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Leaving A Legacy (Estate Giving)

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LEAVINGA LEGACYPlanting Seeds Today ForThe Youth of TomorrowTom RoskosExecutive DirectorBuhl ParkFor questions about donating,please contact me. I am eager tohear from you and look forwardto working together724-981-5522tom@buhlpark.orgEstablish your legacy gift with ustoday. Make your contributionspayable to:Buhl Park Corp.715 Hazen RoadHermitage, PA 16148FEIN: 20-3453034ESTATE GIVINGTHE LEGACY &THE COMMUNITYBEHIND ITBuilding a healthy, happy, and connectedcommunity has been a priority for Buhl Parksince its inception in 1915. The Park wasestablished by industrialist Frank Buhl in orderto give back to the community and make apositive impact on the lives of those living inthe region. Over the years, Buhl Park hasfocused on a variety of initiatives to promote ahealthy lifestyle and thriving environment.These have included providing access torecreational facilities and programs, supportingeducational initiatives, and organizing culturaland entertainment events. Renovated Wetlands AreaRenovated Wetlands AreaRenovated Wetlands AreaCommunity Yoga CollaborationCommunity Yoga CollaborationCommunity Yoga Collaboration

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"DUM DUM"BUHL PARK GOLF COURSEThe Nation's Only Free 9-hole Golf CourseA decade full of Environmental Stewardship, BuhlPark takes pride in protecting and sustaining ourenvironment for future generations. Some of thecompleted projects from the last 10 years include:Lake Julia dredgingChildren's Memorial Butterfly GardenSandy's Place Outdoor ClassroomSandy's Place MeadowWetlands Restoration ProjectJulia's Garden RenovationProjects on the horizon:Educational signs around the WetlandsActivities Building renovationEnvironmental ClassroomOutdoor Shelter near the Baseball FieldArboretum & Trail-wayOver 100 years ago, Buhl Park Golf Course openedas one of the best bargains in golf. Anyone can playfree of charge! There’s no doubt, our Golf Course is un-fore-gettable! Our vow to provide a better golfenvironment is paying off as our play is up over 500%. With additional programs, clinics &junior golf events, the Buhl Park Golf Course cancater to any and all golfing needs.OUR FOCUS ONENVIRONMENTALEDUCATION BEAUTY &INNOVATION“There’s just one thing about the Farm. You willnotice when you go out there that there isn’t a‘Don’t’ sign in the whole place. There never will be.”Buhl Park takes pride in our passion for serving thecommunity and our team embraces opportunitiesto innovate as the needs of our park, community,and environment continue to shift and change.There are dozens of opportunities for engagementwith nature, fitness, sports, culture, andcommunity – all contributing to the quality of lifeand learning. Recently rennovated Julia's GardenRecently rennovated Julia's GardenRecently rennovated Julia's GardenNew smooth-surface dance floor at theNew smooth-surface dance floor at theNew smooth-surface dance floor at thePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StagePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StagePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StageNew Wetlands Observation DeckNew Wetlands Observation DeckNew Wetlands Observation DeckCanoeing on Lake Julia and PickleballCanoeing on Lake Julia and PickleballCanoeing on Lake Julia and Pickleball CourtsCourtsCourtsJunior Golf ProgrammingJunior Golf ProgrammingJunior Golf ProgrammingEnvironmental Education in Sandy's PlaceEnvironmental Education in Sandy's PlaceEnvironmental Education in Sandy's Place

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"DUM DUM"BUHL PARK GOLF COURSEThe Nation's Only Free 9-hole Golf CourseA decade full of Environmental Stewardship, BuhlPark takes pride in protecting and sustaining ourenvironment for future generations. Some of thecompleted projects from the last 10 years include:Lake Julia dredgingChildren's Memorial Butterfly GardenSandy's Place Outdoor ClassroomSandy's Place MeadowWetlands Restoration ProjectJulia's Garden RenovationProjects on the horizon:Educational signs around the WetlandsActivities Building renovationEnvironmental ClassroomOutdoor Shelter near the Baseball FieldArboretum & Trail-wayOver 100 years ago, Buhl Park Golf Course openedas one of the best bargains in golf. Anyone can playfree of charge! There’s no doubt, our Golf Course is un-fore-gettable! Our vow to provide a better golfenvironment is paying off as our play is up over 500%. With additional programs, clinics &junior golf events, the Buhl Park Golf Course cancater to any and all golfing needs.OUR FOCUS ONENVIRONMENTALEDUCATION BEAUTY &INNOVATION“There’s just one thing about the Farm. You willnotice when you go out there that there isn’t a‘Don’t’ sign in the whole place. There never will be.”Buhl Park takes pride in our passion for serving thecommunity and our team embraces opportunitiesto innovate as the needs of our park, community,and environment continue to shift and change.There are dozens of opportunities for engagementwith nature, fitness, sports, culture, andcommunity – all contributing to the quality of lifeand learning. Recently rennovated Julia's GardenRecently rennovated Julia's GardenRecently rennovated Julia's GardenNew smooth-surface dance floor at theNew smooth-surface dance floor at theNew smooth-surface dance floor at thePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StagePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StagePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StageNew Wetlands Observation DeckNew Wetlands Observation DeckNew Wetlands Observation DeckCanoeing on Lake Julia and PickleballCanoeing on Lake Julia and PickleballCanoeing on Lake Julia and Pickleball CourtsCourtsCourtsJunior Golf ProgrammingJunior Golf ProgrammingJunior Golf ProgrammingEnvironmental Education in Sandy's PlaceEnvironmental Education in Sandy's PlaceEnvironmental Education in Sandy's Place

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"DUM DUM"BUHL PARK GOLF COURSEThe Nation's Only Free 9-hole Golf CourseA decade full of Environmental Stewardship, BuhlPark takes pride in protecting and sustaining ourenvironment for future generations. Some of thecompleted projects from the last 10 years include:Lake Julia dredgingChildren's Memorial Butterfly GardenSandy's Place Outdoor ClassroomSandy's Place MeadowWetlands Restoration ProjectJulia's Garden RenovationProjects on the horizon:Educational signs around the WetlandsActivities Building renovationEnvironmental ClassroomOutdoor Shelter near the Baseball FieldArboretum & Trail-wayOver 100 years ago, Buhl Park Golf Course openedas one of the best bargains in golf. Anyone can playfree of charge! There’s no doubt, our Golf Course is un-fore-gettable! Our vow to provide a better golfenvironment is paying off as our play is up over 500%. With additional programs, clinics &junior golf events, the Buhl Park Golf Course cancater to any and all golfing needs.OUR FOCUS ONENVIRONMENTALEDUCATION BEAUTY &INNOVATION“There’s just one thing about the Farm. You willnotice when you go out there that there isn’t a‘Don’t’ sign in the whole place. There never will be.”Buhl Park takes pride in our passion for serving thecommunity and our team embraces opportunitiesto innovate as the needs of our park, community,and environment continue to shift and change.There are dozens of opportunities for engagementwith nature, fitness, sports, culture, andcommunity – all contributing to the quality of lifeand learning. Recently rennovated Julia's GardenRecently rennovated Julia's GardenRecently rennovated Julia's GardenNew smooth-surface dance floor at theNew smooth-surface dance floor at theNew smooth-surface dance floor at thePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StagePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StagePerforming Arts Center Outdoor StageNew Wetlands Observation DeckNew Wetlands Observation DeckNew Wetlands Observation DeckCanoeing on Lake Julia and PickleballCanoeing on Lake Julia and PickleballCanoeing on Lake Julia and Pickleball CourtsCourtsCourtsJunior Golf ProgrammingJunior Golf ProgrammingJunior Golf ProgrammingEnvironmental Education in Sandy's PlaceEnvironmental Education in Sandy's PlaceEnvironmental Education in Sandy's Place

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LEAVINGA LEGACYPlanting Seeds Today ForThe Youth of TomorrowTom RoskosExecutive DirectorBuhl ParkFor questions about donating,please contact me. I am eager tohear from you and look forwardto working together724-981-5522tom@buhlpark.orgEstablish your legacy gift with ustoday. Make your contributionspayable to:Buhl Park Corp.715 Hazen RoadHermitage, PA 16148FEIN: 20-3453034ESTATE GIVINGTHE LEGACY &THE COMMUNITYBEHIND ITBuilding a healthy, happy, and connectedcommunity has been a priority for Buhl Parksince its inception in 1915. The Park wasestablished by industrialist Frank Buhl in orderto give back to the community and make apositive impact on the lives of those living inthe region. Over the years, Buhl Park hasfocused on a variety of initiatives to promote ahealthy lifestyle and thriving environment.These have included providing access torecreational facilities and programs, supportingeducational initiatives, and organizing culturaland entertainment events. Renovated Wetlands AreaRenovated Wetlands AreaRenovated Wetlands AreaCommunity Yoga CollaborationCommunity Yoga CollaborationCommunity Yoga Collaboration

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LEAVINGA LEGACYPlanting Seeds Today ForThe Youth of TomorrowTom RoskosExecutive DirectorBuhl ParkFor questions about donating,please contact me. I am eager tohear from you and look forwardto working together724-981-5522tom@buhlpark.orgEstablish your legacy gift with ustoday. Make your contributionspayable to:Buhl Park Corp.715 Hazen RoadHermitage, PA 16148FEIN: 20-3453034ESTATE GIVINGTHE LEGACY &THE COMMUNITYBEHIND ITBuilding a healthy, happy, and connectedcommunity has been a priority for Buhl Parksince its inception in 1915. The Park wasestablished by industrialist Frank Buhl in orderto give back to the community and make apositive impact on the lives of those living inthe region. Over the years, Buhl Park hasfocused on a variety of initiatives to promote ahealthy lifestyle and thriving environment.These have included providing access torecreational facilities and programs, supportingeducational initiatives, and organizing culturaland entertainment events. Renovated Wetlands AreaRenovated Wetlands AreaRenovated Wetlands AreaCommunity Yoga CollaborationCommunity Yoga CollaborationCommunity Yoga Collaboration