Email: lori@lorikarpman.comDirect: 514-884-0977
Lori Karpman is the CEO of the multiaward winning managementconsultancy firm, Lori Karpman &Company. Lori has spent over 40 yearsin business development and providescomprehensive, done for you, businessdevelopment services. The firm isknown for its outstanding work in theareas of franchising and licensing andLori is recognised as a leading experton the subject. Lori’s unique blend oflegal expertise and business acumenmakes her the perfect choice forbusinesses looking to scaleTHE COPY LAB......The Copy Lab is the latest creationfrom Lori Karpman. As a professionalStoryBrand trained copywriter Loriproduces content that converts. Fromwebsites to blogs and articles, to casestudies, brochures, ghostwriting ofbooks and more, Lori creates it. Thislatest venture was born out of Lori’sabsolute passion for writingwhere the art of words meets thescience of persuasion.LORI KARPMAN & COMPANY“GOOD COPY IS LIKE A SYMPHONY WHEREEVERY WORD IS AN INSTRUMENTCONTRIBUTING TO THE OVERALL HARMONY”Lori Karpman