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Lennar Newsletter - May & June 2

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INSIDE LENNARMAY/JUNE 2023Official Newsletter of the Lennar Foundation MedicalCenterThis issue:Celebrating UHealth NursesPAGES 01 - 03Let's Congratulate and Celebrate!PAGE 05National Blood Donation DayPAGE 06Nurses' Week 2023To create engaging content for your newsletter, it’s best to reviewyour recent accomplishments as a church. Pastors and otherofficials can also use it as an avenue to reach out to churchgoers.Maintain a visible presence in your community and addresspeople on a more personal level, perhaps by sending a spiritualmessage or reflection for the week.INSIDE LENNARPAGE 01National Time-Out DayPAGE 04Mother's Day 2023PAGE 07National Yoga Day &National Hospital WeekPAGE 08Satellite Corner & UpdatesPAGE 09

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INSIDE LENNARPAGE 02Component and the Transformational Leadership MagnetComponent. Lee's dedication and innovation continue toinspire the UHealth nursing community. Another shiningstar was Dominique Azan, who was awarded the prestigiousNurse of the Year recognition. Dominique's commitment tofostering a sense of community through teamwork and herunwavering support for her colleagues' professional growthhas left a mark on UHealth. Let us celebrate and express ourheartfelt gratitude to all our nurses for their invaluablecontributions. You are the heart and soul of ourorganization, and we applaud you for your unwaveringdedication to excellence in patient care. Thank you, UHealthnurses!Celebrating UHealth NursesThe University of Miami Hospital and Clinics celebrated theexceptional nurses of UHealth who tirelessly serve ourpatients with compassion and expertise. This year'scelebration was nothing short of remarkable, with anunforgettable Nurses' Gala held at the Hardrock Hotel in Ft.Lauderdale. Among the highlights of the evening were thewell-deserved accolades earned by two extraordinarynurses. Lee Weirich shone brightly, earning recognition forboth the Structural Empowerment Magnet You Make a Difference

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Nurses' Week 2023THANK YOU! We take immense pride in our nursingstaff. They work selflessly around theclock, delivering care with compassion,skill, and a smile that brightens even thetoughest days. Their ability to balanceempathy with clinical expertise createsan environment where patients feelsupported, families feel reassured, andhealing happens with a touch of humankindness. Thanks to each and everynurse at LFMC for their unwaveringcommitment to making a difference inthe lives of others. Your dedication tothe pursuit of excellence in patient careinspires us all!INSIDE LENNARPAGE 03

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INSIDE LENNARPAGE 04National Time Out DayThe Time Out procedure serves as a vital safety checkpoint beforeany invasive procedure, allowing our team to verify essentialdetails, confirm patient identity, and discuss any potential risks. Byimplementing this practice, we further reinforce our dedication toproviding the best possible care to every patient who walksthrough our doors.A special shout-out to our exceptional Risk Manager, LadisbelLeyva! Your efforts in organizing the fun and interactivegames/prizes during this event emphasized the importance ofpatient safety in an engaging way!

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INSIDE LENNARPAGE 05Let's Celebrate!Happy birthdayandcongratulations,Dr. Jose!We are thrilled to announce a double celebration inhonor of our beloved Dr. Jose - an outstandingeducator and a cherished member of our LFMCfamily. This month marks not only his well-deserved recognition as Teacher of the Year butalso his 50th Birthday!

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National Donate Blood DayEach blood donation has the potential to save multiplelives, making this a truly powerful and life-changinginitiative. Not only do our staff and employees make adifference in the lives of our patients, but they also seta remarkable example for the community. By promotingawareness about the importance of blood donation, wehope to inspire others to join in and become regulardonors as well!In collaboration with local blood banks, a blooddonation drive to place right here at LFMC.#NationalBloodDonationDay #GiveBloodSaveLivesINSIDE LENNARPAGE 06 You Made a Difference

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Mother's Day 2023We recognize and celebratethe incredible roles you play ascaregivers and nurturers inyour families and in our LFMCfamily!INSIDE LENNARPAGE 07

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INSIDE LENNARPAGE 08National Hospital Week2023Our deepest gratitude to theincredible Mona El-Shazly forgracing us with her presenceand leading us through aseries of amazing andrevitalizing mini yogaclasses.Mona's expertise and passionfor yoga truly shone throughas she guided us throughvarious poses and breathingexercises, helping us findbalance and serenity in themidst of our busy lives. Hercalming presence andinsightful teachings made theevent truly unforgettable!!National Yoga DayFrom May 7th to May 13th, we celebrated NationalHospital Week recognized our staff's dedicationand hard workThroughout the week, our wonderful team enjoyedspecial treats and surprises, including breakfastand lunch gatherings, fun team-building activities,and raffle draws with exciting prizes. Here's to another year of making a differencetogether!

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Exciting News forPerianesthesia Nurses! Perianesthesia Focus: All contact hoursrequired for recertification must be directlyrelated to perianesthesia nursing.Reduced Contact Hour Requirement: Thenumber of mandatory contact hours forrecertification will be reduced from 90hours to 70 hours. Streamlined Categories: The direct versusindirect care categories for contact hourswill be eliminated.Extended Reinstatement Period: Therecertification reinstatement period will beextended from 15 days to 90 days. Phasing out Recertification by Exam: Therecertification by exam option will bediscontinued by 2027.Exclusion of Life Support Classes forContact Hours: Previously accepted forcontact hours, life support classes such asPALS and ACLS will no longer be eligiblefor submission.Also, CPAN® and CAPA® recertificationchanges are set to be implemented on January1, 2024. LENNARPAGE 09Satellite CornerThis year’s American Society of ClinicalOncology conference will feature fiveresearchers who present new thoughtson cancer treatment, global health equityand patient quality of life.The U.S. News Best Graduate Schoolsrankings are based on academic andoutcome indicators, including researchactivity through grants from the NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH), peerassessment, student selectivity andfaculty resources.Five researchers from SylvesterComprehensive Cancer Center, part ofthe University of Miami Miller School ofMedicine, will be highlighted at the 2023American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) Annual Meeting for their work ingroundbreaking clinical research.The meeting, which attracts more than40,000 attendees, takes place in ChicagoJune 2-6 and will offer oncologyprofessionals a unique opportunity toconnect at one of the largest events inglobal cancer care.For additional information and resources Sylvester Research Highlights: ASCO 2023 -InventUM | University of Miami MillerSchool of Medicine ( Ruffner, BSN, RN,CAPA was selected to serveas a member of theABPANC (American Boardof Perianesthesia NursingCertification) Board ofDirectors.