdowns as detailed here Primary colours We have introduced an additional colour which is used to make up our gradient These colours must not be used separately they must only ever be used as part of the gradient For guidance on how and when to use our gradient please go to page 16 Gradient Atento Blue Pantone 534 C 94 M 82 Y 32 R 41 G 62 Atento Orange Pantone 151 C 0 K 19 B 107 C 0 M 64 Y K 100 0 M 0 Y 0 R G B 255 121 0 Atento Gradient HTML FFFFFF 55 C 48 M 0 Y 94 K 0 C 0 M Y 100 2 R G B 146 212 0 R G 207 0 HTML 92D400 HTML CF0072 B 114 Green Pantone 3272 K 0 C M 100 0 R 0 Y 44 G B 165 153 HTML 00A599 Cyan Pantone Cyan K 0 C M 100 0 R 0 B 139 G 90 K 28 Colour B C M 100 90 Secondary colours Magenta Pantone 226 Y 6 R 0 K 0 Colour B Lime Pantone 375 Colour A C M 100 45 R G B 255 255 255 HTML FF7900 HTML 293E6B Colour A Atento White Y 0 G B 159 218 HTML 009FDA K 0 Y K 13 68 R 0 B 71 G 38 9
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Using our colours You should always use our blue gradient background for our illustrations corporate internal collateral and advertisements Where this is not possible e g walls and simple print items like event banners you should use Atento Blue Pantone 534 Tints of our colours are used most effectively in charts diagrams and forms or to differentiate hierarchies of information The selection of tints must be carefully considered Tints should never be applied to our typography When using colour remember that contrast achieved with specific combinations of colour or by careful use of tints is the most reliable means to indicate difference Colour tints For charts and diagrams that require three or more colours always ensure contrast is retained between the segments and use as few colours as you can Charts and diagrams 90 90 10 10 20 20 Here are some suggested colour combinations to help you effectively work with our colours When producing charts and diagrams where there is a requirement to highlight a specific element Atento Blue should be used supported by Atento Orange For more neutral charts and diagrams you can use a colour pair in any chart combining two variables or data sets 80 80 70 70 Atento Blue 100 60 60 30 30 20 20 80 80 60 60 30 30 20 20 80 80 74 18 0 70 16 0 68 14 0 18 0 8 0 70 60 16 0 6 0 14 0 4 0 66 56 50 50 12 0 20 0 10 0 72 62 68 58 60 60 66 74 64 30 30 40 40 20 0 72 70 70 Magenta 100 50 50 40 40 90 90 10 10 70 70 Lime 100 50 50 40 40 90 90 10 10 12 0 2 0 64 54 10 0 0 0 2009 62 2009 2010 2010 8 0 60 58 10 10 20 20 80 80 10 10 70 70 Atento Orange 100 60 60 30 30 40 40 50 50 90 90 20 20 80 80 10 10 70 70 Green 100 60 60 30 30 40 40 50 50 20 20 45 80 80 50 50 le mp Sa 3 le mp Sa 4 le mp Sa 4 le mp Sa 4 le mp Sa 5 2010 2010 le mp Sa Guatemala 1 le mp Sa 2 le mp Sa 3 le mp Sa 4 le mp Sa 4 le mp Sa 4 le mp Sa 5 Chile Colombia 35 60 60 40 40 2009 30 50 25 Chile 45 20 Argentina Guatemala 40 15 30 30 2 0 0 2009 40 70 70 Cyan 100 le mp Sa 2 0 54 50 90 90 1 4 0 56 90 90 le mp Sa 6 0 Brazil Colombia 35 10 30 5 25 0 20 Venezuela Euroope America Latin America Argentina 15 10 5 Venezuela 0 Euroope America Latin America Brazil 10
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Using our gradient Our linear gradient has been carefully developed to provide a rich background for our illustrations corporate internal collateral and advertisements Where this is not possible e g walls and simple print items like event banners you should use Atento Blue Pantone 534 In order to retain consistency throughout our communications please produce all gradient backgrounds in Adobe Illustrator using the following process set out below Our gradient should never be used as a background for Our People images Creating the Atento gradient Background dimensions Create a new document in illustrator and set the dimensions to your required size making sure you include necessary bleed Colour A The first colour on the gradient needs to use the following CMYK colour breakdown C100 M45 Y6 K28 Colour B The second colour on the gradient needs to use the following CMYK colour breakdown C100 M90 Y13 K60 For example an A4 background with 3mm bleed will require the following dimensions 216 x 303mm Drag the colour swatch from the colour palette into the gradient palette bar and set it at a location of 0 Drag the colour swatch from the colour palette into the gradient palette bar and set it at a location of 100 Using the rectangle tool create a rectangle to the exact dimensions of your document e g 216 x 303mm Ensure the type of gradient is set to linear Gradient Drag the gradient swatch from the gradient palette and place into your swatches palette for safe keeping For RGB breakdown see page 09 for details Using the gradient tool position the tool cursor at the top left corner and drag down to the bottom right corner Establish the correct angle To ensure the gradient has the correct angle of 55 Select the filled rectangle www atento com In the gradient palette set the angle to 55 and ensure the mid point of the gradient is set to 50 For RGB breakdown see page 09 for details Colour A 55 Colour B Morbi imperdiet pellentesque venenatis Cras et lacus ac lectus vulputate semper Vivamus sed lectus ut erat lacinia pulvinar Mauris id diam mi Vestibulum semper molestie ultrices Integer quis elit lacus non porttitor ante Morbi accumsan gravida accumsan Aenean a diam nec nunc lacinia egestas vitae vitae lectus Integer faucibus ligula nec dui luctus vulputate Pellentesque sit amet tellus ut ipsum tincidunt bibendum Morbi id placerat nibhlectus Etiam lectus magna aliquet quis commodo non pretium eget ipsum Praesent sodales urna magna a tempus leo Sed et torto How our gradient should appear 11
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our colours Do nots Our colour palette is an important asset of our brand and must never be altered or misused in any way When used consistently it has more impact and builds recognition Avoid any of the following Customers matter Don t use or introduce any colours that aren t already in our colour palette Don t create or use any other gradients Don t colour our illustrations using any other than the Atento Blue gradient secondary colour Chile Guatemala Argentina Venezuela Don t colour our headline font in any other colour other than Atento Blue Orange or white Don t create multicoloured tables charts or graphs always ensure Atento Blue and Orange are used first before you revert to the secondary colour palette Colombia Brazil Don t colour any coloured type other than Atento Orange or white against our blue gradient Grupo Atento operates in 17 countries and currently is one of the world s most important Contact Center and BPO companies Atento is responsible for relations among companies their clients and users through a technology and process platform that enables interaction through multiple assistance channels Don t use or combine weak background tints with white typography always ensure our communications are legible Don t create any coloured patterns 12
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Illustrations Our illustrations have our essence at their heart They express our brand through their simplicity and confident iconic appearance Our illustrations should be used on all front cover corporate communications and can be used on section dividers inside spreads and advertisements On corporate level communications our illustrations must always appear on the Atento blue gradient The dominant colour must always be Atento Orange with an element of white When illustrations appear on a white background e g Employee internal communications the dominant colour must be Atento Blue with an Atento Orange element Always be careful not to over use illustrations or make them too complicated or busy The following pages provide guidance on how to create and use our illustrations 13
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Creating illustrations Our illustrations have been specifically styled to compliment our brand Their simplicity and graphic appearance are central to how we want to be seen We have established a set of core graphic illustrations however there will be occasions when we need to add to this set o get the form of your illustration it can T help to start with a photographic reference of what you want to illustrate Our illustrations are made up of geometric shapes that come together to create a simple graphic style When creating an illustration always remember our illustrations are telling a story and creating a bigger picture this story and bigger picture should never appear as a simple icon To retain the graphic style it is important to simplify the idea statement to its bare minimum Even if you are dealing with a complex idea it can always be distilled down to a core thought idea or sentiment you can achieve this by thinking about what is the benefit takeout llustrations are made from geometric shapes I dd additional geometric shapes to create an A iconic form of what you wish to illustrate egin with the biggest geometric shape that B will form the foundation of the illustration ome elements can be softened with S rounded edges Illustrations must remain graphic and be made from geometric shapes They must not become too complicated or detailed omplete your iconic illustration making C sure it can include an element that can be either white if used against the Atento gradient background or Atento Orange if used on a white background here relevant soften the form with W rounded edges 14
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Using illustrations Our illustrations must always retain a simple graphic style In most instances our illustrations consist of either one or two objects When you need to illustrate a more complex scenario e g the Atento network you must ensure that you employ the same criteria as if you were creating one object always keep it simple and graphic Our illustrations can be applied on two different backgrounds either the Atento blue gradient for corporate communications or white backgrounds for internal employee communications You should never apply our illustrations to any other coloured background Our illustrations should never appear on their own they must always include a title or engaging headline For high level corporate communications e g Annual Review the headline font is Thesis TheSans Extra Bold For all other communications you must use Atento Touch font Examples of how our illustrations are used www atento com The big little folder all about us Welcome to our Brand Room This site aims to give you a mix of useful information and guidance about the Atento brand To access please enter your details below Username Password Lorum ipsum et muti mauji Morbi imperdiet pellentesque venenatis Cras et lacus ac lectus vulputate semper Vivamus sed lectus ut erat lacinia pulvinar Mauris id diam mi Vestibulum semper molestie ultrices Integer quis elit lacus non porttitor ante Morbi accumsan gravida accumsan Aenean a diam nec nunc lacinia egestas vitae vitae lectus Integer faucibus ligula nec dui luctus vulputate Pellentesque sit amet tellus ut ipsum tincidunt bibendum Morbi id placerat nibhlectus Etiam lectus magna aliquet quis commodo non pretium eget ipsum Praesent sodales urna magna a tempus leo Sed et torto Advertising Employee Welcome Book Brand Room home page The examples below demonstrate how our illustrations should be used 15
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our imagery Overview Images can bring a brand to life connecting directly with the viewer in a way that goes beyond words Our brand photography does not seek to literally interpret what we do it injects life and aspiration into our brand and shows the excitement and benefit of Atento to our people and customers We have developed two key areas of imagery Our Customers and Our People which encapsulate and highlight our brand beliefs In touch Together Can do and Confidence These two areas have been created to offer flexibility and depth to our brand 16
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our imagery Our customers Our customers photography consists of relaxed lifestyle shots and always feature customers in their own environment either individually or in a group These shots are intended to express a genuine sense of being relaxed engaged and happy These images must always be vibrant in colour and contain a strong element of blue you can enhance or recolour an aspect of the image to achieve this however you should not recolour something which would could never be naturally blue e g grass Our customers Colour correcting our images Before After Our customer images should be used on inside spreads and adverts either as full bleed images or framed in radial boxes 17
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our imagery Our people Our people imagery demonstrates a sense of individuality showing their uniqueness and personality These images must be vibrant and colourful and should always be shot on a white background which allows us to focus on the personality of the Atento culture Our people images should be positive and lively with their friendliness bringing a smile to the face you should be especially careful not to exaggerate the humour Our people Our people images can only be used on the covers of internal communications and recruitment adverts They can be used for inside spreads in corporate communications but only when we are communicating our experienced employees commitment to providing excellent customer satisfaction and care These images should only ever appear on a white background and they should never be combined with full bleed customer images on the same page 18
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our imagery Do nots This page provides some guidance to things you need to avoid when choosing or shooting photography and apply to both our Customer and People images It is important to retain the integrity of our images so as not to devalue our brand Please avoid the following pitfalls Negative customer employee images Staged compositions Subdued colours Unnatural colouring Never replace an icon with an image Clich s Duotones Silly humour Don t use any negative customer or employee images Don t use staged compositions Don t apply Our people images to any other Don t recolour an element of an image Don t use an image in place of an icon Don t use clich s Don t use Duotones Don t use silly humor background colour other than white which couldn t naturally be blue 19
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our typefaces Thesis TheSans is our corporate typeface and has been specifically chosen to reflect the properties of the brand and visually complement our logo Thesis TheSans is used on all communications except for digital applications where we use Tahoma We have also introduced a bespoke headline font called Atento Touch which allows us to reflect the individuality of our customers and people in a distinct way providing us with a strong and unique identity The following pages provide guidance on how and when to use our typefaces 20
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our corporate typeface Thesis TheSans Thesis TheSans is our corporate typeface and has been specifically chosen to reflect the properties of the brand and visually complement our logo Use only the specified weights below as these give us plenty of scope for variety Thesis TheSans should be used for all typography on all collateral except digital where Tahoma is used All type should be aligned left and set in upper and lowercase For examples of how to use our typefaces please see the Brand applications section Thesis TheSans Light Thesis TheSans Plain Thesis TheSans Bold Thesis TheSans Extra Bold Lowercase Lowercase Lowercase Lowercase Uppercase Uppercase ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUV WXYZ Uppercase ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUV WXYZ Uppercase Numbers and punctuation Numbers and punctuation Numbers and punctuation Numbers and punctuation Vn Vt Vt abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv wxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUV WXYZ 1234567890 Vb 47pt Vb 28pt Vb 23pt abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv wxyz 1234567890 47pt Vn 28pt Vn 23pt abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv wxyz 1234567890 47pt Vt 28pt Vt 23pt abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuv wxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUV WXYZ 1234567890 47pt Vt 28pt Vt 23pt Vb Vn Vt Vt 10pt 10pt 10pt 10pt 21
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our headline typeface Atento Touch We have our very own unique headline font Atento Touch which was specifically designed to provide a distinctive method of communicating to our clients and people promoting honesty confidence individuality and a human touch Atento Touch is informal and energetic allowing us to be flexible so individual letters can be set at different sizes and positions giving us a unique headline style It comes in one weight only and we only use capitals The font contains a number of different characters and flourishes providing us with a lot of possibilities for setting titles headlines and statements Additionally Touch has a Dingbats variant containing special characters for highlighting key words drawing arrows lines and boxes For examples of how we use Atento Touch please refer to the Design applications section for guidance Atento Touch WE BELIEVE Example headline EVERY CUSTOMER IS ASSET AN Character set ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRST UVWXYZ Dingbats 0123456789 22
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Using Atento Touch We only ever use Atento Touch for main titles headlines and simple graphic charts It should never be used on the front covers of high level corporate communications e g Annual review Main titles and headlines must be specifically crafted to achieve our unique look Each letter needs to be individually sized kerned and offset for this reason titles and headlines should be as short and compelling as possible Extra emphasis can be applied to key words through contrast colouring and underlining Atento Touch Atento Touch An uncrafted headline A crafted headline Don t leave letters all the same size each letter must be individually sized and kerned to achieve our unique style Simple graphic charts should be set without any specific crafting to retain clarity and legibility Specific areas can be boxed or underlined using the dingbats variation of Atento Touch Charts Atento Touch should only ever be coloured using our three primary colours Atento Blue Orange or white For examples of how we use Atento Touch please refer to the Design applications section for guidance 23
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Our digital typeface Tahoma Wherever you can use our corporate font Thesis TheSans Where Thesis can t be used you should use Tahoma which works on all digital formats For examples of how to use our typefaces please see the Brand apllication section Available in two weights it provides variety for both headlines and body copy Additionally the italic option allows you to highlight information Tahoma examples Our digital typeface Tahoma Performing better for our customers Adriana Gomez 27 02 10 Madrid Espa a Title page Tahoma Regular Title should be Tahoma Bold 24pt with 28pt leading Title of slide line 2 Tahoma Bold Lowercase Lowercase Level one is used for general text Level two is the rst level of bullets Level three is the second level of bullets Level four is the third level of bullets Level ve is the fourth level of bullets You can access the levels using the increase or decrease indent buttons on the formatting toolbar above 27 02 10 Presentation page abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz Uppercase Uppercase Numbers and punctuation The text placeholders have ve pre de ned text levels that can be used to compose your presentation slides Text should be Tahoma regular 16pt on 19pt leading Numbers and punctuation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 24
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform Using our typefaces Our identity system needs to work hard to communicate a large amount of information clearly and efficiently There are rules for using typography to ensure clear and consistent messaging These should be adhered to at all times to ensure the integrity of our identity For all high level corporate communications you should always ensure front cover titles are set in Thesis TheSans ExtraBold and all other headlines set in Thesis TheSans Bold Our recommended line spacing also called leading can have a big effect on legibility It should be carefully considered and well executed to retain clean and legible communications All body copy should be set in either Thesis TheSans Light or Plain these can be supported with subheadings set in either Thesis TheSans SemiBold or Bold Type should never be distorted in any way This includes stretching or condensing Ranged left Ranged right Centered Justified Typography must always be ranged left This provides the eye with a constant initial character which allows the reader to move easily to the next line Ranging text right centering or justifying type is less legible and is not permitted Ranging text right centering or justifying type is less legible and is not permitted Ranging text right centering or justifying type is less legible and is not permitted Ranged left For examples of how to use our typefaces please see the Brand applications section All uppercase All lowercase USING CONTINUOUS UPPERCASE OR LOWERCASE IN ANY BODY COPY IS NOT PERMITTED using continuous uppercase or lowercase in any body copy is not permitted Line spacing Too tight Too long Our recommended line spacing also called leading can have a big effect on legibility It should be carefully considered and well executed to retain clean and legible communications Creating an incorrect amount of line spacing between lines of copy reduces legibility and is not permitted Creating an incorrect amount of line spacing between lines of copy reduces legibility and is not permitted Standard capitalisation rules should be used for all materials The example shown here uses Thesis TheSans Plain 11pt 13pt 25
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform A4 grid Our structured layouts are built from a series of graphic and typographic brand elements which come together in a simple grid The final balance of a page layout will depend on how these elements are used and must be well considered A grid helps create simplicity to enable us to communicate clearly and effectively A4 grid examples A4 grid The dimensions for A4 are 210mm x 297mm The vertical grid has an equal border of 15mm for the top bottom left and right edge The central area is sectioned equally into 12 columns with a 3 5mm gutter and a horizontal grid that is divided into 10 rows 210mm Left right top and bottom margin 15mm Columns 12 column grid set within the margins of the page Annual Review Column gutter 3 5mm Cover page 297mm Annual Review Atento Worlwide 16 Nulla placerat egestas nisl gravida vulputate Vestibulum dignissim dapibus nibh eu ornare metus posuere nec Rows 10 rows with no gutter Cras hendrerit Nulla placerat egestas nisl gravida vulputate Vestibulum dignissim dapibus nibh eu ornare metus posuere nec Cras hendrerit nulla eget eros congue a suscipit arcu hendrerit Aliquam dignissim lorem et risus interdum ut vestibulum purus gravida Ut dapibus auctor ligula vitae interdum Cras ut lectus nisl semper sagittis sapien Maecenas vel pellentesque nibh Fusce velit ipsum blandit ac sollicitudin bibendum tristique ut neque Maecenas vel tempus nisl Proin elit leo molestie at dictum sed venenatis sed massa Curabitur dignissim mollis nunc ac dignissim odio pretium ac Nullam condimentum euismod neque Sed in placerat Etiam pharetra felis turpis Sed neque metus adipiscing sit amet rutrum sit amet rutrum ut nisi Curabitur ultrices ullamcorper lorem id sagittis risus faucibus quis Vivamus molestie blandit vestibulum Mauris condimentum elit a nisl dapibus id tempus felis lacinia Aenean tortor dui aliquet eget adipiscing quis rhoncus eu erat Vivamus sollicitudin lorem non erat mollis facilisis Nunc ac metus quis sapien pharetra congue sit amet id orci Single page 26
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform A5 grid Our structured layouts are built from a series of graphic and typographic brand elements which come together in a simple grid The final balance of a page layout will depend on how these elements are used and must be well considered A grid helps create simplicity to enable us to communicate clearly and effectively A5 grid examples A5 grid The dimensions for A5 are 148 5mm x 210mm The vertical grid has an equal border of 10mm for the top bottom left and right edge The central area is sectioned equally into 12 columns with a 3mm gutter and a horizontal grid that is divided into 10 rows 148 5mm Left right top and bottom margin 10mm Columns 12 column grid set within the margins of the page Column gutter 3mm Front page 210mm Rows 10 rows with no gutter Customer care In id diam sed orci lacinia aliquet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Integer eget nunc nunc a suscipit sapien Nunc nulla dolor gravida sed interdum at semper non justo Etiam a ligula turpis in faucibus sapien Donec laoreet tempor odio id fringilla In ac tellus sed ipsum mattis pharetra Nullam facilisis odio eget nulla lacinia in tincidunt urna volutpat Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Proin semper porttitor elit eget tempus Curabitur pulvinar tortor nec urna aliquet volutpat Integer nec nisi sed tellus egestas pretium eget et turpis Vivamus at quam ut nulla rutrum mattis sed fermentum orci Aenean mollis aliquam orci in posuere Praesent pharetra magna vitae sem rhoncus tristique sit amet id nisl Curabitur sit amet nisi non turpis facilisis rhoncus Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos sed mi risus venenatis vitae blandit in Suscipit sed tortor Praesent diam arcu commodo ut ullamcorper non venenatis id ligula Aliquam faucibus odio vitae tortor volutpat in aliquet purus lobortis Vivamus hendrerit rhoncus aliquam Duis non est nisl eget mattis sapien Etiam porta diam eget suscipit iaculis risus elit accumsan augue eu viverra augue ipsum nec lorem Sed euismod urna ac justo mattis mattis Vivamus rhoncus ipsum nec nibh sollicitudin vel venenatis felis luctus Aliquam faucibus odio vitae tortor volutpat in aliquet purus lobortis Maecenas pharetra libero sed arcu fermentum gravida dictum nunc gravida Sed sit amet felis non sem porttitor interdum Aenean mi nibh auctor nec tempor nec bibendum in risus Etiam porttitor convallis lacus ac interdum justo pulvinar nec Donec tempor elit at turpis consequat commodo Quisque porttitor enim sit amet eros hendrerit auctor fermentum arcu mattis Sed euismod urna ac justo mattis mattis Their strong presence on the ground specialised professional sta and state of the art technology made a real di erence to our customers Amilio Rodrigez Vivo Customer Care Director Single page 27
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Creative platform DL grid Our structured layouts are built from a series of graphic and typographic brand elements which come together in a simple grid The final balance of a page layout will depend on how these elements are used and must be well considered A grid helps create simplicity to enable us to communicate clearly and effectively DL grid examples The dimensions for DL are 99mm x 210mm The vertical grid has an equal border of 8mm for the top bottom left and right edge DL grid The central area is sectioned equally into 8 columns with a 3mm gutter and a horizontal grid that is divided into 10 rows 99mm Left right top and bottom margin 8mm Columns 8 column grid set within the margins of the page Realising the potential of customer care Front page Column gutter 3mm 210mm Nulla placerat egestas nisl gravida vulputate Vestibulum dignissim dapibus nibh eu ornare metus posuere nec Rows 10 rows with no gutter Their strong presence on the ground specialised professional sta and state of the art technology made a real di erence to our customers Amilio Rodrigez Vivo Customer Care Director Customer care In id diam sed orci lacinia aliquet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Integer eget nunc nunc a suscipit sapien Nunc nulla dolor gravida sed interdum at semper non justo Etiam a ligula turpis in faucibus sapien Donec laoreet tempor odio id fringilla In ac tellus sed ipsum mattis pharetra Nullam facilisis odio eget nulla lacinia in tincidunt urna volutpat Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Proin semper porttitor elit eget tempus Curabitur pulvinar tortor nec urna aliquet volutpat Integer nec nisi sed tellus egestas pretium eget et turpis Vivamus at quam ut nulla rutrum mattis sed fermentum orci Aenean mollis aliquam orci in posuere Praesent pharetra magna vitae sem rhoncus tristique sit amet id nisl Curabitur sit amet nisi non turpis facilisis rhoncus Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos sed mi risus venenatis vitae blandit in Suscipit sed tortor Praesent diam arcu commodo ut ullamcorper non venenatis id ligula Aliquam faucibus odio vitae tortor volutpat in aliquet purus lobortis Vivamus hendrerit rhoncus aliquam Single page 28
Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Being consistent in the language we use is just as important as being consistent in the way we look Many people write and speak on our brands behalf so we ve created a brand voice to help inspire better communications across our organisation contents 29
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Our brand voice We promise to be the customers champion so we need to demonstrate this in the way we speak and write As the customers champion our brand voice is naturally helpful Why naturally helpful We have an unforced rhythm to everything we do a natural pace to our writing We sound normal using everyday words and phrases and we speak with a quiet confidence We make things easy for people inside and outside the company It s reassuring to deal with us because we are clear and straightforward Put together our naturally helpful tone is a very attractive quality It draws people to us builds trust and long term relationships Our brand voice We are a naturally helpful company 30
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice The principles of our brand tone Atento has a human edge promoting warmth and friendliness People are key to our success and our people are experts in their field who communicate with a quiet confidence and calm authority that engages and empowers We ve developed these qualities to underpin everything we write and say combining the human element of naturally with the intelligent and confident sides being of being helpful so when these elements come together we sound naturally helpful Human We have a human edge showing warmth in our natural conversational style So our readers should notice that we are warm friendly and empathetic Intelligent We are experts in our field who are always clear innovative and bring the relevant information to life So our readers should notice that we are clear relevant and surprisingly refreshing and simple Confident We speak with a quiet calm authority So our readers should notice that we are calm softly spoken and engaging 31
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Writing with a human touch We all need the human touch In every case a friendly human response to a client or customer is a winning attribute It stops us from being an organisation that just seems to be involved in technology in an abstract way It helps to show the real people and our commitment to our clients We can t build relationships and a sense of connection to Atento without being personal and friendly It adds a human face in what is often an impersonal industry What does it mean for language Creating the human touch Do Don t Always use personal pronouns like you we and I where appropriate Overuse them Too many and there is a risk of sounding patronizing or over familiar We can even use personal pronouns in technical copy to make sure the client can link what we are saying to them and their business We are always respectful and follow the conventions of the accepted forms of address Write in a conversational way Shorter sentences sound like natural speech Pack too much into long sentences so they can t be read comfortably aloud We rarely speak sentences of more than 15 20 words so we shouldn t write them Use natural everyday words and when we need to use technical language make sure it is explained Also make sure that the balance is tipped towards everyday words so our copy has room to breathe Choose old fashioned bureaucratic or industry specific words like value added or strategically aligned workforce This is not to say you cannot use certain words just use them sparingly and sensitively Make people not processes the subject of your sentence So it s We will assess your operation to ensure we minimise lost calls Put processes or systems as the subject of your sentence So its not An operational audit will reveal how possible it is to minimise lost calls Sound modern and professional Be relaxed and at ease with yourself in a professional way Go too far and sound casual and lacking in authority 32
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice We are intelligent in our writing We are intelligent but not intimidating ours is a practical applied knowledge not an academic or technological exercise As experts we can help clients to see new possibilities and ideas We also have a controlled use of language covering all the basics good use of grammar correct sentence and paragraph construction good content management but we aim for an elegant style too We are intelligent with words not being afraid to build word pictures that are compelling and engaging We understand that we can vary the pitch of our writing by putting a shorter sentence next to a longer one Just for effect Being intelligent in our writing Do Don t Use direct active verbs We created Support Centres to help clarity who is doing what to whom and to show ownership Rely on the passive Support Centres were created It doesn t sound expert if the client has to struggle to find your meaning Stick to 1 idea per sentence with one main clause Avoid semi colons and colons just use a full stop Include sub clauses in your sentences that could stand alone as separate sentences Stick to 1 theme per paragraph Pack your paragraphs with a number of different themes Use occasional inspiring and surprising words and phrases to keep copy fresh Assume that intelligent experts can t be engaging and that they must be formal and cold Try new ways of presenting information be innovative and move with the times Experiment with formats and new media opportunities where appropriate Stick to the old ways of doing things without evaluating whether they are effective Motivate your clients with inspiring stories of bottom line success for our clients of happy customers of better ways of using the data and smarter ways of working of our achievements so far Just present facts and expect our clients to make the link Adjust our tone to fit the occasion Consider your audience and their understanding of the subject Flex your tone to suit your audience Use a uniform tone regardless of your audience and their situation 33
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice We are confident in our writing Our copy is always confident with a calm authority There is a measured tone to our writing a natural rhythm that is pleasing on the ear when you read it out loud We sound softly spoken never shouting about how good or how clever we are Our confidence helps us to put people at their ease We have a mastery of our subject areas that shines through in the simple but elegant way we present information on the page Our customers know that we are in control of the detail and we will sift through it to give them information that helps or inspires them Our confidence is backed up with solid knowledge applied to real life situations Being confident in our writing Do Don t Use a calm and measured tone check it by reading out loud Ours is the voice of the mature professional and there is a natural dignity to the way we write Be overheated or over emphatic avoid long sentences too many adjectives exclamation marks and superlatives like fantastic superb world beating Keep a self assured level tone Let the words speak for you not the typographical layout Use bold or CAPITAL LETTERS in the body copy Countless research projects confirm that sentences in capital letters are harder to read Enjoy language We can sound normal with unexpected turns of phrase to bring our messages to life Have a timid view of language to get our message across and write dull lifeless safe copy 34
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Flexing our brand tone Our brand tone is consistent but not necessarily uniform Broadly we want to be natural and helpful in equal measure but there are occasions where we might adjust it slightly We can adapt the way we write to suit different circumstances depending on our audience and what we want to achieve This isn t a scientific formula but it does help to understand how we can turn up or down the volume of our writing style Sometimes we need to be more natural at others the helpful side of our nature comes to the fore For most writing the split is 50 50 For internal copy the helpful element is more important particularly if you are discussing terms and conditions of employment or employment rights so the split will be 60 40 However there isn t much room to flex the tone as we don t want to lose much of either our helpful or natural side Being flexible Best case scenario Internal copy Helpful 60 Helpful 50 Natural 50 Natural 40 35
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Expressing naturally helpful The following pages provide examples of our brand voice in action and demonstrate best practice through before and after copy samples Expressing our brand voice Before After We are simply the best at people The best at people We focus on creating a Great Place to Work for our people Our recruitment processes mean we choose the right people for your business and ours We have a successful high quality and differentiated recruitment processes We incentivise our People to deliver exceptional customer experiences We invest in training coaching improving our front line and middle management skills Sound modern and professional Be relaxed and at ease with yourself in a professional way Components Natural 30 We have a great place to work and people willing to help We have a culture of learning and improvement so we invest in training and coaching for all our front line staff and middle managers We pay our people to give your customers exceptional service not just to turn up Components Helpful 20 Industry speak 50 Natural 50 Helpful 50 36
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Expressing naturally helpful continued The following pages provide examples of our brand voice in action and demonstrate best practice through before and after copy samples Expressing our brand voice Before After About us About us Atento offers a large portfolio of innovating and highquality products and services approved by large global and regional companies The Group believes in the everyday knowledge obtained by its subsidiaries in Europe Africa and the Americas Such knowledge is a competitive edge that strengthens friendship and trust of relations maintained with its international or regional business partners In what can be a complex industry our mission is simple We help our clients global and regional build solid loyal relationships with their own customers We understand that by listening to your ideas as well as responding quickly to your needs and challenges we can help you build a stronger business And we ll share with you the practical expertise of our people across the globe backed by innovative products and services Together we are stronger Components Natural 10 Components Helpful 20 Industry speak 70 Natural 50 Helpful 50 37
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Expressing naturally helpful continued The following pages provide examples of our brand voice in action and demonstrate best practice through before and after copy samples Expressing our brand voice Before After Executive summary Executive summary Automated tools Customers are expecting the information that they are requesting from the officer to be supplied immediately and correctly first time and an automated Contact Centre can direct incoming calls to the correct channel above all for normal or routine enquires Automation tools are continually being developed and acquire new functions daily The aim is to improve maintain and increase effective communication with end users leading to better service and lower costs This will guarantee an efficient and focussed attention to the customer Your customers expect accurate information immediately Our Automated Contact Centres can direct calls to the correct channel particularly for day to day enquires We re constantly innovating these tools often with new functions appearing daily The result is a better experience for your customers a quicker more personal service with lower costs Components Natural 10 Components Helpful 30 Industry speak 60 Natural 50 Helpful 50 38
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Expressing naturally helpful continued The following pages provide examples of our brand voice in action and demonstrate best practice through before and after copy samples Expressing our brand voice Before After Leverage service innovation New ways to deliver exceptional service Provide multiple channels to the customer with an innovative and Customer centric approach Start from the customer and provide multiple channels so that they can contact us in the way they want to Engage Customers in a web 2 0 way in the service process no one way street use web 2 0 technology to engage in a dialogue with customers Deploy a diverse range of self service options no longer a nice to have Innovate to provide different self service options to speed up routine straightforward transactions for customers Experiment with new service offerings e g Geek Squad and technology innovations Look out for new service offers in the market like the Geek Squad and for new and better technologies Components Natural 20 Components Helpful 20 Industry speak 60 Natural 50 Helpful 50 39
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand voice Expressing naturally helpful continued The following pages provide examples of our brand voice in action and demonstrate best practice through before and after copy samples Expressing our brand voice Before After Atento s structure functions as a trustworthy foundation for the start of a new relationship A foundation based on people technology and processes on which we build an environment open to dialogue and innovation seeking solutions with the best cost benefit ratio Any new relationship needs to start on a firm footing We know that you can rely on our people technology and processes and that they will underpin anything you want to achieve Together we can explore innovate and create the right answer with the best cost benefit ratio Atento has a variety of existing solutions that can be customised to enhance the relationships with a client s customers employees and suppliers Imagine how our knowledge experience and flexibility can benefit your company s operation But we re not re inventing the wheel each time We have tried and tested solutions we can adapt for you to keep your customers employees and suppliers happy Imagine what we can do when we add our knowledge experience and willingness to try something new to yours Components Natural 45 Components Helpful 35 Industry speak 30 Natural 50 Helpful 50 40
Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand applications These guidelines provide the basis for a strong distinctive and meaningful brand By communicating the personality and attitude of Atento we can create collateral which engages and excites The following pages provide design examples of how our brand should be implemented across a range of communications contents 41
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Stationery Grupo Atento C Santiago de Compostela 94 28035 Madrid Espa a This page demonstrates how to apply our brand identity to stationery Letters should be set in Thesis TheSans Plain 10 12pt All copy should be aligned left Paragraphs should be separated with a single line break T 34 91 740 68 00 F 34 91 387 33 90 www atento com MR A N Other person The Company Plc Regent Street London W1R 3DA Grupo Atento C Santiago de Compostela 94 28035 Madrid Espa a T 34 91 740 68 00 F 34 91 387 33 90 16th March 2010 www atento com Dear Mr A N Other Person Layout of letters Presentation of letters is an important part of corporate identity This letterhead typing style requires the text to be 10 on 12 pt Thesis TheSans Light ranged left to a measure of 172 mm The type starts 23 millimetres from the left hand edge of the page and finishes no closer than 30 mms from the right hand edge Titles and important information should appear in Thesis TheSans Bold The address should start 15 millimetres from the top of the page On a type writer the address is typed eleven lines down from the top of the page The date is typed leaving one clear line below the address and the salutation two clear lines below the date The body of the letter follows one clear line down from the salutation Compliment slips On word processors and computers it will be necessary to initially establish the on screen position of the letter to match that of the typewriter Yours sincerely Signatory s Name Signatory s Title Amanda Smith Grupo Atento C Santiago de Compostela 94 28035 Madrid Espa a T 34 91 740 68 00 F 34 91 387 33 90 E a smith atento com www atento com Amanda Smith Grupo Atento C Santiago de Compostela 94 28035 Madrid Espa a Business cards Letterheads T 34 91 740 68 00 F 34 91 387 33 90 E a smith atento com www atento com 42
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Stationery continued This page demonstrates how to apply our brand identity to envelopes MR A N Other Person The Company Plc Regent Street London W1R 3DA DL window envelope front MR A N Other Person The Company Plc Regent Street London W1R 3DA Grupo Atento C Santiago de Compostela 94 28035 Madrid Espa a DL window envelope back A4 envelope 43
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications PowerPoint slides When applying our colour palette to PowerPoint templates please refer to the RGB breakdowns as detailed in page 13 We have two section divider styles Illustrative and photographic featuring customers these can help to add pace and interest to your presentations All copy should be set using Tahoma Headlines on text pages should be coloured in Atento Orange with all other copy appearing in Atento Blue When producing charts please refer to page XX for guidance on colour Title should be Tahoma Bold 24pt with 28pt leading Title of slide line 2 Agenda Performing better for our customers Adriana Gomez 27 02 10 Madrid Espa a 1 Section one title 2 Section two title Item one Item two 4 Section four title 100 90 Level one is used for general text Level two is the rst level of bullets Level three is the second level of bullets Level four is the third level of bullets Level ve is the fourth level of bullets You can access the levels using the increase or decrease indent buttons on the formatting toolbar above 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5 Section ve title 1st Quater 2nd Quater 6 Section six title Agenda Contents page 3rd Quater 27 02 10 Presentation page Chart page Title of slide Use this slide to breakup the presentation Use this slide to breakup the presentation Title of slide line 1 Title of slide line 2 Title of slide line 1 Title of slide line 2 The text placeholders have ve pre de ned text levels that can be used to compose your presentation slides Use this slide to create a change of pace in the presentation The text placeholders have ve pre de ned text levels that can be used to compose your presentation slides Use this slide to create a change of pace in the presentation Level two is the rst level of bullets Our global o ering 3rd Quater Year by year 27 02 10 Title page Description of diagram graph The text placeholders have ve pre de ned text levels that can be used to compose your presentation slides Text should be Tahoma regular 16pt on 19pt leading 3 Section three title Item one Item two Title of slide Percentage This page demonstrates how to apply our brand identity to PowerPoint slides Level two is the rst level of bullets Level three is the second level of bullets Level three is the second level of bullets Level four is the third level of bullets Level four is the third level of bullets Level ve is the fourth level of bullets Level ve is the fourth level of bullets Brazil 90 Illustrative divider section page Image divider section page Presentation page 27 02 10 Chart page Coloumbia 39 Mexico 67 27 02 10 Spain 48 Argentina 20 Uraguay 19 44
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Commercial brochure This page demonstrates how to apply our brand identity to corporate communications Folder front cover Attached booklet spread Attached booklet spread Having one point of contact meant my query was dealt with quickly Amilio Rodrigez Vivo Customer Care Director Service help desk Management of information and assistance throughout the value chain for a company is key Employees and suppliers are critical to delivering products and services that allow success in the markeplace The Atento Service Help Desk business o ering provides a support structure for our client s employees enabling them to focus on their core functions Iniddiam sed orci lacinia aliquet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Integer eget nunc nunc a suscipit sapien Nunc nulla dolor gravida sed interdum at semper non justo Etiam a ligula turpis in faucibus sapien Donec laoreet tempor odio id fringilla In ac tellus sed ipsum mattis pharetra Nullam facilisis odio eget nulla lacinia in tincidunt urna volutpat Grupo Atento C Santiago de Compostela 94 28035 Madrid Espa a T 34 91 740 68 00 F 34 91 387 33 90 atento com Attached booklet back cover with fact sheet case study pocket Folder back cover Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Proin semper porttitor elit eget tempus Curabitur pulvinar tortor nec urna aliquet volutpat Integer nec nisi sed tellus egestas pretium eget et turpis Vivamus at quam ut nulla rutrum mattis sed fermentum orci Aenean mollis aliquam orci in posuere Praesent pharetra magna vitae sem rhoncus tristique sit amet id nisl Curabitur sit amet nisi non turpis facilisis rhoncus Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos Sed mi risus venenatis vitae blandit in Fact case study sheet Benefits SPOC Single Point of Contact First and second level remote and third experts in the field level assistance VIP assistance and according to priorities ITIL based managment software Knowledge base Remote support tools Multi channel Assistance Implementation advisory consulting services for infra structure SLA and training management Surveys For more information on our Service Help Desk solutions visit our website www atento com 45
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Advertising We have 2 advertising styles the first features full bleed customer photography and the second uses our illustration style Both styles must use Atento Touch for headlines For guidance on using photography and illustrations please refer to page 17 and 15 Our adverts should always feature our website address on the top left with the Atento logo and strapline lockup appearing bottom right www atento com www atento com www atento com Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Duis sed libero sit amet eros iaculis lacinia eu a est Sed laoreet ligula id tellus aliquet ut porttitor velit tempus Duis pharetra elit eget est gravida dapibus Morbi aliquet nisl at augue placerat quis facilisis nisi cursus Nullam hendrerit Morbi imperdiet pellentesque venenatis Cras et lacus ac lectus vulputate semper Vivamus sed lectus ut erat lacinia pulvinar Mauris id diam mi Vestibulum semper molestie ultrices Integer quis elit lacus non porttitor ante Morbi accumsan gravida accumsan Aenean a diam nec nunc lacinia egestas vitae vitae lectus Integer faucibus ligula nec dui luctus vulputate Pellentesque sit amet tellus ut ipsum tincidunt bibendum Morbi id placerat nibhlectus Etiam lectus magna aliquet quis commodo non pretium eget ipsum Praesent sodales urna magna a tempus leo Sed et torto Full bleed photographic and illustrative adverts Morbi id placerat nibhlectus Etiam lectus magna aliquet quis commodo non pretium eget ipsum Praesent sodales urna magna a tempus leo Sed et torto 46
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Events and exhibitions This page demonstrates how to apply our brand identity to events and exhibitions Banners Exhibition stand front elevation 47
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Events and exhibitions This page demonstrates how to apply our brand identity to events and exhibitions Exhibition stand side elevation continued 48
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Reception Our receptions are an important vehicle for communicating our brand so we must be careful to retain consistency throughout our offices worldwide Reception front desk area Individual chairs When considering materials for reception and meeting rooms always remember to keep the look fresh with an environment that promotes comfort and sophistication high gloss lacquers brushed or polished steel and coloured glass help to achieve this Individuality is a key message we need to present to our clients prospective clients and employees This can be achieved with an eclectic yet complementary set of individual chairs or real customer experience messages Reception area quote wall It s important that our spaces aren t cluttered or claustrophobic 49
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Annual review Our annual reviews and other high level corporate communications must always have front cover titles set in Thesis The Sans Extra Bold This helps us differentiate between our corporate voice and client customer voice Annual Review Annual Review Realising your potential Front cover option Front cover option Double page spread Double page spread Double page spread 50
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Internal communications Employee brochure Our internal communications make more use of white space Our pages are clean and uncluttered with a bias towards using Atento Orange All internal communications must feature Our People images The big little folder all about us Binder cover option All you need to know about working with Atento Booklet cover Booklet double page spread Employee welcome guide T y Atento T y Atento Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit proin semper porttitor elit eget tempus Curabitur pulvinar tortor nec urna aliquet volutpat Integer nec nisi sed tellus egestas pretium Tu n mina Tus vaciones Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Proin semper porttitor elit eget tempus Curabitur pulvinar tortor nec urna aliquet volutpat Aenean facilisis lacinia tristique Donec ac metus quis neque ullamcorper rhoncus Mauris faucibus sollicitudin purus at gravida eros facilisis sed Integer nec nisi sed tellus egestas pretium eget et turpis Vivamus at quam ut nulla rutrum mattis sed fermentum orci Aenean mollis aliquam orci in posuere Donec fringilla sem a dignissim tristique diam purus porttitor eros sed ultricies odio massa ac risus Mauris scelerisque lacus et lorem eleifend aliquam Nunc scelerisque pharetra tristique Aliquam vitae aliquet nibh Proin pretium bibendum lacus eget aliquet Sed consectetur lorem vitae faucibus suscipit leo urna luctus lectus nec luctus massa nunc at ipsum Sed sit amet placerat felis Quisque suscipit nunc eu lacus auctor malesuada in quis justo Donec tellus nulla imperdiet in congue vitae tincidunt in urna Praesent pharetra magna vitae sem rhoncus tristique sit amet id nisl Curabitur sit amet nisi non turpis facilisis rhoncus Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos Sed mi risus venenatis vitae blandit in Suspendisse potenti Donec vulputate dignissim mi quis pulvinar Proin ut lectus tortor sit amet dapibus eros Sed cursus urna nec auctor ultrices magna nunc semper lorem vitae pharetra arcu tellus sit amet est Praesent nec mauris non nibh molestie elementum Aenean facilisis lacinia tristique Booklet double page spread Updateable sheets Suspendisse potenti Donec vulputate dignissim mi quis pulvinar Proin ut lectus tortor sit amet dapibus eros Sed cursus urna nec auctor ultrices magna nunc semper lorem vitae pharetra arcu tellus sit amet est Praesent nec mauris non nibh molestie elementum Atento o ered me the opportunity to buy extra holidays which gives me a great work life balance Amilio Rodrigez Customer Contact Supervisor 51
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Magazines This page demonstrates how to apply our brand identity to internal magazines Magazine cover Feature spread 52
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Brand Applications Joint branding and e newsletter This page demonstrates how to apply our grid to joint branding and e communications Life Keeping you in the loop Aenean sit amet magna id tellus condimentum suscipit non at metus Donec phare tra ante mi eget placerat odio Proin eu luctus felis Sed id dolor nisl fermentum molestie libero NOTICE BOARD Atento celebrate award win Curabitur consectetur egestas tortor In sit amet massa augue Cras sagittis feugiat velit nec scelerisque enim varius eu Aenean non ligula magna in etuatlity elementum sem Aliquam porta elit in tellus mattis placerat Suspendisse potenti Vestibulum sed libero vitae nisi gravida dictum eget in neque Nunc tellus nisi egestas vitae ultricies nec venenatis nec urna Phasellus volutpat placerat luctus Nunc in viverra urna Nunc eget eros nibh Donec fermentum adipiscing dolor vel ultrices justo varius in Curabitur egestas tempus quam non venenatis Nulla eu orci sed massa tincidunt consectetur sed feugiat erat More More Sua presen a fundamental Onwards upwards Curabitur consectetur egestas tortor In sit amet massa augue Cras sagittis feugiat velit nec scelerisque enim varius eu Aenean non ligula magna in etuatlity elementum sem Data 13 07 2010 Hor rio 20h00 s 23h00 Local Cabral Av Salim Farah Maluf 1500 Tatuap Estamos juntos na parceria e na comemora o de mais um an ivers rio da Opera o Santander Cobran a Team event awareness poster More Better for you Vestibulum magna tortor congue ac iaculis a venenatis in augue Nullam ac eros nisi Curabitur consectetur egestas tortor In sit amet massa augue Cras sagittis feugiat velit nec scelerisque enim varius eu Aenean non ligula magna in etuatlity elementum sem More Life e newsletter 53
contents Atento Basic elements guidelines Contact When you re responding quickly to an opportunity and time is against you it can be easy to print communications without checking them against the brand standards Always allow some time to check that your work is on brand That way you ll be playing your part in ensuring that we continue to present a consistent brand image Below are the details of contacts who can help you if you need it Leonardo Lema Telephone 34 917 406 800 ext 18415 Email leonardoxavier lema atento es Luis Alcubierre Telephone 34 917 406 800 ext 18212 Email luis alcubierre atento es Brand and corporate communications management 54