Saturday Class - Winter 2022DescriptionWe're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship! Come with us to exploremany world cultures, nature, and art! This class is perfect for any youngperson who loves Little Einsteins or who just loves to go on adventures!Through creative drama, students will use their body, voices, andimaginations to zoom through the skies, meet their favorite characters, andadventure with their new friends.GradesPre K-KindergartenDuration60 min class; 9 am - 10 am (Jan 8- Feb 26)Teaching ArtistsAlease Timbers, Charisa Ramsey, Kimberlee StoneStudent LearningStudents Will...Teaching Artists Will...1. Students will learn the tools of an actorand engage with them in charactercreation and creative drama adventures!Teaching Artists will introduce the actortools in both verbal and sign languageand lead the students in how to use themduring our adventure.2. Students will learn about differentcultures through music, dance, and artsand crafts!Teaching Artists will research and preparedifferent types of music, dances, and artsand crafts to introduce to students in away that shows empathy and curiosity.3. Students will use elements of ensemblebuilding/teamwork to work together tocreate a show!Teaching Artists will encourage studentsto work together to create our story.4. Students will have a safe environment tolearn and play.Teaching Artists will create a welcomingenvironment for every single class.
Weekly BreakdownWeekTopic(s) CoveredExplorationWeek #1Introduction(What is a Map?)Meeting each other/newpeople.Week #2Our Little Einsteins!(Who are we?)Little Einsteins Characters (Whoare they, who are we?)Week #3Build Our Rocket Ship!(Puppet Selves, Rocket ShipCreation)Body - Exploring our charactermovements and rocket shipsVoice - Rocket ship soundImagination - Move like a rocketship in…Working Together - Rocket shippuzzleArt - PuppetsWeek #4Antarctica!(Penguins, Seals, AbominableSnowmen, Igloos)Body - PenguinsVoice - PenguinsImagination - Igloo, Snowmen,SealsWorking Together - Finishingour Rocket ship, Igloos.Week #5Australia!(Australian Vacation, Playing inthe Reef, Kangaroo)Body - Kangaroo, ReefImagination - Reef, VacationWorking Together - ReefWeek #6Africa!(Lion, Giraffe, Hippo, Elephant,Snacks for Baby Animals, Rainsticks)Body - Giraffe, HippoVoice - Hippo, ElephantImagination - Hippo, SnacksListening - LionWorking Together - Hippo, RainSticksWeek #7Asia!(Cobra, Crane, Tiger, DragonDance)Body - Cobra/Tiger/CraneVoice - Cobra/TigerImagination - Crane/DragonAutonomy/Leadership -Crane/Tiger/DragonWorking Together - DragonDanceWeek #8Sharing for Family and Friends!Sharing of Adventures!
Daily Schedule:9:00 - 9:05 - Drop Off/Check-In (Youth Studios Lobby)9:05 - 9:15 - Bathroom Break9:15 - 9:55 - Adventure of the DayCraft, Rocket Ship take off, Animals of the Day, Exploratory Activities (Creative Drama)9:55 - 10:00 - Cool Down/ReleaseSample Formal Daily Lesson PlanWeek 7: Asia!Sharing Objective: Animals: Cobra, Tiger, Crane, DragonWelcome Time9:00-9:15Transition to Black Room - Move Like…Restroom BreakHello Song (AT)Lyrics:Hello with fingers!Hello with noses!Hello with [insert body part here]!Hello, hello!**To prep for the animals of the day you can also use different animals (paws,ears, claws, wings, etc.). You can also do different tempos and volumes.**9:15 - 9:30 amCraftWhat do binoculars help us do?Binocular Craft (AT)Students will decorate their own binoculars. They will use this duringtoday's adventure.Rocket Ship Take Off9:30- 9:35Students revisit our rocket ship ritual.Students use their Body, Voice, and Imagination to create the fuel for therocket to take us to our place of the day! (KS)Anticipatory SetTAs will set up the room with different pictures of the animals of the day andpictures of what that location looks like.Items include:Pictures of the animal of the dayCobra, Tiger, Crane, and Dragon DancePictures of locations
China, Japan, India.Before starting each animal activity students are asked to use theirbinoculars to spot the different animals of the day, with some cluesgiven by TA (Ex: “The animal I see has orange fur and black stripes.What animal do I see?”)TAs then ask them where that animal is in the room.TAs ask them to fly, prowl, slither, etc. over to that animal.Exploratory Activities9:35 - 9:50Cobra - IndonesiaCobra Song/Movement (CR)The teaching artist will lead kids in a silly song about being eaten by a giantcobra while exploring different parts of their bodies that are being eaten.LyricsI'm being swallowed by a giant COBRAI'm being swallowed by a giant COBRAI'm being swallowed by a giant COBRAAnd I don't like it very much.Oh no (oh no) he swallowed my toe(he swallowed my toe)Oh me (oh me) he swallowed my knee(he swallowed my knee)Oh fiddle (oh fiddle) he's up to my middle(he's up to my middle)Oh heck (oh heck) he swallowed my neck(he swallowed my neck)Oh dread, he's up to my(slurp gulp)Crane - JapanCrane Walk This Way (AT)Empowering the students to be their own leaders, the teaching artists will askat least 5 kids to demonstrate how their cranes would walk with differentemotions.Tiger - IndiaSneaky Tiger, Bath Time Tiger, Tiger Jump, Tiger Prowl, Tiger Nap (KS + kidslead)In this game, students will have the opportunity to lead their peers with sillytiger-themed commands. Start by having the Teaching Artist teach thecommands and then bring up as many students as possible to be the leader.Commands:
Sneaky Tiger - hide behind handsTiger Prowl - Fierce Tiger poseBath Time Tiger - lick pawsTiger Jump - JumpTiger Nap - Pretend to sleepDragon Festival - China (All)Fun with a puppet! Pre-make a simple dragon puppet with mac and cheeseboxes and a plastic table cloth beforehand, hide the dragon in the classrooman d have the students guess what the last creature should be (giving clues like,“They have scales like a cobra, and fly like a crane, and are fierce like tiger, butare much more magical.”)Once they guess, pull the dragon out from hiding.Show each student how the puppet works, then allow everyone a turn to bethe head.Home Base9:55- 10:00Rocket ship take off: as a class students will work together to make our rockettake off. Students use their Body, Voice and Imagination to create the fuel forthe rocket. TA may ask for students to incorporate different rhythms, temposand levels.Goodbye Song (AT)Walk This Way - Back to Parents (All)Examples of Anticipatory Materials: