PeopleOptionsPowerThis handbook has been created tohelp you understand your rights, thingsyou have to do and how we can worktogether with your NDIS plan.It will also give you information aboutprivacy and what we do with yourinformation.Liberty DisabilityServices believes intrue diversity andwelcome all people ofall abilities, We believe everybodyhas the right to bethemselves.We acknowledge theAboriginal and TorresStraight islanderpeoples and theirland, seas and watersof the country wework, love and live.
ContentsAbout Us .................................................................. 4Vision & Mission ..................................................... 6Our Services ........................................................... 5 Service Quality ...................................................... 8 Your rights .............................................................. 9 Diversity & Participation ................................... 10 Interpreting and translation ............................ 11 Advocacy ................................................................. 11 Privacy and confidentiality ............................... 12 Your responsibilities ............................................ 13 Feedback and complaints .................................. 14 Accessing our service ......................................... 16 Leaving our services ............................................ 17 Fees and charges .................................................. 18 Cancelations ........................................................... 18 Incident management ......................................... 19 Freedom from harm, abuse and neglect ..... 20 OHS ............................................................................ 20Community participation .................................... 21 Client Charter“ H I I ’ M L A D D I E ,L I B E R T Y ’ SF R I E N D L Y F A C EA N D M A S C O T . W E L C O M E T OL I B E R T YD I S A B I L I T YS E R V I C E S ”L A D D I ET H E Y / T H E MM A S C O T3
Our Head Office is 1-3 Agra Street inNorlane and our team support peopleall over Victoria. WesternMelbourneEasternMelbourneMorningtonPeninsulaGeelongRegionalOur Contact Details03 5275" W E P R I D EO U R S E L V E S O NB E I N G A NI N C L U S I V E ,O R G A N I S A T I O NT H A TE M B R A C E SD I V E R S I T Y . . . "E L L E C O O P E RS H E / H E RD I R E C T O RABOUT USLiberty Disability Services was opened in2018 by Kathie Denno, Elle Cooper andAmanda Glasson. We’ve created a safe space for people withdisabilities so you can have the best support.Some of our staff have disabilities too whichmeans we understand. Telehealth available Australia wide4
We are registered with NDIS toprovide services that are madejust for you. Being registered means wehave a lot of NDIS rules tofollow and this protects youand the funds in your plan. This also means you havechoice and control over howwe work together. Our skilled team make sureyour goals are what we helpyou with and to make sure yourfunding can be used properly.All of our staff have an NDIS workerscreener check before they start workingwith us, and we give them lots of trainingtoo. 5
VISION & MISSIONPeople-focusedWe love that we get to help people andalways put you first.DiversityWe really enjoy working with lots ofdifferent people.QualityIts really important that everything we domust be great quality.The whole pictureIts your choice who is in your care team andwe can include family, friends, carers andworkers to guide you to reach goals. " Y O U R V O I C EI S W H A TM A T T E R S , N O T O U R S . . . "K A T H I E D E N N OS H E / H E RD I R E C T O R6
OUR SERVICESSupport Coordination- helps you find andconnect with with all the supports you needto work towards your NDIS goals Plan Management- Helps you pay forservices and items used with your plansfundingPsychology- For NDIS funded and Privateclients, we can guide you to support yourmental health goalsHousing and Tenancy Assistance, to supportyou to look for somewhere to live that makesyou happy.Psychosocial Recovery Coaching mentalhealth support to get you through the dayand live your life fullyRespite Services to give you a break fromyour every day hard thingsGroup Programs- social and therapy groupsfor adults and kidsCommunity Mentors- helps you get toappointments, activities, services. We can alsohelp you with personal care and how you liveyour life.7
SERVICE QUALITYIts really important to us to make sure wefollow the rules of NDIS Quality andSafeguards Commission Practice standards,Code of Conduct and Victorian Disability Act2006" W E F O C U S O NE M P O W E R M E N TT H R O U G HC H O I C E &C O N T R O L . . . "A M A N D AG L A S S O NS H E / H E RD I R E C T O RRights and responsibility - so we canmake sure we work the way you want andits safe and respectfulProviders We need to have good worksystems, so we can work well together andprotect your information.Supports we make sure you can alwaysaccess supports even if its not with usEnvironment- Helping to protect you andyour things and to help learn about meals,medicine and rubbish.More information- There are lots of ruleswe have to follow, you can find them onthe NDIS website.We also have our policies and procedures youcan read too. Contact our office for a copy. Our responsibilities8
YOUR RIGHTSYou have rights! and we want to make surewe use them.You have the right to:be respectedunderstand what’s happeningchoose how we work togetherhave smart, safe workers honest workerschoose who supports youmake a complaint and know how to dothisbe safe in an emergencyknow your private details are safebe free from being hurt in any wayIf you ever feel your rights are not beingrespected, please speak to a Liberty teammember.You can download acopy of Liberty DisabilityServices' full clientcharter on our
Diversity and participationCome as you are!We will always listen to what you need toreach your goals. CultureYou have the right to live however you want and be supportedby us to reach your goals.DiversityYou have the right to be yourtrue self and always feelrespectedValuesYou have the right to choosewhat’s important to you BeliefsYou have the right to practiceyour beliefs while accessingservices. 10
INTERPRETING & TRANSLATIONIts up to us to make sure you can understandwhat’s happening. If you need somebody tospeak your language or use AUSLAN please let usknow so we can arrange them.ADVOCACYYou have the right to an advocate. An advocate is somebody who helps you speakup for your rights. They can support in lots ofdifferent ways when you don’t feel ok to.We support your right to get an advocate andcan help you to find one. Here are some contacts you can callOffice of the Public AdvocatePhone: (03) 9603 9500TTY: (03) 9603 9259National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP)Use the Disability Advocacy Finder at or click this link ADVOCACY FINDERVictorian Advocacy League for Individuals withDisability (VALiD)Phone: (03) 9416 4003, Freecall (rural callers): 1800 655 570Email: 11
PRIVACY & CONFIDENTIALITYWe respect your privacy and willkeep your details safe.We ask you if its ok to use yourphotos We only use your details for whatits supposed to be used forWe ask who we can share yourdetails with, but sometimes wehave to share it by law or forsafety reasons.We keep your details safely onour computers and nobody elsecan read it.You can read anything we keepon our computers about you.12
Let us know what’s important to you andhow we can work togetherTreat our team with respectMake sure you pay your billsIf we have appointments in your home, itmust be safe for us to visitKnow who to contact in a crisis and useyour safety plan.Let us know: if things change in your life your NDIS plan change to cancel an appointment need to make changes to yourservices or you stop getting servicesYOUR RESPONSIBILITIESYou have things you need to do to:13
FEEDBACK AND COMPLAINTSIts really important to let us know if you’re nothappy, we will listen to what you have to say.and try and fix any problems.Here are some ways you can make a complaint:Talk to any team member at Libertyemail - form on our website write a letter to: Liberty Disability Services1-3 Agra Street, Norlane, 3214We will try and help you straight away or we will speak with a manager to help us. We will keep talking to you about how we aretrying to fix it.Any you can help us too. .IMPROVEMENTWe also want to know when you are happytoo and we like to hear any ideas you have onhow we could do things better. 14
COMPLAINTSSometimes we can’t fix things, but we help youfind someone else to talk to. Here is a list ofcontacts you can speak with.NDIS Quality & Safeguards CommissionPhone: 1800035 544Online: Human Rights CommissionPhone: 1300 656 419Online: for Children and Young PeopleVictoriaEmail: Phone: 1300 78 29 78Office of the Commissioner for Privacy andData ProtectionPhone: 1300 666 444Online: OmbudsmanPhone: (03) 9613 6222 or (rural callers) 1800 806 314Online: of the Public AdvocatePhone: 1300 309 337, (03) 9603 9500 or TTY: (03)9603 9259Online: Phone: 1300 735 135Online:
ACCESSING OUR SERVICESWe want to make sure you get the services youwant with the right person.We check to see if our service is what you need You can call, email or complete a referral formon our website to get a Liberty worker to helpyou.We meet with you and your support person totalk about what you want from your planWe do a service agreement together, thismeans we type up your services and how muchthings cost. If you are happy, you can sign it.Our team can start to support youSERVICE REFUSALYou don’t have to say yes, if you choose not towork with us, that’s ok. Sometimes we can’t work with everybody andmay need to say no if:you are not eligiblewe are full or don’t have a team memberavailable for your needswe don’t have a suitable team member towork with youIf this happens we will assist you to find theright service.16
LEAVING OUR SERVICEYou have the right to stop working with usBut we need to know about it 2 weeks beforethe end date of your NDIS plan.We offer you an opportunity to talk aboutleaving and give us some feedback. To make sure you don’t go without services, aLiberty team member can assist you to findanother service But you can come back within 1 month withouthaving to re-sign up. SERVICE TERMINATIONSometimes we may need to stop a service, thismay happen if :you no longer want to work on your goalsthere is a risk of harmpayments are not being madethere is a conflict changes occur that we can’t help withour team has been put in danger17
FEES & CHARGESWe charge the same rates as the NDIS set outand our fees change when they do.In our service agreement, we talk about thefees and service and we both must agreebefore the service can begin.We are always ready to help you if you have anyconcerns.CANCELLATIONSWe understand sometimes stuff happens andyou may need to cancel an appointment orshift.Let us know you need to cancel as soon as youcan. Cancellations fees are charged if: you cancel and don’t let us know within 2days before your appointment oryou don’t show up to your appointmentYou will be charged 100% of the fee if you don’ttell us in timeWe have more details on cancellation fees inour service agreement.18
INCIDENT MANAGEMENTAn incident is when something goes wrong or maygo wrong Liberty needs to have a good system in place if thishappens. This is called incident management.If something goes wrong we need to know so wecan try to fix it.Liberty will:Use first aid or call an ambulancemake sure you are safe right nowmake sure the area is safe we will report what has happenedwe will fix the incident if we can or support thepeople in the incidentwe will follow up to do our best and make surethis doesn't happen againIf it is really bad, we call the police and sometimeswe have to report an incident to NDIS or childprotection.19
FREEDOM FROM HARM, ABUSE ANDNEGLECTYou have the right to be free from harm andany form of abuse or neglect. This means youshould never be treated badly.If you are treated badly tell us about it as soonas its safe to do so. We may need to talk about this to the policeand NDIS. This is called mandatory reporting.Liberty team members respect your rightsand have training in supporting people tomake a report. Every Liberty team member completes theNDIS worker screener check to make surethey are safe to work before they start with us.OHSIts very important to us we are a safe andhealthy space for all visitors and people wework with.This includes being in our office and anytime you are with our team members.If you see something wrong please let usknow so we can fix it straight away. 20
COMMUNITY PARTICIPATIONLiberty is here to support you to join in thecommunity, feel included and do the thingsyou want to do. We will support you to do this We can work with other service providers tomake sure you have the right services that youwant21
Liberty Disability Services respects and fully commits to upholding the rights of all people,including those with disabilities. Liberty Disability Services is also committed to ensuring youare aware of your rights and responsibilities and are supported to exercise them.Liberty Disability Services is required to comply with Victorian and national disabilitylegislation. We are also guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Personswith Disabilities, which state that people with disability should enjoy the same human rightsand fundamental freedoms as any other person.What you can expect from usWe work for you, with you, As part of our service to you, we will: Inform you of and uphold your rights and responsibilities;Treat you with courtesy, dignity and respect;Treat you fairly and without discrimination;Give you information about our services and associated costs, as well as other serviceoptions, within and outside Liberty Disability Services;Involve you in decisions about your service, as well as our programs and policies, andsupport you to make informed choices;Provide services that take into account your lifestyle, cultural, linguistic and religiousbackground and preferences;Protect your personal information and only use it for the right reasons;Support you to provide us with feedback on our service, including complaints;Promptly address enquiries and complaints about the care you are receiving;Support you to connect with other services, including advocates, interpreters andtranslators, if needed;Support you to have a person to speak on your behalf for any purpose; andProvide safe and appropriate services that are culturally relevant and that support youongoing needs and goalsHow you can help usAs our client we ask you:Provide us with information that will help us best support you;Tell us if things change or you cannot keep an appointment or commitment;Act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service, and towards ourstaff and volunteers;Provide us with feedback about our service and how we can work better,Promptly pay the agreed fees associated with your services; andTell us early as possible if our services are not required.More information on your rights can be found on our website.Liberty Disability Services Client CharterPEOPLE. OPTIONS. POWER
REGISTERED NDIS PROVIDER NUMBER 405 003 6215ABN 35625740329 ACN 625740329For more information about our services please call us on (03) 5275 8627visit our website email to opening hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.LIBERTY DISABILITY SERVICES