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Beaut i f ulwal lpor t r ai tar twar msar oom mor et hananyf ur ni t ur eyoucoul dpur chas e andal s ot el l s yourgues t swhatyouval uemos t t heappr opr i at es i zewal lpor t r ai tdependsupont hewal ls pace avai l abl e Don tf or gett oupl oads naps hot sofyourwal l ss oyoucanus eouror der i ngs of t war e t ohel pdeci dewhi chs i zepor t r ai t sbes tf i tyourhome of f i ce PLUSr ecei veext r as avi ngsf or doi ngs o t hemor ewal lpor t r ai t sor der edt hegr eat ert heext r as avi ngs 5 of f12 10 of f35 15 of f6 30x40 24x36 20x30 20x24 18x22 16x24 16x20 14x18 12x24 12x18 3249 2149 1799 1699 1449 1199 1149 925 929 799

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40x60 1199 36x48 1099 30x40 1099 24x36 999 20x30 859 20x24 859 18x22 749 16x20 599 14x18 475 12x18 475 11x14 249 weof f erabr oad s el ect i onofcus t om f r amest of i ni s hyour wal lpor t r ai t s eaxh f r amei shandpi cked t ocompl i mentyour por t r ai t r i chl yt ext ur ed pr emi um canvas wr appedar ounda woodenf r ame your ver yownor i gi nal mas t er pi ece youri magef us edi nt o per f ectf ordi s pl ayi ng al umi num met alf or i mageswi t hvi br ant i ncr edi bl evi s ualdept h col or s r eadyt omount andl umi nos i t y us i ngs t ai nl es ss t andof f s 30x40 879 24x30 575 20x24 450 16x20 385 14x18 359 12x18 325 11x14 195 moder n f r amef r eepr es ent at i on r eadyt o hang madef r om r ecycl edr ecl ai medwood UVpr ot ect ed wi l lnotbuckl e war porf ade t r adi t i onalpai nt i ngt echni quescombi nedwi t hmoder n di gi t alar t ever ybr us hs t r okei sappl i edbyhandus i ng di gi t albr us hest oaddcol or t ext ur e dept ht ocr eat ean or i gi nalwor kofar t s el ectei t hercanvasgal l er ywr apor cus t om f r amedcanvast of i ni s hyourpai nt edar tpi ece pl eas ei nqui r e

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Createanadvanceddigitalcompositeof yourfavoriteimagestogetherinastorytellingmanner Chooseyourstyle MultiImagecreationsqualifyaswallartwhen creating collections Senior4Panel selectyourfavorite images upto4imagesincluded 40peradditionalimage includesnameandgradyear available as a 16x20 ready to hang as either astandardplaqorinasimpleblackframe 1199 StoryBoards selectyourfavoriteimages upto4imagesincluded 40peradditionalimage 12x24standardplaq readytohang 1149 MasterCreation this16x24standardplaqistheperfectmemory aseachuniqueartpieceiscustom designed withblendsandtexturesforultimate storytelling impact 1449

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Cr eat eanadvanceddi gi t alcompos i t eof yourf avor i t ei magest oget heri nas t or yt el l i ngmanner Choos eyours t yl e Mul t i I magecr eat i onsqual i f yaswal lar twhen cr eat i ngcol l ect i ons or4Panel Seni mages ei t i avor ectyourf el s uded ncl magesi o4i upt mage onali i t 40peraddi adyear udesnameandgr ncl i her t ohangasei eadyt easa16x20r abl l avai ame r ackf ebl mpl i nas aqori dpl andar t as 1199 St or yBoar ds s el ectyourf avor i t ei mages upt o4i magesi ncl uded 40peraddi t i onali mage 12x24s t andar dpl aq r eadyt ohang 929 on i eat erCr t Mas y ectmemor f heper st aqi dpl andar t s16x24s hi t gned i om des t scus ecei tpi quear aseachuni e mat i t orul esf ur ext endsandt hbl t wi 1449 mpact ngi i l el yt or t s s hor tonwal ls pace t hi sbeaut i f ulwooden di s pl ayboxhol dsupt o 30mount edpr i nt s andal l owsf oraqui ckchangeoft hepor t r ai t ondi s pl ay Thumbdr i vewi t hl ow r ezf i l esi ncl uded 30pr i nt s 3895 20pr i nt s 2795 15pr i nt s 2195 10Pr i nt s 1595 pr i cesr ef l ect8x10box 11x14boxesavai l abl e 12 f i near tbr us hedal umi num t i l es 36x48 12t i l es 2995 24x48 8t i l es 2429 24x36 6t i l es 2258 24x24 4t i l es 1832 addi t i onali mages 40 shortonwallspace thisbeautifulwooden displayboxholdsupto 30mountedprints andallowsforaquickchangeoftheportrait on display 30prints 3895 20prints 2795 15prints 2195 10Prints 1595 pricesreflect8x10box 11x14boxesavailable askaboutaddinglow rezdigitalfiles 12 fineartbrushedaluminum tiles 36x48 12 tiles 2995 24x48 8tiles 2429 24x36 6tiles 2258 24x24 4tiles 1832

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s ampl ei mages exactdupl i cat esofyourmai nal bum gr eatgi f t sf orgr andpar ent s andal s oper f ectf oryourpur s e

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Thick board pages resistwarpingandoffer easy page turning Photofrontincluded leatherbinding 1411455 yourimagephotowrapped 129 yourimagecanvaswrapped 179 collagebackcover 150 cameo with leatherbinding 195 12x12 10x10 8x8 4x10 950 825 750 650 iceormetalcoverwith leatherbinding 229 5x5Brag Books 325 add on only 40perimagefee only 25perimagefeewithaportraitcollection album willbedesignedandpresentedforapprovalpriortoprinting

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4x6 5x7or8x10 selectportraitsforyourhome officeandasgifts finishedonafineartpaperwithprotectivebacking upto4posesincludedinacollection addonmoreforonly 40eachORFREE withadditionalwallportraits multi image wallartoranalbum metalcurveupgrade 5x7 309 4x10or8x10 410 8x12 435

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Thi ckboar dpages r es i s twar pi ngandof f er eas ypaget ur ni ng Phot of r onti ncl uded l eat herbi ndi ng 1411455 youri magephot owr apped 129 youri magecanvaswr apped 179 col l agebackcover 150 cameowi t h l eat herbi ndi ng 195 12x12 10x10 8x8 4x10 950 825 750 650 5x5Br agBooks addononl y 250 i ceormet alcoverwi t h l eat herbi ndi ng 229 40peri magef ee onl y 25peri magef eewi t hapor t r ai tcol l ect i on al bum wi l lbedes i gnedandpr es ent edf orappr ovalpr i ort opr i nt i ng 4x6 5x7or8x10 s el ectpor t r ai t sf oryourhome of f i ceandasgi f t s f i ni s hedonaf i near tpaperwi t hpr ot ect i vebacki ng upt o4pos esi ncl udedi nacol l ect i on addonmor ef oronl y 40eachORFREE wi t haddi t i onalwal lpor t r ai t s mul t i i mage wal lar toranal bum met alcur veupgr ade 5x7 309 4x10or8x10 410 8x12 435

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don tf or getal lyourwal l etneeds f ami l y f r i ends s chol ar s hi ps appl i cat i ons r es umes f i ni s hedonf i near tpaper i nacol l ect i on 85 or al acar t e 125 onepos ei ncl udedper24wal l et s 35peraddi t i onalpos e getmor e s avemor e per s onal i z e yournamei nacus t om t ypeoryourowns i gnat ur e 25perpos e wal l ett i n 45

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1500 MyPi xPer s onalApp 25car dorbout i quedol l ar s 30 di s countondi gi t al 2250 MyPi xPer s onalApp 50car dorbout i quedol l ar s 40 di s countondi gi t al 3000 MyPi xPer s onalApp 75car dorbout i quedol l ar s 50 di s countondi gi t al 4000 MyPi xPer s onalApp 100car dorbout i quedol l ar s FREEaccor di onwal l etbook 60 di s countondi gi t al 500 25car dorbout i quedol l ar s 5 addi t i onaldi s countondi gi t al f oror der edi magesonl y di s count sdonotappl yt odi gi t alf i l es

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bout i quei t emsonl yavai l abl ewi t hcol l ect i onsandor der sof 1500ormor e us eanyor der edi mages

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Pl eas el etusknow i fyouhaveanyques t i ons Connectwi t husonl i ne T hankyou Wel ookf or war dt oget t i ngt oknow youandcr eat i ngpor t r ai tar tf oryou v22 5 978 967 4686 71Faul knerSt r eetNor t hBi l l er i caMA 01862 www L ucoz z i Por t r ai t s com i nf o L ucoz z i Por t r ai t s com