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Lip Blushing Manual

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BlushingBlushingLipLipFacial Xpressions PMU Training CenterFacial Xpressions PMU Training Center Training ManualTraining Manual

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elcome! I am absolutely thrilledthat you are here! I would like to first saythank you for taking interest in learningfrom me! I am commonly known as "The BrowSavior" and I specialize in Nano Browsand Lip Blush/Lip Neutralizationprocedures.Throughout this tutorial you will learnhow I perform my Lip Blushingtechnique. Hope you enjoy my content!Meet YourMeet 919-341-5040W@myfacialxpressions"The Brow Savior"

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OUR MissionMissionOur Mission is to pour our all intoteaching. We understand theimportance of solid training and haveexperienced subpar trainingthoughout our personal trainingjourney. We have taken notes andhave studied what it takes to executeacceptable trainings and the integritythat we must uphold. Although we do not claim to know allthe answers, as no one does, wepromise to value your time andinvestment with us.Thank you again for enrolling in thiscourse.

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Course OutlineCourse OutlineWhat & WhyWhat & WhyLip AnatomyLip AnatomyUnderstanding Lip ShapesUnderstanding Lip ShapesPrecare & Post CarePrecare & Post CareHypo/HyperpigmentationHypo/HyperpigmentationContraindicationsContraindicationsPost ProcedurePost ProcedurePredetermining Your ResultsPredetermining Your ResultsThings to Avoid and RecognizeThings to Avoid and RecognizeColor TheoryColor TheoryBreaking Down The ColorsBreaking Down The ColorsTypes of PigmentsTypes of PigmentsWhat's the LookWhat's the LookUnderstanding Color IndicatorsUnderstanding Color IndicatorsBlending and ShadingBlending and ShadingCases of NeutralizationCases of NeutralizationSteps to Creating the Perfect LipSteps to Creating the Perfect LipMovements to Creating the Perfect LipMovements to Creating the Perfect LipAdjusting Needle and MachineAdjusting Needle and MachineSaturation and IntensitySaturation and IntensityPhotographyPhotographyChoosing Your NeedleChoosing Your Needle

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Why would someonewant Lip Blush?What& Why What is LipBlushing?Lip blushing is a type of semipermanent cosmetic tattooingprocedure that implants color intothe lips.Lip blushing can also aid in altering theshape and color of lips to create a moreyouthful look.Over time lips can also becomeunpleasing in appearance, therefore aclient may request this service to restoretheir glow

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UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDING When tattoing lips, it is never suggested or recommened to gooutside of the vermillion border. It will look ok right afterprocedure but healed results will look differentFacial skin is diffferent than the skin found on the lips. Easiestway to differenciate the two is by identifying where pores andhairs are foundLip AnatomyLip AnatomyThings to RememberThings to Remember

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UnderstandingUnderstanding Lip ShapesLip ShapesAs your lip clientele grows, you will see many lipshapes and sizes. Key tip to remember is to follow natural shape of lipand if you must adjust shape, do so conservatively.Over tatooed lips or lips that have had their shapealtered too much does not heal well

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No SmokingNo AlcoholNo AspirinNo Fish OilNo Blood ThinnersScrub lips to eliminate dry skinAvoid lipsticks for 72 hoursIf clients are prone to Cold Sores,they need to take anti-viralmedications 5 days prior and 5 daysafter appointmentKeep lips moisterized with AquaphorDo not peel any skin that starts to liftAvoid sweating for 24-48 hrsAvoid Retin A and all exfoliants Post CarePost CarePre CarePre Care

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Hyperpigmentation is usually aharmless condition where the of skinon the lips become darker in color thanthe normal surrounding skin. Thisdarkening occurs when there is anexcess production of melanin. Other causes of hyperpigmentationcan be due to sun exposure, hormonalinfluences, age and skin injuries orinflammation and smoking.Hypopigmentation on the lips appears asspots that are lighter in color than overallskin tone Skin pigmentation is based on theproduction of melanin. If your skin cellsdon't produce enough melanin on the lips,the skin can lighten. These effects canoccur in spots that can also vary in size andplacement. HyperpigmenationHyperpigmenationHypopigmentationHypopigmentation

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ContraindicationsContraindicationsUnder 18 years of age Pregnant or Nursing Existing Cold Sore Experiencing a compromised immune system for any reason Currently ill with a COLD, FLU or OTHER ILLNESS History of KELOID or Hypertrophic Scarring Chemotherapy or Radiation Treatment within the last year Diabetic (ok with written consent from your current physician) Viral Infections (or any infections) that inhibit healing process Epilepsy Allergy to Colors Pacemaker or Heart Conditions Organ Transplant Skin Irritations near treatment area (psoriasis, sun burn, acne, etc.) Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure Accutane use within the past year

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ProcedureProcedurePost Post What to expect immediatly afterLip Blush ProcedureImmediatly after procedure, lips will she slightly swollen. Pleaseremember this is temporary. Some clients will book lip lighteningbecause of the plumping effect immediatly after. We have to explainthat this is not the purpose of the technique.We advise clients to refrain from hot drink, spicy foods and to drinkthrough a straw for the next 24 hours or until lips are not as tender.We also advise clients not to smoke.

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PreDeterminePreDetermine Your ResultsYour ResultsYouthful SkinYouthful skin will holdon to the pigment for theleast amount of time dueto increased cellturnover.Mature SkinMature skin will holdon to pigment for alonger amount oftime, therefore weneed to be very lighthanded and workvery shallow. Thedeeper we penetratethe skin, the greaterchances of undesiredresults

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Add Veterinary details hereThings toThings toAvoid andAvoid andRecognizeRecognizeOverworking the skinCrossing the vermillion BorderOver NumbingOver wipingWorking too fastOver StretchingAvoidRecognizeClient DiscomfortImproper color blooming (means color is toolight)Uneven Swelling (adjust your stretch andhold)Constant Bleeding (working too deep,machine speed or needle of choice)

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Breaking DownBreaking Down the Colorsthe ColorsA shade is a color that has black added.(think about shade under a tree, its darker)ShadeTintTints are colors with white added.It is the same color but just changes depending onthe amount of white that is added. Think about the tint on your car and the amount of" white" light or sunlightToneTone is a color that has gray added.Tones are muted

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Breaking DownBreaking Down the Colorsthe Colors

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Breaking DownBreaking Down the Colorsthe Colors

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Types ofTypes of PigmentsPigmentsOrganicLast Longer in the SkinConsists of Carbon and LakesUsually bolder in color (Tattoo inks)InorganicHybridConsidered more naturalConsists of Iron Oxides and MetalOxides (Titanium Dioxide)Made of Organic and Inorganic

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Pigment will have a higherconcentration of Glycerin, resin, orwitchazel and results will appearmore natural once healed. You canalso build these colors to be moreopaque once healed.Pigment will have a higher watercontent and will give you the"Lipstick" or more saturated lookwhen healed. SheerSheerMatteMatteWhat's The Look?What's The Look?

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ColorColorIndicatorsIndicatorsUnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstanding Color Indicators will ultimately help youbreak down your pigments to know what is in them and toknow if it is Organic or InorganicOrganic- #1100-74999Inorganics- #77000-77999

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Blending and ShadingBlending and ShadingBlendingShadingProperProper

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Cases ofCases of NeutralizationNeutralizationThese lips do not need any type ofNeutralization.This Lip has dark features but canstill receive lip blushingThese lips are too dark for lip blushingand undergo Lip Lighteningprocedure first before procedding toLip Blush

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CHECK-INCHECK-OUTLIPSLIPSSTEPS TOSTEPS TOClean LipsOutlineBottom LipOutline TopLipPerfectCupid's BowSet with Translucent PowderPerfectPerfectCREATINGCREATING

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ADJUSTINGADJUSTING Needle and MachineNeedle and Machine

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Saturation and IntensitySaturation and IntensitySaturationof LipPigment Choice

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PhotographyPhotographyIphone13 ProMaxXenvo Macro LensHustle Butter (for a subtleshine)Ring LightFor Photography, I use...SplitPicFacetune 2TouchRetouchFor editing, I use...PhotolayersRemember, angles are EVERYTHING!

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ChoosingChoosingyouryour Long Taper: Least TraumaticMedium Taper: Mature ClientsShort Taper: Most Traumatic (Deposits more color)NeedleNeedle

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Courtesy of our Mentor Carla Ricciardone Courtesy of our Mentor Carla Ricciardone

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Courtesy of our Mentor Carla Ricciardone 3 Different Types of Lip ClientsLip NeutralizationLip BlushLip Blush or Lip Neutralization

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FOLLOW ME ON Social Media@myfacialxpressions@FXRALEIGH@facialxpressions@facialxpressionsmakeupandmicroblading

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ThankThankyouyouFrom me to You!I want to personally say thankyou!I hope this training course really sets you up for success!Know that we are now family and im rooting for YOU!KenDreeka Carrington"The Brow Savior"