At Legacy Group, we believe every property has its own uniquestory. We recognize that buying or selling real estate is one of themost important decisions to make. It's our mission to make thatprocess as simple and enjoyable as possible.We blend both modern and traditional marketing to bring eachlisting maximum exposure. Our extensive knowledge of the marketand team-based, concierge approach to real estate offer our clientsan expanded network of services while providing them anexceptional level of customer service.Highest Regards,Legacy GroupW E L C O M E
OUR PROMISETO OUR CLIENTSTo always do what is right, not what is easiest.To cater to your needs through unparalleled customerservice, professionalism, and attention to detail.To stand by your side as a local expert and trustedadvisor.To consistentlyand clearly communicate in themanner and frequency you prefer. Totreat you and your family with straightforwardness,integrity, and respect at all times. To seamlessly answer your questions, ease yourconcerns and reduce your stress by expertly handlingthe entire real estate transaction from listing throughclosing and beyond. To hold ourselves accountable to selling your home fortop dollar - after all, that is what our business is builton.
The Legacy Group is a boutique real estate company servicingthe Lakes Region of New Hampshire and beyond, backed byReal Broker the fastest-growing, publicly traded real estatebrokerage in North America.. Specializing in residential,commercial, and luxury real estate; Legacy Group provideshigh-end service, and cutting-edge marketing, with an emphasison tailored experiences and exceptional communication.
2023LEGACY SUCCESSESLakes Region Properties Sold 85Homes Sold138Million Sales Volume$73+List Price to Sale Price Ratio98%
Fastest Growing #1Real is the fastest-growing, publicly traded real estate brokerage InNorth America.Annual Transactions50k+We represent over 50,000 buyer, seller, and Investor transactionsannually.Agent Network18k+Our continuously growing agent platform brings together some ofthe most collaborative and well-respected agents In North America.Annual TransactionsREAXAs a publicly traded company on the Nasdaq, real pairs Its award-winning technology platform with the trusted guidance of agentsto deliver the best for Its clients.EXPERIENCE
Being a successful real estate team in the Lakes Region is not justabout the brokerage or the brand. Success in our market dependson the individual agent and the support behind them. The LegacyGroup is comprised of six licensed agents and is supported bythree administrators who are experts in their fields. Thesespecialties include marketing, client concierge, transactioncoordination, cinematography, and photography. This is thewinning roster necessary to succeed in an ever-changing market. THE BENEFITOF A TEAM APPROACHOur promise Is a simplifiedexperience for life’s mostcomplex transaction.
OUR MISSIONLIFE & VISIONThe Legacy Group consists of full-time experienced agents, atransaction coordinator, staging experts, and a marketing team. Wecreate a comprehensive plan that works around your schedule andpreferences.FULL TEAM APPROACHWe prioritize personal attention throughout the entire real estateexperience, consistently resulting in clients that refer back to LegacyGroup for all of their real estate needs.LOYALTY TO OUR CLIENTSRELIABLE GUIDANCE THROUGH SALES PROCESSOur team is fully invested in your success. We are present at every stepof the process from start to finish.We go beyond the basics of communicating. We celebrate activelistening, proactive engagement, persuasion, planning, strategizing,and continued education.HIGHEST NEGOTIATING SKILLSHONESTY & TRANSPARENCYIntegrity, Commitment, Clear and Concise Communication, Creativity,Teamwork, and Trust represent the core values of Legacy Group.
Listing your property with Legacy Group is more than just placing a sign in the yard.We develop a strategic timeline to drive qualified attention to your listing to get youthe highest price in the shortest amount of time.STRATEGYTIMELINE & TECHNIQUE1. ANALYZEListing consultationto determinepricing, strategy andlisting timeline.2. STAGEComplimentarystaging consultationwith our team.3. PHOTOGRAPHOur professionalphotographer andteam will attend theshoot. Plan for 1-2hours. 4. FLOORPLANSComplicated flow?No problem, ourstate of the artfloorplans canprovide an easylayout for buyers forsome listings.5. SIGNAGELegacy Group yardsigns will beinstalledwithattention toproperty details.6. VIRTUAL TOURS360 degree toursthroughout theproperty will befilmed and added toour online library. 7. PROPERTYPREMIEREIntroduction to themarket withshowings beginningat first open house. 8. LISTINGCAMPAIGNSDigital and printcampaigns tocoincide with listinglaunch. 9. SOCIALSNAPS Short & sweet 30second social snapsfilmed throughoutlisting forstorytelling.
52% BUYERSFIND THEIR HOMEONLINE43% BUYERSFIRST STEP IN THEHOME BUYINGPROCESS WAS TOLOOK ONLINE ATPROPERTIES95% BUYERSNEARLY ALL BUYERSUSED ONLINE TOOLS INTHE SEARCH PROCESSAmong all generations of home buyers, the first step taken in the homesearch process was to look online for properties. As a result of an internethome search, buyers most often walked through the home that theyviewed online, followed by viewing the exterior of homes. Source: 2023 National Association of REALTORS®FINDINGTHE PERFECT BUYER
Brivity Home connects you andyour real estate agent to ensureyour home search journey Is asuccess. Find the latest homesthat match your must-haves, saveopen houses for later, schedule atour of a home any time, andconnect your agent via BrivityHome.BRIVITY APPMARKETINGSYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGYYour listing will be featured onour custom whichacts as a home base for allmarketing, photos, propertyinformation, and a direct line toLegacy Group for showingrequests. WEBSITE
Custom email campaigns aresent in volume to local brokers,key geographical areas out ofstate, as well as our database ofactive buyers and past clients. EMAIL CAMPAIGNSBeautiful, professional marketingmaterials - postcards, flyers, andlisting booklets are available toshowcase your home's featuresand create a lasting impressionon potential buyers. PRINT MATERIALSOur social media channels are theperfect place to tell the story ofyour home. With thousands offollowers and impressions, as wellas paid & targeted advertising weuse modern platforms to reachtoday's buyers. SOCIAL MEDIA
Our listing strategy employsdelayed showings, allowing us tomaximize buyer traffic to controldemand and bolster a listing'slaunch. Additional open housesare then held to support thelisting timeframe.PROPERTY PREMIERESLegacy Group agents are avidcommunity members. They areactively involved in localhappenings and push the dialogueto promote their listings andinformation on the local real estatemarket for their community.COMMUNITY ACTIVITIESWith modern technology, LegacyGroup is leading the industry onthe virtual stage. Through 360degree tours, live social eventsand an easy-to-find YouTubelibrary we bring buyers from allover the world into your home!VIRTUALTOOLS
Aerial photography andvideography can take a listing tonew heights, capturing everydetail of the surroundingproperty. Buyers get a uniqueperspective that you simply can'tget from a typical drive-by or cellphone photography.AERIAL MEDIAStaging the home meansdepersonalizing and neutralizingthe space. By arrangingfurnishings and accessories tosuggest a specific lifestyle weappeal to the greatest number ofpotential buyers in your targetmarket. The customized restyle ofyour home allows it to stand outfrom the rest! HOME STAGINGWith the majority of home buyersstarting their search online, ourmission is to present your homein the best light possible.Professional interior and exteriorphotos are always included tocapture your home's every detail.PHOTOGRAPHY
There is no question that video ishere to stay in regard to onlinemarketing and advertising. Realestate listings with video receive403% more inquiries. Video tours,lifestyle features, and social mediasegments are all virtual toolsLegacy Group employs to bringyour buyers home.CINEMATOGRAPHY Floor plans and 3D tours helpbuyers to fully understand ahome's layout, unique featuresand flow before they even stepfoot inside. Allowing buyers to feelas though they are inside thehome while browsing online givesyour home an advantage overthose only using today's standardmarketing methods. MULTI-MEDIASCAN FOR VIDEO GALLERY
At Legacy Group, we understand that many of our clients have realestate needs beyond their personal residences. That's why in 2021 weadded a commercial team to better meet our customers' needs.Understanding the differences between a commercial transactionand a residential transaction is crucial. Our commercial team's solefocus is on helping our clients navigate these unique transactions. Wehave helped our clients grow their multifamily portfolios, buycommercial investment properties, find a space to lease to start theirnew business, or find another location to expand their existingbusiness. We love talking numbers and making sense of zoning orhow commercial lending differs from residential.
Exceptional Marketing for Exceptional PropertiesP R O F E S S I O N A L P H O T O G R A P H YP R O F E S S I O N A L C I N E M A T O G R A P H YD R O N E M U L T I M E D I AT W I L I G H T P H O T O S H O O TG U I D E D V I R T U A L T O U R SP R O F E S S I O N A L F L O O R P L A N SP R O F E S S I O N A L P R I N T M A G A Z I N EP R O F E S S I O N A L S T A G I N GC U S T O M M U L T I M E D I A C A M P A I G N SD E M O G R A P H I C T A R G E T E DM A R K E T I N GS H O W I N G F L Y E R SG L O B A L S Y N D I C A T I O N &N E T W O R K I N GS I N G L E P R O P E R T Y W E B S I T E S W I T HC U S T O M U R L...and much more!
THE VALUEThe value of your property is determined by what a buyeris willing to pay and what a seller is willing to accept. Intoday's market, consumers make those decisions basedon a comparison against what has SOLD in your area.Historically, your first offer is usually your best.The buyingmarket has a short attention span. Pricing your homeright the first time is key. Proper pricing attracts buyers.An overpriced house will not sell. We want to generateoffers before the market moves on to newer listings.OF YOUR HOMESUGGESTEDLIST PRICE RANGE