2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 1
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 2Between Hill City and Custer • SD Hwy. 16/385 • 605-673-4681 • crazyhorsememorial.org • Follow us on social media!OPEN YEAR-ROUND Legends in Light® Laser ShowNative American PerformersTalking Circle Speakers’ SeriesThe Indian Museum of North America®Native American Educational and Cultural Center® Artist Studio-Home • Restaurant • Snack Shop • Gift Shop© Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation© Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 3
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 4Table of ConTenTs42nd Annual Lakota Nation Invitational Tournament ~ 2018Rushmore Plaza Civic Center,City, South DakotaBoard of Directors and Officials ..................................................................................... 8Coordinators ................................................................................................................. 9Letter from Bryan Brewer ............................................................................................ 12Letter from Rapid City Mayor ...................................................................................... 13Letter from Daniel Swartos .......................................................................................... 16Steve Withorne Memorial Award ................................................................................. 172017 Winners ........................................................................................................ 20-25Past All-State or All-Tourney State Players .............................................................. 27-31Schedule of Events ................................................................................................. 32-35Boys and Girls Brackets .......................................................................................... 36-37TeamsCheyenne Eagle Butte ............................................................................................. 38-39Crazy Horse ........................................................................................................... 40-41Crow Creek ............................................................................................................ 42-43Custer .................................................................................................................... 44-45Little Wound .......................................................................................................... 46-47Lower Brule ............................................................................................................ 48-49Marty Indian .......................................................................................................... 50-51McLaughlin ............................................................................................................ 52-53Oelrichs.................................................................................................................. 54-55Pine Ridge .............................................................................................................. 56-57Red Cloud .............................................................................................................. 58-59St. Francis .............................................................................................................. 60-61Tiospa Zina ............................................................................................................ 62-63Todd County .......................................................................................................... 64-65Umonhon Nation ................................................................................................... 66-67White River ............................................................................................................ 68-69SDHSAA Distinguished Public Service Awards ....................................................... 72-80LNI Past Boys Champions ........................................................................................... 84LNI Past Girls Champions ........................................................................................... 85Conduct, Ethics and Dress Policy ................................................................................ 89Contributors & Sponsors ............................................................................................ 97Program cover art by Shawn Shepard
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 5Honoring the FlagFor years, Veterans have wanted to salute the U.S. Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem instead of just placing their hand over their heart. Now they can. A Congressional Amendment specifically states that “members of the Armed Forces and Veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute.” The salute is a form of honor and respect, representing pride in one’s military service. Veterans and service members continue representing the military services even when not in uniform.The following song will be sung prior to various sessions of the State Tournament.THE LAKOTA FLAG SONG(taken from "Songs and Dances of the Lakota")In this the Lakota, the white people, and the "foreign people" (other Indians) used to consider each other as enemies. Now we exist as a country and as one people, we will consider each other as friends because of that, we will gather ourselves under this flag. We will die for it, or defend for each other under it. So that is the reason we will live under the flag, the United States flag. We will be as one. So be it. That is why we sing this song. The translation of the Lakota Flag Song to English is as follows:The President's flag will stand forever.Under it, the people will grow, so I do this.Mercy rule shall be used for all regular season, Region, and Sweet 16 contests. When the point differential reaches 30 or more points in the 2nd half, the clock will continue to run. The clock will only be stopped for free throws and timeouts. Regular timing will be used if the score differential drops back to less than 20 points.Games will be two 16 minute halves
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 61-866-SD-QUITS(1-866-737-8487)FindYourPowerSD.com Together we are strong. Together we can fight back against commercial tobacco.brother.power in my I find my If you’re hooked on commercial tobacco, and want to quit, remember this: Never give up. Ever. And if you need help, we’re ready when you are.Ready to break free?
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 7NICOTINE IN ANY FORMYOUNG BRAINS.NICOTINE disrupts theformation of brain circuits thatcontrol attention, learning andUsing nicotine is likeSELF-INFLICTINGbrain damage!susceptibility to ADDICTION.RethinkTobacco.comSHRINKSFACTVAPE, SMOKE, CHEWNO BRAINER
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 8MEET THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSOFFICIALSDIRECTOR Bryan V. Brewer Sr. P.O. Box 42 Pine Ridge SD 57770 Cell 605-407-8476 ohiyaku@gmail.comPRESIDENT Chuck Wilson Todd County High School PO Box 726 Mission, SD 57555 Office 605-856-3503 Cell 605-685-4551 cwi1son@tcsdk12.org VICE PRESIDENT Jess Mendoza Cheyenne Eagle Butte School PO Box 86 Eagle Butte, SD 57625 Office 605-365-6334 jmendoza@ceb.bia.edu TREASURER Robert Brave Heart Sr.Red Cloud Indian School 100 Mission Drive Pine Ridge, SD 57770 Office 605-867-5888 ext 201 bbraveheart@redcloudschool.orgSECRETARY Dani Walking Eagle St. Francis Indian School PO Box 379 HCR 59 Box lA St Francis, SD 57572 Office 605-747-2297 ext. 3213 Fax 605-747-5074 dani_we68@hotmail.com BOARD MEMBER Jay Claymore Standing Rock High School 9189 N Dakota 24 Fort Yates, ND 58538 Office 701-854-9015 Cell 701-333-9535 jaclaymore@gmail.comBOARD MEMBER Silas Blaine Crazy Horse School 245 Crazy Horse School Drive Wamblee, SD 57577 605-462-6836si1as.b1aine@kl2.sd.usBOARD MEMBER Arlo Provost Little Wound School 0 Main St. PO Box 500 Kyle, SD 57752 Office 605-455-6226 BOARD MEMBER Dusty Labeau Pine Ridge School 1 Thorpe Street Pine Ridge, SD 57770 Office 687-5191 BOARD MEMBERJohn HaasKyle, SD 57752605-484-7118Arnold, Landon Booth, Brad Buck, Wade Buffalo, Tre’ Voun Burnett, David Clifford, Pat Circle Eagle, Willie Demet-Osborn, GenevieveDeutsch, Brandon Deutsch, Patrick Edson, Corey Estes, John Franke, Chip Freddie, Mary Garcia, Beau Gottlob, Nick Kirkeby, Mike Kurth, Kyle LaCroix, Bret Laundreaux, Scott Leftwich, David Lowe, Chris Matthew Berger McCollam, Kelly McPherson, DuaneMendoza, LouMareska, Brent Mikkelsen, Jeremy Morgan, Alec Morrison, Justice Osborne, Larry Palmier, Robert Pourier, LouisRodriguez, Domico Rogers, Dave Schumacher, Greg Shot With Arrow, Milo Sierra, Amber Slama, Tim Stanton, Randy Tobar, Justo Turning Heart, Jeff Voegle, Tim Wells, Micheal Wuertzer, Royce Young, LouisANNOUNCERSJesse St. John Keith Horse Looking John Miller Kyle Henderson Tiny Decory-Coordinator Mark Iyotte Frank Jamerson Gordie Robertson Glenn Drapeau Peter Hill John BehelerSam O’Rourke
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 9Jay ClaymoreSales, Ads, and Sponsorships Kellee BrewerCheer Competition Coordinator Roger White Eyes Hand Games Coordinator Miskoo PetiteChess Coordinator COORDINATORS CLOCK & BOOKKEEPERSYamni JackKnowledge Bowl CoordinatorGolnesa AsheghAliPoetry Slam CoordinatorCathy BockRC Police DepartmentKyle HendersonWrestling Coordinator Coach:Bridget Gasper, Karli Fortner, Anna Allen, Ryan Hinrichs, Amanda Tomes, Haley Schroeder.LNI Cheerleading Judges South Dakota School of Mines & TechnologyNicole MarshallAwards CoordinatorWilliam Good Eagle Awards Coordinator R. Ben Bordeaux Co-Website & Stats CoordinatorDavid Dolan Basketball Coordinator Monica Good EagleActivities Coordinator Michael BrewerAwards Coordinator Yancy GunhammerCo-Website CoordinatorTiny DeCory Announcers Coordinator Barrett Haas Officials Table Coordinator Madonna Crow Eagle Co-Art Coordinator LNI Language Bowl Coordinators(Front Row) Levi Lefthand, Kellee Brewer, Norman High Hawk. (Back Row) Roberta Spencer, Dorothy Thunder Bull, Dori Deines, Gary Lays Bad, Joe Giago.Barrett Haas-Coordinator Bob Cross Barb Brewer Lena GoingsLew DreamerBryan Brewer Leets Yellow Boy Latonna Little BearHopa Haas Da Juanna Bissonette Sky BrewerBessie LeBeauKathy PumpkinseedMaria ProvostAutumn White EyesPoetry Slam CoordinatorCourtney Two LanceBusiness Plan Competi-tion Coordinator Vienna Kills WarriorPow Wow Coordinator Scott FischelCo-Art Coordinator Tim VillaArchery Coordinator
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 10BUY ONE ENTREE, GET ONE 50% OFFEqual or lesser value715 Mountain View Road • Rapid City • 605.721.9464Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Must present original coupon; no photocopies. Not for resale. Not valid with any other discounts, oers or coupons. Valid at location listed above. No cash value. Excludes tax. Excludes alcohol. Code: 00-00. Expires 01/31/19.www.zmariks.comRAPID CITY2335 W. Main St.605.721.3333NOODLE BOWLZ RICE BOWLZ SOUP N SALAD BOWLZ PITAZBUY 1 GET 1OFF12BUY ANY LARGE BOWLGET A SMALL BOWL HALF OFFOne coupon per customer per visit. Canʼt be used in conjunction with any other coupon or special offer. Expires 1/31/19.
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 11Red Cloud Indian School wishes the best of luck to all the students participating in this year’s Lakota Nation Invitational!Administration Fr. George Winzenburg, SJ - President Lisa Swallow - Director of Human Resources Robert Brave Heart, Sr. - Executive Vice President Mary Maxon - Director of The Heritage Center Angie Eagle Bull - Vice President for Finance Jane Farrell - General Counsel and Donor Relations Tashina Banks Rama - Executive Director of Advancement Thomas Lynch - Director of Technology Jill Marshall - Vice President for Strategy and Operations Moira Coomes - Superintendent of Schools Fr. Peter J. Klink, SJ - Vice President, Mission and Identity Clare Huerter - Principal, Red Cloud High School Ann-Marie Amiotte - Principal, Red Cloud Elementary Theresa Lessert - Principal, Our Lady of LourdesChristian McGhee - Athletic DirectorRed Cloud Indian School, 100 Mission Drive, Pine Ridge, South Dakota 57770www.redcloudschool.orgBest of Luck Maȟpiya Lúta Watȟákpe!
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 12Háu Mitákuyepi,As Founder of the Lakota Nation Invitational, I would like to take this opportunity and welcome you home, home to our most sacred Black Hills. In marking our 42nd Annual year, the Lakota Nation Invitational has continuously expanded our events, to involve as many students in the areas of sport, academics, arts and culture as possible. Last year we saw all of our events grow and our children excel across the board, from our Poetry Slam Competition to our Chess Tournament. We saw more teams participate in the Lakota Language Bowl than ever before and brought forth a rst-class Art Show, Knowledge bowl, Business Competition, Archery and Hand Game tournament. All these events and more outside the arena of Basketball, provides a unique opportunity for our students. This year during the tournament, we will be hosting our rst meeting in organizing a High School Lakota Football Conference. We will be sitting down with our schools in the rst stages, in creating the rst of its kind! As LNI continues to grow, we are pleased that the Rapid City Civic Center will be expanding their facilities as well. In preparing for a new Civic Center in two years, we are ready to invite more basketball, wrestling and cheerleading teams in. We have teams from around the nation actively seeking an invite into the Lakota Nation Invitational. As Director of the Lakota Nation Invitational Basketball Tournament, we will be selecting the very best in competitive play looking ahead and answering that interest in building a bigger tournament. With that said, I want to take this moment and thank all our parents, grandparents, extended relatives, all educators, schools, coaches and the thousands of fans who attend LNI each year, in showing support for our children. It is through your continued encouragement that our students will continue to grow and ourish. I would also like to thank the Lakota Nation Invitational Board of Directors, Coordinators and each of our volunteers. It is through their efforts, time and year-round organization that we are able to continue showcasing the diverse talents of our students. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank the Civic Center Staff and the City of Rapid City for their efforts in working with us each year, as the Oceti Sakowin returns home to the premier event of the season. As we kick off the 42nd Annual Lakota Nation Invitational, I want to encourage all students and participants to have fun, extend your hand in the spirit of sportsmanship and build as many new friendships as you can. I want to encourage all spectators to attend as many LNI sponsored events that you can, in the next four days. Our children need our continued support and encouragement. In closing and from my family to yours, I want to wish each of you a safe and happy holiday season. Sincerely,Bryan V. BrewerBryan Brewer, Sr.Founder, Lakota Nation Invitational
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 13
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 14
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 15®Welcome to the home of the Lakota Nation Invitational celebrating 42 years of dreaming big. Visit Rapid City would like to welcome all people to the sacred homeland of our ancestors. This is where greatness happens. Do Big Things.Tanyan’ Iyu’Ha Yahi’Pi. Glad You Are All Here.VisitRapidCity.com
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 16
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 171. Who Does The Law Apply To? Every coach, youth athlete, and their parent(s) or guardian(s) who seek to compete in activities sanctioned by the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA).2. Educational and Training Opportunities Legal Requirements SDHSAA Sports Youth Sports Requires SDHSAA and the SD Department of Education to develop and distribute guidelines and information including protocols and content consistent with current medical knowledge to each member school, coach, athlete, and the athlete’s parent(s) or guardian(s) regarding: the nature and risks of concussions; the signs, symptoms, and behaviors consistent with concussions; the need to alert appropriate medical professionals for diagnosis and treatment; and the need to follow proper medical direction and protocols for treatment and return-to-play after an athlete sustains a concussion. Requires each coach participating in athletic activities, sanctioned by the SDHSAA, to complete a training program each academic year, developed by the SDHSAA and SD Department of Education. Requires the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a youth athlete to signa consent form each academic year allowing the youth athlete to participate in an athletic activity. The form must include information about the nature and risks of concussions.3. Removal Guidelines An athlete shall be removed from participation in any athletic activity sanctioned by the SDHSAA at the time the athlete (a) exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or (b) is suspected of sustaining a concussion.4. Return-To-Play Once an athlete has been removed from participation in an athletic activity sanctioned by the SDHSAA, the youth athlete may not return to athletic activities until (a) the athlete no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or behavior consistent with a concussion and (b) receives an evaluation by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and (c) receives written clearance to return-to-play from such health care provider.5. Scope of Legal Coverage Under this provision, “health care provider” means a person who is registered, certied, licensed, or otherwise recognized in law, by the State of South Dakota, to provide medical treatment and is trained and experienced in the evaluation, manage-ment, and care of concussions.For a complete list of SD legislative details, please visit:http://www.legis.state.sd.us/sessions/2011/Bills/SB149ENR.pdfSouth Dakota Concussion LegislationSTEVE WITHORNE MEMORIAL AWARD A Tribute to a Player and a Referee for all Seasons By Coach Dave StrainHe stood six-foot four or better but he always looked bigger. As a youngster playing little league baseball in Rapid City, SD, his coach a Lutheran minister, on more than one occasion produce a copy of Steve’s birth certificate to verify his legal age as he stepped to the pitcher’s mound. The opponent’s disbelieving parents and coach couldn’t fathom that this man-child athlete was of legal age to compete in their juvenile athletic bubble. But here he was ready to play, with that infectious grin that made easy friendships. Even his smile was huge.From his early childhood athletic exploits into junior high to high school through his college years are woven a string of remarkable individual and team accomplishments that defy comparison. By the time Steve was a starting forward on the 1969 Rapid City Cobbler State “ A “ Basketball championship team as a junior, he had been on the losing side of only one scheduled cage game in his formative years.And the power forward was a true athlete. In the fall of his junior year in 1968, Steve’s Cobbler football team played Sioux Falls O’Gorman for the mythical State “ A “ championship football title in Rapid City. During junior and senior championship years the, the Cobbler basketball team was voted in the polls as the top State “ A “ basketball team of both the 1969 and 1970 seasons, winning the State “A “ Basketball Tournament outright in 1969 with a narrow miss the following year. Steve’s outstanding play on the hard court was a big contributing factor to the forty-one consecutive wins over a South Dakota basketball opponents during this two-year period.By earning class “A “ All-State football and basketball honors during his high school athletic career, Steve joined an elite group of athletes who have accomplished the rare individual feat of dual sport all-state honors.And it didn’t stop there. At Dakota Wesleyan University, he continued his athletic excellence on title winning basketball and football in the South Dakota Intercollegiate Conference. In 1974, he was named all SDIC and all District in football and in 1975 he earned a tryout as a free agent with the Dallas Cowboys. He graduated with a Bachelor of the Arts in sociology from Dakota Wesleyan University. In 1998 Steve was inducted into the DWU Athletic Hall of Fame.But it was after his formal education that Withorne, perhaps made his greatest athletic impact. At a time when few Lakota/Dakota basketball and football referees were given the opportunity to officiate playoff high school athletic events, Steve broke the barrier for minority officials to be an active participant in the district, region, and state tournament picture. His competence, and revered athleticism paved the way the way for the minority official to be truly recognized for playoff consideration.
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 18We didn’t build the communities . . . We just ght them together!Full Speed INTERNET Reduced PRICETribal Lifeline (a federal program available with Golden West) provides up to $34.25 monthly off broadband Internet or phone service.No Data LimitsINTERNET | PHONE | CABLE TV goldenwest.com • 1-855-888-7777goldenwest.com/lifeline
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 19We didn’t build the communities . . . We just ght them together!Full Speed INTERNET Reduced PRICETribal Lifeline (a federal program available with Golden West) provides up to $34.25 monthly off broadband Internet or phone service.No Data LimitsINTERNET | PHONE | CABLE TV goldenwest.com • 1-855-888-7777goldenwest.com/lifeline 2018 Sacred Hoops Athlete of Character Award This award is being given to 1 Male and 1 Female Athlete from a school parcipang in the Lakota Naon Invitaonal Basketball Tournament.The purpose of the award is to recognize athletes who are making a dierence in their schools and communies by volunteering their me to work with the youth or complete projects that truly make a dierence. Each year we will recognize athletes who are doing the right things.Our hope is that this award not only brings recognion to some outstanding young people but also pushes other young athletes to work hard to help their schools and communies in a posive way.This award will be presented on Friday.Gen Branding(3.625x4.75)11/30/18-LNI-Program800.482.2428bhfcu.com/anytime WEIMPROVE LIVESOn or o the court, keep up with your finances on the BHFCU Mobile App.Federally Insured by NCUA
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 202017 LNI WinnersWhite River Tigers Boys ChampionsCrow Creek Chieftains Girls Champions
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 212017 LNI WinnersSpecial award to the long time trainer at LNI Paul Rictor. Black Hills Orthopedics Red Cloud Crusaders Girls Cross Country Team ChampionsBryan Brewerreceives SD Coaches AwardDani Walking Eagle receiving an awardAll Tourney Cheerleaders
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 22Contact us at: 701-854-7132 • 701-854-7556 (Fax) • diabetes.standingrock.org Find us on Facebook: SRDP Fitness Center OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The Standing Rock Diabetes Program is committed to the prevention and reduction in the numbers of people with diabetes among the people of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. The Diabetes Program will provide awareness and education on how diabetes, fitness, and proper nutrition can impact a person’s spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Through these four dimensions of a human being, the program is committed to helping while respecting the individual’s right to personal choice in life, self-care, health and well-being. Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Fitness Center Hours: 6:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday • 6:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday • Tanita Machine: Body Composition Reader • On Site Fitness Techs • • Smith Machines • Free Weights • Cable Weights • Treadmills • Stair Climbers • Ellipticals • • Diabetes Education • Health Screenings • Special Events •
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 23161273_1118Locations in Rapid City and Spearfish2805 5th Street | Rapid City, SD | 605-519-57572479 East Colorado Boulevard | Spearfish, SD | 605-578-0055regionalhealth.org/orthopedicsOrthopedic Surgery, Podiatry, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Regenerative Medicine, Concussion Management, Sports Medicine, Physical TherapyRegional Health Orthopedics and Sports MedicineWe’ll get you back on the field, regardless of your game.
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 24Boys MVP Donnie Yackley of White RiverGirls MVP Marlene RossCrow Creek2018 Girls Cross Country Champion Jade Ecoffey Red Cloud2018 Boys Cross Country Champion White River2017 LNI WinnersHill City Rangers Girls Volleyball LNI ChampionsAMAZING AMAZING
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 25Cheyenne Eagle ButteCheerleading ChampionsKnowledge Bowl Winners From White River2017 LNI WinnersPine Ridge ThorpesDance ChampionsCuster WildcatsWrestling ChampionsCrow Creek Chieftains2018 LNI Golf ChampionsJoe Sazue lllLuke Wells llTee Saul
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 26MEMBER FDICSTATE BANK OF EAGLE BUTTEsince 1960SBBECheyenne Eagle ButteBRAVESCheyenne Eagle ButteBRAVESLAKOTA NATIONINVITATIONALLAKOTA NATIONINVITATIONALBig Enough to SErvE you, Small Enough to know you!
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 27lakoTa naTion all-sTaTe or all-Tourney sTaTe PlayersJason LocustRed Cloud Crusaders1979 4th TeamClass BAlphonso Bad Hand St. Francis Warriors1983 3rd TeamClass BWillie White Pine Ridge Thorpes All State (1987 & 1988) All Tourney St. (1986 - 1987) (1985, 1986 & MVP 1987) Converse All AmericanJude FairbanksRed Cloud Crusaders1990 All TourneyClass ALance Luitjens 1991-1st Team All Slate, 1992- 1 st Team All State, 1992 All Tour ney, 1992 Mr. SD Basketball Custer, Class A Austin RichardsLittle Wound Mustangs1979 - 1st TeamClass BAlfred LeftwichPine Ridge Thorpes1984 3rd TeamClass ABryan Brewer Pine Ridge Thorpes All Tourney Stale (1988) Who’s Who in American Sports, Class ABeau LeBeauRed Cloud Crusaders1990 All TourneyClass ABrandon Wilson1991 All Tourney, Class A Todd CountyDave White Face Little Wound Mustangs 1980 3rd Team Class BTed Little MoonPine Ridge Thorpes1985 All TourneyClass ABrent Brewer Pine Ridge Thorpes All-State (1st Team 1990) McDonald’s All-American Nomi nee, Class ATrevor Long 1988-89-90 All Tourney, 1988 3rd Team All State, 1989-1st Team All State, 1990-1st Team All State Class A - CusterCliff Larson1992 3rd Team All StateTodd CountyClass AMelvin High Hawk Red Cloud Crusaders, 1981 4th Team, 1982 3rd Team Class BTroy Red CloudLittle Wound Mustangs1985 2nd TeamClass BGeorge Bettelyoun Pine Ridge Thorpes All-Stale (1st Team 1988) All Tourney Slate (1987 & 1988), Mr. SD Basketball ( 1988) Class ARichard CunyRed Cloud Crusaders 1990 - 2nd Team All State Class APaul Schaffer1992 All Tourney, 1993 1st Team All State, 1993 Finalist Mr. SD Basketball Custer, All StateMark Lunderman Little Wound Mustangs 1983 5th Team 1984 3rd Team Class BDonnie BettelyounPine Ridge Thorpes1986 All TourneyClass ARob MendozaCheyenne Eagle Butte Braves 1988 Class A All Tourney 1988 2nd Team All State Class ABud Hamilton1991 All StateClass AHot SpingsGideon SaulCrow Creek1992 - 2nd TeamAll State, Class ABaptiste Cournoyer Marty Indians 1983 3rd Team Class BCharlie Zimiga Jr.Pine Ridge Thorpes1986 All TourneyClass AAlbert LongPine Ridge Thorpes1989 - All Tourney StateClass AJay Steele1991 All Tourney1992 2nd Team All State Custer, Class ADerek Ballard1993 3rd Team All Stateand All Tourney Custer, Class A
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 28lakoTa naTion all-sTaTe or all-Tourney sTaTe PlayersLane Ostenson 1993 All Tourney Custer, Class AJesse LeBeau1995 - All Tourney StateRed CloudClass ACorey Eagle Staff 1996 1st Team All State Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Class AJarret Lawrence 1998 All Tourney 1999 All Tourney State CEB -State ABrandon Comes Flying 1998-99 3rd Team All Slate 1999 2nd Team All State Crow CreekCharlie Cuny 1993 1st team All Stale And All Tourney Red Cloud, Class ADoug Brown1995 All TourneyRed CloudState AJesse Heart1999 All Tourney1999 All Tourney State1999 All State 1st TeamPine Ridge - State AWaylon Mendoza 1998 All Tourney 1999 2nd Team - All State CEB - State AElija Sazue1998-99 2nd Team All StateCrow CreekEdsel Deon1993 All TourneyRed CloudClass ATed Standing Soldier 1995 3rd Team All State Little Wound Class AGeorge Dreamer1999 All TourneyPine Ridge State ADerek Paulsen 1998 All Tourney 1998 All State Custer - State ALuke Wells1999 All Tourney StateCrow CreekCharlie Provost 1994 All Tourney Red Cloud, Class AJason L. Logg1996 All Tourney State 1996 All State -1st Team CEB - Class AMaverick Valandra 1998 All Tournament State Standing Rock Class B, North DakotaNick Redden1998 All Tourney1998 All StateCuster - State AChurck Archambault1997-99 All State (North Dakota) McDonald’s All American NomineeRed CloudLee Logg1994 1st Team, All State1995 All TourneyCEB, Class AJoe Red Willow1996 & 1999 All TourneyRed CloudClass AD. J. Two Bears 1998 All Tourney StateStanding RockClass BRich Crow Eagle 1998 All State Todd CountyDrew LeBeau 2000 State ‘A’ 1st All-Tourna ment Team 1999 LNI All- Tourney 1999 LNI MVPJerome LeBeau 1995 All Tourney , 1995 1st Team All State, Red Cloud Class A, 1995 Finalist, Mr. SD BasketballIrv Provost 1996 3rd Team All State Red Cloud Class AQuinn Austin21998 All Tourney StateStanding RockClass BNevada Ellison 1999 All Tourney State Custer State AGideon Mendoza 2001 All Tourney 2001 All State CEB- State A
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 29lakoTa naTion all-sTaTe or all-Tourney sTaTe PlayersTravis Meyer2001-2002 All TourneyCuster, State ATyrel Salway 2003 2nd Team All State Pine RidgeRyan Pourier2004 1st Team All-StatePine RidgeT.J. McCauleyLittle Wound Mustangs 2007 All Tourney Team, 2006 All Tourney Team, Class AJake Krogman2009 Class BAll Tourney StateWhite RiverTyler Custis2003 All Tourney State2001-2002 All TourneyCuster, State AElton Three Stars 2003 All Tourney State Pine RidgeZach Finley2005 1st Team All StateState ASt. Thomas MoreLouie KrogmanClass B 2008 All State 2008 All-Tourney State Mr. Basketball, White RiverCarl Swallow2009 1st Team All StateClass A - Red CloudPaige Paulsen2003 All Tourney State2001-2002, 2003All State 1st TeamCuster, State ARay Taken Alive 1st Team All State Class B, All Tournament Team State Class B Tournament 2003, 1st Team All State Class A 2004, Mr Basketball finalist 2004, finalist for South Dakota Class A Player of the Year, Nominated to the McDonald’s All American High School Basketball Team 2004, 7th All Time leading scorer in South DakotaChristian McGhee 2008 1st Team All-State All Tourney State Spirit of Su Award, Red CloudDelmar Parker Omaha Nation Chiefs 2009 All State First Team Class D1 (NE)Tracy Sazue2001-2002 All TourneyCrow Creek , State AMike Prue 2003 State A All Tourney Todd CountyKyle Doerr 2005 2nd Team All State State A St. Thomas MoreIsaac ParsonsCuster 20083rd Team All StateR. J. EstesWhite River Tigers2010 All Tourney Team, 2010 3rd Team All State Class BAustin Kirkie3rd Team All StateCrow Creek , State AJim Archambault 2003 All State Class B Standing RockRich Big Boy2006 3rd Team All StateLittle WoundLester Gotheridge 2008 All-Tourney State Red CloudKeenan World Turner Crow Creek Chieftains 2010 All Tournament Team Class AMatt Lyndoe2003 All Tourney StateCusterDaelan HighWolf 2003 LNI-MVP, Pine Ridge High School, 2005-2006 1st Team All State CEB Braves MVP 3 · Class Shoot-Out , Mr. Basketball Finalist, SD State Steve Withorne Scholarship RecipientBrice Hornbeck 2006 All Tourney State Little WoundMatthew Bartlett 2009 1st Team All-State 2009 Class B All-Tourney State, White RiverWyatt Krogman White River Tigers 2010 All Tournament Team Class B
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 30lakoTa naTion all-sTaTe or all-Tourney sTaTe PlayersLuke RoddyCuster 20103rd Team All StateJacob BrownState A All Tourney 2013Justin Folkers2nd Team 2015White RiverDoni DeCoryPine Ridge Lady Thorpes1987 1st Team All State, 1986 2nd Team All State, 1998 All Tourney State Class AChad BryantCuster 20113rd Team All StateJeff LeBeauState A First Team 2013 State A All Tourney 2013Justice Morrison3rd Team 2016White RiverChristine Janis Red Cloud Crusaders 1991 1st Team All State, All Tourney State, Class AMartin Taken Alive 3rd Team All State, Class A 2011 McLaughlin High SchoolWyatt KrogmanFirst Team 2013 White RiverJustice Morrison2nd Team 2017White RiverDana Richards Red Cloud Crusaders 1991 3rd Team All State, 1992 1st Team All State, Class AHank Taken Alive 2nd Team All State, Class A Mr Basketball finalist 2012 McLaughlin High SchoolJoe Cameron2nd Team 2013 White RiverMichelle Carlow Red Cloud Crusaders 1992 3rd Team All State, 1993 1st Team All State, 1993 1st Team All StateClass AJunior guards Wyatt Krogman and Nic Waln led White River to a 2012 state title, and lead a pair of all-state teamsTravis Burbank2nd Team 2014White RiverTeron SazueState B All TourneyWhite RiverEcho LeBeauRed Cloud Crusaders1995 All Tourney StateClass AJustin PrueFirst Team 2015White RiverAllissa EaglemanSt. Francis Warriors1992 2nd Team All StateClass AChase GlazierAll Tournament 2013Chase Glazier3rd Team All-State 2014Jadice Morriso2nd Team All-State 2018White River
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 31Sarah DuBrayPine Ridge Thorpes1997 3rd Team All StateClass AAmanda Carlow Red Cloud, Pine Ridge, RC Cen tral 1998 2nd Team All State Class AAAlissa KingfisherCEB Braves2000 All Tourney StateClass ABrittany Knife CEB 2001 2nd Team All State, 2000 3rd Team All Tourney State Class AJennifer MorrisetteRed Cloud Crusaders2000-2001 All Tourney StateClass ARuthy DreamerPine Ridge Lady Thorpes2000 3rd Team All State Class AlakoTa naTion all-sTaTe or all-Tourney sTaTe PlayersSheneka Lee Douglas Patriots 2003 3rd Team All-State, All Tourney State, Class ABrittany Azure 2006 All Tourney State CEBAlleiy JanisPine Ridge Thorpes2010 All Tournament TeamClass ASantana White Dress All State 1st Team 2013 State A All TourneyBrittni Walker Mclaughlin Midgets 2004 SD All Star, Class AMarque Lunderman 3rd Team All State 2008 All Tourney State 2008 Red CloudJessica Keckler CEB2009 All Tourney StateClass AShaylene Richard2nd Team All State 2013Laura Big Crow Pins Ridge Thorpes 2004 1st team All-State, All Tourney State, Class AChristian JanisPine Ridge 2009 1st Team All State, 2009 All Tourney State Class AJolanna Sazue Crow Greek Chieftains 2010 3rd Team All State Class AEireann Grimshaw3rd Team All State 2013Lennea Mueller Custer Wildcats2005 All Tourney State Class ACaitlin Whiting White River, 2009 3rd Team All-State Class BSunni Busch 2005 1st Team All-State SD Miss Basketball Finalist Todd CountyLacey WestonPine Ridge2009 All Tourney StateClass ALennea Mueller 2005 3rd Team All-StateShauna Long Standing Rock Warriors 2009-10 All State 1st Team All State 2009-10 All Tournament Team, Class B1991 1st Team All State1991 S.D. All-Star1990 1st Team All State1989 1st Team All State1989 All Tourney State1989 LNI MVPHolds Numerous LNI RecordsSuAnne Big CrowCaitlin Whiting White River, 2010 2nd Team All-State Class B
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 32TUESDAY- DECEMBER 11th - WELCOME 3:00 pm - Schools & Buses gather at the Black Hills & Badlands Visitor Center Address: 1851 Discovery Circle, Rapid City, SD 57701 3:30 pm - All buses depart Black Hills & Badlands Visitor Center with an unified law enforcement escort. 4:00 pm - Arrive at the Rushmore Civic Center for the Community Welcome 5:00 pm - Dinner for LNI Board of Directors, teams & coaches ONLY. Located in Rushmore Hall North thru Food Court. Meal is sponsored by the Visit Rapid City, the VRC BID Board and the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. 6:00 pm - Cheerleading Coaches Meeting in Civic Center 6:30 pm - Cheerleading Pre-Competition Exhibition Dance Practice WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 12THGirl’s Games - Civic Center Barnett Arena 10:00 am - Red vs. Oelrichs 11:30 am - Todd County vs. Custer 1:00 pm - White River vs. Crazy Horse 2:30 pm - Crow Creek vs. Omaha Nation 4:00 pm - Cheyenne-Eagle Butte vs. Tiospa Zina 5:30 pm - Pine Ridge vs. Marty 7:00 pm - Little Wound vs. McLaughlin 8:30 pm - St. Francis vs. Lower Brule Boy’s Games - Civic Center Ice Arena 10:00 am - White River vs. Crazy Horse 11:30 am - Red Cloud vs. Marty 1:00 pm - Pine Ridge vs. Oelrichs 2:30 pm - Little Wound vs. St. Francis 4:00 pm - McLaughlin vs. Omaha Nation 5:30 pm - Lower Brule vs. Custer 7:00 pm - Crow Creek vs. Tiospa Zina 8:30 pm - Todd County vs. Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Elementary & Junior High Lakota Language Bowl LaCroix Hall B (Coordinators OLCSD Lakota Studies Department) 7:00 am - Registration Starts 9:00 am - Competition Starts 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Art Show in LaCroix A & C (Coordinators Madonna Crow Eagle & Scott Fishel) 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Business Plan Competition in Room 102 (Coordinator Courtney Two Lance) Sponsored by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Credit & Finance Program. 10:00 am - Chess Tournament Starts in Rushmore F (Coordinator Miskoo Petite) 11:00 am to 7:00 pm - Teca Wacipi Okolakiciya Pow Wow in Rushmore A & B Schedule of EventsJim BradfordEquipment CoordinatorChuck SoderlinEquipment Coordinator COORDINATORS
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 33Schedule of Events 11:00 am - Pow Wow Hand Games Registration in Rushmore C & D 7:00 pm - Knowledge Bowl Registration in LaCroix B (Coordinator Yamni Jack) 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Officials Meeting in Rushmore G (Coordinator Dave Dolan)THURSDAY - DECEMBER 13th Cancer Awareness Day (Wear Pink) All Boys & Girls Basketball Quarter Final Games All Games Start @10:00 am Mako Sica Bracket - Barnett Arena Paha Sapa - Ice Arena High School Lakota Language Bowl Rushmore F (Coordinators OLCSD Lakota Studies Department) 7:00 am - Registration Starts 8:00 am - Cheerleading Pre-Competition Exhibition Dance Practice in Don Barnett Arena 8:00 am to 12:00 pm - Knowledge Bowl Written Exams in LaCroix B (Coordinator Yamni Jack) 9:00 am - Competition Starts 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Art Show in LaCroix A & C (Coordinators Madonna Crow Eagle & Scott Fishel) 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Business Plan Competition in Room 102 (Coordinator Courtney Two Lance) Sponsored by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Credit & Finance Program. 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Knowledge Bowl Team Competition in LaCroix B (Coordinator Yamni Jack) 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm - 16th Annual Bear Jamboree. Make and Take and enjoy all the creative booths. Santa will make his appearance and give out candy bags - Basketball Arena - North Side 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - College Fair in Room D (Coordinator Nakina Mills) Poetry Slam Rushmore G (Coordinator Autumn White Eyes) 10:30 am - Registration Starts 11:00 am – Workshop Starts 1:00 pm - Slam StartsHalf Time Events 6:00 pm - Bears Program 7:30 pm - Bears Program 9:00 pm - Coaches Honoring - State Tournament 2018 Eldon Marshall, White River (Boy’s Class B) Leonard “Yamni” Jack, Lower Brule (Boy’s Class B) Christian McGhee, Red Cloud (Boy’s Class A) Corey Shangreau, Pine Ridge (Boy’s State A) Vilas Fallis, Crow Creek (Girl’s Class A)
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 34FRIDAY - DECEMBER 14th (Neon Day) All Boys & Girls Basketball Semi Final Games All Games Start @9:30 am Mako Sica Bracket - Barnett Arena Paha Sapa - Ice Arena 8:00 a m - Knowledge Bowl Team Competition continues in LaCroix B (Coordinator Yamni Jack) 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - Spelling Bee in LaCroix D (Coordinator Chet Marks) Hand Game Tournament (Coordinator Roger White Eyes) 9:00 am - Rules Meeting in Rushmore C & D 10:00 am - Competition Starts in Rushmore C & D 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Art Show in LaCroix A & C (Coordinators Madonna Crow Eagle & Scott Fishel) 9:00 am - Archery Preliminary Shooting in Rushmore North (Coordinator Tim Villa) 4:00 pm - Archery Finals Shooting in Rushmore North (Coordinator Tim Villa) 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Business Plan Competition in Room 102 (Coordinator Courtney Two Lance) Sponsored by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Credit & Finance Program. 5:15 pm - Honoring All Veterans. 6:00 pm - Grand Entry: Basketball Players, Cheerleaders, Wrestlers, Officials & Winners of All Activities.SATURDAY - DECEMBER 15th All Boys & Girls Basketball Final Games All Games Start @8:30 am Barnett Arena - Ice Arena - St. Thomas More Wrestling (Coordinator Kyle Henderson) 6:00 am - Weigh In @Rushmore A & B 9:00 am - Wrestling Starts @Rushmore A & B 5:00 pm - Wrestling Championships @Barnett Arena 11:00 am - Cheerleading Competition @Barnett Arena (Coordinator Kellee Brewer) 12:45 pm to 1:00 pm - Pre-Show & Gather in lobby at Main Arena entrance to watch 7:00 pm - Makosica Girl’s Championship Game (Awards to be handed out immediately following the Game) 9:00 pm - Makosica Boy’s Championship Game (Awards to be handed out immediately following the Game)Schedule of EventsMiss Indian Rodeo to Attend LNI
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 35LNI HALFTIME & AWARDS ITINARARYDon Barnett Civic CenterYear round fun extraordinaire,you will be entertained atMAIN STREET SQUARE!mainstreetsquarerc.comFIRST TIME ATTENDEES AT THE 2018 LNIAn Open World Program Delegation from Russia is attending the 2018 LNI in Rapid City. The Delegates are all involved in Indigenous sports and cultural preservation activities throughout Russia. Those attending are: Ms. Nataliya Yuryevna Petrova; Ms. Mariya Anatolyevna Nogelaynen; Mr. Vitaliy Stepanovich, Andreyev; Ms. Yelena Stepanovna Antipova; Ms. Aleksandra Pavlovna Rodionova; Mr. Dmitriy Maulitzhanovich Saollin; and Mr. Ilya Mishchenko. In 1999, Congress authorized the creation of Open World as a Legislative Branch agency that offers bipartisan support to Members of Congress in creating cultural exchanges for Eurasian leaders to witness democracy-building in action. The founders of Open World were united in the belief that widespread, direct contact between American leaders and those of other nations would greatly benet all involved.This Open World Program is sponsored by Dacotah Territory International Visitor Programs of Rapid City.Wednesday December 13th, 2018 4:30 p.m.-CEB Upper Elementary Special ChorusThursday December 13th 2018 4:30 p.m.-Native Step, Fort Washakie Wyoming 6:00 p.m.-BEAR Program 7:30 p.m.-BEAR Program 9:00 p.m.-Coaches AwardsFriday December 14th 2018 2:30 p.m.-CEB Spirit Squad 4:00 p.m.-Deanna Milda Performance Mclaughlin, South Dakota 5:00 p.m.-Cody Blackbird Performance 5:15 p.m.-Veterans Honoring & Special Honoree Marcella LeBeau 5:45 p.m.-Wiping of Tears Ceremony Doran White Eagle 6:00 p.m.-Grand Entry • Flag Song Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Upper Elementary 7:30 p.m.-Sacred Hoops Awards • Native Step, Fort Washakie Wyoming 9:00 p.m.-Public Service AwardsSaturday December 15th- 2018 11:00 a.m.-LNI Cheerleading Championship 7:30 p.m.-REDCO Marketing Scholarships
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 36Game 110:00 AMCivic CenterGame 88:30 PMCivic CenterGame 5Civic Center4:00 PMGame 4Civic Center2:30 PMCivic CenterGame 31:00 PMCivic CenterGame 6Game 77:00 PMGame 2Makosica BracketPaha Sapa Bracket5:30 PM11:30 AMWinner Game 12:30 PMWinner Game 8Winner Game 511:30 AMWinner Game 4Winner Game 35:30 PMWinner Game 6Winner Game 78:30 PMWinner Game 27:00 PM8:30 PM9:15 PM1st & 2nd3rd & 4th5th & 6th7th & 8th9:30 AM12:30 PMIce Arena9:30 AMIce Arena9:30 AM12:30 PMLoser Game 12:30 PMLoser Game 8Loser Game 511:30 AMLoser Game 4Loser Game 35:30 PMLoser Game 6Loser Game 78:30 PMLoser Game 22:00 PMCivic Center1st & 2nd3rd & 4th5th & 6th7th & 8th9:30 AMSt. Thomas Moore12:30 PMSt. Thomas Moore2:00 PMIce Arena9:30 AMIce Arena12:30 PMIce ArenaCIVIC CENTER GAMESICE ARENA GAMESBOYS 2018BRACKETTOP WEARS WHITEAND IS HOME TEAM5:00 PM Friday - Grand Entry11:00 AM Saturday - Cheer Competition5:00 PM Saturday - WrestlingWednesday 12/12Thursday 12/Friday 12/Saturday 12/131415ICE ARENA GAMESWhite RiverCrazy HorseTodd CountyCheyenne Eagle ButteMcLaughlinOmaha NationLittle WoundSt. FrancisPine RidgeOelrichsLower BruleCusterCrow CreekTiospa ZinaRed CloudMarty7:00 PMIce Arena8:30 PMIce Arena
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 37CIVIC CENTER GAMESRed CloudGame 110:00 AMCivic CenterGame 88:30 PMCivic CenterSt. FrancisGame 5Civic Center4:00 PMTiospa ZinaCrow CreekGame 4Civic Center2:30 PMWhite RiverCivic CenterGame 31:00 PMCivic CenterGame 2Game 77:00 PMPine RidgeGame 62:00 PMIce Arena3:30 PMIce ArenaMakosica BracketPaha Sapa BracketOelrichsLower BruleCheyenne Eagle ButteOmaha NationCrazy Horse11:30 AMTodd CountyCusterLittle WoundMcLaughlin5:30 PMMartyWinner Game 11:00 PMWinner Game 8Winner Game 510:00 AMWinner Game 4Winner Game 34:00 PMWinner Game 2Winner Game 77:00 PMWinner Game 62:00 PM3:30 PM7:30 PM1st & 2nd3rd & 4th5th & 6th7th & 8th8:00 AM11:00 AMIce Arena8:00 AMIce Arena8:00 AM11:00 AMLoser Game 11:00 PMLoser Game 8Loser Game 510:00 AMLoser Game 4Loser Game 34:00 PMLoser Game 2Loser Game 77:00 PMLoser Game 612:30 PMCivic Center1st & 2nd3rd & 4th5th & 6th7th & 8th8:00 AMSt. Thomas Moore11:00 AMSt. Thomas Moore2:00 PMSt. Thomas Moore8:00 AMIce Arena11:00 AMIce ArenaCIVIC CENTER GAMESICE ARENA GAMESGIRLS 2018BRACKETTOP WEARS WHITEAND IS HOME TEAM5:00 PM Friday - Grand Entry11:00 AM Saturday - Cheer Competition5:00 PM Saturday - WrestlingWednesday 12/12Thursday 12/Friday 12/Saturday 12/131415
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 38CHEYENNE EAGLE BUTTE BRAVES Jersey Number Dk Name Height Position Class 2 Cecilo Montgomery 5’10” G 12 10 Naden Saucedo 5’8” G 12 12 Rance Harrison 5’11” G 10 14 Spencer Moran 6’2” F 10 20 Ethan Ross 6’1” F 10 24 Warren Swan 5’10” G 12 30 Bradley Iron Hawk 6’0” G 12 32 Maximus Lawrence 6’1” F 11 34 NaShon LeBeau 5’9” G-F 9 40 Nevyn Mendoza 5’11” G-F 11 42 Jayden Knight 6’1” F 11 50 Lane Mousseau 6’6” C 11 52 Talon Shaving 6’2” F-C 12 54 Isaiah Hale 6’1” F 12 Trevor Bourland 5’11” F 11Nashon LeBeau, Rance Harrison, Jayden Knight, Nevyn Mendoza, Bradley Iron Hawk, Ethan Ross, Spencer Moran, Lane Mousseaux, Talon Shaving, Isaiah Hale, Max Lawrence, Warren Swan, Cecelio Montgomery and Naden Saucedo Boys’ Basketball Cheer SquadBraxtyn Jewett, Carrissa Stocklin, Ahannie Knight, Summer Holzer, Tia Gunville an T.C. Lawrence Girls’ Basketball Cheer SquadSierra Jewett, Rhaiyan Tomko, Tyra Lends His Horse, Jastyn Rousseau, McKenzie West and Meredith Swiftbird
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 39Breanna Dreadful Water, Sunni Dupris, Ronaye Moran, Shawnee Lawrence, Justice Fire Cloud, Cooper Marshall, Jay Ellen Red Fox, Jaden Hollow Horn, Miranda Vines, Julia Spoon Hunter, Phannette Gray, , Jayden Carter; Kabyni Hall, Sapphire Tiger, Linda Charger, Emaree Iron Hawk, Myah Paris, Tiana Kohlus, Markee Shaving, Adrianna White WolfLeft to right: Tyler Stambach (kneeling), Xander Bowman, Treg Thortenson, Josh Jiminez, Hunter Stambach, Gabriel Halfred, Isaac Halfred and Manager Taylor Uses the Knife (kneeling) Jersey Number Dk Name Height Position Class 10 Ka’Bryni Hall 5’3” G 11 11 Adrianna White Wolf 5’4” G 11 12 Tiana Kohlus 5’7” G 11 13 Emaree Iron Hawk 5’6” G 11 14 Phannette Gray 5’8” G 12 15 Sapphire Tiger 5’4” G 11 20 Lynda Charger 5’5” G 10 21 Shawnee Lawrence 5’9” F 9 22 Mia Paris 5’6” G 11 23 Cooper Marshall 5’10” F 11 24 Markee Shaving 5’5” G 11 25 Jordan Carter 5’7” G 11 30 Miranda Vines 5’9” F 11 31 Ronaye Moran 5’9” G 10 32 Justice Fire Cloud 5’9” F 12 33 Sunni Dupris 5’8” F 11 34 Breann Dreadful Water 5’7” G 9 35 Julia Spoonhunter 5’8” F 11 40 Jayden Hollow Horn 5’10” F 12 42 Reese Ganje 5’10” F 11 43 Jay’Ellen Red Fox 5’11 F 10
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 40CRAZY HORSE CHIEFS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 3 3 Brian Yellow Elk 6’2 F 9 10 10 Emil Last Horse 5’8 G 11 11 11 Daniel Pumpkin Seed 5’11 G/F 12 12 12 Montayne Quiver 6’1 F 12 20 20 Arlis Wilcox 5’9 G 10 22 22 Preston Hawkins 6’5 C 10 24 24 Cadin Quiver 5’11 F 10 25 25 Arthur Conroy 5’11 G 11 30 30 Kade Ashley 6’3 G/F 11Back Row: Promise High Bull, Valentrina SwallowFront Row: Ramona Richards, Quishaunti LubyNot pictured: Ayonna Wilcox, Anethia Hayes
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 41 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 0 0 Emily Rosebud 5’4 G 12 1 1 Deja Roberts 5’5 G 10 2 2 Quentina Standing Soldier 5’8 G/F 10 3 3 Deidre Roberts 5’8 G/F 10 11 11 Maddie Bettelyoun 5’4 G 12 21 21 Amber Terkildsen 5’8 F 11 24 24 Sequioa Bettelyoun 5’7 G 11 34 34 Geneva Wilcox 5’7 F 12 42 42 Tiuanna Wilcox 6’0 C 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 42CROW CREEK CHIEFTAINS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 3 3 Jeremiah Shields 5’9 G 10 4 4 Justice Big Eagle 5’11 G/F 11 5 5 Miami Thompson 5’7 G 10 10 10 Trevin McBride 6’0 G 10 11 11 Taiten Medicine Crow 5’11 G 12 13 13 Trenton One Feather 5’9 G 11 15 15 Tredgan Mestes 6’0 F 12 20 20 Jayden McBride 5’10 G 12 21 21 Wesley Thompson 5’8 G 12 22 22 Xavier Wind 5’11 G 9 23 23 Aden Rabbit 6’2 C 10 24 24 Lonnie Pickner 6’0 C 12Chenoa Comes Flying, Cassandra Shields, Aniah Janis, Winter Hawk, Janae Sazue
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 43 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Sarah Hunter 5’4 G 12 4 4 Audrey Drapeau 5’3 G 9 10 10 Rozee Drapeau 5’2 G 9 11 11 Marveen Ross 5’9 G/F 12 33 33 Chainee Hall 5’8 G/F 12 NaTeela His Law 5’6 G 9 Madeline Horse Looking 5’6 F 10 Logan Lawrence 5’8 F 11 Josileigh Pease 5’5 G/F 10
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 44CUSTER WILDCATS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Daniel Sedlacek 6’0 G 10 4 4 Gunner Prior 5’7 G 10 10 10 Nolan Patzlaff 5’7 G 12 12 12 Gavin Klein 5’8 G 10 14 14 Dustyn Fish 6’0 G 10 22 22 Dathan Elmore 5’7 G 11 23 23 Jace Kelley 6’0 G 10 24 24 EJ Gonzalez 6’1 G/F 11 30 30 Gage Tennyson 6’1 F 9 32 32 Isaac Powers 6’4 F 11 34 34 Grant Sullivan 6’0 G 10 40 40 Kaleb Wragge 6’0 F 10 45 45 Brody Martinez 6’4 F/C 11 52 52 AJ Kortemeyer 6’3 C 11Front: Brynn Steed and Paige MyrickMiddle: Summer Duffy, Cordelia Carder, and Shabri SylvesterBack: Chloe Carder, Jasmine Lake-Parsons, Ciara Thompson, and Jade Carder
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 45 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 3 13 Alice Sedlacek 5’9 F 8 5 5 Mallory Delmont 5’7 G 11 15 15 Tobie Zerbe 5’5 G 11 23 23 Sadie Glade 5’8 G 9 25 25 Josey Wahlstrom 5’5 G 9 31 31 Cinthia RubioHernandez 5’7 F 11 33 33 Kaitlyn Spring 5’7 F 10 35 35 Taylor Henrichs 5’6 F 10 43 43 Anna Lewis 5’9 F 10 51 51 Kelsey Herman 5’8 F 11 53 53 Kellyn Kortemeyer 6’2 C 9
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 46LITTLE WOUND MUSTANGSLeft to right: Savanah Montileaux, Angelina Giago, Eternity Red Star, Ebola Running HawkNot pictured: Grace EagleBack row – Left to right: Coach Mackenzie Casey, Jayden Williams, Riley Cross, Teron Hopkins, Tex Janis, Dylan Cuny, Brent Tallman, Robert Martin, Ralph Bear Killer, Assistant Coach Rich Big Boy, Assistant Coach Cy PattonFront row – Left to right: Garrell Little, Daryl No Neck, Frank Medicine Jr., Mankato Lebeaux, Vance Little Dog, Verlin Old Horse, George Kills Back Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Robert Martin Jr 6’2 G 12 4 4 George Kills Back 6’0 G 12 10 10 Mankato Lebeaux 5’10 G 11 12 12 Garrell Little 5’9 G 12 20 20 Ralph Bear Killer IV 6’2 F 11 22 22 Riley Cross 6’4 G/F 12 23 23 Vance Little Dog Jr. 6’2 F 12 24 24 Verlin Old Horse Jr. 6’0 G 12 30 30 Daryl No Neck 5’10 G 11 32 32 Tex Janis 6’6 F/C 12 34 34 Frank Medicine Jr. 6’0 F 12 42 42 Teron Hopkins 6’6 C 12 44 44 Dylan Cuny 6’8 C 10 50 50 Jayden Williams 6’4 F 12 54 54 Brent Tallman 6’5 F/C 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 47Back row – Left to right: Wesley Weston, Dale Pourier, Robert Jumping Eagle, Jaron Phelps, Coach Chris JanisFront row – Left to right: Lucas Pourier, Braxton Big Crow, Mckenzie Big Crow, Chayden Miller Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Talaiah Bear Killer 5’9 G/F 10 2 2 Shawnee White 5’6 G/F 10 3 3 Eva Bull Bear 5’5 G 10 4 4 Ashley Steele 5’5 G 12 5 5 Lariah Long Wolf 5’10 F/C 10 10 10 Mia Vasquez 5’4 G 12 11 11 Macy Roulliard 5’7 G/F 11 12 12 Sophia Hatten 5’5 G 11 13 13 Paula Yellow Boy 6’1 C 12 14 14 Justice Steele 5’10 C 10 15 15 Cante Bull Bear 5’8 G/F 11 21 21 Ilyanna Tallman 5’6 G/F 11 22 22 Minaa Ghost Dog 5’10 F/C 11 23 23 Wiyaka Red Shirt 5’11 C 12Back row – Left to right: Justice Steele, Wiyaka Little Spotted Horse, Amina Yellow Horse, Paula Yellow Boy, Talaiah Bear Killer, Ashley Steele, Cante Skuya Love JoyFront row – Left to right: Eva Bull Bear, LaMia Vasquez, Ilyanna Fillspipe, Macy Rouillard, Shawnee White, Sophia HattenNot Pictured: Lariah Long Wolf
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 48LOWER BRULE SIOUX Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Desme Estes 6’2 G/F 11 3 3 Shane Sazue Jr 5’10 G 11 5 5 Brian Laroche Jr 5’10 G 8 10 10 Jalen Little 5’10 G 12 11 11 Eeon Bromwich 6’1 G/F 11 15 15 Shane Grey Owl 5’11 G 10 20 20 James Brouse 6’1 F 12 23 23 Scott Obago Jr 5’11 G 11 24 24 Chris Comes Flying 6’0 G/F 12 30 30 Gavin Thigh 5’9 G 8 32 32 Nathan Hyde 6’10 C 12 34 34 Tjay Head 6’0 G/F 11 41 41 Elijah Battese 6’3 F 11 42 42 Tyrek Traversie 6’0 G 9 55 55 Treyvon Head 6’3 F/C 11
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 49 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Molly Jandreau 5’2 G 12 2 2 Caleigh Little 5’5 G 10 3 3 Bariah Laroche 5’3 G 11 4 4 Chasidy LaRoche 5’4 G 12 5 5 Arianna Traversie 5’11 G/F 12 10 10 Adriyannah Tahsequah 5’6 G/F 11 11 11 Marshalynn Janis 5’4 G 11 12 12 Justina Grassrope-Brouse 5’6 F 11 20 20 Kharmon Wells 5’4 G 8 21 21 Amaya Hacker 5’4 G 12 22 22 Maleighya Estes 5’6 G 9 23 23 Madison Wells 5’8 G/F 10 34 34 Katelyn Bortolussi 5’9 C 11 44 44 Teneyah LaRoche 5’7 G/F 12 55 55 Heaven Grassrope 5’5 F 10
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 50MARTY INDIAN BRAVES Jersey Number Lt Name Height Position Class 0 Toriano Bohannon 5’11 G/F 10 2 Max Zephier 6’0 F 11 3 Xavier Hare 5’9 G 10 5 James Patterson 5’7 G 10 11 DeAndre Cournoyer 5’6 G 11 15 Alec Cournoyer 5’10 F 10 21 Hayden Small 5’9 G/F 11 23 Craig Small 5’10 G/F 11 24 Austin Carter 5’8 G 10 30 Isiah Blacksmith 5’10 F 12 31 Louis Honomichl 5’6 G/F 11 34 Byron Standing Cloud 6’0 F 11 44 Cortez Swift Horse 6’0 F/C 12 55 Micheal Bernie 6’5 C 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 51 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 00 00 Julianna Standing Cloud 5’6 G 11 2 2 Zaysiah Bruguier 5’7 G 10 5 5 Jacquelynne Rank 5’9 F/C 12 10 10 Audra Iron Elk 5’10 G/F 11 15 15 Chernessa Cournoyer 5’6 G 10 21 21 Eillana Blue 5’5 G 10 22 22 Hayden Denoyer 5’6 G 10 23 23 Audree Iron Elk 5’8 G/F 11 24 24 Talese Bruguier 5’5 G 9 31 31 Markayla Yellow Horse 5’10 C 11 32 32 Justine Blue 5’5 G 11 33 33 Kimimina Drapeau 5’10 F 10 34 34 Linda Starr 5’6 G/F 12 35 35 Olivia Tiger 5’10 F/C 9 50 50 Geraldine Gonzalez 5’7 F 11
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 52MCLAUGHLIN MUSTANGS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 0 0 Lex Farrell 5’10 G 12 2 2 Israel Defender 5’9 G 10 12 12 Hunter Vandermuelen 5’9 G 12 13 13 Jadyn Carry Moccasin 5’9 G 11 20 20 Sonny Taken Alive 6’1 F/C 10 23 23 Alex One Horn 5’10 G 12 30 30 Michael Taken Alive 6’4 F/C 12 32 32 Jayden Ducheneaux 5’11 F 10 33 33 Jonah Taken Alive 6’1 G/F 12 45 45 Elias Sims 6’1 F 8
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 53 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 12 12 Cami Guggolz 5’6 F 12 14 14 Molina White Eyes 5’3 G 10 15 15 Hailee Little Eagle 5’6 F 10 21 21 Laney Howard 5’3 F 12 22 22 Trevonna Henry 5’5 G 10 24 24 LaDonna Archambault 5’5 F 12 25 25 Quenessa Long Elk 5’4 F 10 30 30 Jolie Eagle 5’8 F 11 32 32 Devon Archambault 5’9 C 11 42 42 Quentana Long Elk 5’6 F 11
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 54OELRICHS TIGERS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Class 1 1 Tyriece Two Lance 5’7 G 9 3 3 Sam Warrior 5’7 G 10 5 5 Lewis Wilson 5’10 G/F 10 10 10 Jeeter Shockey 5’7 G 11 11 11 Michael Winters 6’0 F 12 21 21 Floren Cross Dog 6’2 G/F 12 22 22 Toby Swallow 6’1 G/F 11 23 23 Nick Tobacco 5’11 G 11 24 24 Benny Benson 6’3 G/F 10 33 33 Edward Starr Comes Out 5’11 G/F 11 34 34 Jeremiah Braveheart 5’8 G 10 42 42 Quentin Rouillard 5’9 G/F 10 44 32 Aaron Brings Him Back 6’5 F/C 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 55 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Class 1 1 Patricia Carlow 5’7 G/F 10 2 2 Angeleigh Twiss 5’6 G/F 10 3 3 Evie Young Man 5’9 F/C 9 4 4 Ileana Hairy Shirt 5’7 G/F 9 5 5 Christian Boyles 5’8 F 9 10 10 T’lea Rouillard 5’7 G/F 8 11 11 Jada Rouillard 5’8 G/F 10 12 12 Ariana Titus 5’10 F/C 10 15 15 Molly Little 5’8 F/C 9 20 20 Osheanna Mousseaux 5’8 F/C 11 22 22 Keanna Short Bull 5’10 F/C 10 23 23 Tracey Dreaming Bear 5’8 G/F 10
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 56PINE RIDGE THORPES Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Darrel Vitalis 5’8 G 10 10 Greg Swick 6’0 G/F 11 11 11 Jesse Jensen 6’0 G 12 20 20 Shelby Steele 6’1 G/F 12 22 22 Warlance Black Shawl 5’8 G 11 23 23 Corey Brown 6’3 F/C 12 24 24 Charles Schrader 6’2 G/F 11 30 30 Troy Red Cloud 5’11 G 10 33 33 Jarren Crow 5’10 G 12 34 34 Corey Blacksmith 6’4 F/C 12 40 40 Leighton Shangreau 5’11 G/F 12 42 42 Halen Bad Bear 6’0 G 12 44 44 Juwan Garnier 6’4 F/C 12 50 50 Terrance Two Bulls 5’6 G 12 52 52 Joe o’Rourke 6’2 G/F 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 57 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Natasha Swift Water 5’6 G 12 5 5 Rainbow Stands 5’4 G 11 10 10 Tobi Carlow 5’7 G 9 11 11 Shayla Bravo 5’5 G 8 15 15 Chancey Witt 5’4 G 9 20 20 Shyleigh Richard 5’5 G 8 21 21 Samantha Richard 5’8 G/F 12 22 22 Haylee Langdeau 5’7 G/F 11 23 23 Rhiannon Lone Dog 5’10 F/C 10 24 24 Kiera Bagola 5’7 G/F 12 25 25 Lacey Few Tails 5’6 F 10 32 32 Duka Thompson 5’8 G/F 12 34 34 Katerri Weston 5’4 G 12 50 50 Bree Belt 5’10 C 11 55 55 Taysha Big Crow 5’11 C 11David Pourier, Hoera (Hoyta) Kingi, Charley Left Hand, Michelle Frazier, Ariana Chief Eagle, Timohni Janis, Taryn Long, Danielle Bagola
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 58RED CLOUD CRUSADERS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 0 0 Alejandro Rama 6’1 G 12 1 1 Riyen Carlow 6’2 G 11 2 2 Reuben Harvey 6’0 G 11 3 3 Martin Pilcher 6’3 F 12 4 4 Rayhan Carlow 5’10 G 12 5 5 Jeremiah Whalen 5’10 G 10 10 10 Jarron Big Horn 5’10 G 10 11 11 Craig Yankton 5’8 G 11 12 12 Beau Donovan 5’10 G 10 20 20 Jevon Hacker 6’0 F 12 21 21 Beau Big Crow 5’7 G 9 22 22 Wakiyan Catches Enemy 6’5 F 11 23 23 Timmy Waters 6’3 F 12 24 24 Jalen Cross 6’3 F 12 32 32 JayShaun Morrisette 6’3 F 9Brianna Vocu, Mae Tobacco, Nevra Murdock, Lyric Frank, Chase Baird, Elizabeth Whalen, Malia Fallis, Ma’Lea Iatala Head Coach: Kylie I’atala
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 59Back Row Left to Right: Clay Leonard (Head coach), Melissa Clinchers, Cody Lone Elk, and Connie Tibbits Front Row Left to Right: Brandon Scherich, Tekuani Maestas, Shilo Yellow Boy, and Kogen Yamamoto Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 0 0 Emonee Pourier 6’0 G/F 12 1 1 Maya Franks 5’7 G 12 2 2 Kianna Big Crow 5’8 G/F 12 3 3 Stevi Fallis 5’5 G 10 5 5 Angelina Lebeau 5’7 G 9 10 10 Allison Richards 5’5 G 9 11 11 Raina Ghost Bear 5’6 G 9 12 12 Moriah Morrisette 5’8 G/F 10 20 20 Sharissa Haas 5’10 F 10 21 21 Paisley Sierra 5’6 G 11 22 22 Jordan Derby 6’2 C 10 23 23 Jacobie Knight 5’8 F 11 24 24 Griffey Big Crow 5’8 G 12 32 32 Rachel Two Bulls 5’7 G 11
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 60ST. FRANCIS INDIAN SCHOOL Jersey Number Lt Name Position Class 2 Prince Black Spotted Horse G 11 3 Thomas Denoyer G 11 4 Holden Haukaas G 11 5 Jaylen Bear Robe F/C 11 10 Kyler McCloskey G 11 11 Carsten Eagle Deer F 12 13 Daniel Witt G 11 20 Caylen Clairmont G 10 21 Antoine Bad Hand F/C 11 23 Jeffrey Curry F/C 12 30 Chris Long G/F 12 34 Jordan Kills in Water F/C 12 50 Larz King C 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 61 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Position Class 2 2 Charlize Arcoren G 12 3 3 Cayliah Brady G 11 4 4 Jazlea Arcoren G 11 5 5 Lanie Four Horns G 10 10 10 Sharlee Kills In Sight G 9 11 11 Kassandra Arcoren G 9 13 13 Keyanee Metcalf F 11 20 20 Janaeda Hesse F 11 40 40 Valeria Clairmont F 10 42 42 Matilda Anderson F 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 62TIOSPA ZINA WAMBDI Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 3 3 Johnny German 5’11 G 11 4 4 Caleb White 5’10 G 11 10 10 Nyton Owen 6’2 F 11 11 11 Divante Greeley 6’1 G/F 12 12 12 Jacob LaBlanc 5’10 G 12 13 13 Perry Lufkins 6’3 F 9 14 14 Noah Bernard 5’11 G 12 20 20 Tyray Redday 5’10 G 11 21 21 Jameson Pratt 5’11 G/F 11 22 22 Sam Shepherd 5’11 F 12 23 23 Quintin Abbey 5’10 G 10 24 24 Payton Halseide 5’8 G 11 30 30 Marty Fun Maker 6’1 F/C 12 32 32 Kobe HolyBear 6’3 F/C 11 33 33 Elliot Barse 6’0 G/F 10
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 63 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Kylie Deutsch 5’7 G 12 2 20 Brendalyn Barse 5’5 G 10 3 3 Maria Gallardo 5’6 G 10 4 4 Gerilyn Felicia 5’7 G 12 10 10 Jordyn LaBlanc 5’6 G/F 11 11 11 Hannah Williams 5’2 G 11 14 14 Katelyn Beadreau 5’7 G 11 20 20 Frankie Jamerson 5’5 G 10 21 21 Maili Marks 5’7 G 9 22 22 Lily Smith 5’4 G 12 24 24 Alahntae Renville 5’6 G 11 30 30 Lexus Redthunder 6’3 C 11 31 31 Kenzie Nickalauson 5’5 G/F 9 33 33 Paris Redthunder 6’1 C 9
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 64TODD COUNTY FALCONS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Bryce Hammer 5’9 G 11 3 3 Aiden Bizardie 6’1 G 12 4 4 King Horse Looking 5’11 F 11 10 10 Anton Murray 5’7 G 12 11 11 Jacob Wike 5’10 G 11 12 12 Caleb Clairmont 6’1 F 11 13 13 Josh Rowland 6’4 F/C 12 20 20 Royal Wike 5’9 G 11 21 21 Bryant Burnette 5’11 G/F 12 24 24 Slade Cournoyer 5’11 G 9 25 25 Kaine Redfish 6’2 G 10 32 32 Trent Poignee 6’1 F/C 11 42 42 Ashaun RoachValandra 6’2 F/C 10
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 65 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Teciah Spotted Tail 5’5 G 12 4 4 Raven Cournoyer 5’4 G 12 10 10 Kelsie Herman 5’5 G 11 12 12 Shanelle Lone Dog 5’5 F 12 14 14 Pauley Murray 5’3 G 11 20 20 Lacee Halligan 5’5 F/C 12 22 22 Kylie Randall 5’5 G 12 23 23 Doris White Hat 5’3 G 12 24 24 Haylee Quick Bear 5’7 F 12 30 30 Alanis Murray 5’6 G/F 12 32 32 Samantha Yellow Eagle 5’9 C 12 34 34 Jaclyn Crow Eagle 5’3 G 11 40 40 Taylor Red Hawk 5’6 F 12
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 66UMONHON NATION CHIEFS Jersey Number Lt Name Height Class 1 Mike Aldrich 5’11’’ Sr. 2 Kaden Sheridan 5’9’’ So. 3 David Romo 6’2’’ So. 5 Jayzon Hundley 5’11’’ Sr. 14 Lathaniel Armstrong 6’2’’ Jr. 15 Thomas Parker 5’11’’ Jr. 23 Sam Hundley 6’2’’ Jr. 24 Chauncey Tyndall 6’0’’ Sr. 50 Seth Sheridan 6’2’’ Sr.Triniti Webster, Selena Parker, Savannah Walker, Mercedes Anaya, Ladawna Lovejoy, Markeis Spears, Tyrel Miller,Tanisha Parker, Keela Cline, Tameeka Goodman, Lana Aldrich
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 67 Jersey Number No. Name Height Position Class 0 Bianca Freemont 5’0 G 9 3 Courtney Grant 5’6 G 12 4 Martese Sargeant 5’7 G 10 2 Leila Aldrich 5’8 F 11 5 Rubie Oftedal 5’5 G 11 10 Deondra Blackbird 5’5 G 11 11 Lashaie Sheridan 5’5 G 9 12 Rena Parker 5’4 G 10 15 Vestana Lasley 5’5 G 12 20 Triniti Webster 5’7 C 12 23 Savannah Walker 5’9 C 12 32 Kyleigh Merrick 5’6 F 11 44 LaDawna Lovejoy 5’8 F 11 50 Karleigh Miller 5’5 G 11
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 68WHITE RIVER TIGERS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 3 3 Joe Sayler 5’10 G 8 5 5 Dylan Marshall 5’10 G 9 10 10 Colbe Scott 5’10 G 10 11 11 Izaiah Sorace 5’9 G 11 14 14 Teron Sazue 6’3 F/C 11 20 20 Tyson Iyotte 6’ G 11 22 22 Nick Sayler 6’ G/F 11 23 23 Jadice Morrison 6’2 G/F 12 25 25 Luke Wells 6’5 F/C 11 30 30 Kyler Valandra 5’11 G 11 55 55 Jacob Young 6’7 C 12Back row: Deija DeMarras, Chloe Fernen, Miaken Adrien (Tiger Mascot), Raven DeSersa, Ana Good ShieldFront Row: Karlie Cameron, Quincey Piper, Shauntae Bear Heels, Kristina Osterbur
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 69 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 5 5 Deija DeMarrias 5’7 G 11 11 11 Nellie Leader Charge 5’7 G 12 13 13 Quincey Piper 5’8 G/F 11 21 21 Tawny Gropper 5’5 G 10 45 45 Gracie Charging Hawk 5’8 G 11 23 23 Caelyn Valandra-Prue 5’9 F/C 10 15 15 Nicole Yackley 5’8 G 10 33 33 Jayden Engle 5’7 G 12 35 35 Kaylee Wells 6’0 F/C 11 41 41 Tia Bear Heels 5’10 F/C 12 31 31 Remedy Morrison 5’7 G/F 10 35 35 Trinity White Hat 5’8 G/F 10 50 50 Gabby Iron Heart 5’10 F/C 12 43 43 Kelsey Morrison 5’8 C 10Back Row: Ana Good Shield, Emily Gillen, Sylvia Red Fish, Ireah Crow Eagle, Lamara HoweFront Row: Kristina Osterbur, Raven DeSersa, Chloe Fernen
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 70
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 71
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 72Jacob D. Neigel, Sr. (Jack) Jack attended school at Cheyenne- Eagle Butte and graduated in May, 1985. In February 1986, Jack enlisted into the United States Army. He was stationed in Hanau, Germany from February, 1986 – until February of 1989 when he left the service with an Honorable Discharge. After serving his country he returned home and mastered multiple occupations. From 1989 through 1997 Jack worked as a butcher, with his first opportunity occurring at Butlers Home Town Grocery and lasted until 1991. In 1991 the opportunity to become the manager of the meat cutting department at Lakota Thrifty Mart arose. Jack successfully managed this section of the store until 1997. While serving in a leadership position Jack worked with a large number of people and was always busy, but never too busy to take time with every customer and employee. Jack could probably have cut meat forever had he not had plumbing running through his veins. In 1997 Jack followed in his father’s footsteps and he went to work at the Eagle Butte Plumbing & Heating. For the next 11 years Jack worked for Plumbing and Heating and became a state certified plumber in the process. In April of 2008 this certification opened a new door for Jack and he started his career with the Bureau of Indian Education as a School Maintenance Plumber. Jack continues this employment today. Jack is and always has been the type of person that is willing to do whatever needs to be done. There truly is no job that he is unwilling to partake upon if necessary. This could be fixing 60 year old corroded sewer pipe at the school in the morning, picking trash around the complex in the afternoon, and answering calls for help with plumbing and all other issues regardless of the time of night or day of the week. Jack takes pride in his work and is a devout Braves loyalist. Jack is also involved with sports activity for the C-EB Braves. His quote is “Once a Brave, Always a Brave”.Though work definitely takes a large portion of Jack’s life, it does not consume him. He is an active community member and has been a volunteer fireman for decades. Jack takes pride in his school, his job, and his community. This pride is second to only one other thing in Jack’s life, his family.Jack has been married for 28 years to his wife Melissa and has raised two children: Jacob D. Neigel, Jr. (Jackson) & Cody R. Neigel. Jack and Melissa have two daughter in laws; Stevie Ann Neigel and Paige Neigel. Jack has also been blessed with five wonderful grandchildren: Shana, Spencer, Jackson, Liam and Mila. These grandchildren have only made Jack even happier and it seems as if the smile never leaves his face.The contributions of Jack to our school, and community are of the quality we all should aspire too. Jack is the epitome of a team player. His work ethics sets an example for all to follow that few if any can keep up with. Jack does the work of several people with an upbeat refreshing attitude. This attitude endears people to Jack, and it is rewarding to see someone like Jack win the award. Knowing Jack he will accept this award with a great amount of humility and reluctance. He may not recognize in himself all that he has done and will continue to do for us, but we sure do.Public Service AwardsJacob Neigel, Sr.
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 73Fr. George has been president of Red Cloud Indian School and an ex officio member of the Board of Directors since 2010. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in History from Spring Hill College in Mobile, AL, a Master’s degree in Counselor Education from Boston University, and a Master’s degree in Divinity from Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, MA. Before coming to Red Cloud Fr. George held a number of leadership roles in Milwaukee: director of campus ministry at Marquette University, president of Marquette University High School, and pastor of Gesu Church. He moved to South Dakota in 2002 and was, until 2010, the director of the Sioux Spiritual Center and of the Ministry Formation Program for the Diocese of Rapid City.Fr. George has served RCIS very well as president for the past 8 years. Under his leadership Red Cloud has prospered and has made great strides in building a strong future for our students and families. Fr. George will be leaving his position after this year, and will eventually take on another assignment within the Midwest Province of Jesuits. The Red Cloud Indian School community would like to express their appreciation and gratitude to Fr. George for his service to Red Cloud. Wóphila Tȟánka uŋk’eníciyapi yelo!My name is George Howe. I am a member of the Crow Creek Hunkpati Tribe. I have a large family, and large circle of friends. I went to the old grade school in Fort Thompson, graduated from Crow Creek High School in 1983. In 1982 I was a member of the boy’s basketball team reaching the state championship. I participated in many independent men’s basketball and softball tournaments. I went to Great Plains Area Vo-tech and Oklahoma State University in Oklahoma getting my education in the Air Conditioning/Heating field. I have two children who reside in Oklahoma. I am an artist, sculpture, craftsman in our traditional ways. I am currently employed at Crow Creek Tribal Schools in Stephan since 1990. I am also teaching in our Dakota tradition such as the stories, language, ceremonies and Dakota Sunwakan oyate kin waunspekiya. I am greatly honored, Wopida Tanka iciciypoBetty Schultes received her Elementary Endorsement degree from Chadron State College in 1984, along with receiving her Special Education Endorsement from Chadron State College in 1989. Betty started teaching at the Pine Ridge High School in 2000 in the Special Education classroom teaching life skills special education students functional academics, daily life skills, and transition activities. Betty has engaged her life skills students with the utilization of various teaching strategies and techniques to meet the various learning styles of her student’s individual needs. Betty has implemented a school-to-work program for her students to engage them with job experience through various activities, ie. job coaching them in the school cafeteria and planting vegetables and flowers on campus, and assisting with job placement in the local community (ie. pizza hut). Betty states that she enjoys working with the life skills special education students. Her enjoyment to working with the life skills special education students are very evident through her dedication and passion to ensure each of her life skills students has the best opportunity in high school to obtain the best skills, experiences, and education to fulfill their goals in their post-secondary plans or whatever they set their mind to do. It is with great honor, the Pine Ridge School nominates Betty to show their appreciation for her sincere dedication and passion to her life skills students.Public Service AwardsFr. George Winzenburg, S.J.George HoweBetty Schultes
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 74A Community Response to Ending Sexual Violence
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 75A Community Response to Ending Sexual ViolenceKDKO89.5 FMListen LiveVoice of the IhanktonwanLand of the Friendly PeopleLake Andes, South DakotaLive Coverage: LNI 2018Commentary by:Chaske RockboyCaly KnoxShavonne Flying Hawkwww.nativeshop.orgwww.facebook.com/dakotatalkradio Find us on TuneIn app *free download* type in KDKOA Community Response to Ending Sexual ViolenceFor more Information: (605) 487-7072Hosted by: Derrick MarksMondays: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pmDiscussing issues affecting Indian CountryCall Us @ (605) 487-7887 / 7889Break The Silence
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 76Lana Christensen is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe who makes her home with her family in Kyle, South Dakota. She is married to Lance Christensen, lifelong resident of Kyle who currently serves as the Employee Assistance Program Director for Little Wound School and is enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Graduate Program at South Dakota State University. Together they have three children Tianna, Taylor, and Lance Jr. She is extremely proud of her family and their continued dedication to their education. Both, Tianna and Taylor are graduates of Little Wound School and are currently students at Black Hills State University. Lance Jr, avid golfer, is currently a sophomore. GO MUSTANGS!In 1997, as a college graduate of Black Hills State University, Lana applied for and accepted a position at Little Wound School. Teaching was and still is a passion that was instilled in her by generations of family members including her mother Dr. Geraldine Mendoza Gutwein, author and Professor of English, several aunts and uncles, and her Grandmother Corine Mendoza.Twenty-one years later she finds herself continuing to serve Little Wound School as School Improvement Specialist. In her time at LWS she has had the opportunity to learn and grow as an educator. She has taught kindergarten, first grade, preschool, and served as the Coordinator/Adult Education Teacher for the Family and Child Education Program (FACE) and has been an adjunct instructor for both Oglala Lakota College and Black Hills State University. In 2007 she wrote for and received a Barbara Bush Foundation Grant that was able to provide sixty-five families in the FACE program with home libraries of one hundred books along with Family literacy classes that continued to provide support to families as they worked to establish the love of reading with their children.In 2004, she received her Master’s degree in K-12 Curriculum and Instruction from South Dakota State University. After years of teaching she felt as though she still needed more knowledge in the discipline of teaching reading, so she enrolled in the Black Hills State University and in 2016 graduated with her Master of Education in Reading.Her transition from the Family Literacy Program to the role of School Improvement opened many more doors which include her involvement in several initiatives for the staff, students, and community of Kyle. She has supported teachers by developing grow your own projects, and leading the conception of the Families Learning Together Project which continues to provide curriculum, technology, and most importantly literature to families and teachers of preschool through third grade as they support their children on their journey of becoming lifelong readers. She coordinates the Little Wound Boys and Girls Club, has been an advocate and support for the Trauma informed School Initiative through Little Wound’s Project Aware, and has supported the development of the Gifted and Talented Program.As the School Improvement Specialist, she has led the school through Advance-Ed accreditation, acts as the Assessment coordinator. She leads the School Improvement Team, which coordinates the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and the School-Wide Improvement Plan, and she supports the schools in all aspects of Curriculum and Instruction as well as assists the School Board and Superintendent in all school Initiatives.Lana’s commitment to serving the academic needs of LWS students, faculty, administration and staff are noteworthy.Lana’s goal as an educator is “to ensure that all students have all the necessary support, opportunities, and resources to become life-long learners and readers.”Public Service AwardsLana Christensen
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 77Name: Bob Epps and Mary Grimme EppsSchool: Crazy Horse SchoolCommunity Represented: Eagle Nest DistrictCommunity Achievements: We sold our home and relocated to the Wanblee area from DeForest, WI after founding the nonprofit organization Families Working Together. We have lived in the Wanblee village since July 2017. We are committed to improving the health and welfare of families especially children. Since living in Wanblee we have built a community center which is a place for children to come after school and on weekends. We also provide weekend food packs for children K-6th at the Crazy Horse School each week. We promoted the Wisconsin Lions Club to do visual screening for the Crazy Horse School as well as 4 other schools in the area. The Lions Club and will be coming back in May 2019 to provide reservation wide visual screening as well as glasses to those who need them. We provide the volunteer help and assistance for home renovation in and around the area. We are currently working with other residents of the village to organize and establish a master plan to develop the village FWT building warehouses clothes, household supplies, shoes, and various other items for families that need them. We are also in the process of teaching sewing and cooking.Bio: (Achievements, Activities, Hobbies, and Family) Robert (Bob) Epps retired from being a general contractor for over 50 years with his own business before coming to SD Dr. Mary Grimme Epps spent 20 years as a Registered Nurse, 12 years as a massage therapist and 20 years in the education field as a teacher and administrator. Together we have 4 grown children and a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren. We both have been community organizers for many years and have spent our lives moving and living in different areas and serving wherever we were most needed. We enjoy gardening, reading, traveling, learning new things, meeting and exchanging with new people. Mary is a doctor of Natural Medicine and enjoys sharing her knowledge. Bob enjoys teaching and encouraging young people to learn the building and electrical trade. Together. We look forward to a long successful time in the Wanblee and surrounding area as we serve those around us.Public Service AwardsBob and Mary Epps8th AnnualStuffed Animal TossBring a stuffed toy to toss into the arena on Saturday evening around 6:45 pmToys will be dispersed to children from different communities for Christmas.
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 78Rapid City—Rushmore Plaza 505 North Fifth St.Rapid City SDSales 605-399-7039Reservations 605-348-4000Book your meeting now and pick your perk:• 50,000 IHG Meeting Planner Points• Morning or Afternoon Break for up to 25 People • Free Room Night for Every $2,000 SpentWelcome.Beautiful accommodations… Award-winning service…Downtown location!Welcome.Beautiful accommodations… Award-winning service…Downtown location!Sacred Hoops Basketball“Making an Impact 1 Gym at a Time” • Camps at your School• Summer AAU Teams• Individual & Small Group Workouts• ClinicsGo to www.sacredhoopsbasketball.com for more information.
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 79Mato Niyanpi is called upon by his relatives, and Creator, to perform an act of commitment and courage. Tunkasila has a face-to-face confrontation with Custer on Last Stand Hill. Mato Niyanpi is the proud Lakota warrior who killed Lt. Col. George A. Custer. In the taking of his human presence from Unci Maka, Mato Niyanpi became, and continues to be, the Spirit Keeper of Custer. Creator called this union for our future together as human beings, living in peace, unity, tolerance and love.www.warrioris.com
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 80Name: Tracy TuckerSchool: White River High SchoolCommunity Represented: White RiverBio: (Achievements, Activities, Hobbies, and Family) Tracy Tucker (Abbott) graduated from Todd County High School and attend SDSU where she obtained a Home Economic Bachelor of Science Degree. After graduating from college she married Lance Tucker from White River, SD. They began a ranch outside of White River and after 35 years they are still operating their cow calf operation. After college graduation, Tracy also signed on as the White River Family and Consumer Science Teacher (FACS), and has been actively involved with the school for the past 35 years. For the past 35 years she has also been an active class sponsor (currently the senior class advisor) and Family, Career, Community Leader of America (FCCLA) advisor. She has assisted many students in winning local, state and national competitions. Tracy also helped coach volleyball, basketball and cheerleader during her time at WRHS. Tracy enjoys supporting her school and students. She tries to come up with new ideas to make education fun and still find ways of encouraging students to develop employability skills as they learn other day to day living skills. She also makes it a point to show all students that she truly cares about them and their future. She teaches all areas of FACS classes and involves herself and her classes with many community activities. She has helped organize and implement Health Fairs, Blood Drives, Prevention Days, Proms/After Prom Parties, Graduations, Community Clean-Up Days and activities with the local nursing home and food pantries. Tracy has also been active at the United Methodist Church along with their youth programs. Tracy also enjoys helping other organizations and their community activities. She also tries to find time and ways to help families and individuals that are going through tough times.Kay Gourneau, worked with the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe for 32 years. She first started out in the capacity for the Clerk of Courts and after encouragement from a group of elders at that time was encouraged to run for Council. During her time on the council, she worked closely with the Aberdeen Area Director, and established the CHR Program here in Lower Brule. She also worked in getting the Social Services program here in the Lower Brule, where at that time any benefits were directly through the government. During the mid-70’s, Kay had the honor of being selected for Vice-Chairman of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, and worked closely along with the late Chairman Jandreau in providing economic development for the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe. Together they had a vision of our tribe being self sufficient and people employed. She worked closely with him in creating the Lower Brule Farm Corporation, Lower Brule Enterprise and the Golden Buffalo Casino. She served as a Council member for the tribe for 4 years, and served as Vice-Chairman of the Tribe for a total of 16 years, she retired in 1996. Her compassion, dedication, and vision for our Tribe had never faltered. She worked hard, and dedicated her life making sure that our people believed in themselves and worked hard for their own families so they can be self sufficient.Public Service AwardsTracy TuckerKay Gourneau
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 81Who Is She?As an original franchise player for the WNBA’sSacramento Monarchs. She has scored over 2000career points, she is 4th on the WNBA’s all-me3-pointer list, and she is the only player in the history of the Monarchs to have her number rered. She is a 2-me Olympic Gold Medalist, a USA Basketball Female of the Year, the Sports Illustrated Best Woman Athlete by home state, and one of only four players to be named to the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame Class of 2011. Ruthie was the WNBA’s rst Naonal Spokeswoman for youth development program “Play Fit/ Stay Fit.”
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 82All Campuses Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco FreeOglala Lakota College • PO Box 490 • Kyle, SD 57752 • 605-455-6000 • www.olc.eduOGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGEOGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGERebuilding the Lakota Nation through EducationThomas Shortbull, PresidentDr. Dawn Frank, VP InstructionJulie Johnson, VP BusinessBilli Hornbeck, Financial AidLeslie Mesteth, RegistrarRegistration Begins ........................................November 13Registration Ends..................................................January 11Course Cancellation .............................................January 15Add or Drop ...................................................... Jan. 14-Feb. 1Classes Begin ..........................................................January 21100% Drop ........................................................ Jan. 28-Feb. 8CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COLLEGE CENTERSPRING 2019 SCHEDULE OLC STUDENT SENATEDEGREES OFFEREDEagle Nest @ Wanblee ...........................................462-6274East Wakpamni @ Batesland ................................288-1834LaCreek @ Martin .....................................................685-6407Pahin Sinte @ Porcupine .......................................867-5404Pass Creek @ Allen ...................................................455-2757Cheyenne River @ Eagle Butte ............................964-8011He Sapa @ Rapid City .............................................342-1513Pejuta Haka @ Kyle ..................................................455-2450Wounded Knee @ Manderson .........................867-5352Pine Ridge ..................................................................867-5893Oglala ...........................................................................867-5780Nursing Program .....................................................867-5856Shawn Garnette, HeSapa/Rapid City ....................................... PresidentLinda Scabby Face, Oglala ..................................................Vice PresidentK. Katela Hehakasapa, Wounded Knee/Manderson .......... SecretaryJeremy Twiss, Pahin Sinte/Porcupine ......................................TreasurerDillon W. Nelson, Pine Ridge ......................................Sergeant at ArmsKyah Dull Knife, Eagle Nest/Wanblee ........................................MemberEric In the Woods, Cheyenne River............................................. MemberConrad Osbourne, East Wakpamni/Batesland ....................... MemberQuinton Red Bear, Pass Creek/Allen .......................................... MemberLarissa Red Eagle, Pejuta Haka/Kyle .......................................... Member Shawn Romero, LaCreek/Martin ................................................ MemberDon Giago, EAP/Student Aairs (Student Advisor) .............OLC Sta Master of Arts Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science Associate of ArtsAssociate of Applied Science CerticatesGOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE LAKOTA NATION INVITATIONAL!Lakota Oyate kin Wounspe Tantanhan un Tokata Etkiya Igloapi Kte
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 83All Campuses Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco FreeOglala Lakota College • PO Box 490 • Kyle, SD 57752 • 605-455-6000 • www.olc.eduOGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGEOGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGERebuilding the Lakota Nation through EducationThomas Shortbull, PresidentDr. Dawn Frank, VP InstructionJulie Johnson, VP BusinessBilli Hornbeck, Financial AidLeslie Mesteth, RegistrarRegistration Begins ........................................November 13Registration Ends..................................................January 11Course Cancellation .............................................January 15Add or Drop ...................................................... Jan. 14-Feb. 1Classes Begin ..........................................................January 21100% Drop ........................................................ Jan. 28-Feb. 8CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COLLEGE CENTERSPRING 2019 SCHEDULE OLC STUDENT SENATEDEGREES OFFEREDEagle Nest @ Wanblee ...........................................462-6274East Wakpamni @ Batesland ................................288-1834LaCreek @ Martin .....................................................685-6407Pahin Sinte @ Porcupine .......................................867-5404Pass Creek @ Allen ...................................................455-2757Cheyenne River @ Eagle Butte ............................964-8011He Sapa @ Rapid City .............................................342-1513Pejuta Haka @ Kyle ..................................................455-2450Wounded Knee @ Manderson .........................867-5352Pine Ridge ..................................................................867-5893Oglala ...........................................................................867-5780Nursing Program .....................................................867-5856Shawn Garnette, HeSapa/Rapid City ....................................... PresidentLinda Scabby Face, Oglala ..................................................Vice PresidentK. Katela Hehakasapa, Wounded Knee/Manderson .......... SecretaryJeremy Twiss, Pahin Sinte/Porcupine ......................................TreasurerDillon W. Nelson, Pine Ridge ......................................Sergeant at ArmsKyah Dull Knife, Eagle Nest/Wanblee ........................................MemberEric In the Woods, Cheyenne River............................................. MemberConrad Osbourne, East Wakpamni/Batesland ....................... MemberQuinton Red Bear, Pass Creek/Allen .......................................... MemberLarissa Red Eagle, Pejuta Haka/Kyle .......................................... Member Shawn Romero, LaCreek/Martin ................................................ MemberDon Giago, EAP/Student Aairs (Student Advisor) .............OLC Sta Master of Arts Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science Associate of ArtsAssociate of Applied Science CerticatesGOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE LAKOTA NATION INVITATIONAL!Lakota Oyate kin Wounspe Tantanhan un Tokata Etkiya Igloapi KteJon Holsworth Team Sales Jon@dakotasportsonline.com (605) 342-7288 - Office Trevor Anderson Team Sales Trevor@dakotasportsonline.com (605) 342-7288 - Office Good Luck to all the teams!
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 84BOYS CHAMPION 1977-78 Red Cloud 87 1978-79 Little Wound 79 1979-1980 Little Wound 53 1980-81 Red Cloud 62 1981-82 Red Cloud 76 1982-83 St. Francis 76 1983-84 Pine Ridge 64 1984-85 Pine Ridge 81 1985-86 Pine Ridge 67 1986-87 Pine Ridge 89 1987-88 C-Eagle Butte 81 1988-89 Red Cloud 82 1989-90 Custer 59 1990-91 Custer 59 1991-92 Custer 92 1992-93 Custer 64 1993-94 Little Wound 93 1994-95 Little Wound 51 1995-96 Little Wound 531996-97 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 59 1997-98 Custer 80 1998-99 Crow Creek 69 1999-2000 Little Wound 54 2000-2001 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 63 2001-2002 Crow Creek 51 2002-2003 Custer 78 2003-2004 Pine Ridge 67 2004-2005 Lower Brule 44 2005-2006 St. Thomas More 58 2006-2007 Little Wound 49 2007-2008 Red Cloud 86 2008-2009 White River 65 2009-2010 White River 85 2010-11 Custer 2011-12 White River 2012-13 White River 2013-14 Pine Ridge 2014-15 White River 2015-16 Winnebago2016-17 Winnebago 972017-18 White River 73COACH Ted Standing Soldier Dave Archambault Dave Archambault, State B 4th Place Rol Bradford Rol Bradford Red Prue Jesse Mendoza, State A 8th Place Jesse Mendoza, State A 7th Place Jesse Mendoza, State A 3rd Place Jesse Mendoza, State A Champions Terry Nelson, State A Consolation Dusty LeBeau Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Larry Luitjens, State A Runner-up Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Silas Blaine Silas Blaine Silas Blaine Jesse Mendoza Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Silas Blaine Dusty LeBeau Jesse Mendoza Silas Blaine Larry Luitjens Dusty LeBeau Doug White Bull Dave Hollenbeck Jamie Feather Earring Matt Rama Eldon Marshall Eldon MarshallLarry Luitjens Eldon Marshall Eldon Marshall Dusty LeBeau Eldon Marshall Blake GardnerBlake GardnerEldon MarshallRUNNER UP Wakpala 71 Pine Ridge 68 St. Francis 52 Pine Ridge 56 Marty 57 Red Cloud 63Crow Creek 64Little Wound 51 Little Wound 53 Red Cloud 75Pine Ridge 75 Pine Ridge 67 Red Cloud 53Standing Rock 48 Todd Co. 66 Red Cloud 59 Red Cloud 84 Red Cloud 47Custer 47 Red Cloud 58 Pine Ridge 64 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 56 Custer 44 Crow Creek 61St. Thomas More 37 Pine Ridge 52Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 62St. Thomas More 40 St. Francis 44 St. Thomas More 46White River 66 Custer 57 Red Cloud 72McLaughlin Custer Red CloudWhite River Red Cloud White RiverRed Cloud 57Crow Creek 69COACH Gene Ryan Bryan BrewerCalvin Iron Shell Jesse Mendoza Rick Evans Rol Bradford Tony Franklin Red Prue Red Prue Rol Bradford Bill Kappenman Rol Bradford, State A 4th Place Dusty LeBeau, State A Runner-up TimKrahler Lyle Parvin, State A Consolation Dusty LeBeau, State A 3rd Place Dusty LeBeau, State A 4th Place Dusty LeBeau, State A Champs Larry Luitjens Dusty LeBeau, State A 4th Place Bill Pourier, State A 4th Place Jesse Mendoza Larry Luitjens Silas Blaine Dave Hollenbeck Dusty LeBeau Jesse Mendoza Dave Hollenbeck Roger Crow Eagle Dave Hollenbeck Eldon Marshall Larry Luitjens Matt RamaHank Taken Alive Larry Luitjens Christian McGhee Eldon Marshall Christian McGheeEldon MarshallChristian McGheeBilly Joe SazueLNI PAST BOYS CHAMPIONS 1977-2016
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 85GIRLS CHAMPION 1983-84 Pine Ridge 68 1984-85 Little Wound 53 1985-86 Pine Ridge 42 1986-87 Pine Ridge 70 1987-88 Pine Ridge 57 1988-89 Pine Ridge 67 1989-90 Pine Ridge 54 1990-91 Red Cloud 69 1991-92 Red Cloud 78 1992-93 Red Cloud 68 1993-94 Todd County 54 1994-95 Todd County 66 1995-96 Red Cloud 58 1996-97 St. Francis 55 1997-98 Pine Ridge 59 1998-99 Pine Ridge 66 1999-2000 Todd County 46 2000-2001 Pine Ridge 55 2001-2002 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 67 2002-2003 Red Cloud 50 2003-2004 Todd County 58 2004-2005 Todd County 60 2005-2006 Custer 39 2006-2007 Pine Ridge 63 2007-2008 Pine Ridge 63 2008-2009 Pine Ridge 74 2010-11 Cheyenne Eagle Butte 2011-12 Cheyenne Eagle Butte 2012-13 Pine Ridge 2013-14 Pine Ridge 2013-14 Todd County 2015-16 Little Wound 2016-17 Little Wound 652017-2018 Crow Creek 66COACH Jesse Mendoza, State A 7th Place Alex “Red” Prue Jesse MendozaCharlie Zimiga Charlie Zimiga, State A 8th Place Charlie Zimiga, State A 4th Place Charlie Zimiga, State A Champions Dusty LeBeau Dusty LeBeau, State A Runner-Up Dusty LeBeau, State A 3rd Place Lema LaPointe Lema LaPointe Dusty LeBeau, State A Consolation Champs Alex “Red” Prue, State A 4th PlaceCharlie Zimiga Charlie ZimigaRoger Crow Eagle Lynelle Long Arlyn Wohlleber Mary TobaccoChuck Wilson Chuck Wilson, State A 6th Place Dr. Paul Anderson Bill Mendoza Dusty LeBeau Dusty LeBeau Les Logg Jesse Mendoza Laura Big Crow Laura Big Crow Bob Boyd Lyle LeBeauLyle LeBeauVitals FalisRUNNER UP Little Wound 50 St. Francis 51 Little Wound 34 Red Cloud 48 Red Cloud 48 Red Cloud 62 OTCheyenne-Eagle Butte 52 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 50Pine Ridge 73 Pine Ridge 48 St. Francis 47 Red Cloud 41 St. Francis 53 Pine Ridge 50 St. Francis 49Todd County 62 Red Cloud 39 Red Cloud 42 RedCloud 40 Hill City 39 McLaughlin 57 Little Wound 43 Little Wound 34Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 33 Red Cloud 43 Little Wound 63 Standing Rock Pine Ridge Cheyenne Eagle Butte Red Cloud Red Cloud Todd CountyPine Ridge 31Pine Ridge 49COACH Dave Archambault Hank Doney Alex “Red” Prue Rol Bradford Dusty LeBeau, State A 6th Place Dusty LeBeau Allen Benoist Barry Mann Charlie Zimiga John Jordan Alex “Red” Prue Dusty LeBeau Alex “Red” Prue Earl Vermillion Alex “Red” Prue Roger Crow Eagle, State A 6th Place Mary Tobacco Mary Tobacco, State A 7th Place Mary Tobacco, State A 8th Place Bryce Schaffer Donna Taken Alive Richard “Tuffy” Lundetman Mary Tobacco Arlyn Wohlleber, State A 7th Place Jerome LeBeau Ted Standing Soldier Jr. Margaret Gates Laura Big Crow Jesse Mendoza Amanda Carlo Amanda Carlo Bob BoydLaura Big CrowVitals FalisLNI PAST GIRLS CHAMPIONS 1977-2016
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 86 The Rosebud Sioux Tribe wishes good luck to the following teams at the 2018 Lakota Naon Invitaonal The St. Francis Warriors The Todd County Falcons The White River Tigers Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. Rodney M Bordeaux Sco Herman Wayne Boyd Linda Marshall Ed Clairmont Tribal President Tribal Vice President Tribal Treasurer Tribal Secretary Sergeant At Arms
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 87
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 88Cheyenne-EagleButte Braves2004 E. Street • PO Box 672Eagle Butte, SD 57625605-964-8777C-EB Braves If you believe it, the mind can achieve it! You got this!Good Luck Braves!Marcella Ryan LeBeau was born October 12, 1919 to Joseph Ryan and Florence Four Bear Ryan at Promise, SD. Marcella is an enrolled member of the Two Kettle Band Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. Her Lakota name given to her by her Grandmother Louise Bear Face is Wigmuke Wašté Wíŋyaŋ (Pretty Rainbow Woman). She is a descendant of Chief Joseph Four Bear and Rain In The Face. Chief Four Bear reluctantly put his mark on the Ft. Laramie Treaty. Rain In The Face fought at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Marcella attended boarding school at the old Cheyenne Agency boarding school and St. Elizabeth Mission School.She earned her R.N. degree from St. Mary’s School of Nursing in Pierre, SD. During WWII Marcella joined the Army Nurse Corps starting as 2nd Lieutenant and was later promoted to 1st Lieutenant. She served in Eng-land, Wales, France, and Belgium earning 3 Bronze Stars: African Middle East, Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge), and American Campaign. In 2004, Marcella was one of 100 WWII Veterans to be awarded France’s highest civilian honor the French Legion Medal of Honor in Paris, France.Marcella retired after 31 years of service, from the Cheyenne River IHS as Director of Nurses. She was also a representative for the CRST Tribal Council for 4 years initiating and passing a smok-ing ban. Marcella was instrumental in repatriation of the Sacred Ghost Dance Shirt from the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1999 from the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow, Scotland. In 2006, Marcella was inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame in the Professional category. Marcella was also recognized as Women in History by Spirit of the Prairie Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. In May 2018, Marcella received an honorary doctorate degree in Public Service from SDSU in Brookings, SD. Marcella continues to be an active community member. She is a member of Post 308, Wisdom Keepers Board, Canli Coalition, and Secretary for Heartbeat at Wounded Knee 1890.Marcella still advocates for higher education, Lakota Language preservation, historical trauma awareness, cultural revitalization, health, and wellness. She still lives in her home and enjoys sewing, cooking, and walking 2 miles at fitness center when she gets the chance!In 1947 Marcella married Gilbert Lebeau and they had 8 children: Daniel, Diane, Richard, Bonnie, Thomas, Gerri, Kathleen and Donna. Today Marcella enjoys 35 grandchildren; 44 great grandchildren and 3 great, great grandchildren!Marcella LeBeau in Paris, France French Legion of Honor AwardLieutenant Marcella Ryan Ryan - 1944Positive Mentors High school athletics are lled with positive mentors, from the coaches on the sidelines to the leaders on the team. Students learn to work with a wide range of authority gures, who teach them important lessons about hard work, respect and good sportsmanship. Early experiences with mentors like these help shape student athletes in positive ways for the rest of their lives.LNI to Honor World War II Veteran
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 89Rules for Conduct & SportsmanshipParticipant Ethics and Dress PolicyThe Lakota Nation Tournament is looked at and held in the highest esteem.The tournament is highly regarded in the Midwest and the Lakota Nation Tournament sets high standers. Let everyone be accountable.1. One unsportsmanlike technical foul during the Lakota Nation Invitational from either a player or a coach results in no tournament awards for that individual.2. Two unsportsmanlike technical fouls from the same individual during Lakota Nation Invitational will result in his or her team being exempt from receiving any awards except for the place awards.3. If a player or coach is ejected for two unsportsmanlike technicals, he or she will not play or coach the rest of the tournament. If said coach or player is ejected or receives his or her second unsportsmanlike technical on the last day of Lakota Nation Invitational, the next year he or she will sit out the first game of match of Lakota Nation Invitational.4. In Volleyball, a red card to a player or coach translates to no post tournament awards for that individual.5. Two red cards or ejection of a volleyball player or coach carries a penalty of no awards to that team. The team will only accept their place trophy from Lakota Nation Invitational. If two cards occur in two different games, but it still carries the same penalty as if it were one contest.6. If a coach receives two unsportsmanlike technical fouls or is given two red cards, his or her team is exempt from any post tourney awards other than the place trophy. They will not participate in the rest of the Lakota Nation Invitational.7. Any wrestling coaches or wrestlers who are disqualified for any unsportsmanlike act will not be eligible for any awards.8. Spectators should always uphold the highest values in sportsmanship. Lakota Nation Invitational fans should encourage other spectators no to boo or jeer at what the perceive to be a bad calls or bad plays.9. Officials need to show continued respect of players, coaches and fans. Any coach who wishes to appeal any of the above violations will have one hour after the game of match has ended to do so. The appeal must be written and should include statement from coaches, witnesses, and players along with a video tape. The appeal will be heard by the Board of Directors or their designated representatives. The Lakota Nation Invitational Participant Ethics and Dress Policy has been established to support as outlined in the Lakota Nation Invitational Articles of Incorporation By Laws. All Lakota Nation Invitational participants will be required to adhere to this policy. (Updated 9//29/07) The Lakota Nation Invitational Dress Policy supports the following principles:* Respect for the rights and dignity of others* Decency* Safety of persons and property* Promotion of a safe drug/alcohol/gang free environment Participants will:* Respect the rights and beliefs of others and treat others with courtesy and consideration* Be fully responsible for one’s actions and the consequences of such actions* Respect the property of others* Respect and obey the rules of the school and laws of the Lakota Nation Invitational* Show respect to those responsible for enforcing the rules of the school and the laws of the Lakota Nation Invitational* Not display any markings and/or decorations* Conduct oneself as a proper role model for younger athletes* Dress in a respectable manner On Court Attire:* Regulated according to the SDHSAA rules Off Court Attire:* Sweats are allowed when the entire team is dressed in like uniform* Dress slacks - no jeans of sweats* Dress Shirts - Button up with tie, sweater, long or short sleeve polo, No Jerseys or t-shirts* Caps or hats - With exception of religious head-wear, they must be removed and not worn indoors* All clothing must fit properly - no sagging* Sexually explicit or revealing attire will not me allowed* Attire with wording or graphics that promote, advocate or display violence, gang related activity and/or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs will not be allowed* Attire that is recognized as a association with drug membership (i.e pocket chains, necklaces, bandannas and etc.) will not be allowed.
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 90 SICANGU LAKOTA EDUCATION TRUANCY INTERVENTION PROGRAMLAKOTA TIWAHE CENTER HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM(605) 747-2833 / 877-691-8183www.rst-education-department.comTHE BLACK HILLS ARE NOT FOR SALE
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 91LOADED NACHOSWelcome LNI Teams and Fans!NEW
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 92The Lakota Nation Invitational is honoring Shirley Left Hand, for fifty years of service in Education at the Oglala Lakota County School District. Shirley Has No Horses-Left Hand is the daughter of the late Dawson and Emily Feather on Head- Has No Horses. Shirley was born in Gordon Nebraska and was raised in Wakpamni Lake, South Dakota on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Shirley is a High School graduate of Pine Ridge High School and received her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in 1985 from Oglala Lakota College with Cum lade honors. Shirley married Levi Left Hand in 1968 and together they raised five children Kimberly, Jay, Derek, Wally and Elgin. Together they have sixteen grandchildren. Shirley started her career in Education in 1968 as a travelling librarian. Over the span of fifty years, Shirley has served as a Permanent Substitute, Bi-lingual Paraprofessional, Classroom teacher, Dance Club Sponsor and a Lakota Studies Teacher. In 1985 Shirley was nominated as “Teacher of the Year” for the Oglala Lakota County School District. Together, Shirley and her husband Levi have taught generations of students. Shirley has been instrumental in revitalizing the Lakota Language as one of our last fluent speakers. In 2017, Shirley was a Co-Coordinator for the Lakota Nation Invitational Language Bowl. Shirley Left Hand retired from the Oglala Lakota County School District this past October. In finishing her fifty year career in education as a Lakota Studies Instructor at Batesland School, her legacy and long standing dedication in education, is to be commended. The Lakota Nation Invitational is honoring Shirley Left Hand for dedicated service to the youth of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.Dr. Gloria Jean Coats-KitsopoulosNkicita Itancan Win----Woman Who Leads SoldiersBorn on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and enrolled Oglala Sioux Tribe.1975-2001 MilitaryRetired USA Medical Service Corps—permanent rank --Lieutenant ColonelViet Nam, Desert Storm CampaignsEducation:Bachelor of Science—Elementary EducationMasters Education—ReadingMasters Specialist—Educational AdministrationDoctorate-ED.D.—Educational AdministrationEducational Experience:Elementary Classroom Teacher (Self-contained, Open classroom)Middle School Teacher (departmentalized—Language Arts and Science)Administration:Assistant PrincipalPrincipalSuperintendent American Horse School, Allen, SD Appointed to educational boards to represent the Oglala Sioux TribeEducation HonoreesShirley Left HandDr. Gloria Jean Coats-Kitsopoulos
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 93Waylon Cheyenne Cash was born on March 13th, 2003, in Rapid City, South Dakota to William & Lynell Cash. From birth Waylon had to overcome several adversities. In spite of having a mild form of autism and having to go through heart surgery at the the Children’s Hospital in Seattle, WA, he never allowed anything to keep him from chasing his dreams. One of his dreams was to play basketball at Pine Ridge School. After taking his basketball physical, it was discovered that he had scoliosis and yet he never gave up. When he started playing basketball for the Pine Ridge Thorpes, he was the happiest boy on earth! At times he would get a little down and once he said dad, why does everything bad always have to happen to me? I gave him the only answer I could give him. I said God knew you would handle it and handle it gracefully, and he said ok dad, I get it. From that time on he chose to give his best on and off the court. He loved helping everyone around him. His love and concern of others was a gift from God. His life was cut short on February 23, 2018, but he lived his life to the fullest everyday. If there was ever an Angel to walk on this earth, it was Waylon. If Waylon was here today, he would say keep chasing your dreams never allow anything to cause you to ever give up!Will Garnier a 1967 graduate of oglala community high school( now PRHS). Will was a good athlete in many sports. In Will’s sophomore year he started playing for the varsity of the THORPES. At only 5’7” he was dynamite. He never gave up no matter how much they were down. Coach Gustafson told the news papers we need to get him the ball he is one of best shooters in South Dakota. He averaged 20 points a game . One game he scored 49 points so that brought his average up to 25 per game. That 49 points still is a record for Pine Ridge high school and the state. There were no 3 pointers in those days so that was quite a feat. Will was named an all-state for South Dakota, WSD All conference ,and qualified for the state track meet in the sprint merely. When Will was 18 he tried out for the Cincinnati Reds, a pro baseball team. He did make the team they wanted him to play shortstop but Will wanted to pitch so he walked away. He is survived by two sons, Don and Veryln, and he has joined his deceased son, Jon Garnier. He also is survived by many grandchildren. His mighty Thorps spirit will live on in our youth of today.Ed Young Man Afraid Of Horses was the first referee hired for LNI 1. He was one of the first certified Native American referees in the state. He worked for Shannon County Schools as a cultural teacher and had a traveling puppet show. His puppets were exaggerated in Lakota design and brought laughter to all the children. He worked for Little Wound School as the Home School Coordinator and knew every student that was enrolled, their parents, their brothers and sisters, and their grandparents, and where they lived.Ed was on the LNI Board of Directors as the Cultural Coordinator and would bring out the dancers in the grand entry and would be the last dancer to leave.The Golden Whistler Award goes out in his honor to an outstanding referee of this year’s event. His daughter and grandchildren will be presenting the awardWaylon Cheyenne CashWill GarnierThe Waylon Cash Inspirational AwardSponsoring Most 3 Points in Memory ofGolden Whistle Award
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 94Melody Azure 701-854-8020 Terry Warren 701-854-8057 Baken Park 741 Mt View Rushmore Crossing 1745 Eglin StreetGOOD LUCK TO ALLLNI TeamsDURING THE 2018 LAKOTA NATION INVITATIONALMake a difference in the health of your people.Earn a nursing degree from SDSU in Rapid City. Programs include:• Bachelor of Science• Master of Science• Doctor of Nursing Practice• Ph.D. in NursingSouth Dakota State University College of NursingNative American Nursing Education Center (605) 394-5390sdsu.rapidcitynursing@sdstate.eduwww.sdstate.edu/nursing/rapidcityFinancialAcademicSocial CulturalNative American Nursing Education Center For Native American Nursing Student Support
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 95
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 96SUANNE BIG CROW is a feature documentary about a teenager from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, who became one of the best high-school basketball players in history. While the rest of the world thought that Oglala [Lakota Sioux] heroes existed in the past, SuAnne inspired her struggling nation. But like other fallen heroes before her, shedied too soon, driving to pick up the Miss Basketball Award in 1992. This story returns to the reservation 29 years later, where SuAnne has become a household name. Her legacy continues in the hearts of the Oglala on the reservation and especially with SuAnne’s old high-school team, the Pine Ridge Lady Thorpes.Cameras will follow The Lady Thorpes throughout the 2018-2019 season to show how the spirit of SuAnne positively influences even the contemporary players. This is not a documentary about basketball. It’s a documentary about the power of positivity, determination, and thick skin. From tryouts to away games, and through the bitter reservation winter, we want to capture how SuAnne’s spirit still resonates with her people.We plan to film the Pine Ridge Lady Thorpes at LNI in order to document the importance of basketball to the Lakota nation, showing that it a sport of unification and solidarity for the tribe. We will have minimal, non-invasive camera presence at the games, typically a two-camera system operated by three individuals. While our focus is capturing footage of Laura Big Crow, her assistant coaches, and the Lady Thorpes, incidental footage of opposing teams and audience members is expected. We are excited for the opportunity to celebrate together the legacy of SuAnne, the modern-day Lady Thorpes and the Lakota Nation Invitational!All my best,Kris Kaczor, directorSUANNE BIG CROW DOCUMENTARYLakota Nation Invitational Grant ApplicationThe Arrow Financial Services’, a subsidiary of REDCO, LNI Educational Grant ($1000) is open to any high school senior who attends a school that is participating in LNI. Applicant InformationFull Name: Date of birthAddress: Phone: EmailEducationHigh School: Address:What are your plans immediately after high school?Short AnswerPlease answer the following questions in 200 words each. Please use a separate piece of paper if necessary.Where do you come from?After high school graduation, how do you plan to help your community?Who is a leader you admire and why?Imagine you have to build a time machine. Which three fictional characters would you choose to help you and why?Is there anything else you would like to share with us? High School TranscriptPlease contact your school counselor for your high school transcript and include it with your completed application.Submitting your ApplicationTo submit your application, you may:E-mail your application to Jessica.gadomski@sicangucorp.comMail your application to:REDCOC/O Jessica Gadomski27565 Research Park DrivePO Box 236Mission, SD 57555
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 97Advertisers:Howard Johnson Rapid CityVisit Rapid CityBlack Hills Federal Credit UnionTJH Holdings, LLCBuffalo Wild WingsMel’s Auto Body, Inc.SD Dept of Health-Craft & Associates Regional Health - Homeslice MediaCrazy Horse MemorialSitting Bull College (c)SD Dept of Health-Craft & AssociatesDays Inn WestCrazy Horse SchoolTaco John’sHoliday inn Rushmore PlazaGolden West Telecommunications Western Dakota TechState Bank of Eagle ButteStanding Rock Sioux TribeSacred Hoops BasketballRST Diabetes PreventionRapid City Main Street SquareOmaha Nation SchoolZephier, Robin - Abourezk LawStanding Rock Sioux TribeREDCORed Cloud Indian School, Inc.SDSU - NursingCheyenne Eagle Butte School District 20-1 Oglala Lakota CollegeS L Ventures, Inc.Rosebud Sioux Tribe - Communications Dept Fort Randall Casino & HotelMarty Indian SchoolNative American Community Board Rosebud Sioux Tribe- Presidents Office Rushmore Plaza Civic Center-CLakota Country Times (c)Rosebud Sioux Tribe - Education Dept Dakota SportsSponsors:Visit Rapid CityCrazy Horse FoundationRosebud Sioux TribeCenter for the Prevention of Child MalnutritionKetel ThorstensonOST CreditPrairie EdgeDakota Charitable FoundationState Bank of Eagle ButteSioux PotteryAlcohol for JusticeGateway MotorsDakota SportsSimpsons printingRapid City Police DepartmentOglala Lakota CollegeBlack Hills Unity ConcertREDCO Financial ServicesSkull ConstructionMayors officeTribal Public Safety ProgramsIndividual Basketball award sponsorsSpirit of Whalen Cash. Boys and Girls Basketball. Sponsor-Willian CashDefensive Awards boys and Girls Basketball. Sponsor-Coup Counters Steve Withorne Memorial Award. Most Valuable Player for Basketball and girls. Sponsor- Steve Withorne family and LNI Basketball Officials 7 Girls All tournament jackets. Sponsor-First National Bank of Eagle ButteGolden Whistle Award in Memory of Ed Young Man Afraid Of His Horses. Sponsor-Jamie Young Man Afraid Of His Horses and Family. Most 3 points in Tournament. In Memory of Will Garnier. Sponsor-Will Garnier Family. Coaches Award. Sponsor-Chuck Wilson, President LNI and Board Members.Sponsors & Advertisers
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 98Good Luck to Crazy Horse Girls & Boys Basketball Teams, Cheerleaders, and All LNI Event participants! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! From Crazy Horse School Students, Staff, Administration and School Board
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 99P.O. BOX 386 • MARTIN, SD 57551 • 605-685-1868 • FAX: 605-685-1870 • ADS@LAKOTACOUNTRYTIMES.COMAWARDWINNINGWEBSITEON THE GO? CHECK OUT THEDIGITAL EDITIONON THE GO? CHECK OUT THEDIGITAL EDITIONON THE GO? CHECK OUT THEDIGITAL EDITIONSMART PHONES - LAPTOPS - TABLETSSMART PHONES - LAPTOPS - TABLETS$45ONE YEARONLINE ACCESS24/7 Online access to all digital editionsand archives! Available worldwide.CMYCMMYCYCMYKLCT LNI Ads.pdf 2 11/27/2018 10:03:57 AM
2018 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 12th - 15th, 2018 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 100P.O. BOX 386 • MARTIN, SD 57551 • 605-685-1868 • FAX: 605-685-1870 • ADS@LAKOTACOUNTRYTIMES.COMAWARDWINNINGWEBSITESubscribe Online • By Phone • By MailRATESPhone (605) 685-1868Fax (605) 685-1870ONEYear$65 Print Only SIXMonths$45 Print Only ONEYear$45Online Only ONEYear$95 Print & Online Name:Address:City: State: Zip:Phone: Email:Mail Check or Money Order to:Lakota Country Times • PO Box 386 • Martin, SD 57551Delivered to your door each week! Includes online access to digital edition and archives. Only available to US subscribers.Delivered to your door each week!Only available to US subscribers.Delivered to your door each week!Only available to US subscribers.24/7 Online access to all digital editions and archives! Available worldwide.1 Year Online/Print ($95)1 Year Print ($65)6 Months Print ($45)1 Year Online ($45)CMYCMMYCYCMYKLCT LNI Ads.pdf 1 11/27/2018 10:03:55 AM