By Crystal GarrottLittle FightersNatural Anti-ParasiticLifestyle andRecipes forAdults and Kids
Copyright ISBN: 978-1-312-31406-1This book is protected by copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotationsembodied in critical articles and reviews.Published by: Crystal Garrott Email Address: © 2023 Crystal Garrott All rights reserved.ISBN: 978-1-312-31406-1 The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet orany other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal andpunishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editionsand do not participate in or encourage any form of piracy of copyrightedmaterials. Your support of the author's rights is appreciated.For permission requests, send an email.Manufactured in United States/Morrisville, Noth Carolina
Disclaimer: The information presented in this health book is intended for generalinformational purposes only and should not be considered asprofessional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The contentprovided in this book is not a substitute for consulting with a qualifiedhealthcare professional.The author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts toensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date at thetime of publication. However, medical knowledge and practices areconstantly evolving, and new research may supersede the informationpresented herein. Therefore, the author and publisher do not guaranteethe completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the information containedin this book, and disclaim any liability for any errors or omissions thatmay occur.Readers are strongly advised to consult with a licensed healthcareprofessional before implementing any of the suggestions, practices, ortreatments discussed in this book. Each individual's medical condition isunique, and only a qualified healthcare professional can providepersonalized advice based on a thorough assessment of the individual'sspecific health status.The author and publisher of this book disclaim any responsibility for anyadverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of theinformation presented herein. The reader assumes full responsibility forany decisions made and actions taken based on the informationprovided in this book.Furthermore, this book may include references to third-party websites,products, or services for informational purposes. The author andpublisher do not endorse, recommend, or guarantee the accuracy,quality, or safety of any external resources mentioned in this book.Users are encouraged to exercise their own judgment and discretionwhen accessing external resources.The information presented in this book is protected by copyright laws.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of the copyright holder.By reading this book, the reader agrees to release the author, publisher,and any affiliated individuals or entities from any and all liability, claims,damages, or losses arising from the use of the information providedherein.Always seek professional medical advice and treatment from qualifiedhealthcare professionals for any health-related concerns.
IntroductionChapter IIIHow to prep your family and your home before doing aparasite cleanse Chapter IWhat are parasite and why you should get rid of themChapter IVHow I lost over 10 lbs of waste in 4 days! Chapter IISupporting your body during the detoxificationprocess/natural selfcare recipes Chapter VRecipes your family will love1810191221CONTENTS43Chapter VIHow to get kids excited about healthy foodsChapter VIIFoods to eat44
Chapter XDay examplesChapter VIIIFoods to avoidChapter IXFoods and herbs that kill parasites494546CONT’ Overview FAQ’S
INTRODUCTION“THERE HAS TO BE A NATURALFOOD ITEM WE COULD BOTH USETO GET RID OF PARASITES”I’ve been in the holistic healing world for over 25 years. When my daddied, I started using those experiences to heal myself. As a result Istarted healing from childhood traumas and setting new boundaries.Instinctively I knew it was time to do a physical cleanse as well, but Ilove to eat and I’m passionate about cooking so I was reluctant tostop indulging in foods I crave and use for comfort. Myprocrastination came to a halt when my child belted from across ourhallway,” Mommy my tush is itchy!”. I remembered from a randomlate-night study session that an itchy bottom is one of the signs of apinworm parasite infection. Being put in mommy mode was thenudge I needed. Right away I started searching online with hopes tofind something easy to use and inexpensive. I was quickly faced withthe dilemma most parents face in this situation. I couldn't findanything that was strong enough for me yet gentle enough for my 9year old. I was frustrated! Information was scattered all over theinternet and they were leaving kids out the equation.. One alarmingpiece of information I came across was how important it was toprepare your detox organs before starting any cleanse. I had no ideaskipping over this step could cause a cleanse to be ineffective andpotentially harm myself and my child in the process. I said to myself,“there has to be a natural way to get rid of parasites for me and mychild“. What I found would forever change how I viewed my family'shealth and the world around me. health and the world around me. Over time I realized they are everywhere. It's impossible to live a lifewithout them but if there isn't a system in place, they will wreakhavoc in every possible way.
Prior to diving into a parasitic cleansing lifestyle, I hadn't had mymenstrual cycle in a year, I had dark circles under my eyes, insomnia,and sweet cravings just to name a few symptoms. My daughter washaving trouble sleeping, constipation, and grinding of the teeth inaddition to having an itchy bottom. After only 4 days of this lifestylecleanse my daughter and I both passed pin worms in our stool. Shestopped itching and began to sleep through the night. I lost 10pounds of waste on that 4th day and soon after, my period returned. After relieving these symptoms so quickly I started to wonder whatis actually happening within the body long term. I learned there areover 300,000 different species of parasites and a parasite can layanywhere from 3,000 to 700,000 eggs at a time! Depending on thespecies, an adult parasite can live as long as 8 years and larvae canlive 2-6 months. During their life span these creatures are living,dying and defecating within the human body. It is their accumulatedwaste that builds up over time that contributes to an overly acidicbody and many major diseases. “283,000 children in America have type 1 diabetes”As I dug deeper to formulate a safe anti-parasitic regimen for myfamily, I realized many cultures around the world use herbs, fruitsand vegetables that keep their bodies less inhabitable for parasiteseffortlessly. On top of that, once a year or so they will consume aconcentrated version of herbs fruits or vegetables that they‘dnormally eat throughout the year for an anti-parasitic reboot. When Icompare the American diet to other cultures, it's easy to see whyAmerica is in a parasitic crisis. Instead of our cultural meals beingloaded with herbs that kill parasites and their eggs, like clove forexample, our foods are loaded with ingredients that parasites thriveon! Most of our meals are comprised of sugars that parasites use tolay eggs and foods that keep our bodies in an acidic state which theylove. You may think the use of the word “crisis“ is a little much but Iassure you it‘s not.
In Dr. Alan MacDonalds research about the connection betweenparasites and autoimmune disease, he has yet to find a cadaver freeof the tapeworm parasite in any of the autopsies performed onpeople that died from MS. Now Doctors are learning parasites areconnected to not only autoimmune diseases but cancer as well. Itbecomes alarming when we consider 23 million Americans sufferfrom an autoimmune disease with 283,000 of them being childrenthat suffer from type 1 diabetes and 1.9 million diagnosed withcancer. I‘d call that a crisis. Especially when simple preventativemeasures have gone unnoticed for years.This book is meant to support you on your wellness journey whereverit finds you. Utilize the recipes, information and Facebook communityto move past the foundations and attachments of the American diet.Venture out into other cultural foods and add anti parasitic herbs andspices to dishes you already know and love. The idea is to get out of aonce-a-year detox mentality that doesn't consider the parasites lifecycle. This book invites your family to gradually embrace a antiparasitic lifestyle. Cheers to your good health!Crystal Garrott
To my lovely Nyla. You are everything bright, good and beautiful in thisworld. Dedication
What are parasites? Symptoms of a parasite infection According to the CDC, Aparasite is an organism thatlives on or in a host organismand gets its food from or atthe expense of its host.There are millions ofparasite species in theworld, but we will focus onthree common speciesprotozoa, helminths, andectoparasites. Protozoa areone-celled and microscopic.They can multiply in humansand cause serious infections.This parasite is usuallypassed to humans throughfecal matter, contaminatedwater, or person-to-personcontact. Helminths areparasites we can see andfeel. Such as theroundworm,, and flatworms.The ectoparasites are yourticks and fleas that aremostly found outside thebody. The most common forhumans are Helminths. It is a fact that we encounter someform of parasites in our regular day-to-day lives. Medically, you are notthought to have a parasitic infectionuntil it is already causing extremecomplications. The medical field is nowrealizing parasites are the root causeof most if not all disease and illnesswith the human body. So how long doparasites stay in the body? Hostingparasites can be the cause of yoursleep problems. Drooling whilesleeping, gnashing of teeth, snoring,and insomnia have all been linked toparasites. While some parasites suchas pinworms live for 4-6 weeks, theadult females make their way to theanus to lay up to 700,000 eggs andcontinue populating the human body. The adult parasite will cause the hostto crave sweets so she can use thesugar for energy to release heroffspring in the anus. This is why mosthosts experienced an itchy anus atnight. In addition to sleep abnormalities,eczema, psoriasis, dark under-eyecircles, irregular heartbeats, and hairloss can all be a part of a long list ofsigns that you are hosting parasites.There exists such a wide range of signsdue to the high toxicity parasites CHAPTER IWHAT ARE PARASITES AND WHYYOU SHOULD GET RID OF THEM. 10
leave behind during their life cycle.They not only eat the waste within theintestinal tract and the soft tissuethroughout the body, but parasitesalso consume vitamins and mineralsthe body needs. This leads to a vastarray of deficiencies that over timecause major diseases within the bodythat most doctors bypass being linkedto parasites.Your body has a natural detoxificationsystem in placeThe human body is constantly taking intoxins whether it’s through the air webreathe, the foods we eat, or thesynthetic products that come incontact with our skin. Our lungs areequipped to eliminate toxic gas andfumes in our environment. While thegastrointestinal tract processes thefoods we eat. When you have a cold,you might feel little swollen lumps onyour neck or behind your ears. Thoseare a few of the many Lymph nodesthat are located throughout the body.They filter toxins and release them intothe blood to be processed through theliver, and then onto the kidneys to bereleased in your feces and urine.I’ve found that most detox programsdon't consider the body’s natural detoxprocess and work in tandem. As aresult, they stress the organs insteadof complimenting the natural detoxflow which strengthens the entredetox system. 11CHAPTER I (CONTINUED)
Gradual transition: If you'replanning a detox, consider easinginto it gradually rather than makingsudden and drastic changes to yourdiet and lifestyle. This will give yourbody time to adjust and reduce thelikelihood of severe detoxsymptoms.1.Stay hydrated: Drink plenty ofwater throughout the day to helpflush out toxins and support yourbody's natural detoxificationprocesses. Proper hydration canalso alleviate headaches andfeelings of fatigue.2.3.Eat whole, unprocessed foods thatare high in fiber: Focus on consumingwhole foods, such as fruit that are highin fiber with a low sugar index,vegetables, whole grains, and leanproteins, while avoiding processed andsugary foods. This can help reduce theburden on your liver and digestivesystem.4.Support your liver: The liver is a keyorgan involved in detoxification. Youcan support its function byincorporating foods that promote liverhealth, such as leafy greens, beets,garlic, and turmeric.5.Get enough sleep: Prioritize qualitysleep during your detox. Rest isessential for your body's healing anddetoxification processes.6.Light exercise: Engage in gentleexercises like yoga, walking, orstretching. Exercise can improvecirculation, help release toxins throughsweat, and enhance lymph nodeperformance. CHAPTER IIHow To Avoiding Feeling Sick DuringDetox Detoxification can cause unpleasantsymptoms commonly referred to as"detox symptoms" or "detoxreactions." These symptoms caninclude headaches, fatigue, nausea,and general malaise. Killing offparasites and their eggs producestoxic gas and an increase in wastewithin the body. Here are some tips tohelp you avoid feeling sick during thedetox.SUPPORTING YOUR BODY DURINGTHE DETOXIFICATION PROCESS12
Two weeks before you start the detoxincrease your hydration routine. Makesure you defecate at least twice a day,and do the suggestions listed duringyour detox. Most people feel sick whenthe additional toxins are building upwith no form of release from the body.Preparing two weeks before assuresyou that your body is ready for a detox.I do not recommend doing any detox ifyou're constipated. Ways To Support Your Body Duringthe Cleanse. Natural toothpaste Dry brushingNatural body washDetox bathNatural skin moisturizer Oil pullingNatural deodorant EnemaMassages ChiropractorNature walksYogaChemical free detergent30 min walk13CHAPTER II (CONTINUED)7.Manage stress: Chronic stress canhinder the detoxification process.Incorporate stress-reducing practicessuch as meditation, deep breathingexercises, or spending time in nature.8.Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Eliminateor reduce your intake of caffeine andalcohol during a detox, as they candehydrate the body and impededetoxification.9. Listen to your body: Pay attention tohow you feel during the detox andadjust accordingly. If you experiencesevere discomfort or adversereactions, it's essential to consult witha healthcare professional.
Natural Toothpaste RecipeEquipmentsilicone travel tubesbamboo toothbrushelectric toothbrushMaterials2 Tbsp. coconut oil more or less, depending on the desired consistency (can use other oils)1 Tbsp. bentonite clay2 tsp. cacao unsweetened, optional1 tsp. xylitol1 tsp. baking sodapeppermint essential oil optional, for tasteInstructionsMix together all of the dry ingredients. If you are using cacao nibs, or you find that the ingredientsare too abrasive for you because you have sensitive teeth or gums, you can pulverize them in acoffee grinder.and find the ingredients are to abrasive do to sensitive teeth or gumsAdd coconut oil, little by little, until you reach the desired consistency. If using a silicone travel tubefor storage, add more coconut oil so it dispenses more easily. In the winter, you may usefractionated coconut oil or a different liquid oil to keep the toothpaste from solidifying.Fill your silicone tube or storage containers with the toothpaste. It’s now ready to use!NotesOlive oil is a good substitute for coconut oil as it has healing properties of its own. The cacao/cocoa powder (or nibs) is completely optional. It may make the toothpaste more appealing tokids. It also may leave dark marks on the sink if not fully rinsed. Choose whether or not to add itaccordingly.Theobromine in cacao may help with remineralization.DO NOT use xylitol for toothpaste meant for pets. It is toxic to dogs and cats and possibly otheranimals. If you plan on making a toothpaste for a pet, I’d suggest not using sweeteners or essential oils. This toothpaste has a shelf life equal to the ingredients you are using. Because there is no water in therecipe, there is no need for a preservative. To avoid contaminating toothpaste with water and bacteriado not dip your toothbrush into it. Instead, either dispense the toothpaste from silicone tubes or scoopout just enough for one use with a clean spoon or other utensil. **15
Easy Natural Soap Recipe1/2 lb. goat’s milk soap base2 tablespoons dried rosemary2 tablespoons dried lavender10 drops rosemary essential oil10 drops of lavender essential oilSoap coloring (optional)Soap moldSpritz bottle filled with rubbing alcoholSoap labelSoap SuppliesInstructionsChop lavender and rosemary into fine pieces. 1.Sprinkle a small amount of the rosemary and lavender into the bottom of each soap mold andreserve the remainder for step 9.2.Cut the goat’s milk soap base and place it into a microwave-safe bowl or a small pan for melting.3.Melt the soap in a microwave or on a stovetop.4.Allow the melted soap to cool then add rosemary and lavender essential oil to the bowl.5.Add coloring to the soap mixture if desired.6.Using a spoon, mix everything.7.Spray the bottom of the mold with rubbing alcohol.8.Add the remaining rosemary and lavender to the bowl. Gently pour the soap mixture into soapmolds.9.Spray the top of the soap with rubbing alcohol. Allow the soap to harden for at least an hour. Gentlypop out and store in an airtight container until ready to use. **10.16
Natural Deodorant RecipeEquipmentQuart-size mason jarSaucepanMaterials2 TBSP shea butter3 TBSP coconut oil3 TBSP baking soda2 TBSP arrowroot powder (or organic cornstarch, optional)essential oils (optional)InstructionsPlace the shea butter and coconut oil in a quart size mason jar.Place the mason jar in a small saucepan of water and heat over low heatuntil the shea butter and coconut oil have just melted.Remove from heat and add the baking soda and arrowroot if using.Mix well.Add the essential oils if using and pour into a glass container forstorage. You can use a spoon to scoop out desired amount for use. Itdoes not need to be refrigerated.If you prefer, you can let it cool and pour it into an old deodorant stickfor easier use, though it may melt in the summer!NotesIt may take several hours to completely harden. This process can be spedup by putting it in the fridge for a few minutes.**17
CHAPTER IIIPets are well known for being majorcarriers of parasites and how everyonerelates to their pets will differ fromhome to home. Since we must bemindful of not reinfecting ourselves,while on this detox, be sure to disinfecthousehold floors often, clean paws andbottoms Do not allow pets on beddingor furniture and refrain from lettingpets lick you on your face. Pets shouldbe dewormed during this time as well. PETS AND PARASITES The following is essential tosuccessfully ridding yourself ofparasites. Everyone that lives in yourhousehold must do the cleanse as well.Families share many things andunfortunately, they unknowingly shareparasites. This is especially importantif you have pets. Pets and youngchildren are the number one cause ofparasites in a household. You also wantto be sure to wash household sheets atleast every two days. As well aswearing clean pajamas every two days.This will eliminate reinfecting yourselfsince parasites like to make their wayto the anus to reproduce at night. Bediligent when it comes to washinghands, especially after using thebathroom. Don't forget to get underyour nails. HOW TO PREP YOUR FAMILY ANDHOME BEFORE A CLEANSE 18
CHAPTER IVHOW I LOST OVER 10LBS OF WASTEIN ONLY 4 DAYS!At the beginning of the cleanse, I was defecating twice a day as usual. Nothingreally changed. By the third and fourth day I was releasing so much that Iliterally felt empty. I remember thinking how I never released this much in mylife. I knew I had to have released parasites but was afraid to look. I felt lighternot only physically but in countenance. I had to take a look. To my surprise mystool was full of parasites that looked like little grains of rice. The amountreleased sparked my curiosity to see if it effected my weight or not. I wascompletely shocked to see that I weighed 10lbs lighter! It was a few days later when it hit me that my inner blockages reflect outwardly.I literally had a host of living creatures that used my body as their home. Theirintellect, resilience, entire life force and energy circulated for however longwithin my body and now they were gone. Energetically, I had easier access tomanifestations then when I was a host. Removing parasites is definitely amanifestation hack.The process was so easy, and I was always full. First, I make sure I‘m wellhydrated with spring water and lemon or lime, watermelon juice, cucumberwater, or coconut water. Then I consume papaya seeds to kill parasites. Later, Idrink a high fiber smoothy to sweep dead parasites out of my colon. I stayhydrated throughout the day. I eat pumpkin seeds between meal to releaseparasites and sweep them out again with a high fiber meal. I lost over 10 lbs of pure waste
How I lost over 10 pounds of waste in only 4 days !2.Papaya seeds containcompounds that have beenfound to have anthelminticproperties, meaning theywill kill parasites. Thesecompounds includecarpaine, benzylisothiocyanate, and otheralkaloids. The anthelminticproperties of papaya seedshave been traditionally usedin many cultures to treatparasitic infections. Take1tsp a day. Wait 30 minsbefore and after consumingfood or fluids. Can also useclove tea. Cloves are knownto kill almost all parasites.5.Lentil soup (sample meal): Red lentils are a goodsource of essentialnutrients, including protein,fiber, folate, iron, andmagnesium. There are somany ways to use them butthis is my favorite. I like toadd spinach and okra forextra flavor and fiber. 1.When we consume watercontaining essentialminerals, our body canbetter absorb and utilize thewater. The presence ofelectrolytes in water helpsmaintain a balance betweenfluids inside and outsidecells, ensuring that water iseffectively absorbed andretained by the bodytissues. So drink 8oz ofspring water as soon as youwake up. Note: adding thejuice of a lime diluted withwater will stimulatedigestive juices, acids andbile to help with digestionand bowel movements 4.Chickpea salad (samplemeal): Chickpeas arepacked with variousessential nutrients likeprotein, vitamins (such asvitamin B6 and folate), andminerals (such as iron,magnesium, and zinc). 3.Grapefruit smoothies areperfect for this cleansebecause they are rich innutrients.They haveantimicrobial properties,they help you stay hydrated,have a low sugar content(parasites love sugar), andthey are high in the fiberneeded to sweep deadparasites out the gut. Haveas much as you want but atleast one large grapefruitsmoothie 30 minutes aftertaking papaya seeds. Try tokeep as much of the pith (soft white outer layer of thefruit) as possible because itcontains fiber, vitamin C,flavonoids, and limonoids. 6.Pumpkin seeds havetraditionally been used asa natural remedy forexpelling intestinalparasites. A specificcompound in pumpkinseeds, like the amino acidcalled Cucurbitacin,paralyze parasites andprevent them fromholding onto the intestinalwalls. This aids in theirremoval from the body.Eat no less than 1/4 cupbefore bed. CHAPTER IV (CONTINUED)Hydrate TerminateFiberSweepFiber Meal Fiber Meal Terminate
Black Lentil andMushroom TacosIngredients2 cups1.Green Lentils (or cookedbrown)2. 16 ouncesCremini Mushrooms(sliced)3. 1 tablespoonChili Powder4. 1 teaspoonSalt5. ½ teaspoonGarlic Powder6. ½ teaspoonSmoked Paprika7. ½ teaspoonCumin8. ½ teaspoonCayenne (optional forheat)9. ½ cupWater (if needed)10.add Tortillas (corn or flour,your choice)11. add Toppings (such asavocado, cilantro,tomatoes, shreddedlettuce, pickled redonions, etc)22
INSTRUCTIONSSauté mushrooms in a skillet over medium heat until softened, about 5 minutes.Add the cooked lentils and seasonings. Stir to combine. Add the water, if needed, ifthe mixture seems too dry.Simmer the mixture until heated through, about 8 to 10 minutes.Serve in tortillas with your favorite taco toppings.23
Ingredients:2 tablespoons coconut oil1 large onion, thinly sliced3 cloves garlic, minced1 tablespoon ginger, minced1 tablespoon curry powder1 teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon ground coriander1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 cup red lentils, rinsed and drainedInstructions:Heat the vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the sliced onions and cook, stirringoccasionally, until they caramelize and turn golden brown. This may take about 15-20 minutes.1.Once the onions are caramelized, add the minced garlic and ginger to the pot. Cook for another 1-2minutes until fragrant.2.Stir in the curry powder, ground cumin, ground coriander, turmeric, and cayenne pepper. Cook thespices with the onions, garlic, and ginger for about a minute to release their flavors.3.Add the rinsed red lentils to the pot and stir them with the aromatic mixture.4.Pour in the coconut milk and vegetable broth or water and give it a good stir. Bring the mixture to agentle simmer.5.Add the diced tomatoes and sliced okra to the pot. Simmer the soup for about 15-20 minutes untilthe lentils and okra are tender.6.Stir in the fresh spinach leaves and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes until the spinach wilts.7.Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste.8.Serve the red lentil hot in bowls. Optional: garnish with fresh cilantro leaves for an extra burst offlavor.9. 1 can (14 ounces) coconut milk3 cups vegetable broth or water1 can (14 ounces) diced tomatoes 1 cup fresh or frozen okra, sliced2 cups fresh spinach leavesSalt and pepper to tasteFresh cilantro leaves, for garnish Red Lentil Soup 24
Pumpkin SeedPumpkin seeds are believedto have anti-parasiticproperties.PUMPKIN SEEDPESTO PASTA25
In a food processor, combine pumpkin seeds,basil, and garlic. Blend until finely chopped.1.Slowly pour in olive oil while processing untilsmooth.2.Stir in nutritional yeast, salt, and pepper.3.Cook pasta as per instructions, drain and mixwith the pesto. Serve warm.4.INGREDIENTS1/4 cup nutritionalyeast (for a cheesyflavor)Salt and pepper totasteWhole grain pasta1 cup pumpkinseeds, toasted1 cup fresh basilleaves2 cloves garlic1/2 cup olive oilPUMPKIN SEED PESTO PASTAPUMPKIN SEEDS ARE BELIEVED TO HAVE ANTI-PARASITICPROPERTIES.26
INGREDIENTS8 ounces mushrooms1 Medium Carrot1 ½ cups Broccoli Florets¼ Medium Onion2 Medium Garlic Cloves2 tablespoons Oil (such as olive oil, avocadooil or grape seed, plus more for cooking)1 teaspoon Smoked Paprika1 teaspoon Chili Powder¾ teaspoon Fine Sea Salt¼ teaspoon Black Pepper (fresh ground)1 (15-ounce) can Black Beans (drained andrinsed)⅓ cup Walnut Halves (about 14 halves)2 cups Spinach Leaves (packed, 85 grams)add handful Tender Fresh Herbs (like chives,parsley or cilantro, optional)½ cup Panko Breadcrumbs (or usehomemade breadcrumbs)2 Flax Eggs (or large eggs)1 tablespoon Tomato Paste¾ cup Brown Rice (cooked)add Bread Rolls (lettuce, tomato, cheeseand favorite burgersauces)**The Ultimate VeggieBurger27
2. Using a damp paper towel, brush all dirtfrom mushrooms. Cut away and discard anyhard stems. Roughly chop the mushrooms,carrot, broccoli and onion into 1/2-inchchunks. Toss vegetables into the bowl of afood processor. Add the garlic, olive oil,smoked paprika, chili powder, salt andpepper. Close the lid and pulse 10 to 20times until coarsely ground.DIRECTIONSPREPARE VEGGIESAND BEANSHeat the oven to 400degrees F. Line tworimmed baking sheetswith foil, parchmentpaper or silicon bakingmats.1.28
DIRECTIONS CONTINUED4. Meanwhile, spread the drainedblack beans onto the second bakingsheet in one layer. When thevegetables have roasted for 15minutes, stir them and press into a thinlayer once more. Transfer both bakingsheets (vegetables and the blackbeans) to the oven. Roast until thebeans begin to split and look dry andthe vegetables look drier and toasted,about 15 minutes. Let everything cool.3 Spread the groundvegetables onto one of thelined baking sheets. Pat themdown with a spatula until a verythin layer of vegetables coversthe majority of the bakingsheet. Roast the vegetablesfor 15 minutes. (If the veggiesaround the outer edges startto turn dark brown, stir andpress them back down into athin layer).29
Ingredients:1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved1 can (15 ounces) chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed1/2 red onion, thinly sliced2 cups fresh baby spinach leaves1 ripe avocado, sliced2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar1 teaspoon Dijon mustardSalt and pepper to tasteInstructions:In a large salad bowl, combine the cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, sliced red onion, andbaby spinach.1.In a small bowl, whisk together the extra-virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Dijonmustard, salt, and pepper to make the dressing.2.Drizzle the dressing over the salad ingredients in the large bowl.3.Gently toss the salad to coat all the ingredients with the dressing.4.Add the sliced avocado on top of the salad just before serving to prevent it fromturning brown.5.Optional: garnish the salad with some freshly chopped herbs like cilantro or parsleyfor an extra burst of flavor.6.Serve the tomato, chickpea, onion, spinach, and avocado salad immediately as anutritious and satisfying meal.7.Chickpea Salad30
Blend all ingredients until smooth.Serve immediately.INGREDIENTS1 cup coconut milk (fullfat)1/2 cup mixed berries(frozen or fresh)1 banana1 tbsp chia seeds (foradded fiber)COCONUT & BERRYSMOOTHIECOCONUT IS OFTENCONSIDERED TO HAVE ANTI-PARASITIC PROPERTIES.31
CoconutOilPopcorn¼ cup unpoppedpopcorn2 tablespoons coconutoilsea salt to tasteINGREDIENTSDirectionsPlace popcorn and oil in a 3-quartpot over medium heat and coverthe pot with a lid.1.Shake the pot constantly aspopcorn pops. When popping slowsto a few remove pot from heat andpour popcorn into a large bowl.Season with sea salt.2.32
Power of FoodThese recipes aim toincorporate ingredientstraditionally recognized fortheir anti-parasitic properties.Encourage your child to drinkplenty of clean, spring waterand maintain good hygienehabits, including washing handsfrequently and properlycooking foods to furtherprevent the risk of parasiticinfections.THINGS TO INCLUDE33
Black WalnutHull Pancakes34
Mix the flour, black walnut hullpowder, and baking powder in abowl.1.Add the almond milk and meltedcoconut oil, stirring until combined.2.Heat a non-stick skillet over mediumheat. Pour batter to form pancakes.3.Cook until bubbles appear, then flipand cook the other side.4.Serve warm with fresh berries.5.INGREDIENTS1 cup whole grain flour1 tbsp black walnut hullpowder2 tsp baking powder1 cup almond milk1 tbsp coconut oil,meltedFresh berries fortopping35
Benefits ofQuinoaThis is gluten-free andpacked with nutrients likeprotein, zinc, fiber,magnesium and folate, aswell as antioxidants. KEEP LIFE SWEET36
SINCE ANCIENT TIMES,THYME HAS BEEN USED TOELIMINATE INTESTINALPARASITES.LEMON & HERBQUINOA SALADIn a large bowl, mix cookedquinoa, cucumber, and bellpepper.1.Sprinkle with thyme leaves.2.Drizzle with lemon juice andolive oil. Season with salt andpepper.3.Toss everything together andserve.4.INGREDIENTS1 cup quinoa, cooked1 cucumber, diced1 bell pepper, diced2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves2 tbsp fresh basilJuice of 1 lemon1/2 cup of red onion2 tbsp olive oilSalt and pepper to taste37
Cut veggies into chunks and threadonto skewers.1.Mix olive oil, oregano, salt, andpepper in a bowl.2.Brush the skewers with the oreganooil mixture.3.Grill on a barbecue or stovetop grillpan until veggies are tender.4.INGREDIENTSMixed freshveggies(bell peppers, redonion, zucchini,cherry tomatoes)2 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp fresh oregano,chopped (or 1 tspdried oregano)Salt and pepperRoastedVeggies38
Madewith Love39
In a pan, heat the coconut oil.1.Add the chopped neem leaves andsauté for a minute.2.Add the cooked rice and mix well.Season with garlic, salt and pepper.3.Serve warm.4.INGREDIENTS1 cup quinoa, cooked1 tbsp coconut oil10-12 fresh neemleaves, washed andchopped1 tbsp TurmericSalt, garlic to tasteNeem is traditionally recognized forits anti-parasitic properties. Neemleaves are available at some healthfood stores or Asian markets.NEEM LEAF ANDTUMERIC QUINOA 40
Loaded FriesGOODNESS ON APLATEPreheat the oven to 430°F (220°C).Cut the sweet potatoes into ½ inch (1cm) thick sticks*. Transfer thepotatoes to a large bowl.1.Drizzle the cut potatoes with the oiland sprinkle with the cornstarch andspices.2.Toss to coat the potatoes.3.Divide the fries over two lined bakingtrays. Spread the fries as far apartfrom each other as possible. Bake for20 minutes.4.Flip the fries and switch the upper andlower baking tray. Continue to bakefor another 20 - 25 minutes.5.Add oil to a large pot on medium-high heat. When hot, add the onionand garlic, and cook for 3 - 4minutes.6.Then add the spices. Cook foranother 1 minute, stirring throughout.7.8. Add the remaining chili ingredients.Cook at a gentle simmer, partiallycovered, for 20 minutes. Stiroccasionally.9.To make the cheese sauce, cover thecashews with boiling water and let themsoak for at least 10 minutes, then drain.10.Add the drained cashews andremaining sauce ingredients to a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth..11.Add the blended mixture to a saucepanand heat through. Then set aside.12.To make the salsa, combine theingredients in a small food processor orchop finely and mix together in a bowl.13.Assemble by placing the fries on aplate. Top with chilli.14.Drizzle over the cheese sauce, salsa,and any other desired garnishes. Enjoy!
INGREDIENTS Potato fries4 medium sweetpotatoes, peeled 2 Tbsp (30 mL)vegetable oil1 Tbsp (8 g)cornstarch ½ tsp onionpowder½ tsp garlicpowder½ tsp coarse seasalt1 pinch groundblack pepperSpiced chili2 tsp (10 mL)vegetable oil1 medium onion,finely chopped3 cloves garlic,minced1 tsp (2 g) groundcumin½ tsp driedoregano½ tsp salt¼ tsp smokedsweet paprikapowdersriracha hot sauceavocadosliced green onion¼ tsp chili powder2 carrots, minced1½ cups (258 g) cooked black beans1⅔ cups (400 g) canned diced tomatoes½ cup (120 mL) boiling water½ vegetable bouillon cube Cheese sauce½ cup (65 g) raw cashews½ cup (120 mL) water2 Tbsp (4 g) nutritional yeast flakes2 tsp (10 mL) fresh lemon juice¼ tsp garlic powder¼ tsp onion powder¼ tsp salt, or more to taste⅛ tsp smoked sweet paprika powderSalsa1 cup (149 g) cherry tomatoes1 small red onion½ lime, juiced Optional garnishsriracha hot sauceavocadosliced green onion42
Have them choose what's for dinner.1.Be their sous chef.2. Be consistent with meal mealtimes.3.Let them see you enjoy eatinghealthy. 4.Educate them on what you‘ velearned about parasites so they feelempowered! 5.43CHAPTER VIRECIPIES YOUR FAMILY WILL LOVE
FOODS TO AVOID Sugary and Processed Foods: High sugar intake can promote inflammation and weaken the immunesystem, making it easier for parasites to thrive.Undercooked or Raw Meats and Seafood: These can be potential sources of parasites and shouldbe avoided during a detox.Raw or Undercooked Eggs: Like meats and seafood, raw eggs may contain parasites, so it's best toavoid them during the detox.Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables: Properly wash and clean all fruits and vegetables to minimize therisk of ingesting parasites.Dairy Products: Some people may find that avoiding dairy helps reduce digestive symptoms duringa parasite detox.Gluten-containing Grains: Wheat, barley, rye, and other gluten-containing grains might contributeto inflammation and digestive issues.Alcohol and Caffeine: These beverages can stress the liver and affect the immune system,potentially making it harder for the body to fight parasites. They are also high in sugar whichparasites love!Cooking Oils to Avoid: Vegetable Oils High in Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Refined vegetable oils like corn,soybean, and sunflower oil are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation.Limiting these oils during a detox may be beneficial.Trans Fats: Artificial trans fats found in some processed foods and partially hydrogenated oils canalso contribute to inflammation and should be avoided.You should avoid fruits that are high in sugars but low in fiber.45CHAPTER VIII
FOODS AND HERBSTHAT KILL PARASITES Garlic: Garlic contains allicin, a compound known for its antimicrobial and anti-parasitic properties.It has been traditionally used to combat various types of parasites.Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called cucurbitacin, which has anti-parasiticeffects, especially against intestinal parasites.Papaya seeds: Papaya seeds have been used as a traditional remedy for eliminating intestinalparasites due to the presence of enzymes that help break down the parasites.Wormwood: Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a bitter herb that has been traditionally used totreat intestinal worms. It is commonly consumed as an herbal tea or in supplement form. Notrecommended for children under 12.Black walnut: Black walnut hulls are believed to have anti-parasitic properties and are often usedas a natural remedy for intestinal parasites. Cloves: Cloves contain compounds like eugenol, which may have anti-parasitic effects. Cloves havebeen used as a traditional remedy for parasite infections.Oregano oil: Oregano oil contains compounds like carvacrol and thymol, which have antimicrobialproperties and may help combat parasites.Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Itis believed to have some anti-parasitic effects.Coconut oil: Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which has been studied for its potential anti-parasiticactivity.Pineapple: Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which may have some anti-parasiticeffects.46CHAPTER IX
FOODS AND HERBSTHAT KILL PARASITES Ginger: contains a broad range of anti-helmintic effects including activity against some of theworld’s most dangerous and widespread parasites. It contains a unique set of enzymes and pungentstimulants that are extremely toxic to parasites, helping to kill them off while simultaneouslyreleasing excess water weight and fat that comes with them.Parsley: The green pigment chlorophyll found in parsley is believed to have detoxifying properties.This may help cleanse the body, making it less hospitable to parasites. Fiber: Parsley containsdietary fiber, which is important for digestive health. A healthy digestive system is crucial forpreventing and managing parasitic infections.Neem: Azadirachtin Content: Neem contains a compound called azadirachtin, which is consideredone of its key bioactive components. Azadirachtin has been studied for its insecticidal and anti-parasitic properties. It interferes with the growth and development of parasites and insects,disrupting their life cycle and reducing their ability to feed and reproduce. Limonoids: Neemcontains limonoids, which are compounds known for their insecticidal and anti-parasitic activities.These substances may disrupt the metabolism and growth of parasites.Cucumber seeds: Cucumber seeds are good for eliminating tapeworms that live in the digestivetract. That’s why it is healthy to eat cucumber seeds even if you do not have a parasite to prevent it.The enzymes contained in cucumber can kill tapeworms.Cayenne: Cayenne pepper contains a compound called capsaicin, which is responsible for its spicytaste. Capsaicin has been shown to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties inlaboratory studies. These properties suggest that cayenne pepper may have the ability to kill orinhibit the growth of parasites in the body.47CHAPTERIX(CONTINUED)
FOODS AND HERBSTHAT KILL PARASITES Mimosa Pudica:Mimosa Pudica has many health benefits, including its ability to treat parasites.According to Dr. Jay Davidson, this powerful herb “actively paralyzes parasites and forces them tofall away from their position on intestine walls. This means that the parasites can be effectivelyflushed from your system.” As Mimosa Pudica binds to toxins in the body (like activated charcoal)and it also restores cell membranes. So not only does this herb paralyze and remove parasites fromthe body, but it helps to deliver nutrients to the blood and repair cellular damage.Tribulus: Tribulus is a flowering plant that is renowned in southern Europe and the middle East. Thisherb was shown to have strong anti-microbial effects against 11 pathogenic microbes includingStaphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Serratiamarcescens, Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa andCandida albicans.Vidanga: As a very potent herb, it is not recommended to use Vidanga in high dosages for long-term, although high amounts may be needed in the beginning (especially for severe parasiticalinfections). If the treatment is needed long-term, one should eventually reduce the dosage of theVidanga and formulate it with other similar herbs. In fact, most herbs of similar properties tend tobe more effective when they are taken together (called Yoga Vahi). Overall, it is always best toseek guidance from a skilled Ayurvedic practitioner in order to receive the most effective and safetreatment. Passionflower: passionflower is great for improving insomnia symptoms and promoting a sense ofoverall calmness. This is important because one of the most common symptoms I have seen peopleexperience when they have parasitic overgrowth is insomnia. In particular, waking up between 1-3am and having trouble falling back asleep is a common issue people with parasites experience. 48CHAPTER IX(CONTINUED)
DATE:MTWTFSSDay Example6 AM7 AM9 AM8 AM10 AM11 AM12 PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 PM5 PM6 PM7 PM8 PM30 min walk8oz. Lime Water8oz. of clove tea1tsp. papaya seed and honeychia seed pudding8oz. grapefruit smoothie16oz. waterchickpea saladlentil soup8oz. water16oz water1cup fresh pineapple 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds 8oz. clove tea1tsp of Organic neem powder49CHAPTER X
DATE:MTWTFSSKids8 AM9 AM11 AM10 AM12 PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 PM5 PM6 PM7 PM8 PM9 PM30 min Park Play8oz. Lime Waterblack walnut pancakes8oz. berry 1tsp papaya seed smoothieveggie burgerberry fruit bowl1/3 cup pumpkins seeds8oz. water2 lentil taco1 cup coconut oil popcorn1tsp of Organic neem powder50Day Example8oz. clove and honey tea8oz. waterhugs and kisses!
Make sure you are well-hydrated and not constipated before starting thiscleanse. Supplements such as Cascara Sagrada and Psyllium will assist inloosening bowels. You will drink a gallon of high-grade spring water throughout the day and atleast 8oz. when you first wake up. Drinking water with meals weakensstomach acid needed to break food down. Wait 30 minutes. 30 minutes later you will eat papaya seeds to kill the parasites.30 minutes after eating the papaya seeds you will drink a grapefruitsmoothie using as much of the white outer skin as possible. The fiber will“sweep” dead parasites out of colon. You will continue to hydrate throughout the day and eat high-fiber foodssuch as the ones listed on the “FOODS TO EAT” page. Feel free to addanything off of the “HERBS AND FOODS THAT KILL PARASITES” list as youbuild your meal plan. OVERVIEW51
. Just before bed, you will eat your raw pumpkin seeds. These paralyze themmaking it easier to be moved from the soft tissue. Adjust the strength of the kill process by adding measured number of herbsand foods from the list provided. To increase the body's ability to releasedead parasites and waste, increase your fiber intake. Remember to doadjustments gradually and listen to what your body is saying it needs.During the full moon, we have lower immune activity and increased parasiteactivity. This is the best time to do a strong parasite cleanse. A binder or activated charcoal binds toxins in the gut and bloodstream topass them through bowel movements. OVERVIEW52
Can I do the parasite cleanse if I'm on medication? Ifyour medication has an adverse reaction to the foodslisted, do not do this cleanse. Why am I feeling bloated? Liquids void of acid such aswater slows the digestive process. Always wait 30minsbetween food and drink. What if my bowels aren't moving? If your bowels aren'tmoving at least 2x per day, go back to the two-weekprotocol of drinking a gallon of water a day andincreasing fiber intake. Remember, everyone's body isdifferent. Be patient with yourself. How many times can I do the cleanse? This is a lifestylechange. The goal is to create an internal environmentthat is no longer conducive for parasites to breed orthrive in. By eating an anti-parasitic diet, you eliminatethe acidic environment needed for parasites to thrivewithin your body. Use herbs as a booster two weeks ontwo weeks off or as directed by the distributor of herbalconcoctions. FAQ’S53