LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLMaking ConnectionsShaping Futures
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL1The Wolfhound 2024We have had another lively and successful school year. We were delighted to be able to celebrate the excellent academic, sporting and personal achievements of many of our pupils. However, when we look back and reflect on 2023-2024, it will surely be known as the year of fundraising.Mr Mornin had set the school an ambitious target of raising £35,000 in support of Air Ambulance NI but we were delighted to smash it and raise a grand total of £60,000! As you will see from this magazine, this was due to continued efforts from the entire school community – staff, pupils, families and the wider business sector. At the end of the year, the importance of fundraising for this charity was brought into sharp focus as the air ambulance attended a tragic incident involving one of our pupils.This is just a snapshot of a busy twelve months in Limavady High. I would like to thank everyone who contributed. In particular, I am grateful to the PE department for all of their help in organising our sports section. Thanks also go to Mrs Craig, who continues to do a fantastic job with our PR, and to Mr Boorman for his help with photographs.I hope you enjoy browsing this edition.1Mrs.S.JackEditor
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL2The Wolfhound 2024In September 2023, I was lucky enough to continue my teaching journey as a Science teacher in Limavady High School. Previous to this, I graduated from Queen’s University Belfast where I studied Biochemistry, completed my Science PGCE and taught just down the road in Limavady Grammar School. I have had a fabulous first of many years in this award-winning school! The staff and students are so kind and friendly, I settled in right away.My favourite thing about Limavady High School is getting the opportunity to teach A level Life and Health Science to students from both the High School and St. Mary’s… and I couldn’t forget having a chat to all my lovely Year 8s at lunch time! An interesting fact about me is that before I decided to be a teacher,I was a professional dancer who won many competitions in England-my favourite was competing against the best in Blackpool Championships.I toured Ireland with Monica Loughman Ballet Company and performed as a soloist for English Youth Ballet and Irish National Youth Ballet. You might even have seen me dance in the Millennium Forum’s annual pantomime!I am so excited to share my love for dance with Limavady High School next year in our school show! Miss KyteSciencehelloshellos2
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL3The Wolfhound 2024In the autumn termwe welcomedMr Brian Devenney as a Buildings Supervisorand former pupil,Mr Alistair Wallace, as our new Science technician.We thank them for their work this year.We wish them much happiness in their respective posts.BrianDevenneyAlistair Wallace3
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL4The Wolfhound 2024I started in Limavady High School in September 2006, and by Easter of that year I knew I didn’t want to teach anywhere else! That spring I successfully applied for the Learning Support job when it was advertised and so my permanent post in LHS began. I spent many happy years in the Learning Support Unit, giving support to those who Miss McCollum Learning Support Teacher This year we are saying ‘Goodbye’ to Miss Mary McCollum, who now works in the George Royal Academy in South Africa.We would like to thank her for her many years of dedication and wish her every happiness in the future.We say Goodbye to …….goodbyesgoodbyes4needed it and often the most satisfying part of my job was seeing quiet, shy children develop into confident and engaging young people. My favourite role in LHS was undoubtedly being a Head of Year. I took one year group right through from Year 9 to Year 12, so I got to know the many ‘characters’ in that year group extremely well.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL5The Wolfhound 2024I still love bumping into these kids from time to time and seeing where life has taken them. Outside of the classroom I was always involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and some of my fondest LHS memories are of coercing cold, wet and bedraggled students across the Mournes, not forgetting the craic in the staff tent after a long day in the mountains!In 2018 when I took a year long career break, I could never have imagined that it was the beginning of the end of my time in LHS. I want to thank Mr Mornin for accommodating the two career breaks I took in such quick succession. LHS still holds a special place in my heart. I have so many good friends on staff and always enjoyed working with the young people in the school. However, in recent years I’ve always known that this day would come. In South Africa I have found a new level of purpose and fulfilment. When in Northern Ireland, I will always think on Limavady High as ‘my school,’ but my heart for now is well and truly in Africa and the young people I get to work with there. Thank you to all the staff and pupils I worked with over the years. I look forward to seeing LHS continuing to go from strength to strength in the years ahead.LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 20245At the end of June, our entire school community was deeply saddened by the tragic death of Year 10 pupil, Isaac Roxborough. Isaac was a much loved member of 10F, popular with pupils and staff alike. Isaac loved farming and bands, and was devoted to his family.He will be remembered as someone who was kind, gentle and friendly. Isaac will be greatly missed by all who knew him.Isaac Roxborough
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL6The Wolfhound 2024Miss Carton and Miss McGuinness have been part of our Learning Support Assistant team this year. From September they will be working in other schools. We would like to thank them for their hard work in supporting our pupils and wish them the very best of luck in their new jobs.6Miss Carton andMiss McGuinnessDr BrollyDr BrollyMiss McCloskeyMiss McCloskey∆∆
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL7The Wolfhound 20247LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024Miss SherrardMiss SherrardMrs BovairdMrs BovairdMrs ColeMrs ColeMrs DonnellyMrs DonnellyMrs HallMrs HallMrs McDonaldMrs McDonaldMrs.McCarterMrs.McCarterSenorita MariaSenorita Maria∆∆
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL8The Wolfhound 2024A Farewell Messagefrom our Head GirlAt every stage throughout my school life, the staff at Limavady High School have been so supportive. Pupils are encouraged to do well academically but also to pursue other interests. Some of my highlights include playing GAA in a cross-community Cúchulainn team with pupils from St Mary’s and Limavady Grammar. This involved weeks of training and fun together, culminating in a fantastic experience meeting the now Prince and Princess of Wales.I enjoyed sports at LHS and got the chance to captain both netball and hockey teams. I attended Youth Club for 5 years, and I cannot commend this highly enough to pupils in the younger years. It is a great way to meet friends, to socialise and play games/ sports with people outside your classroom. Through LHS, and in particular with the support of Mr Linton, I have been awarded my bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and I hope to finish my gold in the future. This is a fantastic chance to work for an award that is universally recognised by universities and employers.The biggest honour of my school years was when I was awarded the title of Head Girl. This came with extra nerves as one of my duties included giving a speech at Prize Day! However, there was lots of support from Mrs Jack especially. The Head boy, Reece, and I took pride in having done it. Caitlyn Markey8I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the pupils from St Mary’s. Sharing a sixth-form centre has meant that we have got to know each other better (entertained by Mrs Mornin and Amy!) I was honoured to read at the shared Carol Service in St Mary’s Church last December, and we worked closely with St Mary’s Head Boy and Head Girl at the opening of the Shared Education Campus. We took part in the school visit of the First and Deputy First Ministers, Michelle O’Neill and Emma Little-Pengelly. We also met Lord Caine from the Northern Ireland Office and Paul Givan, the Education Minister. This was a great experience to be part of. My interview afterwards even made it onto BBC Newsline!A new venture introduced this year was ‘teatime and talk.’ This initiative allowed pupils in Years 8-10 to come along and chat with some of the Sixth Form pupils. I loved being part of this, along with Sarah (Deputy Head Girl) and Kirsty. We were able to meet the younger pupils and get to know them informally. This allowed
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL9The Wolfhound 20249any problems they were having to be discussed. A big thank you to Mr Young for his help in running this. I want to say thank you to all the staff, both teaching and non-teaching. They have provided encouragement and support throughout my years at school. A special thank you to our Head of Sixth Form, Mrs McCartney, and my A-level teachers Mrs O’Neill, Mrs Clarke, Miss Stewart and Mrs McDonald, who have all been so supportive. Also, to Mr Mornin who has guided us for seven years and had faith in me to take on the role of Head Girl.I have been given so many opportunities over my seven years at Limavady High School. I find it hard to believe that I am ready to leave school. However, I know that I am equipped with the skills I will need for the next stage of my life, and I am so grateful for my experience at LHS. My advice to anyone starting school is to make the most of all the chances you are offered. Enjoy every minute!
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL10The Wolfhound 2024A Farewell Messagefrom our Head BoyWell, after 7 Years at Limavady High School it’s finally time for me to bow out. I have had the privilege of spending the last 7 years here and will forever be indebted to the school for what it has done for me. There is no chance I can’t put into words the wealth of opportunities that the school has given me, but I will give it a good go!Limavady High School has given me the opportunity to develop into the person that I am today, as well as helping me gain 9 GCSES and to go on to study A-levels. On top of that was being given the privilege of being Head Boy for the year. If you had said all this to me back in 2017, First Year Reece would have thought that you were talking a completely different language!Looking back on the year, the main highlight for me was being able to be part of the opening of the first Shared Campus in Northen Ireland with our neighbours, St Mary’s. I was involved both with Head Boy duties and in the musical aspect of the launch. I was fortunate to meet the First Minister Michelle O’Neill and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly as well as other ministers and MLAs who had attended the official opening of this fantastic new facility. After a tour of the buildings, the guests were given a performance to remember in the High School Assembly Hall. This show demonstrated that, although we have been divided in the past, we can move forward working together. We showed this by our shared Trad Band, shared Choir and our hybrid dance group involving both Scottish and Irish Reece Dohertydancers. A standout moment for me was to share the stage, once again, with my brother Lewis to play the pipes and drums for the dancers, which we both really enjoyed. After the speeches, Caitlyn and I, along with the Head Boy and Girl of St Mary’s (Connor and Clara), gave a gift to the Ministers on the platform party to remember the opening of the campus. A word of thanks must go to Mr Mornin and Mrs Moore, the two principals of the schools, for the hard work and dedication of the partnership and making that the launch so successful. To Miss Kerr and Mr Doherty of music departments, thank you for helping to put on the show that I think no one will forget in a hurry. I have seen the hard work put into pulling it all together and it definitely showed on stage.In November, it was both a privilege and a humbling experience to stand alongside Caitlyn and lay the school’s poppy wreath on Remembrance Sunday at the cenotaph in Limavady. This was another highlight of the year. It would be remiss of me not to mention the school’s own Service of Remembrance, organised 10
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL11The Wolfhound 202411annually by the man himself, Mr. Dallas. Participating in this event was another unforgettable moment for me as well as playing again with Lewis, Miss Kerr and the school’s own accordion band.I would now like to say a few thanks.To Mr Mornin, for putting the trust in me to take on this role for this year. To Mrs McCartney for being our Head of Year and helping us sort options for next year. To all my teachers for their support and always being there. To my Business Studies teachers this year- Mr Murdoch, Mrs Dillon and Mrs Rosborough, for helping us to achieve the grades that we need. To Mr Caskey and Mr Young in Technology for helping us out with our product and portfolios. Also, having a laugh over our time in Sixth Form as well as patience when I drilled random holes in this year’s product! It became so frequent I will not forget Mr Young’s saying, “the Reece Special” for all the happy little accidents I had with my product this year. To Mrs Mornin and Amy in the Sixth Form centre for advice or a chat; I knew the door was always open. To our two Form teachers, Mr McConnell and Mr McCarry, thanks for all the help with our Year group throughout the last 2 years. To Caitlyn, our deputies Sarah and Aaron, and the Senior Prefect team for helping me out this year. I will forever be thankful.Finally, a huge thanks to Miss Kerr and Mr Doherty of the music departments of LHS and St Mary’s for helping us with our Music course over the last two years. As well as the events we did together such as Carol Service, Remembrance Day and much more and of course laughing along the way. I will miss having a wee tune with you and our A-level class. I will be forever in your debt for the time and effort you put into me to help me improve in music and as a person.I would like to wish Jamie, Emily and their team of deputies and prefects the very best for this incoming year. I know the yellow trimmed blazer will be in good hands and they will be great ambassadors for the school.I will not forget the last 7 years here. The school has played a big part in the person that I am today. It was a privilege to attend and represent this amazing school. So, from me, goodbye and thank you Limavady High School.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL12The Wolfhound 2024Thursday 24th August was a very exciting day for the pupils of Limavady High School as they received their much-anticipated GCSE grades with many students achieving top grades in their subjects.The results achieved today reward each and every one of the pupils for the hard work, dedication, perseverance and resilience that they have displayed during their exam years. Mr Mornin, Principal, commented, “We are extremely proud of all of our Year 12 pupils, and it’s been a pleasure to watch them grow. Our school continues to go from strength to strength and it was a privilege to be amongst so many happy pupils this morning to share such an excellent set of results. I would like to pay tribute to the parents of each child who have worked in partnership with us to ensure that their children realise their full potential. I would like to also extend my gratitude to our partners St Mary’s Limavady and North West Regional College who have supported and contributed to our Key Stage 4 Curriculum offer. Overall, these results reflect the position of the school, one that more and more parents are choosing for their children, and reflect the school’s quest for continuous improvement. I would also to like pay tribute to the staff, of Limavady High School who have worked unbelievably hard and their tremendous commitment has made the difference for so many of our students”.LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS EXCEL AGAIN WITH ANOTHER EXCELLENT SET OF GCSE RESULTSYEAR 11YEAR 11
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL14The Wolfhound 2024Mr Mornin continued, “It has always been our aim to create a school environment where pupils are nurtured and supported to achieve the best possible outcomes at each stage of their education, enabling them to reach their full potential whilst becoming positive contributors to the local community. The school has a long-established reputation of providing a high-quality educational experience for all young people in a supportive and caring environment. This is reflected by the results today and one of the many reasons for the growing popularity of the school over the past number of years. I am delighted to report that 95.68% of pupils achieved 5 or more grades at A* - C which is well above the Northern Ireland average for Non-Grammar Schools. 62.59% of pupils achieved 5 or more grades at A* - C grades, including English and Mathematics which is well above the Northern Ireland average for Non-Grammar Schools. Among the top performers were Sarah Donaghy 4A*, 2As and 2Bs; Ircot Amaglo 3A*, 4As and 2Bs; Abigail Macdonald 2A*, 4As, 1B and a C*; Emily Butcher 1A*, 5As and 3Bs; Lilly Craig 6As and 2Bs; Kathryn Montgomery 6As and 2Bs and Gemma McDaid 6As and 2Bs”.Mr Mornin concluded, “We are delighted that yet another cohort of talented pupils has achieved an excellent set of results. Many of our pupils are now well placed to avail of our very successful Sixth Form provision in our new state-of-the-art Shared Sixth Form Centre. We are also very proud of those pupils who are continuing with their education at the local college and to those who have secured employment and apprenticeships.” 14
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL15The Wolfhound 2024YEAR 12YEAR 1215
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL16The Wolfhound 2024Limavady High School students celebrate excellent A Level success!Limavady High School students and staff are celebrating yet another fantastic set of results for this year’s A-level students. 100% of students achieved 2 or more A-levels at A*- E with 69% of all students achieving A*- C grades in 3 or more subjects. The hard work and motivation of our students ensures that the outcomes are a real credit to them, and we wish them every success as they prepare for the next chapter in their lives. Principal, Mr Mornin commented that, “We are thrilled with our students’ achievements and are very impressed by their diligence and excellent approach to learning, which is evident in these outstanding results. I would also like to place on record my thanks to the dedicated and hardworking staff at the school who always go the extra mile for all our students. Many of our students will be leaving with A-levels and to have a high proportion of A*- C grades is a real achievement for them. They have been highly successful in both academic and vocational courses too. Pupils from Limavady High School will be leaving here to take up places ranging from some of the most prestigious universities in the UK to highly acclaimed vocational courses and sought-after apprenticeship schemes”. Principal Darren Mornin continued, “Limavady High School has a commitment to supporting students achieving what they want in life, and we are dedicated to our motto of ‘Work Hard - Be Kind’. As always, we are delighted with the performance of all our students, and they will be proud of what they have accomplished. A few highlights include: • Madison Duff: A*,A, B • Aimee Gault: A*,A, B • Jack McCorkell: A, Dist*, Dist* • Abbie Sinclair: A, A, B • Natalie Parkhill: A,A, Dist It is a delight to share in our students’ success and excitement about their futures and to hear personally from them how big a difference attending Limavady High School has made to their aspirations”. Mr Mornin concluded, “These results highlight that the curriculum on offer for our Sixth Form provides a wonderful opportunity for students to truly fulfil their potential in a caring and vibrant school and we look forward to more students joining us. I would like to also extend my gratitude to our partner schools in the Roe Valley Learning Community who have supported and contributed to the success of our students. Year on year, we strive to develop and further improve so that our students can flourish and move on confidently to the next stage of their lives. I am sure our students and their families are as excited as I am about these results. We are really proud of you all and wish you all every success in the future.”16
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL18The Wolfhound 2024Pupil voice in school is an important area and each year we elect two students from each form class to represent their class on School Council. This year we have met twice a term with a packed agenda. The achievement points system has been developing since its introduction as part of the ‘Investor in Pupil’ award. This year the pupils in our School Council worked on a “rewards shop” where you can cash in points for prizes. Pupils debated and discussed what the prizes should be and what points would be needed for each prize. They were also tasked with identifying how points can be achieved. Our school rewards achievement and recognises those who uphold our core values.Also, this year the students have been working on a pocket-sized resilience toolkit to try and support students in exam preparation. Hopefully this will also help when dealing with anxiety, worry and stress in the run up to assessment week and external exams. What the pupils said:This year in school council we have talked about a lot of topics. The main topic was an achievement point shop which is where you can buy items with the achievement points you have earned throughout the year. The achievement point shop is going to be up and running from September. You will be able to earn anything from a half-zip to an X- box! You can also earn smaller items such homework passes and stationary. I really enjoyed being in school council and I hope I can be in it next year again. Gemma“I’ve really enjoyed my experience with LHS school council. I’m happy I was nominated and I got to use my pupil voice for my classes suggestions in making positive additions to our school. My favourite experience was when we went to the REACH programme and we got to learn about mindfulness and healthy eating.” OliverWe would like to take this opportunity to thank every member of our School’s council as well as their mentor, Mrs McGregor, for their work throughout the year. School Council 2023 - 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL21The Wolfhound 2024Celebrating KS3and KS4 SuccessIn June, we celebrated an important occasion in our KS3 pupils’ school year. Bronze, Silver and Gold Star awards were presented to Years 8, 9 and 10 respectively. In special assemblies we recognised pupils’ successes and progress from the past academic year. We are very proud of the contribution that these pupils make to our school life daily, and how they uphold our Core Values of RESPECT, INTEGRITY, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, TEAMWORK, FAIRNESS and HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Most importantly, they show a determination to follow our School Motto, WORK HARD AND BE KIND’ in every aspect of their time at our school. There was also success to celebrate in Year 11. A large number of pupils received their Excellence award and we were delighted to bestow the title of Prefect on a large number of pupils. The appointment of our Prefect Team involves a rigorous process, including completion of detailed application forms, staff votes and individual interviews. We look forward to watching these students taking on the role of student leaders. We have no doubt that they will be great ambassadors for LHS and indeed role models for our younger pupils. WELL DONE TO ALL!BRONZE STAR 121
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL25The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL26The Wolfhound 2024Year 11PrefectsYear 11Prefects
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL28The Wolfhound 2024At the end of April, interviews were held to appoint the Head Girl/Head Boy and their Deputies for the 2024/25 school year. Congratulations to Jamie Sinclair who has been selected as ‘Head Boy’ and to Ircot Amaglo and Jay Scott who will both hold the role of ‘Deputy Head Boy’. Congratulations to Emily Butcher who has been selected as ‘Head Girl’ and to Abigail MacDonald and Kathryn Montgomery who will both hold the role of ‘Deputy Head Girl.’Congratulations also to the following pupils who have been appointed as ‘Senior Prefects.’Elliott I’AnsonIsaac MorrisonAlexander WhitesideCameron ShieldsJessica McGinnisRobyn CooperTaylor NichollEmma CookeRebekah MullanRebecca McDonaldKathryn HillWe have no doubt all the pupils listed will be great ambassadors for LHS and indeed role models for our younger pupils.We are very proud of them all and we look forward to watching them carry out their duties and responsibilities in the year ahead. Well done!28Student Leadership Team for 2024/2025
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL30The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLAnnual Prize Giving Thursday 14th September 2023Limavady High School held their 62nd Annual Prize Giving on Thursday 14th September 2023. School Principal, Mr Mornin, welcomed everyone to the Prize Giving Ceremony and gave his report of the school year: “Vice Chair of Governors, Mr McGregor, Professor Gallagher, Honoured guests, ladies and gentlemen and of course, our students, may I begin by warmly welcoming you all to our 62nd Prize Day. Thank you for taking the time to be with us to help honour the success of the last school year. By any measure, this has been an outstanding and award-winning year and there is a good deal for us to celebrate in all aspects of school life. It is an honour and privilege to stand here before you today and be able to present the report on behalf of a school that I am extremely proud of, and one that continues to go from strength to strength. I am delighted to welcome our friends and colleagues from the Roe Valley Learning Community. A special word of welcome to Mr Freddy Clifford, the servicing officer for the RVLC. This partnership and the collaborative work between the schools in this area is the envy of learning communities in Northern Ireland and Further afield and I am really looking forward to developing this work further in the coming years. I am delighted to welcome some of the Primary School Principals from our 15 feeder schools, which gives an indication of how well this school is regarded in the local area, one of the many reasons why we have been oversubscribed again and the school population has now grown in excess of 840 students. We are very proud to be a Controlled School and part of the largest education sector in Northern Ireland. As a Controlled School we are #OpenToAll, welcoming children and young people of all faiths and none, richly diverse and inclusive, reflective of and embedded in the community we serve. I want to extend a warm welcome 30Annual Prize Giving
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL31The Wolfhound 2024to Mr Mark Baker, the Chief Executive of the Controlled Schools’ Support Council and thank him for his outstanding commitment to all Controlled Schools across Northern Ireland. A special word of welcome to our chief guest today, Professor Tony Gallagher, who has recently retired from Queen’s University Belfast. Tony is considered one of the world’s leading academic experts on the role of education in divided societies. An experienced media commentator on many topics, he has been a pioneer in the important work of Shared Education which is making such a positive impact, not only on our local community, but on our society in Northern Ireland. Since the early 2000s, an important focus of his work has been on developing collaboration opportunities between schools from different communities with the aim of promoting social cohesion and school improvement. His work has led to the development and encouragement of projects not only in Northern Ireland, but also in Israel, involving work with Jewish and Arab schools, in Los Angeles involving public, charter and private schools, and in the Balkans. Work has also started on how controversial issues are dealt with by schools in Norway, Denmark and Cyprus but I do, however, believe his greatest achievement was taking our very own Mr Dallas to Lebanon a number of years ago, bringing, him back safe and sound and surviving!It is very clear that this work has now shaped our education landscape and has informed education policy and practice across not only Northern Ireland but other jurisdictions across the world. Indeed, Shared Education has been adopted as a statutory duty of the Department of Education in Northern Ireland.Tony has also held several leadership roles within Queen’s, including • Head of the School of Education • Pro Vice Chancellor • Acting Head of the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work • Acting Faculty Dean of Research for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences We officially welcome to our team Mr Murdoch, who took up the post in November as Vice Principal in charge of Pastoral Care, Miss Kyte into the Science Department, Mrs Davey ( Librarian), Mrs McCloskey, Mrs Cole, Mrs Murphy, Mrs McCarter, Mrs Hall, Miss Sherrard, Mrs Donnelly and Miss Carton to our fantastic Classroom Support Team. Today is a day when we can be justifiably proud of the work and achievements of our students and the school, even with the many unprecedented challenges that currently exist in our education system. I will, on behalf of the staff and pupils, continue to advocate for appropriate funding and resources so our pupils and staff feel valued. Educating young people is a team effort. Everybody needs to put their shoulder to the wheel and work together to ensure successful outcomes for all our students. I would like to extend public thanks to the staff of this school who work tirelessly with the best interests of the students at heart, and for that they deserve great credit. I would like to also extend thanks to the classroom support team, office staff, technicians, reprographic, building supervisors, cleaners, and the staff in the school canteen. This pulling together and working as a team is one of the many strengths we have as a school. Annual Prize Giving31
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL32The Wolfhound 2024Curriculum and Standards within the school continues to excel year on year. I want to thank Mrs Rosborough, our Curriculum Vice Principal, for her unwavering commitment to the school and her Head of Department Team for their commitment to outstanding Teaching and Learning. Pastoral Care has always been at the core of this school. I want to thank Mr Murdoch for his dedication since joining us in November, the Pastoral Team, indeed, all the staff for their dedication and commitment to the students’ health and wellbeing. I want to pay tribute to Mrs Kingston, our Learning Support Coordinator, and Mrs Calvin with responsibility for Careers Education Information and Guidance and thank them for their unwavering commitment to the school. At this stage I want to wish Mrs McCartney every success as she assumes the role of teacher in charge of Careers Education Information and Guidance on the school Leadership Team.Over the past two years, we also had Mr Doherty and Mr Young seconded onto the school Leadership Team with strategic oversight of pupil voice and health & wellbeing. I am pleased to report that the school received the Investors in Pupils Award back in January and received the Wellbeing Award for Schools in June, only the third school in Northern Ireland to receive this award. I want to thank Mr Doherty and Mr Young for leading this work over the past two years. I would like to, on behalf of the school community, pay tribute to our fantastic Board of Governors, under the Chairmanship of Mrs Dianne Rathfield. The Governors are an extraordinarily talented and committed group of men and women, who give up a huge amount of their own time and expertise to support and guide the school. Much of this excellent work goes unseen by most of the community, but I see a lot of it close-up, and we are incredibly lucky to have them. I continue to be impressed by the number of parents who take the time out of their work to be present on this very special day. The support that you, as parents/guardians, give to this school is second to none. This partnership is crucial to the success of your child’s education and to the school as a whole. You should be very proud of your child’s achievements!At this stage I would also like to thank the Parent Teachers’ Association, under the chairmanship of Zane Cole, for their hard work during the past year in raising substantial amounts of money to support the work of the school. Now to our pupils, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate all our prize winners as well as every pupil who performed to the best of their ability during the last academic year. I’d like today’s celebration of achievement to also serve as an opportunity for inspiration. Today’s reward doesn’t come easy, and it is down to your hard work and application over the past number of years. My message to all our students is “Work Hard – Be Kind”. This simple message, in my view, is what each and every one of us should aspire to do each day. There is a famous Chinese Proverb that says:“Teachers open the door, butyou must enter by yourself”32Annual Prize Giving
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL33The Wolfhound 2024No matter how good and dedicated teachers are, students need to be willing to learn. This proverb sums it up well – students need to take the first step and it links very well into one of our core values of taking responsibility for their own learning.Everyone receiving an award today has made that positive decision to take that first step and has applied themselves. Today is your day! Congratulations to you all! In my report last year I mentioned that we had received the news in May that the school had been recognised as a Silver Winner by the prestigious Pearson National Teaching Awards for UK Secondary School of the Year – Making A Difference. This qualified us to be considered for the Gold Award. In November, I along with members of the Leadership Team and Board of Governors travelled to London for the award ceremony. It was with great excitement that the school was named UK Secondary School of the Year. This was a fantastic achievement for the entire school community. This led to a visit to the Mayors Parlour and indeed a reception hosted by Alan Robinson, MLA at Stormont. The awards kept coming as we received awards for Outstanding Pastoral Care and Outstanding Secondary School at the Families First Awards, which were held at the iconic Titanic Centre in Belfast. We also received special recognition from the Royal British Legion for the many years of support to the poppy appeal and were runners up in the Northern Ireland Good Relations Awards. It really was a fantastic year, and I am so proud that the staff, pupils and, indeed, the entire Limavady High School community are being recognised for their outstanding work. Limavady High School has a very strong and clear Mission Statement which encapsulates what this school is all about. We believe that each child is unique and valuable and we do our very best to provide a secure, caring, happy and yet challenging learning environment in which each person is encouraged to respect other people and develop to their maximum potential as members of the school and indeed, wider community. We try to live by this Mission Statement on a daily basis, firmly underpinned by Christian principles and Christian values. We, as educators, fully understand the role we have in supporting and developing these young lives and we are very conscious of the trust that you, the parents, have placed in us. I can stand here today and reassure you all that in Limavady High School we have a body of professional people who will always go the extra mile for your child. We have 156 children in Year 8 this academic year. Some feel that they have failed, due to a test, and we work hard to restore their self-esteem and confidence so that our students truly believe that they can do and be who they want if they apply themselves. This school has always had a long history of educating students for seven years of their post-primary life, ensuring that they are well equipped for further education or employment. We aim to make this school a happy experience for our young students, because individuals will learn and progress if they are content and find the schooling experience enjoyable and rewarding. The school also recognises that, whilst our success is officially measured by academic achievement, we must work 33Annual Prize Giving
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL34The Wolfhound 2024hard to develop the ‘whole child’ so that they can become effective contributors to the local and wider community. In our lessons and assemblies, we continue to promote our core values of respect, integrity, personal responsibility, fairness, teamwork and high expectations. These values really embody what this school is all about. At the end of each academic year, we say goodbye to some of our students and this year has seen a further increase in the number of students moving on to third level education. We have a number of pupils going to the University of Ulster, Queen’s University Belfast and, indeed, other universities across the water in England, Scotland and Wales. We also have a large number of students moving on to the North West Regional College, apprenticeships or employment. As a school, we wish them every success in their futures and assure them that our door is always open for advice or support, if and when required. In the past year our students have once again excelled themselves in their external examinations. 96% of pupils achieved five GCSE passes at A*-C grades, which is well above the Northern Ireland Average for like schools. 83% of this year group also achieved seven A*-C grades. I am pleased to report that the school continues to have an upward trend when it comes to pupils achieving five A*-C grades, including English and Mathematics, with a further increase to 63%, which again is well above the Northern Ireland Average for like schools. We continue to provide support for those pupils who are in receipt of free school meals and we continue to work with the Causeway Coast and Glens Neighbourhood Renewal Education Sub Group and The Glens Community Association. 97.50% of pupils achieved five GCSE passes at A*-C grades which is 23% above the Northern Ireland Average of like schools. 63% achieving 5A*-C grades, including English and Mathematics which is 19% above the Northern Ireland average for like schools. Among the top performers at GCSE were:• Sarah Donaghy 4A*, 2As and 2Bs;• Ircot Amaglo 3A*, 4As and 2Bs; • Abigail Macdonald 2A*, 4As, 1B and a C*; • Emily Butcher 1A*, 5As and 3Bs; • Lilly Craig 6As and 2Bs; • Kathryn Montgomery 6As and 2Bs; and • Gemma McDaid 6As and 2Bs. At Post 16 level, our students have continued to excel. This year, 100% of students achieved 2 or more A-Levels at A*-E and 69% achieved 3A*-C grades, which is 10% above the Northern Ireland average for like schools. Notable achievers at A Level are:Madison Duff: who achieved A*,A, B and is now studying Law at the University of Durham. Aimee Gault who achieved A*,A, B, and is now studying nursing at Queen’s University Belfast.Jack McCorkell: A, Dist*, Dist* who has secured a job in the Civil Service.Abbie Sinclair: A, A, B who is studying Social Work at Queen’s University Belfast; andNatalie Parkhill: A,A, Dist who is studying Geography at the University of Ulster, Coleraine. 34Annual Prize Giving
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL35The Wolfhound 2024I think we can all agree that these results at A Level and GCSE are outstanding. Well done to everyone involved!! In July 2014 the then Minister of Education announced that the Limavady Shared Education Campus had been approved.Woodvale Construction was appointed and nearly ten years later, we now have the first ever Shared Campus in Northern Ireland. We have a state-of-the-art STEM Centre, Sixth Form Centre, Performing Arts, Media and Careers hub. I think when we look at Irish Green Street now and at both schools, we can justifiably be proud of what we all have achieved and the many years of work and meetings attended have been worthwhile.We are planning to open the campus to the public soon so they can see first hand the fantastic facilities available to all our students. I want to take this opportunity to thank our chief guest for all his personal encouragement and support and indeed that of his team at the Centre for Shared Education at Queen’s University Belfast. Mrs Moore and I both agree that if it wasn’t for Tony and his team, we would not have this Shared Campus today. It was with great pleasure that we welcomed Secretary Hilary Rodham Clinton, the Chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast to the campus in April as part of the 25th Anniversary of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement celebrations. I know she was so impressed that we were building a plane in our STEM centre but she also stated:“The work of sharing education and of expanding housing and of working to remove barriers and divisions in neighbourhoods and to tackle persistent poverty and unemployment are ones that have to be at the top of our list of priorities.“No victory and no defeat is ever permanent. Every generation has to continue to do its part to both preserve and expand opportunity.“Institutions like this shared campus help build a bulwark against sectarianism and divisiveness, help to create a Northern Ireland where students, parents, members of the community come together in pursuit of common purpose”.It was a great surprise and honour that all of the former and current principals from both schools who have been involved in this journey were recognised with Honorary Doctorates of Social Science for their services to Education. I would extend my thanks to all the staff who have given their time to support activities outside the classroom, especially during a time when all our lives are getting busier. A school is at the heart of the community and, when you drive past the school at night, you will see that the lights continue to be on. That is because we continue to have a very well-supported school-based youth club operating three evenings per week. I would like to extend my thanks to Mrs Burns and her team for all the hours that they have invested in the club.35Annual Prize Giving
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL36The Wolfhound 2024Year 8 Class Prize WinnersYear 9 Class Prize WinnersYear 10 Class Prize Winners62nd Annual Prize Distribution 2023Mr D Mornin, Mr N Doherty (Head of Year) Mr S Young(Head of Key Stage)8P Ellie Bartlett Amybrooke Heaney8F Skye Somers-Allen Grace Rodgers8I Rachel Henderson Madison Kennedy8H Abbie Moore Rebekah Finlay8R Isla Mitchell Grace McClelland8T Victoria King Emma BrownMr D Mornin, Mr A Goudy (Head of Year) Mr S Young(Head of Key Stage)9P Daniel Manning Adam McWilliams9F Katie Calderwood Caitlin Sherrard9I Darcy Hunt Miley Magee9H Megan Gahan Samantha Bradley9R Sam Donnell Harry CaskeyMr D Mornin, Miss H Kennedy (Head of Year) Mr S Young(Head of Key Stage)10P Nathan Carlisle Ian Currie10F Max Krol Laura Smyth10I Eden Grieve Evie Coyle10H Taylor Creighton Emma Sandeman10R Tara Rankin Harvey Allen> > > > > > > > > >
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL37The Wolfhound 2024> > > > > > > > > >Year 8 Ethos Award WinnersYear 11 Subject Prize WinnersYear 11 Subject Prize Winners8P William Semple8F Maisie Campbell8I Rashi Bhattarai8H Ellie Smyth8R Thomas Torrens8T Emma BrownMr D MorninMr N Doherty (Head of Year)Mr S Young (Head of Key Stage)Mr D Mornin,Mrs J Kelly (Head of Year)Miss K Morrison(Head of Key Stage)ENGLISHOlivia KingENGLISH LITERATURELily ThompsonCHILD DEVELOPMENTChristine MulgrewCHILD DEVELOPMENT – St Mary’sClea MooreMATHEMATICS - Fiona AlsevskaGEOGRAPHY - Skye FlemingBUSINESS (OCN) - Leah ThomasART - Abbie BellinghamSINGLE AWARD SCIENCELilyanna StewartDIGITAL TECHNOLOGYElla MairsICT DIGITAL TECHNOLOGYClea MooreHISTORY - Lily ThompsonDOUBLE AWARD SCIENCELucy McClellandMOVING IMAGE ARTSDaniel FerrisPHYSICAL EDUCATIONLucy ConleyICT - Abbi BredinRELIGIOUS EDUCATIONLily ThompsonCARPENTRY & JOINERYZack ScottHOSPITALITYLeah Thomas & Grace ReidDRAMA - Maisy Thompson
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL38The Wolfhound 2024Year 11 Subject Prize WinnersSpecial Awards GRAPHIC DESIGNAbbie BellinghamHEALTH & SOCIAL CAREClea MooreTECHNOLOGY & DESIGNAlfie McCleanPRINCE’S TRUST ACHIEVEErin GallowayBUSINESS STUDIES Lucy ConleyBRICKWORK & TILINGJames RosboroughHAIR & BEAUTY Ella MairsMUSIC Abbi BredinCATERING Fiona AlsevskaHORTICULTURE Adam HuntENGINEERING Hannah CraigMATTHEW JUNK MEMORIAL CUP(Most Improved Year 8 pupil)Amybrooke HeaneySCOTT SMYTH DRAMA CUP(Year 8 pupil showing most promise in Drama)Anna CochraneTHE BOYD GLOBE(For top achievement inYear 10 Geography)Taylor CreightonTHE COOK TROPHY (Presented to Year 10 girl considered by staff to have displayed a high degree of cooperation and courtesy)Eva CampbellTHE COOK TROPHY (Presented to Year 10 boy considered by staff to have displayed a high degree of cooperation and courtesy)Ben AttwoodSIR THOMAS PHILIPS HISTORY AWARD(High achievement in History by Year 10 pupil)Taylor CreightonTHE ARTS COMMITTEE CUP(Most promising musician)Aaron Jack38LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024Mr D Mornin,Mrs S Rosborough,Mrs J Kelly(Head of Year)Mr D Mornin, Mr P Murdoch, Mrs H Kingston
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL39The Wolfhound 2024General Excellence at GCSE - Prize Winners ‘AS’ Subject Prize Winners Sarah DonaghyEmily ButcherGemma McDaidJamie SinclairIrcot AmagloLilly CraigJay ScottBailey McDaidAbigail MacDonaldKathryn MontgomeryStuart McIntyreMr D Mornin,Mr P MurdochMrs J McCartney(Head of Year)HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE (SA & DA) Mille Browne, Caitlin MarkeyENGLISH LITERATURE Annie McNeill HISTORY Adam McLaughlinART & DESIGN Millie Browne PERFORMING ARTS Lucie BirneyMATHS Dylan Jackson RE Sarah BoyleTECHNOLOGY & DESIGN (PRODUCT DESIGN) Gurtsak ChittayanonCAMBRIDGE TECHNICAL DIPLOMA IN IT L3 Adam Smyth GEOGRAPHY Rachel RileyBTEC L3 IN APPLIED SCIENCE Rachel Riley BTEC L3 IN APPLIED SCIENCE (FORENSIC) Jennifer JacksonCAMBRIDGE TECHNICAL DIPLOMA IN SPORT L3 Amelia SinclairBTEC L3 IN CHILDREN’S PLAY LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT Kelsey GambleBTEC L3 IN ENGINEERING Aaron MoodyCAMBRIDGE TECHNICAL DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS L3 Rachel RileyBTEC LEVEL 3 IN CONSTRUCTION Gurtsak ChittayanonDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Abigail Miller-Linton MUSIC Reece Doherty39LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024Mr D MorninMrs S RosboroughMr P Elliker(Head of Year)
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL40The Wolfhound 2024Mr D Mornin,Mr P Elliker (Head of Year),Miss K Morrison (Head of Key Stage)THE NICHOLL CUP(Top achievement in GCSE English) Abigail Macdonald (Language)Emily Butcher (Literature)THE McELWEE / WALLACE CUP(Top achievement in GCSE Art) Chloe McFarlaneTHE AUSTIN AWARD(Top achievement in GCSE 3D Design) Rebecca Steele THE BUSINESS STUDIES CUPTop achievement in GCSE Business Studies Megan BrownSpecial Awards (at GCSE Level) THE VIVEN LAVERY TROPHYTop achievement in REIsobel HillPARENTS ASSOCIATION TROPHYTop achievement in GCSE ScienceRhys Williams (Single)Sarah Donaghy (Double)THE LAURA HOLMES MEMORIAL CUPTop Achievement in GCSE Health & Social CareSarah DonaghyTHE ANNE RIHAN AWARD For Top Achievement in GCSE Modern/Foreign LanguagesRobyn CooperTHE LIGHTHOUSE AWARD In memory ofLeah WhyteFor exceptional peer support of fellow pupilsMr D Mornin,Mr P Elliker(Head of Year) & Abigail HuntThe Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL41The Wolfhound 2024Mr D Mornin,Mr P Elliker(Head of Year) & Sarah DonaghyThe Lapsley Cup & Bursary (Top achievement at GCSE)General Excellence at Advanced Level Mr D Mornin,Mrs S Rosborough,Mrs J McCartney(Head of Year)Chief Guest – ProfessorTony Gallagher, Queen’s University BelfastMadison DuffAimee GaultJack McCorkellAbbie SinclairNatalie ParkhillLucy KellyRhys McKernanJoshua MurphyLeia SherrardSophie SweeneyJack McGillAimee OldcroftSarah SomervilleThe Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL42The Wolfhound 2024The Wolfhound 2024Mr D Mornin,Mrs S Rosborough,Mr P Murdochand Chief Guest Professor Tony Gallagher,Queen’s UniversityBelfastSpecial AwardsThe PTA Cup For vocational achievement in Year 12 Kacie BrownSPECIAL AWARD FOR ENDEAVOUR In overcoming challenges at GCSE Emily CookeTHE OCCUPATIONAL STUDIES CUP Most improved student in Motor Vehicle Studies Jack KingTHE ALISON MARTIN AWARD Outstanding service to charity Harry Smyth/Ellie SmythTHE RHONDA ROBINSON AWARD For special endeavour in Music Reece DohertyTHE DUNGIVEN CUP For achievement in the Prince’s Trust Programme Kacie BrownTHE W H GREEN CUP Year 11 student showing greatest improvement inEnglish during the year Naomi ConnellT G HOUSTON MEMORIAL CUP Top achievement in GCSE Physical Education Bailey McDaidTHE RVCEF ‘MAKING A DIFFERENCE’ AWARD Outstanding contributionto the community Ava DalyTHE SEAGATE TROPHY Top Achievement in GCSE Technology & Design Isaac MorrisonW H GREEN MEMORIAL CUP & BURSARY For exceptional achievement at GCSE Ircot Amaglo
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL43The Wolfhound 2024The Wolfhound 2024Special AwardsMr D Mornin,Mrs S Rosborough,Mr P Murdochand Chief Guest Professor Tony Gallagher,Queen’s UniversityBelfastTHE PARTNERSHIP AWARD (Roe Valley Learning Community)- Limavady Grammar School - St Mary’s High School Reece McDonald/Martyna PaluchTHE DAVID PATTON MEMORIAL AWARD (For achievement at AS Level Arts) Lucie BirneyTHE LEADERSHIP AWARD (For outstanding contribution to the School based Youth Club)Aimee OldcroftTHE PEOPLE AWARD (For outstanding contribution to school life) Caitlyn MarkeyTHE RONALD LAPSLEY MEMORIAL TROPHY (For exceptional achievement at ‘A’ Level)Abbie SinclairTHE JACK RANKIN TROPHY (Top achievement at ‘A’ Level)Madison Duff/Aimee Gault/Jack McCorkell
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL44The Wolfhound 2024Head Boy - Reece Doherty, Head Girl - Caitlin MarkeyPrincipal, Mr D Mornin, Professor Tony Gallagher QUB – Chief GuestMr D Mornin, Mrs S Rosborough, Mr P Murdoch, Mrs H KingstonMrs J McCartney, Professor Tony Gallagher QUB – Chief Guest
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL45The Wolfhound 2024We were delighted to welcome local poet, Anne McMaster and musicians from the trad band, Realta into school in September. Together they have composed a piece of work inspired by the Roe Valley, titled ‘The Leap’. Year 9 pupils from Limavady High School and St Mary’s got to hear a selection of tunes and poems, concluding with a performance of The Leap. The music alongside the poetry helped bring this well-known story to life. Many thanks to the artists for coming in, and thanks to Live Music Now along with Bank of Ireland for helping facilitate this.LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024Trad Artists visit45
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL46The Wolfhound 2024On Thursday 7th and Friday 8th of September, 30 pupils from Limavady High School and St. Mary’s took part in a STEM event, delivered by The E.R.G. Group. The ERG Group is a leading independent operator of clean energy from renewable sources, operating in nine countries at European level. The leading wind power operator in Italy and among the top ten in Europe, the Group is also active in solar energy production where it ranks in the top five in Italy.In teams’ pupils were tasked with designing a wind farm based on certain criteria and limitations, such as: geographical location, impact on communities, as well as environmental limitations. Pupils used industry standard software in order to design and present their plans to the rest of the group. Well done to everyone who took part!ERGSTEMEVENT46
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL49The Wolfhound 2024The Y12 History class had an enjoyable trip to London withMr Linton in September. Pupils made their way around London on foot, taking in key historical landmarks and monuments. Amongst the busy learning day, students also visited Hamleys and then got comfortable before watching The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre.This was well deserved after walking for 9.11 miles! The historians would like to pass on a public thank you to the PTA for their large contribution in purchasing the tickets for this show and to Mrs Quigg, who accompanied the group.49
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL50The Wolfhound 2024Mr Quigley accompanied his 10FP class and the Year 13 ART A-level class to the Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre to see the World Illustration Awards exhibition in September. This was a travelling exhibition which showcased the best of work by contemporary illustrators across the world. We were extremely fortunate that the RVACC was the only venue in Northern Ireland showing the awards. Many thanks to Sharon Colhoun who works on curating exhibitions at RVACC for introducing us to the variety of work. This inspiring, thought-provoking exhibition showcased all Award-Winning and Highly Commended projects across ten industry-relevant categories and includes material that tells the story of the ideas, processes and artists behind the work.
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL52The Wolfhound 2024Beginning in October this year, Mr Mornin announced that Air Ambulance NI would be our school chosen charity for the year. We chose Air Ambulance NI because of the close link with our current pupils Harry and Ellie Smyth and their mother Caroline. They have been unbelievable fundraisers for Air Ambulance NI since their father was killed in a road traffic accident in 2019. The Smyth family have worked tirelessly each year to raise money for a charity that were of great help and support to them around a very difficult time. This year, we decided we would assist them. Mr Mornin set an ambitious target of £35,000 - this would cover the cost of the Air Ambulance for one school week. With form classes and staff on board we set off on our fundraising journey. By Christmas we had reached the £10,000 mark with many fundraising events having taken place. A few of the highlights were Mr Caskey and 9F raising a fantastic £843 with their handmade Christmas Craft hamper as well as Charley Smithson winning a PS5 in our monster Christmas draw. We were just getting warmed up. We took January off to recharge our batteries, then hit the ground running with our £10 draw in February which raised over £3000. Well done to staff member, Mrs McDonald, who won the top prize of £500 cash. Thankfully, we had the help and support of our local community on board. Roy Nutt kindly donated an amazing £3400 that was raised at the National Tyre Distributions Association dinner. Karen Brown, grandmother of our current pupil Abbi Brown donated an incredible £950 which was raised instead of presents for her 60th Birthday. Our in-school fundraisers continued. A charity netball tournament, organised by Mrs Bingham, took place with £400 raised. Our EPIC Our EPIC fundraising fundraising challenge!challenge!Our EPIC Our EPIC fundraising fundraising challenge!challenge!
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL53The Wolfhound 2024We had a brilliant Easter hamper organised by Mrs Quigg, Ms McCloskey and 8R. Mr O’Doherty ran the walled city 10k with the support of his form class 8T. We had our Ice Pop Fridays organised by Mrs Patton and her team of helpers. We also had an exciting darts competition ran by Mrs Maguire and Mrs Watkin to find the next Luke Littler! A mini-hyrox, organised by Mrs O’Neill and 9P, rounded off the year in June alongside a ‘Guess the baby photo’ competition which was put together by Mr Quigley and 10H. Mr Linton and the DOE team, along with a few extra pupils and staff, climbed Slieve Donard. We had staff involved in the Belfast City Marathon relay as well as a 100-mile cycle around the Lough. We also had 3 members of staff completing a sky dive. A lot of sore bodies, but all for a very worthwhile cause!Our wonderful PTA helped us by organising a Blue Lamp Disco and our fantastic school colour run. Who could forget the slip and slide and David Ujuanbi’s belly flop?!Over the year we had a couple of individual pupils who went above and beyond. Harry Caskey in Year 10 organised his own guess the sweets in the jar competition. He raised an unbelievable £1250! In addition to this, Lily Thompson in Year 12 undertook a gruelling 24-hour challenge which consisted of a 22-mile cycle from Cushendall to Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, a 26-mile hike overnight from Carrick-a-Rede to Portstewart and the final leg, a 28-mile cycle from Portstewart to Limavady. Lily, along with her mother Amanda and family friend Heather Nicholl, completed the challenge in approx. 18 hours and raised an amazing £2950 for Air Ambulance. Our fundraising finale was our “LHS May Ball” which was held in the Roe Park Resort. We were delighted to welcome almost 200 guests. On the night our guest speakers were Harry Smyth (current Year 11 pupil) and Mr Steven Callaghan, Major of Causeway Coast and Glens. A raffle and an auction took place with some unbelievable prizes donated by local businesses and friends of our school. Mr Mornin gave an overview of our fundraising year and thanked everyone including pupils, staff, parents, and the local community who have 53
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL54The Wolfhound 2024worked together to help us achieve and surpass our fundraising target for the year. Our final total to donate to Air Ambulance NI is an incredible £60,000. This would not have been possible without the amazing, continued efforts of everyone within the Limavady High School community. Our heartfelt thanks go to all those who contributed in any way. A special mention must go to Mr O’Neill, who had the daunting job of keeping on top of so many activities and pulling everything together behind the scenes.For his efforts Mr O’Neill, on behalf of the school, was Highly Commended for Charity Work with the NI Air Ambulance at the ‘Families First – Secondary, Grammar & College Education Awards’ ceremony which took place in Belfast in June.54
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL56The Wolfhound 2024Bruiser Theatre Company visited school in October with their production of ‘The Complete Works of William Shakespeare’.This madcap and fast paced performance was thoroughly enjoyed by GCSE Drama and A Level Performing Arts students.Bruiser Theatre Company are renowned for their physical theatre style of performance and this gave the students an excellent insight into their work.The students enjoyed a post-show discussion with the actors where they asked questions about the performance, the actor’s personal experiences and gained insight into the life of a professional actor.’Bruisereatrevisit56
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL57The Wolfhound 2024PRINTPRINTMAKINGMAKING57The Art department were pleased to welcome back printmaker and qualified art psychotherapist, Fionnuala O’Neill, to work with exam classes. Fionnuala demonstrated a range of printmaking techniques which benefitted the GCSE class in their coursework portfolio.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL58The Wolfhound 2024In October Year 11 Geography students began their adventure into the unknown- following the course of the Curly Burn from its source to mouth! Getting into the field is an exciting prospect for all Geographers and this was no exception! Students were excited at the thought of braving the elements to measure the width and depth of the river.Magilligan Field Centre hosted us for the day. We began in the classroom looking at the river itself, the hazards we would face and identifying how we would actually collect our data. It was a day of firsts for all of us. Many people had never worn wellies or a helmet before! Some students had never been into a river before and some had not faced the great out doors in a while!!It was an excellent day. We returned to school tired but with a data table full of statistics and a heart full of memories to last us until the next time. Yr11 GCSE Geography 58
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL59The Wolfhound 2024In November we were offered the chance to take part in a shared event with St.Mary’s in collaboration with the Nerve Centre, Derry. Pupils were taught about the history of the Troubles and the Good Friday agreement. Together they visited the Northern Ireland expedition in the Ulster museum. With all of their new-found knowledge and understanding they were tasked to get into small group and use stop-motion animation techniques to catalogue the history of the troubles.This required a huge amount of concentration and patience, but our pupils have a new appreciation of this art form! We would like to say ‘Thanks’ to the Nerve Centre for their invitation to participate.59
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL60The Wolfhound 2024In November, to mark Road Safety Week, our Year 13 pupils attended a Road Safety event run by Causeway Coast & Glens PCSP in partnership with NI Road Policing and NIFRS West. This took place at Limavady Grammar SchooI and our pupils were among 450 Limavady/Dungiven driving age students. Pupils were shown a Road Safety presentation and LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024an RTC Demo. The aim was to change the mindsets of young drivers and make them aware of the dangers on our roads as well as behaviours and illegal activity that can cause serious damage to life or even death. With special thanks to all of the organisations who were involved in this important event. 60
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL61The Wolfhound 2024Supporting #antibullying week Supporting #antibullying week 2023 with our Odd Socks Day!2023 with our Odd Socks Day!61
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL62The Wolfhound 2024This year we were so excited to be given a place to attend the Peace Proms at the SSE Arena in Belfast. This concert features the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland, dancers and 5000 school pupils from Northern Ireland, coming together to experience the electricity generated through live performance. We travelled with our friends in St Mary’s to a rehearsal at the SSE Arena in November.This rehearsal was led by the conductor of the programme and he took us through 10 songs and dances. We then travelled back up in February for the concert. We were delighted so many of our parents had bought tickets to watch the concert, and they seemed to have as much fun as we did!Shared choir at the Peace Proms62
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL63The Wolfhound 2024In November Year 13 and Year 14 had speakers in school from Hive Cancer Support. HIVE is a charity which aim to support all those impacted by a cancer diagnosis. After recognising the importance of cancer awareness, early detection, and prevention they established an education strategy. They spoke to the pupils about the practical things they could be doing to lower their risks of cancer.Thanks you, Hive Cancer Support, for the extremely informative presentation.Hive Cancer SupportHive Cancer Support63In November we were delighted to congratulate Jay Scott, a Year 13 student, who represented Limavady High School at the Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition. Jay was announced winner of Limavady Rotary Club and went on to represent the Club in the zone final of the competition later that month. Although he was unsuccessful at the next stage, we are extremely proud of Jay’s achievement – well done!
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL64The Wolfhound 2024RemembranceDay ServiceIn November we held our annual Remembrance Day Service to remember those who paid the supreme sacrifice during two World Wars and in more recent conflicts. Thanks to Mr.Dallas and Miss.Kerr, this has become a much-anticipated event in our school calendar with many staff and students helping to make it a poignant and memorable occasion.This year we held the assembly twice – once for junior classes and then again for senior classes in the afternoon. We enjoyed drama skits, musical interludes and beautiful renditions of several war-time and local tunes which were performed.The school choir performed a beautiful rendition of ‘Travelling Soldier’ followed by the moving song, ‘John Condon’, which tells the story of a 14-year-old Irish boy who lied about his age to sign up to fight in the First World War. 64
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL65The Wolfhound 2024Miss Carton sang a heart-warming Vera Lynn medley, reminding us of the happier times following the war. Year 13 boys, Cameron Shields, Alex Whiteside and Ewan Guy acted out a moving scene, written by Mr Dallas, about three young boys who signed up for the war. This featured a hybrid Hyland/Irish dance, choreographed and performed by Year 12 pupils, Lily Thompson, Olivia King and Ruby Clarence.A number of our pupils, who are local army cadets, donned their uniforms to take part in our service. They undertook the poignant building of the drum altar at the front of the stage before the act of remembrance itself.As always, this was completed in silence and with great poise and dignity.More musical talent was showcased by the accordion group and everyone enjoyed watching brothers Lewis and Reece, who took to the stage together to perform on the drums and bagpipes. Reece, our Head Boy, has performed with his bagpipes at the Remembrance Service every year since arriving in our school as a Year 8 pupil and we would like to thank him for this.Over the years our pupils have looked forward to these services and there is no shortage of pupils wanting to take part.During the Easter break this year, Mr.Mornin and staff from the History department visited a number of sites on the historic Western Front. Their visit will help to shape the next Remembrance Service. During the visit the school left a wreath and school plaque at the Ulster Tower in memory of those who lost their lives. We would like to thank all staff and pupils who took part in this special service. We are very proud of all pupils who take part and those who respectfully listen.65
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL68The Wolfhound 2024On the 15th of September, Limavady High School held an Interview Skills Day for their Year 12 pupils. The event was attended by 23 employers and representatives from the local community who conducted the interviews.The purpose of the event was to provide the students with an opportunity to practice their interview skills and gain valuable feedback from professionals in various industries. The pupils were given the chance to experience a real-life interview scenario and learn how to present themselves in a professional manner.InterviewSkills DayThe day began with class teachers, who explained the importance of interview skills and how they can impact future job opportunities. They worked on developing positive body language, completing application forms and practising their answers to common interview questions.The students were then divided into groups and assigned to different interviewers.Each student had a 10-minute interview with their assigned interviewer, during which they were asked a series of questions related to their career aspirations, skills, and experience.68
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL69The Wolfhound 2024The interviewers provided constructive feedback on the students’ performance, highlighting areas for improvement, and offering advice on how to enhance their interview skills.The event was a great success, with both the students and the interviewers benefiting from the experience. The students gained valuable insights into the interview process and received feedback from professionals in their desired fields. The interviewers were impressed with the students’ enthusiasm and professionalism, and many expressed interests in offering work experience opportunities to the students in the future.Overall, the Interview Skills Day was a fantastic opportunity for the Year 12 pupils at Limavady High School to develop their interview skills and gain valuable feedback from professionals in their desired fields. The event was a testament to the school’s commitment to providing its students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their future careers.Our thanks go to all employers and representatives for taking the time to participate in our Interview Skills day and to Mrs.McCartney for organising the event. 69
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL70The Wolfhound 2024In December, as part of our ongoing link with Sensata Technologies, pupils were oered the opportunity to take part in a shared S.T.E.M. Workshop, along withSt. Mary’s.60 pupils from both schools took part in 3 workshops throughout the day, focussing on:• Design• Problem Solving• Lean ManufacturingThe workshops were very informave, engaging and fun for everyone involved. Pupils were compeng against one another in each workshop to gain points for their team.LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 202470
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL73The Wolfhound 2024Christmas isn’t complete without our own Carol Service, led by Mr Dallas, which was held in Second Limavady Presbyterian Church towards the end of term. We had readings from pupils spanning all year groups, and a wide range of music, including our school choir, chamber choir, school orchestra and our trad group. Of course, the highlight had to be Year 10’s Berty King singing, “I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas”. Many thanks to Mr Dallas, Miss Kerr and Miss Carton for all their work in helping everyone get into the spirit of Christmas!73
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL75The Wolfhound 2024In December we were privileged to have the Royal Irish Regimental Band perform a concert for the public in our school. Present in the audience were the Lord Lieutenant of County Londonderry and the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens. The biggest honour was when they asked our pupils to take part in the concert. We opened our slot with our school Trad Group, featuring tin whistles, flute, fiddle and harps, playing a selection of slow airs and jigs to get toes tapping. Next up, our Highland Dancers, Lily and Meg Thompson, Grace and Willow Rodgers performed a sword dance which enthralled the audience. Our very own pipes and drums, Reece and Lewis Doherty came next, performing their show pieces which not only impressed the audience, but also the R.I.R. Band and the Mayor who asked them to perform at a civic reception the following week. We finished our performance with our Irish Dancers, Olivia King, Ruby and Emma Clarence, Skye Somers-Allen, Anna and Rebecca McGowan and Bella Reynolds. Later in the evening the Bandmaster, Richard Douglas and Miss Kerr performed a beautiful rendition of “The Snowman”.This was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils, and everyone really enjoyed the evening.75
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL78The Wolfhound 2024This year we held our annual SERV Carol Service in St Mary’s, Limavady. This has become a well-supported event in our calendar, and it is wonderful to see pupils and parents of our partner schools coming together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.The carol service featured readings from our Head Boys and Head Girls, Heads of RE and Principals, and music from our Shared Trad Group, Shared Orchestra, Shared Choir and Shared Chamber Choir.Special thanks must go to Miss Kerr, Head of the Music department, for her tireless work and enthusiasm for our Shared choir. >>>>>>>>>>>>>SERV SERV Carol ServiceCarol Service78
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL81The Wolfhound 2024The Year 13 AS Art and Design class attended at RVACC in January to view an exhibition of new work by the award-winning Sligo-based artist, Aidan Crotty. It is always useful for our pupils to see art in ‘real life’ and we feel very fortunate that the RVACC is within walking distance!81LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLTRiP
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL82The Wolfhound 2024In January, our Year 10 pupils had a great time at GEMX’s interactive roadshow, which took place at North West Regional College. The innovative teaching areas within NWRC also showcased their XR Hub and the Product Design Centre. Pupils were given the chance to engage with interactive tasks and ask any questions they may have about careers in this eld. GEMX (Generating Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence in the North West) aims to inspire the next generation to embrace STEM subjects, explore apprenticeship routes, and ultimately have a massive range of career options. This event served as an excellent networking opportunity for teachers as well.The event was a real success, and we would like to thank GEMX and the other companies for providing an excellent roadshow.GEMX Roadshow 82
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL84The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL84The Wolfhound 2024skiskitriptripOn the 20th January, 37 of our pupils set o on the annual ski trip to Madonna di Campiglio in the Italian mountains. Conditions during the week were superb with fresh snow and blue skies. Our adventures began on the nursery slopes learning the important skills of turning, traversing and most importantly stopping.Lead by the Italian ski instructors our pupils made quick progress and as condence increased it wasn’t long before they ventured higher and higher up the mountain 2024202484
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL85The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL85The Wolfhound 2024attempting some of the blue, red and even some black runs. Here is what some of the pupils had to say about it- Eva Campbell (Year 11)I have travelled on the school ski trip to Italy for the last two years and I can honestly say it is absolutely brilliant! Learning to ski, enjoying the Italian cuisine and making new friends all made it a fantastic experience! Rebecca Leighton (Year 10)This trip was brilliant. We had lots of fun and I really enjoyed going up on the ski lis, the views were amazing. Our instructor was very good and I feel that I made lots of progress during the week.Otis Irwin (Year 10)I was in the advanced group. Ski conditions were excellent and our instructor took us down some of the black runs. I enjoyed the evening entertainment, especially the Pizza night, the teachers were good fun and I enjoyed spending time with my friends. 85
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL86The Wolfhound 2024In January, we were delighted to welcome former pupil Connor Richmond back to school. Connor now works for Two Cities Production company in Belfast, so we jumped at the opportunity to hear all about this fantastic world of work. Connor gave a brilliant presentation about the huge number of jobs in the film industry and his own career, before Year 10 pupils got to work on a script task from the BBC 1 hit show, Blue Lights. It’s always great to hear of pupil success and to hear some behind-the-scenes info! We look forward to hopefully working with Connor again in the future. With thanks to Cinemagic for facilitating.TV ProductionTV ProductionWorkshopWorkshop86
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL87The Wolfhound 20249R put their construction skills to the test whilst studying settlement in geography this year. “In class we were learning about Favelas- self built homes, made from any available material.Mrs Keown gave us some material and we tried to build a house. We were allowed to use anything in the classroom” said Callum Connor. Students had previously looked at images of Shanty Towns all over the world. They focused on conditions in the favelas of Brazil and how the Government have managed them. 9R then built their own versions! Students worked together to construct the ‘houses’, discussing materials needed, strategy in building their homes and how they would furnish the inside. A real active learning lesson enjoyed by all.Geography coming to life for 9R87
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL88The Wolfhound 2024On Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th February, the Year 12 GCSE Hospitality class prepared, cooked and served a three-course Valentine themed meal for 23 guests in total over the two days. They cooked up a storm in the kitchen and the quality of presentation was second to none! A massive thank you to everyone involved, including our guests who motivated and reassured pupils throughout the process. A very successful day! Well done to you all!88
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL89The Wolfhound 2024Miss McConaghy’s Year 11 English class headed to the Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre in February to take part in Limavady’s Steinbeck Festival. This brilliant event highlights John Steinbeck’s connection to the Roe Valley. Pupils watched the film of their exam text, ‘Of Mice and Men’, listened to two informative talks and clapped along to some music from the 1930s. Lily Mills and Miss McConaghy even had the opportunity to talk to Paul Clarke from UTV! The following week we were delighted to watch their interviews in a news report about Steinbeck and his connections to Limavady. LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL89The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL90The Wolfhound 2024This year we took part in a year-long post-primary partnership with the Nerve Centre. This involved their staff coming into school to upskill staff from the Moving Image and Art departments and running pupil workshops. On Tuesday 6th February our Art students from Year 11 and Year 13 were lucky enough to get to participate in a Digital Media Workshop run by The Nerve Centre. They used Adobe Express to develop their digital skills in graphic design. Pupils from the GCSE and AS level Moving Image classes also got expert guidance on using our new editing software.Staff and pupils greatly appreciated the assistance of the Nerve Centre and send our thanks to them. Nerve Centrepartnership90
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL94The Wolfhound 2024The £11million Shared Education Campus in Limavady was officially opened by the First Minister Michelle O’Neill and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly in February. Education Minister Paul Givan accompanied the ministers to view the newly completed campus bringing together St Mary’s and Limavady High School sites with a range of new shared facilities. CCMS, the managing authority for Catholic maintained schools and CSSC, the support body for controlled schools, jointly congratulated Limavady High School and St. Mary’s High School on the official opening of the first Shared Education Campus. Limavady Shared Education Campus is a leading example of shared education and inclusion in action in the Limavady community. The opening of the campus follows decades of cooperation between the two schools ensuring the children and young people in Limavady were educated together.Mark Baker, Chief Executive, CSSC, recognised the achievements of Limavady High School and St. Mary’s High School and the difference shared education has made for generations of children and young people as well as the local Limavady community. He said it reinforces the need for a vision and strategy for education that includes everyone working together and all voices being listened to. He stated, “Shared Education allows pupils from different backgrounds to come together, forge new friendships, experiences and access a broader range of learning opportunities.” CSSC supports our children and young people being educated together and believes that shared education is critical in our changing society. Limavady Shared Education Campus is a fitting testament to the commitment of the innovative school leaders and a legacy of their predecessors. Personally, I would like to congratulate Mr. Mornin and Mrs. Moore and their colleagues on this achievement.” Eve Bremner, Chief Executive, CCMS commended the schools for their long history of sharing. She said, “The new campus will enable pupils of all backgrounds and beliefs to come together and achieve their full potential. It is a reflection of the schools’ commitment to inclusion, innovation and mutual respect. CCMS is proud to be a key stakeholder in this project. We believe strongly in promoting inclusion and diversity within our schools, as well as seeking out opportunities to learn together.” Speaking at the event on the 21 February, First Minister Michelle O’Neill said, “I truly believe that our children and young people deserve every opportunity to be the best they can be. Investing in our schools is vital to ensuring that our young people are able to reach their full potential. The importance of providing spaces where our young people can be educated and learn together should be a central part of all Limavady Shared Education Campus opening - A leading example of shared education and inclusion in action94
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL95The Wolfhound 2024our children’s educational experience. Facilities such as this fantastic Shared Education Campus, deliver not just educational benefits to our children and young people, but promote good relations and respect for identity and diversity and will allow pupils to foster even closer relationships moving forward.”Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly stated that new facilities at the campus will provide an excellent learning environment ensuring a space where children and young people, teachers, and practitioners from both schools can develop long lasting relationships and friendships. She commented, “As well as supporting the development of our children and young people, education campuses like this also help to improve relations that reach much deeper and wider into our communities. While both Limavady High and St Mary’s retain their individual ethos and identity, the shared campus is a physical demonstration of strong, supportive, and interdependent connections between schools and other educational settings which is an important part of our Together Building a United Community (T:BUC) Strategy.”Education Minister Paul Givan welcomed the completion of campus, acknowledging the hugely significant milestone for the St. Mary’s and Limavady High Schools and more widely as this is the first Shared Education Campus to open in Northern Ireland. He described schools as the hub of any community and stated that the campus will have a major impact not only on the school communities, but also on the local community within Limavady and beyond, promoting good relations and creating many positive outcomes.95
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL97The Wolfhound 2024In February we had the biggest event of the year for the music department, which was the launch of the Shared Campus. Miss Kerr and Mr Doherty, St Mary’s Head of Music, had been working towards this performance for months, wanting it to mark the significance of this huge step towards a shared future. We were honoured to have the First Minister, Deputy First Minister, Education Minister and local MLA, Caoimhe Archibald present, and this was our opportunity to show them how pupils and staff from both communities can work together to create something very special.The performance opened with a video created by Miss Kerr and Mr Doherty, featuring drone footage of our beautiful surroundings, showing Binevenagh and the Roe Valley. The theme of the video was the flowing River Roe, witnessing a troubled past but persistently flowing to a better future. Miss Kerr and Mr Doherty wrote a poem which was read over the footage, to the backdrop of music recorded by our Shared Trad Group.In this ancient placeWhere chieftains and kings once ruledHistory whispers lowThrough the echoes of withered struggles,Summoning us to be changemakers; beacons of peace.From ancient mists to modern day, Where time’s tapestry is stitched,Like a winding river that holds the scars of battles past;Hope for a new day blooms.Through time’s unyielding hand, this valley has been shaped by its people;Strong, fierce, but oft divided.Battle and brawl rage time and again, like the ebb and flow of the tide,Faces ever changing, but stories remain fixed.Division. Separation. Conflict.But in the shadow of conflict, as it dances in tandem with its people,There is a ripple of peace trying to take hold.The bravery of the few, a current in the troubled water,Unrelenting in its pursuit of peace.Bravery’s whispers now a roaring tidal wave of change.Cultures once flourishing apart now stronger and richer together.The current of unity persists, relentless, bringing us to a shared future.From strife to peace, this valley knows,The scars of history,Yet hope endures, in each green bend.As we step into a shared future, identities converged but not lost,We stand on the threshold of opportunity.We have a new story to tell.A journey, decades old, yet newIn this placeHistory whispers lowSummoning us to be changemakers, beacons of peace.As the drone moved through the Roe Park, we saw glimpses of Limavady High School pupils and St Mary’s pupils on the banks of the river, we saw Scottish musicians and Launch of the Shared Campus97
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL98The Wolfhound 2024Irish musicians, we saw Highland and Irish Dancers. The imagery, combined with the music and the poem were very moving. Many thanks to pupil Luke McGregor and Mr D. Young for assisting in the shooting of the drone footage.At the end of the video, which was projected onto the screen of our assembly hall, the musicians, singers and dancers from the video entered the stage to begin the live performance. This started with a dance off between a highland and Irish dancer to the music from our shared trad group. This was wonderfully choreographed by our pupils, Olivia King and Lily Thompson.This transitioned into the song, “The Winding River Roe” which was performed by Abbi Bredin and Clara Clements from St Mary’s. This was interrupted by the bellowing drone of the bagpipes and drums as our highland dancers entered. As they danced off, our Shared Choir flowed on to perform Miss Kerr’s arrangement of “The Gem of the Roe” and “Danny Boy” which overlapped beautifully.To conclude our Irish dancers performed before the highland Dancers joined them in a hybrid finale.The ministers and audience remarked on how moving the performance was, highlighting that everyone should be taking inspiration from the young people who come together to celebrate their individual cultures, while having an open mind to create something new and exciting.The pupils have created lasting friendships through this creative process which was celebrated with a joint trip to Brunswick Bowling Alley and the cinema. We congratulate all who took part.98
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL100The Wolfhound 2024Congratulations to our Year Group prize winners in the Pi Day competitions in March. Our Key Stage 3 pupils were challenged to memorise as many digits of Pi as they could– obviously in the right order! We were SO impressed by their amazing efforts!Year 8 winner- Mason McGurk (102 digits)Year 9 winner- Rashi Bhattarai (100 digits)Year 10 winner- Daniel Manning (74 digits)Miss McDowell, Head of Maths, added, “Daniel did know a lot more but hit the wrong button on the day and didn’t get time for a second attempt. He came to me asking for another attempt and I am so impressed with his new total…..256 digits!!!” This is a new LHS total to beat, but there’s plenty of time to get learning for next year!Various other activities were undertaken across the Maths department, with winners (below) rewarded for exceptional work. Year 8 - Reece Thompson (8F) & Corrigan Hallet (8P)Year 9 - Lily McIlreavy (9F) & Sarai Dickson (9H)Year 10 Megan Gahan (10H) & Luca Porter (10F)Well done to all!LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL100The Wolfhound 2024
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL102The Wolfhound 2024In March, Year 13 literature pupils enjoyed an educational visit to the Seamus Heaney HomePlace. Students were able to immerse themselves in Heaney’s wonderful poetry as well as discover key figures and local landmarks which inspired his work. Students were treated to a tour of the exhibition, a university-style lecture and tutorial. It was a great opportunity to consolidate and enhance knowledge of key poems which prepared them for their AS Unit 1 exam. LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL102The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL103The Wolfhound 2024In Personal Development, Year 8 pupils were challenged to come up with a story which perfectly explains our Core Value of Integrity. Jonny Scott from 8F put his imagination to the test and won. We’re sure you’ll agree that this shows great understanding of this important personal quality. Well done, Jonny!The iPhone It was Friday afternoon; school had just finished and we headed into town as we normally do. It was a miserable afternoon and the rain started just as we reached the shops. We ran for cover into the O2 shop and saw an advertisement for the latest iPhone. The man in the shop was giving a demonstration and we couldn’t believe the new features it had. We all listened in awe, imagining what the rest of our friends would say if we got one. There was a discount if we signed up today but when the price was disclosed our excitement soon turned to disappointment as we all knew it was just too expensive and I knew that my parents couldn’t afford it. It was almost £70 per month- as much as our whole family’s phone bill and the home internet. The rain had stopped, so we left the shop and decided to grab some snacks and head to the park. At the park I noticed that one of the benches had a plastic bag sitting on it. There was no one else in the park so I went to take a closer look. It was only after carefully opening the bag I saw inside… it was only a brand new sealed iPhone exactly like the one in the shop! It even had the receipt inside. I shouted for my friends to come over and we all looked inside. I asked them what we should do but I already knew the answer. “We could sell it and divide the money in three” said Mark. Luke said, “Finders PD Story about IntegrityPD Story about Integritykeepers” but I said, “We need to go to the police station in case someone has reported it missing”. To be honest I didn’t really know what someone would do if they lost something so expensive. I just knew if it was me, I would be sad and annoyed. I didn’t know what to do but after a bit of consideration I decided it would be best to report it to the police station and do the right thing. My friends thought I was mad, but I just wanted to do the right thing.I finally got them talked into coming with me and we all headed off. I held onto the bag as tight as I could as I was afraid of someone stealing it from me. As we got to the police station, I realised I was scared. I had never been in a police station before and really didn’t know what to expect. The policeman at the counter looked at me and my friends and asked what we wanted. We explained about finding the bag and not knowing what to do - he told us to wait there and went to get another policeman. At this stage we were really scared but they soon spoke to us and explained that they were very proud of us for doing the right thing, they even said that they knew we must have been tempted to keep it, but they were extremely proud of us all. They even told us they would phone our school and tell Mr.Mornin what kind boys he had as pupils. We all walked out of the police station happy as we knew we had done the right thing. We were even happier when we overheard an elderly lady tell the man at the counter that she had lost her new iPhone today when she had taken her grandson to the park. We knew that her day was going to get so much better, and she would be reunited with her phone after all.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL104The Wolfhound 2024In April, pupils from 10R were involved in a cooking challenge with two Royal Navy chefs. Students were divided into groups of three and used their cutting, whisking, separating, presenting and team working skills to produce chicken kievs accompanied alongside garlic potatoes and a dessert of mini pavlovas. This was all done under time pressure, which really put our pupils to the test!Students also watched a presentation about career opportunities in the Navy. Excellent morning had by all. Thanks very much for joining us, Kathryn and Jon.ROYAL NAVYCOOKING CHALLENGE104
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL105The Wolfhound 2024Yr11 pupils attended a careers convention run by Enterprise Causeway held in Ulster University in April. Pupils had the opportunity to chat to local businesses as well as finding out about courses at the FE colleges, CAFRE, and various universities. It was a great event and the pupils managed to gain lots of knowledge as well as a few goodies to take home!105
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL106The Wolfhound 2024A large group of DOFE students took on Northern Ireland’s highest peak, Slieve Donard, in order to fundraise money for the Air Ambulance Charity. Together, they completed the hike and raised over an amazing £2000!! Year 9 pupil, Ella Nicholl, said of the experience, “It was tough but enjoyable. It felt like it took 5 hours to get to the top, but we felt amazing when we got there.”Well done to everyone involved, and a special thank you to the staff who volunteered to hike alongside pupils. All the students really appreciated their support.106
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL107The Wolfhound 2024In May, Mrs McBeth, Mrs Hylands and Mrs McLaren accompanied 25 of our students on a trip to the Balmoral Show. We teamed up with staff and pupils from St. Mary’s for the day as a way to reward pupils who had top marks in attendance and achievement. Members of the Equestrian team also went. The day was an absolute blast, filled with laughter and sunshine! Pupils enjoyed visiting various stalls, going on the rides and watching the horse riding. We are reliably informed that the highlight for Mrs.McLaren was viewing the sheep!Well done to all the students who represented their schools so well.Shared trip to Balmoral107LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL108The Wolfhound 2024On the first bank holiday weekend of May, Year 12 pupil, Lily Thompson took on an incredible challenge to raise money for Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. Lily covered part of the Causeway Coastal Route - Cushendall to Limavady - by cycling & hiking to the finish line at Limavady High School on Saturday 4th May.She completed the challenge within 24 hours, stopping only to change from bike to hike or for food stops! Altogether, Lily completed a 22 mile cycle, followed by a 26 mile overnight hike and finished off with a 28 mile cycle. On the way, some members of LHS staff caught up with Lily and her mum to keep up their morale. Lily was given superstar treatment when she arrived back to school, after the challenge, by staff keen to celebrate her achievement. We are so proud of Lily for taking on this fantastic – but exhausting- challenge. Lily raised an amazing £2800 to add to our Air Ambulance NI fundraising pot. Congratulations! Here comes Lily! 108
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL109The Wolfhound 2024Hadrian’sWall TripIn early May, 60 Year 8 and Year 9 pupils travelled with 6 staff on a three-day visit to Hadrian’s Wall in Northumbrian England. This seemed the perfect location for the pupils to visit, since they study the Romans in Year 8. We were based at the Sill Youth Hostel near Haltwhistle which proved to be an excellent base. The accommodation was first-class with great amenities for both staff and students.109
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL110The Wolfhound 2024After an early morning departure, we caught a 7am ferry to Scotland, travelling on a Darragh’s coach and a minibus. After a few hours we stopped at Gretna Green for something to eat and a look around this famous historic town. Although none of us got married on our short visit, we did see several weddings taking place. Leaving here, we stopped off at the quaint little town of Brampton where we had a look around and purchased food. After settling into our accommodation and having our evening meal, we left for a two-hour walk along Hadrian’s Wall to the famous Sycamore gap, recently in the news after the famous tree on the site was cut down by vandals. The wall looked spectacular as we climbed along the rises and falls. Several pupils dressed as Roman soldiers, which helped us imagine what life was like in Roman times. Some hours later we returned to the hostel for supper and a good night’s sleep.The next morning in beautiful sunshine we visited the Roman fort of Vindolanda, just a kilometre away. It was like a mini Pompeii, we could see the remains of shops, houses, temples and the army camp itself as well as some reconstructed buildings. A short break at the shop passed the morning and we left for our next stop – the Roman Army museum at Carvoran where we ate our packed lunches and spent the afternoon in various activities. We also had a twenty-minute school lesson by a Roman teacher who was actually a hologram. We learned a little Latin and everyone enjoyed the experience, even the staff. We also watched a film based on life on the wall and viewed various exhibitions on Roman army life. We returned to our base for an hour’s rest before heading to the town of Hexham, where everyone had a good old McDonalds for supper.The third day was to be a Norman Day. It began with a visit to the Norman Priory at Lanercost, where we saw how the Normans built their priory using a keep as the centre. As we were leaving, the church service in the priory was ending so we were able to go inside. We were treated to a private recital on the great pipe organ by a visiting organist, who received much applause from a very impressed audience of pupils!After this, we visited Carlisle to see the Norman castle, the cathedral and the town. Another highlight, by coincidence, was a parade by the Border Regiment, complete with military band. In the mid-afternoon, after a couple of hours free time to eat and shop, we made our way back to Cairnryan to catch the ferry home. A really enjoyable education was had by all.We thank all the staff who supervised the pupils on this trip. Special thanks must also go to Miss.J.Gilfillan for her impeccable organisation and to Mr Dallas for bringing the Romans to life! 110
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL112The Wolfhound 2024At the beginning of May, Mrs Jack and Miss McAlister took a group of creative Key Stage 3 pupils to a costume design workshop in Northern Regional College, Coleraine.We listened to Artist Úna Hickey who gave a 15-minute presentation about costume for film. Una showed some images from films she has been involved in, told us about the various roles within the department and how she got into the industry and explained the sort of skills needed for the job. We then had a 1hr 30-minute workshop where students learnt some techniques used in a Costume Breakdown Department to make the costumes look worn, faded, sweaty and dirty using various methods.They used lots of everyday utensils alongside specialised paints, vaseline and other messy products to create authentic zombie costumes! Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and came away with lots of new knowledge about the industry. With thanks to Cinemagic for the invite!112
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL115The Wolfhound 2024At the end of May, the PTA organised a colour run in aid of our Air Ambulance NI fundraising. Unfortunately, the bitterly cold weather was more like winter than early summer! Nevertheless, the 180 participants were not put off and donned the obligatory bright white t-shirts before heading out to the playing fields. PTA members and LHS staff were waiting with buckets of powder paint at the ready! The highlight seemed to be the waterslide – even though the cold water added to the already-Baltic temperatures. The grand total raised was an impressive £4385. We would like to say Thank you to our fantastic PTA and to Mrs Rosborough for organising the event.for Air Ambulance NIColourColourRunRunLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL115The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL116The Wolfhound 2024In the middle of May, a team of cyclists from Limavady High School staff embarked on a cycling challenge that saw them rack up close to 110 miles throughout the day. They departed school to make their way to Toome and then completed a lap of Lough Neagh, finishing their lap back in Toome. This challenge was to raise money for the school’s Air Ambulance NI appeal.We would like to thank HQ Fitness Academy by Sam Conley for sponsoring our fantastic jerseys and Oscar Harper for donating a vehicle for the day to be used as a support vehicle. Once again, a massive thanks to Mr and Mrs Bingham who gave up their Saturday and kept our cyclists supplied and hydrated.Along the way they met some brilliant people, who donated some money to the challenge. The grand total raised was just over £3000. This was a fantastic effort - well done to all! Mr S YoungLap of the LoughCharity CycleChallengeLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024116
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL117The Wolfhound 2024At the end of the year, Spanish culture came to life in the drama theatre as Señorita María took to the stage to show our junior classes a traditional Spanish dance. They even got to practise some of the moves themselves and try to put them all together to perform a full dance sequence.A lot of fun was had but it was unquestionably harder than it looked. Señorita María made it look effortless and the pupils were blown away by her flamenco dance skills. ‘Gracias’ Senorita Maria and Mrs.Dillon for enabling us to experience this iconic dance, song, and music style.117
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL118The Wolfhound 2024BedrockVocabularyPupils in KS3 at Limavady High School have had another successful year working on the interactive programme, ‘Bedrock Vocabulary’A key literacy focus in our school is improving vocabulary. For our students, learning more words gives them access to greater depth in their learning. Bedrock allows that to happen, because vocabulary enrichment is a whole school curriculum, not just an English curriculum. Bedrock supports our work in the areas of reading and oracy, but all of those things can only work if you’ve got the building blocks of the words and it’s about making the links between lessons. The words the students use in Bedrock, are relevant to other topics and things that are going on in their classes around school.118
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL119The Wolfhound 2024Being able to communicate through the written and spoken word is such a strength. It gives you confidence and that’s one of the things we can give our students; It’s all down to words and being empowered by words!Pupils in Years 8 and 9 had one lesson of Bedrock in the library each week. They also undertook one lesson as part of their homework schedule. We have continued to celebrate our ‘Bedrock Leaders’ and our ‘Bedrock Rising Stars’ with certificates and prizes throughout the year. Every pupil has also had the opportunity to become part of our ‘100% Club’ and win spot prizes and certificates for achieving 100% in end of topic tests. This has been a great learning incentive whilst allowing pupils of all abilities to shine and be recognised on our library wall of fame. With thanks to Mrs M Kelly and Mrs Forrest for their continued hard work behind the scenes and to Barbara in the library for always having the chromebooks ready!119
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL120The Wolfhound 2024BRONZELimavady High School has a great record of running the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. This year saw the scheme continue a positive trajectory and give opportunities to many students who got to see the outdoors from a different perspective for the first time. The scheme gives young people the opportunity to build resilience, develop problem solving skills as well as work as a team in sometimes difficult circumstances.It is these skills and qualities that young people develop during Duke of Edinburgh Award that characterises them as hard working and determined individuals. Moreover, not only does the scheme provide the opportunities to get outdoors, but also to volunteer, learn a new skill and take part in a physical activity. This year, we saw students take part in new skills such as baking, learning new instruments, racing and first aid. LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL120The Wolfhound 2024This academic year saw a small group of Year 10 participants take part in a Bronze Practice and Bronze Qualifying hike. The practice expedition consisted of the participants walking a loop around Binevenagh, through the forest and up to the lake, and then contouring around the cliff edges and back to the car park. This challenged many pupils, with the hill being relatively steep on the climb up. All participants worked well in their teams and showed a real interest in navigating. This was an introduction for them orientating a map, taking a bearing, judging their speed of walking and working as a team in a mountain environment. All participants went on to complete a qualifying expedition, which saw the girls and boys set off from two different start points. The girls and boys camped in their respective areas and left their camp site gleaming the next morning. All staff members were very proud of their efforts during their hike. Every participant who began the expedition passed! We hope to encourage many of the Year 10s to go on and complete their Silver Award. Well done on a fantastic year. We all wish you well with the rest of the Award!
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL121The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL121The Wolfhound 2024The Silver Award participants took part in their Silver Practice in the Mournes and will complete their qualifying expedition in September. They have been dedicated to their different sections since the beginning of the year with them all volunteering SILVERin local places, learning new skills, and building themselves up physically.During their expedition, they camped beside a filming set. Many students watched as the film stars left their days work, driving straight past the participants. Students commented on how they saw Amelia Clarke and Liam Hemsworth! Overall, the Silver Groups did amazingly and developed their navigating skills well. They look forward to their final expedition in September.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL122The Wolfhound 2024This year’s Gold Groups took part in their practice expedition in the Mourne Mountains to brush up their navigating skills before their Gold qualifying expedition in June. They all completed this successfully. At the time of this publication going to print, the Gold expedition was well underway. We are positive that these young people will do their utmost to secure their award. We would like to thank Mr Linton and his team for all of their efforts in organising expeditions and supporting our Bronze, Silver and Gold participants in their DofE journeys. Their ongoing enthusiasm for this worthwhile pursuit is to be commended. GOLDLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL122The Wolfhound 2024122
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL124The Wolfhound 2024Buckingham Palace Participants who achieved their Gold Award were invited to attend a ceremony at Buckingham Palace in May 2024. This Gold Award celebration event was held in the gardens of Buckingham Palace and hosted by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. The event took place outside with approximately 6,000 people in attendance. It was a lovely day as Mr Mornin (School Principal) and Mr Linton (Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator) both attended. All of the families got together in the evening to enjoy a meal together in the heart of London. This was a special day for everyone involved. Mr Linton aims to have students achieving this award on an annual basis. It takes over a year to achieve the Gold Award and it is an exceptional award for hard work, patience, and time. Let’s hear from some students about what they thought about their experiences doing Duke of Edinburgh Award ranging from Bronze through to Gold.Ruby: Duke of Ed was a great experience for me. I have learnt many of things such as map skills, working as a team and how to put up a tent. I would recommend Duke of Ed to everyone as it is hard, but you have the best of craic and loads of memories are made! Caleb: I really enjoyed the outdoor element of the award. The camping and setting up camp was something different. I really enjoyed the hiking and physical challenge of the hike. The cooking tea on the camping stove was fun and not something I’ve done before. It’s a great way to spend time with friends and have new experiences.Kaytee: This year I loved DofE. I loved going out on a longer expedition and I made new friends from different schools on the campsite. I also made closer relationships with my peers. I made lots of fun memories to tell my future children about! These are memories that will last a lifetime.Brandon: I really enjoyed the bronze DofE hike, even though we got lost a few times! Being with my friends and working as a team was great, we all got safely to the end point and completed the challenge. Cameron: The silver hike was challenging. However, I had a great time with my friends hiking and climbing the Mourne mountains seeing some amazing views along the way.Carla: Being the only student from St. Mary’s to partake in Duke of Ed was quite intimidating at first, given that I was in a completely new setting with completely new people and no idea what to expect from the experience. However, with a warm welcome from staff and the other participants, there was not a single time I felt out of place or excluded during any meetings or practice expedition. Overall, partaking in DOFE is something that I believe brought out the best in me. While the experience can be challenging at times, I’m glad that I was persuaded to do it as I’ve made friends with people I had never spoken to before. It has also helped me to realise my own physical and mental capabilities.Isaac: I have had an amazing experience taking part in Duke of Edinburgh! I have learnt so much about how to read a map and make route cards. It has also given me the chance to improve on various interpersonal skills and helped me make new friends with people I rarely get to LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL124The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL125The Wolfhound 2024speak to when I am at school. Also, doing volunteering in the local community helps improve my confidence and gives me a chance to get to know more people living in my area. Overall, it has helped me gain experience and skills for future careers. Stuart: Throughout this year, I have been working towards my gold award, with my expedition taking place at the end of the year. Since the start of the year, I have been working towards the three different sections of the Duke of Edinburgh award: physical, volunteering, and skills. Through each of these I have developed both my skills and my involvement within my community. Also, earlier this year I completed my silver award and was recently presented with my certificate. The Duke of Edinburgh award has been a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone thinking of doing it in the future.LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL125The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL126The Wolfhound 2024Well done to our LHS pupils who attend NWRC Greystone on completing a successful year.Congratulations to Finlay, Casey and John who received certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in Tiling; and to Mark and Teddy, who received certificates for 1st and 3rd respectively in Brickwork.Well done boys!126YEAR 11YEAR 11OccupationalOccupationalStudiesStudies
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL127The Wolfhound 2024fiewo geogphy 3127In June, the Geography department embraced National Fieldwork Fortnight across Key Stage 3.Each class carried out an investigation based on local issues which ranged from traffic to land use to litter.Throughout the week, students collected primary data in and around Limavady to help them answer an enquiry question. Fieldwork is a brilliant opportunity for students to get out of the classroom, learn new skills and apply their learning to real-life scenarios.National Fieldwork Fortnight promotes an ethos of fieldwork for all, and the Geography department embodied this throughout the week by taking everyone outside to learn on their feet!
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL128The Wolfhound 2024On Friday 14th June, 9P and their Form Tutor Mrs. O’Neill held a very successful Mini Hyrox event in aid of Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. In case you’re not sure what a mini hyrox event even is, it involves running a 1km lap then completing a physical activity, running another lap, then completing a different physical activity and so on. The Year 9 participants completed 8 laps and ‘enjoyed’ activities such as farmer’s lift and lifting medicine balls. Thankfully, the rain held off and pupils thoroughly enjoyed the challenge! Congratulations to Year 8 pupil Iona Scott and Year 10 pupil Ty Rocque for being the overall champions! Thank you to Mrs. O’Neill, 9P and all other helpers for a brilliant event which raised £133 for Air Ambulance Northern Ireland.128
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL130The Wolfhound 2024Leavers ‘24sixth formLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL130The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL131The Wolfhound 2024Leaving Limavady High, oh what a thrill,Class of 2024, you’re ready to chill!Thanks to Head Girl Caitlyn, always shining bright and Head boy Reece with his bagpipes, what a sight.Mr. Mornin, our headmaster bold,With Mrs. Rosborough and Mr. Murdoch to hold,Leading us well with an open mind,Encouraging you all to work hard and be kind. Here’s to Mrs. Mornin, with gratitude and cheer,For being your supervisor, condant, and advisor so dear,You’ll carry her lessons with you, as you take ight,And always remember her guiding light.Mr McCarry’s class was as quiet as a mouse,We tried to get them to speak, but they were as still as a house.Mr McConnell’s class, on the other hand, was quite the sight,They wanted to kung-fu ght, but no .... “not tonight!”But despite their quirks, you’ll miss them all the same,they helped you through the years, and for that, you can’t complain,So here’s to Mr McCarry and Mr McConnell, your form tutors true,They will never forget the memories they’ve made with you!Your head of year, a role so grand,Keeping tabs on you all, with a steady hand,Sending parent mail messages, with despair Leavers’ poem 2024Chasing coursework, to ensure it was nally there.Reporting attendance, like a hawk on a hunt,Trying to improve time keeping, like a clockwork stunt,As the head of year, I’m here to say,I have listened to your worries, many a day,A space to vent, I can gladly provide,Or a reassuring hug, to help you glideAnd if you needed a push, to get you going,I’ve given a boot up the bum, to keep you owing,The rst shared campus in Northern Ireland, what a success,You made new friends from St. Mary’s, and were truly blessed,You learned and laughed together, and made memories to last,But walking in the rain, oh boy, that was a pain in the ass.The formal in December, what a night to remember,The committee had a falling out, but they still pulled it together,All looking gorgeous, in your dresses and suits,Dancing the night away, with no time for disputesDuke of Ed hikes, a challenge so great,Camping outside, with nature as your mate,Two hours behind, and tears along the way,But Mr Young’s, made it all okay!A few long term romances, let me know if I need a hat,They’ve been together for years, imagine that,They’ve weathered the storms, and stood the test of time,And now they’re ready to take on the world, in their prime.As the chapter ends, a new one begins,Adventures await, with so many wins,Trips abroad to explore new lands,University life with new friends and plans.Apprenticeship roles, to learn and grow,And new opportunities, to help you glow,The future is bright, with so much in store,And the possibilities, are endless and much much more.So embrace the change, with an open heart,And let the journey, be your work of art,For the end of a chapter, is just the start,Of a new adventure, that will set you apart.I have been honoured to be your head of year,But let’s be real, it’s time to cheer,You’re leaving this place, but you’ll never forget,The laughs, the tears, the memories you’ve met.So here’s to the future, and all that it holds,You’ll take on the world, and break all the moulds,Leaving Limavady High, but never really gone,You’ll always be a part of it, and that’s where you belong.LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL131The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL132The Wolfhound 2024Our year was rounded off with the much talked about Talent Show, and what a list of acts we witnessed! Everything from cheerleading and gymnastics, to highland and Irish Dancing, guitar playing, drumming and singing. We squeezed all pupils and staff into the assembly hall and the atmosphere was electric. The tone of the afternoon was set when our Master of Ceremonies, Mr Murdoch took to the stage donned in a (not) very expensive looking tux, converse and wig which shaved 20-odd years off him. Next in came our glamorous judging panel. Amanda Holden flew in from the Maldives, Simon Cowell made it from LA, David Walliams swam from London and Alesha Dixon came undercover in a hoodie and combats, full of sarcastic comments! Mr Murdoch earned his fish supper that evening through his non-stop costume changes between each act. He took to the stage in a variety of versions of our school uniform; school blazer with a tie hanging out of the pocket, a very short school skirt with cycling shorts underneath, pocketfuls of BPM, even chewing on a bread roll which he discarded into the audience. Some might even have thought he was trying to impersonate our pupils!Our acts captivated and stunned the audience, bringing joy and emotion. The judges had a very difficult decision to make, but we think they made the right choice!LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL132The Wolfhound 2024132
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL133The Wolfhound 20241st place : Cassie and Charley McAleese – modern dance2nd place : Grace Rodgers and Ellie Bartlett – cheerleading/gymnastics3rd place : Amy McKay – singing and playing guitarAudience Choice : Axl Guyler-Kincaid – singingAmy McKay, in third place, said,“I absolutely loved the talent show.I loved getting to play guitar in front of loads of people, especially because it’s a new hobby of mine. This was a real confidence booster!” Charley McAleese, who won alongside her cousin Cassie, stated, “I was so nervous but once I heard the crowd cheering it was like all my worries went away. It was an amazing experience, and I would 100% do it again.”This was a thoroughly enjoyable way to end our school year. As always, Miss Kerr has been at the forefront of these types of events and the talent show was no exception. We would like to pay tribute to her for all her time and efforts in helping our pupils shine! LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL133The Wolfhound 2024133
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL134The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL134The Wolfhound 2024TALENT SHOWTALENT SHOW..................................
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL135The Wolfhound 2024135..................................It has been another busy year at Limavady High School Youth Club and the young people have had the opportunity to take part in a variety of fun and educational activities. It was great to see so many young people join our different groups - Junior Club 1, Junior Club II, Junction 10, Youth Award and Club 12.This year, as part of our Year 8 & Year 9 programme, young people were able to complete the Super 7 Award. This involved trying out 7 new sports such as hockey, archery, netball, cricket, basketball and rugby. The group were fortunate to receive multi sports coaching from Skill School NI. As part of their Better Life Award the young people took part in the Take 5 Programme which allowed them to connect with people around them, be active, take notice, keep learning and to give. This year, again, our Year 10 youth club members participated in the Fusion + programme which was facilitated by Springboard Opportunities. The aim of this programme was to unite young people of different traditions across the Northwest 135LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL136The Wolfhound 2024through creativity, active citizenship and discussion-based workshops and to work on themes such as Good Relations and Teambuilding.We were very fortunate this year to have Geoff Baird from Ascert Life Skills who came into the club for 6 weeks and worked with our Year 10 and 11 pupils. During this time, he addressed issues currently facing this age group and promoted strategies for positive mental health and wellbeing. A year at Youth Club is not complete without a few trips and this year was no exception. We had our annual visit to the Maize Maze as well as an evening at Limitless Adventure Centre and trips to Carrowmena Activity Centre and The Jet Centre. Limavady High School Youth Club members also enjoyed an evening at Brunswick Moviebowl where they were joined by St Mary’s Youth Club. Our end of year activities and awards evening took place in June. This was an opportunity for Limavady High School Youth Club staff, members and friends and family to celebrate the participation and engagement of our young people in this year’s youth programmes. Another very successful year in the life of LHS Youth Club!With thanks to Mrs Burns and her team for another successful year in our Youth Club. LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024136
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL137The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024youthyouthWe are so proud of all our pupils who have We are so proud of all our pupils who have been attending singing, piano, clarinet, flute, been attending singing, piano, clarinet, flute, violin, drums and guitar lessons this year violin, drums and guitar lessons this year in school. Listed are some pupils who have in school. Listed are some pupils who have completed graded exams this year.completed graded exams this year.Lewis Doherty won the World Drumming Solos Lewis Doherty won the World Drumming Solos in Glasgow, achieving his first World Champion in Glasgow, achieving his first World Champion status.status.Pupil Successes in musicPupil Successes in musicIndie Ogilby Nutt – Grade 6 SingingIndie Ogilby Nutt – Grade 6 SingingLilly-Grace Mills – Grade 4 SingingLilly-Grace Mills – Grade 4 SingingMatilda Birney – Grade 5 Singing Matilda Birney – Grade 5 Singing Abbie Harkin – Grade 5 SingingAbbie Harkin – Grade 5 SingingMiley Magee – Grade 3 PianoMiley Magee – Grade 3 PianoAaron Jack – Grade 5 FluteAaron Jack – Grade 5 Flute137
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL138The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL138The Wolfhound 2024We started off our campaign with a home game against Loreto College. A very high energy game with lots of chances created by both teams, saw LHS claim a narrow 4-3 victory to get the season off to a good start.In the next game, we played a very strong Cross and Passion team and got off to a great start against the run of play to lead 1-0. In the second half 138BOYSFOOTBALL
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL139The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL139The Wolfhound 2024Cross and Passion came out with attack after attack and the LHS defence conceded 2 goals to lose this match 2-1.Three points from this group was enough to see us qualify for the semi-final to play to our next door neighbours and shared education partners –St Marys.This local derby was a very entertaining match with some excellent attacking football played by both teams.Unfortunately for us, we just convert all of the chances we created and St Mary’s finishing was just better on the day. We lost this semi final 5-2 but are looking forward to going one better next season. 139
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL140The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL140The Wolfhound 2024To start the season off, LHS had a tough trip away to play a solid Ballymoney High School team. We were 3-2 down with 5mins left in the game, but kept battling and managed to score not 1 but 2 very late goals to come from behind and snatch the win and 3 points. Next up was Cross and Passion away. They had some very powerful players in midfield that we struggled to contain and found ourselves 2-0 down early in the first half. But we kept going and managed to get a goal back in the second half. Cross and Passion scored a 3rd and then we got a second to make it 3-2.We pushed hard then to get the equaliser but Cross and Passion caught us with a quick counter attack and wrapped up their victory with another goal to make it 4-2.It came down to a must win game at home to Dominican in order for us to qualify for the semi-final. We were really up for this game and got off to a great start to lead 2-0 at half time.Dominican got a penalty to make it 2-1 and then Isaac Cowan settled our nerves making it 3-1. With less that 10mins left, we tried to sit deep and defend our lead but we couldn’t stave off the relentless attacks from Dominican and conceded 2 lates goals to lose 4-3.140
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL141The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL141The Wolfhound 2024The Y10 football team faced a series of challenges during their season as they prepared for competitive matches in their league. Unfortunately, the season did not go according to plan and they were unable to advance to the next phase of matches. Despite the setbacks, the team performed well throughout the season, but they were left disappointed due to unfortunate circumstances during the games. It is important to acknowledge the exceptional contributions of captain Ty Roque, goalkeeper Callum Browne, and right back Freddie Cooke, who was recognised as the player of the season. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that six Year 9 pupils, such as Harvey McDaid, Evan Anderson, Isaac Cowan, Luke Goligher, and Jamie Alcorn, made a significant leap by becoming part of the team and played their roles magnificently.141BOYSFOOTBALL
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL142The Wolfhound 2024Year 11FootballLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL142The Wolfhound 2024The Y11 football team faced numerous obstacles during their season as they prepared for the competitive matches in their league. Due to unlucky circumstances, the season did not unfold according to their plans, and they were unable to progress to the next stage of matches. Despite the setbacks, the team displayed commendable performance throughout the season.However, luck was not on their side, leading to disappointment during the games. It is worth mentioning the exceptional contributions of Harry Rankin, who scored an incredible goal from a free kick, as well as Harvey Rodgers-Mclaughlin and Team captain and player of the season Jacob McArthur, who were recognised as the standout players of the year.142BOYSFOOTBALL
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL143The Wolfhound 2024Year 12FootballLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL143The Wolfhound 2024The Y12 football team began training for the respective matches in their league. The season did not go as planned for the boys who were left bitterly disappointed when they did not make it to the next phase of matches. However, some players had stand out performances during the season. Bobby Baird’s form continued from school games into his club side. His performances for Limavady High School saw him get scouted to play for QUB Future Stars team. This was an incredible achievement. Bobby scored goals in every match and was a constant threat to any side we faced, his quick movements and silky touches saw him stand out in every game.We have no doubt Bobby has a great future in the game. There were many other stand out performances during the school season, including Reef Roque and Daniel Smyth. A special mention must go to Year 9 student, Isaac Cowan who performed a nearly man of the match display against Magherafelt High School in an away match, where he worked harder than anyone else. Well done to all the players from all the teams this season.143
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL144The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL144The Wolfhound 20242023-2024 Girls FootballOver the 2023-2024 school year the girls’ football team has exceeded all expectations. The girls started off in mini tournaments and cup matches, then finished off the year with a girl’s football league competing against local schools.Coleraine University – Electric Ireland mini tournament In October, a group of Year 8 girls attended their first football tournament of the year at Coleraine University where they achieved 3rd and 4th in their groups. The two teams showed fantastic teamwork throughout and were a great encouragement to each other on pitch and from the sidelines. This was a great start for the girls and helped to build their confidence going forward.Oakgrove – Cup match In November the girls travelled to Oakgrove Integrated College to compete in their first match of the 9-a-side Electric Ireland Cup. After a competitive, fast-changing game, the Y8 match finished 2-2 which brought the girls to penalties. The girls were strong throughout, with special mention to goalkeeper Anna McGurk who did exceptionally well under pressure. Unfortunately, the girls lost 4-3 on penalties. Great determination and teamwork skills were shown which led the team to strive for success in the matches ahead.Player of the match = Kelly RobinsonThe Year 9 girls played an 11-a-side match which saw goals from Dana McDaid. Amy Heaney did brilliantly to save several goal attempts. The girls played exceptionally well , so it was a shame to lose 2-1 but Oakgrove had the better team on the day.Player of the match = Amy HeaneyFootball Blitz – Coleraine Rugby Avenue In March, the U13 girls football team headed to Coleraine to participate in a Football Blitz. The girls played exceptionally well, winning their first 3 matches. The last match took a turn when the girls were 1-0 up thanks to Kelly Robinson. In the final 2 minutes we lost the match 2-1.However, we left feeling very positive; the girls demonstrated fantastic teamwork skills and great encouragement to each other throughout. 144
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL145The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL145The Wolfhound 2024North Coast Girls Football LeagueMatch 1:LHS 7 - Dalriada 2The girls first match of the NCGFL was played at home against Dalriada. The girls started off strongly, scoring 4 goals in the first half. The goals were set up and scored by Emma Clarence and Kelly Robinson, who showed fantastic teamwork throughout. The girls didn’t slow down in the second half; Cianna Murphy scored 3 more goals taking the girls to 7-0. Sophie Purcell and Amybrooke Heaney did fantastically in defence. Dalriada came back briefly to bring it to 7-1. The last few minutes of the match brought a hand ball and penalty to Dalriada, giving them a second goal. A big mention must go to Anna McGurk for keeping so many potential goals out of the net! The team have been getting stronger throughout the year and this match has proved how well the team work together. This was a great start to the NCGFL for the girls! Player of the match = Kelly Robinson145GIRLSFOOTBALL
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL146The Wolfhound 2024Match 2:LHS 4 -Coleraine College 1The second match of the NCGFL brought a home match against Coleraine College. Cianna Murphy led the team exceptionally, scoring the first 3 goals in the first 16 minutes. Emma Clarence came in to score another taking the girls to 4-0 just before half time. In second half, the girls helped defend their side brilliantly. Teegan O’Connor did a fantastic job in keeping the ball up the pitch and away from the opposition. In the last 2 minutes Coleraine College received a penalty from a hand ball finishing the match 4-1 to LHS. The girls were really going from strength to strength, excelling in their play and teamwork every match, never giving up through the entire match. Bring on Match 3!LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL146The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSFOOTBALL
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL147The Wolfhound 2024Match 3: LHS 2 – Dominican 1Match 3 of the NCGFL brought a home match against Dominican College. The girls showed fantastic passing and teamwork skills to try and clinch their first goal. The opposition were a strong side, and the girls did well to keep it goalless at half time. Dana McDaid and Maddison Kennedy helped the team massively by keeping the ball and putting pressure on the opposition.Three minutes into second half brought a goal from Kelly Robinson, who had been playing brilliantly throughout. Anna McGurk and the girls in defence kept focus throughout the entire match which helped the team massively. With 3 minutes left of the match, an injured Emma Clarence scored a superb goal, we were leading 2 - nil. With 1 minute to go, Dominican scored, finishing 2-1 to the LHS girls. Semi-final match was next!At the time of going to print the girls had reached the final in the ‘North Coast Girls Football League.’ The girls have worked so hard to get to this point. It has shown how much they have progressed, individually and as a team, over this year. The girls have shown amazing skill individually and shown what the definition of teamwork is, by working together to achieve such great results in our current league.Our player of the year is Emma Clarence. Emma always shows up, never gives up and keeps team morale and spirit up throughout every training session and match.Huge thanks go to Miss Canning and Mrs Cole for their enthusiasm and coaching throughout the year. We look forward to seeing how this young team progresses next year!LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL147The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSFOOTBALL
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL148The Wolfhound 2024Throughout the year pupils from 10H,P,I and R took part in the Gateway Football Values Programme. The programme focused on developing the values of Responsibility, Respect, Positivity, Fairplay and Inclusion through football. Coaches from the IFA and FAI came into school and delivered the course during the pupils PE sessions.In March the boys from 10H travelled to Buncrana to take part in a Cross-Border Football Festival with Crana College and Carn Community School to conclude their participation in the programme. Our pupils took part in a variety of teambuilding activities before and then applied their skills and values in the tournament at the end of the day. The boys from 10H were great ambassadors for our school. In April pupils from 10I and R took part in a tournament in Limavady to mark the end of the project. Our pupils joined pupils from St Marys Limavady, Moville Community College, Carn Community College and Crana College.Jacob McNeill was awarded a trophy for displaying positive values at the tournament. Great recognition of his attitude and effort over the course of the programme. Gateway Football Values ProgrammeGateway Football Values ProgrammeLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL148The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL149The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL149The Wolfhound 2024149
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL150The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL150The Wolfhound 2024BOYSRUGBYRugby Report 2024Throughout the year we have fielded 3 age group teams in the various league and cup competitions. We would also like to acknowledge the support of Limavady Rugby Club and Adam Kelly, the community development officer, who has been in school during the year to help grow the game. under 12RugbyThe under 12 team coached by Mr Tate has had a great start to their playing time at LHS. They have taken part in a number of tournaments and blitzes and performed really well. It should be noted that a few boys in the team were introduced to rugby for the first time this year and it has been great to see them develop. In the first blitz in Ballymena the boys came away undefeated after beating Dunclug, Magherafelt, Abbey college and Cullybackey high school, scoring 29 tries and conceding only 2.150
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL151The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL151The Wolfhound 2024In their second blitz in Ballymoney they remained unbeaten after victories against Cullybackey and Sperrin integrated. They progressed onto the Ulster finals in Lisburn and made it through to the semi-finals, but unfortunately they were narrowly defeated by Castlederg. It was great to see the progress the team made throughout the season. Credit is due to players like Ryan Leighton, Shea McVeigh, Paul O’Kane and Denis Zakharov in the forwards. Ryan McAleese, Flynn murphy, Joel young and Daniel Caskey also put in great performance in the backs. Well done all the boys who played for the team during the year.Player of the year - Ryan McAleese
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL152The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL152The Wolfhound 2024BOYSRUGBYunder 14RugbyThis team was made up of boys from Years 9 and 10, it was great to see them playing together. Unfortunately, we came up against boys who were both bigger and physically stronger and we found the games quite tough. There were many steep learning curves, but the boys did show heart and never gave up. We were on the wrong end of the score line against Lisneal, Ballymoney High and St.Columb’s but even though our backs were against the wall, we did show glimpses of good rugby and passion and we always managed to get over the try line. Focusing on the basics of tackling, running hard with the ball, and retaining the ball are some of the things we must develop next year. In the forwards, MJ Reilly, Caleb Murphy, Lucas Carlin and Jason Ujuanbi impressed on occasions and in the backs, led fearlessly by Arthur Hylands, Luca Porter, William Semple, Luke Goligher and Freddie Cooke looked dangerous at times. In our last game of the season against St.Columbs, Donegal we managed a draw and that was as good as a victory to the boys!Player of the year – Arthur HylandsCredit must go to Mr Caskey and Mr Tate for their work with the teams and to all the players who have attended training and represented the school on the pitch.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL153The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL153The Wolfhound 2024BOYSRUGBYunder 16RugbyThe 2023/24 season kicked off in September with great excitement and optimism for the season ahead.Training was facilitated by Mr Caskey, who was supporting by Adam Kelly (Y.D.O. LRFCC) and Mark Hylands (LRFCC). First up, the team travelled down to Limavady Rugby Club to compete in a 7s tournament, along with 5 other local schools. The boys competed in 5 matches, each 15 minutes long. They won an impressive 4/5 games, scoring 25+ tries and only conceding 8. 153
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL154The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL154The Wolfhound 2024BOYSRUGBYunder 16RugbyThe Pollock Cup The Pollock Cup consisted of 4 groups, with each group made up of 4 schools from each region, with the top 2 qualifying for the quarter finals. First up was Ballymoney High School at home. The game was played a very wet and miserable day, but this didn’t stop both teams putting on a very impressive display of rugby. This was a tough test for the boys and although loosing 24-0 there was so many positives to take from the game. The attitude and comradery that the boys played with was clear from the very beginning. Next up was a trip to Lisneal College. This was a highly competitive game with both sides producing an excellent display of rugby! The boys went 12-0 down but managed to respond with 27 unanswered points in the 2nd half! Amazing passion and determination from everyone! The final group game saw the boys travel to Carndonagh Community School, winning 10 -7. This meant that the team finished 2nd in the North/Northwest region and would progress to the quarter finals of the competition. The Quarter Final was drawn, the bus was booked and off we headed to Dunclug College in Ballymena to play the quarter final. We knew this would be a formidable test, away from home against a very impressive high school side. Donning our brand-new kits kindly sponsored by JKC BMW and Exorna SPAR the boys were ready for battle! The weather was dry (for once) and the first half saw both teams produce some impressive running rugby. Dunclug took the first half, leading 10-0. This was not the first time we had gone behind in a game and after some inspiring words from captain Zac Maguire the team went out and won the 2nd half 19-7, taking the match 19-17. A few standout performances included Ben Brennan, Ross Carmichael and Isaac Stubbs Carton. Renditions of Sweet Caroline echoed around the changing rooms of Ballymena Rugby Club – a song that would become our team anthem for the season!
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL155The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL155The Wolfhound 2024The Semi-final draw saw us face Craigavon Senior High School in the Semi Final of the Pollock Cup. The venue would be a neutral one - Meadowbank, Magherafelt. The boys played out of their skin and put their bodies on the line to try and compete against a very strong Craigavon side.Unfortunately, the result did not go our way, but we walked away with our heads held high knowing we competed against one of the strongest high school sides in the province. By reaching the Semi Finals of the Pollock Cup we qualified as one of the seeded teams for the prestigious High Schools Trophy.U16 High Schools Trophy
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL156The Wolfhound 2024156As one of the seeded teams we joined the competition at the round of last 16. We drew a home fixture against Castlederg High School. The confidence the boys took from their Pollock cup charge was evident in this game.They played with flair and style and won 28 -13 against another strong high school’s side. This meant LHS marched onto to another quarter final… On Tuesday 27th February the boys played their quarter final match of the prestigious High Schools Trophy against Glastry College. U16 High Schools Trophy The boys got off to a slow start and found themselves trailing 29 – 4 at half time after some impressive play from Glastry. However, as you know, this is not the first time this team have found themselves in this situation. The boys rallied at half time and after some motivational words from Captain Zac Maguire and Vice-Captain Harry Smyth, the team put in an impressive 2nd half display scoring 4 tries and conceding nothing. The match finished 29 – 29 with both teams having scored 5 tries. With a replay or extra time not an option it came down to who scored the first try?! Unfortunately, this did not go the way of LHS and Glastry progressed to the next round. A fantastic match and advert for high schools’ rugby.LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL156The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL157The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL157The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSRUGBYgirlsRugbyCarrying on from the success of the participation events LHS took part in the last academic year, it was our aim to push the Tag Rugby squad to become more competitive this season with the aim of building weekly training sessions into our extra curricular programme. With Adam Kelly at the helm, this was made possible. This year the girls attended two blitz events, where they were able to put their training to the test against some highly competitive teams. The first blitz event took place at Foyle College where we played against Foyle College 1 & 2, Loreto and Ballymoney High. This was early in training, so it proved a great opportunity to get some competition experience. On the day we saw success from Taylor Creighton, Abbrihanna Ritchie, Faye Colley and Amybrooke Heaney. The second blitz was a qualifying event which took place at Coleraine Grammar, where our team faced Cardonagh Community School, Ballymoney High School and Coleraine Grammar School. As the youngest team there by far, we played with spirit against tough competition throughout, improving exponentially with each game and despite not qualifying for the finals,we saw success from both Ellie Smyth and Maisie Campbell. We hope to attend more competitions next year and to continue to improve and grow the game of girls rugby within the LHS community. Our aim is to have our own contact team in the near future.The player of the year is a girl who showed superb commitment to training and to both blitzes. She has shown enthusiasm and a firm competitive spirit throughout. Well done to Ellie Smyth.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL158The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL158The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSNETBALLYear 8netballThe Year 8 girls were led by Mrs Bingham and Mrs Cole. They also had some assistance from 3 of our senior players, Lily Thompson, Naomi Connell and Ruby Clarence. The Year 8 girls were keen to get involved and trained every Monday. They played against a strong St Marys side on a regular basis, which provided them with excellent opportunities to not only develop their skills but also their ability to play together as a team. The squad travelled to University of Ulster Coleraine Campus on Thursday 20th March to compete in the annual Coleraine and District Netball tournament. The tournament, which was very competitive, showed a great display of netball and was supported by 10 surrounding schools. Limavady High School were pipped against schools of a similar size. These included, Cross and Passion, Dominican College, Limavady Grammar and Dalriada.The girls played exceptionally well, and they had a very enjoyable day gaining a lot of experience and making new friends and memories. They were a pleasure to take away and represented Limavady High with great pride. Anna McGowan was an exceptional player during the day and was rewarded for her efforts when she was nominated by other schools for Player of the Tournament.Player of the Year = Anna McGowan 158
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL159The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL159The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSNETBALLYear 9 minor netballThe season began in September with the Minors and Juniors training together. As one cohort they worked on improving their fitness, improving their positional play and developing their offensive and defensive skills. Training split in November with Ms Truman taking the Year 9s and Ms McCook taking the Year 10s to focus on more tactical transitions and set plays. The minors were scheduled to play Ballymoney High School, Coleraine College and Loreto in the Minor B league. In their 1st game against Ballymoney High School, after an initial settling in period, they found their stride and began to work cohesively as a team. The goal scorers were on form and the team had a hunger for success, which resulted in a comfortable win for the girls. Their second match was against a determined and more organised Coleraine College team who started strong and put LHS on the back foot. To recover, Emma Clarence and Rachel Henderson showed some shooting prowess providing some success for the hard work put in by our centre court, notably Grace Rodgers. Unfortunately, they couldn’t catch the lead of Coleraine College and lost the match.The final match of the season proved the toughest of the three, against Loreto. The girls started well, matching Loreto’s impressive defensive play, notably Alice King in Goalkeeper position; with the centre third seeing a lot of action with Grace Rodgers and Cassie McAleese trying hard to push the ball up court into the shooting circle. They were level at half time but in the second half Loreto came into their own, implementing different tactics that the girls just couldn’t keep up with. Despite a change in personnel the match ended in a win to Loreto. Minor Player of the Year – Emma Clarence159
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL160The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL160The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSNETBALLjuniornetballThe Junior team were scheduled to have three matches this season, against Our Lady of Lourdes, North Coast Integrated College and Loreto but two only came to fruition due to a forfeit by NCIC. Having finished last season with two wins and a close final match, the junior girls attended their first match against Our Lady of Lourdes with optimism. They were received by a well-polished opposition which struck nerves into our attacking players from the off. Between missed shots and heads dropping, LHS lost the match. With plenty to learn from after playing against tough competition, a change in tactics was implemented to improve overall performance in the next match, however after showing such good commitment to training at the start of the season it was a shame that this slowly diminished on the run up to their next match against Loreto.This was telling from the start, as the girls lacked cohesion as a team and struggled overall with their communication, and despite scoring success, these factors contributed to another loss. A standout, however, in both matches was Matilda Birney who played with energy and intent, implementing some well-rehearsed evasion and interception skills through centre court; as well as consistent communication to all. Junior Player of the Year – Matilda Birney160
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL161The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL161The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSNETBALLIntermediatenetballAfter a successful season last year, the Yr11/12 netball team were promoted into the Coleraine & District Intermediate B league and in this league they were due to face Coleraine college, Dominican college and Loreto. Training started in September and Mrs McCartney was hopeful that the success of last years team would have inspired more pupils to get involved and try out for the team. Unfortunately, uptake was slow and a few key players from last season decided not to return. Each week we had between 8-10 players regularly attending but those 8-10 were determined to improve their skills and develop an excellent working relationship amongst themselves. The team was captained by Lily Thompson who leads by example both on and off the court. The first match was against Loreto at home and the girls were up for the challenge. The match started with a fast pace, and we stuck to our game plan of maximising all of the court space when we had possession and crowding the space when Loreto were in possession.The girls showed great patience on the ball, and this paid off. Ruby Clarence played an instrumental role in centre, she may be small but she sure is mighty, she worked tirelessly and sprung from nowhere to make inceptions that should never have been hers. 161
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL162The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL162The Wolfhound 2024GIRLSNETBALLIntermediatenetball162Her linking play with Naomi Connell and Eva Campbell was slick and their passing into our shooters Lilyanna Stewart and Eva Donaghy left the Loreto defence chasing their tails. Both girls’ confidence was high, and few shots were missed. The defensive players of Lily Thompson and Sarah Henderson were strong and made circle entries extremely difficult for the Loreto shooters. In the final quarter Molly Clyde and Cara O’Connor got to make their senior debut’s and they rose to the occasion. The final score of 26-5 was a testament to the skill and determination of the girls who never stopped playing despite their strong lead.Coleraine College were having similar issues in pupils not wanting to stay behind for practice and unfortunately had to withdraw from the league.This meant our next opponents would be Dominican in the decider for the league title. Dominican had played Loreto and had beaten them 27-4 so we knew that our match was going to be a closely fought battle.As anticipated this game was closely contested with both teams fighting hard for possession. Again, the mid court players were quick and agile, making strategic passes and interceptions.Our shooters were accurate and made the most of their opportunities however the defence had much more work to do in this game and did all they could to frustrate the Dominican attackers. It was end to end netball with very little ever in the score but we always struggled to get ahead. In the end the final score was 27-24 to Dominican meaning we picked up the silver medals.Squad membersCara O’Connor, Molly Clyde, Eva Donaghy, Lilyanna Stewart, Eva Campbell, Ruby Clarence, Naomi Connell, Lily Thompson, and Sarah Henderson Player of the Year Ruby Clarence
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL163The Wolfhound 2024163GIRLSHOCKEY163We commenced training from mid – September in preparation for the season, with the priority focus on fitness and basic skills. Building our numbers week by week, we developed our set plays, tactical awareness and most importantly teamwork skills; which was highly important this year as our squad was made up of Years 8, 9 and 10. As such, this year’s hockey league was set in a friendly capacity and by utilising this level of competition we were able to get our LHS Hockey Stars the opportunity to play competitively against the usual squads of North Coast area; and competitive we were!We started the season with a scored draw of 1-1 away to Coleraine College, followed by a scoreless draw with Ballycastle High at home. Another scored draw of 1-1 with Dalriada again away, with a 2-1 score versus LGS to end the season. Our main goal scorers were Sophie Sinclair and Anna Cochrane; however, the scorelines would not have been as they were without our determined defence hustling to ensure the ball stayed out of our danger zone, or without the tenacity of the midfield creating chances for advancement up the pitch.A strong season all around – Well done. It is our hope that we can continue to grow our squad next year and continue being competitive at school level. This year’s Player of the Year was someone who showed incredible versatility, teamwork and determination in every match she played. She is a definite asset to our offence and on occasion our defence as well. Congratulations go to Anna Cochrane from Year 9. The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL164The Wolfhound 2024GOLFCLUBLIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL164The Wolfhound 2024Towards the end of the school year, Mr Doherty took a group of Year 8 & 9 pupils across to Roe Park Golf Club. The boys took part in a 6 week block of coaching with PGA Professional Shaun Devenney. They had a great time, working on improving their swing and making better contact with the bottom of the golf ball. Our golfers made great progress over the past 6 weeks thanks to the expert tuition from Shaun. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and completed their final lesson with a putting competition.As a reward for all their efforts, Shaun gave each of the boys a golf club to take home and hopefully use to keep on practising! Well done to all the boys involved, and thanks to Shaun for his excellent coaching.Who knows, we could have the nextRory McIlroy right here in LHS!164
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL165The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL165The Wolfhound 2024The Annual Swimming Gala was held on Friday 23rd February at the Roe Valley Leisure Centre. Around 30 pupils from Years 8 and 9 took part in what was a great morning of competition in the pool. Pupils scored points for themselves as well as their house team. Well done to all the pupils who took part and congratulations to those who won. The results were as follows.Minor Girls1st Lily Doherty2nd Bella Reynolds3rd= Lydia Reid3rd= Tegan O’Connor Minor Boys1st Ryan Leighton2nd Denis Zaharov3rd Jessie McAuleyJunior Girls1st Maisie Campbell2nd Faye Colley3rd Alice KingJunior Boys1st Riley Boyd2nd Isaac Cowan3rd Jacob McAleeseOverall House Results1st Alexander2nd Ross3rd Phillips4th MasseyOverall ChampionsMinor Champions –Lily Dohertyand Ryan LeightonJunior Champions –Maisie Campbelland Riley BoydThank you to Ms McCookfor organising and theYear11 GCSE PE students forhelping out on the day.Swimming Gala 2024165
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL166The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL166The Wolfhound 2024Surf Club has been running since 2011 and it still continues to be a popular after school activity with pupils being taught how to surf by Dan Lavery and his team of instructors from Long Line Surf School in Benone. This is held each Friday afternoon in May and 13 pupils from Yrs 8-11 took part. Each week the pupils enter the waves aiming to develop and improve their surfing skills. On the last week, we hold our annual Surf Competition with the pupils competing for our surf trophy, which was made by Hugh McElwee.The waves were good and once again competition was fierce. Harry Smyth our previous Champion helped with the judging. Stand out performances on the day were from Joshua McGreegan and Zac Maguire. With Jack McMullan and Sari Dickson also catching a lot of waves. Zac just edged the competition due to the number of waves caught and his movement across the waves. Well done Zac, a worthy winner this year.Thanks to all the pupils who took part in their years club it’s been an absolute pleasure to have you all on board.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL167The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL167The Wolfhound 2024Surf ChampionZac MaguireHere are a few commentsfrom the pupils:Rachel Smyth (Year 10)This is my 3rd year taking part and I absolute love it. It is a really fun way to spend the afternoon with friends. My skills have improved lots over the years.Gemma Whiteside (Year 10)Surfing is good fun and the instructors are great.Lee Boyd (Year 8)This was my 1st time surfing and I really enjoyed it. The coaches showed me how to stand up and I made progress over the weeks.I will definitely be back next year.Zac Maguire (Year 11)I really enjoy surfing and have been doing it for years. I was delighted to become this year’s Surf Champion.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL168The Wolfhound 2024Year 8 – MinorCompetition Girls Section1st Iona Scott2nd Charlotte Kasparian3rd Lily DohertyBoys Section1st Ryan McAleese2nd Josh Moore3rd Tom HaslettRyan also receives the Michael Doey Perpetual CupYear 9 – JuniorCompetition Girls Section1st Faye Colley2nd Emma Clarence3rd Evie-Mae ServiceBoys Section1st Isaac Cowan2nd Harry McAuley3rd Riley BoydYear 10 –IntermediateCompetition Girls Section1st Casey Curry2nd Emily Alsevska3rd Rachel SmythBoys Section1st Luca Porter2nd Freddie Cooke3rd Arthur HylandsCross CountryChampionships2024On 6th March our annual Inter-House Cross Country Competition took place on and around the Backburn Path. It was a beautiful spring morning and around 100 boys and girls from Years 8, 9 and 10 took part in the event. This was an opportunity not only for individual success but also to score points for their House Teams as well. Competition in all the races was excellent and it was great to see so many of our pupils competing. The results from the races are as follows:168
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL169The Wolfhound 2024In the Overall Competition, Phillips were the Champions of the Boys Section with 24 points, Massey were 2nd, Alexander finished 3rd and Ross finished in 4th place. And of the Girls Section, Ross were Champions with 30 points, Massey and Alexander were joint 2nd, and Phillips finished in 4th place.Well done to everyone who took part we are very proud of the effort you put in. 169
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL170The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL170The Wolfhound 2024Our Year 8 Games Morning was held on the 15th March, it was great to see so many of our Year 8 pupils representing their Houses and taking part in the matches which were played in great spirits. Round Robin Tournaments are held in hockey and netball for the girls and rugby and football for the boys.YEAR 8G A M E SG A M E S
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL171The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL171The Wolfhound 2024Hockey1st Alexander2nd Phillips 3rd Ross 4th MasseyWinning Captain Ruby SimpsonNetball1st Ross 2nd Massey 3rd Phillips4th AlexanderWinning Captain Lydia ReidFOOTBALL1st Phillips2nd Alexander3rd Ross4th MasseyWinning Captain JOSH MOORERUGBY1st Phillips2nd Alexander2nd Massey4th RossWinning Captain Zac Butcher
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL172The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL172The Wolfhound 2024Sports Sports dayday20242024Sports Day took place on Wednesday 22nd May, weather conditions were good but slightly overcast and windy. Pupils were selected to compete in the finals based on their performances during their PE lessons. On the day pupils had the opportunity to score points for both themselves and their House teams, and at the end of the competition the Minor, Junior, Intermediate, Senior and House Champions were all decided. Credit is due to everyone who took part and performed to the best of their ability which led to some competitive events in all of the age categories. Thanks to all the staff who helped make the event such a success as well.
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL173The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL173The Wolfhound 2024CHAMPIONS - ROSSHOUSE CHAMPIONSHIPROSS1st177POINTSMASSEY2nd157POINTSPHILLIPS3rd146POINTSALEXANDER4th80POINTSIndividual Winners Individual Winners and House and House Championship ResultsChampionship ResultsBOYSMINOR 1st Denis Zaharov2nd Tom Haslett3rd= Ryan McAleese3rd= Jordon Clancy3rd= Brett ButcherJUNIOR 1st Jason Ujuambi2nd Harry McAuley3rd Isaac CowanINTERMEDIATE1st Luca Porter2nd Freddie Cooke3rd Jay HigginsSENIOR1st Zac Maguire2nd Jacob McArthur3rd Curtis McIlmoyleGIRLSMINOR 1st Rebecca McGowan2nd Iona Scott3rd Lydia ReidJUNIOR 1st Faye Colley2nd Grace Rodgers2nd Isla MitchellINTERMEDIATE1st Casey Curry1st Alice Henderson3rd Cianna Murphy
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL174The Wolfhound 2024The annual presentation of sports awards for the year 2023 - 24 was held in Limavady High school onTuesday 18th June.The special guests Judith & Chloe MacCombe (Irish International Para triathletes) were welcomed by Mr Mornin. Around 100 pupils received awards for their sporting achievements throughout the year. The school were very pleased to welcome the parents who came along to support the pupils at the ceremony.It began by looking back at the competitive year in team games. The school continues to play competitively in hockey, netball, football and rugby. Players of the year were presented for each age group in each sport.Hockey U12-U14 – Anna CochraneNetball Year 8 – Anna McGowanMinors – Emma ClarenceJuniors – Matilda BirneyIntermediate – Ruby Clarence Football U12 – Zac Butcher U13 – Isaac Cowan U14 – Freddie Cooke U15 – Jacob McArthur U16 – Bobbie Baird Girls – Emma Clarence Rugby U12 – Ryan McAleese U14 – Arthur Hylands U16 – Isaac Stubbs Carton Girls – Ellie Smyth Hylands rugby award for dedication, commitment & enthusiasm –Zac MaguireCricket Harry Coyle Horse Riding Grace Neely Surf Champion Zac Maguire LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOLThe Wolfhound 2024Certificates were presented to pupils coming 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in the swimming gala, the Inter-house cross country competition and the sports day finals.The Limavady swimming club trophies for the top girl and boy swimmers in Yr8 were awarded to Lily Doherty and Ryan Leighton.The Bill Ely cups were presented to the top girl and boy swimmers in Yr9. These were won by Masie Campbell and Riley Boyd. The interhouse cross country shield was won by Ross in the girls competition and by Phillips for the boys. The Michael Doey perpetual cup for the best boy in the Yr8 cross country competition was won by Ryan McAleese.Athletics Champions in each age group were as follows.Minor Girls – Rebecca McGowanMinor Boys – Denis ZaharovJunior Girls – Faye Colley Junior Boys – Jason UjambiIntermediate Girls – Casey Curry & Alice Henderson Intermediate Boys – Luca PorterSenior Boys – Zac MaguireSports Prize Giving
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL175The Wolfhound 2024Boys- Players of the YearGirls- Players of the YearSwimmers of the Year175
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL176The Wolfhound 2024Competitions between the houses Alexander, Massey, Phillips and Ross are ongoing throughout the year. These competitions involve a large number of children and form a part of the extra curricular life of the school. Trophies were presented to the winning houses as follows:Athletics – Ross Swimming Gala – AlexanderYr8 hockey – AlexanderYr8 netball – RossYr8 football – PhillipsYr8 rugby – PhillipsThe overall house championship waswon by – Ross Special awards for Endeavour are awarded each year. This year recipients were Anna McGurk and Ben Daniel Manning.The Christine Hutchinson fair play award was given to Harry Smyth.The cup donated by Sally Brown for excellence in sport was this year received by Samuel Haslett for his achievements with Ireland Cricket.Sportswoman and sportsman of 2024 went to Faye Colley and Zac Maguire.At the end of the ceremony Judith and Chloe spoke to pupils about how they got into their sport. They also encouraged our pupils to Know their why (why do you do things), surround yourself with the right people, and prepare to fail. They spoke about the importance of not giving up and that strength comes from how we react to failure. They encouraged the pupils to follow their dreams and not to be afraid to be different. We would like to extend our thanks to all members of staff who give up their time to help in any way with the sports teams. Thanks also to Head of Department Mr McConnell and to Mrs McCartney who organised the Prize Giving event. We were delighted to welcome Mark Hylands here today. Mark is not only the father of our Under 14 Player of the Year Arthur, but he is also the Director of Rugby at Limavady Rugby Club. Mr Mornin and Mr McConnell met with Mark in June last summer to discuss rugby and how he could help develop and improve school rugby. Along with Adam Kelly his input and support has been invaluable to getting rugby up and going again. Helping out at training, driving players to matches, encouraging, assisting with at matches, getting players involved at the rugby club amongst other things it he has been a great support and very much appreciated. Mark has chosen to introduce a new rugby award this year ‘The Hylands Rugby Award’ which is for the player that shown a high level of ‘Dedication, Commitment and Enthusiasm’ throughout the season.Mr Hylands was invited to the stage to present the award to its first recipient. The winner is Zac Maguire.Hylands award for Rugby176
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL177The Wolfhound 2024Athletics ChampionsHouse Team Competitions winnersSpecial Award Winners177
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL179The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL179The Wolfhound 2024
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL180The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL180The Wolfhound 2024180
LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL181The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL181The Wolfhound 2024
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LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL185The Wolfhound 2024LIMAVADY HIGH SCHOOL185The Wolfhound 2024
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Limavady High School Limavady High SchoolTheHigh 5Do you need to talk to someone?We are here to help.1. Teacher/Form Tutor2. Vice Principal - Mr Murdoch3. Anti-Bullying Buddy4. School Counsellor5. Lifeline/Childline/GatewayOUR COREVALUES1. Respect2. Integrity3. Personal Responsibility4. Fairness5. Teamwork6. High Expectations