HonorTo regard with respect one considered of superior standingTributeA gift showing respect, gratitude or appreciationLifeGod’s gift to be physically realized in this world God’s gift to be eternally realized in heaven through Christ
We are pleased to inform you that in honor/memory of:______________________________________A Life Tribute gift has been given to the glory of God and for the protection of human life and for sharing the message of eternal life through Jesus Christ by:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I have come that they may have life – and have it to the full! ~ Jesus (John 10:10)
New Beginnings – A Home for MothersBox 56 | Richeld, WI 53076-00561-800-720-6667 | info@homeformothers.comhomeformothers.comChristian Life ResourcesBox 56 | Richeld, WI 53076-00561-800-729-9535 | info@christianliferesources.comchristianliferesources.com