Upcoming Professional LearningOctober2022January2023November 2022Year One InductionNew Salaried StaffNovember 23 Millard North High School Professional LearningSalaried StaffJanuary 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Various LocationsQuick LinksLeadership & LearningLeadership & LearningIn This Issue:Leadership & Learning Website2022-23 Scholarship InformationProfessional Development ResourcesSubmit ideas for future professional learningWho's Who in Leadership & LearningTech TipNice to Know InformationSuperintendent Approved CoursesCultural CompetencyMPS Required Training InformationInstructional CoachingBack to School HighlightsOctober 12 Millard North High School Hourly Staff DevelopmentAll people can learn and grow!MPS Belief
Leadership & LearningWho's WhoWhat makes you #Proud2bMPS? I am #Proud2bMPS because I believe whole- heartedly in our mission and how every student is accounted for in establishing a learning environment where they can grow and thrive.How do you serve others through your role in Leadership and Learning? I serve others by helping to facilitate site planning and staff development. My role helps to guide other buildings and other individuals to function at their best capacity! What makes you #Proud2bMPS? I am #Proud2bMPS for so many reasons but there are two at the forefront of my mind. First, for the number of truly amazing people I have met through my three kids' educational journey (kindergarten to graduation!) as well as the colleagues I have worked with through my own professional journey. Second, I am grateful and so proud of Millard's hard work and dedication in ensuring unique educational opportunities; every type of learner has a home here.Leadership & LearningMeet Dr. Heather Baker, Leadership & Learning Facilitator Meet Ms. Kari Farley,Leadership & Learning SpecialistOur department maximizes staff potential and impacts student achievement through systems of support that foster continuous personal, building and district growth. Specifically, we provide guidance for the strategic plan, leadership, induction, professional learning, instructional coaching, and staff & administrator evaluation. This year, we welcome TWO new team members! How do you serve others through your role in Leadership and Learning? I get to help Leadership &Learning by offering support to the whole team - preparing information for workshops, staff registrations,reporting back to facilitators, and more! I appreciate being able to help our staff with any questions they haveas well as walking them through the ins and outs of our registration systems. I especially love greeting,meeting, and pointing everyone in the right direction for orientations, workshops, and development days!
The Instructional Technology team, supervised by Dr. Curtis Case, Director of Digital Learning, welcomes two new members this year. Jessica Nelson, former MSHS business teacher, andAnne Ogg, former Harvey Oaks teacher librarian join Jacen Lefholtz, Stan Segal and Kathi Smith to complete the team. Each team member is responsible for supporting buildings as they work to achieve their professional goals in the area of technology. To find out a little more about each team member be sure to check out the ever growing MPS Tech Resources site. The Instructional Tech team information is found at the top of the page.“TECHNOLOGY IS MOST USEFUL WHEN USED TO SOLVE A PROBLEM OR MEET A GOAL.”JAKE MILLER, EDUCATIONAL DUCT TAPE Tech TipLEADERSHIP & LEARNING NEWSLETTER Did You Know? All team members are leveraging the new and improved Google calendar appointment scheduling feature. This feature allows users to schedule open appointment times with an instructional team member to either visit in person or via Zoom to answer a question or work together to bring innovation to a classroom.F o l l o wF o l l o wF o l l o w@ g r 8 m p s t e c h@ g r 8 m p s t e c h@ g r 8 m p s t e c h
MPS 2022 REQUIRED TRAINING2022-23 UNO SUPERINTENDENT APPROVED COURSES9110 - MPS/UNO Foundations of Literacy K-5 8250 - MPS/UNO Assessment Literacy K-128560 - MPS/UNO Technology for Diverse LearnersBeginning in the spring semester 2023, MPS will offer three graduate courses in partnership with UNO that will count as Superintendent Approved +39 courses. Please see the Leadership & Learning Superintendent Approved Graduate Course information site for more details. MPS / UNO Joint Course Offering: Offered Spring and SummerNICE TO KNOWLeadership & Learning NewsletterThe Millard Staff Diversity Council is interested in offering some optional, off contract professional learning related to building cultural competency. As they plan, they would like your input. Please complete this form, if this is something you may be interested in.Building Cultural CompetencyClick for more UNO Approved Courses InformationL E A D E R S H I P & L E A R N I N G
5Types ofCoaching is helping someone unlock their personal potential.1Induction CoachingAn Induction Coach is a supporter, collaborator, and advocate in early-career educator classrooms for positive, productive learning environments.2iCoachingAll 35 buildings have trained iCoaches who partner with a teacher to engage in the iCoach Process. The goal of iCoaching is to increase a teacher's instructional capacity thus increasing student achievement.3Peer CoachingPeer Coaching (Year 3 Induction) is a collaborative partnership between two colleagues who share insights from professional learning that leads to implementation. The twoengage in observations with feedback to reflect and refine their instruction.4Literacy CoachingLiteracy Coaching's goal is to impact student learning by facilitating and encouraging teacher learning and growth in the area of ELA instruction. MPS currently has 3 full-time Literacy Coaches.5LeadershipCoachingLeadership Coaching is targeted for teacher leaders, new administrators, and practicing administrators focusing on CliftonStrengths and Coaching Conversations.MPS COACHING
L E A D E R S H I P & L E A R N I N GYEAR ONE INDUCTIONAll new salaried staff begin their career with MPS before Fall Workshop begins! Many attended their first session, Technology in Millard, in June. All new staff were able to receive their MPS technology prior to this session with the fabulous help of the MPS Technology Department.Fall Orientation was held on July 29th and August 1st. July 29th was an exceptionally fun day as it included the Superintendent's Lunch! Dr. Schwartz, MPS Board Members and others were able to officially welcome our 175 new staff members!The balance of the time was focused on MIM (Millard Instructional Model) and curriculum.BACK TO SCHOOL -2022Jeff Yost, MPS Tech Facilitator II, providingone-on-one customer service whiledeploying a laptop.
F A L L W O R K S H O P 2 0 2 2C O M P L E T E C O L L E C T I O N O F P H O T O SClick on the image to the left to view a photo gallery and check out all the fun. It was an exciting week of learning, growing and working!Thank you to everyone for your engagement and all you do for the students of Millard Public Schools!Professional LearningAll MPS staff participated in Fall Workshop to help prepare for the upcoming school year. It was a time to reconnect with old friends, meet new friends and set the wheels in motion for a great school year.All groups were introduced to Dr. John Schwartz and learned about him on a professional and personal level during his welcoming and entertaining presentation.