¡NUEVOlution!Latinos and the New South¡NUEVOlution!Latinos and the New South¡NUEVOlution!Latinos and the New South
FromToA Century of Changing Beach Fashions........BustlesikinisBFromToA Century of Changing Beach Fashions........BustlesikinisBFromToA Century of Changing Beach Fashions........BustlesikinisBFrom Bustles to Bikinis Museum Exhibition LogoThis logo was designed working closely with the museum marketing department to create a logo that would be used on print collateral and retail products such asT-shirts and coee mugs to help defray the cost of the exhibit. I understand it was very successful.
artshabitat spaceforartartshabitatartshabitat home is where the art isartshabitat work. live. create. artshabitatartshabitatcreating a place for creating artartshabitatcreating a place for creating artartshabitatwork. live. create. spaceforartartshabitathome is where the art isartshabitatwork. live. create. work. live. create.
artshabitatartshabitatartshabitatartshabitatartshabitatcreating a place for creating artartshabitatcreating a place for creating artcreating a place for creating artcreating a place for creating artcreating a place for creating artcreating a place for creating artartshabitatartshabitatartshabitatartshabitatcreating a place for creating artcreating a place for creating artcreating a place for creating artcreating a place for creating art