THE SELFPROJECTLEADERSBLOOM.COMTHE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMThis is the six-week project that will help centeryou through greater self-awareness, identificationof passion and purpose, clarification of goals fordiscipline and focus, optimized leadershippresence -- and a personalized scorecarddesigned to help you track your personal,professional and community engagementsuccess.
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMCHANGE STARTSWITHINA FULL CIRCLEFor over 21 years, I have been working with business owners,entrepreneurs, seasoned executives, and budding leaders whoat some point all come full circle to the same realization: thereis no silver bullet or moment of enlightenment that leads toachieving the change and fulfillment that they seek. Truefulfillment comes from digging deep and learning aboutyourself, setting goals, and holding discipline to your intentionsfor growth and success. There is no way around it. It is hardwork.I have designed this program based on the steps and activitieswhich I have facilitated and proven can work with yourdedication to success. If you truly dig deep, look within, andwork hard to develop, execute and refine your plan, I promiseyou will experience amazing and surprising results.
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMYOUR SIX WEEK PLANWHAT YOU WILL CREATE FOR YOURSELFWEEK 3Your stageWEEK 1Self-awarenessWEEK 2Passion andpurposeWEEK 5Plan for successWEEK 4LeadershippresenceWEEK 6Scorecard
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMWEEK 1: GAIN SELF-AWARENESSStarting with youKolbe A and B Indexes with online report and audioDISC Assessment for external relating styleProfile XT for internal relating style and thinking styleTKI Conflict ModeYour program begins with intraspection. In this first three-hour session, we willwalk through the program, complete a leadership interview, review yourassessment results, and review the activities to be complete for the nextsession. Questions about your background, triggers and motivations will beexplored. You will receive your workbook and the assessment reports to readalong with the next activities to complete for the next session.The Week's ActivitiesSELF-AWARENESSREFLECTION
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMWEEK 2:IDENTIFYPASSION &PURPOSEBeing centeredIdentify your greatest strengths and opportunities for improvementPrioritize your valuesDefine the most important aspects of your life and how you want to spendyour timeDevelop your creative mission statement Complete the Kolbe Commitment Clarifier Being true to yourself is the key to achieving your goals. In this week's activitiesyou will focus on your strengths, passion, purpose and values to assure that youspend your energy where it matters most. This sets the stage for your growthplan. The Week's ActivitiesPASSION &PURPOSEAUTHENTICITY
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMWEEK 3: SET YOURSTAGEIdentify your prioritiesClean Sweep Assessment - complete this assessment to identifyspecific target areas for improvementCircle of Trust - develop a specific circle of people that will supportyou and help you implement you passion plan. Contact them, ask forfeedback, and gain their commitment to your processClarify your five-year vision and visualize how you want to liveWhile putting yourself center stage may not be comfortable, this week isabout you being center. You will complete an in-depth evaluation of allaspects of your life to determine the areas that you want to focus on inyour 12-month plan.The Week's ActivitiesSET YOUR STAGEREADINESS
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMWEEK 4: BUILD LEADERSHIPPRESENCELeadership is everythingComplete Leadership Qualities Self AssessmentCreate your four leadership development goals for the next yearIdentify your ideal job contentStart your leadership journalMost leaders who we have encountered are unfortunately not self-aware.And the few, most influential leaders who we have worked with unequivocallyare the most self-aware leaders we know. What are the makings of influentialleaders? They intentionally integrate their authenticity into the expression oftheir relationships and work. They become naturally outward with who theyare and sharing their ideas, thoughts and considerations. They learn how tocapitalize on their strengths while building synergistic teams with people whotogether bring purpose and make things happen. The Week's ActivitiesLEADERSHIPPRESENCECREDIBILITY
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMWEEK 5:CREATE YOURPLAN FORSUCCESSClarifying your next stepsPLAN FORSUCCESSVISUALIZATIONCreate your 12-month goals for your primary life focus areasIdentify the measurable objectives for each goalDefine the strategies or projects which you will complete in the next 12months to achieve your goalsIdentify the resources needed to complete your planEngage the supporters to help you complete specific aspects of your planWith greater awareness and focus on your priorities, it is time to set your coursefor the next 12 months. This week's work will design the intentional goals,objectives and their strategies to which you will focus your time and energy on personal, professional and community development and growth. The Week's Activities
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMWEEK 6:DESIGN YOURSCORECARDTracking your progressSCORECARDRESULTSConvert your objectives into a scorecard for tracking weekly andmonthly resultsSpecify your routines to ensure the disciplines that will work foryouSetup your accountability partners to help you stay focusedIdentify your favorite celebrations to make sure you stop andrealize when you've wonThere is no winning without a scoreboard. You only know you'rewinning if you track the progress to your success. The steps this weekwill help you monitor, calibrate and celebrate your successes.The Week's Activities
THE SELF PROJECT6-WEEK PROGRAMAccess to the portal for all of your onlineactivities and instructionsFive self-assessments ($450 cost): DiSC, ProfileXT, Kolbe A and B,TKI Conflict Mode Insight Passion Primer Leadership Development WorkbookOne, three-hour kickoff and assessment interpretation sessionFive, 30-minute coaching sessions to check in on your activitiesThis step-by-step planning program with six incredible modules willwalk you through everything you need to know for turning your energyinto success in a matter of weeks (not months or years).THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COM$1,997YOURINVESTMENTPayment due at start ofthe program.Here's what you will get...
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMHUMORREQUIREDHUMANS WILL NEVERBE PERFECTThis process will provide you with many opportunities tolearn about and challenge yourself. The process keeps itreal - both in the good and the uncomfortable aspects thatmake you a unique survivor. Our objective is not to makeyou feel comfortable, rather to help you face the beauty ofyour humanness with grace. Humility is required forlearning and growth. I promise to make the process fun -especially in the midst of the awkward times. There isnothing like a good chuckle when we see just howtransparent and imperfect we really are.
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMTHINK GROWTH!Stay positive and always look up! Be focusedon the steps you need to achieve to grow.DO THE WORK!Discipline matters! Be courageous andtake charge of your time and behaviors.
THE SELF PROJECT | LEADERSBLOOM.COMStart TodayInsight Strategic Concepts,