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Let's Put the "R" in CRM

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Add all of your family members and of all your good friends to SALESedge. Find as muchinformation as possible to help with steps 2 and 3.Decide what behaviors would make you the best son or daughter, the best niece ornephew, or the best friend. Put a plan together. Use appointments and tasks to manage your behavior and bedisciplined. Call your mom as often as you should, and have coffee or lunch with yourfriends. Be consistent. We all have that one friend or relative who remembers everything. Birthdays, anniversaries,your dog's name…everything. For me, it was my aunt Karen. She sent me a card every year onmy birthday when I was a little kid and she sent the ONLY mail I received when I was away atcollege. So how can we be more like Karen? We’ve been given an awesome tool in SALESedge that, canwhen utilized properly, can help us improve our personal relationships.Recently I introduced a new concept to my team. Personally, I don’t call my mom as much as Ishould. Every time I see my close friends at a funeral, we go through the “we haven’t seeneach other in forever” routine and then a “let’s get together soon” and never do.So here’s our exercise:’s the worst that could happen? A referral you didn’t have to ask for? A call in the middleof the night in your friends worst day? By focusing on the "R'' in CRM I have no doubt that my team will find that it will increase thelevels of trust and confidence that families will have with them.LET'S PUT THE "R" IN CRMCourtney CharvetManaging PartnersOaklawn Memorial GardensCourtney Charvet