Using essential oils aromatically is one of the mostpowerful ways to enjoy their benefits! Inhaling oilscan affect our body and mind before we are evenconsciously aware of it, which can help enhance moodand ease stress in any environment. The olfactory bulb is what recognizes scents and itis part of the limbic system. The limbic system isthe part of the brain that deals with mood, memory,behavior, feelings, and emotions. When a scentarrives to the limbic system, your body responds byreleasing unique chemicals into your brain, causingdifferent reactions, depending on the aromasdetected. Applying essential oils on your skin is a convenient,practical, and effective way to experience some oftheir many benefits! You can enhance a massage, applyon fatigued areas after exercise, smooth theappearance of wrinkles, support healthy-looking skin,ease headaches and so much more! Try applying oils toyour feet, adding them to a bath, or enhance yourbeauty products by adding a few drops of oils. Enjoy some of the essential oils approved as NaturalHealth Products for things like cough & coldsymptoms, digestive discomfort, burns, cuts, eczema,headaches, as well as joint and muscle pain. You canalso take advantage of the emotional benefits ofusing essential oils, flavour your food and drinkswith our plus oils, or simply replace the syntheticfragrances in your home. When using essential oils, the options and benefitsare endless!HOW TO USE3
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