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Leon Buss

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Leon M. BussOctober 10th 1942 - July 9th 2021Celebration of life on July 21 at LakeFront Park Pavilion 5000 Kop Parkway inPrior Lake between 3 and 7pm.

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Leon will be missed by his wife, Mary Lou Buss.Additionally, he is survived by his four children, Kellie(Dave) Simonson, Carrie Montreuil, Scot Buss, andTara Baumgart. In addition, he leaves grandchildrenBrittany, Hailley (Benj), Makenzie, Ashlyn, Scottie, Ben,Meredith and Kait; and siblings, Mavis and Dale. Hewill also be missed by numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his brother Russell Buss,Brother in Law Mark Kneif and his parentsAbe Lincoln said " In the end, it's notthe years in your life that count. It'sthe life in your years." Leon had both.

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Leon Melvin Buss was born in Buffalo Center, Iowa on October 10, 1942, toHelena and Melvin Buss. He grew up just south of Buffalo Center and graduatedfrom Buffalo Center High School in 1960. He lived with his wife and best friendMary Lou in North Fort Myers, Florida. They were formally of Prior Lake,Minnesota.Leon’s whole life he loved to fish, play cards, and all things sports-related. He wasa founding member of P.L.A.Y. and was a youth baseball and football coach formany years. When he was younger he was very active bowling (he had several 300games) golfing, snowmobiling, hunting, and boating. He also played baseball,softball, and broomball. Later on, in life, he continued to bowl and fish but alsobecame a fantasy football guru. Mostly he loved to travel and he traveled all overwith Mary Lou.He was a hard-working blue-collar man his whole life. He worked on the familyfarm in Iowa growing up and had a few stops during his working career. In the’70s and '80s, he worked for U-haul and moved up to Vice President of theMinnesota region. During this time he was also Captain of the police reserves inScott County. In the 90’s he was employed at Pomps tire service and ran thewarehouse in Savage. In retired life, he volunteered alongside his elves to installthousands of Christmas lights at Del Turo.When Leon passed July 9, 2021, in Hackensack, Minnesota he was with longtimefriends at a cabin that he had visited for over 40 years. Many family memoriestook place there. One friend said that he had never met a man that was so universally feared but atthe same time loved by all. Leon would be very patient and he was always tolerantbut if he needed to be he could also be very aggressive. If you got Leon to blowhis top it was almost certainly on you. He installed confidence in others besidehim and always watched out for the little guy. No matter where you were Leonknew someone there.

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The family wishes to extend a special thank youto the Cass County first responders and Sheriff’soffice for their heroic attempts and NorthernPeace Funeral home for their loving care in ourtime of grief. In lieu of flowers or trees please send anymemorial contributions in Leon’s name to TheCurtis LeMair Legacy Foundation at 16345Stemmer Ridge Rd NW, Shakopee, MN 55379 orThe Tommy Bohanon Foundation at 6004 EagleWatch Ct, North Fort Myers, Florida, 33917.