OUR HISTORY Our family have been involved in the fresh produce industry for five generations starting with Jack Rose in the 19th century Jack started hauling coal from Chippenham train station to customers in the village of Bromham where he started a small market garden His son Charlie Rose carried on the market garden making rounds on his horse and cart to Bath Devizes and Swindon His son in law Tony Mortimer was the next to take over and started buying in produce to sell as well as what was grown by him locally Customers included shops pubs schools and his own retail outlets Surplus produce was then sold to the wholesale market in Bristol Neil Mortimer Tony s son was next to take on the market garden After studying at the worldrenowned Pershore College of Horticulture Neil returned to Bromham and helped to expand the farm to over 250 acres and expand the retail arm of the business TODAY Today Lovejoys is now purely a wholesaler but with our experience and local knowledge we buy the majority of our produce from Bromham and the local area A lot of our produce and locally made products is grown or produced to order for us In recent years Neil has been looking to the future and has been joined by his sons George and Ben who will take Lovejoys forward along with directors Tracy and Ed Lovejoys is now a team of 50 experts Throughout the night the pickers put up orders and the kitchen staff prepare produce to order for use that day At 4am the procurement team go to markets and farms to pick up the freshest goods and ensure we fulfil every item on an order Lovejoys friendly drivers leave from 6am and return with empty boxes late morning Throughout the rest of the day the excellent office team are always willing to take your call With the experience of five generations we are specialists in sourcing and suppling fresh produce from the local area and beyond
O U R H I S T O R YOur family have been involved in the freshproduce industry for five generations startingwith Jack Rose in the 19th century.Jack started hauling coal from Chippenham trainstation to customers in the village of Bromhamwhere he started a small market garden.His son Charlie Rose carried on the marketgarden making rounds on his horse and cart toBath, Devizes and Swindon.His son-in-law, Tony Mortimer, was the next totake over and started buying in produce to sell, aswell as what was grown by him locally. Customersincluded shops, pubs, schools and his own retailoutlets. Surplus produce was then sold to thewholesale market in Bristol.Neil Mortimer, Tony’s son, was next to take on themarket garden. After studying at the world-renowned Pershore College of Horticulture, Neilreturned to Bromham and helped to expand thefarm to over 250 acres and expand the retail armof the business.T O D A YToday Lovejoys is now purely a wholesaler but withour experience and local knowledge we buy themajority of our produce from Bromham and thelocal area. A lot of our produce and locally-madeproducts is grown or produced to order for us.In recent years Neil has been looking to the futureand has been joined by his sons; George and Ben,who will take Lovejoys forward, along withdirectors Tracy and Ed.Lovejoys is now a team of 50 experts. Throughoutthe night the pickers put up orders and thekitchen staff prepare produce to order for usethat day. At 4am the procurement team go tomarkets and farms to pick up the freshest goodsand ensure we fulfil every item on an order.Lovejoys' friendly drivers leave from 6am andreturn with empty boxes late morning.Throughout the rest of the day the excellentoffice team are always willing to take your call.With the experience of five generations, we arespecialists in sourcing and suppling fresh producefrom the local area and beyond.
L O C A L P R O D U C EOur historic relationships with local farmers means we canbring you the freshest, finest produce in the area withminimal food miles. Often, as the length of the supply chainis so short the vegetables on your customer's plates willhave been picked out of the ground in the last 36 hours!Our approach is to always supply local crops when in seasonand we have excellent partnerships with growers andproducers in the area, some of whom grow crops for usespecially to order.Our procurement team work tirelessly to source all types ofproduce from the local area and South West. As the mapshows, we have an extensive supplier base just miles fromour door.Our ever-expanding larder is the first and only stop for anykitchen. We have 1000's of chilled, frozen and ambientproducts including cheese, fresh bread, ice-cream - all fromthe local area - and the finest ingredients and dry stores forall modern cooking needs.Please call or email enquiries@lovejoyswholesale.com if youhave any questions about our product range.O U R S U P P L I E R M A PPleas e note that we may need 24hrs notice for ce rtain items. All prices are subject to change.
C O N T E N T S68910151617171922221324252525262626272728292930313132Milk, Cream & Non-Dairy Milk & Cream ProductsButter, Margarine & FatYoghurt & MayonnaiseCheese, LocalCheese, British, French & Cream CheeseCheese, Italian and WorldEggs and Egg ProductsFlourBread, FreshPastries & Savoury, FreshCakes, Tarts & Pies, FreshGluten Free BakeryBread, Pastry & Cakes, FrozenCrackers, Breadsticks & BiscuitsBakingPatisserieChocolatePastry & CarriesFruit & FillingsFruit PureesCustard, Jelly & MixesSugar & SyrupHoneyDried FruitPreserves & SpreadsNutsOlives & HumousMeat & QuornDairyEggs & FlourBakeryBaking & DessertSugarFruitNutsDeliMeat
C O N T E N T S323233333435363637383941434344444545454647484949505152CharcuterieFishCapers & PicklesVegetablesPulses, Beans, Grains & SeedsPastaRiceIngredientsGlace, Jus, Stock & PasteSauces & ChutneysOil, Vinegar & Cooking LiquorHerbs, Spices & SeasoningFrozen Fruit & VegetablesChips & Frozen Potato ProductsJuices & PressésJuiceCordialWaterFizzy DrinksSmoothies & MilkshakesCoffee, Tea & Hot ChocolateIce CreamBreakfast CerealsBar SnacksOrganic ProductsGluten Free ProductsDisposables & Cleaning ProductsCharcuterieFishCapers, Pickles & VegetablesDry StoreIngredientsFrozen Fruit & VegetablesDrinks & SmoothiesIce CreamCereals & SnacksOrganic & Gluten FreeDisposables & Cleaning Products
M I L KC R E A MMulit- award winnin g dairy products from a family farm in the heart of theCotswolds. Cotteswold'smilk is exceptional quality , faoms well and lasts for days. It' s well worth the extra few pence!849338593299492992816139359369549302032Double CreamSingle CreamWhipping CreamDouble CreamSingle CreamClotted Cream, LargeClotted Cream, SmallClotted Cream Portions, FrozenCreme Fraiche, LargeCreme Fraiche, SmallSoured CreamCream CheeseCream Cheese2.2ltr2ltr2ltr250g250g1kg454g40g x 482kg200g2kg2kg200g8.995.997.951.451.057.904.7023.7011.151.109.908.751.45CotteswoldCotteswoldCotteswoldLongley FarmLongley FarmBV Da iryBV Da iryRodda'sBV Da iryBV Da iryBV Da iryBV Da iryBV Da iryPRODUCTMilk Full FatMilk Semi SkimmedMilk SkimmedMilk Full FatMilk Semi SkimmedMilk SkimmedMilk Full FatMilk Semi SkimmedMilk SkimmedMilk Full FatMilk Semi SkimmedCODE227234231230237232229236233228235SIZE2ltr2ltr2ltr1ltr1ltr1ltr1pt1pt1pt24pt Pergal24pt PergalPRICE1. orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838For more information about BV Dairy please see page 14. Di d you know tha t you can set up standing orders forregula r deliveries of Milk, Bread or any ot her ite m? Please call or email the office to set your standing order up.
N O N - D A I R Y M I L K & C R E A M P R O D U C T SG O A T S M I L KO R G A N I C M I L K & C R E A MPRODUCTGoats Mil k, Whole*CODE1183SIZE1ltrPRICE2.30PRODUCERWookey FarmNon-Ho mogenised organic jersey milk fresh fr om Ivy House Farm in North Some rset.Organic Milk, Whole*Organic Milk, Semi Skimmed*Organic Milk, Skimmed*Organic Milk, Whole*Organic Jersey Double Cream*Organic Jersey Double Cream*Organic Single Cream*Organic Clotted Cream*Organic Clotted Cream*Organic Whipping Cream*11211122187511201119164211231982202111242ltr2ltr2ltr12.5ltr Pergal2.5ltr1ltr2ltr1ltr8oz1kg2.452.352.2512.6015.857. Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmOat Milk ProfessionalAlmond MilkAlmond Milk ProfessionalSoya Milk, WholebeanCoconut MilkButtermilkRice MilkUHT Se mi Skimmed MilkCream JiggersSemi Skimmed Milk JiggersAerosol Cream1212599191613808781182134221111614118416731ltr1ltr1ltr1ltr1ltr1ltr397g1ltr x 6120120500ml2.001.502.553.501.851.251.854.907.755.103.15Oatly Bari staAlproAlproAlproAlproVariesAlproVariesVariesVariesVariesorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 7* i tems in this colour require a pre-orde r.
PRODUCTUnsalted Butter, EnglishButter Ro lls, SaltedButter Portio nsCODE927923925SIZE250g250g7 x 100PRICE49.003.256.90PRODUCERArlaNetherend FarmVariesEACH1.35Margarine BlocksDairy Free Sunflower SpreadSummer County SpreadSoft Sprea dStork Baki ngFlora PortionsGoose FatDuck Fat9422112200194094120631079973x 402kg2kg2kg1kg10g x 1001kg1kg21.455.004.753.353.157.409.758.10MarigoldVitaliteNewton FarmJust Li ke ButterStorkFloraVariesVariesM A R G A R I N E & F A TOrganic Butter, Salted*Organic Butter, Unsalted*Organic Butter Finger*92419491836250g250g250g2.602.602.65Ivy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmIvy Hou se FarmL O C A L O R G A N I C B U T T E RL O C A L B U T T E R8 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838Barber s start ed six generations ago when Daniel Barber beganmaking cheddar on Mary land Farm. They n ow make cheese andB U T T E RNon-Ho mogenised organic jersey milk fresh fr om Ivy House Farm in North Some rset.PRODUCTSalted ButterCODE926SIZE250gPRICE50.90EACH1.40*requires pre-ordering
BV Da iryTim's Da iryLongley FarmLongley FarmWoodlandsWoodlandsAlproLongley FarmLongley FarmMullerTim's Da iryGreek Yo ghurtGreek Yo ghurtNatural Yoghurt, Very Low FatNatural YoghurtGoat Yog hurtSheeps YoghurtSoya YoghurtNatural Yoghurts, SmallYoghurts Assorted, Small, Mixed FruitThick & Creamy Yoghurts, Assorted FruitThick & Creamy Yoghurt, Mixe d Fruit93993895295193719991381953956173217495kg500g5ltr454g454g450g500g150mlx 12x 20110g x 1211.101.905.951.202.402.551.850.456.008.403.7513.6020.658.109.004.70Real MayonnaiseMayonnaiseReal MayonnaiseFree R ange MayonnaiseThick & Creamy Mayonnaise9481856169995094710ltr5ltr5ltr5ltr2.27ltrSascoHellmann'sSasco GreenSascoLionsPRODUCERBrown CowBrown CowBrown CowPRODUCTOrganic Natural YoghurtOrganic Natural YoghurtOrganic Natural YoghurtCODE959957958SIZE10ltr3ltr480gPRICE26.258.251.65L O C A L Y O G H U R TNon-ho mogenised wholemilk yoghurt: Brown Cow Organics yogurt is made only from ou rorgani c Guernse y herd mil k from cows that graze organi c grass 300 days a year. In theremain ing wint er months, they eat silage - a fermented grass from the spring harvest.M A Y O N N A I S EY O G H U R Torders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 9
PRODUCTMature Cheddar CheeseMild Cheddar CheeseMature Cheddar CheeseMature Cheddar CheeseMature Cheddar Pre PackCODE8168198178182118SIZE5kg5kg2.5kg1kg320gPRICE6.10 per kilo5.30 per kilo6.10 per kilo6.10 per kilo2.60L O V E J O Y S C H E D D A RLovejoys Cheddar is made especially for us by Barbers in Somerset. Made with traditional startercultures, West Country milk and using age-old methods, Barber’s Farmhouse the Mature Cheddarhas 'Protected Designation of Origin' status. Matured for up to 12 months, it's full of the flavour andcharacter typical of a traditional farmhouse cheddar. the Mild Cheddar is aged for 4 months and hasa mild but tatsty finish. Our cheddars are available in a number of different sizes:C A V E - A G E D C H E D D A RA traditional cheddar which isinitially made in the heart ofWest Dorset. It is then takenunderground into the caves inthe Mendip Hills where they areleft to mature.A P P L E W O O DThis traditional farmhouseCheddar has a delicate smokeyflavour and a lovely smoothtexture. It is finished with adusting of paprika. Suitable forvegetarians.L O C A L C H E E S ECrook and Chur n in Far rington near Bl andford began b y milking their ow n sheep andmaking sheep’s milk yoghurt back in 1983. Goat’s and cow’s milk products followed andnow they make and distribute a wide variety o f excellent dairy products.O G L E S H E I L DA British cheese made usingrich raw Jersey milk. It is washedin special brine to attain aslightly pungent sticky rind,which softens the cheese andintensifies its flavour.D O R S E T B L U E V I N N YDorset Blue Vinny is madefrom unpasteurised hand-skimmed milk, which gives itthat creamy lightness andincredible depth of flavour. It isa wonderful cooking cheese.W E S T C O U N T R Y B R I EMade from West Country cow’smilk, this pasteurised Brie isdeliciously mild and creamy.Suitable for Vegetarians.D O R S E T R E DA premium West CountryCheddar that has been cold-smoked over oak chips whichgives it a distinctive, mellow,smoky flavour. Suitable forvegetarians.10 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
Please note that we may need 24hrs noticefor certain cheese o rders. Other cheeses c analso be procured - pl ease let us kno w.W I N C H E S T E RAcheese that is clearly not acheddar, but not a typicalGouda, you could argue it issomewhere between the two. Ithas element of creaminess to itwith a subtle nuttiness too.F R A N C I SAn award-winning washed rindcheese. It is ilky smooth andbuttery, with a very pink andsticky rind.Lyburn f arm lies on the northern edge of the New For est, stra ddling the small riv er Blackw ater,and has been farmed by the Smales family for the las t 50 years. All the cows are all pedigree , bredon the fram. Their cheeses are delicious!Bath Soft Cheese make award-winn ing organic cheese byhandat Park Farm, Kelston n ear Bath with milk from their own cows.B A T H S O F TA square cheese is soft andyielding with a white bloomyrind. Once cut into, it reveals anivory-coloured interior. Theflavour is mushroomy andcreamy with a hint of lemons.B A T H B L U EA classic blue veined cheeseripened for eight to ten weeksto give a creamy blue veinedtaste and a characteristic,clean aroma. Often comparedto StiltonL O C A L C H E E S EW Y F E O F B A T HSucculent, nutty and creamy.This semi-hard cheese isredolent of buttercups andsummer meadows. It retainsthe basket shape and has asoft light caramel colour.PRODUCTDorset Blue VinnyOgleshield Washed Rind CheddarDorset RedWest Cou ntry BrieWookey Hole Cave AgedApplewood SmokedFrancis CheeseOld Win chester CheeseBath Bl ueBath So ftWyfe Of BathCODE7888287897728457601865829764765846SIZE2kg200g230g125g215g500g1kg1kg1kg250g1kgPRICE13.1014.658.459.509.7518.6016.2519.8020.157.2016.95PRODUCERWoodbridge FarmCrook & ChurnCrook & ChurnCrook & ChurnCrook & ChurnCrook & ChurnLyburn FarmLyburn FarmBath So ft CheeseBath So ft CheeseBath So ft Cheeseorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 11
L O C A L C H E E S EPRODUCTRachelTorLilyLittle LilyDriftwoodGoat Cu rdSolticeFetishCODE8001649175216767911077804796SIZE2kg200g230g125g215g500g220g1.5kgPRICE20.806.405.753.505.858.155.8522.40White Lake in Pylle, Somerset speci alise in goats cheese, provided by a herd of Toggenburg, British Alpine and Saanen goats whoare fed a specially adapted diet. A local Guernsey herd provide their cows’ milk and their sheeps’ milk comes from a f lock alsolocate d just down the road. Theresultisminima l food miles, suppo rtfor their Somerset neighbours, and truly exceptional cheese!T O RA lactic goat’s cheese madewith a dusting of charcoal. Ithas a lemony flavour with atypical goats’ cheese ‘tang’.Made with unpasteurised milk.D R I F T W O O DThis ash coated goats cheeselog has a soft, creamy texture.With citrus notes and earthyundertones. Made withunpasteurised milk.R A C H E LA semi-hard washed rindcheese with a delicate yetmoreish sweet mediumflavour. Made withunpasteurised milk.L I L Y / L I T T L E L I L YAn artisan, classically mild andcreamy goat cheese. This brie-style cheese has a bloomy rindthat is vibrant white in colour.Made with unpasteurised milk.G O A T S C U R DThis versatile, light, clean andfresh flavoured cheese ispopular in the catering tradefor its many uses. Made withunpasteurised milk.S O L S T I C EMade with pasteurised cow'smilk, Soltice's golden hue andcreamy flavour is similar in styleto something you might find inthe French Champagne region.F E T I S HA take on the well-known GreekFeta cheese, this cheese, madefrom unpasteurised sheep'smilk has a nice rounded flavour.Please note that we may need 24hrs notice for ce rtaincheese orde rs. Other cheeses can also be procured - pleasecall us with a ny reque sts.PRODUCERWhite L akeWhite L akeWhite L akeWhite L akeWhite L akeWhite L akeWhite L akeWhite L ake12 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
L O C A L C H E E S EPRODUCTMaryland Vintage 1833 CheddarMaryland Cintage 1833 Pre-PackRosary ButtonRosary With AshRosary LogRosary LogWestcombe Cheddar CheesWestcombe RicottaCODE815161779780380121068432050SIZEper kg190g100g275g1kg1kg1kg1.262kgPRICE8.701.403.154.9014.3016.2013.0512.70B A R B E R ’ S 1 8 3 3 V I N T A G E R E S E R V E C H E D D A RPowerfully intense, with an exceptional depth of flavour, this vintage Cheddar represents the pinnacleof two centuries of cheesemaking. With a creamy texture and smooth finish, 1833 contains naturally-occurring crystals that give it a distinctive crunch. Refined sweet notes balance out its tangysharpness.Barber s started six generations ago, in 1833, when Daniel Barber began making cheddar onMaryla nd F arm. Now, as the world’s oldest surviving chedda r-makers, t hey're stil l th ere, makingaward- winning traditional cheddar.R O S A R Y P L A I N / A S HRosary is a fresh, soft goats cheese made on the edge of the NewForest. It is a young cheese made from pasteurised goats milkavailable as a button or log, plain or ash coated.Rosary Goats Cheese began in Salisbury 1988 and has since developed into a fully establisheddairy. Our cheese is a creamy an d fresh goa ts' cheese with a natural acidity and a mousse-l iketextur e. It's a versatile ch eese that is als o suitable for vegetarians.Westco mbe is a multi-award winning small art isan dairy in east Somersetmaking traditional Cheddar and other West Country cheeses usingW E S T C O M B E C H E D D A RWestcombe Cheddar is a hand-crafted traditional cheddar.Ithas a deep complex flavourwith a mellow lactic tang andlong notes of citrus, hazelnutand caramel.S O M E R S E T R I C O T T AWestcombe Somerset Ricottais light and fresh tasting, witha rich, slightly grainy textureand a pleasantly salty, full dairyflavour.PRODUCEWRBarbersBarbersRosaryRosaryRosaryRosaryWestcombeWestcombeorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 13
O T H E R L O C A L C H E E S EPRODUCTBarkham BlueBlack CowBurwood BoleCapricorn GoatsCoastal CheddarCornish YargCotswold BlueCotswold WhiteDorset WhiteDouble GloucesterGodminsterJarlsbergKeens Farmhouse CheddarMini BaronetOxford Blu eRollrightSingle GloucesterSomerset CamembertTunworthWigmore Ewes Milk SoftWyke Mature Cheddar PrepackCODE76276877377978278420121657168079016168128137638301753165677816478441788SIZEper kg200g300g110g360g1.5kg1.2kg240g200gper kg400gper kgper kg250g1kg1.3kgper kg200g250g1kgx 12PRICE26.004.305.502.502.8516.6518.254.403.806.508.6013.0511.2018.6017.5025.0019.652.806.5024.3518.7514 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838PRODUCTCream CheeseCream CheeseCODE2032930SIZE200g2kgPRICE1.458.75C R E A M C H E E S EBV Dairy was established in 1958 and we have come a long way sin ce our award winningClotte d Cream was sold in the local area. Now run by the third generat ion of the Highn amfamily both the business and the range of specialty products has grown and developed toform one of the most respected and successful independent dairies in the South West.For more item s from BV dairy including cream please see page 6.Please note t hat we may ne ed 24hrs notice for certain cheese orders.Other cheeses can also be procured - please c all us with any r equests .
B R I T I S H C H E E S EF R E N C H C H E E S EG R A T E D & S L I C E D C H E D D A RBlack Bomber CheeseBlack Crowdie CheeseCaerphilly CheeseCottage CheeseIsle o f Mull CheeseIsle Of Wight Blue CheeseLincolnshire PoacherLincolnshire PoacherPerl LasRed Leicester CheeseStilton 1/4 but actually 1/8Stilton Pre-PackWaterloo CheeseWensleydale With Cranberries76718797747851878811165816581662831835836840842200g500g2.5kg250g3kg200g2kg2kg2kg1kg1kg1pk1kg1kg3.558.659.651.3517.055.8515.3015.3015.355.609.9012.9517.607.65Bleu D'auvergneBrie PortionBrillat SavarinChevre Goats Cheese LogComteCrottin De Chavignol GoatsEdamFourme D’Ambert, BlueFrench BrieFrench Camembert, BoxFrench Camembert RustiqueLarge Brie, 60%MorbierReblochonRoquefort7692039168379978379879219877717767771698194417508341.2 kg200g500g1kgper kgN/AN/A2kg1kg250g1kg3kgN/A230g1kg11.6512.5514.958.9516.401.208.7013.456.952.3016.506.9515.003.9016.80PRODUCTGrated Mi ld CheddarGrated Ma ture Cheddar (clear ba g)Grated Ma ture Cheddar (blue b ag)Cheddar Cheese SlicesCODE1740807808781SIZE2kg1kg1kg1kgPRICE10.706.206.457.25orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 15
I T A L I A N C H E E S EW O R L D C H E E S E SPRODUCTBoccocinoBuffalo MozzarellaBurrataDolcelatteGorgonzolaGrana PadanoGrated Forma ggioPecorino RomarioMascarponeMascarponeMascarponeMozzarella BallsMozzarella BlockMozzarella GratedMozzarella LogMozzarella SlicesParmesan, VegetarianRicottaRicottaTaleggioCODE770823196378780580617412167943944945821822824825826839832833838SIZE100200g125g x2per kg1.5kg1kg1kg1kg250g500g2kg125g2.3kg x 82kg1kg1kg1kg225g1.5kg1kgPRICE9.902.904.3514.909.9012.108.9516.252.903.1510.101.0092.009.757.206.9011.001.507.5012.00Cashel BlueEmmental SwissSliced Emmental SwissOld Amsterd am GoudaCambozolaManchegoSwiss GruyerePhiladelphia CreamFetaHalloumiMonterey Jack SlicesPaneerBurger SlicesVegan Violife Cheddar7807937942040775814837786795809820166519432176N/Aper kg1kg2.5kgper kgper kg1kg1.65kg900g250g1kg225gx112200g11.6516.107.9015.6517.5016.1020.3021.607.902.907.352.507.252.10Please note t hat we may ne ed 24hrs notice for certain cheese orders.Other cheeses can also be procured - please c all us with any r equests .16 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
F R E E R A N G E E G G SE G G S & E G G P R O D U C T SPasteurised Egg YolkPasteurised Egg Whole, LiquidPasteurised Egg White1264198412631ltr1ltr1ltr6.803.704.80PRODUCTFree R ange Eggs (please specify quantity)Free R ange Eggs (please specify quantity)Free R ange EggsDuck Eggs*Quails Eggs* *requires pre-orderingCODE100100211498375SIZE1 b ox (180 eggs)1 tray (30 eggs)1 ca rton (6 eggs)Tray of 6Tray of 12PRICE34.205.701.902.502.39The Good Egg Company, is an awa rd winning supplier of the finest free range andorgani c hens eggs laid in Hilperton, Wiltshire.F L O U RA f amily business going back generations, FWP Matthews Ltd in the Cotswolds is one of theleadin g independent flour millers in the UK for convent ional and organic flour .Cotswold Crunch LightEvenlode Baker's White FlourCotswold Crunch DarkPlain FlourSelf R aising FlourStrong White Bread FlourStrong Wholemeal Bread FlourCotswold Crunch StrongSpelt Flour, White989100416869961000100510071006100316kg16kg16kg1.5kg1.5kg1.5kg1.5kg1.5kg1.5kg15.7514.0018.401.951.951.102.602.703.40MatthewsMatthewsMatthewsMatthewsMatthewsMatthewsMatthewsMatthewsMatthewsorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 17
F L O U R ( C O N T . )G L U T E N F R E E F L O U RO T H E R F L O U R SSet in a beautif ul Cotswold valley near Tet bury; Gloucestershire, Shipton Mill in Shipton MoyneWood has been producing flour since t he time of the Domesday B ook. Today it produces a widevariet y of speciality flours, using both t raditio nal grai n and traditional methods.PRODUCTPlain FlourWholemeal FlourSelf-Raising FlourWhite Flo ur No 4Baker's White Number 1Frech Type 55 FlourOrganic White Cake FlourCODE9951009999994212010081968SIZE16kg16kg16kg16kg16kg25kg25kgPRICE10.6515.3012.9020.0010.9514.0018.35PRODUCERShipton MillShipton MillShipton MillShipton MillShipton MillShipton MillShipton MillDoves Farm are speci alist flour millers and b akers, producing a range of organic,gluten free and ancie nt grain flour in Salisbury, Wilshire.Gluten Free Plain FlourGluten Free Self Raising FlourGluten Free Plain FlourGluten Free Self Raising FlourGluten Free White Bread Flo urGluten Free Buckwheat FlourGluten Free Rice Flour19984641670167199198899816kg16kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg24.8023. FarmDoves FarmDoves FarmDoves FarmDoves FarmDoves FarmDoves FarmRye Flour00 Pasta FlourScone MixCornflourGram Flou r134898720609889921kg1kg3.5kg3kg2kg3.402.255.305.202.85VariesVariesMiddletonsVariesKTC18 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
L O C A L B R E A DAn award-winning artisan inde pendent Bakery, Cafe and Bakery school in Bath.Though tful Bak ery is home to real bread and all manne r of indulgent treats.PRODUCTSourdough Bloomer, Large WhiteSourdough Bloomer, Large, White, SlicedArtisan Sourdough WhiteArtisan Sourdough BrownArtisan Sourdough White - SlicedArtisan Sourdough Brown - SlicedCODE709196171171019501967PRICE3.353.352.452.852.453.05White Bl oomerBrown BloomerGranary BloomerWhite Bl oomer, SlicedBrown Bloomer, SlicedGranary Bloomer, SlicedGranary Hampton Bloomer718657682705168516406861.952. a well established bakery fo r over 100 years, Halls Quality Bakers know howto make quality bread that will taste great a nd keep your customers suppliedwith a loaf they will enjoy day afte r day. They' ve achieved this through a fewbasic principles , from employi ng high qualit y bakers to sourcing qualityingred ients fr om local suppliers.PRODUCTSourdough LoafCODE2041PRICE3.05Please note t hat we may ne ed 24hrs notice for all fresh bread ord ers.- please call us if you would like a ny further information about a product.S O U R D O U G H L O A FA beuatiful large sourdoughloaf, moreish, and full offlavour. Freshly baked everymorning.orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 19
Top Of The Town LoafRustic Wholemeal LoafBrown Wheatmeal LoafFresh C iabatta LoafTiger LoafSpelt LoafTea Bre ad LoafWhite C ottage LoafFresh Bri oche Loaf, 400gDate & Walnut Loaf, 350 g716700664666699176671571965517862.152.602.052.752.202.452.002.402.453.45PRODUCTWhite Sa ndwich LoafWhite Sa ndwich Loaf, SlicedWhite Sa ndwich Loaf Sliced L aterallyBrown Sandwich LoafGranary Sandwich LoafGranary Sandwich Loaf SlicedGranary Sandwich Loaf, Sliced LaterallyWhite Farmh ouse LoafWhite Farmh ouse SlicedWholemeal Farmhouse LoafGranary Farmhouse LoafGranary Farmhouse SlicedSeeded Hampton FarmhouseLarge White Split TinWholemeal Tin LoafWhite Tin Loaf, SlicedGranary Tin Loaf, SlicedCODE7257026916621817684692721168872668318577037237271848685PRICE2. BreadPitta Brea dFlatbread7" Pa nini (Pk of 2)7" Au thentic Ciabatta (Pk of 2)Focaccia Bread, RosemaryFocaccia Bread, ChilliFocaccia Bread, Sun-dried TomatoFocaccia, Sea Salt & Rose mary, Oblong7016986716956656736746756762.800.450.851.501.703.753.653.754.10L O C A L F R E S H B R E A D20 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
L O C A L F R E S H B R E A DB R A N D E D F R E S H B R E A DPRODUCTHovis White Thick SlicedHovis Brown Thick SlicedHovis Best Of Both Thick SlicedCODE688689687SIZEx 1x 1x 1PRICE1.401.451.55PRODUCERHovisHovisHovisPlease note t hat we may ne ed 24hrs notice for all fresh bakery or ders, with orders placed before 11a.m.the previous day. Please call t o speak to us in person to place yo ur order so that we can guarantee yourorder has bee n placed in time. Alternatively you can set up a standing order.orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 21PRODUCTHobbs Organic Wild White SourdoughHobbs St Martins Sourdough, SlicedHobbs GiFT Gluten Free Loa fHobbs White BloomerHobbs White Bloomer, SlicedHobbs Harvester BloomerHobbs Harvester Bloomer, SlicedHobbs Ultimate Burger Bun [6pack]Hobbs Vegan Brioche Burger Bun [6pack]Hobbs Plain CroissantHobbs Almond CroissantHobbs Pain Au ChocolatHobbs Pain Au RaisinHobbs Cinamon BunsMore item s are available on requestCODE22092210222022072216220822152211221222012203220222042217PRICE3.453.553.751.952. House Bakery was established in the Cotswolds in the 1920’s and they are a truefamily business with five generation s of baking experience. They believe thathandma debreadshou ldbe availabl e to everyone. Attheir b akery inChipping Sodburytheir expert team of ba kers produce an exceptional range of high quality breads,pastri es and confectionery.
L O C A L C A K E S & S A V O R YDidiCa kes, in Bath is a family run busi ness well known for incredible celebratio n c akes andtheir unbelievably tasty Vegan & Glut en/Dair y Free Products.PRODUCTVegan Banana BreadApple Tart, FrenchApricot & Oatmeal Vegan Slice, Pre-CutBaked New York CheesecakeBanoffee Cake with Chocolate ChipsCarrot & Walnut CakeCherry & Almond Bakewell TartCoffee & Walnut CakeDate & Oat Vegan Slice , Pre-CutLemon & Berry Cake,Lemon & Elderflower Cake,Lemon Berry Vegan Tray Bake, Pre-CutMixed Berry & Lemon Vegan MuffinsPear & Cinnamon Upside Down Cake,Pear & Cinnamon Vegan MuffinsPlum & Almond Cake,Red Velvet Cake, 10" 14/16 portionsLemon Drizzle Tray Cake, Pre-Cut (GF)Chocolate & Caramel Slice, Pre-Cut (GF)Chocolate Cake (GF)Chocolate & Almond Cake, Pre-Cut (GF)Persian Orange & Almond Cake, Pre-Cut (GF)CODE1884202420342046205720232117205420422044202220972025204520582033206120352026211620512043SIZE1.15kg11” 14/16 portions16 Per Tray11” 14/16 Portions10" 14/16 Portions10” 14/16 portions11" 12/14 portions10” 14/16 portions16 Per Tray10" 14/16 Portions10" 14/16 portions16 Per TrayBx of 1210" 14/16 Portionsx1210" 14/16 portion10" 14/16 portion16 Per Tray16 Per Tray14/16 Portions10 slices10 portionsPRICE13.0019.5017.6019.5019.5019.5019.5019.5019.5019.5019.5019.9515.6019.5015.6019.5019.5017.6017.6018.5014.5014.5022 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
L O C A L C A K E S , P I E S & P A S T R I E SPRODUCTMince PiesMince PiesMince Pies, MiniMince Pies, VienneseScones, FruitScones, PlainTeacake, 5”Jumbo Sausage Roll 8"Danish Pastry SelectionCroissantPain au ChocolatApple & Cream TurnoverChelsea BunCream DoughnutCream SliceHot C ross BunsIced Be lgian BunLardy Cake, LargeLardy Cake, SmallChristmas Puddings,CODE118811891190119113651369145611301729173019056068479079091113633113511341859PRIC2.6022.002.602.652.502.352.401.601.601.001.051.850.800.802.701.450.952.750.9540.70PRODUCERHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsHallsMatthew Walkerorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 23Please note t hat we may ne ed 24hrs notice for all fresh bakery or ders, with orders placed before 11a.m.the previous day. Please call t o speak to us in person to place yo ur order so that we can guarantee yourorder has bee n placed in time. Alternatively you can set up a standing order.SIZEPk of 4Pk of 50Pk of 9Pk of 4Pk of 4Pk of 4Pk of 3EachEachEachEachEachEachEachPk of 2Pk of 4EachEachEachPk of 36
PRODUCTWhite Thick Sandwich, Sliced, 14+2Wholemeal Thick Sandwich Sliced, 14+2Wholemeal Medium Sandwich Sliced, 18+2White Bloomer Thick, Sliced, 14+2Malt Bloomer Thick, Sliced, 14+2Split Tin White Loaf, Thick, Sliced, 16+2Split Tin Malt Loaf, Thick, Sliced, 14+2Sandwich CiabattaPart-Baked Baguette, White, DemiPart-Baked Baguette, Wholemeal, DemiHalf-Baked BaguetteFlour Tortilla 6"Flour Tortillas Wraps 10"Plain Teardrop Naan BreadGarlic & Herb SlicesPaniniPlain BagelsPitta Bread WhiteWholemeal PittaFrench Bakers Basket Rolls (5 Types)Sourdough RollsCiabatta Rolls, IndividualSweet Finger RollsSourdough Gourmet Burger Buns4" Floured BapWhite Floured 5" Baps5" Malted Grain Bap, SlicedBrioche Gourmet Burger BunBrioche Burger BunEnglish White MuffinBaked English CrumpetsPain Au RaisinPain Au ChocolateMini Danish Selection (4 Varieties)Croissant Au BerreCarrot CakeCoffee & Walnut CakeLemon Drizzle Cake5-Spiced TeacakesCODE724663661218121827137128666196206211473147212061627125461869669765270619321436708990672115873173269391420641818182191175688511431455SIZEx10x10x10x6x6x1x1x40x50x40x3010x1510x10x24x108x60x4870g x612x635g x30x50x4050g x48x40x48x4887g x4854648x61x72x3690g x48x130x801x1414 ptn14 ptn6x8PRICE14.6515.3515.8017.3517.352.002.0533.3511.3510.7026.8514.0011.8013.6018.1023.1516.801.159.7041.4017.2037.356.7021.606.009.3511.4520.5529.3511.3510.0524.7519.3528.7018.6021.0017.6016.7514.15EACH1.651.703.203.201.60PRODUCERJacksonsJacksonsJacksonsJacksonsJacksonsJacksonsJacksonsPlanete PainVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesPlanete PainVariesVariesKaraCaterforceVariesKaraPlanete PainKaraVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesHandmade Cake Co.Handmade Cake Co.Handmade Cake Co.VariesF R O Z E N B R E A D , P A S T R Y & C A K E S24 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
C R A C K E R S , B R E A D S T I C K S & B I S C U I T SB A K I N G & P A T I S S E R I EAgar AgarAlmond EssenceArrowrootBaking PowderBicarbonate of SodaCondensed MilkCream Of TartarDesiccated CoconutDesiccated CoconutEvaporated MilkFood Colouring, (Natural)Food Colouring, Red (Natural)Gelatine, Bronze LeafGriottines in KirschLemon JuiceMarshmallows, MiniPure Vanilla Extract , Glucose Syrup basedQuince Paste, ChilledRaspberry Fruit Puree (ambient)Raspberry Grit, CourseRaspberry PowderRice Pudding, AmbrosiaRose WaterSponge FingersStrawberry Puree (ambient)Vanilla Bean Paste , Gourmet GradeVanilla Essence 500mlVanilla Pods (10 pods)Xanthan GumYeast, Baking, Dried, Fast ActingYeast, Fresh Chilled596205261562363488690896496597710851333734108911451165147913161330132713291344166313861404148014781481152015231522500g500ml500g1kg1kg397g800g1kg2kg410g500ml500ml1kgN/A1ltr1kg600ml800g1ltr90g60g400g500ml500g1ltr120g500ml20g180g500g1kg19.904.954.002.952.102.059.353.3510.051.603.753.7421.2023.903.358.2574.7013.7512.308.456.801.103.355.358.0526.003.2014.155.354.603.35PRODUCTSavoury Biscuits for CheeseCream CrackersCheese BiscuitsLuxury Biscuit PacksGranforno BreadsticksCrackerbreadAmaretti BiscuitsDigestive BiscuitsCODE766112611252053714903600636SIZE75g x2112pk900gx10012 packsEach500g400gPRICE22.8017.356.9521.3510.001.353.950.80EACH0.800.95PRODUCERThomas FudgesJacobsJacobsLichfieldVariesVariesVariesVariesorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 25
Apple Solid Packed VariesApricot Halves in Juice VariesApricot Halves in Juice VariesCherries, Dark In Syrup VariesFruit Co cktail in Juice VariesFruit Co cktail in Juice VariesGrapefruit Segments in Juice VariesJack Frui t in Salted Water VariesLychees In Light Syrup VariesMandarins In Juice VariesMandarins In Juice VariesPeach Slices in Juice VariesPeach Slices in Juice VariesPear Halves in Juice VariesPineapple Rings in Juice VariesPrunes in Juice Varies60961261316221047104810801852115411591160126512661269129113052.6kg820g2.5kg840g820g2.65kg2.66kg400g425g820g2.65kg820g2.65kg820g850g2.7kg5.051.804.552.402.305.407.252.701.302.656.751.805.051.951.956.90F R U I T & F I L L I N G SP A S T R Y & C A R R I E R S18891910193413081309137398014381314131511817444.25kg4.25kg3.5kgx4x121.5kg x48 x 500g8.5cm x 728.5cm x 14411cm x 423” x 72Pack o f 6424.7026.7024.0019.5524.0022.8519.7036.3558.8037.6516.004.25Shortcrust Pa stry, Chilled* Maitre AndrePuff Pastry Roll, Chilled* Maitre AndrePuff Pastry, Vegetable Fat, Chille d* Maitre AndrePuff Pastry Block, Frozen Jus-RollPuff Pastry Sheets, Frozen Jus-RollShortcrust Pa stry Block, Frozen Jus-RollFilo Pastry, Frozen Jus-RollPastry, Swee t Tartlet, Ambient* VariesPastry, Quiche Cases, Ambient* VariesQuiche Tartlet, Deep, Ambient* VariesMeringue Nests, Ambient* VariesCocktail Ragout Cups, Ambient* Varies5.406.30C H O C O L A T EPRODUCT PRODUCERMilk Chocolate Callets Min 33.6% CallebautDark Chocolate Callets Min 70.5% CallebautWhite C hocolate Callets Min 2 8% CallebautDark Chocolate Callets Min 54.5% CallebautDark Chocolate Sauce CallebautCacao (Cocoa Powder) CallebautCODE8618628631770864873SIZE2.5kg2.5kg2.5kg2.5kgN/A1kgPRICE23.5526.6023.4519.557.7511.20EACH*may require pre-order26 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
C U S T A R D , J E L L Y & M I X E SF R O Z E N F R U I T P U R E E SCustard, ReadymadeCustard PowderStrawberry Jelly CrystalsOrange Jelly CrystalsAngel Delight, BananaAngel Delight, ButterscotchAngel Delight, StrawberryAngel Delight, Chocolate920921112811296026036046051ltr3kg3.5kg3.5kg600g600g600g600g2.1013.4511.9011.907.157.357.157.15KerrymaidBirdsVariesVariesAngel DelightAngel DelightAngel DelightAngel DelightPRODUCTApple PureeApricot PureeBanana PureeBlackberry PureeBlack Cherry PureeBlackcurrant PureeBlood Orange PureeBlueberry PureeChestnut & Vanilla PureeCoconut PureeFig Pu reeKiwi PureeLemon PureeLime PureeMandarin PureeMango PureeMirabelle Plum PureePassionfruit PureePear PureePineapple PureePink Grapefruit PureePomegranate PureePumpkin PureeRaspberry PureeRedcurrant PureeRhubarb PureeStrawberry PureeWhite Pe ach PureeLychee PureeCODE10151016101710181019102010211022102310241025102610271028102910301031103210331034103510361037103810391040104110421694SIZE1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kgPRICE7.506.207.3511.2012.709.1010.6013.6013.2011.9010.708.808.809.357.3511.359.8010.706.4010.359.7011.758.9511.358.908.708.409.6010.15PRODUCERBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironBoironorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 27
S U G A RS Y R U PPRODUCTCaster SugarCaster SugarGolden Caster SugarDark Brown Soft SugarLight Brown Soft SugarDark Muscavado SugarLight Muscavado SugarGranulated SugarGranulated SugarDemerara SugarIcing SugarJam Su garFresh H oneycombBrown Sugar LumpsWhite Su gar LumpsNibbed SugarSugar Sticks White GranulatedSugar Sticks DemeraraSweetener SticksSweetenerCODE14071406140814091418141014191413141214111414141519861416141714201421142220701874SIZE25kg2kg1kg3kg3kg3kg3kg5kg1kg3kg3kg1kg200g1kg1kg1kg100010001000500gPRICE23.752.102.855.406.705.956.956.101.155.555.252.405.203.503.504.255.606.1011.2016.65PRODUCERTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleVariesCentaurLa PerrucheLa PerrucheVariesVariesVariesSweet & LowCanderelGolden SyrupGolden SyrupGolden SyrupMaple SyrupMaple SyrupGlucose SyrupAgave Nectar SyrupChocolate SyrupVanilla Sugar Free SyrupBlack TreaclePomegranate MolasseCoffee Essence14411440144219351162143917692098209964244418627.26kg680g454g1.25kg330g2kg250ml70cl1ltr680g300ml241ml18.003.801.6015.356.908.502.957.359.352.554.652.30Tate & LyleTate & LyleTate & LyleVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVaries28 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
H O N E YD R I E D F R U I TPRODUCT100% Pure Blossom Honey100% Pure Blossom HoneyClear HoneyCODE11011071109SIZE2kg500g680gPRICE11.352.703.70PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesSultanas GoldenSultanasSultanasCurrantsCurrantsRaisinsGolden RaisinsDates Dried ChoppedDates PittedDates Dried PittedApricots Whole DriedApricots Chopped DriedDried Whole FigsCranberries DriedGoji BerriesGlace CherriesPrunes Pitted DriedRosehips WholeBlueberries DriedCoconut Flakes DriedPapaya DicedMixed Fruit DriedMixed Peel Chopped18101891142491791618921323962200296161061420199041078105513061346180519971256119511973kg3kg1kg3kg1kg3kg1kg3kg3kg1kg2kg2kg1kg1kg1kg1kg3kg1kg1kg1kg5kg3kg1kg11.857.353.0011.705.656.558.957.956.002.308.009.9010.257.6519.304.5510.0012.0021.204.7024.704.902.90VariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesFor the best part of twenty years Centau r in Bristo l have been supplying a n ever expa nding range of foods to distributorsand manufacture rs. Their product offering reflects current food trends and i ngredie nts associated with any number ofnation al and regional cuisines. Reg ardless of origin, however, all the ingredients w e offer represent the optimumcombin ation of quality, cost and customer appeal.Many of our Lovejoys' dried and ambient products comes from Centaur in Bristol.orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 29
L O C A L P R E S E R V E SThe Ch erry Tree in Dorset make the finest Preser ves around. Each pro duct is hand c ooked i n smallbatche s using only the best ingredients and following traditional recipes.R A S P B E R R Y E X T R A J A MFor the ultimate cream tea,spread generously onhomemade scones and servewith clotted cream.S T R A W B E R R Y E X T R A J A MWestcombe Somerset Ricotta islight and fresh tasting, with a rich,slightly grainy texture and apleasantly salty, full dairy flavour.PRODUCTRaspberry Extra JamStrawberry Extra JamCODE16751402SIZE3kg3kgPRICE22.6020.90PRODUCERThe C herryTreeP R E S E R V E S & S P R E A D STiptreeTiptreeTiptreeTiptreeMargettsMargettsMargettsMargettsVariesStokesTiptreeTiptreeTiptreeTiptreeNutellaNutellaMeridianMeridianMarmiteVegmite146114621463146014031328123411411187203811631464146514661208165412671781116414823kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg2kg28g x 7228g x 7228g x 7228g x 72750g15g x1201kg1kg600g220g13.6513.6512.6519.0510.408.358.7010.658.0014.0021.5533.2516.1516.006.6522.008.9511.3511.402.80Strawberry PreserveRaspberry PreserveOrange MarmaladeLemon CurdStrawberry JamRaspberry JamOrange MarmaladeLemon CurdSweet Mince MeatChilli JamTiptree Orange Marmalade PortionsHoney PortionsApricot Preserve PortionsStrawberry Preserve PortionsNutellaNutella Single PortionsPeanut Butter CrunchyPeanut Butter SmoothMarmite TubVegemite30 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
N U T SO L I V E S & H O U M O U SPRODUCT PRODUCEROlives, Mi stoliva (Marinated Black & Green Pitted) Sapori-DItaliaOlives, Ka lamata (Marinated Black Pitted) Sapori-DItaliaOlives, C astelvetrano (Whole Green Swe et Nocellara) Sapori-DItaliaParty Oliva (Black & Green Pitted & Garlic) Sapori-DItaliaOlives, Sp icy Cocktailoliva (Olives, Piri Piri & Jalep eno) Sapori-DItaliaOlives, Pe peroliva (Stuffed with Pepper s) Sapori-DItaliaOlives, L emoliva (Stuffed with Lemon) Sapori-DItaliaOlives, Ag lioliva (Stuffed with Garlic) Sapori-DItaliaOlives, Bl ack, Pitted LefktroOlives, Gree n, Pitted LefktroOlives, Bl ack In Brine CrespoOlives, Gree n In Brine CrespoHoumous VariesCODE1895189718981899190019011902190316811229121712181114SIZE3kg3kg3kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg5kg4.2kgTBCTBC1kgPRICE14.5017.5014.007.508.408.408.408.407.357.354.704.703.80PRODUCTAlmonds, ChoppedAlmonds, GroundAlmonds, ShelledAlmonds, Whole BlanchedBrazil NutCashew Nuts, CookedChesnutsChopped Mixed NutsFlaked AlmondsHazelnuts, Roasted BlanchedPeanuts, BlanchedPecan NutsPine NutsGreen Skinless PistachiosPistachio Nuts, ShelledWalnut HalvesWalnut PiecesCODE18161090181515061813757850181298615121268127112921295129414991811SIZE1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg400g1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kgPRICE9.1010.009.7010.5012.2510.704.905.7010.3010.305.1516.7036.7044.4024.708.708.00PRODUCERBuchananVariesBuchananVariesBuchananVariesVariesBuchananVariesBuchananVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesBuchananorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 31
C H A R C U T E R I E & F I S HM E A T & Q U O R NPRODUCTKettle C ooked Half Ham*Cooked Gammon Ham (1/2)*Gammon Sliced HamMinced QuornQuorn PiecesQuorn Sausages* Ma y require pre-orderCODE174817441700131913201321SIZE2.5kg3.5kg500g1kg1kg2kgPRICE7.356.554.809.6511.5512.00PRODUCERMidland ChilledMidland ChilledChase Farm BloorsQuornQuornQuornChorizo Sliced, MildChorizo StickBlack Pudding StickProsciutto CrudoSerrano Ham SlicedAnti-Pasti MixMilano Salami SlicedSalami Napoli SlicedNduja PiccanteAnchovies in Oil, ChilledAnchovie FilletsTuna PouchTuna in Brine (Tin)Tuna, Po le and Line Cau ght (Tin)Tuna in Brine (Tin)17011798191817931794179517961797179960119691742147514762062500g1.5kg1.36kg500g500g150g500g500gTBC1kg500g3.1kg1.8kg1.8kg800g6.6016.552.308.957.502.755.604.9511.9513.756.5518.709.7513.554.40VariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVaries32 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838C A P E R S & P I C K L E SPRODUCTBalsamic Onions, BorettaneBorettane Grilled Onions in OilCaperberriesCaperberriesCODE20756447482030SIZE1.5kg1.9kg940gTBCPRICE26.6025.358.004.30PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVaries
C A P E R S & P I C K L E SV E G E T A B L E SPRODUCTCapers, Large (Capotes)Capers, LilliputCapers, SurfineCentaur GherkinsCocktail Onions (Silverskin)CornichonsCornichons, OpiesPickled BeetrootPickled EggsPickled Gherkin (Dill Pickle)Pickled OnionsPickled Red CabbagePickled WalnutsCODE7517507521285872898897128212831284128616361287SIZE1.7kg1.7kg400g4.25kg227g1.6kg4.1kg2.25kg2.25kg2.45kg2.25kg1.2kgTBCPRICE5.6013.3516.755.301.306.009.005.8510.003.709.955.756.35PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesPassata (carton)Plum TomatoesPlum TomatoesChopped TomatoesChopped TomatoesSun Dried Tomatoes in OilSemi Dried Tomatoes (Blush) in GarlicFire R oasted Red Peppers (tin)Sliced Green Jalapeno (tin)Dried Forest Mixed MushroomsDried Cepes, PorchiniCooked Chestnuts Vac PackedMarinated Baby Artichokes, Roasted & GrilledArtichoke Quarters In Brine (tin )Mushy Peas (tin)Black BeansSweetcorn (tin)Crispy Fried Onion Bits126212971728174586514265301345112797216128501983616120363814359101kg2.5kg6 x 2.6kg6 x 2.6kg2.5kg960g960g3kg3kg500g500g400g1.9kg3kg2.65kg400g2.1kg400g1.702.6511.3512.002.304.009.356.354.4012.0023.354.9024.806.355.250.753.352.15VariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 33
L O C A L Q U I N O AP U L S E S , B E A N S , G R A I N S & S E E D SCorsto n Fields Farm is a 320-acre arable far m situated between B ath and Bristol. Now a thriving b rand,their Quinoa started out a s a tiny trial crop in 2 014 after Emily was researc hing gluten-free grains to cookfor her daughters gluten-se nsitivi ty.SIZE25kg10kg5kg1kg5kg1kgPRODUCTQuinoaQuinoaQuinoaQuinoaRed QuinoaRed QuinoaCODE167916781669166819881756PRICE116.7053.9541.707.0041.707.00PRODUCERBath Farm GirlsBath Farm GirlsBath Farm GirlsBath Farm GirlsBath Farm GirlsBath Farm GirlsQuinoaQuinoa WhiteCous CousGiant C ous Cous, IsraeliCous CousGreen Split Peas, DriedYellow Split PeasYellow Split Peas, DriedMarrowfat PeasChickpeas, DriedChickpeasChickpeasYellow Split PeasPuy L entils, DriedRed Lentils, DriedRed Lentils, DriedGreen LentilsLentilsSoup MixtureLinseedPumpkin SeedsSunflower SeedsChia SeedsBulgar WheatBuckwheat GrainsPearl BarleyPopping CornSemolina GrainsCornmeal Fine1317195390090190210871807152518018538558541807131313341335181418021803115113101431180473873712701300137016901kg1kg1kg1kg1kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg2.5kg800g3kg1kg1kg3kg3kg3kg3kg1kg1kg1kg1kg500g1kg1kg3kg1.5kg9.953.003.154.802.103.003.356.653.355.353.101.053.352.004.256.306.354.502.653.907.403.306.453.5521.151.702.804.002.50VariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVaries34 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
P A S T ASIZE2.5kg800g3kg3kg1kg3kg800g800g1kg800g1kg1kg1kg800g2.62kg415g6 x 2.6kgPRODUCTButter Beans, DriedButter Beans (tin)Butter Beans, DriedHaricot BeansHaricot Beans, DriedRed Kidney Beans, DriedKidney Beans (tin)Borlotti Beans (tin)Borlotti, BeansCannellini Beans (tin)Cannellini Beans, DriedFlageolet Beans, DriedBlack Eye BeansFive Bean Salad (tin)Baked Beans, HeinzBaked Beans, HeinzBaked BeansCODE741739740195210971808113364564674574698518091829110111021727PRICE2.601.007.356.006.0010.000.951.104.650.904.655.653.350.953.651.2515.75PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesP U L S E S , B E A N S , G R A I N S & S E E D SLasagne SheetsFusilliPenne Rigate PastaMacaroni (Dried)Spaghetti (Dried)Tri Colour Fusilli PastaWholewheat FusilliLasagne SheetsFregola - ToastedFusilli (Twists)Penne Pasta (Dried)Spaghetti DriedTagliatelleLinguine (Dried)GnocchiRigatoniLasagne SheetsOrzo PastaPappardelleCannelloni PastaWholewheat Organic PenneWholewheat Organic SpaghettiWholewheat Organic LasagneWholewheat Organic Fusilli113810501273115516061474151718231966104912721383144711501076183711361252125774715131514151515165kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg500g x 121kg500g500g500g500g500g500g500g500g500g500g250g500g500g500g500g21.803.603.353.453.604.354.3515.605.951.151.301.101.600.701.001.702.100.652.151.501.601.602.051.60VariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 35
PRODUCTLong Grain RiceBasmati RiceWholegrain RiceLong Grain RiceBasmati RiceWholegrain RiceGround RicePudding RiceSushi RiceAborio Risotto RiceWild RiceJasmine RiceVermicelli/Glass NoodlesCODE1153628151111526271510195513071432594151816431343SIZE5kg5kg5kg3kg3kg3kg3kg3kg2.26kg1kg1kg1kg250gPRICE5.7010.708.805.558.508.304.203.5514.152.2012.703.852.35R I C EI N G R E D I E N T SPRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesAcid, AscorbicAcid, CitricBeetroot PowderBreadcrumbs, Dairy FreeBreadcrumbs, NaturalBreadcrumbs, Panko JapaneseChestnut Puree NaturalCoconut CreamCoconut CreamCoconut MilkCoconut Milk Light, 7%Fish SauceGarlic PureeGarlic, Black (Chilled)Ginger, Sushi PickledGriottines in KirschHarrissa PasteLemon JuiceLemons, PreservedMirinMiso Paste Brown, BarleyPesto, GreenPesto, Green, Vegetarian & Nut FreePistachio PasteSeaweed, Nori SheetStuffing, Sage & OnionSuet, AtoraTahini, Light187187063266866712558498748758768779841052204712931089109811451972119419211086195112961207135114051147TBC1kg500g3kg3kg1kg900g425g198g400g400ml x12725ml1kg150g120g900g380g1ltr1kg150ml345g950g950g1kg11g2kg2kg1kg16.3511.206.804.255.653.756.901.851.950.9511.402.254.708.702.6523.902.553.357.901.953.5510.3011.1034.052.407.5020.008.70VariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVaries36 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
PRODUCT PRODUCERTofu, Mori-N u VariesTruffle, Black Autumn VariesTruffle, Mince d, Truffle Hunter VariesWasabi Paste VariesCODE146863711861501SIZE349g100g80g43gPRICE2.55POA14.702.40I N G R E D I E N T SG L A C E , J U S , S T O C K & P A S T EBeef D emi-Glace Essential CuisineBeef Gla ce Essential CuisineChicken Glace Essential CuisineLamb Glace Essential CuisineLobster Glace Essential CuisineVeal Glace Essential CuisineVegetable Mirepoix Glace Essential CuisineSignature Red Wine Jus Essential CuisinePremier Red Wine Jus Essential CuisinePremier Veal Jus Essential CuisinePremier Jus Lamb Essential CuisineSignature Beef Jus Essential CuisinePremier Chicken Jus Essential CuisineBeef Stock Essential CuisineChicken Stock Essential CuisineFish Stock Essential CuisineLamb Stock Essential CuisineTurkey Stock Essential CuisineVegetable Stock Essential CuisineVegetable Stock Powder Bouillon KnorrChicken Stock Powder Bouillon KnorrChicken Stock Powder Bouillon KnorrChicken Gravy Essential CuisineChicken Gravy Granules BistoVegetarian Gravy Granules BistoBeef Gravy Granules BistoOxo Cu bes- Beef OXOFish Bo uillon Paste KnorrBeef Bo uillon Paste KnorrChicken Bouillon Paste KnorrVegetable Bouillon Paste KnorrRed Thai Curry Paste VariesGreen Thai Curry Paste VariesMadras Paste KnorrPataks Tikka Paste Knorr Pataks9631054105610571058105918351338133916971947630852139313941395139613971398139918551869851175417551082125320671832183318341337108811571459500g600g600g600g600g600g600g1ltr1kg1kg1kg1ltr1kg800g800g700g700g800g800g1.2kg1.2kg1.2kg1.5kg1.9kg1.9kg1.9kg1 x 601kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1.1ltr1.1kg23.9526.3525.3026.6026.6026.6021.3010.2025.5025.3525.3510.3023.5021.9521.3021.3021.3021.3021.3019.3517.1519.0517.8012.9013.3512.909.1019.3519.3026.0016.656.106.208.759.60orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 37
S A U C E S & C H U T N E Y SPRODUCTApple SauceBechamel SauceBrandy SauceBranston PickleBrown SauceBurger RelishCaesar DressingCaramelised Onion MarmaladeChipotle BBQ SauceCranberry SauceFrench DressingGuacamoleHoi Sin SauceHoi Sin SauceHollandaise SauceHorseradishHorseradish SauceHP Brown SauceLight Soy SauceLime PickleMango & Ginger ChutneyMint SauceMint SauceMustard PowderMustard, American StyleMustard, DijonMustard, Dijon (Kilner)Mustard, EnglishMustard, French (Kilner)Mustard, WholegrainMustard, WholegrainOnion MarmaladePiccalilliReal Ale ChutneyRedcurrant Jelly SauceSalad CreamSpicy Tomato & Caramelised OnionSriracha Hot Chilli SauceSweet Chilli SauceSweet Cider ChutneyTabasco SauceTartare SauceTomato KetchupTomato KetchupTomato SalsaWorcester SauceCODE6071362647649209416207421230859906101016931106167413631111111011151382166411611192119312051204968969976101115071509123116501331133211031385189314331434144614521105147016921519SIZE2.5kg1.5kg1ltr2.55kg4.5kg2.15ltr2.25ltr3kg2.5kg2.5kg2.25kg500g2.25kg750ml1ltr2ltr2.27ltr2.3kg1ltr283g3kg2.27ltr2.3kg500g1ltr5kg1ltr2.5kg5kg2ltr1tr1.35kg2.25kg3kg3kg2ltr3kg1kg740ml3kg350ml2.25ltr2.15kg4.5kg2.15ltr2ltrPRICE10.4027.103.0514.005.009.9510.0021.3011.758.706.704.159.453.9512.8014.157.159.354.152.8021.305.3511.354.054.6511.455.5011.3512.4012.205.608.458.0022.808.0012.1021.403.402.5021.4015.706.0011.504.1512.9016.75PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesCaterforceHeinzVariesCherry TreeAlfee'sVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesColmansRich'sVariesVariesPataksCherry TreeRich SaucesColmansVariesVariesVariesCentaurColmansCentaurColmansVariesCentaurVariesCherry TreeVariesHeinzCherry TreeVariesVariesCherry TreeVariesVariesHeinzCaterforceHeinzLea & Perrins38 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
L O C A L O I L SRapeseed OilVegetable OilExtra Virgin Olive OilPomace Olive OilExtra Virgin Olive OilExtra Virgin Olive OilOlive Oil Extra Virgin GreekRapeseed Vegetable OilSunflower OilSunflower OilCoconut OilWalnut OilHazelnut OilSmoked Oil InfusionWhite Truffle OilAvocado OilLemon Zest OilBalsamic VinegarRed Wine VinegarWhite Wine VinegarCider VinegarMalt VinegarDistilled Malt VinegarRaspberry VinegarSherry VinegarMerlot Vinegar AgedCabernet Sauvignon VinegarChardonnay VinegarRice VinegarBalsamic GlazeMalt VinegarBalsamic Glaze BalsatoAged Balsamic VinegarCooking BrandyCooking Madeira, sweet, fortifiedCooking Port, smooth fortefiedRed Cooking WineWhite Cooking Wine2591484121412161880121519761483142914301933150011001376150461711461485149414961489149014881493149514921486148714976241491625192288888989089189220ltr20ltr5ltr5ltr3ltr1ltr500ml5ltr5ltr2ltr500ml500ml500ml500ml250ml250ml250ml5ltr5ltr5ltr5ltr5ltr5ltr750ml750ml500ml500ml500ml500ml500ml250ml225mln/a2ltr3ltr3lt5ltr5ltr25.9021.0018.3510.0022.4015.657.509.058.703.702.605.757.804.656.752.957.909.354.903.354.703.553.558.504.706.9011.9513.252.852.804.254.2518.6026.4515.3516.006.006.00VariesKTCVariesLefktroCretan MythosLe BlancMani OrganicVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesCotswold GoldVariesVariesVariesLefktroLefktroLefktroLefktroVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesModenaVariesArtisan12 YearsLefktroLefktroLefktroLefktroLefktroL O C A L O I L SPRODUCTRapeseed Extra Virgin OilRapeseed OilCODE18511637SIZE5ltr5ltrPRICE14.3515.75PRODUCERFusselsBath HarvestO I L S , V I N E G A R S & C O O K I N G L I Q U O R Sorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 39
S A L TPRODUCTSea Salt, FlakedSea Salt, FlakedSea Salt, Flaked, Smoked (p re-order only)Sea Salt, Flaked, SmokedCelery SaltPink Salt, PinkSea Salt, CoarseSea Salt, CornishSea Salt, FineCODE13561355135913587591357135213531354SIZE1.5kg250g1.5kg125g500gN/A750g500g750gPRICE11.952.3020.951.901.7014.951.004.801.15PRODUCERMaldonMaldonMaldonMaldonVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesP E P P E R C O R N S & C H I L L I E SCayenne PepperCayenne PepperChilli FlakesChilli PowderChillies, CrushedChipotle Chilli Peppers, CrushedChipotle Chilli Peppers, WholePepper, Black, GroundPepper, White, GroundPeppercorns, Black, CrackedPeppercorns, Black, CrackedPeppercorns, Black, WholePeppercorns, Black, WholePeppercorns, Green in BrinePeppercorns, Green, WholePeppercorns, Pink, WholePeppercorns, Szechuan75820878568572091188518461276127712742093127812791275128012811445250g500g250g400g260g500g100g550g550g250g500g250g500g225g100g200g220g4. prodcurement teams w ork hard to keep a wide varie ty of drie d and amb ient goods in stock. However,if there is an item you cannot find we are always willing to search and source it for you.40 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
D I R E D H E R B S , S P I C E SPRODUCTAllspice, GroundAllspice, WholeBasil, DriedBay L eavesCajun Seasoning, BlackenedCajun SpiceCaraway SeedsCardamom PodsCelery SeedsChinese Five SpiceCinnamon QuillsCinnamon, GroundCinnamon, GroundCloves, GroundCoriander SeedsCoriander, GroundCrystalised GingerCumin SeedsCumin, GroundCumin, GroundCurry Leaves, DriedCurry PowderCurry Powder, MadrasDill Weed, DreidFennel SeedsFenugreek SeedsGaram Ma salaGarlic PowderGinger, GroundGinger, GroundJerk Se asoningCODE59759862662920887437547551845858869867868184089910911053915109210939189191156191197897910511652109410951841SIZE250g250g75gTBC550g250g250g200g250g200g50g200g430g125g200g250g125g250g200g450g50g500g250g100g200g400g450g500g250g450g250gPRICE7.755.652.652.255.104.654.6510.553.154.653.255.904.453.704.104.101.654.305.353.951.602.804.253.904.304.254.3010.606.953.253.50PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesFor the best part of twenty years Centau r in Bristo l have been supplying a n ever expa nding range of foods to distributorsand manufacture rs. Their product offering reflects current food trends and i ngredie nts associated with any number ofnation al and regional cuisines. Reg ardless of origin, however, all the ingredients w e offer represent the optimumcombin ation of quality, cost and customer appeal.Many of our Lovejoys' dried and ambient products comes from Centaur in Bristol.orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 41
PRODUCTJuniper BerriesKaffir Li me Leaves, DriedLavender Flowers, DriedMace BladesMint, Dri edMixed Herbs, DriedMixed Herbs, DriedMixed SpiceMustard Seeds, BrownMustard Seeds, YellowNutmeg, GroundNutmeg, WholeOnion PowderOnion Seeds, Black, NigellaOregano, DriedPaprikaPaprikaPaprika, SmokedPaprika,Dried SmokedParsley, DriedPiri Piri SeasoningPoppy SeedsPoppy Seeds, BlackRas Al HanoutRosemary, DriedSaffron, Dri edSage, DriedSesame Seeds, BlackSesame Seeds, WhiteStar Ani seStem Ging erStem Ging erSumac HerbsTable SaltTarragon, DriedThyme, Dri edThyme, Ru bbedTurmericTurmeric, Grou ndWhole ClovesZa'atar Sp ice MixCODE1131113211401842971119620921198735184312091210123264012351258125912601783126118391301183813251347134913501372137113901391139214251360145114582089147710968711844SIZE200g15g75g50g100g100g150g450g250g250g250g250g500g250g100g550g250g250g430g100g200g250g1kg200g150gTBCTBC250g1kg100g1.5kg1.05kg250g6kg75g210g220g250g500g200g200gPRICE6.006.406.503.502.603.002.353.204.402.809.3011.156.454.403.352.953.356.104.953.353.354.554.956.703.002.404.108.404.006.0017.409.956.855.353.904.003.104.602.607.904.30PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesD I R E D H E R B S , S P I C E S & S E A S O N I N G42 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
F R O Z E N F R U I TF R O Z E N C H I P S & P O T A T O P R O D U C T SPRODUCTStealth Fries 6x6mmStealth Fries 6x6mm (Skin On)Sweet Potato FriesCODE137521891437SIZE2.5kg x 42.5kg x 42.5kg x 4PRICE20.0020.1538.30EACH5.505.5510.55PRODUCERLamb WestonLamb WestonLamb WestonPRODUCTFrozen Fruits Of ForestFrozen Summer FruitsFrozen BlackberriesFrozen StrawberriesFrozen RaspberriesFrozen BlackcurrantsFrozen BlueberriesFrozen CranberriesFrozen RedcurrantsFrozen Mango ChunksFrozen Mixed Melon BallsFrozen Apple SlicesFrozen Morello Cherries PittedFrozen Garden PeaFrozen Petit PoisFrozen Broad BeanFrozen Green Beans SlicedFrozen SweetcornFrozen Silverskin Whole OnionsFrozen Diced OnionFrozen Sliced OnionFrozen SpinachFrozen SproutsFrozen CauliflowerCODE1101261051251171061071081181121131038481151141041111191221092068120121430SIZE1kg450g450g450g1kg450g450g1kg450g1kg450g1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg1kg2.5kg1kg1kg1kg2.25kgPRICE1.902.101.901.954.901.502.403.905.103.902.702.508.952. R O Z E N V E G E T A B L E Sorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 43
J U I C E S & P R E S S É S250ml x 12250ml x 12250ml x 12250ml x 12PRODUCTPink LemonadeOrange JuiceCloudy Apple JuiceCranberry JuiceMango JuiceCODE17611762176017801759SIZE250ml x 12250ml x 12250ml x 12250ml x 12250ml x 12PRICE11.9510.9510.9510.9510.95Rhubarb & Apple PresséLemon & Mint PresséElderflower Presse PresséGinger Beer17631764176518009.959.959.959.95PRODUCTCloudy Apple Juice (Somerset)Fresh Oran ge JuiceFresh C loudy Apple JuiceFresh Oran ge Juice (glass)Fresh C arrot JuiceBeetroot JuiceCoconut WaterPomegranate JuiceOrange Juice (Tetra Pak)Apple Juice (Tetra Pak)Grapefruit Juice (Tetra Pak)Pineapple Juice (Tetra Pak)Cranberry Juice (Tetra Pak)Tomato Ju ice (Tetra Pak)Coconut WaterCODE17181535153418771527631879129916081607153616019051469897SIZE5ltr b ox2.27ltr2.27ltr1pint1ltr1ltr1ltr1tlr1ltr1ltr1ltr1ltr1tlr1ltr1ltrPRICE9.405.106.600.953.353.304.003.851.050.900.151.300.651.054.0012-PACK PRICE11.209.601.3013.857.0511.20J U I C E & W A T E RFolkin gton’s have replica ted the authenticit y andproven ance b ehind fine w inesand turn ed the m into a rangeof locally sourced fru it juices and so ft drinks.44 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
C O R D I A LPRODUCTLime CordialOrange CordialApple & Blackcurrant CordialBlackcurrant CordialLime CordialLime JuiceCODE114813891387138819961149SIZE5ltr5ltr5ltr5ltr1ltr1ltrPRICE8.555.253.903.952.603.10PRODUCT PRODUCERCoke (cans) Coca ColaDiet Coke (cans) Coca ColaLemonade (cans) R Whi tesSprite (cans) SpriteGinger Beer (cans) Old JamaicaSoda Water (cans) SchweppesSoda Water (bottle) Cater's RoyalCoke (bottle) Coca ColaDiet Coke (bottle) Coca ColaCoke Zero (bottle) Coca ColaFanta Oran ge Zero (bottle) FantaSprite (bottle) SpriteCODE164516461684174719071994199521002101210421022103SIZE330m x 24330m x 24330m x 24330m x 24330m x 24330m x 241ltr x 6500m x 24500m x 24500m x12500m x12500m x12PRICE13.7512.0011.6011.7511.6013.353.2020.6516.259.409.409.40F I Z Z Y D R I N K SW A T E RPRODUCTStill Water (glass)Sparkling Water (glass)Still Water (glass)Sparkling Water (glass)CODE521522523524SIZE750ml x 12750ml x 12330ml x 24330ml x 24PRICE7.807.809.889.88Drawn from the original source of Bath’s spr ing water and filteredthroug h limestone on organic Mendip Hills land – Bath Water is loca land has a refr eshingly pure taste.PRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 45
S M O O T H I E SPRODUCTStrawberry Kiss Frozen FruitsPink Blush Frozen FruitsParadise Passion Frozen FruitsGreen Revival With KalePapaya CrushMega Cherry Frozen FruitsBlue Beet Frozen FruitsVery Be rry Frozen FruitsCODE17081709171017111712171317141715SIZE140g x 25140g x 25140g x 25140g x 25140g x 25140g x 25140g x 25140g x 25PRICE18.7518.7518.7518.7518.7518.7518.7518.75EACH0.750.750.750.750.750.750.750.75C U P S , L I D S & S T R A W SPRODUCT100% Compostable Smothie Cups (12oz)100% Compostable Smoothie Lids100% Compostable Vegware Coffee Cups (12oz)100% Compostable Vegware Coffee Lids100% Compostable Paper StrawsClear Plastic StrawsCODE172017192186218717211758B R A D L E Y ' S A P P L E J U I C EPRODUCTLocal Cloudy Apple JuiceCODE1718SIZE5ltr b oxPRICE9.40Jonny' s delicious 100% Fruit Smoothies are pre-mi xed, si ngle fr ozen po uches. Simplyblend with 300ml of pur e fruit juice and serve! Lovejoys re commend Bradley's A pplejuice (below).Bradle ys of Somerset use only hand-selected local apples, press ed on thefarm, creating the pr urest, freshest apple juice.46 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838SIZEx 50x 10 0x 25x 50x 25 0x 20 0PRICE5.763.065.655.654.904.55
L O V E J O Y S C O F F E EC O F F E E , T E A & H O T C H O C O L A T EPRODUCTLovejoys Hertiage Coffee BeansLovejoys Hertiage Coffee BeansCODE20552179SIZE1kg1kgPRICE12.5015.00PRODUCTCoffee Granules, OriginalCoffee GranulesDecaffinated CoffeeTeabagsDecaffinated TeabagsDrinking Chocolate, MilkCODE88316242069145318731112SIZE750g750g500g10401 x 4402kgPRICE24.0016.0022.6526.7013.3521.30PRODUCERNescafeMaxwell HouseNescafeYorkshireTetleyCadburyL O V E J O Y S H E R T I A G E B L E N D C O F F E ELovejoys Heritage Blend Coffee is a delicious Colombian bean with big notes of praline,caramel understones and citrus with a long finish. Suitable for all types of coffee machine.Available Ground or Beans.100% Regional Origin ArabicasProcess: Washed & NaturalAltitude: 900-1600mBean Varieties: Colombia, Caturra % BourbonA L T E R N A T I V E M I L K & C R E A MOat Milk ProfessionalAlmond MilkAlmond Milk ProfessionalSoya Milk, WholebeanUHT Se mi Skimmed MilkCream JiggersSemi Skimmed Milk JiggersAerosol Cream12125991916138021111614118416731ltr1ltr1ltr1ltr1ltr x 6120120500ml2.001.502.553.504.907.755.103.15Oatly Bari staAlproAlproAlproVariesVariesVariesVariesorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 47
PRODUCTCherry RippleCoffee & CardamomCreamy DairyHoneycomb CrunchMadagascan VanillaWild StrawberryPeanut ButterRich ChocolateSalted CaramelStem GingerChristmas Pudding Ice CreamCherry RippleCoffee & CardamomCreamy DairyHoneycomb CrunchMadagascan VanillaRich ChocolateSalted CaramelStem GingerChristmas Pudding Ice CreamCherry RippleCoffee & CardamomCreamy DairyHoneycomb CrunchMadagascan VanillaWild StrawberryPeanut ButterRich ChocolateSalted CaramelStem GingerTangy BlackcurrantStrawberry & Mint SorbetPeach & Raspberry SorbetLemon SorbetStrawberry & Mint SorbetLemon SorbetStrawberry & Mint SorbetLemon SorbetPeach & Raspberry SorbetCODE156519131570156615671923156815691571161918611941193819251973194019271928194218601573197415781574157515621576157715791618197519241563156419301929198115721979SIZE4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr4ltr500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 12120ml x 122ltr2ltr2ltr500ml x 6500ml x 6500ml x 6120ml x 12120ml x 12PRICE21.9521.9521.9521.9521.9521.9521.9521.9521.9521.9521.9523.9523.9523.9523.9523.9523.9523.9523.9523.9513.9513.9513.9513.9513.9513.9513.9513.9513.9513.9513.9511.0011.0011.0023.9523.9523.9513.9513.95PRODUCERLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyLacock DairyL O C A L I C E C R E A M & S O R B E TThree friends + one dairy herd + a love of gelato ice cream! Lacock Dairy use thecreamy sweet milk that the Selves Farm dairy herd produces and the g elato isproduc ed on the farm, near the Abbey in beautiful L acock.48 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
B R E A K F A S T C E R E A L SDry R oasted PeanutsSalted PeanutsVegetable CrispsSausage & Mustard CrispsCheese & Chive CrispsLightly Sea Salted CrispsSweet Chilli CrispsCider Vinegar & Sea Salt CrispsBritish Beef & Suffolk Ale CrispsRoast Chicken Crisps183119922086153015311532153316661667198921 x 50g21 x 50g600g24 x 40g24 x 40g24 x 40g24 x 40g24 x 40g24 x 40g24 x 40g11.6011.609.3012.0512.0513.3514.6512.0512.0512.05KPKPCorker'sTyrrellsTyrrellsTyrrellsTyrrellsTyrrellsTyrrellsTyrrellsB A R S N A C K SPRODUCTAmarena Cherry SauceCaramel SauceChocolate SauceRaspberry SauceWaffle Cone, MediumWaffle Cone, SmallCODE152815261529177817511768SIZE1kg1kg1kg1kgx 195x 294PRICE12.5012.5012.5012.5055.0055.00MANUFACTURERJoyGelatoJoyGelatoJoyGelatoJoyGelatoThe Waffle Cone ManThe Waffle Cone ManC O N E S , C U P S & S A U C ECorn FlakesRice KrispiesShreddiesSuperfast OatsWeetabix, Catering Pack BWeetabix, Catering Pack C894134113741303150215034 x 500g4 x 400g6 x 500g3kg48 x 296 x 111.2011.8016.604.5519.6020.90KelloggsKelloggsNestleMornflakeWeetabixWeetabixorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 49
O R G A N I CPRODUCTOrganic Butter BeansOrganic Cannellini BeansOrganic Chick PeasOrganic Chick PeasOrganic Chopped TomatoesOrganic Chopped TomatoesOrganic Dark Speckled LentilsOrganic Mixed BeansOrganic Mixed BeansOrganic PassataOrganic Passata No Added SaltOrganic QuinoaOrganic Red Kidney BeansOrganic Red Kidney BeansOrganic Red QuinoaOrganic OatcakesOrganic Rice Cakes, No Added SaltOrganic TamariOrganic Tamarind PasteOrganic Toasted Sesame OilOrganic Vegetable Stock Powder PurpleOrganic Vegetable Stock Powder RedOrganic Wholewheat FusilliOrganic Wholewheat LasagneOrganic Wholewheat PenneOrganic Wholewheat SpaghettiCODE12371238123912401241124212431246124712491250131812441245133612481653144914501467140014011516151515131514PRICE6.155.355.6027.0010.0030.005.056.2031.5019.0025.304.305.3531.506.1019.0013.408.652.356.6010.9511.251.602.051.601.60EACH1. SpringEssentialEssentialsCentaurMarigoldMarigoldEssentialsEssentialsEssentialsEssentialsSIZE6x400g6 x 400g6 x 400g6 x 2.6kg12 x 400g6 x 2.5kg6 x 400g6 x 400g6 x 2.6kgx 126 x 2.5kg500g6 x 400g6 x 2.5kg500gx 12x 12500ml300g500ml1kg900g500g500g500g500gWe are a certified supplier of Orgnaic produce and products. We are regulatky inspected by The SoilAssoci ation who have rigarous standards that meet strict European laws abo ut th e pr oductio n oforgani c food. They also go further i n key areas such as animal welfare, protecting human health,and safeguarding the e nvironm entALSO SEE:Organi c Milk & CreamOrgani c ButterOrgani c Yoghurtpg 7pg 8pg 9Organi c FlourOrgani c OilOrgani c Waterpg 18pg 35pg 45Please get in touch if youwould like to find out more orreques t an Organic product.50 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
G L U T E N F R E ESIZEx 1535g535g150g250gx 1500g500g500g500g475g500g500g375gx 1x 1x 1500g180g1.7kg1.9kg1.7kg1kg16kg1kg1kg3 x 1kgPRODUCTGluten Free Brown LoafGluten Free Bread Brown SlicedGluten Free Bread White Sl icedGluten Free CrispbreadGluten Free OatcakesGluten Free HobnobsGluten Free Brown Rice FusilliGluten Free Brown Rice PenneGluten Free Corn PastaGluten Free Multigrain PastaGluten Free Crunchy Oats Grano laGluten Free Pure Oats Porridg eGluten Free Luxury MuesliGluten Free CerealGluten Free Lemon Drizzle CakeGluten Free Bakewell TartGluten Free Paradise Slice (Fruit)Gluten Free Brown Rice SpaghettiGluten Free Chocolate Chip CookiesGluten Free Meat Gravy (Vegetari an)Gluten Free Meat Gravy (Vegetari an)Gluten Free Meat Gravy (Vegetari an)Gluten Free Plain FlourGluten Free Flour, PlainGluten Free White Bread Flo urGluten Free Self Raising FlourGluten Free Baking PowderCODE65966072210701211107210601061106412021062106310691074106510661067106810731785108310841670199899116711960PRODUCERHallsGenius SlicedGenius SlicedVariesNairnsMcVitiesDoves FarmDoves FarmSnapdargonsDoves FarmGluten FreeAlaraAlaraDoves FarmHallsHallsHallsDoves FarmDoves FarmMaggiBistoKnorrDoves FarmDoves FarmDoves FarmDoves FarmN/APRICE4.504.904.401.902.352.303.002.551.653.204.103.353.304.3017.552.802.152.552.3512.0012.9510.652.2024.802.202.2014.70ALSO SEE:GF FlourGF BakeryIce Cream Con espg 18pg 22 & 23pg 48Please g et in touch i f you would l ike to findout more or reques t any Gluten FreeProduc ts that y ou would like.orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 51
CODE1580158115821583163215841585158615871588179016331906203116341991159015911592159415891635198521051595206615961597159815991600PRICE4.405.604.408.103.754.305.205.152.306.503.007.505.505.506.256.2512.1526.255.406.9014.356.2510.005.002.501.904.700.954.305.7511.25PRODUCTAll Purpose ClothsAluminium FoilBakesprayBlue Centre Feed RollBlue Gloves, LargeBlue Gloves, MediumCling FilmCombi Disposable Cup & LidDegreaser Heavy DutyDishwasher DetergentDisposable Cup, Triple WallFloor Cleaning GelFood Safety Date LabelsFood Safety with Date La belsGlasswashHard Surface CleanerMuslin Cloths 4-Ply, 45cm x 45cmNapkins, White, 40cm Square, 2-plyPaper Plates WhitePiping BagsRefuse SacksRinse AidRubber Gloves, LargeSanitiser SpraySanitiser SprayScourer Pads (Green)Scourer, Stainless SteelSponge ClothsSponge ScourersWashing Up LiquidWashing Up LiquidSIZE1 x 50450mm500ml1 x 61 x 1001 x 100450mm1 x 405ltr5ltr1 x 255ltr5001 x 5005ltr5ltrVaries10pk of 125Varies1 x 1001 x 2005ltr6 Pa irs5ltr750mlVariesPack o f 61 x 4Varies5ltrVariesPRODUCERVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesFairyD I S P O S A B L E S & C L E A N I N G P R O D U C T S52 orders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838
L o v e j y sProfessional kitchensrely on usorders@lovejoyswholesale.com 01225 708838 53