PeopleOptionsPowerThis handbook outlines how Libertyoffers you services under the NDISguidelines as well as details of yourrights and responsibilities. Weprovide information on how we canwork collaboratively on your NDISplan and goals and how we manageprivacy and confidentiality. Liberty Disability Servicesbelieves in true diversityand welcome all people ofall abilities, race, gender,sexual orientation, age,religion andintersectionalities. We believe everybody hasthe right to bethemselves.We acknowledge theAboriginal and TorresStraight islander peoplesand their land, seas andwaters of the country wework, love and live, isunceded. We arecommitted toreconciliation and to learnon our journey together.
About Us ............................................................................... 4Vision & Mission ................................................................. 4Services ................................................................................ 5 Service Quality .................................................................. 6 Your rights .......................................................................... 8 Diversity & Participation ................................................ 9 Interpreting and translation ....................................... 10 Advocacy ............................................................................ 10 Privacy and confidentiality .......................................... 11 Your responsibilities ....................................................... 12 Feedback, complaints and compliments ................ 13 Accessing our service ..................................................... 16 Exiting our services ........................................................... 17 Fees and charges .............................................................. 18 Cancelations ....................................................................... 19 Incident management ..................................................... 19 Freedom from harm, abuse and neglect .................. 20 OHS ......................................................................................... 21 Community participation & inclusion ........................ 21Client CharterContents“ H I I ’ M L A D D I E ,L I B E R T Y ’ SF R I E N D L Y F A C EA N D M A S C O T . W E L C O M E T OL I B E R T YD I S A B I L I T YS E R V I C E S ”L A D D I ET H E Y / T H E MM A S C O T
" W E P R I D EO U R S E L V E S O NB E I N G A NI N C L U S I V E ,O R G A N I S A T I O NT H A TE M B R A C E SD I V E R S I T Y . . . "E L L E C O O P E RS H E / H E RD I R E C T O RABOUT USLiberty Disability Services is a Disability providersupporting people with disabilities, working withyou, for you. Based in Geelong, Victoria andoperating across the state. We are a registeredNational Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)Providerand offer self managed services for TAC, Worksafeand Medicare participants. Liberty Disability Services is proudly lead by 3women - who have diagnosed disabilities and havefamily members with disability. Our culture centerson true diversity embracing open minds, with manyteam members having our own disabilities,strengths and experiences providing a professionalbut personal level of care.WesternMelbourneEasternMelbourneMorningtonPeninsulaGeelongRegionalOur Contact Details03 5275 Office 1-3 Agra StreetNorlane, 3214Offering face toface services inmultiple locationsacross Victoria andtelehealthNationwide. VISION & MISSIONOur Vision is to be a people-focused organisation,motivated by supporting and empowering peoplewith disabilities to embrace what makes us alldifferent and work towards positiveoutcomes. Toachieve this, Liberty’s Mission is to provide qualityindividualised and transparent services withcompassionate care to all who seek our services.Participants engaged with Liberty Disability Serviceswill be empowered by the support of a dedicatedteam member to assist you to implement andmanage your NDIS Plan and work collaboratively andholistically with a care team of your choice to ensureyour best interests and NDIS goals are being met.4
We can engage with families,therapists and carers to ensure youaccess all the supports you require,collectively supporting your care teamto work on achieving goals. As anorganisation committed to inclusionand diversity, Liberty DisabilityServices’ welcomes new and existingNon- NDIS participants to contact usand see if we are able to support youtoo.OUR SERVICESSupport Coordination- assisting identify, connectwith and engage suitable supports to work towardsachieve your goals and develop a more functionallifestylePlan Management- the financial management ofyour NDIS plansPsychology- For NDIS funded and Private clients, wecan guide you to support your mental health goalsHousing and Tenancy Assistance, to support you toobtain and retain suitable accommodationPsychosocial Recovery Coaching mental healthsupport empowering you to build capacity andindependenceRespite Services providing support andaccommodation for a short time away from yourusual homeGroup Programs- social and therapy groups foradults and kidsCommunity Mentors- community access, personalactivities & care, daily living and life skills with aprofessional, positive and fun role modelPEOPLEFOCUSEDDIVERSITYQUALITYTHE WHOLEPICTURE5
" Y O U R V O I C EI S W H A TM A T T E R S , N O T O U R S . . . "K A T H I E D E N N OS H E / H E RD I R E C T O RSERVICE QUALITYWe pride ourselves on delivering high qualityservices and continuously work to ensure we meetcompliance with the Victorian Disability Act 2006,theNDIS Quality and Safeguards CommissionPractice standards and Code of Conduct. These area set of standards that ensure that disability servicesprovide the highestquality services professionally,ethically and honestly. The Core modules are thefoundation of how we work.Core modules Rights and Responsibility for participantsPerson-Centred supportsIndividual Values and beliefsPrivacy and DignityIndependence and informed choiceFreedom from Violence, Abuse, Neglect,Exploitation and DiscriminationProvider Governance and operationalmanagementGovernance and Operational ManagementRisk ManagementQuality Management SystemInformation ManagementFeedback and Complaints managementIncident ManagementHuman resources managementContinuity of SupportsEmergency Master managementOur responsibilities6
Liberty Disability Services is committed to deliveringservices in compliance with the standards and incontinuously improving its service delivery. We operate inaccordance with comprehensive policies and procedures,which are reviewed regularly and incorporate participantand other stakeholder feedback. For more information onthe standards and our policies, visit our website. The support provisionenvironment-Safe environmentParticipant money and propertyManagement of medicationMealtime managementManagement of wasteMore modules that guide our process’High Intensity Daily Personal ActivitiesEarly Childhood SupportsSpecialist Support Co-ordinationVerification ModuleFor more information visit the NDIS website and downloada copy of the NDIS practice standards and qualityindicators The provision of SupportsAccess to supportsSupport PlanningService Agreements withparticipantsResponsive support provisionTransition to or from a provider7
" W E F O C U S O NE M P O W E R M E N TT H R O U G HC H O I C E &C O N T R O L . . . "A M A N D AG L A S S O NS H E / H E RD I R E C T O RYOUR RIGHTSbe respected and treated with dignity;have choice and control over your servicedelivery and have your autonomy andindependence supportedreceive high quality, safe and personallyrelevant serviceshave services provided by appropriatelyqualified staffbe assured that your personal and healthinformation is kept private and confidentialbe provided with all the information you needto make informed decisions andbe supportedto have a person of your choice support andadvocate on your behalfbe supported by an interpreter or translator ifrequired andbe encouraged and supported to pursue anycomplaints about our service provision.Liberty Disability Services respects and fullycommits to upholding the rights of all people, andespecially us with disabilities. We are alsocommitted to ensuring you, our participants, areaware of your rights and responsibilities and can beconfident in exercising them.When you interact with Liberty Disability Services,you will:You can download acopy of Liberty DisabilityServices' full participantcharter on our
All aspects of Liberty DisabilityServices’ promotesyour choice toactively participate and beincluded in the community.We support you to develop andmaintain your independence,problem solving, social and self-care skills that's appropriate to you,being considerate ofage,developmental stage, culturalbackground, or otherintersectionalities. Ways we do this include:delivering services in a way that respects individuals’personal, gender, sexual, cultural, religious, or spiritualidentityemploying and developing a diverse and culturallycompetent teamworking collaboratively with disability-specific,mainstream, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI)and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) servicesto support holistic service delivery andusing a strengths-based approach in identifying yourindividual needs and life goals, particularly in relation torecognising the importance of family, extended andchosen family, kinship, cultural, spiritual, language andcommunity ties.DIVERSITY & PARTICIPATION9
INTERPRETING & TRANSLATIONLiberty Disability Services fully supports your rightto have an independent advocate supportyou inyour interactions with us. If you’d like help findingan independent advocate, speak to one of ourstaff.Alternatively, the following organisations can assistyou:Office of the Public AdvocatePhone: (03) 9603 9500TTY: (03) 9603 9259National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP)Use the Disability Advocacy Finder at Advocacy League for Individuals withDisability (VALiD)Phone: (03) 9416 4003, Freecall (rural callers): 1800655 570Email: delivery of safe, high-quality services relies oneffective communication. Where requiredinterpreters and translators are funded by the NDISand can be organised by Liberty Disability Services tosupport your interactions withus.ADVOCACY10
Liberty Disability Services values and respects theprivacy, confidentiality and dignity of our participantsand their families, as well as our staff. We collect, use,protect and release personalinformation in fullcompliance with all relevant State and Federal privacylegislation.We will only collect information necessary for safe andeffective servicedelivery. We will only use information forthe purpose it was collected and secure it safely.Whenwe collect your information, we will explain why we arecollecting the information and how we plan to use it. Wewill only take photos or videos of you with your full andvoluntary consent.PRIVACY & CONFIDENTIALITYA copy of Liberty Disability Services'Privacy Statement can bedownloaded from our about you will only be released to otherpeople or services with your informedconsent, in anemergency, or where such disclosure is required orauthorised by law.You may access the information we hold about you,including in order to update or correct it,subject tocertain exceptions. If you wish to access yourinformation, please speak to a team member.11
YOUR RESPONSIBILITES?Inform us about how you wish your supports tobe delivered and if you have any concernsWhilst we support you to reach your goals, you haveresponsibilities too, these include:Work collaboratively with our team, treating uswith courtesy, dignity and respect, free ofrudeness and aggression. Update us in a timely manner if your NDIS planand personal information changesTake responsibility for payments and termswithin our service agreement. Provide reasonable notice for cancellations orchanges, and notify us if you choose to exit or nolonger participate in NDISBe actively involved in any decision makingprocess and the complaints process to seek a fairresolutionMaintain a safe home environment for homevisitsAllow Support Workers to use your telephone inan emergency. Advise us and provide a copy of any orders thatmight relate to the provision of services, e.g.Powers of Attorney, child custody orguardianship orders.Advise us if you are under the influence of anyalcohol or drugs; including any prescribedChemical Restraint medications within aBehaviour Support Plan as we cannot proceedwith shifts that day.Implement your Safety Plan in the event of acrisis as LDS is not a Crisis Management Service.12
Compliments, complaints and other forms of feedbackprovide Liberty Disability Services withvaluable informationabout participant satisfaction and an opportunity to improveupon all aspectsof our service.We encourage feedback and comments on the services weprovide, both positive and negative. Whether a complimentor complaint, your feedback will be treated withconfidentiality and sensitivity.Feedback, compliments and complaints can be lodged:FEEDBACK, COMPLIMENTS & COMPLAINTSFeedback and ContinuousImprovementIn addition to the above,Liberty Disability Services iscontinually seeking feedbackon how wecan improve theservices we provide. Thisisdone throughsurveys,requests forfeedback by team membersafter you interact with us andinvolving participants andotherstakeholders in ourservice delivery planning andreview processes. Please feelfree to provideanysuggestions or ideas to ateam member.directly with a team member, either verbally or bysubmitting a completed Feedbackand Complaints Form;by email to:;by phone on: (03) 5275 8627; orin writing to: Liberty Disability Services, 1-3 Agra Street,Norlane Vic 3214;13
ComplaintsWe encourage anyone with a complaint to speakdirectly to a Liberty Disability Services staffmemberin the first instance, who will attempt to resolve theissue immediately. If the mattercannot be resolvedpromptly or within 24 hours, it will be escalated toLiberty DisabilityServices’ Management Team as agrievance.You can use Liberty Disability Services’ Feedback andComplaints Form to formally lodgeyour grievance.This can be done with the assistance of a teammember if you wish.Your complaint will be formally acknowledged withintwo working days and a team member willkeep youupdated regarding its resolution. Liberty DisabilityServices aims to respond to allcomplaints andgrievances as quickly as possible, and within 28 daysfrom acknowledgement.NDIS participants purchasing products and serviceshave rights and protections under theAustralianConsumer Law (ACL), including provisions oncustomer guarantees and unfaircontract terms.Consumer Affairs Victoria provides information andadvice and, in some cases,dispute resolution servicesfor customer disputes under the ACL. In addition toConsumerAffairs, you can also contact the AustralianSecurities and Investments Commission (ASIC) ifyouhave concerns regarding consumer protection inrelation to your finances.Any concerns NDIS participants have in relation to aservice they receive from Liberty Disability Servicesor any provider is to be voiced to the NDIS Quality &Safeguard Commission. A step - by - step guide onhow to do this is included at the back of thishandbook.14
If you feel a complaint has not been sufficiently orappropriately addressed, you can seekfurther supportfrom Liberty Disability Services’ Director, or alternativelythrough any of the following agencies:NDIS Quality & Safeguards CommissionPhone: 1800035 544Online: Human Rights CommissionPhone: 1300 656 419Online: for Children and Young People VictoriaEmail: Phone: 1300 78 29 78Office of the Commissioner for Privacy and DataProtectionPhone: 1300 666 444Online: OmbudsmanPhone: (03) 9613 6222 or (rural callers) 1800 806 314Online: of the Public AdvocatePhone: 1300 309 337, (03) 9603 9500 or TTY: (03) 96039259Online: Phone: 1300 735 135Online:
We aim to provide accessible services to you thatare safe, engaging and responsive to yoursupportand communication needs.Access to services is based on need, servicecapacity, the best interests of the person wishingto use our service and any potential impact onexisting participants.Anyone wishing to access our services is able toself refer, have their support coordinator contactus or have the NDIS send us a request for servicedirectly at the time of your plan meeting. We will work with you and your supports to assessyourneeds and develop and agree upon a ServiceAgreement. This will be completed duringanintake meeting prior to supports commencing.Once you are a participant, we will review theprovision of your supports every 6 months withyou andyour supports. Flexibility will be providedin regard to the timing of review assessments,basedon your needs and wishes, and you canrequest a review at any timeACCESSING OUR SERVICES16
Service RefusalWe will accept your choice if we offer you a service and youchoose not to accept.Liberty Disability Services may refuse to offer a personservices where:they do not meet our eligibility requirements;we do not have the capacity to cater to additionalparticipants; orwe do not have the resources to cater to the specificneeds of the person.Where services cannot be provided, we will assist you withreferrals and support to accessalternative services.All participants have the right to exit Liberty DisabilityServices at any time and a decision to do so will notprejudice future access to the service. You must give us atleast 2 weeks’ notice if you wish toleave our services beforethe end date in your Service Agreement.All participants exiting the service will be offered an ExitInterview, where we can discuss the reason forthemleaving and obtain feedback about how we can improveour processes. We also provideassistance and resources tosupport people exiting or changing services. This includesan agreed Exit Plan, as well as the identification of, referralto and support accessing alternative services.Clients who have chosen to exit our services have the rightto re-access services within a 1-monthperiod of exiting,without having to follow formal access processes, providedthe necessaryresources are available.If you wish to end your service provision, please speak to aLiberty Disability Services team member. EXITING OUR SERVICES17
they are unwilling over a period of time to worktowards agreed goals;other people using the service, team memberor the person themselves are at risk of harm;financial requirements are not being met;severe incompatibility with other participantsusing the service is displayed; ordramatic health changes require significantlyincreased levels of care or a service model notprovided by Liberty Disability member safety is at risk and afterexercising all possible avenues to resolveconcerns; we will have no option but to ceaseservices Fees and charges for our services are inaccordance with the current NDIS price guideand subject to change as new pricing isreleased. The Service Agreementcontains detailedinformation about the services we will provideyou and when fees must bepaid. This must beagreeduponby you before services cancommence.Liberty Disability Services will provide you withregular invoices and statements to assist you tomanage payment for our services. If you havedifficulty paying your fees for any reason,weencourage you to discuss this with a teammember so that mutually acceptablepaymentarrangements can be put in place.FEES & CHARGESSERVICE TERMINATIONLiberty Disability Services may terminate aparticipant’s services when:18
We understand things happen, we ask you to let us knowas soon as possible, here are our cancellations noticeperiods. If you would like more information oncancelations, you can ask for our policy and procedure. The cancellation policy is currently 48hrs. If you notify Liberty Disability Services 48hrs ahead ofscheduled shift or appointment commencement - nocharge cancellation is processed.If you notify Liberty Disability Services inside 48hr ofscheduled commencement - charged cancellation isprocessed. If you have to cancel the shift we will try to reallocateyour worker to another shift - unfortunately if we cantyou will be charged for the shift. Can we clean up? Do your shopping? Collect somemedicine? Create some resources? We will not charge you for a shift if we do not have to paythe staff member.CANCELLATIONSWhat is an Incident? An ‘incident’ can include anything that has gone wrongor nearly went wrong or an event that has happened inrelation to the provision of our services that has, or couldhave caused harm.How We Manage Incidents We will report any incident that occurs while providingsupports or services to NDIS participants. Incidents aredocumented within twenty-four (24) hours of theincident happening using our ‘Incident Report Form’.Some incidents are more serious than others. Reportableincidents include those that have, or are alleged to have,caused death, serious injury, abuse, neglect, or anyrestrictive practice to a person with disability. These typesof incidents are reported to the NDIS Commission byLiberty Disability Services within twenty-four (24) hours ofthe incident. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT19
Liberty Disability Services will arrange, for thenecessary support and assistance to anyoneaffected by the incident. If you are affected by theincident, you may need information regardingspeaking to an independent advocate and gettingstrategies to take care of your ongoing safety andwellbeing after the incident. Every Incident is thoroughly investigated by LibertyDisability Services, focusing on improvingoutcomes for any person that is affected by theincident. We also use this information to improveour services.Anyone affected by the incident will be included inthe handling and resolution. This includes takinginto consideration your views about whether theincident could have been prevented, how well theincident was managed and what could be done toprevent similar incidents from happening again. Copies of our Incident Management andReportable Incidents System policies andprocedures are available for viewing by NDISparticipants and their advocatesFREEDOM FROM HARM, ABUSE &NEGLECTWhen visiting our office or taking part in our services,you have the right to be free from harmand anyform of abuse or neglect. Liberty Disability Servicestreats any allegation of abuse,assault or neglect veryseriously. Allegations may be subject to bothmandatory reporting andpolice involvement. If youhave any concerns or are aware of a situation whereabuse orneglect may be occurring, please notify aLiberty Disability Services team member.20
Liberty Disability Services employs skilled team memberswho respect the rights of people with disability,are awareof current policies and legislation pertaining to abuse,neglect and unexplainedabsences and will support peopleand their families, guardians and advocates to accesscomplaint mechanisms and raise any concerns they haveabout our services. All team members undergo an NDISworker screener check as part of a comprehensive criminalhistory screening and other mandatory checks prior toemployment.OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETYLiberty Disability Services is committed to providingservices in a safe and healthyenvironment. OccupationalHealth and Safety (OH&S) is the responsibility of allLibertyDisability Services stakeholders – including staff,volunteers, participants, families, carers andvisitors. Weask that you report any hazards or risks you become awareof and act in a waythat protects yours and others’ healthand safety when visiting our office or participating in ourservices.Where services are provided by us in your home, we expectthat you,or the owner of the premises, will takeresponsibility for your safety and the safety of our teamworking there. As far as practicable, please ensure that thepremises is safe for our team membersandmeets allrelevant building regulations or legislation. If you cannotperform or arrange for appropriate safety checks, thisservice can be included in your care plan or arrangedwithanother service with our supportCOMMUNITY PARTICIPATION & INCLUSIONLiberty Disability Services is committed to working withyou to dismantle barriers, changeattitudes and promotepositive attitudes to create opportunities for your fullinclusion andparticipation in your community. We workclosely with a range of organisations to support youandencourage you to speak to a team member if you have anyspecific needs or goals thatcould be met by anotherorganisation.21
Liberty Disability Services respects and fully commits to upholding the rights of all people,including those with disabilities. Liberty Disability Services is also committed to ensuring youare aware of your rights and responsibilities and are supported to exercise them.Liberty Disability Services is required to comply with Victorian and national disabilitylegislation. We are also guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Personswith Disabilities, which state that people with disability should enjoy the same human rightsand fundamental freedoms as any other person.What you can expect from usWe work for you, with you, As part of our service to you, we will: Inform you of and uphold your rights and responsibilities;Treat you with courtesy, dignity and respect;Treat you fairly and without discrimination;Give you information about our services and associated costs, as well as other serviceoptions, within and outside Liberty Disability Services;Involve you in decisions about your service, as well as our programs and policies, andsupport you to make informed choices;Provide services that take into account your lifestyle, cultural, linguistic and religiousbackground and preferences;Protect your personal information and only use it for the right reasons;Support you to provide us with feedback on our service, including complaints;Promptly address enquiries and complaints about the care you are receiving;Support you to connect with other services, including advocates, interpreters andtranslators, if needed;Support you to have a person to speak on your behalf for any purpose; andProvide safe and appropriate services that are culturally relevant and that support youongoing needs and goalsHow you can help usAs our client we ask you:Provide us with information that will help us best support you;Tell us if things change or you cannot keep an appointment or commitment;Act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service, and towards ourstaff and volunteers;Provide us with feedback about our service and how we can work better,Promptly pay the agreed fees associated with your services; andTell us early as possible if our services are not required.More information on your rights can be found on our website.Liberty Disability Services Client CharterPEOPLE. OPTIONS. POWER
REGISTERED NDIS PROVIDER NUMBER 405 003 6215ABN 35625740329 ACN 625740329For more information about these services please call us on (03) 5275 8627visit our website email to opening hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.LIBERTY DISABILITY SERVICES