2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 1
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 2P.O. BOX 386 • MARTIN, SD 57551605-685-1868 • FAX: 605-685-1870ADS@LAKOTACOUNTRYTIMES.COMP.O. BOX 386 • MARTIN, SD 57551605-685-1868 • FAX: 605-685-1870ADS@LAKOTACOUNTRYTIMES.COMAWARDWINNINGWEBSITEONEYear$95 Print & Online OOOONEONEONEONEENOOOEYeYeararPrinPrint &ininrPrPri PririnnPt & OnliOnliOin& Onli&O& O&ine Subscribe Online • By Phone • By MailRATESPhone (605) 685-1868Fax (605) 685-18701 Year Print ($65) 6 Months Print ($35)1 Year Online ($45) 1 Year Online/Print ($95)ONEYear$45Online Name:Address:City: State: Zip:Phone: Email:Mail Check or Money Order to:Lakota Country Times • PO Box 386 • Martin, SD 57551ONEYear$65 Print SIXMonths$35 Print ONEYear$95Online & Print
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 3awardwinningk iÝÌÊÌÊ,ÕÃÀiÊ*>â>ÊÛVÊiÌiÀqÊÓä£ÇÊ7 ,ÊqnnnxÇn{ÈxÇÊNÊÈäxÇÎÇ{ÈxÈÊNÊ"",*/9°"ÊNÊxäÊ ",/Ê-/,/ÊNÊ--J"",*/9°" /,9Ê"/7Ê/"Ê6Ê /,Ê Ê"7 /"7 Êi>ÌÕÀ}HÊÊ*ÀiÃ`iÌ>Ê-ÕÌiÃÊ Ê"ÛiÀÃâi`ÊÕiÃÌÊ,ÃÊ ÊÕLiÊ}Ê,ÃÊ Ê`ÀÊ*ÊEÊÓÊÌÊ/ÕLëiÌ>ÀÞHÊÊiÕÝiÊÌiÌ>ÊÀi>v>ÃÌÊ ÊÊ,ÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊEÊÀ`}iÊ Ê-ÕÌÌiÊ-iÀÛViÊ Ê7>Ì>Ê"Þ>ÌiÊ/>LÃ>Ì>«ÊV«ÊVV«
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 4TABLE OF CONTENTS41st Annual Lakota Nation Invitational Tournament ~ 2017Rushmore Plaza Civic Center,City, South DakotaBoard of Directors and Officials ...........................................................................................................8Coordinators .......................................................................................................................................9Letter from Bryan Brewer ..................................................................................................................12Letter from Rapid City Mayor ............................................................................................................13Letter from Daniel Swartos ................................................................................................................14In Memory of ....................................................................................................................................152016 Winners ............................................................................................................................. 16-20Past All State Players .................................................................................................................... 21-25SDHSAA Distinguished Public Service Awards ............................................................................ 27-30LNI Past Boys Champions .................................................................................................................31LNI Past Girls Champions .................................................................................................................32Schedule of Events ...................................................................................................................... 33-35Boys and Girls Brackets ............................................................................................................... 36-37TeamsCheyenne Eagle Butte .................................................................................................................. 38-39Crazy Horse ................................................................................................................................ 40-41Crow Creek ................................................................................................................................. 42-43Custer ......................................................................................................................................... 44-45Little Wound ............................................................................................................................... 46-47Lower Brule ................................................................................................................................. 48-49Marty Indian ............................................................................................................................... 50-51McLaughlin ................................................................................................................................. 52-53Pine Ridge ................................................................................................................................... 54-55Red Cloud ................................................................................................................................... 56-57St. Francis ................................................................................................................................... 58-59Standing Rock ............................................................................................................................. 60-61Tiospa Zina ................................................................................................................................. 62-63Todd County ............................................................................................................................... 64-65Umonhon Nation ........................................................................................................................ 66-67White River ................................................................................................................................. 68-69Conduct, Ethics and Dress Policy ......................................................................................................71Pine Ridge Hall of Fame ....................................................................................................................72Contributors & Sponsors ..................................................................................................................73Program cover art by Butch Thunder HawkPhotographer: Dennis Neumann, Office of Public Information, United Tribes Technical College, Bismarck, ND
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 5Honoring the FlagFor years, Veterans have wanted to salute the U.S. Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem instead of just placing their hand over their heart. Now they can. A Congressional Amendment specifically states that “members of the Armed Forces and Veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute.” The salute is a form of honor and respect, representing pride in one’s military service. Veterans and service members continue representing the military services even when not in uniform.The following song will be sung prior to various sessions of the State Tournament.THE LAKOTA FLAG SONG(taken from "Songs and Dances of the Lakota")In this the Lakota, the white people, and the "foreign people" (other Indians) used to consider each other as enemies. Now we exist as a country and as one people, we will consider each other as friends because of that, we will gather ourselves under this flag. We will die for it, or defend for each other under it. So that is the reason we will live under the flag, the United States flag. We will be as one. So be it. That is why we sing this song. The translation of the Lakota Flag Song to English is as follows:The President's flag will stand forever.Under it, the people will grow, so I do this.Mercy rule shall be used for all regular season, Region, and Sweet 16 contests. When the point differential reaches 30 or more points in the 2nd half, the clock will continue to run. The clock will only be stopped for free throws and timeouts. Regular timing will be used if the score differential drops back to less than 20 points.Games will be two 16 minute halves
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 6All Campuses Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco FreeOglala Lakota College • PO Box 490 • Kyle, SD 57752 • 605-455-6000 • www.olc.eduOGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGERebuilding the Lakota Nation through EducationLakota Oyate kin Wounspe Tantanhan un Tokata Etkiya Igloapi KteThomas Shortbull, PresidentDr. Dawn Frank, VP InstructionJulie Johnson, VP BusinessBilli Hornbeck, Financial AidLeslie Mesteth, RegistrarLCRegistration Begins........................................November 13Registration Ends..................................................January 12Course Cancellation.............................................January 16Add or Drop.....................................................January 15-26Classes Begin..........................................................January 22100% Drop.......................................January 29-February 9CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COLLEGE CENTERSPRING 2018 SCHEDULE OLC STUDENT SENATEDEGREES OFFEREDEagle Nest @ Wanblee...........................................462-6274East Wakpamni @ Batesland................................288-1834LaCreek @ Martin.....................................................685-6407Pahin Sinte @ Porcupine.......................................867-5404Pass Creek @ Allen...................................................455-2757Cheyenne River @ Eagle Butte............................964-8011He Sapa @ Rapid City.............................................342-1513Pejuta Haka @ Kyle..................................................455-2450Wounded Knee @ Manderson .........................867-5352Pine Ridge..................................................................867-5893Oglala...........................................................................867-5780Nursing Program.....................................................867-5856Shawn Garnette, HeSapa.....................................PresidentLinda Scabby Face, Oglala .........................Vice PresidentA’Leigha Janis, Pine Ridge ..................................SecretaryErick In The Woods, Cheyenne River ................TreasurerKathryn Spider, Pahin Sinte ..........................Whip Bearer..........................................................Shawn Romero, LaCreek..............................................Larissa Red Eagle, Pejuta Haka......................................Garrett Little Bear, Wounded Knee.................................Dalacina Chief Eagle, East Wakpamni............................................Anthony Gencarelle, Eagle Nest..................................................Alyssa Brave Bird, Pass CreekMaster of Arts Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of Science Associate of ArtsAssociate of Applied ScienceCerticatesGOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE LAKOTA NATION INVITATIONAL!
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 7All Campuses Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco FreeOglala Lakota College • PO Box 490 • Kyle, SD 57752 • 605-455-6000 • www.olc.eduOGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGERebuilding the Lakota Nation through EducationLakota Oyate kin Wounspe Tantanhan un Tokata Etkiya Igloapi KteThomas Shortbull, PresidentDr. Dawn Frank, VP InstructionJulie Johnson, VP BusinessBilli Hornbeck, Financial AidLeslie Mesteth, RegistrarCONTACT YOUR LOCAL COLLEGE CENTERSPRING 2018 SCHEDULE OLC STUDENT SENATEDEGREES OFFEREDRapid CityPolice DepartmentCommunity|Service|IntegrityRapid CityPolice DepartmentCommunity|Service|IntegrityThe RCPD wishes you a fun and safe time during the2017 Lakota Nation Invitational!Rapid CityRapid CityRapid CityRapid City2017 Lakota Nation Invitational!We’re available day and night: 911 for emergencies, or 394-4131 for anything else.“No two days on the job are ever the same, but it’s the values closest to my heart that keep me grounded. Values like respect, and bravery.”-Officer Anthony Picket PinRapid Citylice DepartmentRapid CityRapid CityRapid Citylice DepartmentRapid Citylice DepartmentRapid Citylice Departmentlice Departmentlice DepartmentRapid CityRapid CityRapid CityRapid CityRapid CityEarn a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing with SDSU in Rapid City!Contact us todayto learn more605-394-5390 or visitSDSTATE.EDU/NURSING
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 8MEET THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSOFFICIALSDIRECTOR Bryan V. Brewer Sr. P.O. Box 42 Pine Ridge SD 57770 Cell 605-407-8476 ohiyaku@gmail.comPRESIDENT Chuck Wilson Todd County High School PO Box 726 Mission, SD 57555 Office 605-856-3503 Cell 605-685-4551 cwi1son@tcsdk12.org VICE PRESIDENT Jess Mendoza Cheyenne Eagle Butte School PO Box 86 Eagle Butte, SD 57625 Office 605-365-6334 jmendoza@ceb.bia.edu TREASURER Robert Brave Heart Sr.Red Cloud Indian School 100 Mission Drive Pine Ridge, SD 57770 Office 605-867-5888 ext 201 bbraveheart@redcloudschool.orgSECRETARY Dani Walking Eagle St. Francis Indian School PO Box 379 HCR 59 Box lA St Francis, SD 57572 Office 605-747-2297 ext. 3213 Fax 605-747-5074 dani_we68@hotmail.com BOARD MEMBER Jay Claymore Standing Rock High School 9189 N Dakota 24 Fort Yates, ND 58538 Office 701-854-9015 Cell 701-333-9535 jaclaymore@gmail.comBOARD MEMBER Silas Blaine Crazy Horse School 245 Crazy Horse School Drive Wamblee, SD 57577 605-462-6836si1as.b1aine@kl2.sd.usBOARD MEMBER Arlo Provost Little Wound School 0 Main St. PO Box 500 Kyle, SD 57752 Office 605-455-6226 BOARD MEMBER Dusty Labeau Pine Ridge School 1 Thorpe Street Pine Ridge, SD 57770 Office 687-5191 BOARD MEMBERJohn HaasKyle, SD 57752605-484-7118Aberle, Jim Adelman, TerryArnold, LandonBad Wound, Kevin Black Horn, Lance Booth, BradBrushbreaker, David Buck, WadeBuffalo, Tre’ Voun Burnett, David Circle Eagle, WillieClifford, Pat DeMent-Osborne, GenevieveDeutsch, Brandon Deutsch, Patrick Dolan, David ( coordinator ) Estes, John Franke, ChipFreddie, Mary Garcia, BeauGottlob, NickHigh Wolf, Lisa Kirkeby, MikeKurth, Kyle LaCroix, Brett Landreaux, Scott Leftwich, David Lowe, ChrisMareska, Brent McCollam, KellyMendoza, Lou Morgan, Alec Osborne, LarryPalmier, Robert Pourier, LouisRodriguez, DomicoRogers, DaveSchumacher, GregShot with Arrow, Milo Sierra, Amber Slama, TimStanton, RandyTimmins, Buck Tobar, JustoTucker, BradTurning Heart, Jeff Voegle, TimWuertzer, RoyceYoung, Louis
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 9Ken Many Wounds Sales, Ads, and Sponsorships Kellee BrewerCheer Competition Coordinator Roger White Eyes Hand Games Coordinator Aries Yumul Chess Coordinator COORDINATORS ANNOUNCERSCLOCK & BOOKKEEPERSYamni JackKnowledge Bowl CoordinatorCathy BockRC Police DepartmentKiri Close Web/One Act Play/ Song Fest Will & Monica Good Eagle Awards Coordinator David Dolan Basketball Coordinator Karla Cuny Activities Coordinator Michael BrewerAwards Coordinator Tiny DeCory Announcers Coordinator Barrett Haas Officials Table Coordinator LNI Language Bowl CoordinatorsJoe Giago, Julia Miller, Phinette Little Whiteman, Kellee Brewer, Roberta Spencer, Levi Left Hand, Shirley Left HandCortney Two Lance, Business Plan Competition Coordinator Angela Koenen, Business Plan Competition Coordinator Mike One Star, Archery Coordinator Dave Michaud, Wrestling CoordinatorJesse St. John Keith Horse Looking John Miller Randy Taylor Tiny Decory-Coordinator Mark Iyotte Frank Jamerson Gordie Robertson Glenn Drapeau Peter Hill John BehelerSam O’RourkeBarrett Haas-Coordinator Bob Cross Barb Brewer Lena Chasing Hawk Lew DreamerBryan Brewer Leets Yellow Boy Latonna Little BearHopa Haas Da Juanna Bissonette Sky BrewerBessie LeBeauKathy PumpkinseedRick PalmierMaria ProvostCarmen LloydPoetry Slam Coordinator
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 10www.mitchelltech.edu • 800-684-1969Everything you need to get started with a new career is located on our amazing campus at Mitchell Tech. For information about any of our programs, application, or any of our other student services please call or visit our campus.
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 11LNI 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH POETRY SLAMFeaturing Artist and MC, Talon Bazille DucheneauxRushmore Plaza Civic Center Lacroix D | DEC 14 Registration @ 12:30pm | Slam @ 1:00pmAges 19 & Under. Bring your story, voice and truth. This is a free event and all community is welcome. FREE ART CLASSES DURING LNICome on board the Rolling REZ Arts mobile unit Parked inside the Civic Center | December 13-16 Daily classes from 9am-Noon & 1pm-4pmClasses will be 30 minute sessions throughout the day with a local Lakota artist leading each session. firstpeoplesfund.orgFor more information, contact Laree Pourier, First Peoples Fund’s Dances with Words Program Manager, laree@firstpeoplesfund.orgLNI 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH POETRY SLAMFeaturing Artist and MC, Talon Bazille DucheneauxRushmore Plaza Civic Center Lacroix D | DEC 14Logo by Gilbert Kills Pretty Enemy Available now fromMato Niyanpi, Saved by Bear, aka Scar Leg is asked to perform one of the most necessary and prominent roles in the Greasy Grass Battle at the Little Bighorn in Montana, on June 25, 1876. A commitment this Mnincoju Lakota Warrior was willing to accept. Through life long traditional teachings, Mato Niyanpi would learn and grow in body, mind, and spirit. His nation, relation, and membership in warrior societies have prepared a man worthy of the responsibility and call to duty. To preserve and protect the identity, dignity, and culture of the Lakota people.This story is based on the life of Mato Niyanpi and his true personal experiences told as family oral history passed down through the generations of his lineal descendants. WARRIOR IS offers an indigenous perspective of the spiritual journey of this human being, and the life of the Lakota during the changing times. It encompasses information never revealed publicly to anyone outside of the immediate family for the past 141 years.WARRIOR IS narrates the events from creation times to weeks after the Greasy Grass Battle, the summer of 1876. Mato Niyanpi’s great grandsons, Harley L. Zephier and Robin L. Zephier, Mnincoju Lakota tribal members, tell the story of their great-grandfather. The practice and belief of this proven civilization is portrayed and described in every facet of the peoples’ existence. The life purpose of co-existence and respect for all the families of Unci Maka, Grandmother Earth, is the gift and intent of Creator. WARRIOR ISHARLEY L. ZEPHIER & ROBIN L. ZEPHIERHarley L. Zephier and Robin L. Zephier, brothers, are great-grandsons of Mato Niyanpi/Saved By Bear and are members of the Mnincoju Lakota people. Both live in South Dakota. Hardback 978-1-5320-2856-4 Paperback 978-1-5320-2854-0eBook 978-1-5320-2855-7Scantoorder
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 12Háu MitákuyepiI would like to take this opportunity and welcome you to the 41st Annual Lakota Nation Invitational. Over a span of forty-one years, the Lakota Nation Invitational has brought together and united the people of the Oceti Sakowin, unlike any organization ever has! In setting the largest stage in showcasing our children’s many talents, we have commissioned generations of excellence. In over four decades, we have ignited a ame to empower our youth within the Seven Council Fires, producing an entire history of champions. Each year, the Lakota Nation Invitational brings together thousands of team members, parents and fans for the very best in athletic competition, cultural events, educational experiences and to honor our people. This year we welcome home our very rst Lakota Nation Invitational team, that was newly inducted into the South Dakota Basketball Hall of Fame. The 1987 Pine Ridge Thorpe’s, with an undefeated record of 26-0 are the rst Lakota team to receive this honor in the State of South Dakota. This history making team will be honored by the Lakota Nation Invitational on Saturday night, December 15th during the half time of the Girls Basketball Championship game. This year, we will also be honoring the Lakota Code Talkers and all Lakota Veterans on Friday, December 14th at 4:30 in the Don Barnett Arena. In the next four days, I encourage all of our student athletes, participants and fans to use this opportunity to reach out and network in strengthening our many nations, both near and far. I would like to thank the LNI Board of Directors for your dedication, hard work and commitment in making the Lakota Nation Invitational a premier event in the state of South Dakota. I would also like to thank our Lakota Nation Invitational Coordinators, for organizing each of our unique events in the areas of sport, culture, art and academics. I would like to thank all of our student athletes, participants and fans for coming together in the spirit of racial reconciliation, sportsmanship and unity in our sacred Black Hills. This is our legacy. This is the spirit of the Lakota Nation Invitational. In closing, I would like to wish all our teams the best of luck. I wish you safe travels and from my family to yours, we wish you a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year. Sincerely,Bryan V. BrewerBryan V. BrewerDirector, Lakota Nation Invitational
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 13
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 14 SOUTH DAKOTA HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION 804N.Euclid/POBox1217PierreSD57501Telephone:6052249261–Fax:2249262Dr. Daniel Swartos Executive Director For the past 41 years, the Lakota Nation Invitational has been a staple of high school activities and a showcase of the beautiful Native American culture that can be found in South Dakota. This year will be no different, and I am certain that it will provide players, coaches, officials, and spectators with many great memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. On behalf of the Executive Staff and Board of the South Dakota High School Activities Association, I would like to express gratitude and the best of luck to all who have and will continue to make the Lakota Nation Invitational one of the premier events in South Dakota and a staple of the holiday season in Rapid City and the Black Hills. I was fortunate enough to take over for Wayne Carney as SDHSAA Executive Director in July of this year and have looked forward to attending this event since accepting the position. Mr. Carney left a lasting legacy of working to improve athletic and fine arts experiences for all youth in South Dakota, including all Native American students. I intend on continuing Mr. Carney’s legacy and working to ensure that the SDHSAA works with every School District, including those represented at this week’s tournament, to provide safe, enjoyable, and memorable athletic and fine arts opportunities for ALL students in our great state. As spectators this week, I hope you enjoy and appreciate the gifts and talents that are being shared by the youth on the playing field. My hope is for an enjoyable weekend of competitive contests, safety for all of the competitors, and a great time had by all. I want to thank the LNI Board for their hard work in preparing for this event for the student athletes and for their warm welcome last spring when I was given the opportunity to meet with them. On behalf of the South Dakota High School Activities Association, welcome! Enjoy this year’s Lakota Nation Invitational and all of the festivities that make it wonderful and unique. In addition, welcome to Rapid City and the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel Swartos SDHSAA Executive Director
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 15MVP Award will be Given In Memory ofSPC Tevin Tyon SPC Tevin Tyon was a 2013 graduate of Pine Ridge High School. He was a 4 year member of the JROTC program and was a lead cadet. He also participated in the LNI Knowledge Bowl in 2009, taking 1st Place for Geography under one of his favorite teachers, Paul Swanson. Tevin was a loving son, brother, grandson, nephew and uncle. He loved listening to Tech 9 music. He was an avid fan of JR Smith and he loved to cruise his motorcycle.Juan Allen LamontJuan Allen Lamont was a very hard working man. He loved his job at the IHS hospital and all the people he worked with including his best friend Tyrell. Juan was a very intelligent caring person and would help anyone the best that he could. He loved working on his cars and motorcycle but was best at caring for his girls and loved spoiling them. He couldn’t wait for his son to be born. Juan was a wonderful loving son, father, brother, nephew, cousin, and grandson. And great friend to many. Juan is loved and missed dearly.Tyrell WilsonTyrell Tre Wilson was a 2010 graduate of Red Cloud Indian School. He was a proud big brother and loving father. He was hard working, respectful, kind, smart and funny. He loved basketball, playing horseshoes, cooking on the grill, his dog Chester and was an avid Broncos fan.The Board of Directors of the Lakota Nation Invitational is saddened to hear the passing of Craig Tiezen. LNI has expanded over the 41 years to be a huge family of parents, students, athletes, fans, and staff and Mr. Tiezen was one of our family. He was a referee at LNI for over 20 years.He provided a fatherly gure and helped athletes by giving positive correctness when they committed a foul. He also provided praise to athletes when they did well; “good shot”, “good pass”.Craig Tiezen helped so many students at LNI and in their journey in life; we are all wishing him a great journey as he passes to the other side.In Memory of Craig Tiezen
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 162016 LNI WinnersWinnebago IndiansLittle Wound MustangsOutstanding Girls Coach Lyle LeBeaux
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 172016 LNI WinnersBoys All Tourney TeamGirls All Tourney TeamEd Young Man Afraid of His Horses Sportsmanship AwardDanae LeMayGirls Most ReboundsWhite River
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 18Boys MVP David Wingett of WinnebagoOutstanding Girls Sportsmanship Taylor ChristensenBoys Playmaker AwardEd Young Man Afraid of His HorsesGirls MVP Jany Jumping Eagle Little WoundMiss Hustle Award Jazmine ThompsonGirls Defensive player Crow Creek2017 Girls Cross Country Champion Jade Ecoffey Red CloudBoys Most Three PointsDejuan ParkerOmaha NationGirls Playmaker Miracle Spotted Bear Little Wound2017 Boys Cross Country ChampionTevin McBride Crow CreekMost ReboundsBrexton TraversieC-Eagle ButteMost Points GirlsKeisha BaileyStanding Rock2016 LNI Winners
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 19LNI Red Cloud Non Stunting Cheerleading ChampionsTodd County Falcons Stunting Cheerleading Champions2016 LNI WinnersLNI Cross Country 2016 Boys Team Winner Wyoming IndianLNI Cross Country 2017 Girls Team Winner Red Cloud Crusaders
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 20Knowledge Bowl Champions of LNI 2016 Todd County FalconsLittle Wound Mustangs won the Hand Games at LNI2016 LNI WinnersLNI Wrestling Team Champions Todd County Falcons
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 21LAKOTA NATION ALL-STATE OR ALL-TOURNEY STATE PLAYERSJason LocustRed Cloud Crusaders1979 4th TeamClass BAlphonso Bad Hand St. Francis Warriors1983 3rd TeamClass BWillie White Pine Ridge Thorpes All State (1987 & 1988) All Tourney St. (1986 - 1987) (1985, 1986 & MVP 1987) Converse All AmericanJude FairbanksRed Cloud Crusaders1990 All TourneyClass ALance Luitjens 1991-1st Team All Slate, 1992- 1 st Team All State, 1992 All Tour ney, 1992 Mr. SD Basketball Custer, Class A Austin RichardsLittle Wound Mustangs1979 - 1st TeamClass BAlfred LeftwichPine Ridge Thorpes1984 3rd TeamClass ABryan Brewer Pine Ridge Thorpes All Tourney Stale (1988) Who’s Who in American Sports, Class ABeau LeBeauRed Cloud Crusaders1990 All TourneyClass ABrandon Wilson1991 All Tourney, Class A Todd CountyDave White Face Little Wound Mustangs 1980 3rd Team Class BTed Little MoonPine Ridge Thorpes1985 All TourneyClass ABrent Brewer Pine Ridge Thorpes All-State (1st Team 1990) McDonald’s All-American Nomi nee, Class ATrevor Long 1988-89-90 All Tourney, 1988 3rd Team All State, 1989-1st Team All State, 1990-1st Team All State Class A - CusterCliff Larson1992 3rd Team All StateTodd CountyClass AMelvin High Hawk Red Cloud Crusaders, 1981 4th Team, 1982 3rd Team Class BTroy Red CloudLittle Wound Mustangs1985 2nd TeamClass BGeorge Bettelyoun Pine Ridge Thorpes All-Stale (1st Team 1988) All Tourney Slate (1987 & 1988), Mr. SD Basketball ( 1988) Class ARichard CunyRed Cloud Crusaders 1990 - 2nd Team All State Class APaul Schaffer1992 All Tourney, 1993 1st Team All State, 1993 Finalist Mr. SD Basketball Custer, All StateMark Lunderman Little Wound Mustangs 1983 5th Team 1984 3rd Team Class BDonnie BettelyounPine Ridge Thorpes1986 All TourneyClass ARob MendozaCheyenne Eagle Butte Braves 1988 Class A All Tourney 1988 2nd Team All State Class ABud Hamilton1991 All StateClass AHot SpingsGideon SaulCrow Creek1992 - 2nd TeamAll State, Class ABaptiste Cournoyer Marty Indians 1983 3rd Team Class BCharlie Zimiga Jr.Pine Ridge Thorpes1986 All TourneyClass AAlbert LongPine Ridge Thorpes1989 - All Tourney StateClass AJay Steele1991 All Tourney1992 2nd Team All State Custer, Class ADerek Ballard1993 3rd Team All Stateand All Tourney Custer, Class A
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 22LAKOTA NATION ALL-STATE OR ALL-TOURNEY STATE PLAYERSLane Ostenson 1993 All Tourney Custer, Class AJesse LeBeau1995 - All Tourney StateRed CloudClass ACorey Eagle Staff 1996 1st Team All State Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Class AJarret Lawrence 1998 All Tourney 1999 All Tourney State CEB -State ABrandon Comes Flying 1998-99 3rd Team All Slate 1999 2nd Team All State Crow CreekCharlie Cuny 1993 1st team All Stale And All Tourney Red Cloud, Class ADoug Brown1995 All TourneyRed CloudState AJesse Heart1999 All Tourney1999 All Tourney State1999 All State 1st TeamPine Ridge - State AWaylon Mendoza 1998 All Tourney 1999 2nd Team - All State CEB - State AElija Sazue1998-99 2nd Team All StateCrow CreekEdsel Deon1993 All TourneyRed CloudClass ATed Standing Soldier 1995 3rd Team All State Little Wound Class AGeorge Dreamer1999 All TourneyPine Ridge State ADerek Paulsen 1998 All Tourney 1998 All State Custer - State ALuke Wells1999 All Tourney StateCrow CreekCharlie Provost 1994 All Tourney Red Cloud, Class AJason L. Logg1996 All Tourney State 1996 All State -1st Team CEB - Class AMaverick Valandra 1998 All Tournament State Standing Rock Class B, North DakotaNick Redden1998 All Tourney1998 All StateCuster - State AChurck Archambault1997-99 All State (North Dakota) McDonald’s All American NomineeRed CloudLee Logg1994 1st Team, All State1995 All TourneyCEB, Class AJoe Red Willow1996 & 1999 All TourneyRed CloudClass AD. J. Two Bears 1998 All Tourney StateStanding RockClass BRich Crow Eagle 1998 All State Todd CountyDrew LeBeau 2000 State ‘A’ 1st All-Tourna ment Team 1999 LNI All- Tourney 1999 LNI MVPJerome LeBeau 1995 All Tourney , 1995 1st Team All State, Red Cloud Class A, 1995 Finalist, Mr. SD BasketballIrv Provost 1996 3rd Team All State Red Cloud Class AQuinn Austin21998 All Tourney StateStanding RockClass BNevada Ellison 1999 All Tourney State Custer State AGideon Mendoza 2001 All Tourney 2001 All State CEB- State A
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 23LAKOTA NATION ALL-STATE OR ALL-TOURNEY STATE PLAYERSTravis Meyer2001-2002 All TourneyCuster, State ATyrel Salway 2003 2nd Team All State Pine RidgeRyan Pourier2004 1st Team All-StatePine RidgeT.J. McCauleyLittle Wound Mustangs 2007 All Tourney Team, 2006 All Tourney Team, Class AJake Krogman2009 Class BAll Tourney StateWhite RiverTyler Custis2003 All Tourney State2001-2002 All TourneyCuster, State AElton Three Stars 2003 All Tourney State Pine RidgeZach Finley2005 1st Team All StateState ASt. Thomas MoreLouie KrogmanClass B 2008 All State 2008 All-Tourney State Mr. Basketball, White RiverCarl Swallow2009 1st Team All StateClass A - Red CloudPaige Paulsen2003 All Tourney State2001-2002, 2003All State 1st TeamCuster, State ARay Taken Alive 1st Team All State Class B, All Tournament Team State Class B Tournament 2003, 1st Team All State Class A 2004, Mr Basketball finalist 2004, finalist for South Dakota Class A Player of the Year, Nominated to the McDonald’s All American High School Basketball Team 2004, 7th All Time leading scorer in South DakotaChristian McGhee 2008 1st Team All-State All Tourney State Spirit of Su Award, Red CloudDelmar Parker Omaha Nation Chiefs 2009 All State First Team Class D1 (NE)Tracy Sazue2001-2002 All TourneyCrow Creek , State AMike Prue 2003 State A All Tourney Todd CountyKyle Doerr 2005 2nd Team All State State A St. Thomas MoreIsaac ParsonsCuster 20083rd Team All StateR. J. EstesWhite River Tigers2010 All Tourney Team, 2010 3rd Team All State Class BAustin Kirkie3rd Team All StateCrow Creek , State AJim Archambault 2003 All State Class B Standing RockRich Big Boy2006 3rd Team All StateLittle WoundLester Gotheridge 2008 All-Tourney State Red CloudKeenan World Turner Crow Creek Chieftains 2010 All Tournament Team Class AMatt Lyndoe2003 All Tourney StateCusterDaelan HighWolf 2003 LNI-MVP, Pine Ridge High School, 2005-2006 1st Team All State CEB Braves MVP 3 · Class Shoot-Out , Mr. Basketball Finalist, SD State Steve Withorne Scholarship RecipientBrice Hornbeck 2006 All Tourney State Little WoundMatthew Bartlett 2009 1st Team All-State 2009 Class B All-Tourney State, White RiverWyatt Krogman White River Tigers 2010 All Tournament Team Class B
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 24LAKOTA NATION ALL-STATE OR ALL-TOURNEY STATE PLAYERSLuke RoddyCuster 20103rd Team All StateJacob BrownState A All Tourney 2013Justin Folkers2nd Team 2015White RiverDoni DeCoryPine Ridge Lady Thorpes1987 1st Team All State, 1986 2nd Team All State, 1998 All Tourney State Class ASarah DuBrayPine Ridge Thorpes1997 3rd Team All StateClass AChad BryantCuster 20113rd Team All StateJeff LeBeauState A First Team 2013 State A All Tourney 2013Justice Morrison3rd Team 2016White RiverChristine Janis Red Cloud Crusaders 1991 1st Team All State, All Tourney State, Class AAmanda Carlow Red Cloud, Pine Ridge, RC Cen tral 1998 2nd Team All State Class AAMartin Taken Alive 3rd Team All State, Class A 2011 McLaughlin High SchoolWyatt KrogmanFirst Team 2013 White RiverJustice Morrison2nd Team 2017White RiverDana Richards Red Cloud Crusaders 1991 3rd Team All State, 1992 1st Team All State, Class AAlissa KingfisherCEB Braves2000 All Tourney StateClass AHank Taken Alive 2nd Team All State, Class A Mr Basketball finalist 2012 McLaughlin High SchoolJoe Cameron2nd Team 2013 White RiverMichelle Carlow Red Cloud Crusaders 1992 3rd Team All State, 1993 1st Team All State, 1993 1st Team All StateClass ABrittany Knife CEB 2001 2nd Team All State, 2000 3rd Team All Tourney State Class AJunior guards Wyatt Krogman and Nic Waln led White River to a 2012 state title, and lead a pair of all-state teamsTravis Burbank2nd Team 2014White RiverEcho LeBeauRed Cloud Crusaders1995 All Tourney StateClass AJennifer MorrisetteRed Cloud Crusaders2000-2001 All Tourney StateClass AJustin PrueFirst Team 2015White RiverAllissa EaglemanSt. Francis Warriors1992 2nd Team All StateClass ARuthy DreamerPine Ridge Lady Thorpes2000 3rd Team All State Class AChase GlazierAll Tournament 2013Chase Glazier3rd Team All-State 2014
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 25LAKOTA NATION ALL-STATE OR ALL-TOURNEY STATE PLAYERSSheneka Lee Douglas Patriots 2003 3rd Team All-State, All Tourney State, Class ABrittany Azure 2006 All Tourney State CEBAlleiy JanisPine Ridge Thorpes2010 All Tournament TeamClass ASantana White Dress All State 1st Team 2013 State A All TourneyBrittni Walker Mclaughlin Midgets 2004 SD All Star, Class AMarque Lunderman 3rd Team All State 2008 All Tourney State 2008 Red CloudJessica Keckler CEB2009 All Tourney StateClass AShaylene Richard2nd Team All State 2013Laura Big Crow Pins Ridge Thorpes 2004 1st team All-State, All Tourney State, Class AChristian JanisPine Ridge 2009 1st Team All State, 2009 All Tourney State Class AJolanna Sazue Crow Greek Chieftains 2010 3rd Team All State Class AEireann Grimshaw3rd Team All State 20131991 1st Team All State1991 S.D. All-Star1990 1st Team All State1989 1st Team All State1989 All Tourney State1989 LNI MVPHolds Numerous LNI RecordsLennea Mueller Custer Wildcats2005 All Tourney State Class ACaitlin Whiting White River, 2009 3rd Team All-State Class BSunni Busch 2005 1st Team All-State SD Miss Basketball Finalist Todd CountyLacey WestonPine Ridge2009 All Tourney StateClass ALennea Mueller 2005 3rd Team All-StateShauna Long Standing Rock Warriors 2009-10 All State 1st Team All State 2009-10 All Tournament Team, Class BSuAnne Big CrowCaitlin Whiting White River, 2010 2nd Team All-State Class B
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 26
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 27Name: Amy AshmoreSchool: Custer Jr/Sr High SchoolCommunity Represented: CusterCommunity Achievements: 5th quarter and Teacher Appreciation NightBio: (Achievements, Activities, Hobbies, and Family) Amy is a graduate from Custer High School and continued her education at Black Hills State, were she earned her teaching certificate. Amy first teaching job was at Oelrichs and later she moved to Las Vegas and taught. She married Jim Ashmore and they have two wonder children, Kendall and Reed. Last year Custer’s Student Council advisor, Sandy Arseneault, started the 5th quarter. Amy contacted all the local businesses and collected donations. The 5th quarter explode into a great event for the students in Custer to have a hangout place after games and other activities. Food, pool, darts, and other activities are provide at a local restaurant and all free to the students to be safe, eat, and relax. Last year Amy and her husband Jim worked with locals and sponsored a Teacher Appreciation Night at a local restaurant, teachers and staff of the school district ate free and community member joined. It was an amazing night of friends, food, and fun. Amy always thinks of others before herself and is a loving, caring individual that has a heart of gold. Red Cloud Indian School Public Service Award Recipient – Fr. Rick Albert, S.J. Fr. Rick Albert, a Jesuit priest, was twice assigned to Red Cloud Indian School on the Pine Ridge Reservation. First, he was a high school teacher, dorm prefect, school bus driver, and coach from 1969 to 1972. During these years he got to know many families living throughout the Pine Ridge Reservation, and during some summers he got to know some families living near the Mission. Later, he returned to Red Cloud in 2007 to serve as Superior of the Jesuit Community and as pastor at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Kyle, St. John of the Cross Church in Allen, St. Stephen’s Church in north Kyle, and St. Ignatius Loyola Church in Wanblee. Fr. Rick never forgot a name. After a stretch of thirty-five years, he could immediately recognize and name Lakota whom he had taught or coached. More recently, Lakota living on the eastern side of the reservation would say he knew them. It didn’t matter if they were Catholic, Episcopal, or Traditional. He knew them because he visited people in their homes, led wake services and funerals, and stopped by Little Wound and Crazy Horse schools to meet students and staff. He was always ready to help people in need. Most of all, he listened well to people of all ages and received their stories with compassion and caring. He accepted people as they were and encouraged them to be the person they desired and dreamed they could be. It is no wonder that people were saddened when they heard Fr. Rick would be leaving the reservation. One woman said what many people felt: “He is one of us.” Mitakuye Oyasin.Public Service AwardsAmy AshmoreFr. Rick Albert, S.J.
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 28Cecelia Firethunder is a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation, her clan is the Kiyaksa Tiospaye from the Pejuta Haka/Medicine Root District of Kyle, South Dakota. She was given her first Lakota name by the elders in her clan, which is Tawachin Waste Win (her will is good) and as an adult in ceremony the grandfathers gave her the name of a grandmother who had been watching her to carry, Mato Canali Win. Spoke only Lakota till age five, at catholic boarding school learned English. Cecelia moved with her family to California on the Relocation program, complete high school and became a nurse. Cecelia co-founded the American Indian Free Clinic in Los Angeles in the 70’s, after moving to San Diego co-founded the American Indian Health Center.After living and learning away from home she returned to Kyle in 1987, co-founded the Oglala Lakota Women’s Society. In April of 2003 she lost her hearing, and subsequent surgery for cochlear implants which allowed her to hear. She ran for the Presidency of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and became the first woman ever chosen to lead the Tribe. She is the President of Oglala Lakota Nation Education Coalition, Board of Directors for Little Wound School (K-12) and a elder/matriarch Tasunke Wakan Okolakiciye , Medicine Horse Society, addressing trauma in children using Lakota healing practices. After a long career in health-related issues, Cecelia is an adjunct instructor at Oglala Lakota College. Along with her Uncle John Around Him, Cousin Robert Two Crow designed and created the Lakota Philosophy Exhibit at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.She is looking to have Lakota women work together to write correct history of Lakota women in the region.Darrell Bear Robe is an enthusiastic member of the St. Francis Indian School community as well as in the St. Francis community. A true public servant with the youth and community at heart, Darrell has been very active in promoting school and community activities since he graduated from St. Francis Indian School in 1983. Darrell was a lifelong student at St. Francis Indian School attending through his elementary, middle, and high school years. During Darrell’s high school years, he was a four sport letter-winner participating in cross country, football, basketball, and track. Darrell was a member of the LNI Championship basketball team from the 1982-1983 season at St. Francis Indian School. Darrell helps his community by volunteering for the Feed South Dakota distribution every other month in St. Francis. He is also a strong advocate for the youth of the community working as the St. Francis Community Youth Activities Coordinator since 1996 and has also been a past Sgt at Arms for St. Francis. Darrell has been instrumental in organizing and running many tournaments for the community and the school which helps give the youth some great opportunities for success.Darrell was instrumental in updating the pow wow grounds at St. Francis and also spent his summer renovating the Frank LaPointe, Sr. Track and Field complex on the St. Francis Indian School campus. The bleachers and crow’s nest were all completely updated with all the buildings painted to be uniform. Darrell has been married for 32 years to his wife Joyce Eagle Deer and have raised five children: daughters Stephanie Bear Robe, Chantelle Bear Robe, and LaCreshia Bear Robe, and two sons Darrell Bear Robe Jr. and Thomas Bear Robe. Darrell has many grandchildren and is a three-time great-grandfather.He is a mainstay helping the youth of the St. Francis community and at St. Francis Indian School for many years to come. Many Thanks, Darrell, for your outstanding and generous contributions to the youth of the St. Francis Community and SFIS.Public Service AwardsCecelia FirethunderDarrell Bear Robe
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 29Pat Madsen was born in Pierre SD on February 26th , to Helen (Durkin) and Bill Jones. Pat was raised by her Grandmother Lima Fallis Durkin on the Fort George bottom. Rain, snow or wind, Pat walked to the Fort George School every day, unless the bulls were out! While in the 6th grade, Pat moved to Kadoka SD where she joined her mother, father and sister Mickey. This was an adjustment, not only did she now have a sister, who she became great friends with; she had running water, electricity and did not have to walk to school every day. Graduating from Kadoka High School, Pat intended on going to nurses training in Yankton, her plans changed and she married Chris W. Madsen. Chris and Pat started their family of seven children in Long Valley. Three of the children attended and graduated from Lower Brule, while the other three attended and graduated from Lyman County. Pat has been blessed with grandchildren and great children, all who are the best, just ask her. Longing for home, Pat and Chris moved back to the reservation 1n 1970, where they lived on the old Neil Clarke place, eventually moving to a ranch closer to Lower Brule. In 1971 Pat took a reading job 1n Lower Brule, in 1972 Pat became the Lower Brule Headstart Director. Pat believes very strongly in the Headstart program. Headstart provides children with opportunities they would otherwise be without and Pat makes every attempt to provide every child on the Lower Brule Sioux Reservation a head start. Pat has long believed that the way people relate to children makes a difference in their lives, no matter where you are at, school, Pow Wow or home. If you respect a child they will grow up respecting themselves, family, Mother Earth and others.Public Service AwardsPat MadsenTwo very familiar faces on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Will and Monica Good Eagle both have one thing in common, that is the love for children.Will and Monica both work at the Pine Ridge School. Will has been a custodian for 6 years and Monica has been an Education Technician for 16 years. They have seen many students come through Pine Ridge School and each has left a special memory.They are always involved with the youth, whether it be in sports, the classroom, home life, or out in the community.Will and Monica always give of themselves unselfishly. They take great pride in their jobs at Pine Ridge School.Will & Monica Good Eagle
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 30I am Tonya Rae Whirlwind Soldier daughter of Homer & Rosalie Whirlwind Soldier, mother of 3 sons, Marc, Johnny & Daniel, and grandmother to two beautiful grandbabies, Conner Pierce and Presley Irene. I followed my sons thru their schooling where I got involved with youth activities it was the best thing a mother could do to keep her mancubs busy! There was never a dull moment. I’ve worked in various jobs from Wild land firefighting for 17 years, to St. Francis Indian School-Assistant Director to after school programs/coaching/junior class advisor, Diabetes Prevention Program as a Personal Trainer and finally at Todd County High School going on 11 years. At TCHS, I started off as an Exceptional Aid Teacher, Security Guard and now I am currently a Secretary, I am also the Head Cross Country Coach and Assistant Track Coach. My athletes make me look good with their determination and dedication to the sports I coach. For the last 10 years the Cross-Country team has received the Academic Achievement Award for having a 3.0 or higher GPA throughout their season. We also have had a combined Team Award with both teams finishing in the top 4 two years in a row (2006-2007). Boys were State Champions in 2013. Individual Champs included my son Marc Whirlwind Soldier 2009 and Lottie Grimshaw who was Girls State Champ in 2008. I have had many who made the podium throughout my years of coaching Cross-Country and they continue to make me proud. We won the Lakota Nation Invitation 3 years in a row, 2014, 2015, 2016 and finished 2nd with both teams this year 2017. This year the Falcons tallied in 4,642 training miles using yoga and team building practices. Track-We took a total of 20+ students to the State meet(for the last 10 years) and also qualified for the Academic Achievement Award for 4 years. We also have the 400 State Champ-Caelyn Valndra-Prue who I am blessed to Coach.I also am the Junior Class Advisor for the last 10 years, organizing fund-raisers and planning prom. Student Council Volunteer Co-Advisor, SDHSAA XC & Track Advisory Board Member.I am also the Lakota Nation Invitational Vendor Coordinator for several yearsMy hobbies include being a grandma, running, directing youth-activities (Running and team building camps with coaches from D1, D2 and D3 schools to give insight of collegiate running and enjoying life.) I love to run when able, I love to run ½ marathons and road races), love to promote good health and eating habits with anyone I come into contact with. I am currently fighting against cancer (going on 2+ YEARS). Living life like its my last, lots of love and laughter.I am currently engaged and plan to be married on January 14th to Todd Young!!Public Service AwardsTonya Whilwind Soldier
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 31BOYS CHAMPION 1977-78 Red Cloud 87 1978-79 Little Wound 79 1979-1980 Little Wound 53 1980-81 Red Cloud 62 1981-82 Red Cloud 76 1982-83 St. Francis 76 1983-84 Pine Ridge 64 1984-85 Pine Ridge 81 1985-86 Pine Ridge 67 1986-87 Pine Ridge 89 1987-88 C-Eagle Butte 81 1988-89 Red Cloud 82 1989-90 Custer 59 1990-91 Custer 59 1991-92 Custer 92 1992-93 Custer 64 1993-94 Little Wound 93 1994-95 Little Wound 51 1995-96 Little Wound 531996-97 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 59 1997-98 Custer 80 1998-99 Crow Creek 69 1999-2000 Little Wound 54 2000-2001 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 63 2001-2002 Crow Creek 51 2002-2003 Custer 78 2003-2004 Pine Ridge 67 2004-2005 Lower Brule 44 2005-2006 St. Thomas More 58 2006-2007 Little Wound 49 2007-2008 Red Cloud 86 2008-2009 White River 65 2010-11 Custer 2011-12 White River 2012-13 White River 2013-14 Pine Ridge 2014-15 White River 2015-16 Winnebago2016-17 Winnebago 97COACH Ted Standing Soldier Dave Archambault Dave Archambault, State B 4th Place Roi Bradford Roi Bradford Red Prue Jesse Mendoza, State A 8th Place Jesse Mendoza, State A 7th Place Jesse Mendoza, State A 3rd Place Jesse Mendoza, State A Champions Terry Nelson, State A Consolation Dusty LeBeau Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Larry Luitjens, State A Runner-up Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Silas Blaine Silas Blaine Silas Blaine Jesse Mendoza Larry Luitjens, State A Champions Silas Blaine Dusty LeBeau Jesse Mendoza Silas Blaine Larry Luitjens Dusty LeBeau Doug White Bull Dave Hollenbeck Jamie Feather Earring Matt Rama Eldon Marshall Larry Luitjens Eldon Marshall Eldon Marshall Dusty LeBeau Eldon Marshall Blake GardnerBlake GardnerRUNNER UP Wakpala 71 Pine Ridge 68 St. Francis 52 Pine Ridge 56 Marty 57 Red Cloud 63Crow Creek 64Little Wound 51 Little Wound 53 Red Cloud 75Pine Ridge 75 Pine Ridge 67 Red Cloud 53Standing Rock 48 Todd Co. 66 Red Cloud 59 Red Cloud 84 Red Cloud 47Custer 47 Red Cloud 58 Pine Ridge 64 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 56 Custer 44 Crow Creek 61St. Thomas More 37 Pine Ridge 52Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 62St. Thomas More 40 St. Francis 44 St. Thomas More 46White River 66 Custer 57 McLaughlin Custer Red CloudWhite River Red Cloud White RiverRed Cloud 57COACH Gene Ryan Bryan BrewerCalvin Iron Shell Jesse Mendoza Rick Evans Roi Bradford Tony Franklin Red Prue Red Prue Roi Bradford Bill Kappenman Roi Bradford, State A 4th Place Dusty LeBeau, State A Runner-up TimKrahler Lyle Parvin, State A Consolation Dusty LeBeau, State A 3rd Place Dusty LeBeau, State A 4th Place Dusty LeBeau, State A Champs Larry Luitjens Dusty LeBeau, State A 4th Place Bill Pourier, State A 4th Place Jesse Mendoza Larry Luitjens Silas Blaine Dave Hollenbeck Dusty LeBeau Jesse Mendoza Dave Hollenbeck Roger Crow Eagle Dave Hollenbeck Eldon Marshall Larry Luitjens Hank Taken Alive Larry Luitjens Christian McGhee Eldon Marshall Christian McGheeEldon MarshallChristian McGheeLNI PAST BOYS CHAMPIONS 1977-2016
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 32BOYS CHAMPION 1983-84 Pine Ridge 68 1984-85 Little Wound 53 1985-86 Pine Ridge 42 1986-87 Pine Ridge 70 1987-88 Pine Ridge 57 1988-89 Pine Ridge 67 1989-90 Pine Ridge 54 1990-91 Red Cloud 69 1991-92 Red Cloud 78 1992-93 Red Cloud 68 1993-94 Todd County 54 1994-95 Todd County 66 1995-96 Red Cloud 58 1996-97 St. Francis 55 1997-98 Pine Ridge 59 1998-99 Pine Ridge 66 1999-2000 Todd County 46 2000-2001 Pine Ridge 55 2001-2002 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 67 2002-2003 Red Cloud 50 2003-2004 Todd County 58 2004-2005 Todd County 60 2005-2006 Custer 39 2006-2007 Pine Ridge 63 2007-2008 Pine Ridge 63 2008-2009 Pine Ridge 74 2010-11 Cheyenne Eagle Butte 2011-12 Cheyenne Eagle Butte 2012-13 Pine Ridge 2013-14 Pine Ridge 2013-14 Todd County 2015-16 Little Wound 2016-17 Little Wound 65COACH Jesse Mendoza, State A 7th Place Alex “Red” Prue Jesse MendozaCharlie Zimiga Charlie Zimiga, State A 8th Place Charlie Zimiga, State A 4th Place Charlie Zimiga, State A Champions Dusty LeBeau Dusty LeBeau, State A Runner-Up Dusty LeBeau, State A 3rd Place Lema LaPointe Lema LaPointe Dusty LeBeau, State A Consolation Champs Alex “Red” Prue, State A 4th PlaceCharlie Zimiga Charlie ZimigaRoger Crow Eagle Lynelle Long Arlyn Wohlleber Mary TobaccoChuck Wilson Chuck Wilson, State A 6th Place Dr. Paul Anderson Bill Mendoza Dusty LeBeau Dusty LeBeau Les Logg Jesse Mendoza Laura Big Crow Laura Big Crow Bob Boyd Lyle LeBeauLyle LeBeauRUNNER UP Little Wound 50 St. Francis 51 Little Wound 34 Red Cloud 48 Red Cloud 48 Red Cloud 62 OTCheyenne-Eagle Butte 52 Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 50Pine Ridge 73 Pine Ridge 48 St. Francis 47 Red Cloud 41 St. Francis 53 Pine Ridge 50 St. Francis 49Todd County 62 Red Cloud 39 Red Cloud 42 RedCloud 40 Hill City 39 McLaughlin 57 Little Wound 43 Little Wound 34Cheyenne-Eagle Butte 33 Red Cloud 43 Little Wound 63 Standing Rock Pine Ridge Cheyenne Eagle Butte Red Cloud Red Cloud Todd CountyPine Ridge 31COACH Dave Archambault Hank Doney Alex “Red” Prue Roi Bradford Dusty LeBeau, State A 6th Place Dusty LeBeau Allen Benoist Barry Mann Charlie Zimiga John Jordan Alex “Red” Prue Dusty LeBeau Alex “Red” Prue Earl Vermillion Alex “Red” Prue Roger Crow Eagle, State A 6th Place Mary Tobacco Mary Tobacco, State A 7th Place Mary Tobacco, State A 8th Place Bryce Schaffer Donna Taken Alive Richard “Tuffy” Lundetman Mary Tobacco Arlyn Wohlleber, State A 7th Place Jerome LeBeau Ted Standing Soldier Jr. Margaret Gates Laura Big Crow Jesse Mendoza Amanda Carlo Amanda Carlo Bob BoydLaura Big CrowLNI PAST GIRLS CHAMPIONS 1977-2016
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 33TUESDAY- DECEMBER 12th - WELCOME3:30 pm - Schools & Buses gather at the Black Hills & Badlands Visitor Center Address: 1851 Discovery Circle, Rapid City, SD 577014:00 pm - All buses depart Black Hills & Badlands Visitor Center with an unified law enforcement escort.4:30 pm - Arrive at the Rushmore Civic Center for the Community Welcome5:00 pm - Dinner for LNI Board of Directors, teams & coaches ONLY. Located in Rushmore Hall North thru Food Court. Meal is sponsored by the Visit Rapid City, the VRC BID Board and the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Knowledge Bowl Registration in LaCroix B (Coordinator Yamni Jack) 6:00 pm - Cheerleading Coaches Meeting in Civic Center 6:30 pm - Cheerleading Pre-Competition Exhibition Dance Practice WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 13THBoy’s Games - Civic Center Barnett Arena10:00 am - Red Cloud vs Marty11:30 am - Pine Ridge vs Omaha Nation1:00 pm - White River vs Standing Rock2:30 pm - Crow Creek vs Crazy Horse4:00 pm - Little Wound vs Tiospa Zina5:30 pm - Lower Brule vs Todd County7:00 pm - Cheyenne-Eagle Butte vs Custer8:30 pm - McLaughlin vs St. FrancisGirl’s Games - Civic Center Ice Arena10:00 am - Little Wound vs Crazy Horse11:30 am - Todd County vs Marty1:00 pm - Pine Ridge vs St. Francis2:30 pm - Red Cloud vs White River4:00 pm - Custer vs Standing Rock5:30 pm - Cheyenne-Eagle Butte vs Tiospa Zina7:00 pm - McLaughlin vs Lower Brule8:30 pm - Crow Creek vs Omaha Nation Half Time Events7:00 am - Registration Starts9:00 am - Rules MeetingKnowledge Bowl10:00 am - Competition Starts LNI Youth Forum film, “Little Wound Warriors”; 10:00 am, 11:30 am, 1:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 7:00 in Rushmore North Elementary & Junior High Lakota Language Bowl9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Art Show in LaCroix A & C (Coordinators Madonna Crow Eagle & Scott Fishel) 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Business Plan Competition in Room 102 (Coordinator Courtney Two Lance)10:00 am - Chess Tournament Starts in Rushmore F (Coordinator Aries Yumul) 11:00 am to 7:00 pm - Teca Wacipi Okolakiciya Pow Wow in Rushmore A & B Schedule of Events
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 3411:00 am - Pow Wow Hand Games Registration in Rushmore C & D 6:00 pm - Knowledge Bowl Registration in Rushmore G (Coordinator Yamni Jack) Sponsored by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Credit & Finance Program. LaCroix Hall B (Coordinators OLCSD Lakota Studies Department)7:30 pm - Wanbli Ceya, Nammy Nominee 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Officials Meeting in Rushmore G (Coordinator Dave Dolan) THURSDAY - DECEMBER 14thCancer Awareness Day (Wear Pink)7:00 am - Registration Starts7:00 am - 9:00 am - Rules MeetingAll Boy’s & Girls Basketball Quarter Final GamesAll Games Start @10:00 amMako Sica Bracket - Barnett ArenaPaha Sapa - Ice Arena 8:00 am - Cheerleading Pre-Competition Exhibition Dance Practice in Don Barnett Arena 8:00 am to 12:00 pm - Knowledge Bowl Written Exams in LaCroix B (Coordinator Yamni Jack)9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Art Show in LaCroix A & C (Coordinators Madonna Crow Eagle & Scott Fishel) 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Business Plan Competition in Room 102 (Coordinator Courtney Two Lance)10:00 am LNI Youth Forum discussion at Team Entrance Lobby Sponsored by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Credit & Finance Program. 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Knowledge Bowl Team Competition in LaCroix Hall B (Coordinator Yamni Jack)High School Lakota Language BowlRushmore F (Coordinators OLCSD Lakota Studies Department)5:00 pm to 8:00 pm - 15th Annual Bear Jamboree. Make and Take and enjoy all the creative booths. Santa will make his appearance and give out candy bags. Poetry SlamLaCroix D (Coordinator Carmen Lloyd)12:30 pm - Registration Starts1:00 pm - Slam Starts Half Time Events6:00 pm - Bears Program7:30 pm - Bears Program9:00 pm - Coaches Honoring - State Tournament 2017Lyle Lebeau Jr., Little WoundEldon Marshall, White RiverFRIDAY - DECEMBER 15th (Neon Day)All Boy’s & Girls Basketball Semi Final GamesAll Games Start @8:00 amMako Sica Bracket - Barnett ArenaPaha Sapa - Ice Arena - Boys Club8:00 a m - Knowledge Bowl Team Competition continues in LaCroix B (Coordinator Yamni Jack) Hand Game Tournament(Coordinator Roger White Eyes)9:00 am - Rules Meeting in Rushmore G9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Art Show in LaCroix A & C (Coordinators Madonna Crow Eagle & Scott Fishel)
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 359:00 am - Archery in Rushmore North (Coordinator Mike One Star)9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Business Plan Competition in Room 102 (Coordinator Courtney Two Lance)Sponsored by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Credit & Finance Program. 10:00 am - Competition Starts in Rushmore C & D 10:00 am 6:00 pm LNI Youth Forum Surveys - Education Booth4pm - 4:10pm: Hoop Dancer performance: Marina Allison (friends of LUAU POLYNESIA) in Main Arena5:00 -- Hoop Dancer5:15 pm - Honoring Lakota Code Talkers and All Veterans. Half Time Events6:00 pm - Grand Entry: Basketball Players, Cheerleaders, Wrestlers, Officials & Winners of All Activities.6:00 pm -- Dream Steps7:30 pm - Nellie Long Honoring, Pine Ridge Volleyball CoachBryan Brewer Honoring9:00 pm - Public Service AwardsSATURDAY - DECEMBER 16thAll Boy’s & Girls Basketball Final GamesAll Games Start @9:00 amBarnett Arena - Ice Arena - St. Thomas More - Boys ClubWrestling(Coordinator Kyle Henderson)7:00 am - Weigh In @Rushmore A & B9:00 am - Wrestling Starts @Rushmore A & B11:00 am - Cheerleading Competition @Barnett Arena (Coordinator Kellee Brewer) 12:45 pm-1:00 pm: PreShow / Gather in lobby at Main Arena entrance to watch LAKOTA WAYS - Free Performances (ONE ACT PLAY & OLOWAN SONG FEST sampler presentations). Q&A INFO SESSIONS.1:00 pm: LAKOTA WAYS - ONE ACT PLAY sampler performance by Cheyenne River High School (Lobby)1:30 pm: LAKOTA WAYS - OLOWAN SONG FEST Traditional Choir & Showcase sampler performances by local community (Lobby)2:00 pm: LAKOTA WAYS - ONE ACT PLAY sampler performance by Cheyenne River High School (Lobby)2:30pm: LAKOTA WAYS - OLOWAN SONG FEST Traditional Choir & Showcase sampler performances by local community (Lobby)5:00 pm - Wrestling Championships @Barnett Arena Before the Girl’s Championship we will be Honoring 1988 LNI Boys Basketball Champions. (18-8) Cheyenne Eagle Butte Braves.7:00 pm - Makosica Girl’s Championship Game(Awards to be handed out immediately following the Game)at Half Time we will be Honoring the 1987 Pine Ridge Thorpes Basketball Team who went 26-0 and recently was inducted into The South Dakota Basketball Hall of Fame. 9:00 pm - Makosica Boy’s Championship Game(Awards to be handed out immediately following the Game)9:30 pm Half Time - Ateyapi Students from Central High School
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 36
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 37
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 38CHEYENNE EAGLE BUTTE BRAVES Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Treyton Bad Warrior 6’1 F 12 4 4 Dayson Kohlus 5’10 G 12 10 10 Naden Saucedo 5’5 G 11 12 12 Harley Neigel 5’10 G 12 14 14 Jevan Moran 5’9 G 10 20 20 Trevis Oakie 5’11 G 10 22 22 Nyq’e High Hawk 6’1 G/F 12 24 24 Mheki Moran 5’10 G 10 30 30 Bradley Iron Hawk 6’0 G 11 32 32 Spencer Moran 6’2 F 9 34 34 Trevor Bourland 5’10 G 10 40 40 Nevyn Mendoza 5’10 G 10 42 42 Lane Mousseau 6’6 G/F 10 44 44 Keyvin Halfred 6’5 F 12 52 52 Curtis Petersen 6’5 C 12 54 54 John Henry Hale 6’6 C 12Manager Jayda Farlee, Jevon Moran, Mheki Moran, Treyton Bad Warrior, Trevor Bourland, Spencer Moran, Trevis Oakie, JohnHenry Hale, Manager Glennee Gunville, Nyq’e High Hawk, Lane Mousseuax, Dayson Kohlus, Keyvin Halfred, Harley Neigel, Bradley Iron Hawk, Nevyn Mendoza, Naden Joaquin, Manager Demi Lends His Horse Boys’ Basketball Cheer SquadDominique Miner, Carissa Stocklin, Tori Jenson, Ranger Gunville, Hailee Eagleman, Brianna Iron Hawk, Ahanni Knight and Tiana Kohlus Girls’ Basketball Cheer SquadSierra Jewett, Mariam Brown, Summer Holder, Cooper Marshall, Kellyn Circle Eagle, Rhaiyan Tomko and Constance Smith
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 39 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 11 11 Tyra Lends His Horse 5’6 G 11 12 12 Jaymallee Turning Heart 5’6 G 11 13 13 Emaree Iron Hawk 5’6 G 10 14 14 Phannette Gray 5’7 F 11 15 15 Miranda Vines 5’8 F 10 20 20 Trinity Lends His Horse 5’7 F/C 12 21 21 Reese Ganje 5’9 F/C 10 22 22 Mia Paris 5’5 G 10 23 23 Sapphire Tiger 5’5 G 10 24 24 Markee Shaving 5’6 G 10 25 25 Sunni Dupris 5’7 F/C 10 31 31 Rian Logg 5’7 F/C 12 32 32 LaDonna Chasing Hawk 5’8 F 10 33 33 Jastyn Rousseau 5’7 F 11 34 34 Kiana Logg 5’11 C 11 40 40 Chantell Sheppard 5’9 F/C 12Managers Shanelle Widow and Lauryn Clown, Rian Logg, Tyra Lends His Horse, Jaymalee Turning Heart, Emaree Iron Hawk, Miranda Vines, Jastyn Rousseau, Chantelle Shepherd, Phanette Gray, Kiana Logg, Mia Paris, Trinity Lends His Horse, Reese Ganje, Sapphire Tiger, Sunni Dupris, Ladonna Chasing Hawk, Managers Taycen LaCompte, Bryanna Ducheneaux ClownDuane Marshall, Hunter Stambach, Dyllan Lesmesiter, Destiney Scares the Hawk, Zander Bowman, C.L. Pederson, Evan Hollow Horn, Stacey Red Horse, Josh Jiminez and Tyas Norris
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 40CRAZY HORSE CHIEFS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Joe Brown 5’3 G 9 3 3 Alex Conroy 5’10 G 12 10 10 Emil Last Horse 5’5 G 10 12 12 Montayne Quiver 6’3 F 11 21 21 Tristian Terkildsen 6’4 F/C 12 23 23 Ben Chipps 5’9 G 12 25 25 Arthur Conroy 5’10 G 10 25 25 Adrienne Gencarelle 6’2 F/C 12 34 34 Trisitan Swift Hawk 6’4 C 11Valentrina SwallowAcelyn ConroyKyla AlonNykita BettelyounAyonna WilcoxAnethia HayesKathrine Good Low
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 41 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Maddie Bettleyoun 5’4 G 11 2 2 Sina Little Elk 5’8 F 9 3 3 Deidre Roberts 5’9 G/F 9 12 12 Mary Standing Soldier 6’0 F/C 11 13 13 Alicia Spotted Elk 5’8 G/F 11 14 14 Amaya Bettleyoun 5’7 G 12 21 21 Amber Terkildsen 5’9 F 10 22 22 Qeuntina Standing Soldier 5’7 G 9 23 23 Deja Roberts 5’5 G 9 24 24 Sequioa Bettleyoun 5’8 G 10 25 25 Jakayla Spotted Elk 5’7 F 11 34 34 Geneva Wilcox 5’7 G/F 11 43 43 Tiuana Wilcox 6’0 F/C 11
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 42Back row left to right: Demontai Medicine Crow, Jon Hall, Josiah Blue Arm, Joseph Sazue III, Luke Wells Jr, Rylee Miller, Christian Clairmont. Front row left to right: Devon Ratliff, Wesley Thompson Jr, Taiten Medicine Crow, Trevin McBride, Tredgan Mestes, Jayden McBride, Emery McGheeCROW CREEK CHIEFTAINS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 4 4 Emery McGhee 5’10 G 11 10 10 Wesley Thompson II 5’7 G 11 11 11 Luke Wells II 6’4 F/C 10 12 12 Demontai Medicine Crow 6’1 F 12 13 13 Trevin McBride 6’0 G 9 14 14 Jon Hall 6’3 F/C 12 14 14 Tredgan Mestes 5’11 G 11 20 20 Jayden McBride 5’9 G 11 21 21 Christian Clairmont 5’9 G 12 22 22 Taiten Medicine Crow 5’7 G 11 24 24 Devon Ratliff 5’10 F 12 31 31 Rylee Miller 6’5 C 11 33 33 Joe Sazue III 6’1 G/F 12 34 34 Josiah Blue Arm 6’5 C 12Back row left to right: Aniah Janis, SantanaMarks, Cassie ShieldsMiddle row left to right: Cheona Comesflying, Janae Sazue, Winter Hawk Front row: Isabella Swann and Martina Mestes
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 43BACK ROW (Left – Right): Traelene Fallis, Chainee Hall, Aaliyah Staples, Marveen Ross, Kaylee Wells, Lanie Crazy Bull, Tracy Dreaming Bear, Haylee LangdeauFRONT ROW (Left to Right): Sarah Hunter, Rozee Drapeau, Francesca Ross, Audrey Drapeau, Lillian Flying Hawk Name Height Position Class Lanie Crazy Bull F/C 11 Audrey Drapeau G 8 Rozee Drapeau G 8 Traelene Fallis G/F 12 Lillian Flying Hawk G/F 12 Chainee Hall F 11 Sarah Hunter G/F 11 Haylee Langdeau G 10 Francesca Ross G 9 Marveen Ross G/F 11 Kaylee Wells C 10
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 44CUSTER WILDCATS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 10 10 Nolan Patzlaff 5’8 G 11 12 12 Reese Kelley 5’11 G 12 14 14 Dustyn Fish 5’11 G 9 22 22 Dathan Elmore 5’7 G 10 23 23 Jace Kelley 5’8 G 9 24 24 EJ Gonzalez 6’1 F 10 30 30 Isaac Powers 6’2 F 10 32 32 Sedlacek Daniel 6’0 F 9 34 34 Grant Sullivan 6’0 G/F 9 40 40 Kalob Wragge 6’0 F 9 42 42 Kyle Kobza 6’1 F 12 44 44 Dominick Milliken 6’2 F/C 10 50 50 Reed Ashmore 6’3 F/C 12 52 52 AJ Kortemeyer 6’3 C 10BBB Group (L to R): Olivia Lubben, Cecelia Lubben, Shabri Sylvester, and Raylie Hartman
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 45GBB Group (L to R): Paige Myrick, Brynn Steed, Summer Duffy, and Cordelia Carder Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 4 5 Mallory Delmont 5’8 G 10 10 11 Kenzie Hetley 5’5 G 12 12 13 Tori Glazier 5’9 F 12 14 15 Tobie Zerbe 5’5 G 10 20 21 MacKenzie Becker 5’5 G 12 22 23 Sydney Gaulke 5’9 G/F 9 24 25 Josey Walhstrom 5’5 G 8 30 31 Sadie Glade 5’8 G/F 8 32 33 Kaitlyn Spring 5’7 G/F 9 34 35 Tyra Johnson 5’6 G/F 11 42 43 Tayler Carlson 5’8 G 12 50 51 Kelsey Herman 5’9 F 10
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 46LITTLE WOUND MUSTANGS Jersey Number Dk Name 2 Robert Mar8n 4 George Kills Back 10 Jesse Shangreaux 12 Severt Long Soldier 12 Tex Janis 20 Darrell Richards 22 Riley Cross 23 Tyrone Pourier 24 Verlin Old Horse 30 Darrell No Neck 34 Ralph Bear Killer 42 Mateo Whirlwind Horse 50 Trent Old Horse 54 Mankato LeBeaux
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 47 Jersey Number Dk Name 1 Sophia Hatten 2 Macy Roulliard 3 Eva Bull Bear 4 Ashley Steele 5 Jacynda Blacksmith 10 Jonna Shangreaux 11 Larae Whitecrane 12 Zoey Long Soldier 13 Paula Yellow Boy 14 Rayna White Eyes 15 Cante Bull Bear 20 Mia Vasquez 22 Miracle Spotted Bear 23 Jessie Jumping EagleOglala Sioux Tribe CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMYOU ARE INVITED!!You invited to share your ideas, thoughts, and concerns for Constitutional Reform. You are invited to participate in the scheduled Constitutional Reform Meetings in your districts. For more information please see the following links: OST Website: www.oglalalakotanation.info OST Constitutional Reform FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/OSTCONSTREFORM/
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 48LOWER BRULE SIOUX Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Jayshawn Milton 6’2 G/F 12 3 3 Jalen Little 5’9 G 11 5 5 Kevin Peterson 6’3 G/F 12 10 10 Shane Sazue 5’9 G 10 11 11 Ramez MerritSazue 5’11 G 10 15 15 Ben Long Crow 5’11 G 12 20 20 Elijah Battese 6’3 G/F 9 24 24 Scott Obago Jr. 5’10 G 10 30 30 Bailey House 6’0 G 12 32 32 Nathan Hyde 6’10 C 11 34 34 Demas Bromwich 6’3 F/C 12 41 41 Tejay Head 5’11 G/F 10 42 42 Pat Driving Hawk 6’0 F 12 55 55 Eeon Bromwich 5’11 G/F 10Sasha carpenter, Lazaya Estes, Raelynn Rodriguez, Esibelle Estes, Jasmine Koster, Justina Grassrope-Brouse, Morning Star Tahsequah, Christina Felicia
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 49 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Molly Jandreau G 11 2 2 Hillary Goodlow G 8 3 3 Bariah LaRoche G 10 4 4 Chasidy LaRoche G 11 5 5 Arianna Traversie G/F 11 10 10 Shayna Traversie G 8 11 11 Mary Goodlow G/F 11 12 12 Justina GrassropeBrouse F 10 20 20 Tashia Johnson G 7 21 21 Laurissa LaRoche C 11 22 22 Maleighya Estes G 8 23 23 Madison Wells G/F 9 34 34 Katelyn Bortolussi C 10 44 44 Heaven Traversie F 8 55 55 Shylyn Whitney C 9Daniel GoodfaceJeshua Estes Jr.
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 50MARTY INDIAN Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class Torry Bohannon 6’0 G 9 DeAndre Cournoyer 5’6 G 10 Alex Cournoyer 5’6 G 9 Malik Cummings 6’3 F/C 12 Gary Drapeau 5’9 G/F 11 Elias Flying Hawk 5’4 G 12 Xavier Hare 5’6 G 9 Hoksina Henry 5’8 G 12 Mike Noriega 6’4 C 12 Jim Patterson 5’7 G 9 Rashawn Pease 5’11 G/F 12 Davion Rouse 6’3 C 11 Craig Small 5’6 G 11 Donavyn Williamson 5’8 G/F 9 Bert Zephier 6’2 F 10Juanita Cummings, Whisper Hare, Brittney Blaine, Liberty Zephier,Catalina Reynolds, Zasiah Zephier, Kobe Miner, Ari Jade, Stella Lapointe,
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 51 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 00 Chyrelle Tiger 5’6 F/C 12 1 Chernessa Cournoyer 5’3 G 9 15 Audra Iron Elk 5’10 F/C 10 22 Apollonia Zephier 5’4 G 12 23 Lainey Honomichl 5’7 F 12 32 Hannah Arrow 5’7 C 12 33 Shaylee Bruguier 5’5 G 12 34 Jacquelynne Rank 5’11 F/C 11 35 Jillian Rank 5’11 F/C 10 54 Markayla Yellow Horse 5’11 C 10 Audree Iron Elk 5’4 F 10 Julianna Standing Cloud 5’4 G 10 Linda Star 5’4 G 11 Keia White Eagle 5’9 C 10
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 52MCLAUGHLIN MUSTANGS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 0 0 Lex Farrell 5’9 G 11 2 2 Donovan Two Lance 5’11 G 12 3 3 William Brownotter 5’7 G 12 12 12 Braxton Little Dog 5’10 G 12 13 13 Jadyn Carry Moccasin 5’0 G 10 20 20 Michael Archambault 5’10 F 12 23 23 Alex One Horn 5’9 G 11 30 30 Michael Taken Alive 6’4 F 11 32 32 Leon Brown Otter 6’2 F 10 50 50 Adam Palanuik 5’10 F 12 55 55 Dorian White 6’3 C 12Front Row Braxton Black Fox 12, Donovan Two Lance 2, Jadyn Carry Moccasin 13, William Brown Otter 3, Alex One Horn 33, Lex Bobtail Bear 0Back Row LaLonnie BrownOtter, Michael Archambault 20, Leon BrownOtter 32, Diesel White 55, Michael Taken Alive 30, Adam Palaniuk 50, Maggie Spotted Horse. Not Pictured (Head- Hank Taken Alive Assistants- Ray Bordeaux-Taken Alive and Nate Brown)
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 53 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 10 10 Tiara Flying Horse 5’5 G 12 12 12 Cami Guggolz 5’2 G 11 14 14 Trinity Antelope 5’1 G 12 15 15 Frankie Jamerson 5’2 G 9 20 20 Kiara Schmeichel 5’9 F 12 21 21 Laney Howard 5’2 G 10 22 22 Jolie Eagle 5’7 F 10 24 24 Molina White Eyes 5’2 G 9 25 25 LaDonna Archambault 5’4 F 11 30 30 Trevonna Henry 5’4 F 9 31 31 Yukonna Henry 5’4 G 9 34 34 Devon Archambault 5’9 F 10Front row left to right: 31 Yukonna Henry, 24 Molina White Eyes, 25 LaDonna Archambault, 10 Tiara Flying Horse, 12 Cami Guggolz, 14 Trinity Antelope, 21 Laney HowardBack row left to right: asst. coach ShanLee LeBeau, Head coach Donna Taken Alive, Manager Lalionne Brown Otter, 15 Frankie Jamerson, 22 Jolie Eagle, 34 Devon Archambault, 20 Kiara Schmeichel, 30 Trevonna Henry, Manager Hailee Little Eagle, asst. coach Dana Carry Moccasin
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 54PINE RIDGE THORPES Jersey Number Lt Name 1 DJ Vitalis 10 Joe Mousseau 11 Cecil Apple 20 Shelby Tymes 22 Arthur Pulliam 23 Corey Blacksmith 24 Michael Pulliam 34 Casey Romero 42 Halin Bad Bear 50 Corey Brown 52 Juwon Garnier Wade Fast Wolf
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 55 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Tepengah Lays Bad 5’8 G/F 12 5 5 Ilyanna Fills Pipe 5’8 G/F 10 12 12 Danielle Walking 5’6 G 12 15 15 Moriah Morrisette 5’6 G 9 21 21 Samantha Richard 5’7 G/F 11 22 22 Amina Yellow Horse 5’10 F/C 10 24 24 Kiera Bagola 5’7 G/F 11 25 25 Jazmine Thompson 5’4 G 12 32 32 Duka Thompson 5’8 F/C 11 33 33 Marsha Janis 5’5 G 10 34 34 Katerri Weston 5’5 G 11 44 44 Tycara Crazy Thunder 5’8 F/C 12 50 50 Matilda Anderson 5’8 F/C 11 52 52 Bree Belt 5’9 F/C 10 55 55 Taysha Big Crow 5’11 C 10
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 56RED CLOUD CRUSADERS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 0 0 Alejandro Rama 6’1 G 11 1 1 Riyen Carlow 6’2 G 10 2 2 Rueben Harvey 6’1 G 10 3 3 Jesse Jensen 6’2 G 11 4 4 Rayhan Carlow 5’11 G 11 5 5 Jeremiah Whalen 6’0 G 11 10 10 Marshall Gibbons 5’10 G 11 11 11 Russell Leader Charge 6’0 G 12 20 20 Jevon Hacker 6’0 F 11 21 21 Manuel Yellow Horse 6’5 F 12 22 22 Garrett Richards 6’2 F 12 23 23 Louis Her Many Horses 6’3 F 12 24 24 Jalen Cross 6’3 F 11Mae Tobacco, Lyric Frank,Nevra Murdock, Amber Pena, Chase Baird, Malia Fallis, SaMa’Lea I’atala, Judith Booth
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 57Back Row: Clay Leonard, Shilo Yellow Boy, Dante Witt, Jeff Pourier, Lane PourierMiddle Row: Ohitika Lewis, Wazi Thunder Hawk, Taylahni Jackson, Brianna BeardFront Row: Tekuani Maestas, Kogen Yamamoto, Brandon Scherich, Christian Pourier. Missing: Conni Tibbitts, Tyrell O’Donnell Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 0 0 Emonee Pourier 6’0 G 11 1 1 Maya Franks 5’6 G 11 2 2 Aaliyah Provost 5’8 G/F 12 3 3 Stevi Fallis 5’5 G 9 4 4 Teylor Albers 5’7 G 11 5 5 Amaya Hacker 5’3 G 11 10 10 Nevaeh Runnells 5’4 G 11 12 12 Shelby Pourier 5’7 G 12 22 22 Jasmine Derby 5’10 F 12 24 24 Griffey Big Crow 5’6 F 11 32 32 Kianna Big Crow 5’6 F 11 34 34 Sharissa Haas 5’10 C 9
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 58ST. FRANCIS INDIAN SCHOOL Jersey Number Lt Name 2 Chase Boltz 3 Josh Iron Shell 4 Aaron White Bird 5 Jaylen Bear Robe 10 Donald Aquallo 11 Caylen Clairmont 13 Mahpiya Horse Looking 20 Jade Metcalf 22 Kyler Valandra 24 Canku MarMnez 30 Reggie LeN Hand Bull 32 Jordan Kills In Water 33 Jeff Curry 50 Jayden Marshall Tristen First Bryton WhippleAmanda Arcoren, Arlene Iron Hawk, Maddy Big Crow, Sina Luta Reynolds, Kodi Small, Natalie Bordeaux, Tera Walking Eagle, Tara Aquallo
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 59 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Charlize Arcoren G 11 3 3 Jazlea Arcoren G 10 4 4 Lanie Four Horns G/F 9 5 5 Keyanee Metcalf G/F 10 10 10 Autumn Phelps G/F 11 11 11 Paige Mc Closkey F/C 11 20 20 Yasmine Clairmont F/C 12 23 23 Savannah Black Moon G 11 32 32 Winter Black Horse F/C 9
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 60Left to Right: LtoR Reece Hu Yamni, Dawson Yellowfat, Rhias Archambault, Andrew Brown, Rance Harrison, Preston Cottonwood, Lawrence Village Center, Branden Manuel, Tresey Dubray, Ghavin Willard, Riley Hodgekiss, Adrian Shanley, Dereck Gates Not pictured: Trevor KuntzSTANDING ROCK WARRIORS Jersey Number Lt Name Height Class 5 Rance Harrison 5’11 9 2 Riley Hodgkiss 6’1 10 4 Rhias Archambault 6’1 11 21 Branden Manuel 5’9 10 12 Lawrence Village Center 5’9 12 13 Tresey Dubray 6’0 10 40 Reece Hu Yamni 6’4 12 31 Dawson Yellowfat 6’3 12 30 Trevor Kuntz 6’4 12 35 Adrian Shanley 6’4 12 15 Dereck Gates 6’3 11 3 Preston Cottonwood 5’9 11
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 61Back L to B: Chania Crow Ghost, Kya Crow Ghost, Bridgette Jordan, Zoe Landin, Tailyn Kelsch, Destiny Village Center, Amara Martinson.Front L to R: Taylin Shell Track, Keisha Bailey, Syanne Young Bird, D’Andrea Love Joy, Morgan Molash. Jersey Number Lt Name Position Class 2 Chanie Crow Ghost Guard 9 4 Destiny Village Center Guard 11 5 Amara Martinson Guard 10 10 Zoe Landin F/C 10 20 Keisha Bailey G/F 12 22 Kya Crow Ghost Guard 11 24 Syanne Young Bird Forward 12 30 Tailyn Kelsch F/C 11 31 Bridgette Jordan G/F 11 32 D’Andrea Love Joy Forward 12 34 Taylin Shell Track Center 12 40 Morgan Molash Center 12
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 62Back Row: Isabelle Zimney, Emma Yeske, Melia Mounga, Brooklyn Hofer, Cassidy Gough, Emma MalchowMiddle Row: Brooklyn Munsen, Adrianna Hase, Haylee Mork, Laura Babcock, Paiton Burckhard, Karli Gardner, Myah Malchow, Makayla PulfreyFront Row: Brooklyn Kusler, Megan Tiede, Jianna Gellhaus, Abby Kopecky, Claire Angerhofer, Sydney HepperleTIOSPA ZINA WAMBDI Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 3 3 Johnny German 5’10 G 10 4 4 Billy Cloud 5’8 G 12 10 10 Nyton Owen 6’1 F 10 11 11 Divante Greeley 6’1 G/F 11 12 12 Jacob LaBlanc 5’8 G 12 13 13 Ronnie Godfrey 5’10 G/F 12 21 21 Jamison Pratt 5’10 G 10 23 23 Jaiden White 5’6 G 10 24 24 Peyton Halseide 5’9 G 108th AnnualStuffed Animal TossBring a stuffed toy to toss into the arena on Saturday evening around 6:45 pmToys will be dispersed to children from different communities for Christmas.
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 63Back Row: Isabelle Zimney, Emma Yeske, Melia Mounga, Brooklyn Hofer, Cassidy Gough, Emma MalchowMiddle Row: Brooklyn Munsen, Adrianna Hase, Haylee Mork, Laura Babcock, Paiton Burckhard, Karli Gardner, Myah Malchow, Makayla PulfreyFront Row: Brooklyn Kusler, Megan Tiede, Jianna Gellhaus, Abby Kopecky, Claire Angerhofer, Sydney Hepperle Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 1 1 Kylee Deutsch 5’6 G 11 2 2 Shaina Cook 5’9 G/F 12 3 3 Aubree Bearsheart 5’8 G 12 4 4 Gerilyn Felicia 5’8 G 11 10 10 Jordyn LaBlanc 5’7 G/F 10 14 14 Brielle Cook 5’3 G 9 20 20 Omariya Bernard 5’8 G/F 9 21 21 Maria Gallardo 5’6 G 9 24 24 Jaylah Flute 5’7 G/F 9 30 30 Lexus Redthunder 6’2 C 10 Chantel Kohl 5’8 G/F 111. Who Does The Law Apply To? Every coach, youth athlete, and their parent(s) or guardian(s) who seek to compete in activities sanctioned by the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA).2. Educational and Training Opportunities Legal Requirements SDHSAA Sports Youth Sports Requires SDHSAA and the SD Department of Education to develop and distribute guidelines and information including protocols and content consistent with current medical knowledge to each member school, coach, athlete, and the athlete’s parent(s) or guardian(s) regarding: the nature and risks of concussions; the signs, symptoms, and behaviors consistent with concussions; the need to alert appropriate medical professionals for diagnosis and treatment; and the need to follow proper medical direction and protocols for treatment and return-to-play after an athlete sustains a concussion. Requires each coach participating in athletic activities, sanctioned by the SDHSAA, to complete a training program each academic year, developed by the SDHSAA and SD Department of Education. Requires the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a youth athlete to signa consent form each academic year allowing the youth athlete to participate in an athletic activity. The form must include information about the nature and risks of concussions.3. Removal Guidelines An athlete shall be removed from participation in any athletic activity sanctioned by the SDHSAA at the time the athlete (a) exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or (b) is suspected of sustaining a concussion.4. Return-To-Play Once an athlete has been removed from participation in an athletic activity sanctioned by the SDHSAA, the youth athlete may not return to athletic activities until (a) the athlete no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or behavior consistent with a concussion and (b) receives an evaluation by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and (c) receives written clearance to return-to-play from such health care provider.5. Scope of Legal Coverage Under this provision, “health care provider” means a person who is registered, certied, licensed, or otherwise recognized in law, by the State of South Dakota, to provide medical treatment and is trained and experienced in the evaluation, manage-ment, and care of concussions.For a complete list of SD legislative details, please visit:http://www.legis.state.sd.us/sessions/2011/Bills/SB149ENR.pdfSouth Dakota Concussion Legislation
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 64TODD COUNTY FALCONS Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Bryce Hammer 5’10 G 10 3 3 Aiden Bizardie 6’2 G 11 4 4 David Espinoza 6’4 F 12 10 10 Brendan Waln 5’11 G 10 11 11 Tyree Primeaux 6’2 G/F 12 12 12 Jacob Wike 5’8 G 10 13 13 Lee Sharpfish 6’2 G/F 12 14 14 Mark Rogers 5’9 G 11 21 21 Kaine Redfish 6’2 G/F 9 24 24 Jacob Crow Eagle 6’1 G 11 25 25 Morris Kills In Sight 5’9 G 12 31 31 Tyrese Larvie 5’7 G 9 32 32 Trent Pongee 6’2 F/C 10 Josh Rowland 6’4 F/C 11
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 65 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 2 2 Doris White Hat 5’3 G 11 4 4 Raven Cournoyer 5’3 G 11 10 10 Kelsie Herman 5’5 G 10 12 12 Shanelle Lone Dog 5’6 G/F 11 14 14 Teciah Spotted Tail 5’5 G 11 20 20 Lacee Halligan 5’6 G/F 11 22 22 Gabby Iron Heart 5’10 F/C 11 23 23 Caelyn Valandra-Prue 5’7 G/F 9 24 24 Haylee Quick Bear 5’8 G/F 11 30 30 Alanis Murray 5’6 G/F 11 32 32 Katie Bear Shield 5’10 C 12 33 33 Cayliah Brady 5’6 G 10 34 34 Aryk Moore 5’6 G 12 44 44 Shayla Bordeaux 5’9 C 12
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 66UMONHON NATION CHIEFS Jersey Number Lt Name Height Class 1 Mike Aldrich 5’11’’ Jr. 2 Bryant Freemont 5’10’’ Sr. 3 Ezra Lyons 5’10’’ Sr. 5 ayzon Hundley 5’10’’ Jr. 10 Christian Moya 5’8’’ Sr. 20 Paul White Eyes 5’10’’ Jr. 23 Sam Hundley 6’0’’ So. 24 Chauncey Tyndall 6’0’’ Jr. 44 Anthony Red Elk 6’2’’ Jr. 50 Seth Sheridan 6’2’’ Jr.Shaileigh Woodhull, Savannah Walker, Triniti Webster, Selena Parker, Ladawna LaPointe, Aubrey Parker, Winona Dale, Markeis Spears, Courtney Grant, Rena Parker
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 67 Jersey Number Lt Name Height Class 0 Nakiah Barea 5’2’’ 12 1 Shailece Porter 5’5’’ 12 2 Leila Aldrich 5’8’’ 10 3 Mira Parker 5’6’’ 12 4 Erin Rave 5’ 12 5 Courtney Grant 5’7’’ 11 10 Rubie Oftedal 5’7’’ 10 12 Deondra Blackbird 5’’5’ 10 20 Martise Sargeant 5’9’’ 9 23 Selena Parker 5’11’’ 11 24 Savannah Walker 5’10’’ 11 42 Kyleigh Merrick 5’7’’ 10 50 Karleigh Miller 5’7’’ 10
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 68WHITE RIVER Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 5 5 John Petrik 6’0 G 12 10 10 Donnie Yackley 6’1 G 12 11 11 Izaiah Sorace 5’8 G 10 14 14 Teron Sazue 6’2 F/C 10 20 20 Tyson Iyotte 6’1 G 10 22 22 Nick Sayler 6’0 G/F 10 23 23 Jadice Morrison 6’2 G/F 11 35 35 Joe Brandis 6’4 F/C 10 50 50 Trayer Schmidt 6’2 C 11 55 55 Jacob Young 6’6 C 11Back row: Miaken Adrien, Ana Good Shield, Shauntae Bear Heels, Raven De’SersaFront Row: Paige LeBoeuf, Quincey Piper, Chloe Fernen, Kristina Osterbur
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 69 Jersey Number Lt Dk Name Height Position Class 5 5 Deija DeMarrias 5’7 G 11 11 11 Nellie Leader Charge 5’7 F 11 13 13 Quincy Piper 5’7 G 10 15 15 Sierra McGowan 5’6 G 12 21 21 Ariana Herman-Waln 5’6 G 12 23 23 Gracie Charging Hawk 5’7 F 10 25 25 Cheresa Stoneman 5’6 F 12 31 31 Nicole Yackley 5’8 G 9 33 33 Jaydn Engle 5’7 F 11 35 35 Miaken Adrian 5’7 F 10 41 41 Tia Bear Heels 5’10 F/C 11 43 43 Remedy Morrison 5’8 G/F 9 45 45 Trinity White Hat 5’8 G/F 9111011
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 70
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 71Rules for Conduct & SportsmanshipParticipant Ethics and Dress PolicyThe Lakota Nation Tournament is looked at and held in the highest esteem.The tournament is highly regarded in the Midwest and the Lakota Nation Tournament sets high standers.Let everyone be accountable.1. One unsportsmanlike technical foul during the Lakota Nation Invitational from either a player or a coach results in no tournament awards for that individual.2. Two unsportsmanlike technical fouls from the same individual during Lakota Nation Invitational will result in his or her team being exempt from receiving any awards except for the place awards.3. If a player or coach is ejected for two unsportsmanlike technicals, he or she will not play or coach the rest of the tournament. If said coach or player is ejected or receives his or her second unsportsmanlike technical on the last day of Lakota Nation Invitational, the next year he or she will sit out the first game of match of Lakota Nation Invitational.4. In Volleyball, a red card to a player or coach translates to no post tournament awards for that individual.5. Two red cards or ejection of a volleyball player or coach carries a penalty of no awards to that team. The team will only accept their place trophy from Lakota Nation Invitational. If two cards occur in two different games, but it still carries the same penalty as if it were one contest.6. If a coach receives two unsportsmanlike technical fouls or is given two red cards, his or her team is exempt from any post tourney awards other than the place trophy. They will not participate in the rest of the Lakota Nation Invitational.7. Any wrestling coaches or wrestlers who are disqualified for any unsportsmanlike act will not be eligible for any awards.8. Spectators should always uphold the highest values in sportsmanship. Lakota Nation Invitational fans should encourage other spectators no to boo or jeer at what the perceive to be a bad calls or bad plays.9. Officials need to show continued respect of players, coaches and fans. Any coach who wishes to appeal any of the above violations will have one hour after the game of match has ended to do so. The appeal must be written and should include statement from coaches, witnesses, and players along with a video tape. The appeal will be heard by the Board of Directors or their designated representatives. The Lakota Nation Invitational Participant Ethics and Dress Policy has been established to support as outlined in the Lakota Nation Invitational Articles of Incorporation By Laws. All Lakota Nation Invitational participants will be required to adhere to this policy. (Updated 9//29/07)The Lakota Nation Invitational Dress Policy supports the following principles:* Respect for the rights and dignity of others* Decency* Safety of persons and property* Promotion of a safe drug/alcohol/gang free environmentParticipants will:* Respect the rights and beliefs of others and treat others with courtesy and consideration* Be fully responsible for one’s actions and the consequences of such actions* Respect the property of others* Respect and obey the rules of the school and laws of the Lakota Nation Invitational* Show respect to those responsible for enforcing the rules of the school and the laws of the Lakota Nation Invitational* Not display any markings and/or decorations* Conduct oneself as a proper role model for younger athletes* Dress in a respectable mannerOn Court Attire:* Regulated according to the SDHSAA rules Off Court Attire:* Sweats are allowed when the entire team is dressed in like uniform* Dress slacks - no jeans of sweats* Dress Shirts - Button up with tie, sweater, long or short sleeve polo, No Jerseys or t-shirts* Caps or hats - With exception of religious head-wear, they must be removed and not worn indoors* All clothing must fit properly - no sagging* Sexually explicit or revealing attire will not me allowed* Attire with wording or graphics that promote, advocate or display violence, gang related activity and/or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs will not be allowed* Attire that is recognized as a association with drug membership (i.e pocket chains, necklaces, bandannas and etc.) will not be allowed.
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 72Heartbreak in basketball can sometimes be the start of something special. Pine Ridge High School battled into a second overtime before the Thorpes were outlasted by Beresford in the Class A state tournament seminals in 1986. That loss provided motivation moving forward. The following year Pine Ridge met all challenges with erce determination. The result was a state championship. In recognition of their memorable 26-0 season, the 1987 Thorpes are being honored as this year’s Team of Excellence by the South Dakota High School-Basketball Hall of Fame.Pine Ridge defeated Lennox 60-53 in the title game, overcoming a 13-point decit late in the third quarter. Willie White sparked the comeback and nished with 34 points. After the season, Coach Jesse Mendoza said, “When we lost in double overtime in the state tournament a year ago, the kids dedicated themselves to coming back and winning it all.” White was the leader, a 6-foot-5 senior who ended his career with 1,428 points and 794 rebounds. A four -year starter, he played in the state tourney each season. White was all-state as a junior and senior and in those two years averaged 23 points and 12.5 rebounds per game.George Bettelyoun, a 6-1 junior, provided 19 points per game while 6-4 junior Bryan Brewer contributed 16. Other starters were seniors Jim Colhoff and Tony Brewer. Earliest off the bench were freshman Brent Brewer and sophomore Jeff Big Crow. Despite playing only three home games due to scheduling difculty, Pine Ridge marched through the regular season. In the nal poll before tournament play began, defending state champion Hanson was No. 1 with the Thorpes ranked No. 2. After winning the championship, Mendoza, a former star player at Cheyenne-Eagle Butte and Huron University, was named Coach of the Year by the South Dakota High School Coaches Association. White was a nalist for the Mr. Basketball award. A 12-person panel of longtime basketball experts was assembled by the Argus Leader in 1988 to rate the top teams in state history regardless of class. The 1987 Thorpes were ranked as the 11th greatest team of all time.The 26-0 Pine Ridge Thorpes of 1987 were, from left, front. Ron Martin, Jeff Big Crow, Jon Garnier, Jim Colhoff, Joe Mesteth, Don Garnier. Back, Bart Ecoffey, Tony Brewer, George Bettelyoun, Bryan Brewer, Brent Brewer, Willie White, Paul Cedar Face and Coach Jesse Mendoza. Pine Ridge was Class A state champion.TEAM OF EXCELLENCE: PINE RIDGE 1987
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 73Sponsors:Visit Rapid CityCrazy Horse SchoolRosebud Sioux TribeCenter for the Prevention of Child MalnutritionKetel ThorstensonOST CreditPrairie EdgeDakota Charitable FoundationState Bank of Eagle ButteSioux PotteryAdvertisers:Black Hills Federal Credit UnionGolden West TelecommunicationsMcDonald’sMitchell Technical InstituteDakota SportsLode Star CasinoRushmore Plaza Civic CenterHoward JohnsonVisit Rapid CitySecurity First BankSD Department of Health/Craft & AssociatesFrench CleanersTaco John’sSicangu Oyate Ho, Inc.Lakota Country TimesRapid City Police DepartmentBlack Hills BagelsAbourezk LawOglala Lakota CollegeBudget OpticalTodd County School DistrictFirst Peoples FundSinte Gleska UniversityStadium SportsDays InnSDSUSponsors & AdvertisersProud to Support theLakota NationInvitational
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 74
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 75BLACK HILLS AREA LOCATIONSSTURGIS • RAPID CITY • DEADWOOD SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • HOT SPRINGSbhfcu.com Federally Insured by NCUAFULLSERVICE FINANCIAL COOPERATIVE
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 76Cheyenne Eagle Butte Braves (18-8 record)11th Annual LNI Champions - Defeated Hot Springs 84-54Custer 67-63Pine Ridge 81-76All Tourney - Rob MendozaEdwin WidowPlay Maker Award- Floyd LeCompte7th Place Finish 1988 State Tournament (Rob Mendoza - All Tourney State) Rob Mendoza 2nd team All-StateAll Conference - Rob Mendoza, Edwin Widow, Floyd LecompteCoach Terry Nelson - Region 4 Coach of the YearAssistant Coach Jeff Reznecheck, Chris Mendoza, Marlo Clown, Jess Keckler, Richard Bordeaux, Jay Shepherd, Edmund Widow, Jim Norris, Edwin Widow, Mark Shaving, Rob Mendoza, Head Coach Terry Nelson, Floyd LeCompte, Brice Stapert. Managers: Tanya Hinzman, Dawn Newbrough. *Not pictured Forrest Spraw 1987-1988 - Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Braves 1st LNI ChampionsLynelle “Nellie” Long graduated form Pine Ridge High School in 1982 and Huron University in 1986. She played Basketball and Volleyball while in college. She became the head volleyball coach at Pine Ridge High School during the 1989-90 school years. She is a full time education technician at Pine Ridge School and has served the Bureau of Indian Affairs for 27 years and 2 years at Red Cloud Indian School.She has amassed 552 wins in her 25 year career as the head coach and her team qualified for the state tournament in 2012, 2013, and 2014. She has won five Lakota Nation Invitational Volleyball championships and was named outstanding coach of the year by Lakota Country Times in 2014.Nellie lives in Pine Ridge with her spouse Darrel, and is the proud mother of her daughter Tamera, who is a teacher at Wounded Knee School, and son Chase who is a freshman at Pine Ridge.25 Year Coach AwardNellie Long
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 77Fans, please . . . Realize that a ticket is a privilege to observe a contest and support high school activities, not a license to verbally assault others or be generally obnoxious.Respect decisions made by contest officials.Be an exemplary role model by positively supporting teams in every manner possible, including content of cheers.Respect fans, coaches and participants.
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 78ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊvÊÞÕ½ÀiÊi`ÊÊViÀV>ÊÌL>VV]Ê>`ÊÜ>ÌÊÌʵÕÌ]ÊÀiiLiÀÊÌÃ\Ê iÛiÀÊ}ÛiÊÕ«°ÊÛiÀ°Ê`ÊvÊÞÕÊii`Êi«]ÊÜi½ÀiÊÀi>`ÞÊÜiÊÞÕÊ>Ài°,i>`ÞÊÌÊLÀi>ÊvÀii¶1-866-SD-QUITS(1-866-737-8487)FindYourPowerSD.com4OGETHERWEARESTRONG4OGETHERWECANFIGHTBACKAGAINSTCOMMERCIALTOBACCOCSPUIFSQPXFSJONZ*GJOENZ
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 79WWW.SINTEGLESKA.EDUSINTE GLESKA UNIVERSITYEST 1970WWW.SINTEGLESKA.EDUYOU’RE INVITED!2018 SGU Founders Week & Wacipi January 29th - February 4th, 2018Wakinyan Wanbli Student CenterAntelope Lake Campus, Mission, SD
2017 Lakota Nation Invitational • December 13th - 16th, 2017 • www.lakotanationinvitational.com 80