Message W W W . L I B E R T Y D I S A B I L I T Y S E R V I C E S . C O M . A U
Liberty is a unique organisation thatcelebrates disabilities by empowering ourparticipants to embrace being unique withcoordinated compassionate care deliveredby a team of passionate and experiencedindividuals working for you, with you.We pride ourselves on being an inclusiveorganisation that welcomes people withdiverse disabilities and see challenges asan opportunity to grow!A B O U T L I B E R T YP E O P L E O P T I O N S P O W E RW W W . L I B E R T Y D I S A B I L I T Y S E R V I C E S . C O M . A U
OUR VALUESPEOPLEOur supports arefounded uponunderstandingthat we do notwalk in ourparticipants’shoes and yourvoice is moreimportant thanour ownOPTIONSWe see yourability andtogether weexploreinnovativeoptions toachieve yourbest outcomesPOWERWe aim toprovide supportsof the highestquality, in orderto empower youto have choiceand control
L I N K S-5 -SUPPORT COORDINATIONOur experienced Support Coordinatorswill help you navigate the NDIS systemand use your plan to it's full advantage.We assist you with your plan review andguide you every step of the way. LibertyDisability Services staff have built strongnetworks within the agency to achievethe best outcomes for our participants.Our Support Coordinators are driven toachieve positive outcomes for ourparticipants and empower them toachieve their goals.PSYCHOLOGYLiberty Disability Services offers NDIS and privately funded Psychologyservices. We cover assessments, interventions'. counselling and grouptherapy which support both your NDIS & personal goals. Our therapistsspecialise in early intervention (0-6), children (6-12), teenagers (13-19),and adults (20+) Our friendly and innovative team focus on your needsand wants whilst using the latest evidence based therapies to supportyou and your families to build the skills needed for everyday life.
-6 -PLAN MANAGEMENTAs a registered plan manager we are able to give you the flexibility ofhaving a self managed plan without the stress of having to find thefinances to work flexibly within the NDIS framework. Liberty DisabilityServices have experienced bookkeeping and accounting staff toensure transparency and professionalism throughout management ofour your plan.COMMUNITY MENTORSOur Community Mentor Program hasbeen designed specifically for kids andadults. We have structured the programto provide positive role models to workon skills provided by therapist and careteams in social or community settings.The program is designed to provide a"Big Brother/Big Sister" type figure forparticipants who are experiencingbehaviours of concern, social isolation orcome from complex environments.Through one on one sessions,participants will develop interpersonalsocial skills and build a respectfulrelationship with a professional, positiveand fun role model.
PSYCHOSOCIAL RECOVERY COACHING-7 -HOUSING & TENANCY ASSISTANCEFinding housing can be tough, filling outall the forms even tougher! At LibertyDisability Services our staff are able toassist you navigate the wave of formsand work with you to secureaccommodation and understand yourtenancy obligations. Working withDepartment of Housing, real estateagents, shared accommodation facilitiesor putting our collective heads together -Liberty Disability Services team will worktirelessly to support you in finding aplace to call home.A Psychosocial Recovery Coach is a capacity building funded support forparticipants with a psychosocial disability. We will: support you throughcomplex challenges of daily living work together to design, plan andimplement a recovery plan assist with coordination of your supportsempower you to achieve your goals
-8 -GROUP PROGRAMSSocial groups give us the opportunity to build new friendships,explore our personal interests, create excitement in our lives, switchup our routine, develop skills and expand our knowledge. Libertyhas a variety of social groups to choose from, come along and seefor yourself how fantastic social groups can be!LOCATIONSHead Office 1-3 Agra StreetNorlane, 3214Mobile teammembers offeringface to face servicesin multiple locationsacross Victoria andtelehealthNationwide.
Contact us!(03) 5275 Agra St, NorlaneVic