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Linac Technology & AuditKind

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PROTECTING OURWORLD & MAKING ITA SAFER PLACE TO BE.34% 27% 48% 53%More accidents &incidents are reportedMore audits &inspections carriedoutFaster to completeinspections, leadingto hours of timesavedMore inspectionscompleted due to in-built notificationsand remindersBetter engagementlevels and month onmonth improvements41%

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AuditKind is industry leading software designed to meet yourorganisation’s health, safety and environmental compliance needs. Itcan easily scale to your business as it grows and diversifies, andultimately creates safer, environmentally friendly workplaces,customer experiences and supplier services. It integrates all thebenefits you would expect from a world-class software solution in asingle, highly configurable and intuitive cloud based and mobile-accessible platform.Our team comprises of technology experts, HSE consultants andtrainers, and environmental specialists. We possess a deepunderstanding of the challenges faced by businesses in today’s fastpaced, ever changing compliance-based world.Linac Technology has been developing health and safety software andcompliance solutions for over 20-years since 1998. AuditKind is usedacross the world by over 100,000 companies and their suppliers,ranging from tour operators, hotel chains, cruise ship companies,food retail and FMCG. Whether using AuditKind to audit for compliance standards, or fortracking and reducing incidents and accidents, it is highly flexible,configurable and can be quickly deployed. AuditKind automatically escalates incidents and speeds up decisionmaking. It significantly increases compliance and drives down risk andthe costs associated with accidents, incidents and claims, deliveringreal business ROI.A B O U T A U D I T K I N DD E F I N I T E L Y T H E R I G H TD E C I S I O N T O G O W I T HA U D I T K I N D .  A G R E A T S Y S T E M ,V E R Y E F F I C I E N T C U S T O M E RS U P P O R T . S T R O N G L YR E C O M M E N D E D T O A N YC O M P A N Y .- B r i t i sh A i r w a y s H o l i d a y s -

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D R I V E U P C O M P L I A N C E & D R I V E D O W N I N C I D E N T R A T E S Equipping health and safety teams with dynamic mobile, build as you goinspectionand tracking software, allowing you to record, report, track and investigateincidents, accidents and injuries in real time.AuditKind’s Auditing module combines an intuitive user interface, with highlycustomisable audits and inspections, best practice auditing workflows and powerful auditanalytics.AuditKind’s Accidents & Incidents module records, tracks, reports and escalates criticalincidents and accidents in real time. With full transparency, you are able to analyse data,respond to critical alerts and make decisions in the moment to drive down incident andaccident rates and support a safety-first culture.K E Y F E A T U R E SThe mobile experience isfast, intuitive andpowerful.We ensure your solutionis customised toyourneeds.Convert existing paper-based checklists intomobile-friendly audits.CON VERT EXIS T INGCHE CKLI S TSQuickly add categoriesand questions, responsefields and risk ratings.NEW AUD I TS &INS PECT I ONSChoose from a range ofdata fields and questiontypes to collect betterdata.Choose and build inuserlanguage preferencesfrom over 30+ languages.Report audit activity & riskhot spots. IntegratewithBI platforms.REA L-TIM EAN A LYTI C SPre-built templates &drop and dragfunctionality speedup building newchecklists.PRE -BUI L TTEM PLAT E SANY DEV I CE,ANY WHER E , 24 / 7CUS TOMI S EDSOL UTIO N SDAT A FI E LDS &QUE STIO N TYP E SMUL TILI N GUAL 

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Upload collateral, files,photographs and videosto support audits.Set up flexible scoringprofiles and risk ratingranges.Drill down, prioritise andtake action quickly.Conditional logic hidesand shows questions andfields based on previousresponses.Automate audit reminderswith unlimited flexiblebuilt in reminders andnotifications.Flexible role profiling and security permissionsandaccess rights.Make questionsmandatory and preventcompletion untilanswered.MAN DATO R YQUE STIO N SActionable data helpsusers to trend and predictprobability of injury andrisk.TRE ND ANA LYSI SBenchmark company’sperformance to targetHSE benchmarks.BEN CHMA R KANA LYTI C SBuilt in customisedreporting interface, userhas full control overreporting data.CUS TOMI S EDREP ORTSCompare questions andquestion responses andrun ‘what if’ analysis.QUE STIO NANA LYSI SAnalytics providesoperational data and KPIdata to reportperformance.POW ERFU LANA LYTI C SR E P O R T I N G F E A T U R E SDAT A RI C HANA LYTI C SADDATT ACHM E NTSSCO RING PR OFIL EFLE XIBL E SEC U RITYPER MISS I ONSCON DITI O NALVIS IBIL I TIESREM INDE RPRO FILE S

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Our focus is on managingenvironmental compliance anderadicating the detrimentalimpacts on the environment,people and society.AuditKindhelps companies meethigh environmental standards, inline with global requirements andalongsidelocal legislation. We care about our planet and ouraim is to support companies in theirquest to become sustainable leadersthrough the use ofour software andconsultancy services.AuditKindhelps to motivate andmobilise an entire workforce, changebehaviour and drive towards a moresustainable culture.UseAuditKindto manage all aspectsof your sustainability journey.Powerful auditing, monitoring anddashboard reporting makes leadingenvironmentally easier.Quickly create environmentalaudits and inspections to startmonitoring your sustainabilityjourney.EN VIRO NME NTALAU DITS &IN SPEC TIO NSPowerful dashboardreporting, analytics, trenddata to identify performanceand opportunities.AN ALYT ICS ,DA SHBO ARDRE PORT ING & K PI' SAudit EMF and identifypotential EMF sourcesbymeasuring electrical,magnetic and highfrequency radiation.Start anair quality auditprogramme to track andreduce emissions that areharmful to healthandwellbeing.Start an active water qualityprogramme throughsystematic water qualityauditing to improve safetyand legally comply.Track and reduceenvironmental noise and itsharmful impact on humanand animal lives.Start refrigerant audits andreduce emissions through astructuredrefrigerantemissions programme.Audit and review currentmethods for waste handlingand recycling, and makeimprovements to your wastemanagement.New for tour operators andhotels.Carry out the newGreen Hotel audit anddemonstrate your ECOcredentials.B E C O M ES U S T A I N A B L EL E A D E R SMO NITO RE LECT RO-MA GNET IC FIEL DDA TAAI R, P OLL UTIO N & EMIS SIO NSWA TER POL LUTI ON& QUAL ITYNO ISE POL LUTI ON & REDU CTI ONRE FRIG ERA NTME ASUR EME NT &CO NTRO LWA STE & RE CYCL EMA NAGE MEN TGR EEN AUD IT &IN SPEC TIO N

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C R E A T E  T H E R I G H T C U L T U R EF O R S U S T A I N A B L E C H A N G EWe shape and sustain apositive mindset, attitudeand belief in health &safety.We work with you todevelop and share thecompany-wide vision,mission and goal.Get peace of mindwithAuditKindtomeasure, track reviewand respond.Strong safety-firstleadership developmentcreateshealth & safetyleaders and champions.Enable long lasting change,and deeply embed health& safety into your futureculture.Track, report and respondto real-time data todeliver tangible resultsand ROI.GET PEA C E OFMIN DMAK E SA F ETYPAR T OF YOURSTR ATEG YGET THE BUY- I NYOU NEE DCLE AR, M EASU R ABLERES ULTSSEE A S H IFT I NBEH AVIO U REMB ED T H EDES IRED CULT U RECulture is King - Become the benchmark for HSE best practice and develop acompany culture that adopts a zero tolerance and safety-first approach andsignificantly differentiate on HSE performance.Our tailor-made solutions develop the necessary leadership capability to deliver apowerful shift in the mind-set andbehaviour of all your people, to ensurethat health &safety and the environment becomes the direct responsibility of every employee. C U L T U R E I SK I N G . . .

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Our transformational and zero-tolerance approach helps companiesto transform their culture through a process of strategicdevelopment and engagement at every level in the organisation, sothatthe safety-first values and behaviours are clearly defined.We develop and implement the underpinning processes, proceduresand reporting structures, to ensure the desired safety-firstbehaviours are developed and fully embedded. For every employee,health & safety and environmental decision making will become akeyresponsibility, and at every levelreal-time HSE data willbecomeacritical focus point. We underpin our safety-first and zero-tolerance approach bydeveloping powerful leadership capability that in turn,helps foster and entrench the right mind-set across the company.Combining the latest behavioural and cognitive science, andneuroscience, psychology and physiology research, we develop anddeliver aspired transformational culture change.Our safety-first cultural transformation solution combines a uniquemethodology alongside the use of our software AuditKind, and isimplemented by a team of leading HSE professionals.C R E A T I N G S A F E T Y - F I R S T C U L T U R E S T H E P L A T F O R M I S R E A L L Y E A S YT O U S E A N D S T R A I G H T F O R W A R D ,Y O U N E E D A S M A L L A M O U N T O FT R A I N I N G T O B E C O M E A NE X P E R T U S E R . I T S U I T S O U RN E E D S P E R F E C T L Y A N D W E C A NC O U N T O N G R E A T E X P E R I E N C EI N T H I S F I E L D B Y T H E P R O V I D E R .- M S C C r u i s e s -

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Linac Technology is part of The Linac Group, comprised of twoseparate companies: Linac Learning and Linac Technology. These entities operate worldwide across all sectors to bring a diverse rangeof blended services to the market. The teams in both Linac Technology andLinac Learning combine the latest behavioural and cognitive science,neuroscience, psychology and physiology research to effecttransformational safety-first cultural change and deliver award winninglearning solutions.The Linac Group has supported a range of organisations globally, includingGSK, Pepsico, Carlsberg, British Airways Holidays, Jumeirah International,Zurich, Sodexo, MSC Cruises, Michael Kors, O2 Telefonica and WebBeds, toname a few.P A R T O FT H E L I N A CG R O U P

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V E R Y P O S I T I V EE X P E R I E N C E , I H A V EC O N F I D E N C E T H A TS U P P L I E R S H A V E E A S EU S I N G T H E S Y S T E M A N DI L O V E T H E F A C T I TA U T O C H A S E S A N D Y O UD O N ' T H A V E T O W O R R YA B O U T R E - S E N D I N G . I T L O O K S P R O F E S S I O N A LW H E N S U P P L I E R SR E C E I V E I T .- G r e a t R a i l J o u r n e y s -

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Email: 01242 529 822Web: T H E A C C I D E N T S A N DI N C I D E N T S A U T O M A T I CD A S H B O A R D G E N E R A T E SR E A L T I M E D A T A W H I C HH A S  R A I S E D A W A R E N E S SA N D V I S I B I L I T Y O FN A T I O N A L T R E N D S A TG R E G G S . O N A NI N D I V I D U A L A N D O N AT E A M  L E V E L , T H E R E H A SB E E N A V E R Y P O S I T I V ER E S P O N S E F R O M U S E R S .- G r e g g s -