March 2024Upcoming Professional LearningQuick LinksLeadership & LearningLeadership & LearningIn This Issue:Leadership & Learning WebsiteProfessional Learning ResourcesSubmit ideas for futureprofessional learningAll people can learn and growMPS BeliefMarch 14Hourly StaffDevelopmentTech NewsNice to KnowProfessional LearningSummer2024Be sure to check-outthe Millard GraduateProgram &Scholarships.MTSS-BGrowing Together
Emotional dysregulation occurs whenthe brain responds to sensory input ina manner that triggers the alarmstate. In this state, an individual mightexperience difficulty: Registering emotionsResponding to emotions appropriatelyRegulating emotions within thesocial situationEmotionalDysregulationReasons forDysregulationMTSS-BPHYSICALhunger, thirst, lackof sleep, illness,disorder, orinfection, nutrientdeficiency, lack ofexerciseSENSORYsensory overload,sensory processingchallenges, sensoryneeds, sensorytriggersEMOTIONALtrauma, stress,anxiety, feelingunsafe or uncertain,change in routine,excitement, anger orother emotions orconnection needs
Asking the Right QuestionsLooking through Different LensesWhat is driving this student’sbehavior?1.What can I do at this verymoment to improve myrelationship with this child?2.More resources available:MTSS: ToolkitTIER 1:EFFECTIVE PRACTICESPraise other studentsReteachProvide proximityAttend,wait,praiseProvide choicesPrivate redirectNonverbal cuesAdditional training videos onMTSS ToolkitCoregulateCoach self regulationskills throughModeling Instructing Providing opportunities topracticeReinforcing student effortDeveloping an EmotionalRegulation Plan with studentMore information in MTSSToolkit: De-escalation and SEL
One strategy I tried was Erase a Word/Explain a Word. I modified the directions slightly by writing a list of vocabulary from our Math unit on the whiteboard. Students could volunteer to come to the board to explain, define, or give an example of a term of their choice. I allowed the class to ask any follow-up questions or questions for clarification while the student volunteer was at the board. Students were highly engaged in listening to their peers teach them! I liked this activity for so many reasons. It allowed me to gauge student understanding through the terms that were explained first, those that were thoroughly explained, and those that were left on the board toward the end of the activity. For those remaining terms, I wasable to build extra review/practice prior to our unit test. It was an easy, low-prep activity that allowed students to participate at their level of comfort. Those who didn't want to go to the board were still listening and had the opportunity to ask follow-up questions of their classmates.No Opt Out went well because I let them know ahead of time that they could not opt out of answering and needed to have anoriginal answer. Students that volunteeredwent first. Those reluctant students were calledon after others provided answers. All of thestudents were listening and excited to hearothers' answers. Everyone gets to give ananswer.Professional LearningI tried the participationspinner and love it! Itkeeps my kids engaged,they get so excited tosee their name pop upand makes sure that Iam not only calling onfriends that raised theirhand.
At our staff development meeting, weshared the engagement strategy ofSee-Think-Wonder. This strategyinvolves projecting an image and askingparticipants to discuss or record whatthey see, think, and wonder about theimage. It can be used to introduce anew unit, an activity, or as a review oflesson content.We used the Call andResponse Sharpen UpPhrases often. Thestudents love to heartheir table group calledfor doing well. Thesehelp with teambuilding.I have used Bounce Cards with my HALstudents. All of the students in the groupwere responsible for the discussion insteadof just one student doing all of the talking.The students enjoyed having the providedsentence starters to help spark theconversation in small groups because itmade it easier to understand the othergroup member's ideas.Think-ink-pair-share: Ihave used think-pair-share often before, but Itried adding the ink partand I appreciated how itgave students theopportunity to not onlyprocess informationorally, but in written formas well. It also helped mystudents with IEPs whomay need additionalsupport with verbalcommunication havemore success with writtencommunication. I sawincreased engagementthrough observations, andI had the written piece torefer back to to check forunderstanding.
LearningrowingGTogetherWhat impact has yourprofessional learning had onstudents and colleagues sinceJanuary 15th? What’s next? Hourly Staff Development is once againbeing offered on March 14, 2024. (Pi Day!) Check out all the details HERE!
Induction: Year OneFebruary 19, 2024New staff examined the Millard InstructionalModel through various sessions including MAP,Level-Up Literacy, ClassroomWISE and MUCHMORE during their final orientation experiencebefore moving into Year 2 Induction-Extendand Refine Content Knowledge! January Orientation for Mid-Year Hires Co-Teaching/Student Teaching
Did you happen to notice a team of visitors walking through Millard Public Schools duringthe week of November 27-30? They were here to conduct the Nebraska ContinuousImprovement Accreditation process. By state law, every five years each Nebraska schooldistrict participates in this process. The External team visit serves to provide meaningful feedback that can be used tocontinue improvement goals. The External team consisted of 12 educational leaders fromacross Nebraska. In preparation for the visit, they reviewed a compilation of Millard’sdistrict data. They toured 12 of our 35 schools and interviewed over a hundred internaland external stakeholders. The final report indicated seven commendations to celebrate and three recommendationsto prioritize for future work. The recommendations resulting from the visit happen to bewhat is already outlined in our current Strategic plan as work we have started and willcontinue over the next several years. Our district has a lot to celebrate and we are headedin the right direction!If you are interested in seeing their report, click here. This visit and glowing report remindsus why we are #Proud2bMPS!NICE TOKNOWNICE TOKNOWL E A D E R S H I P & L E A R N I N GNebraska Continuous ImprovementAccreditation Visit
MPS Partners with UNO to Offer The Millard Graduate ProgramThrough a partnership with the University of Nebraska - Omaha, Millard Public Schools is proud tooffer the Millard Graduate Program. This new graduate program will focus on providing educatorswith the knowledge and skills needed to address the evolving educational landscape andeffectively support students' diverse learning needs within the context of Millard Public Schools. This program combines the expertise of Millard educators, curriculum materials, and resources toprovide an immersive and specialized learning experience. Two participation options exist for Millard staff:Millard certificated staff members may enroll in the full 36-hour Master's of Curriculum &Instruction - Elementary Education degree program.Millard certificated staff members may take select courses as additional graduate hours.L E A D E R S H I P & L E A R N I N GMillard Graduate Program & ScholarshipsInformational WebsiteGeneral InformationSalaried Teaching StaffWould you like to know more about:Compensation & MPS SalaryNPERS RetirementHealth Insurance & BenefitsIf so, register for the OPTIONAL Components of Total Compensation &Financial Wellness Zoom session on Thursday, March 14th at 1:00 pm. Register in Better & Better Course #35302
Tech NewsTech NewsTech NewsAre you afraid to restart yourcomputer because you willlose all of your tabs? Click onthe image to the right to viewa quick tutorial about how toSAVE tab groups from day-to-day. (Click here for writtentutorial)Share & preview classwork and classtemplates in Google ClassroomYou can now easily share a Google Classroom and it’s contentswith another teacher without making them a co-teacher. Howgreat is this for PLCs and other groups? Check it out here!You really canclose tabs!Sharing is CaringShare and share-alike GoogleClassroom ResourcesImages and video created with the help of Canva Magic Studio