BUSINESS MASTERMINDPROGRAMLeanne ElichL . E . C . S a l e s F r a m e w o r k C h e c k l i s t
L.E.C. Leanne Elich Consulting is anadvisory and consultancy firmspecialising in psychology driven salestechniques. We collaborate withbusinesses to create the right processesand best practice systems to establishdifferentiation within their industry.We help organisations 'bridge the gap'between science and business togetherwith a 'Mind Wide Open' approach tobecome industry leaders and achieveoutstanding success.L.E.C. is on a mission to teach, developand support exceptional businesses tounderstand the complex dynamics ofpsychology driven sales strategies.A differentiator in todays businessworld and a mastermind programfocusing on relationship selling andbehavioural leadership. We look forward to working with youand igniting the foundation of success!www.leanneelichconsulting.comHOW WE WORKHuman-centred sales through SCIENCE- Leanne Elich
L.E.C. SALES FRAMEWORK CHECKLISTBUSINESS MASTERMIND PROGRAM | LEANNE ELICH CONSULTINGThe L.E.C. Sales Framework is an amalgamation of our defined sales processand the gatekeeper analysis. It is an effective sales process including the tolls to overcome obstacles,objections and hurdles.To be effective in sales you need to have a clear understanding of behavioursand patterns across the entire sales process that lead to successful outcomes.Understanding this framework will give you the tools to generate customerengagement and commitments, together with our interventions will establish arobust sales enablement infrastructure.Prospecting: First Meeting of the Sales ProcessSchedule: Successfully Schedule your MeetingPreparation: Become a Sales Process StrategistConnect: Rapport Building - Avoid This Common MistakeDiscovery: Set the Trajectory of the Sales ProcessCompetition: Disable your CompetitorsCompany: Follow Up with your ProductPresentation: Flip Your Presentation Upside DownHandling Objections: Clear Friction Team Selling: Bring in the Big GunsClosing: An Act of Leadership, Not ManipulationEnding: Accelerate your Sales Process SALES FRAMEWORK STEPS
L.E.C. SALES FRAMEWORK CHECKLISTBUSINESS MASTERMIND PROGRAM | LEANNE ELICH CONSULTING02. SCHEDULEUnderstand your customer's agendaIdentify the best day and timeAllow enough time to deliver your Unique Value PropositionBe prepared for last minute changesAdapt to the conversational ebbs and flows01. PROSPECTING03. PREPARATIONSelling your value to engage the customer's interestIdentify customers that have a needIdentify how you can add value and help them achieve their goalsIdentify how you differentiate from your competitorsUnderstand their needs and business modelConfirm buying authority, financial capacity and willingness to buyResearch the customer, market and current trendsIdentify Customer Pain PointsIdentify Customer GainsCollect all relevant product and service informationIdentify the solution that will meet the customer's needsBecome a Sales StrategistTiming is important
L.E.C. SALES FRAMEWORK CHECKLISTBUSINESS MASTERMIND PROGRAM | LEANNE ELICH CONSULTING05. DISCOVERYKnow your competitive advantage06. COMPETITIONArticulate your differentiationCreate multiple value propositionsAddress customer pains and gainsEngage collaboratively04. CONNECTBuild a rapport with your customerBe open and honestResearch their communication preferencesNever sell to the gatekeeperUnderstand their conversational behaviourAsk questionsListen to your customer and really listen to their answersAsk expert questions relative to their answersKnow your productLook for conversational rhythmFocus on problem related questionsDisable competitors and create influenceUnderstand their concerns and challenges
08. PRESENTATION07. COMPANY09. OBJECTIONSBUSINESS MASTERMIND PROGRAM | LEANNE ELICH CONSULTINGL.E.C. SALES FRAMEWORK CHECKLISTPresent your solution addressing your customers pain pointsYour value proposition must add value according to their needsAddress all their questionsUse active listening and adapt communication accordinglyQuickly identify roadblocksListen to your customer's concerns and adapt your solutionIdentify whether the objection is related to another matterCommunicate company goals, values and visionEarn their trustPresent your solution effectivelyGain genuine interest and commitmentClear frictionCompany and productUpside down is most effectiveDemonstrate the importance of business partnershipsSet the context, then start with the conclusionMake the customer feel understoodDo not rush
11. CLOSING12. ENDING10. TEAM SELLINGBUSINESS MASTERMIND PROGRAM | LEANNE ELICH CONSULTINGL.E.C. SALES FRAMEWORK CHECKLISTGet the customer's commitment to proceedHave clear and realistic timeframesMaintain communication whether the deal has been won or lostArrange customer contact and/or visits to industry referencesSales collaborationAct of leadership and not manipulationUse risk reducing languageWork together as a team when neededDemonstrate depth of knowledgeCreate trust and genuine interestUtilise each other's strengthsBuild a platform for developmentControl and lead the conversationProvide the information needed before they askDirect them towards the action you wantRather than concentrating on the close, concentrate on the HELPStay relaxed, speak calmly and authoritativelyGive only as much information as you need to
JOIN THE L.E.C.COMMUNITYI'm opening the doors to myexclusive training program forhigh-performing salespeoplewho are taking their businessesto the next level!Transforming businesses fromordinary to extraordinary...READY FOR THENEXT LEVEL?...AMAZING THINGSWILL HAPPEN.Find out more