1Logging In to VDA AzureAD SSO with a DifferentAccount1The first method is navigate to vda.my.salesforce.com/, or click the Salesforce iconon your desktop or in the Intranet.
22Click "VDA Azure AD SSO". This will allow you to sign into Salesforce.3If that doesn't work, click "Log In with a Different Account".
34Enter your username and password.5Click "Log In".
46Click "Having Trouble?"7Or if you get a messaging saying "Your request failed. Try again.", click "Use aDifferent Verification Method".
58Click the "Use a code from an authenticator app".9Click "Continue".
610Enter the "Verification Code" from your Salesforce Authenticator app on yourphone. The app looks like a lock with a checkmark in the middle.11Finally, click verify.