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Love Served Daily Sponsorship

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L VEServed DailyAt Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana (RMHCK), the strength of our guest families is tested every day. They’re pouring their hearts and souls into supporting their children, facing challenges that demand every ounce of their energy. In these moments of immense stress, the comforts of home become more precious than ever. That’s where Love Served Daily steps in, a vital part of our mission to provide the support and haven these families need.The Power of a MealLove Served Daily goes beyond simply lling empty stomachs. It’s about nourishing minds and spirits, providing a sense of normalc y amidst the chaos of medical treatment. Families can forget the burden of meal planning and budgeting, knowing they have access to:• Delicious, nutritious dinners every night of the year: Prepared with love and care by ourchefs and often in collaboration with dedicated volunteers.• Weekend brunches: A chance to gather, relax, and recharge for the week ahead.• Convenient to-go lunches: Fueling long hours at the hospital.• Stocked kitchen shelves: Offering the freedom to prepare familiar meals or grab asnack.• Baked goods and frozen casseroles: Ready for whentime is tight or spirits need a boost.Every Meal MattersIn 2023, 4,210 guests were nourished and supported through Love Served Daily. RMHCK served 472 dinners and brunches, providing 472 opportunities for families to come together, pause, and find relief during their journey. Each meal is a testament to the power of community, a reminder that families are not alone.KentuckianaRonald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana 2024 Partnership Opportunities

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KentuckianaRonald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana | 2024 Partnership OpportunitiesSupport the MissionMaintaining this vital program requires your help. We need approximately $218,000 in 2024 to keep Love Served Daily thriving. Every dollar makes a dierence:• $10 feeds one person a day. Imagine the impact of providing a family with a week’s worthof meals, allowing them to focus on their child’s well-being.• Become a sponsor and receive special recognition. Considerone of the sponsorship levels below and join our Meals from theHeart Chef-Led Experience for a unique glimpse into theprogram’s magic.Invest in HopeWith your support, Love Served Daily can continue nourishing families, building resilience, and oering hope during their darkest hours. We invite you to donate today. Your contribution to Love Served Daily ensures that every family at RMHCK has the strength and comfort they need to face their challenges. $1,000 - $4,999: You will feed 100+ people for one day • Recognition on the Love Served Daily webpage• Opportunity to participate in one Meals from the Heart Chef-Led Experience$5,000 - $9,999: You will feed 72+ people for one week • Recognition on Love Served Daily collateral• Recognition on the Love Served Daily webpage• Opportunity to participate in up to two Meals from the Heart Chef-led Experiences$10,000+: You will feed 33+ people for one month • Recognition in the main kitchen area• Recognition on Love Served Daily collateral• Recognition on the Love Served Daily webpage• Opportunity to participate in up to four Meals from the Heart Chef-led Experiences